Benefits of porridge made from sprouted wheat flakes. Wheat flakes: benefits and harms, recipes. Production and composition of wheat flakes

In the process of producing wheat flakes, high quality durum wheat is used. As for the production process itself, it proceeds using a special technology consisting of separate stages. To begin with, the husks and dust are removed from whole wheat grains, then under a special press, and then all the raw materials turn into thin and flattened flakes. The peculiarity of this technological method is that the finished food product will not only retain all its beneficial properties along with the composition of the original raw materials, but also significantly improve its taste. Wheat germ flakes, as a valuable nutritional supplement, will also be useful to humans. They can even be used in the prevention and treatment of both emotional and physical stress. Moreover, wheat germ flakes have a radiotropic effect!

Beneficial properties of wheat flakes:

This food product contains the most valuable and vital components of plant origin for every person. First of all, these are starch, fiber and carbohydrates. This product is also rich in acids such as gliadin, gluten and leukozyp. In addition, these flakes also contain a number of groups of vitamins, as well as microelements. This series includes phosphorus, silicon, calcium. And also potassium, selenium, magnesium, iodine, chromium and others. Vitamin B, which is a well-known antioxidant of natural origin, will provide particular benefit to consistent consumption of such flakes. It is precisely this substance that takes an active part in the process of carbohydrate nutrition of the human body at the cellular level. And this is necessary both for normal digestion and blood circulation. This is also very important for the body’s absorption of various vitamins and for constant hormonal metabolism.

Medicinal properties of wheat flakes:

Including a variety of cereals and dishes based on wheat flakes in your diet will help strengthen the immune system, as well as the protective functions of the human body. This will also contribute to the processes of removing toxins and various harmful substances in the most natural way. Wheat flakes contain a number of invaluable substances that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the circulatory and nervous systems. This food product, thanks to these substances, can slow down the aging process of a living organism, restore human skin, nails and hair, making them healthy, strong and beautiful. Wheat germ flakes will increase the human body's resistance to various infections and performance. Calorie content of one hundred grams of wheat flakes is 335.5 calories.

Contraindications to eating wheat flakes:

Wheat flakes can cause harm only in case of individual intolerance to the main components of wheat grain. In addition, you should not eat this food product if you have gastrointestinal diseases.

Durum wheat is used to produce wheat flakes. Husks and dust are removed from the flakes, then the raw material is converted into thin flakes using a special press. Steam treatment helps preserve the beneficial properties of the product.

What are the benefits of wheat flakes?

Wheat flakes contain substances beneficial to the body: starch, carbohydrates, fiber. The product is rich in such acids as gliadin, gluten, leukosyl. In addition, wheat flakes contain microelements: iodine, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, chromium and others. Vitamin B is involved in cellular nutrition, which is very important for normal digestion. Vitamin B is also a powerful antioxidant.

Dishes based on wheat flakes in the daily menu increase the body’s immune strength, remove toxins, have a positive effect on the circulatory and nervous system, prolong youth, and restore the condition of skin, hair and nails. The grains do not lend themselves to prolonged heat treatment, so the beneficial substances in them are perfectly preserved. The calorie content of the product is 351 kcal per 100 grams.

The flakes have excellent properties:

  • strengthen bone and muscle tissue;
  • help get rid of waste and toxins;
  • remove salts of heavy metals;
  • normalize hormonal levels;
  • enhance intestinal motility;
  • accelerate the elimination of cholesterol;
  • have a general strengthening and tonic effect;
  • have a preventive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Cereals are useful for people watching their weight. With their help you can reduce weight. Nutritionists note that you should eat at least one serving of cereals throughout the day. It is believed that people who regularly eat cereals are less likely to need baked goods and sweets.

Harm of wheat flakes

Wheat flakes are not recommended for consumption by persons intolerant of gluten and other components that make up wheat grains. If you use flakes in your diet for weight loss, you should take them with caution if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Wheat flakes are quite rough food. And this can cause significant harm to people with a history of gastritis and peptic ulcers.

To produce wheat flakes, high-quality durum wheat is used, and the process itself uses a special technology, which consists of several stages. First, dust and husks are removed from whole wheat grains, after which, under a special press, the raw materials are transformed into thin flattened flakes.

The peculiarity of this technological method, which involves steam treatment, is that the finished product not only retains all the beneficial properties and composition of the original raw materials, but also significantly improves its taste.

It is very easy to prepare wheat flakes purchased in a store - they can be boiled like other porridges or steamed. To do this, boil water and pour it over the cereal, cover with a lid and leave for 5 to 10 minutes. A tasty, satisfying, and most importantly healthy meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner is ready.

If desired, you can add dried fruits or pieces of fresh fruits to the finished porridge. Wheat flakes go well with nuts and any berries. Sugar, natural honey or regular jam can help add sweetness to a dish of wheat flakes. You can get an even more appetizing and satisfying meal if you use milk or cream instead of water. This option is especially suitable for young children.

Useful properties and composition

No one doubts that wheat flakes are a healthy product. Especially when you consider that it contains the most valuable and vital components of plant origin for humans. First of all, these are carbohydrates, starch and fiber. The product is also rich in acids such as gluten, gliadin and leukozyp. A number of vitamin groups and microelements, which include calcium, silicon, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, iodine, magnesium, chromium and others, complement, but do not complete the list of benefits.

A particular benefit of regular consumption of wheat flakes is vitamin B, a well-known antioxidant of natural origin. It is this substance that is directly involved in the carbohydrate nutrition of the body at the cellular level. What is necessary for normal blood circulation and digestion, stable hormonal metabolism and the absorption of other vitamins by the body.

Including a variety of dishes and cereals based on wheat flakes in the diet helps strengthen the immune system and protective functions of the body, and eliminate toxins and harmful substances naturally. Wheat flakes contain a number of valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous and circulatory systems, slow down the aging process of a living organism, restore hair, nails and skin, making them strong, healthy and beautiful.

A tasty and healthy porridge made from sprouted wheat grains, now this dish is often on my breakfast table, the recipe is adapted for a slow cooker. For small children, porridge made from wheat flakes according to this recipe can be punched with a blender and strain through a sieve.

Since childhood, you and I have become accustomed to semolina porridge; as you know, semolina is made from wheat. But this porridge has very few beneficial properties when compared with others: buckwheat, oatmeal or rice. It is much healthier to consume all grains in the form of whole grains or flakes. Recently I was lucky enough to buy sprouted wheat, or rather flakes made from it, in the healthy food department, here is a photo of wheat flakes close up, as you can see, they are very similar to oat flakes.

Following the instructions on the package, you can cook milk or healthy dairy-free porridge from sprouted wheat flakes in the traditional way on the stove, boiling them for 3 minutes. To taste, you can add butter, sugar, salt, cheese, fruits or dried fruits to the porridge made from sprouted wheat flakes.

I, an experimenter by nature, tried to cook porridge of sprouted wheat flakes with milk in a slow cooker on a delayed start, having laid down all the ingredients for the dish the evening before (as always, I share a photo report with recipe readers).

Sprouted wheat porridge in a slow cooker

For a recipe for healthy porridge made from sprouted wheat grains you will need:

  • ¾ cup multi wheat flakes,
  • 1 liter of liquid (milk, water or a mixture of water and milk, as you like),
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons,
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Butter or vegetable oil (for lean dairy-free cereal porridge) – 50 g

How to cook porridge from sprouted wheat flakes in a slow cooker

Just like oatmeal, pour wheat flakes into the multicooker bowl, add liquid (for milk porridge on a timer in the evening, I use cold whole milk, boiled in advance).

Add salt and sugar to taste, and use a piece of butter to create an oil rim on the multicooker bowl so that the porridge does not escape. Although the manufacturer declares this mode to be the same as for milk porridge, you don’t know how the cereal or flakes will behave when cooked, it’s better to play it safe.

My milk porridge with sprouted wheat flakes is prepared in a Panasonic multicooker in the “milk porridge” mode using the delayed time function. At approximately 22-23 pm I put the ingredients for the porridge into the multicooker, after selecting the mode using the “timer” button, I indicate the time after which my dish should be ready - 1 hour (the porridge simmers for this hour before breakfast and turns out boiled, like from a Russian oven ).

This is the porridge (pictured) from sprouted wheat flakes with milk according to this recipe that I got for breakfast:

Not very thick, like milk soup, but very tasty!

If you like it thicker, use 1 multi cup of flakes per liter of liquid. When there are not many eaters for breakfast, I prepare it with half a liter of milk, exactly two plates. Wheat porridge in a slow cooker can be prepared with raisins or dried fruits.



Tasty and healthy - this is exactly what they say about wheat flakes, confidently placing them on the pedestal of products that contribute not only to weight loss, but also to health. And all this thanks to a special approach to manufacturing, the process of which allows you to preserve in their composition a maximum of components beneficial to the body. Once you get to know this product better, you will understand that wheat flakes can be an excellent alternative to morning tea with a sandwich.

Production and composition of wheat flakes

The production of wheat flakes is distinguished by the use of a special technology for cleaning durum wheat grains. The purpose of this processing is to preserve the maximum number of useful components in the raw material. The flakes are produced without the use of aggressive heat treatment: the grains entering the conveyor are cleaned of dust and shells, and then flattened under a special press. In this form, the product is ready for use - it can be steamed in boiling water or hot milk, or eaten as muesli, poured with cold kefir.

Thanks to gentle processing, not only the nutritional value is preserved, but also the unique taste of the product, supported by a low glycemic index and relatively low calorie content - 335 calories per 100 grams. With a carbohydrate content of 28 grams, this is a moderate figure acceptable for a diet menu. It is also important to note that these carbohydrates are mostly complex, which means they are beneficial for your figure and health.

Wheat flakes are a rich source of B vitamins. One serving can contain from 15% to 30% of the daily value of these substances necessary for humans. Together with them, the composition includes vitamin E, choline, biotin, vitamin PP (niacin equivalent). Wheat flakes are especially rich in silicon, vanadium and manganese. One serving replenishes the daily requirement of cobalt and copper by 50%. Product components such as boron, molybdenum, selenium, iodine, zinc, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium will help to significantly maintain the mineral balance.

In small quantities, wheat flakes contain vitamin A, chlorine, sodium and dietary fiber, but quite a lot of protein - 16 grams.

The benefits and harms of wheat flakes

Thanks to the rich nutritional composition of wheat flakes, they are a truly valuable product! The high content of B vitamins provides the body with a supply of resources to combat nervous disorders, supporting the activity of the central nervous system. These same vitamins, in combination with magnesium and potassium, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels, preventing their aging. Maintaining a normal blood composition, as well as a favorable environment for the normal distribution of nutrients and oxygen throughout all tissues, allows you to maintain a pleasant, fresh appearance of your face for a long time and fight unpleasant skin rashes.

Regular consumption of wheat flakes can be regarded as preventing the development of a large number of diseases. In particular, we are talking about varicose veins and atherosclerosis. The rich mineral composition of the product supports the health of bone tissue, cartilage and ensures the optimal composition of the interarticular fluid, which determines the painlessness and smoothness of your movements, the ability to play sports, and endure the necessary loads during the day.

Eating wheat flakes supports normal functioning of the liver, stomach and intestines. The small content of dietary fiber in combination with the vitamins present here helps to more actively digest nutritional components and distribute them in the tissues of the body. Coarse fiber cleanses the intestines, creating favorable conditions for the formation and preservation of microflora necessary for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria that support digestive processes.

The low percentage of light carbohydrates ensures a low glycemic index of the product, while at the same time making it a means of lowering blood sugar.

Wheat flakes are good to use during the rehabilitation period, when you need to restore strength and strengthen the immune system. Prepare them in the off-season if you are prone to vitamin deficiency, or include them in your diet during intense physical activity - porridge made from brewed wheat flakes contains all the necessary substances and optimal calorie content to maintain performance and brain activity throughout the day. The energy value of the product is also relevant for cold weather, when you need to quickly warm up and maintain a comfortable state for a long time.

The main advantage of wheat flakes is that they cause virtually no harm. The only contraindication to their use may be individual intolerance and a weak stomach.

Losing weight with wheat flakes

If you want to lose weight and get a toned, slender look, wheat flakes will come in handy. In addition to the rich composition, which benefits your entire body, you can also note a positive effect that is relevant specifically for the correction of excess weight.

1. Fast saturation. To avoid feeling hungry, you will need a small portion of wheat flakes. Thanks to this, the high calorie content of the product is no longer a serious factor in doubt about whether to use it in the diet menu or not. The coarse fibers swell in the stomach and slowly move down the intestines, gradually releasing all the nutritional components of the cereal to the body. This same factor allows you to suppress your appetite for a long time, and at your next meal it will prevent you from eating too much.

2. Can replace desserts. The taste of wheat flakes allows them to be combined with such additions as fresh fruits and berries, honey, kefir and yogurt. These ingredients are used to prepare the most delicious dietary desserts that are good for your figure and good mood. In addition, uncooked flakes can be added to protein shakes, salads, and soups to increase their nutritional value.

3. Promotes “correct” weight loss. Wheat flakes support normal digestive processes, satisfying hunger and not creating stress for the body, which helps you lose weight evenly and regularly throughout the diet. If you replace a serving of wheat flakes, for example, with a serving of corn flakes, you can achieve the opposite effect - due to a lack of nutrients, the body will begin to accumulate fat at an accelerated rate.

4. Wheat flakes can be consumed at any time of the day. For active weight loss, it is better to cook them for breakfast and lunch. In addition, a small portion of flakes can be mixed with steamed raisins or prunes and eaten as a snack, during an afternoon snack, washed down with kefir or green tea.

5. Helps build muscle mass and keep it healthy. During vigorous physical activity, protein is very important, as is a set of nutrients used by the body to repair micro-tears in tissue. Wheat flakes have everything so that your workouts do not harm you, but help shape your body without harm to your health.

6. Wheat flakes can be used as a snack. For example, when watching a movie. Instead of chips or popcorn, pour some cereal into a bowl, add apple and carrot chips, and lightly flavor the whole thing with fructose or cane sugar (a teaspoon, no more).

Zinaida Rublevskaya
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