Is it possible to have oatmeal cookies while breastfeeding? Classic oatmeal cookies. Are complications possible?

During lactation, mothers must carefully monitor their diet, because all foods and their components pass into breast milk. If the food is of poor quality or contains a lot of harmful impurities (dyes, flavors, thickeners, preservatives, etc.), the baby’s body may react painfully. For example, stool disorder will occur, digestion will fail, and in extreme cases, intoxication will develop. Mothers of newborn babies need to pay special attention to their diet, and throughout the entire period of lactation, food should be healthy. What can you do with sweets? Is it acceptable to include cookies in the menu while breastfeeding?

During breastfeeding, mothers should be careful about the foods they eat.

Benefits of cookies

Flour products, including cookies, contain a large amount of carbohydrates, which turn into energy faster than fats and proteins. Cookies are suitable for a snack when there is no time for a full meal or when you feel hungry between meals. The mood of a nursing mother also depends on nutrition, and sweets enhance the synthesis of the joy hormone - endorphin. Thanks to this, anxiety and stress go away. Cookies also help produce serotonin, which affects the general condition of the body (vital tone), and improves the quality of sleep. So cookies are a healthy and necessary treat for nursing mothers. It is important to choose the most useful varieties.

Which one is possible?

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The main rule: a minimum of additives and fillers! Biscuits are suitable - they contain only natural, safe ingredients, so the baby should not have a reaction. Oatmeal cookies are also allowed during breastfeeding. Among store-bought products, preference should be given to the following types:

  • “Jubilee” cookies;
  • “Maria” cookies (long-lasting, without additives and vanillin);
  • rye;
  • oatmeal;
  • corn;
  • for baby food;
  • without fructose sugar (if the child is not allergic to fructose).

Not all cookies can be eaten during lactation. Dyes, chocolate and other ingredients can cause allergies in a child

It is best to use homemade cookies. Below are some recipes.

The basic rule: when introducing a new product into the diet: you need to monitor the baby’s reaction. If your child has flatulence, problems with bowel movements or allergic rashes, you need to wait.

Which one is not allowed?

Cookies for a nursing mother should not contain:

  • chocolate;
  • various cream fillings;
  • spices (including cinnamon);
  • flavorings;
  • dyes (the most harmful products are red and yellow);
  • all kinds of chemical additives.

You can't eat crackers - they contain a lot of fat and spices. It is important to remember the quantity: even the safest treat can cause reactions in the baby (bloating, colic, constipation) if you eat a lot of it. Excess flour products leads to digestive problems for mother and child.

How to eat cookies?

In the first weeks of breastfeeding, you need to limit the consumption of wheat flour; during this period you can have oatmeal cookies. The first times you should eat it in the morning, and then monitor the child’s reaction throughout the day. If the baby has no unpleasant symptoms, it is allowed to gradually introduce biscuits and shortbread. Even if the baby is not allergic, you should not eat chocolate sweets until 3-6 months.

To make sure your baby doesn’t have an allergic reaction to cookies, you need to eat just one. If there are no symptoms after three hours, you can safely include this product in your diet.

How much flour a mother eats affects the health of the baby. It is advisable to limit yourself to a few things, especially until the baby is one month old. Baking also affects mother’s digestion.

Cookie recipes for nursing mothers

Homemade baking has an absolute advantage. The owner herself controls the composition of the product. Below are recipes for simple and safe baking that are possible while breastfeeding. A woman herself decides which delicacy to prefer; on the Internet and cookbooks you can find a lot of recipes for delicious and healthy sweets.

Oatmeal Cookies Recipe


  • oatmeal - a glass;
  • granulated sugar - to taste (about 3 tablespoons);
  • butter – 120 g (we recommend reading:);
  • eggs – 2 or 3 pieces (we recommend reading:);
  • walnuts (can be replaced with any others except peanuts) - about 3 tablespoons (we recommend reading:);
  • breadcrumbs.

Dry the oatmeal in a dry frying pan for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Oats should not change color! After cooling, the flakes are placed in a dry bag and crushed into flour using a rolling pin. Mix with peeled nuts and grind using a blender or coffee grinder.

There is a large selection of cookies on store shelves. But it will be much healthier if you cook it at home

The yolks are separated from the whites and ground with sugar until white. Softened butter is also introduced there. Mix thoroughly. Whip the whites separately into a strong foam. Mix everything: yolk-butter mixture, whites, flour with nuts. Then the dough is thoroughly mixed, breadcrumbs are added (about 2 teaspoons).

The baking sheet is covered with parchment, on which the formed products are laid out. You can decorate with dried fruits or nuts. Baking time depends on the thickness of the cookies. You need to focus on the golden color.

Biscuits recipe


  • flour – 2.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower, olive) – 60 ml;
  • drinking water – half a glass;
  • sugar – 3 spoons;
  • vanilla optional.

Mix everything except flour in a deep bowl. Then add flour and knead the dough for up to 10 minutes - it should be stiff and not sticky. The dough is rolled out into a thin layer, from which cookies are cut using molds, a glass or a knife. The oven is preheated to 200 degrees. The baking tray is greased with a small amount of vegetable oil or covered with baking paper. The cookies are baked for 5 to 10 minutes. The entire cooking process will take no more than 30 minutes.

From this number of components you will get about 400 grams of the finished product. This option is perfect for nursing mothers; it does not contain harmful additives or fats, and is also low in calories.

Not only mommy can enjoy fresh homemade cookies, but also loved ones

Shortbread recipe


  • flour – 2 cups;
  • sour cream – 0.5 cups;
  • butter – 125 g;
  • sugar – 1 glass;
  • vanilla – 0.5 sachet;
  • soda – 0.5 tsp.

Place sugar or powdered sugar, soda, and vanillin in a bowl with flour. The ingredients are mixed and sour cream and butter are added. Knead the dough into a ball, cover with a napkin and put it in the cold for half an hour, then roll it out to 5 mm thick. Use molds to cut out shapes and prick them with a fork. After brushing with beaten egg, place in the oven for 10-12 minutes.


Breastfeeding women can eat cookies, but should avoid harmful sweets that contain chocolate, spices, dyes, flavors and other additives. Already in the first months after the birth of the baby, it is permissible to eat biscuits, oatmeal, and shortbread cookies. It is better to prepare the delicacy yourself rather than buy it in the store. It is important to know when to stop; if you eat a lot, even a safe product will cause digestive problems in your baby.

All the food that a new mother eats after childbirth passes into breast milk, which means it is passed on to the baby. For this reason, it is very important that mothers watch what they include in their diet, which often means denying themselves many of their favorite foods. This is especially true for sweets. We know from an early age that they are not very healthy, high in calories and can cause allergies. However, should we be afraid of a delicacy that is generally considered healthy? We are talking about oatmeal cookies. Let's try to figure out whether the product actually brings benefits, and whether it can be used while breastfeeding. In addition, we will tell you how you can make oatmeal cookies yourself without using milk and eggs (this delicacy can be eaten already in the first days after the baby is born).

What are the benefits of oatmeal cookies?

Although this sweetness is very popular, it cannot be said that it contains many useful substances, however, this applies to any product that is sold in stores. In addition, the product has a high calorie content - there are approximately 450 kilocalories per 100 grams, but they are all essentially empty. If we talk about vitamins and beneficial elements, then oatmeal cookies contain a small amount of the following substances:

  1. Vitamin A – improves the condition of bones and hair, helps slow down the aging process, and is an antioxidant substance.
  2. Vitamin B is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in the body, the proper functioning of the brain, and is an antioxidant.
  3. Sodium is responsible for water and electrolyte balance, normalizes the amount of acid in the body, and helps muscles recover.
  4. Selenium – supports the immune system, is an antioxidant, and is also a component of many hormones and enzymes.
  5. Magnesium – takes an active part in cell division and metabolism.
However, the true benefit of this sweet lies in the large amount of dietary fiber it contains. Such substances are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate heavy metals from the body, remove excess cholesterol, and help normalize stool. Thanks to them, a person feels full.

Oatmeal cookies take an honorable third place in terms of beneficial properties among other confectionery products, due to the fact that they contain coarse oatmeal. For this reason, they are advised to replace other sweets for expectant mothers, women who are breastfeeding, and also for babies with diathesis.

An additional advantage for women who care about their health, as well as the health of their child, will be that due to the fact that oatmeal cookies are quite popular among manufacturers of products for diabetics, they are the ones that can most often be found in stores in the diabetic nutrition departments. And such cookies will be more beneficial than simple ones, since they contain fructose rather than sugar.

What are the harms of oatmeal cookies?

From the name it may seem that the basis of this delicacy is oatmeal. In fact, it contains much more wheat flour, which is the main source of harm.

Wheat contains gluten - a specific protein, which leads to the fact that even in a woman who does not have health problems, food entering the gastrointestinal tract becomes like a lump of paste. And during the lactation period of a mother who suffers from celiac disease (gluten intolerance), products containing wheat should under no circumstances be consumed. Oatmeal cookies contain a smaller amount of this protein, but they contain avenin, a protein that has similar properties and also causes intestinal damage if the mother suffers from gluten intolerance.

In addition, first grade flour is starch that has been purified from the shell and germ of grains - substances that bring the greatest benefit. For this reason, white flour helps increase glucose levels in the body no less than regular sugar.

In addition, you need to understand the difference between cookies you make yourself and those you buy in a store. The composition of the purchased product almost always includes animal fat, preservatives and other artificial ingredients. From this we can conclude that a woman who is breastfeeding her baby should prepare oatmeal cookies with her own hands. To do this, you need to take coarse flour and quite a bit of granulated sugar (it is advisable to take fructose rather than sugar).

Wheat and oat flour themselves are considered non-allergenic products, but the eggs used to prepare the dough very often cause an allergic reaction, so a nursing woman should be extremely careful if she is going to consume this product. To begin with, you should try a very small amount of treats (just one, maximum two cookies) and observe the baby’s reaction. In addition, it is necessary, there is no need to introduce other new products on this day. If within 24 hours after the mother ate the cookies, the child showed no signs of allergy, a gradual increase in the amount of sweetness is allowed. Of course, you still shouldn’t abuse it.

Store-bought products should be introduced into the diet no earlier than three months after the birth of the child. You can try those prepared yourself (with a small amount of granulated sugar, or without it at all, without eggs) from the very first days.

How to make oatmeal cookies

During lactation, the best solution is to make your own sweets. Only in this case can you be sure that it will not contain components that can cause an allergic reaction. Such products can be included in the diet immediately after childbirth.

They are prepared as follows:

  1. In a frying pan over low heat, fry three cups of rolled oats.
  2. When they turn golden, remove from heat and puree using a blender.
  3. Combine half a glass of sour cream with a small percentage of fat, 150 grams of softened butter, a glass of granulated sugar, and a pinch of salt. Beat with a mixer.
  4. Quench the soda with vinegar and add to the dough.
  5. Add crushed rolled oats and seven tablespoons of flour and mix.
  6. Make small cakes from the dough and place them on a baking sheet, which should first be sprinkled with flour.
  7. Bake for 15 minutes in the oven at 180°C.

In conclusion, it should be said that a nursing mother should refuse purchased products, since they contain many harmful additives, as well as eggs, which can cause an allergic reaction in the newborn.

Video: is it possible to bake while breastfeeding?

And the baby. Some mothers cannot give up baking even for a while. But such products are not always useful. In this article we will look at whether oatmeal cookies can be consumed while breastfeeding.

Is it possible or not?

A nursing mother is also a person who sometimes wants to enjoy something tasty. During lactation, you can eat not very sweet cookies - biscuits, zoological ones. But you get tired of it so quickly and you want to diversify your menu with other pastries. Therefore, the question becomes very relevant: can mom have oatmeal cookies? The answer is yes.

The product in question does not contain allergens, and it does not cause colic in the baby.

It is recommended to introduce this delicacy into the menu slowly, while monitoring the baby. After all, the baby may have individual intolerance to the constituent ingredients. Oatmeal, which is used to make baked goods, is healthy. But all the benefits can only come from homemade cookies.

Preservatives, flavors, and vegetable fats are added to factory products - this can negatively affect the condition of the baby.

Did you know? Oatcakes were invented in the 17th century in Scotland. At that time, oats were a very popular grain crop, and thanks to the Scottish recipe, the crunchy delicacy became famous throughout the world.

Healthful composition of oatmeal cookies

The products in question consist of oatmeal or oatmeal. Such ingredients are not harmful for breastfeeding and do not cause allergies. They are allowed to be consumed every day. Baked cereals are rich in fiber, which has a positive effect on intestinal function. It also prevents the appearance that girls who have recently given birth often face.
Oatmeal contains vitamins A, B, selenium, iron, manganese and other elements. These components are important for restoring the body of a woman who has been depleted by pregnancy. These components also take part in metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. Useful elements enter the blood and then into the mother. Therefore, the baby also benefits from oat products. These cookies are high in carbohydrates, so they are considered an excellent source of energy.

Is there any harm

Let's consider what the consequences may be after eating oatmeal cookies during breastfeeding, and how to introduce a new product into the diet.

Are complications possible?

The baked goods in question, consisting of natural ingredients, certainly bring benefits. Only factory-made oatmeal cookies containing flavor enhancers, E additives, preservatives and other unnatural substances can cause harm.
Store-bought cookies are made from 60% wheat flour, which contains gluten. Some have . This does not happen very often, but infants may have different reactions. Wheat flour also helps increase blood sugar.

Important!Substitutes are sometimes added to factory-made baked goods instead of real eggs and fats - this can cause allergies and other undesirable consequences.

Rules for introducing a new product into the diet

Any baked goods should be introduced into the menu little by little. For the first 30 days after the birth of the baby, mom can eat homemade cookies without milk, eggs and with a very low sugar content. And it is better not to experiment with factory-made products before the fourth month of breastfeeding.
At first, it is recommended to eat one cookie and watch the baby. If within 24 hours there are no signs of allergies or other digestive problems, you are allowed to increase the number of cookies to 5 pcs. per day. If a negative reaction of the baby’s body to this product occurs, its introduction into the diet should be postponed for 2 months.

Criteria for choosing store-bought cookies

If you don’t have the opportunity to bake cookies yourself, but want to eat something sweet, you can buy oatmeal baked goods. But when choosing a product, pay attention to some things:

  1. It is better not to take cookies sprinkled with sugar, as excess sugar can cause allergies in the baby.
  2. It is recommended to look at the expiration date - high-quality cookies have a short shelf life due to the fact that they contain fewer preservatives.
  3. The product must be fresh. Pay attention to its edges to see if they are dry, as well as the color and smell.
  4. Buy baked goods in trusted stores, where you can be provided with documents for the products.
  5. Buy packaged goods, as packaging protects against negative external influences. At the same time, it must be intact.
  6. If cookies are sold in transparent packaging, you should pay attention to the shape of the sweets - a high-quality product has a loose appearance with small cracks. Its color should be light brown.

Did you know? Several centuries ago, oatmeal delicacies were baked over an open fire. The oats were ground, mixed with water and the dough was placed on hot stones in the ovens.

Cooking ourselves: the best recipes for nursing mothers

Oatmeal baked goods are easy and quick to prepare. In addition, cookies prepared at home will not cause harm, since you will buy all the ingredients in them yourself. Let's see what kind of cookies you can use while breastfeeding.

Cooking recipe 1

Cookies prepared according to this recipe do not contain flour or butter, so they are low in calories. This product is not dangerous even for nursing mothers who are overweight.

  • oatmeal - 2 cups;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes) - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tsp;
  • vanilla - at the end of the knife;
  • cinnamon - to taste.
First, beat the eggs and add vanilla. In a second bowl, mix oatmeal, chopped dry fruit, cinnamon and sugar.
Then eggs are poured into the resulting mixture.
The baking tray is covered with baking paper and the dough is laid out on it using a tablespoon.
The oven should be at 200°C for 20 minutes.

Important!Baked goods that contain eggs are not recommended to be included in the menu earlier than 2-3 months of the lactation period, since eggs are a strong allergen.

Cooking recipe 2

The delicacy prepared according to this recipe does not contain eggs, so it can be consumed from the first month of breastfeeding.


  • oat flakes - 20 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • nuts, raisins, candied fruits - to taste.
Pour 100 ml of boiling water into the oatmeal and add sugar. The resulting mixture should be left for a while to allow it to swell. Chopped dry fruits and chopped nuts are added to the oatmeal. The pear is grated and added to the dough. Then add baking powder and mix everything well. The baking tray is covered with baking paper and the dough in the form of cookies is laid out on it. The delicacy is baked at 200°C until it turns golden brown. So, if a nursing mother wants to treat herself to baking, it’s worth remembering that store-bought oatmeal cookies are not very healthy. It’s better to take a little time and prepare the treat yourself - it certainly won’t harm the baby’s health. But at the same time, do not forget about a sense of proportion.

Many women are afraid to add certain foods to the menu when breastfeeding. These fears are not in vain, since new foods often cause an allergic reaction in the baby. In addition, the still fragile body of the newborn may experience colic or indigestion.

Doctors do not recommend consuming flour and sweets in the first months of a child’s life. After 3-5 months, you can gradually introduce cookies into your diet. However, carefully monitor your baby’s reaction and choose certain types of treats.

How to choose cookies

Let's find out which cookies are safe for nursing mothers. Let us immediately note that under no circumstances should you consume foods with additives. Dyes, aromatic seasonings (vanillin and cinnamon), fruit jellies and preservatives will in most cases cause an undesirable reaction. You should also avoid chocolate cookies, as well as products made with margarine (kurabye) and yeast.

When choosing cookies, choose the type that contains from natural ingredients. Avoid substitutes and nutritional supplements. For example, instead of margarine or fat substitute, choose a butter base.

Breastfeeding cookies you can eat

Galette cookies

In production, high-calorie and allergenic products such as butter, eggs and milk are not used. The dough is kneaded with water, so this type is classified as a dietary product. It is unlikely to cause allergies in the baby.

Biscuit cookies include “Yubileinoe” and “Maria”. These are lean products that can be consumed by those on a diet, nursing mothers, and small children. In addition, they have a long shelf life - from six months to three years.

Many mothers choose the “Maria” brand, as they are hypoallergenic and almost non-sweet cookies.

Oat cookies

This is not only tasty, but also healthy product. Oatmeal contains a large amount of fiber. It is a complex carbohydrate that promotes slow, thorough absorption and digestion of food. That's why oatmeal cookies are so satisfying and nutritious.

Oatmeal also contains many vitamins and beneficial elements that remove toxins from the body and stabilize digestion.

Cookies with sesame, flax or sunflower seeds will also be healthy and tasty.

How to eat cookies while breastfeeding

Cookies will be an excellent option for reinforcement and lifting your mood. Complementary feeding should be started with a small dose. Eat a test piece in the morning and then monitor your baby’s well-being for two days. If there is no negative reaction, then you can introduce a new product into the diet.

If your baby develops a rash, redness, or other allergy symptoms after the test dose, delay introducing cookies into the diet for two to three months. During this time, the newborn’s body adapts to new conditions, and you can try again.

Start with Lenten cookies. In this case, “Maria” is perfect. Then add oatmeal. If your baby doesn’t have any problems, you can eat homemade biscuits and gingerbread in small quantities.

Do not overdo it! Excess flour products will lead to problems with stool in the newborn, causing colic and increased formation of gases. It is enough to consume 2-4 pieces per day.

Homemade cookies are the safest product for a nursing mother

You can start with a simple recipe. You will need:

  • Flour – 1 glass;
  • Butter -125 grams;
  • A pinch of sea salt;
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Egg – 1 piece or soda and vinegar.

Mix the ingredients and knead the dough. Roll the dough into a sausage with a diameter of 3-5 centimeters, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then cut the sausage into small pieces and give them any shape. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 150-180 C. If desired, you can sprinkle with seeds or nuts, add dried fruits to the cookies if the baby does not have allergies.

Cook at home, and you will know for sure that the product is free of preservatives and chemicals. But if you buy cookies while breastfeeding in a store, then carefully study the composition and expiration date. Choose products from well-known and trusted manufacturers.

The baby is a charming little one, and there is nothing better for his health than mother’s milk. But women during this period limit themselves in everything. Despite the paucity of the permitted menu, their diet should be rich in vitamins, carbohydrates and foods containing plant fiber. After all, most of them leave the body along with breast milk, and reserves constantly need to be replenished.

New products and lactation

But what about new products, and is it possible to have oatmeal cookies? After all, you often want to treat yourself to something tasty and at the same time not harm your child. And many mothers remember delicious oatmeal cookies from childhood. But is it possible to have oatmeal cookies while breastfeeding? And if so, in what quantity? During this period, the main criteria for introducing a new product into your diet and whether oatmeal cookies can be consumed while breastfeeding are the following aspects: whether it will harm the baby, and how the baby’s tummy will react, and most importantly, whether allergies will appear.

Benefits for nursing mothers

During lactation, all metabolic processes in a woman’s body go much faster, and to replenish strength, oatmeal cookies, rich in carbohydrates, become an indispensable energy source and prevent you from gaining kilograms. Being gradually released in the body, carbohydrates allow a nursing mother to remain full longer, and all of this is inherent in the liver from her.
If we take a closer look at their composition, 100 g of product contains only 6 g of fat, and the calorie content is 440 kilocalories. It is this composition that is ideal in terms of saturating the body with energy and improving mood if you replace breakfast with cookies with a glass of milk or weak tea.

Are oatmeal cookies allowed for breastfeeding women or not?

The answer is unconditional - yes, you can have oatmeal cookies. It is known that it contains no obvious allergens, and it cannot provoke colic in the baby. And this product cannot be called harmful. Therefore, nursing mothers are allowed oatmeal cookies; there is no reason not to indulge in delicious pastries. But, like any new product, it is recommended to start using it with a few pieces a day and monitor your baby. After all, individual intolerance to some of the components included in its composition by a child cannot be ruled out.

Cookies are made from and it is the most useful of all.
However, all the benefits mentioned in the article apply only to cookies prepared with your own hands. Factory-made, which uses preservatives, vegetable fats and spreads, negatively affects the body of a woman and child. After all, it is impossible to know about the quality of the products used to prepare cookies, and it is they that can provoke unexpected reactions in the baby.

We prepare the “yummy” food ourselves

Making cookies at home is easy and doesn't take much time. To make cookies you need:

  • 120 g of butter, it’s good if the creamy product is natural;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • egg;
  • an incomplete glass of flour;
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda;
  • salt on the tip of a knife;
  • a glass of whole oatmeal;
  • a few tablespoons of jam to taste (replace with dried fruit if desired).

Place the flakes in a frying pan and keep on low heat (8-10 minutes), stirring continuously. We make sure that the color of the flakes remains even and does not darken. After cooling, grind the flakes to the consistency of flour with a coffee grinder or using a rolling pin and a bag. You can add a little chopped nut.

Combine the yolk with granulated sugar and beat a little with a fork. We also send the softened butter and all other ingredients there. Beat the egg white separately until it increases in volume and slowly add it to the mixture. Bake in the oven until brown. The time depends on the size of the cookies and their thickness. The recipe is suitable not only for mothers (you can use oatmeal cookies while breastfeeding), but also for babies from 1 year old.

Store-bought cookies: how to choose the right one?

If you don’t have the opportunity or desire to make cookies yourself, but want something tasty, store-bought oatmeal cookies must be chosen with special care and caution when breastfeeding.

  1. Don't take cookies if they are sprinkled with sugar. Its excess can cause the baby's body.
  2. Be sure to choose only a fresh product, remembering the rule: the shorter the shelf life, the higher the quality of the cookies and the minimum of preservatives in them. Staleness will be indicated by dried edges, changes in odor or color.
  3. It is recommended to purchase oatmeal cookies while breastfeeding only in trusted places, where, if desired, you can view all the documents for this product. Buy only in packaging that prevents external influence on the product. It is worth checking its integrity. This is a guarantee that the cookies will retain their freshness and all their beneficial qualities longer.
  4. If the packaging is transparent, consider what shape each cookie has. In a high-quality one, it is loose with small cracks, and the color of the finished product is light brown. Any deviation from the norm will indicate irregularities during production, and it is better to refrain from purchasing such a product.