Baby's mother's menu. Still unwanted products. What not to eat during breastfeeding

The diet of a nursing mother should be balanced. Need to eat in small portions, but often – 6 times a day.

IN children's body Mother's milk should contain not only fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The mineral composition and the presence of vitamins are very important. Everything should be in moderation. An excess of any substances can harm the baby.

The diet of a nursing mother should differ from month to month. For the first six months of a baby’s life, foods that can and should be consumed closer to a year are prohibited.

The daily diet of a nursing mother consists of:

  1. Protein – 120 g (70% – animal origin, mainly meat and egg white).
  2. Fats – 100 – 120 g (20% plant origin, it is better to use for dressing vegetable salads).
  3. Carbohydrates – 450 – 500 g.

An excess of fats and carbohydrates impairs the quality of milk. If a woman eats mainly food rich in these substances, then 3 times less protein enters the milk than necessary. Children begin to get sick more often and develop worse.

Some foods cause in a healthy child:

  • citrus;
  • chocolate (when the child turns 6 months old, you can not a large number of white chocolate);
  • honey (except acacia honey, it is hypoallergenic);
  • egg yolk;
  • some vegetables and fruits (strawberries, tomatoes).

Some foods provoke the formation of gases in the intestines and cause bloating (legumes, fresh apples).

Spicy dishes change the taste of milk and the child may refuse breastfeeding. Spices (except dill), onions, horseradish, and mustard should be excluded from the diet. Eating garlic is strictly prohibited, it not only worsens the taste of milk, but also reduces lactation.

Under no circumstances should a nursing mother drink alcohol (). Even alcohol-based medications are prohibited.

You can and should use:

  1. Meat dishes. In the first months, boiled or steamed. The meat should be chicken, beef or rabbit.
  2. Fish dishes. They need to be steamed or boiled. It is preferable to take low-fat fish (carp, pike perch, cod, hake).
  3. Flour products. They should not be very sweet so as not to provoke allergies in the child.
  4. Dairy products. You need to drink kefir, fermented baked milk, you can eat yogurt, but without pieces of fruit and not earlier than the child is 3 months old. Be sure to eat hard cheese and cottage cheese.
  5. Vegetables and fruits. They can only be consumed during the season. And in mandatory observe whether they cause allergies in the baby.

Products that cause an allergic reaction should be excluded from the diet. But if the mother really wants it, then when the baby is more than 3 months old, you can gradually include them in the menu in small quantities and be sure to look at the baby’s reaction to food products. If even slight redness appears, you should immediately stop using it.

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month

In the first month, even non-allergenic and very healthy foods can cause a negative reaction from the baby - the mother needs to adhere to a strict diet.

It is undesirable to consume fresh fruits and fruit compotes and juices. You need to drink green tea, kefir, fermented baked milk. Compote should be cooked only from dried fruits.

At 2–3 weeks after the birth of the baby, the amount of milk decreases sharply. During this period, you should consume foods that stimulate lactation and improve the quality:

  • green tea with lemon balm;
  • or fennel tea;
  • dairy products;
  • (they should be consumed no more than 4 pieces per day, otherwise they provoke allergies in the child).

The menu of a nursing mother for a week consists of a variety of dishes

You need to drink:

You need to drink not only after meals, but also every time after feeding the baby. You should consume no more than 2 liters of liquid (including soups). in a day, otherwise there will be a lot of milk, but it will be watery.

You need to eat:

  • Breakfast - porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, if the child has diarrhea you can have rice). Boiled dietary meat (chicken, beef, rabbit) or egg white omelet;
  • 2nd breakfast - sandwich with butter and hard cheese or cottage cheese;
  • Lunch - soups without frying with dietary meat;
  • Afternoon snack - not sweet confectionery(buns, pies, cookies);
  • Dinner - mashed potatoes or vermicelli, steamed cutlets or fish;
  • Before bed - allowed fruits or vegetables.

A sample menu for a nursing mother should include a variety of cereals, low-fat or vegetable soups, fruits and vegetables. Be sure to eat seasonal fruits or vegetables. Daily consumption of fermented milk products is necessary.

Drink fresh cow's milk it is not advisable for mother, especially in large quantities. It causes gas in the child. It is best to consume kefir or fermented baked milk, and add milk in small quantities to green tea to increase lactation.

Menu for a nursing mother 1-3 months

During this period, you need to gradually add new dishes. First, try one thing, if the child’s body accepts it normally, you can use it. If the child develops skin redness or a rash the next day, it is better to temporarily exclude the dish from the diet. You should try introducing it again at 4 months.

When the baby is 2 months old, you can include fried foods cooked in a small amount of vegetable oil in the daily diet.

It is important to know! You can add only those foods that you consumed during pregnancy and in small portions.

Menu for 3-6 months

At 4 months after birth, juices and compotes from fresh fruits are gradually added to the mother’s diet. You need to include apples and cabbage.

You can start eating egg yolk. The first few days, half and half. In subsequent days - 1 egg. You should add liver to your diet so that by 7-8 one month old, the child became accustomed to the components of these products and was able to consume them himself.

It is important to know! You can only add white cabbage to your diet. Purple can cause allergies, colored ones will spoil the taste of milk.

Menu for mommy for 6-12 months

By the first year of life, a child should get used to almost all products that an adult consumes. Since at this age he should already eat chopped dietary meat, borscht, vegetable purees, fruits and berries.

Therefore, after six months, the mother can eat almost all the dishes she wants; they need to be introduced month by month.

When the baby is six months old, you can include borscht, pork, and lard in the diet, but in small quantities.

From vegetables you need to gradually add legumes (peas, beans). They are rich in essential amino acids and serve as an excellent source of protein.

But there are foods that are strictly prohibited for mothers until the end of breastfeeding:

  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • garlic;
  • products containing preservatives and dyes;
  • smoked meats;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • carbonated drinks.

All of these products have a negative impact on cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, stomach of a growing organism. Some of them cause oncological diseases. They also negatively affect the nervous system. Popular chips and crackers with various additives reduce vision.

While the mother is feeding the baby with her milk, she should think about what foods are healthy and necessary for her child, and leave her own desires aside. You can endure some time without your favorite tangerines or give up coffee - the main thing is that the child is healthy and develops normally.

It is important to know! Not only proper nutrition of a nursing mother has a beneficial effect on the quantity and quality of milk. These factors have a positive impact good rest, walks in the fresh air and lack of nervous shock.

A newborn's only food is breastfeeding. mother's milk. That's how it works human body that he cannot accept other products (except for adapted mixtures) in the first months of life. Naturally, nursing mothers should take care to maintain lactation, which will allow the baby to receive adequate nutrition.

Well, this is a whole topic for conversation. After all, many of our mothers and grandmothers know what nutrition should be like after childbirth. And not only do they know, but they are also happy to give wise advice. What to believe and what to ignore? Let's try to figure it out in our article.

Getting ready for childbirth

Doctors have long learned to calculate the expected date of birth. When there are 2-3 weeks left before the baby is born, begin to gradually change your diet. Reduce your consumption of dairy products, all kinds of nuts, and sweets (especially baked goods and chocolate) as much as possible. Avoid red fish, shrimp, smoked meats, coffee and cocoa, strawberries and raspberries.

In a newborn baby, diathesis may appear suddenly, even if you ate properly during lactation. The fact is that allergens accumulate in the body gradually, and it’s easy to provoke the external appearance of a rash. Pay attention to those products that cause allergies in other family members; do not forget about heredity.

How to eat immediately after giving birth

There is no need to limit yourself to food sharply and drink too much liquid. During the first 2-3 days, the process of establishing lactation occurs. If you drink more than 1 liter, you may experience problems with excessive milk flow, which can lead to unpleasant painful sensations. The liquid is consumed as needed, when desired.

There are many questions related to how to improve nutrition after childbirth. During the first days, it is advised to refrain from eating meat and baked goods. Include water porridge in your diet, baked apples, 1 boiled egg, biscuits. You can eat soups. The fact is that the first bowel movement after childbirth occurs only on the 4th day after the cleansing enema. Eating rough and heavy food will aggravate the bowel movement process.

The mother's diet after childbirth should be supplemented with light foods even if there are stitches on the perineum. After 7-10 days, the diet can be replenished with dishes from boiled or baked meat, consume fermented milk products (no more than 300 g per day), hard cheeses, fish and stewed vegetables.

What to remove from your diet?

You can limit your diet (the first month after childbirth), you should exclude raw vegetables, Exotic fruits and citrus fruits (high risk of allergies), watermelons, melons, legumes, smoked meats and canned vegetables.

Forget about processed foods and fast food. You should not prepare dishes from cabbage, especially if your mother experiences increased gas formation in the intestines. The baby will have the same sensations.

A nursing mother should not be hungry!

This is certainly true. Childbirth is the most serious physiological process, This very difficult work for the body. Sleep and proper nutrition of the mother after childbirth are the main components of rapid recovery. But this does not mean that you need to eat all the time. Doctors have long proven that a woman’s body prepares for the birth of a baby and for future lactation throughout the entire period of pregnancy. With hormonal changes, fat accumulates in the abdomen, thighs, and forearms. It is from here that the “reserve” is taken during milk production.

Roughly speaking, even with poor nutrition the woman can continue breastfeeding. But here another problem arises when, in order to form full-fledged milk, useful substances are removed from the mother’s body. Reserves are exhausted and not replenished. It is believed that a mother’s nutrition after childbirth should increase by 600-700 kcal due to the consumption of healthy foods. But overeating will lead to new fat deposits, which will only worsen postpartum depression. In the future, get rid of excess weight it will be even more difficult.

Carbohydrates + proteins + fats

These are the main components that should be present in the food of a healthy person.

A woman’s diet after childbirth largely consists of carbohydrates, which is why they are in first place. Porridge, bread, and pasta made from durum flour will also be an excellent source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Protein enters the body with lean meat, fish, and dairy products. It is a source of zinc and iron, which is needed for normal lactation and good nutrition baby.

Fat intake and consumption fatty foods- it's not the same thing. Olive or sunflower oil will provide the body with everything it needs. But you can give up fried cutlets, pies or French fries for a while.

How to properly expand your diet?

Over time, reserves female body are running out and new products need to be added. The baby gets used to different tastes and sensations when tasting mother's milk. If the child is 3 months old, you can expand the menu by adding millet and pearl barley porridge, nuts (no more than 2 pieces per day), meat poultry, honey, preserves and jams, juices, fresh vegetables and fruits.

After childbirth, the mother’s nutrition is gradually supplemented, but at the same time they carefully monitor how the baby’s body reacts to the new food. Try eating a piece of fresh apple or tomato. The accumulation of substances in milk occurs gradually, but if after 1-2 days the baby’s cheeks remain clean and there is no rash, you can increase the amount of this product. You should not experiment if the child has a stuffy nose or unstable stool. It is important to correctly create a menu when vaccination is scheduled.

Until the baby is six months old, the mother gradually returns to the diet most of the foods that she ate before pregnancy. If everything is done correctly, nutrition after childbirth will be just as complete and will not cause trouble for either the nursing woman or the baby.

How much fluid to drink?

Many nursing mothers have heard advice that drinking a glass of hot tea before feeding improves milk flow. If it is difficult for a baby to suckle at the breast (due to the physiological characteristics of the structure of the mammary gland), then warm drink really makes feeding easier.

However, there is a direct connection between the amount of fluid drunk and the amount produced breast milk No. But doctors have long established that thoughtless consumption of water or tea can lead to decreased lactation.

Does the mother's diet after childbirth include the mandatory consumption of tea with condensed milk? Any concentrated products can cause allergies in the baby. It is better to avoid adding whole milk. Pediatricians advise including it in the diet of a nursing mother no earlier than six months after giving birth.

How much dairy products should you consume?

One of the most common questions from those women who want to maintain lactation. The main thing is to immediately understand that the nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can be supplemented with fermented milk products only if the woman loves them and eats them with pleasure. What's the point of choking on curd mass if this product has been hated since childhood.

Moreover, the composition of breast milk will not change if kefirs, yogurt and cheeses are completely excluded. By the way, the body of many women does not accept such products at all, problems with digestion arise, and bloating appears. And a child’s body can react the same way. So there will be more problems than benefits. If the mother tolerates dairy products normally, then it is recommended to consume at least three different types per day. IN in this case the body will receive a sufficient amount of vitamin D and calcium, which are indispensable for the restoration and formation of bone tissue.

Vegetable menu

Nutrition after childbirth should include a variety of foods. There is an opinion that vegetables and fruits of bright colors (red, yellow, orange) cause allergies in the baby. However, the gifts of fields and gardens are a source of minerals, phytonutrients and vitamins. It is impossible to do without them.

Often one of the parents is allergic to a particular product. There is no need to completely give up vegetables and fruits. But they should be added to the diet gradually, carefully monitoring how they react. baby. When the baby turns 6 months old, doctors advise nursing mothers to eat at least 5 different fruits and vegetables every day.

Special food

There is a lot of controversy surrounding being a vegetarian or eating low-calorie foods. Consciously avoiding meat and animal products is not always a whim. Not everyone can switch to other foods. In order for a nursing mother to have adequate nutrition after childbirth, be sure to visit a doctor who prescribes a complex of vitamins and minerals. It must be taken throughout the lactation period.

What to eat after a caesarean section

The differences are only in the first couple of days. After the operation, women in labor are transported to the ward intensive care, where they are carefully looked after, droppers are placed. Into the blood with medicines fall nutrients, and the need to consume something additional disappears. You can drink mineral water without gas.

Adequate nutrition after childbirth begins on the second day. You can eat mashed potatoes, porridge cooked in water, or low-fat broth. On the third day, boiled lean meat and fish are included in the diet. In the future, meals should be fractional, no more than 100 g per meal, at least 5 times a day.

Sample menu options for nursing mothers

  • Rose hip decoction without sugar and mineral water.
  • Porridge without oil (don’t cook the rice grains yet).
  • Vegetable soups without spices.
  • Any boiled vegetables without oil and spices.
  • Baked fruits (usually apples).
  • Boiled meat.
  • Compote of dried apples, plums and berries.
  • Butter (add to porridge).
  • Boiled fish.
  • Vegetable stew.
  • Cheese (no more than 30 g per day).

Starting from the second month, we gradually introduce into the diet:

  • Dairy products (up to 2.5% fat).
  • Vegetable pancakes.
  • Nuts (1-2 pieces).
  • Cheesecakes, pancakes.
  • Jam, honey (if there is no reaction).
  • Boiled lentils.

Recipes for nursing mothers

Eating after birth can be delicious if you take a few minutes to follow these tips. For example, meat can not only be boiled, but also baked, and delicious cutlets can be made from fish.

Diversify the menu with healthy and delicious dishes, enjoy breastfeeding, and your baby will delight you with excellent health and good mood!

The long-awaited moment of meeting mother and baby has finally arrived. But to such a pleasant event many questions were added. And one of the main ones is breastfeeding. After all, with mother’s milk, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients, milk strengthens immune system baby and helps him adapt to the world around him. And also, with the help of breastfeeding, the further close connection between mother and baby continues, which began long before its birth.

How does a baby's digestive system work in the first month after birth?

The child’s digestive system begins to form from 7–8 days intrauterine development, therefore, by birth it is already a fully formed system, the same as that of an adult. It includes the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines and digestive glands. However, when the baby is born, he digestive system must still adapt to the surrounding world and the changes taking place. Therefore, the child cannot immediately eat adult food, and until six months he feeds exclusively on breast milk.

The newborn has well-developed cheek and lip muscles. There are also dense lumps of fat in the cheeks, which are also called “Bishat fat lumps” in honor of the French anatomist and physiologist Marie Francois Bichat. They are located between the buccal muscle and the superficial facial muscles and play an important role in sucking in infants.

Bisha's lumps are best visible on the cheeks of infants

The esophagus in children is short, narrow and highly located. The stomach is located almost horizontally. Thanks to the huge number of blood vessels, the esophagus and stomach are well supplied with blood, but their muscle layer is poorly developed. And as a consequence of this - infant burps frequently.

However, by the age of two years, the child’s digestive system is structurally and physiological characteristics becomes like that of an adult.

Mothers need to make every effort and love to help their baby adapt quickly to this world.

Principles of nutrition in the first week after childbirth

In the first week after giving birth, a nursing woman should Special attention pay attention to the selection of food products and menus. The diet should be balanced and complete, because a woman needs to regain strength after childbirth and normalize lactation, and most importantly, they feed not only themselves, but also the baby.

All food eaten by mother is a certain form passes into breast milk. Therefore, the diet of a breastfeeding mother should consist of a balanced and complete set of products. The baby’s well-being, development and health for years depend on what and how a nursing mother eats.

E.O. Komarovsky

Sample menu for the first week after birth

In the first week after birth, the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn should be complete. Products on the menu are selected with minimal potential to cause irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and flatulence in the baby.

It is very important to follow your doctor's recommendations regarding nutrition after giving birth. If you do not follow them, you can harm both yourself and the baby. Therefore, a woman selects a rational menu taking into account the requirements of the newborn and the mother, and eats only fresh and natural products.

Memo to a nursing woman: what foods can you eat on the first day after giving birth?

The most common erroneous myth: “A nursing mother needs to feed both herself and her baby.”

In the nutrition of a nursing mother, the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of the food consumed. Therefore, products must be fresh and varied.

The most strict and responsible time in terms of food choices is the first week of breastfeeding.

The menu for a nursing woman in the first week of breastfeeding can include:

  • - buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat or corn. The whole structure of the grain retains absolutely all microelements, vitamins and nutrients. Peeled cereal is only a hard fruit, which, after processing, loses great amount these nutritional fiber, fats and antioxidant elements. Together with the removed shell, it loses fiber, a significant part of vitamins and minerals, and with the germ, phytonutrients (plant substances - lignin, phytic acid and antioxidants). These cereals rarely cause allergies. Rice porridge is not recommended, as it can cause hardening. Porridge is cooked in water, since milk is a strong allergen;
  • steamed or boiled vegetables: potatoes, cauliflower or zucchini;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, low-fat cottage cheese. Yogurt is a very healthy, delicious fermented milk product, but it must be prepared at home, since store-bought ones contain a large amount of dyes and food additives. Therefore, store-bought yogurt will do more harm than good;
  • vegetable soups, including Soup can be supplemented with carrots. It is better to refrain from onions and white cabbage in the first week of breastfeeding and do not add them to the soup. The phytoncides contained in these products can change the taste of milk and the child may refuse to feed. Beets are also not recommended to be included in the diet in the first week due to the possibility of developing an allergic reaction;
  • rabbit meat or lean beef. You can steam the meat in the form of meatballs or meatballs, or cook soup;
  • dried black bread, dry biscuits, crackers. It is not recommended to eat freshly baked bread and pastries, as they can cause flatulence, heaviness and colic in mother and baby. Yesterday or dried bread, when yeast activity has decreased, is very useful. Thanks to the complex carbohydrates contained in bread, mothers quickly regain their strength after childbirth. When choosing crackers and cookies for a nursing mother, you need to pay attention to the composition. For mothers, crackers and cookies without seasonings and additives are suitable. Wonderful choice - crackers from white bread and biscuits;
  • fruits can be eaten baked green apples and bananas. It is better to abstain from other fruits in the first week of feeding;
  • drinks: compotes of dried fruits or apples, special herbal teas for nursing mothers (based on fennel, dill, anise, cumin), weak tea, possibly with a small amount of milk added, fermented baked milk, kefir, boiled water. You should not drink whole milk (it causes increased gas formation), carbonated drinks, lemonades and yoghurts with fruit and berry fillings (can cause allergies), coffee and strong tea (increase the child’s excitability), alcohol. Industrially produced compotes and juices are not recommended - they contain many preservatives and other harmful artificial additives;
  • from desserts: marshmallows and marmalade, most importantly - without dyes and concentrates.

Table: sample menu for a nursing mother for the first week of breastfeeding

1 dayBreakfastBuckwheat porridge on water. Weak tea
DinnerVegetable soup with toasted bread. Compote
DinnerPasta. Baked apple. Still water
Day 2BreakfastOatmeal with water. Weak tea with biscuits
DinnerBanana baked in peel. Dried fruit compote with croutons
Day 3BreakfastOatmeal, buckwheat or corn porridge with the addition of vegetable oil. Still water
DinnerLean beef meatball soup.
DinnerLow-fat cottage cheese. Kefir
4 dayBreakfastSimple muesli with kefir
DinnerVegetable stew made from potatoes, zucchini and cauliflower. Compote
5 dayBreakfast
DinnerVegetable soup with toasted bread. Rabbit meatball. Still water
DinnerLow-fat cottage cheese. Kefir. Baked apples
Day 6BreakfastPasta with added butter. Weak tea with biscuits
DinnerLow-fat cottage cheese. Kefir
Day 7BreakfastOatmeal, buckwheat or corn porridge boiled in water with the addition of vegetable oil. Weak tea with dry biscuits
DinnerStewed vegetables with rabbit meat. Currant or cranberry juice
DinnerVegetable stew made from potatoes, zucchini and cauliflower. Compote

Particular attention is paid drinking regime. Firstly, a woman loses a lot of fluid during childbirth, and secondly, the process of milk production begins. Therefore, a woman is constantly thirsty. In the first days after childbirth, a woman secretes colostrum, which by 4-5 days will turn into transitional milk, and from the sixth day it will be nothing more than mature milk. That’s when a nursing woman switches to a drinking regimen of 2.5 liters of fluid per day. This includes tea, milk, juices, water, and liquid food.

Until the sixth day, until the milk arrives, it is recommended to limit fluid intake to 1 liter per day, since excess fluid may cause milk stagnation. However, it is not recommended to drink less than a liter. After all, when dehydrated, metabolism slows down, all biological environments of the body become more viscous, including milk. And it will be more difficult for him to stand out from his chest.

When I gave birth to my first child, I did not know about drinking restrictions. On the second day after giving birth, I was very thirsty, and without hesitation I drank a liter of liquid at lunch. Literally two hours later, when measuring the temperature during the rounds, it turned out to be significantly elevated. The temperature was above 40 o C. The doctor on duty suspected an infection of the female genital organs. What saved me was a call to my attending physician, who diagnosed milk stagnation. It turned out that I drank a lot of liquid when the milk arrived, which caused stagnation. Thanks to the medical staff, in particular the nurses, who helped me pump my breasts all night. This was more than 15 years ago and then there was not so much available literature and devices for pumping, and our mothers and grandmothers believed that you need to drink a lot of liquid in order to have milk. This incident taught me how to behave in the future. During the first two days when the next two children were born, I limited myself in fluid intake. For breakfast I drank a glass of green tea, for lunch I limited myself to light soup and drank a glass of 1% kefir for dinner. Therefore, I did not have such a problem as stagnation. After lactation improved, the breasts after feeding were not hard and painful, the milk came in sufficient quantities, I began to drink liquid as needed, or rather, at the request of my body.

What can you eat in the first month after giving birth?

The first month of a baby’s life is the most important in terms of the mother’s choice of foods in her diet. Therefore, it is necessary to select a menu taking into account the requirements of the mother and baby. Since the stomach of a newborn baby reacts to the slightest changes in nutrition, it is better to avoid fried and excessively fatty foods, and eat broth, soup, meat without fat, steam, and also exclude pickled and salty foods.

A woman’s diet must include foods that promote lactation and a sufficient amount of fluid.

That's why special attention During this period, a drinking regime is given. During the first week, lactation improves, and starting from the second week, the amount of fluid consumed by a nursing woman increases to 2.5 liters per day.

Allowed and prohibited foods on the menu of a nursing woman

List of permitted products

The list of permitted products from the second week after birth is not much different from the list of the first week.

Please note that when a woman plans to diversify her menu with a new product, she must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Each new product is introduced in small portions and separately. Only one new product is allowed per day.
  2. It is advisable to consume new foods at breakfast, then by lunchtime the child’s body’s reaction to the innovation will be visible, and by the evening there will be complete confidence that the baby does not have any acute reactions for this component.
  3. If no allergies or rashes appear within 24 hours, the child sleeps well and is not capricious, you can introduce a new product into the woman’s diet.

The menu of a nursing woman from the second week after birth may include:

  • fermented milk products: yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk. Cottage cheese in the form of a casserole. Milk is prohibited;
  • porridge from whole grains (except rice, as it can be strong) and puree;
  • steamed rabbit, turkey or beef. Pork and lamb are not recommended, because... too fatty, as well as chicken - as it often causes allergies;
  • soups;
  • fish fillet;
  • hard cheese;
  • vegetables subjected to heat treatment: baked potato, stewed zucchini or beet;
  • weak tea, still water;
  • fruits. The main thing is to adhere to the golden rule: green fruits can be consumed from the first day after birth, yellow fruits - carefully, if there is no allergy, red fruits - exclude them. Therefore, you can have baked green apples.

Products approved for feeding a nursing mother during the first month of breastfeeding

What is better to exclude completely?

There are a number of foods that cause food allergies or can lead to rashes, flatulence, itching, and colic. These products should be completely excluded from the menu of a nursing woman, especially in the first month of feeding. This:

  • citrus fruits, chocolate, strawberries, eggs, honey and seafood, that is, those foods that cause food allergies;
  • spicy and salty dishes, marinades;
  • products with preservatives and dyes: chips, various sauces, yoghurts with fillings, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol.

Products that are prohibited for consumption breastfeeding

There are also a number of products that affect the taste and smell of milk. Because of this, the child may refuse to feed. These are garlic, hot and bitter seasonings. Therefore, it is better for a nursing woman to exclude them from her menu.

Starting from the second month, mom’s menu will gradually be replenished with new products. This way, mom will gradually return to her usual eating schedule. The main thing is that the food is varied and contains a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

Based own experience I can say that all these requirements are advisory in nature. After all, every person’s body is individual. Each woman should choose her own rational menu that suits her and her baby. My first child was born in April and was two months old during strawberry season. Although the berry is red, I tried one at a time. We had no allergies, and we stocked up on the vitamins contained in strawberries for the year. The same thing happened with tomatoes. At the time of their maturation, the child was four months old. Naturally, I started trying only our homemade ones to eliminate the addition of fertilizers and chemicals. We don't have any allergies to tomatoes either. Therefore, if you are confident in the quality, you can try, but just a little.

Sample menu for the first month

From the list of permitted products, you can create a menu for a nursing woman for the first month of breastfeeding.

Table: sample menu for a nursing woman during the first month after childbirth

BreakfastBaked potatoes (100 g) with a piece of boiled beef (50 g), 1 slice of black bread, a glass of dried fruit jelly
Second breakfast (after an hour)
DinnerSoup with vegetables (without frying) (150 g). Buckwheat porridge (100 g) with stewed rabbit (50 g). A glass of apple compote
Afternoon snackCottage cheese in the form of a casserole (150 g). A glass of kefir
Second dinner
Second breakfast (after an hour)Homemade yogurt (150 g)
Afternoon snack
DinnerStewed meat with vegetable side dish (200 g). Glass of herbal tea
Second dinnerA glass of kefir. Banana
Second breakfast (after an hour)
Afternoon snack
DinnerOatmeal with water (200 g). Glass of tea with biscuits
Second dinnerA glass of fermented baked milk with crackers
BreakfastBuckwheat porridge (100 g) with stewed rabbit (50 g), a piece of black bread. Cup green tea
Second breakfast (after an hour)Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g). Glass of herbal tea with biscuits
DinnerSoup with vegetables (without frying) (150 g). Vegetable stew of potatoes, zucchini and cauliflower (150 g). Glass of compote
Afternoon snackA glass of fermented baked milk with biscuits
DinnerStewed vegetables with rabbit meat (200 g). A glass of currant or cranberry juice
Second dinnerBaked banana. A glass of green tea with crackers
BreakfastCorn porridge boiled in water with the addition of vegetable oil (150 g). A glass of weak tea with dry cookies
Second breakfast (after an hour)Homemade yogurt (150 g)
DinnerSoup with turkey meatballs (150 g), cooked in the second broth. Stewed stew (150 g). A glass of dried fruit compote
Afternoon snackCottage cheese in the form of a casserole (150 g). Baked apple
DinnerStewed meat with vegetable side dish (200 g). Glass of herbal tea with homemade cakes
Second dinnerA glass of fermented baked milk with crackers
BreakfastBoiled pasta with grated hard cheese (150 g), a glass of green tea with crackers
Second breakfast (after an hour)Oatmeal in water with steamed raisins or dried apricots (150 g). A glass of tea with biscuits, a slice of cheese
DinnerVegetable soup with beef broth (150 g). Wheat porridge(100 g) with beef meatball (50 g). A glass of dried fruit jelly
Afternoon snackCottage cheese in the form of a casserole (150 g). Baked apple
DinnerStewed stew (200 g), a piece of bread
Second dinnerNatural yogurt without additives (100 g), green apple


BreakfastMashed potatoes (100 g) with a steamed cutlet (50 g) and a piece of bran bread. A glass of weak tea
Second breakfast (after an hour)Glass of yoghurt with biscuits
DinnerSoup with meatballs from lean beef (150 g). Boiled pasta (100 g) with a piece fish fillet(50 g). A glass of currant or cranberry juice
Afternoon snackA glass of kefir with crackers, cookies or homemade cakes
DinnerVegetable stew of potatoes, zucchini and cauliflower (200 g). Glass of herbal tea
Second dinnerLow-fat cottage cheese (100 g). Baked apples

During lactation, women are strictly prohibited from limiting their fluid intake.

A woman drinks at will, regardless of food intake. In addition to the drinks listed above, you can drink special herbal teas for nursing mothers (based on fennel, dill, anise, caraway), as well as boiled water in unlimited quantities.

Recipes that can diversify the diet of a nursing mother in the first month

Don't forget that there are a wide variety of recipes. Therefore, nursing mothers do not need to worry about their diet. Moreover, every month the menu will be replenished with new products and become more diverse.

Cottage cheese casserole is a dish allowed for consumption by a nursing mother in the first month of lactation

Products needed to prepare cottage cheese casserole:

  • cottage cheese 0.5 kg;
  • egg 1 piece;
  • flour or semolina 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar 2 tablespoons;
  • sour cream 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil 1 tablespoon.

The process of making cottage cheese casserole:

  1. Place cottage cheese in a bowl, add flour or semolina.
  2. Mix the egg with sugar and add to the cottage cheese. Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Grease the mold with vegetable oil and lay out the prepared mixture.
  4. Lubricate the top with low-fat sour cream.
  5. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 o C.

The casserole can be varied by adding pieces of apple, dried fruit or raisins.

The main ingredient when preparing meatballs is minced meat. Since manufacturers do not use the freshest meat to prepare it, and also add fat to it, it is better for nursing mothers to prepare minced meat themselves. It is recommended to give preference to minced turkey, rabbit or lean beef.

You can diversify the menu of a nursing woman with turkey meatballs and zucchini.

Products needed to prepare turkey meatballs with zucchini:

  • turkey meat 0.5 kg;
  • oatmeal 2 tablespoons;
  • medium sized zucchini 1 pc.;
  • carrots 1 pc.;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

The process of preparing turkey meatballs with zucchini:

  1. Wash and clean the vegetables. Grate carrots and zucchini on a fine grater, finely chop the onion.
  2. Mix all ingredients and add salt.
  3. Form small balls from the resulting minced meat and place in a saucepan.
  4. Fill the resulting balls with water and simmer under a closed lid for half an hour.

Can be consumed with low-fat sour cream.

You can diversify the menu of a nursing woman in the first month of breastfeeding with cutlets, but they need to be steamed

Products required for preparing steamed cutlets:

  • minced veal 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes 1 pc.;
  • onion 1 pc.;
  • egg 1 pc.;
  • semolina 2 tablespoons
  • a pinch of salt.

The process of preparing steamed cutlets:

  1. We wash the meat and pass it through a meat grinder.
  2. Wash the vegetables, peel them, and pass them through a meat grinder.
  3. Mix the resulting minced meat and vegetables.
  4. Add beaten egg, salt, semolina. Mix.
  5. We form small cutlets from the resulting minced meat and place them in a double boiler.
  6. Cook the dish for 20–30 minutes.

If you don’t have a double boiler, but you really want cutlets, then you can do it this way. Fill the pan one-third full with water and bring to a boil. Place cutlets prepared from minced meat in a colander and place over boiling water. The main thing is that the colander should be above the water, not in the water. Cover the top with a lid. After 20–30 minutes, the cutlets are ready.

Baking (dough recipe for savory dishes)

Yeast dough can cause colic in newborns and bloating. Therefore, in the first month of breastfeeding, nursing women exclude yeast dough products from their diet.

Yeast-free cookies - baked goods allowed for a nursing mother in the first month of breastfeeding

Products needed to prepare dough for savory dishes:

  • two glasses of kefir;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of salt;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • two tablespoons of sugar.

Dough preparation process:

  1. In a large bowl, mix kefir, salt, soda and sugar.
  2. Gradually add flour so that no lumps form.
  3. Stir until smooth.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes until bubbles form.

The finished dough can be used to make pizza or pie. The filling can be anything, but only from products allowed for a nursing woman.

What to change in diet if a child has colic

Intestinal colic occurs due to increased gas formation in the baby's intestines when digesting food. They appear in the first month of life and, as a rule, go away on their own by the third or fourth month.

Clicking in newborns is not a disease. Increased gas formation is a normal process, indicating the adaptation of the baby's intestines to the digestion of new food.

E.O. Komarovsky

Important! “Colic” crying occurs against the background full health baby: the child eats normally, gains weight well, does not lag behind his peers in development, smiles, looks healthy in appearance. If there are signs of any disease and against this background there are inexplicable bouts of crying, first of all it is necessary to cure the underlying disease. In this case, most likely, the crying is not associated with colic, but with the emerging pathology.

E.O. Komarovsky

"A Guide for Sensible Parents"

Sometimes the mother's diet can affect the frequency and intensity of intestinal colic. To improve the baby’s condition, the mother needs to adjust her diet, exclude some foods and monitor the baby. If the baby feels better, then the mother needs to continue to stick to the diet.


  1. Minimize (no more than 500 ml) the amount of fermented milk products consumed.
  2. Cook the soup not in the second, but in the third or fourth broth in order to significantly reduce its fat content.
  3. Eliminate sugar, confectionery and cookies.
  4. Avoid black bread, as it also causes fermentation in the intestines. You can make your own bread from cornmeal, which reduces the fermentation process.
  5. Avoid raw fruits: apples and bananas. Use only baked.

If, by excluding the above foods from a nursing woman’s diet or preparing them correctly, within a week the child does not experience relief and the intensity of colic does not decrease, then there is no point in torturing yourself with a diet. The main thing is to be calm and good mood Mother.

Experts’ opinion on nutrition in the first month during breastfeeding, Komarovsky’s point of view

A postpartum diet for nursing mothers will include a large amount of fluid and high-calorie nutrition without heavy and fatty foods in order to fully restore energy reserves and speed up the body’s recovery after childbirth.

A certain diet is required for nursing mothers in the first month, when the body has not yet recovered from the stress of childbirth, and the newborn is still especially sensitive to the effects of many substances.

A diet for a nursing mother in the first months will require a full amount of proteins, fats and all the products that a young mother wants, but within reason - you should not overeat and indulge in delicacies, you should introduce new foods into the diet slowly and in small portions.

Sometimes you may also need a special diet during lactation with constipation, since in the first few weeks after birth such a problem can arise if there are stitches in the perineum or with a sedentary lifestyle and limited fluid and fiber intake.

Elena Belenovich, neonatologist

Mother and child. Encyclopedia for dads and moms. Rostov n/a: Publishing House “Vladis”, 2003

Video: nutrition of a nursing woman while breastfeeding according to Dr. Komarovsky

Nutrition for a nursing mother in the first month after giving birth is not the time to experiment with the menu. By adhering to the recommendations of doctors on the use of certain products, you will be able to avoid many unpleasant moments that occur during breastfeeding. These include colic, rashes, and allergies. We must remember that the baby’s health is established from the first days of life, and it is in the mother’s hands. Therefore every loving mommy must make every effort to form healthy body your child.

You know that better food Is it breast milk for a baby? I'm sure yes. Do you know what a nursing mother's menu should be?

Nutrition for a nursing mother in the second month of a baby’s life

Basic Rules

  • Remember that it is best to eat at least 5-6 times a day in small portions, preferably immediately before feeding your baby. It is preferable to cook by boiling, stewing or baking.
  • Increase your water intake. Your milk is 90% water, which means you should definitely replenish your body's fluids, but don't overdo it. Be sure to drink 10 glasses of water, 250 ml each, every day, you can slightly increase the amount of water if desired.
  • Don't count calories. At this stage of life, it is more important to pay attention to the quality of food and its nutrient content.
  • You shouldn’t eat for two; you need to increase your diet by only 20%.

In the second month we continue to gradually expand the diet. In general, the menu should contain all the substances necessary for life: vitamins, microelements, fiber, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids. For this V weekly menu a nursing mother should have:
  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • lean beef, rabbit, white poultry (chicken, turkey);
  • low-fat river and sea fish;
  • butter and vegetable oil;
  • cereals, bread (preferably yeast-free with bran);
  • vegetables and fruits (green and yellow apples, banana, pear, kiwi, plum).

Sweets allowed a small amount of dry cookies, marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows. It is better not to rush with the introduction of baking, this can not only cause flatulence in the child, but will also lead to extra pounds Mom.

It is very important to introduce no more than one product per day, observing the child’s reaction. First of all, we are afraid of increased gas formation (colic) and allergic reactions.

Foods to avoid

Despite the fact that the food sensitivity of each child is strictly individual, we present list of foods that can cause anxiety in a child:

Products that most often cause increased gas formation: white cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes; carbonated drinks, brown bread, legumes and grapes.

Products that cause allergic reactions : chocolate, pumpkin, tropical fruits, citrus fruits (tangerines, lemons, oranges, grapefruits), berries (grapes, sea buckthorn, raspberries, strawberries), honey, nuts, caviar, crayfish, crabs, red fish.

In addition, if you yourself or close relatives suffer from allergies, you need to carefully introduce foods such as milk, chicken, eggs, sugar. Also be careful when consuming products containing nutritional supplements(dyes, preservatives) - for this, carefully study the composition on the packages.

Very helpful in identifying the cause. adverse reaction keeping a food diary:

We remember that the reaction may appear after 8-12 hours, or even later. In this case, you should consult a pediatrician and begin to follow hypoallergenic diet. The causative allergen is excluded from the diet for at least a month.

1) Alcohol and smoking – this causes intoxication of the child’s body.
2) Strong tea and coffee - they have a stimulating effect on the nervous system.
3) Rich broths.
4) Use onions, garlic and spices carefully small quantities, as they can degrade the taste of the milk.
5) Smoked meats, pickles, canned food, marinades, mayonnaise, ketchup.
6) Products containing preservatives.
7) Salo, fatty varieties meat and fish, dairy products with high fat content (sour cream - up to 15%).

Nutrition of a nursing mother in the third month of a child’s life

The sample menu that we offer you is suitable for nursing mothers starting from the third month after birth. Snacks between main meals can be as follows: Tea with bread and banana, Rosehip infusion, kefir and sour cream and prunes, Herb tea with .


Dinner: +


Dinner: +


Dinner: +


Overall, I liked the article.

Remember that everything is individual, of course,

for example black bread, corn and rice porridge I wouldn't try it right away.

Creating a menu for a woman who is breastfeeding is not so difficult, but it must be taken into account that everything that the mother eats ends up in breast milk and in one way or another affects the baby’s health. What can a mother of a baby eat, and what foods should she avoid?

The formation of lactation is a complex chemical process, the result of which is the production of complete mature milk, the composition meeting all the needs of the baby. The lack of basic “building materials”: ​​proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements, causes disruption of the baby’s growth and development. Medical scientific research has proven a direct connection between the diet of a nursing woman and the composition of milk. The period from 3 weeks to 3 months of life, when a child most often has intestinal colic, goes away much easier if the mother follows a certain diet. In addition, eating the “right” foods helps avoid allergies in your baby.

Here are the basic principles of nutrition for a nursing mother:

1. Sufficient calorie content. The daily requirement of a woman outside of pregnancy and lactation is about 2500 kcal. Nursing mothers need to increase the caloric content of food by 500-700 kcal, but no more. Increasing the calorie content above the recommended standards does not increase the nutritional value of milk, and can have a negative effect on a woman’s figure!

2. Full composition. Every day a nursing woman should receive:
120-130 g of proteins, including 6% of animal origin;
about 500 g carbohydrates;
100-110 g fats, including 20% ​​vegetable fats.

3. Availability in the diet of all essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins are obligatory participants in biochemical processes in the body, therefore, fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs must be present in the diet of a nursing woman. Minerals also perform specific functions: calcium and phosphorus support the growth of bones and teeth; iron is necessary for hematopoiesis; microelements, for example, - for normal operation thyroid gland, which means for a full mental and physical development child.

4. Fractionality. Three main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner - plus two snacks will allow a woman not to overeat and at the same time ensure the continuous production of full-fledged milk.

5. Safety. A nursing mother first of all needs to exclude potential allergens from her diet. Immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract and a number of features of the newborn's response to allergens can lead to severe manifestations of allergies. These include allergic skin lesions, in which the baby may develop a rash, itching, persistent diaper rash, gneiss - scales on the scalp, profuse prickly heat; damage to the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, manifested by regurgitation, vomiting, frequent and loose stools, flatulence, colic; respiratory disorders – allergic rhinitis, bronchospasm. The most formidable and dangerous manifestation of allergies is Quincke's edema - sudden swelling of the skin, subcutaneous fat and mucous membranes, accompanied by severe suffocation and life-threatening for the baby. Therefore, a nursing mother needs to exclude highly allergenic foods from her diet.

Thus, during breastfeeding a woman is contraindicated:

Highly allergenic foods: all fruits, berries and vegetables of bright red and orange color(strawberries, citrus fruits, tomatoes, etc.), radishes, radish, kiwi, pineapples, avocados, grapes, fish, all seafood, caviar, chicken eggs, mushrooms, nuts, honey, dried fruits, chocolate, coffee, cocoa;

Salty and spicy dishes, canned food, spices, onions, garlic, broths, marinades, sauerkraut;

Products containing dyes, flavors, preservatives: canned food, semi-finished products, mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces, chips, soft cheeses, smoked meats, ham, sausages, sausages, carbonated drinks, kvass, alcoholic drinks.

Any additives can cause allergies in a child and affect his growth and development. Products must be fresh and environmentally safe. Any alcoholic beverages are completely prohibited for a nursing mother, as they negatively affect the development of the baby’s brain and can cause severe irreversible processes.

First week after birth

After childbirth, a woman’s body must recover as quickly as possible. In addition, milk production begins, so nutrition should be complete. But at the same time gastrointestinal tract The newborn is not yet functioning at full capacity; he is not yet ready to digest much of what comes with mother’s milk. Therefore, in the first week, the diet of a nursing mother is subject to the strictest restrictions.

In the first days after childbirth, women usually experience extreme thirst. This is due to the loss of fluid during childbirth, large physical activity, the beginning of the milk production process. You can quench your thirst with weak tea, dried fruit compote - prunes, dried apples and pears, blackcurrant jelly, blueberries or lingonberries. You are allowed to drink 1 glass of fresh fermented milk drink per day - kefir, bifidok, bifilife, etc., which does not contain flavoring and aromatic additives. Before the “arrival” of milk, it is necessary to limit the total volume of liquid drunk to 800 ml per day.

Excluded from the diet:

1. Strong tea, coffee causing increased excitability nervous system in a newborn.

2. Any juices: they can cause increased gas formation and are dangerous in terms of the occurrence of food allergies.

3. Cereals– millet, pearl barley, barley and wheat, which contain the foreign protein gluten, which can cause allergies.

4. Vegetables: white cabbage in any form causes increased gas formation; cucumbers, tomatoes and bell pepper may also cause gas formation and are potentially allergenic. Onions and garlic change the taste of breast milk, and the baby may completely refuse the breast.

5. Meat products: Chicken is excluded until the second half of the year, since there is a high risk of allergies to antibiotics added to poultry feed. Fried and spicy meat is prohibited.

6. Dairy: Whole cow's milk is completely excluded, since it is highly allergenic, as well as yoghurts and curds with flavoring additives.

7. Fish, seafood and eggs are prohibited as highly allergenic products.

8. Chocolate, nuts, honey are also prohibited due to the risk of developing food allergies.

9. Dried fruits cause increased gas formation.

10. Fresh fruits are excluded completely due to the risk of developing allergies and increased gas formation that they cause.

What can you eat in the first week after giving birth?

1. Porridge: They should be boiled in water from whole grains. In the first week, preference should be given to buckwheat, corn or rice, since they practically do not cause allergies.

2. Pasta– any.

3. Vegetables: You can eat potatoes – boiled or baked. Zucchini – steamed or baked. Cauliflower and broccoli - steamed or in soups. Carrots and beets can be consumed in small quantities in soups.

4. Meat products It is recommended to include it in the diet from the second day after birth. The best meat for a nursing mother is rabbit and veal. Rabbit meat is a dietary meat; it has little cholesterol and a lot of protein, which is digestible by more than 90%. Beef and turkey are somewhat more difficult to digest. Pork and lamb are not recommended for nursing mothers. The meat can be consumed boiled, in soups, in the form of steamed cutlets or meatballs. Total Recommended Amount meat products for nursing mothers in the first week after birth is 150-180 g per day.

5. Dairy: regular cottage cheese (150-200 g two to three times a week), fermented milk products, sour cream 10-15% fat, low-fat cheese, plain, without additives, in a thin slice for a sandwich.

6. Bread– preferably black, slightly dried. For tea you can offer crackers, crackers without poppy seeds, nuts and raisins, and dry cookies without additives.

7. Vegetable oils should be on the table daily in the amount of 1-2 tablespoons. Preference should be given to unrefined varieties of sunflower oil. It’s not worth trying other types of oils yet.

First month after birth

A week after birth, after making sure that the newborn tolerates all the foods that the mother eats well, the diet can be gradually expanded.

To produce a sufficient amount of milk in the first month after birth, you need to drink at least 2-2.5 liters of liquid. This can be weak tea, including green tea, without flavoring and aromatic additives, compote of prunes, pears, apples, dried apricots, jelly from cranberries, lingonberries, currants, chokeberries, rosehip infusion, decoctions of mint and lemon balm. Coffee for a nursing mother is still prohibited during this period. You can drink natural juices from green apple, pear, plum. It is better if these are freshly squeezed juices without preservatives; in extreme cases, you can drink children's juices. From consuming products with long term storage should be abandoned.

Diet of a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth:

Porridge: you can gradually introduce millet, barley, pearl barley, wheat and oatmeal porridge in 2.5% fat milk with the addition of a small amount of butter.

Pasta– any.

Vegetables: you can expand your diet by adding sweet peppers - green and yellow, eggplants, turnips, pumpkins with white-green skin; white cabbage, greens (dill, parsley, lettuce), corn, carrots and beets are allowed in small quantities. All vegetables can still be consumed only when thermally processed: this significantly reduces gas formation in mother and baby. During this period, a nursing woman should still not eat fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, green pea.

Meat: You should still give preference to rabbit, veal and turkey, as they are more dietary varieties meat. You can add boiled milk to your diet beef tongue. You should not eat kidneys, brain and other offal. Chicken, pork and lamb are not recommended. The norm for a nursing mother is 180-200 g of meat per day. It is better to give preference to steamed cutlets, hedgehogs, meatballs, boiled meat - you can use it in soups.

Dairy: Whole milk can be added to cereals in small quantities, but if the mother notices increased gas formation in the child, then it should be completely excluded. You can drink fermented milk drinks without sugar in quantities of up to 0.5 liters per day. Cottage cheese with 5-9% fat content can be eaten twice a week, 150-200 g, only heat-treated - in the form of cheesecakes, casseroles. Sour cream with a short shelf life with a fat content of 10-15% should be eaten daily, added to soups, cottage cheese, and dressing salads. 1-2 thin slices of cheese with a fat content of 20-30% without additives can be eaten daily on a sandwich. It is necessary to eat foods with reduced fat content, but not low-fat: the child will get from them essential fats, and excess reserves will not be deposited in the mother’s body.

Fish is completely excluded.

Eggs are completely excluded.

Confectionery: dried fruits, crackers, cookies without additives, simple caramel without filling or glaze, natural jelly from juice and gelatin, jam and jam from black currants, apples, pears, plums are allowed with tea.

Fruits: When baked, you can eat apples, plums and pears grown in the region where the woman lives. Raw fruits, as a rule, cause severe colic in the baby. IN fresh You can eat bananas - no more than one per day, as they can cause constipation. Among the berries you can try black and white currants, gooseberries, chokeberry, lingonberry, honeysuckle.

Nuts completely prohibited. From dried fruits you can eat prunes, pears and apples, 2-3 pieces of dull dried apricots. Raisins are not recommended because, like grapes, they cause increased gas formation.

Vegetable oils– unrefined varieties of vegetable oils, especially first cold pressed, are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very important for the development of the baby. During this period, you can eat olive, sunflower, corn and mustard oil.

If a child has a reaction to any of the products, it is necessary to exclude it for at least a couple of months, and then try again. Over time, the baby's enzyme systems develop, and, most likely, after some time it will be possible to use this product without consequences.

It should be remembered that you can introduce one product every three days, observing the child’s reaction. Needs to be assessed general state baby, appearance skin– presence of rash, redness, crusts. The baby's stool should be yellowish in color, a small amount of milk inclusions is acceptable, without greens or impurities. With the introduction of a new product, the baby should not experience an increase in gas formation or increased colic. If such a problem appears, and also if the child reacts to literally everything that the mother eats, it is necessary to extend the diet for this period to at least 2-3 months.

Further nutrition for a nursing mother

If the child tolerates all foods from the mother’s diet well, you can gradually return to the woman’s usual diet. The same rules for introducing new products apply here.

A woman should drink up to 2-2.5 liters per day. In the morning, one small cup of weak coffee with milk or cream is allowed. You can now add dried apricots, raisins, and dried cherries to the compote. You can eat a coffee spoon of honey with tea, but not every day, as this is quite allergenic product. You can put a slice of lemon in a cup. A nursing mother can try to include cranberry, sea buckthorn jelly, and berry fruit drinks in the menu.

What can you add to your diet?

Porridge: food can be diversified with multi-grain porridges, rice and buckwheat can be cooked with dried fruits. Various cereal flakes, especially those enriched with vitamins and minerals, together with a cup of milk will be an excellent breakfast for a nursing mother, but you should not abuse them, because nutritional properties whole grains are superior.

Pasta Any are acceptable, preference should be given to pasta made from durum wheat.

Vegetables: you can gradually introduce fresh cucumbers, tomatoes into the diet (preference should be given to local ground vegetables), green peas, grain corn, little by little - onion, you can try a clove of garlic. A nursing woman must have greens on her table. In winter, you can prepare frozen vegetables, in which, thanks to modern freezing technologies, all vitamins are preserved. You should choose well-known, well-proven brands of frozen vegetables that do not contain preservatives, dyes, or GMOs. When introducing vegetables into the diet general rule is this: the more brightly colored the fruit, the greater the likelihood of an allergy that it can cause in a child.

Meat: Dietary, easily digestible varieties are preferred. From the second half of the year you can introduce boiled and baked chicken. You can try pork and lamb, but these types of meat should not dominate the diet of a nursing woman. In the summer you can treat yourself to barbecue, but the meat should be lean, marinated in kefir, naturally, without wine or vinegar.

Dairy: fresh natural dairy products without flavoring and aromatic additives with low fat content are still recommended. Butter should be on the table every day: a nursing mother needs to add it to porridge and spread a thin layer on a sandwich. It contains the most important proteins and fats of animal origin.

Fish: It’s time to try white types of sea fish - it’s better to start with hake, cod, later you can add fattier mackerel and halibut to the menu. Salted herring can be eaten in small quantities if tolerated, and you need to cut it yourself, excluding the use of preserved fish with vinegar. Later you can try red varieties of fish. Preference should be given to fish cooked in the oven, steamed, or boiled. To eat fried fish Nursing mothers should not, as it is less digestible and contains excess fat. Caviar is a very allergenic product, so eating it during breastfeeding is not recommended. Fish should be eaten at least three times a week.

Eggs: It is better to start with quail as they are less allergenic. Later, you can introduce chicken into your diet, but no more than 2-3 per week.

Bakery products: you can introduce grain bread enriched with vitamins and fiber. You can diversify your diet with crispbread and dry biscuits made from corn, buckwheat, and oatmeal. But sweet products made from premium flour do not contain anything useful, and they will not benefit your figure. For sweets for tea, you can try natural marmalade, for example, homemade marmalade from apricots, peaches, and berries; sunflower or sesame halva in small quantities; kozinaki made from sunflower and sesame seeds. It should be kept in mind that in sesame seeds contains a lot of calcium. Feijoa berries pureed with sugar contain a lot of iron and iodine; this jam is not allergenic. You can also consume fresh blueberry and blackcurrant jam without the risk of food allergies.

Fruits: Everything that was previously baked can be eaten raw. In addition, you can gradually introduce apricots, peaches, cherry plums, red plums into the diet, you can try watermelons - just not early ones, but September ones. From the second half of the year you can eat cranberries and sea buckthorn. But doctors still recommend waiting with strawberries, since many babies react to them. When introducing new brightly colored fruits into the diet, as well as imported ones specially processed for long-term storage, you should remember possible reaction child.

Nuts You can eat walnuts and cedar: they are the healthiest and contain a large amount of valuable oils. Peanuts are a very allergenic product, and their nutritional value is low.

Vegetable oils
: You can add pumpkin, sesame, walnut, and olive oil. They contain a lot useful substances and will allow you to diversify taste sensations. Total Oil consumption should be no more than 3 tablespoons per day.

No diets are allowed during breastfeeding. Any dietary restrictions in order to return to “pre-pregnancy” forms inevitably lead to disruption of milk production, and consequently, the baby will not receive enough of the substances it needs for growth and development. But this does not mean that during breastfeeding there is no opportunity to influence your figure. The fact is that the mother’s body maintains a constant fat content in the milk produced. The lactation period is the only period in a woman’s life when hormonal changes help transfer fat from reserves in the mother's body into milk. Therefore, by limiting (but, of course, not eliminating) the intake of fats from food, a woman can influence her weight. This can be done by reducing the fat content of consumed dairy products, eating lean meat, low-fat varieties cheese, butter. In addition, the process of milk production itself consumes an additional 600-700 kcal, so long-term breastfeeding will not only help the baby grow up healthy and happy, but will also help normalize the mother’s weight.

Whatever a nursing mother eats, we should not forget about the aesthetic component of nutrition. Of course, with a baby there is often no time for culinary delights. But it is worth remembering that the most simple food, cooked with soul, eaten in calm atmosphere, will bring much more benefit for you and your baby.