Conception (Rh factor of blood). The danger of a negative blood type during pregnancy

When we are talking about the characteristics of the blood group, then often people indicate their Rh factor. It is this protein that plays an important role when a woman and a man plan to conceive a child. However, the personality characteristic is based on the blood group, the Rh factor is not able to influence the character or health of a person.

The main thing is that the second group was formed during the period of mankind's transition to agriculture, when a person gradually expanded his horizons, included plant foods in his diet, became more sociable and developed. The change in the habitual way of life led to a modification of the qualitative composition of the blood due to the inclusion of other products in the diet.

2 group (Rh -)

2 blood group with negative Rh is quite common, it cannot be called rare. The second group in terms of frequency of occurrence comes immediately after the first, to which 50% of all people belong. Negative Rh is found only in 15% of the inhabitants of the planet, but this does not prevent people with this feature from maintaining their unique blood code.

Scientists have proven that it took 20 thousand years for a 2 negative blood type to form. The characteristics of women of this blood type are the same as those of men. If we take into account (Rh-), then the second group is potentially capable of leading to the following diseases:

  • kidney failure;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Liver disease;
  • Urolithiasis disease;
  • Allergy;
  • Diseases of the throat, bronchi, nose, ears;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • Diabetes;
  • Anemia;
  • Rheumatism.

This entire list does not mean that these diseases must necessarily develop in a person with group 2 and negative Rh. The risks increase for those people who do not monitor their lifestyle. Nutrition can be called one of the decisive factors that can affect the health of the body.

The development of diabetes

The characteristic of the 2nd negative blood group does not end there, since with such a combination of blood type and Rh factor, the risk of developing malignant blood diseases increases. This does not mean that all people with this type of blood will fall victim to such pathologies, but they are at high risk if they do not monitor their health.

Read also:, the principle of inheritance, interaction with other groups

2 blood group, Rh negative: character traits

A person who has a negative 2 group has a high ability to communicate. It is easy for him to find a common language in a new company, he is an excellent social activist who will quickly get to know each other and become the best friend for both children and adults.

The second negative blood group in women "provokes" the development of pedagogical inclinations in its owner. Often, women with such a group and Rh become good teachers and educators.

The husbands of such women can be envied, because their chosen ones are economic, economical, caring. They try to give warmth to their family and relatives. Such women will never leave their soulmate without a delicious lunch.

Attention! The female sex with (-) the second group is reliable mothers who are always very worried about the condition of their child. Sometimes such excessive nervous overexcitation leads to the development of neurotic disorders, so stress in their lives must be minimized. It is difficult for them to cope alone with seething emotions.

The second negative blood type in men gives them a high degree of judgment and a sense of responsibility. It is easy for such men to climb the career ladder, they are hardworking, but a little selfish.

If such a man receives an insufficient amount of attention, he is easily offended and experiences such an attitude towards his person for a long time. Such a husband is a rare romantic that every woman dreams of. In his character there is both perseverance, and gentleness, and a small amount of suspiciousness, doubts before an important decision or act.

What is the danger of negative Rh for pregnant girls?

There is a golden rule that before the direct conception of a child, you need to check the health of both the future mother and father. 2 negative blood type in a woman during pregnancy becomes an additional risk factor. However, it happens that a woman finds out her Rh-negative factor only after becoming pregnant.

Blood test in a pregnant woman

Ignorance of the mother about the Rh factor of the blood, her own and the father of the child can lead to the death of the latter in the womb. This happens if the mother's Rh does not match the Rh of the fetus. The mother's organism simply begins to reject it, as it considers it a foreign body. The body produces antibodies that trigger this destructive process.

Important! This situation can occur if the mother has (-) Rh, and the child has (+). In the opposite situation, conflict does not arise due to the fact that the child does not have an antigen for which antibodies would be produced. When two parents have equally positive or equally negative blood types, there will also be no Rh conflict.

The group with (+) Rhesus can be passed on to the child from the father, which is very bad if the mother has negative blood. It is necessary to follow this even at the stage of preparation for pregnancy. If such a conflict is possible, you need to seek help from doctors. If this is not done, then an early miscarriage, abortion, and the development of a hemolytic disease in a child are possible.

To avoid Rh conflict, the mother needs to take special blood tests that can detect antibodies in her blood. In order to prevent such a protective reaction of the body in time, at the 28th week of pregnancy, a woman is given an injection of immunoglobulin, which will help block the development of antibodies.

Parental blood compatibility is one of the important aspects of pre-pregnancy health checks. You should not reduce the importance of such an analysis, because not only the health of the mother, but also the life of the unborn child depends on it.

What are the best foods to eat?

The second blood group and negative Rhesus were the result of the transition of people to food mainly food of plant origin. The digestive system of such people is easier to process plant foods than animal foods. It's all the fault of the history of the development of this group.

Diet by group

People at the dawn of their formation, after prolonged consumption of one meat, began to include more agricultural products in their diet. Therefore, meat began to enter the diet in smaller quantities, which led to a change in digestion.

Group 2 (Rh-) was formed just at this stage, so modern people should take this into account.

  • Dairy and sour-milk products;
  • All kinds of vegetables and fruits;
  • Cereals;
  • beans;
  • Various types of cereals;
  • Dietary poultry meat;
  • Low-fat varieties of fish;
  • Juices;
  • Green tea.

A diet based on such foods can improve health, as they will ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system. People with group 2 (Rh-) should remember that excessive consumption of red meat, fatty and heavy foods will provoke the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels.

During pregnancy, the 2nd negative blood type in women implies nutrition, which is based on dairy and sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits. Simple combinations of plant foods will help a woman to more easily endure the pregnancy period, but you should not completely exclude meat either.

Negatively on the health of people with a negative second blood group is the use of:

  1. Pork;
  2. Sahara;
  3. Bakery products;
  4. black tea;
  5. Fatty dairy products.

A diet high in flour, sugar, and fat is bad for everyone, so these foods should be minimized in your daily menu.

To whom and what kind of blood can be transfused?

2 negative blood group has its own peculiarity at the time of blood transfusion from one person to another. This blood type with a negative Rh can only be transfused to the same owner. That is, the second (Rh-) is transfused only to a person with the second (Rh -) and fourth (Rh-) groups. For everyone else, this type of blood is not suitable.

Why know your group?

Every person on Earth needs to know the indicators of his blood. The blood group and the Rh factor are the two features of the body that in some cases our lives and the lives of people in need of help, for example, after bleeding, depend on.

At a minimum, there are three moments when life depends on knowing the type of blood:

  • In the event of an emergency blood transfusion;
  • For donation;
  • In preparation for pregnancy.

Parent Compatibility

Before getting pregnant, a girl and a guy should check their compatibility, because this will help determine the prognosis of a future pregnancy in time. The properties of blood are not able to change during life, they remain forever.

It is appropriate to determine the group and Rhesus immediately after the birth of the child. The result can be indicated in a medical book or passport, which is especially important for people who have problems with the psyche or memory. Not everyone knows whether the proposed donor material is suitable or not, therefore, before transfusion, doctors are required to conduct an analysis for the group and Rh.

Blood is the main carrier of information about the human body. To date, there are 4 groups and 2 types of this substance. Each blood group has its own characteristics. In addition, it is this component that helps to lay in a person some character traits and preferences. Today we have to understand what a 2 positive blood type is. Characteristics, compatibility and nutritional features are the topics that will be covered next. All the information presented to your attention may pleasantly surprise you. Few people even think about how a person's blood affects his life.

Total information

Blood is the most informative unit of the human body. Her group is a genetic trait that does not change throughout life. Regardless of the circumstances, the blood always remains the same. It is laid in a person in the womb, and then accompanies a citizen all his life.

Today, in science, as already mentioned, 4 blood groups are distinguished: the first, second, third and fourth. The 2nd blood group, according to statistics, is the most common. About 1/3 of the entire population of the Earth are its owners. This blood is often called the blood of the landowners. This group is considered the oldest, it existed even before the mixing of human races.

As already mentioned, there are 2 types of blood - positive or negative. The most common option is the first one. 2 positive blood group, the characteristics of which will be presented below, is available in a larger number of the population around the world.

It is noted that this type of blood appeared only after the 1st. Some suggest that this is due to the development of mankind. Primitive people were able to eat carbohydrates. They began to engage in gathering and farming. In the course of this, the 2nd blood group was formed.

If you briefly describe people with such "substance", you can see that they are sociable and flexible. In addition, they tend to idealize the world. People with the 2nd blood group are excellent organizers.

About genetics

Now a little about the genetic properties of the studied information unit of the human body. The second blood group is designated as A (II). This is the interpretation proposed in the AB0 system. The only thing that distinguishes this blood type is the presence of A-antigens of erythrocytes.

In order for the properties of an information unit to be inherited by a child, one of the parents must have a similar antigen. Accordingly, the 2nd positive blood group, the characteristics of which are given below (and the negative one too) can be combined with other blood. There are 3 different combinations in total.

It is necessary to understand the genetic characteristics even at the stage of planning a child. The thing is that often problems with conception occur due to the characteristics of the blood of the parents. In addition, complicated pregnancy and health problems in a child can also be associated with blood. Especially with the Rh factor.

If the parents of the baby have the same antigens, then the child will definitely inherit them. IN otherwise the strongest component will "win". It can be either from the mother or from the father.

Blood type of parents and children

In order to correctly answer this question, it is necessary to study genetics thoroughly. But for ordinary people, scientists have come up with a variety of calculators and compatibility tables.

If the parents have a 2+ blood type, it is likely that the child will also have an A (II). But the Rh factor can be negative. In addition, it is possible that the baby will have the 1st blood group. This is normal, although very rare. It occurs in approximately 6% of cases.

To be able to give birth to a baby with the 2nd blood group, the following combinations of this substance must be present in the parents:

  • 2nd and 4th;
  • second or fourth + 1st (without antigen);
  • fourth or second + 3rd.

Parents with the 1st and 3rd blood groups will never have a child with the 2nd. All this is due to the absence of antigens. Such a combination is the reason for a medical examination. The thing is that if the mother and father have the 1st and 3rd blood groups, they cannot be the parents of a baby with the 2nd group.

Blood compatibility in transfusion

But this is not all interesting and important facts. 2 positive blood group, the characteristics of which will be fully studied further, has its own characteristics of compatibility during transfusion. It is at this point that the Rh factor must be taken into account. Any blood transfusion center specifies the donor's blood group before starting the process. Otherwise, you can lose the patient.

The 2nd positive blood group does not have too extensive compatibility. This means that not everyone can transfuse it. Such people can act as donors for patients with the 2nd or 4th positive blood groups. As a recipient, citizens with group 2+ can receive the 1st and 2nd blood groups. In this case, the Rh factor can be any - both positive and negative.

With the rest of the blood, A + does not combine in any way. As already mentioned, this blood type has very limited compatibility. This fact should be taken into account by all medical workers.

Blood and character

2 positive blood type, the characteristics of which are presented to our attention, endows its carriers with certain character traits. Some believe that it is blood that influences human behavior.

People with the 2nd positive blood type have a decent attitude towards relatives, friends and relatives, a tendency to group work, sympathy and care for those who are dear.

Such people are great leaders. Only in fact they usually give priority to others. People with A+ dream of recognition and leadership, but they carefully hide it. Such behavior often leads to internal feelings and stress.

On choosing a profession

And what is the best job for carriers of the 2nd positive blood group? To do this, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of a person's character. Nature has come up with many professions for such people.

All the features listed above should not be overlooked. People with blood type 2 (positive) are excellent teachers, doctors, social workers. They work wonderfully with personnel, they can help in election campaigns. It is in these areas that it is recommended to choose a profession for such citizens.

health risks

But this is not all interesting and important facts. Compatibility of 1 and 2 blood groups (positive) is now clear. Moreover, it is now clear what character traits the carriers of this informational genetic unit are endowed with. An extremely important point is the state of health of a person with A +.

Some believe that blood type has a serious impact on the human body. In addition to character traits, people acquire certain vulnerabilities. For example, such citizens have the following features:

  • low immunity that occurs with infections, stress, malnutrition or physical exertion;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • impaired absorption of proteins and fats;
  • decreased acidity of the stomach.

Accordingly, the 2 positive blood type, the compatibility of which we already know, gives a person the following vulnerabilities:

  • diseases of cardio-vascular system;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased susceptibility to foodborne infections;
  • predisposition to gastritis, pancreatitis;
  • risk of developing malignant tumors.

Perhaps these are all the features of health that you need to remember. What else is important to know about people with the 2nd positive blood group?

About nutrition

For example, it is recommended to pay special attention to nutrition. It in the studied category of persons implies a sparing regimen. How should nutrition be organized by blood type? 2 positive (a table of allowed products will be presented later) blood is not only a tendency to leadership, but also an organization for the prevention of obesity.

Accordingly, you need to eat right. It is noted that many people with A+ tend to be vegetarian. Their main diet is vegetables and fruits. Vegetable oils are also beneficial. For example, linseed or olive. Cereals allowed for consumption are buckwheat, rice, millet, barley. Beans and lentils should not be forgotten either. Cereals for people with A+ are a great menu item.

Among vegetables and fruits, it is necessary to give preference to those that increase the formation of gastric juice. For example: cherries, oranges, apples, pineapples, beets, carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers. Spices are not recommended. You can leave only mustard.

Seafood and delicacies can be consumed, but in limited quantities. Garlic, ginger, soy sauce and drinks with malt are also not recommended. Despite this, they are not prohibited. Soy substitutes are allowed to be used without restrictions.

Results and conclusions

Now it is clear what constitutes Rh positive blood in the second group. In addition, from now on it is clear what character traits people possess - carriers of this informational genetic unit. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the 2nd positive blood type makes a person with leadership qualities, empathy, a tendency to stress and reduced immunity. Nutrition for such people should be balanced.

Any blood transfusion center will tell you that there may be problems with the transfusion. After all, the 2nd positive blood does not fit well with the rest of the genetic information units. This must be remembered by all people.

There are four blood groups and the Rh factor, which can be positive or negative. Hematologists use much more complex terms and definitions. But for an ordinary person who cares about his health, it is quite enough to know the characteristics of his type - for example, blood type 2 is negative - in order to quickly perform a blood transfusion procedure if necessary, and in the future to protect his unborn child.

Characteristic 2 negative group

It is unlikely that a person is interested in whether his blood is rare or not, exactly until the moment when he urgently needs to donate or transfuse it. As for the second group, it is not rare: only the first is more common than it. More rare are cases when a negative Rh blood joins a set of antigens. It is determined by a specific protein, more precisely, the protein coat of red blood cells, its presence or absence. If there is no such antigen on the surface of red blood cells, the blood is assigned Rh negative.

Important! You need to know how the group and Rhesus are spelled, with special marks - they can be seen, for example, on military chevrons. 0 - first, A - second, B - third, AB - fourth. Designations in brackets are duplicated by Roman numerals. Rhesus is denoted as Rh with a mark + or -.

Each such community is characterized by a set of certain elements, their combination determines a person's belonging to a group, nothing more. It cannot be said that this or that type is good or bad.

A brief description of a person with the second blood group Rh-negative: sociable extrovert, optimist, more often sanguine, sometimes choleric. In men with such a set, reason dominates emotions, and hard work and dedication allow you to make a career in the service. A woman's home and family come first. These ladies do not tolerate loneliness, love praise and are ready for anything for their children.

But do not say that a person is characterized only by his blood group with the Rh factor. This biological feature can, to one degree or another, affect physiological moments, hence the predisposition to certain diseases, behavioral characteristics - after all, the nervous system is also part of the human body. Therefore, such a behavioral characteristic can be considered as one of the many options that define a person. But the appointment of a diet solely on the basis of blood type, from the point of view of doctors, does not inspire much confidence.

Important! Accurate data and scientific definitions are important to physicians. Other factors in examinations and medical appointments are approximately the same as the patient's belonging to one or another sign of the Zodiac or the year of birth according to the Eastern calendar.

Compatibility table

This table indicates the compatibility of different blood types, taking into account positive or negative Rh.

I, Rh+I, Rh-II, Rh+II, Rh-III, Rh+III, Rh-IV, Rh+IV, Rh-
First Rh positive+ +
First Rh negative +
Second Rh positive+ + + +
Second Rh negative + +
Third Rh positive+ + + +
Third Rh negative + +
Fourth Rh positive+ + + + + + + +
Fourth Rh-negative + + + +

During blood transfusion

Modern medicine, when transfusing, considers only the option of absolute matching of the donor and the recipient (the one to whom the blood is transfused). The previously existing idea of ​​the universality of the donor (I) and the recipient (IV) collapsed as knowledge about the characteristics of the human body and all its tissues deepened. At the moment, the Rh-negative second can only be transfused to the same recipient, as well as the fourth group with a negative Rh (in case of emergency).

When planning a pregnancy

Pregnancy needs to be planned to the smallest detail in order to minimize all risks not only for the expectant mother, but also for the fetus. Modern schemes for prenatal monitoring of pregnant women necessarily include all kinds of tests, so pregnant women know both their group and Rhesus. Previously, incomplete knowledge led to Rhesus conflict. The essence of this phenomenon is that the woman's body perceives the fetus as a foreign protein body and turns on a protective reaction, producing antibodies.

Why is this situation dangerous? Maternal negative blood in an Rh-positive fetus leads to:

  • spontaneous abortions (miscarriages);
  • hemolytic disease of the child;
  • intrauterine fetal death.

With a difference in Rh, a pregnant woman is given injections that block the production of antibodies, which allows her to give birth to a normal full-term baby. This procedure is carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Important! Compatibility with a man in hematological terms in this case does not affect the unborn child. Reason: if at least one of the parents has a second or third blood group, the baby can have anything. Knowledge of Rhesus is not always useful either. What does it mean: Rhesus can be transmitted through several generations, if mom and dad are positive, the baby’s blood test will show a negative result.

If the child has Rh-negative blood, and the mother of the second group is positive, there will be no conflict. This will not occur even when both parents have the same Rh, regardless of other indicators.


  • cereals and cereals;
  • fruits, vegetables, berries;
  • milk and dairy products.

Animal proteins are poultry and fish. You can also cook rabbit dishes. Fatty poultry (goose, duck) is not recommended, as well as pork with beef. Naturopaths generally argue that a diet with a Rh-negative second group should exclude any red meat, liver and all other offal, sausages, ham, etc. The main enemies of health are sweet and fatty foods (including dairy products with high fat content), as well as pasta, flour, pastries and bread. Green tea is considered healthy, but it is better to refrain from black tea. Freshly squeezed juices are useful from drinking.

In general, these recommendations are very conditional, and a person's diet should be determined by his age, occupation and physical activity. In case of diseases, a therapeutic diet is prescribed by a doctor and does not depend on blood type and Rh, but on a specific disease.

Pregnant women need to take care, first of all, about the health of their child and eat well, forgetting for nine months about all diets, except for those that can be prescribed by an observant doctor.

From the school biology course, we all remember that blood, which, by the way, makes up from six to eight percent of a person’s body weight, is a unique fluid that transports oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and cells of the body and even protects us from diseases and other misfortunes.

What is blood

From the point of view of chemistry, blood is a colloidal solution consisting of water, organic (proteins, sugars, lipids, hormones and other complex compounds) and inorganic (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine, etc.) substances. The formed elements include erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. In addition, it contains specific substances - antibodies and antigens, according to the type of which blood groups are distinguished. To date, scientists distinguish over 10 different classifications into groups. The most popular for more than 120 years is the AB0 system proposed by K. Landsteiner.

How to determine the blood type

Absolutely everyone needs to know their blood type. This information can save the life of oneself or another (for example, in case of an accident and the need for an urgent transfusion), save a pregnancy (in case of Rhesus conflict) and in many other situations. It is almost impossible to determine it at home by means of modern medicine. To do this, you should contact a special laboratory, where you will be asked to take a finger test. In addition, the group can be calculated by knowing this information about their parents using genetic methods, but this will not give a 100% accuracy guarantee.

Origin of blood groups

According to the theory of L. Hirstsfeld, the appearance of blood groups in humans was the result of a long and complex process of evolution. So, according to scientists, all the most ancient people had the first group. The rest appeared from it by mutations much later.

According to the same scientists, a number of properties are also attached to the blood type, such as immunity, features of the digestive tract and even the nervous system and mental processes that determine certain character traits. So, the first blood type appeared at a time when all of humanity was represented exclusively by hunters: their stomach and intestines are ideally suited for eating and digesting meat food, which means that people with the first group have increased acidity and, as a result, a tendency to gastritis and peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, such people are active, characterized by endurance, energy, stress resistance, determination, optimism and purposefulness.

Somewhat later, in the process of social evolution and anthropogenesis, a second blood group appeared. In time, this process coincided with the human migration to the Eurasian continent, where, by the way, people with the 2nd group still prevail to this day. These are farmers, calm and balanced, assiduous and hardworking, restrained, but by no means cold, sociable and loyal. They perfectly play "team" games and join any team. The second blood type of your chosen one is an excellent reason for joy, because these people, as a rule, are excellent family men, regardless of gender.

About 10 thousand years ago, nomads appeared - with the third blood group - open, optimistic, active, prone to change and restless, fickle.

And just a thousand years ago, carriers of the fourth group entered the modern arena - soft, sensitive, extravagant, but at the same time insecure, slow and indecisive. Whether Jesus Christ had a fourth group or is it just a myth is unknown, but definitely, this is exactly the image that describes people with such blood.


A blood group is physically only a set of antibodies and antigens, the presence and type of which are encoded by a certain set of genes. And this means that this trait is inherited from parents to children. But it is a mistake to believe that the second blood type in parents unequivocally suggests a similar sign in their children. Although it is worth noting that in most cases this is the case, but if in this situation you have a child with 1 blood type, this is not a reason to accuse your partner of infidelity! Let's look at the reasons and remember the school course of genetics. The table below shows the correspondence between blood types and the genes encoding them.

Blood type

Let's make a crossbreeding scheme for two partners with the second blood group:

R: ♂ I A I A × ♀ I A I A.

G: I A ; I A .

F: I A I A - 100% of offspring have 2 blood group.

Option 2:

R: ♂ I A i × ♀ I A i.

G: I A ; i; I A ; i.

F: I A I A , I A i; ii - 66% of offspring have 2 blood group, 33% - 1 blood group.

3 option:

R: ♂ I A I A × ♀ I A i.

F: I A I A , I A i - 100% of the offspring have the 2nd blood group.

Thus, we see that the probability of having a child with 1 blood type in parents with a second one is, although it is small.

Compatibility of the second blood type

From the point of view of biology, genetics and medicine, the compatibility of people by blood type is a concept that is fundamentally wrong and meaningless, since there are no objective contraindications. However, there are a number of indirect criteria where blood type matters. After all, psychological and sexual compatibility mean no less, and sometimes even more than physiological.

The first and second blood groups are generally quite a successful couple, but the sexual intimacy of partners occupies a leading place in such relationships. Quite frequent conflicts are possible outside the bed, which, however, will benefit the “second” partner in terms of his personal development.

A man and a woman with 2 blood groups make up a truly ideal couple, where complete mutual understanding and stability reign. This may seem boring to some, but not to the representatives of this group, because they are extremely conservative.

The second and third blood groups have quite a few points of contact. But both partners have sufficient prudence and perseverance to maintain and develop relationships. Such a couple will be based on both the sexual aspect and the natural practicality of both partners.

Worst of all things are in a pair: the second blood group plus the fourth. There will be a minimum level of sexual compatibility and constant interpersonal conflicts. Even if such relationships cannot be called particularly successful, they will certainly become bright and memorable for both.

Second blood type: Rh factor

In addition to antibodies and antigens, which were repeatedly mentioned above, in the blood of most people (up to 85%) there is also an antigen located on the surface of red blood cells - erythrocytes. The wording "second positive blood group" means a person who has group 2 according to the AB0 system, on whose erythrocytes a specific antigen is located. Despite the fact that the Rh factor in the context of blood groups is of no fundamental importance, we all remember such a concept as the Rh conflict that occurs when absolutely any blood groups are mixed, having a different Rh. But is the Rhesus conflict as terrible as we used to think about it? Consider two diametrically opposed situations.

If the mother has a second positive blood group, and the father has a second negative one, then in the end there is no question of any Rh conflict. Such a pregnancy, with other positive aspects, always ends with the birth of a healthy baby, regardless of whose Rh he inherited.

Rhesus conflict

If the mother has a second negative blood group, and the father has a positive one, then this is where the Rh conflict occurs. But still not 100% of the time. This is due to the fact that the body of a mother who does not have Rh antigens will perceive the antigens of the fetus as foreign, which should be destroyed. As a result, there is a high probability of spontaneous abortion in the early stages of pregnancy or the birth of a child with neonatal jaundice (liver damage of varying severity). Moreover, with subsequent pregnancies, the likelihood of a sad outcome is becoming higher.

However, the second negative blood type is not a reason to be upset! After all, medicine today does not stand still. Passive immunization of the mother with special anti-D antibodies in early pregnancy will help prevent the occurrence of Rh conflict and give birth to a healthy child from a loved one, without looking back at blood types.

The blood type can not only tell you about the secrets of the origin of your family or character traits, the right choice of a partner, but also significantly help in a number of everyday issues.

  • So, given that the second blood group was inherent in farmers, specialists developed a special diet for blood groups. So, having group 2, you should eat food of plant origin, with the exception of wheat and beans. Meat and dairy products will contribute to the appearance of excess weight. But soy, vegetables and fruits, on the contrary, will help you lose weight. Coffee, strong black tea and orange juice should be avoided.
  • When choosing the type of physical activity for people with blood group 2, you should pay attention to yoga, Pilates, callanetics, athletics, skiing sports.
  • When choosing a profession, pay attention to legal, accounting and financial, medical, pedagogical, possibly culinary, specialties. But leadership positions are best avoided. You are more of an excellent performer than a boss.
  • With regard to health, be especially attentive to the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, kidneys and teeth.
  • Try to avoid alcohol and excesses in food.

Celebrities by Blood

Despite the natural shyness, lack of initiative and the desire to remain in the shadows, a number of eminent persons have a second blood group. These include B. Spears, G. Paltrow, R. Starr, R. Williams and many other equally bright and worthy personalities.

What do the scientists say?

Official science does not want to either confirm or refute the entire array of statistical data that mankind has accumulated on the relationship of blood groups with almost all spheres of human life. The most active position is taken by Asian scientists, in particular the Japanese, who have written a lot of articles on the topic of research on the influence of blood group on the character, state of health, personal life and professional qualities of a person.

Despite the fact that the physiology of blood groups was discovered by scientists more than 100 years ago, more and more new facts related to the composition of this biological fluid are still emerging in the scientific community. So, they will tell us how to eat right, where it is better to work, with whom to be friends, and whom to avoid, and sometimes even fate is predicted! This is especially true for Asian countries, where not only a life partner and friends are chosen by blood type, but even employees when applying for a job. It is still difficult to say unequivocally whether this is justified or closer to prejudices, since too little statistically reliable material has been collected by scientists on these facts. However, what the hell is not joking! It won't hurt to listen!

Rh factor (Rh factor) is a blood protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If this protein is present, then this means that the person has a positive Rh factor, but if it is not, then it is negative. Rh factor is determined by antigen. There are five main antigens, but the D antigen indicates Rh. 85% of the world's population have positive Rh factors. How to determine your Rh factor? It is enough just to donate blood from a vein once. This indicator does not change throughout life. In the embryo, Rh-affiliation is formed already in the first trimester of pregnancy. Determining this indicator is very important for a future mother, since in the case of an Rh-negative mother and a Rh-positive child, various pregnancy complications are possible. In this case, it will be especially important to follow the doctor's instructions, to avoid infectious and colds, as well as stress. Also on different sites there are so-called calculators that determine the Rh factor of the unborn child.

It must be remembered that blood is taken on an empty stomach. An express test for Rh affiliation can be taken at any independent laboratory where blood is taken (for example, Invitro). The price depends on the price list of the clinic itself. You can find out about the cost of the analysis immediately before delivery. You can also donate blood and find out your Rhesus for free if you become a donor. To do this, you need to fill out a form to register yourself as a blood donor in the appropriate institution.

Also, the Rh factor plays a big role in blood transfusion. Two people are involved in a transfusion: the recipient (the one who receives blood) and the donor (the one who donates blood). If the blood is incompatible, the recipient may experience complications after the transfusion.

The most common myth among couples is that the blood type (like the Rh factor) is inherited from a man. In fact, the inheritance of the Rh factor by a child is a rather complex and unpredictable process, and it cannot change during life. But it is worth remembering that in rare cases (about 1% of Europeans) a special type of Rh factor is determined - weakly positive. In this case, Rh is determined either positive or negative. This is where questions arise on the forums “why did my Rh minus change to plus?”, And also legends appear that this indicator may change. The sensitivity of the test method plays an important role here.

No less popular request on the network is "blood type horoscope". For example, in Japan, decoding by blood type is given great attention. Believe it or not - you decide.

In the world there is such a thing as a medical tattoo, photos of which can be easily found on the net. What do such tattoos mean and what are they for? Its designation is quite pragmatic - in case of a serious injury, when an urgent blood transfusion or operation is required, and the victim is not able to give the doctor data on his blood type and Rh. Moreover, such tattoos (a simple application of the blood type and Rh factor) should be in places accessible to the doctor - shoulders, chest, arms.

Rh factor and pregnancy

Rh factor compatibility during pregnancy- one of the tests that are carried out in the antenatal clinic. When a woman becomes registered with a gynecologist, she will need to donate blood to determine the group and Rh factor. It can significantly affect the course of the next nine months. If the baby inherits a positive father's Rh, and the mother's is negative, then the protein in the child's blood is unfamiliar to the mother's body. The mother's body "considers" the baby's blood as a foreign substance and begins to produce antibodies, attacking the baby's blood cells. With a conflict of Rh during pregnancy, the fetus may experience anemia, jaundice, reticulocytosis, erythroblastosis, fetal hydrops and edematous syndrome of newborns (in the last two cases, the probability of death of the child is high).

Blood type and Rh factor: compatibility

The cause of incompatibility can be not only the Rh blood, but also the group.

What are the blood types? They are distinguished by the presence of specific proteins.

Four groups:

  • the first (most common) - O - there are no specific proteins in it;
  • the second - A - contains protein A;
  • the third - B - contains protein B;
  • the fourth (the rarest of all) - AB - contains both type A protein and type B protein.


  • on the protein of the second group (A);
  • on the protein of the third group (B);

Second(Rh negative) in a mother can provoke a conflict:

  • on the protein of the third group (B);
  • on the protein of the fourth group (B);
  • for the Rh protein (positive).

Third(Rh factor negative) in a mother can provoke a conflict:

  • on the protein of the second group (A);
  • on the protein of the fourth group (A);
  • for the Rh protein (positive).

Fourth does not conflict with any other group.
The only case when an immune reaction is possible: if the mother has the fourth group and is Rh negative, and the father is positive.

Table 1. Statistics

Blood types


Possible blood type of the child (probability, %)

Blood type and Rh - pregnancy without complications

The conflict does not arise if the spouses have Rh compatibility. In this case, the child has Rh compatibility with the mother's body: during pregnancy, the mother's body does not perceive the fetus as a foreign body.

Rh positive during pregnancy

If you are Rh positive, then a negative Rh husband will not affect the course of pregnancy. In the case when the child inherits the Rh factor is negative, there is no protein “unfamiliar” to the mother’s immune system in his blood, and a conflict will not arise.

  • Rh-positive mother + Rh-positive father = Rh-positive fetus
    The child has inherited the positive Rh factor of the parents, and the pregnancy will pass without complications.
  • Rh positive mother + Rh positive father = Rh negative fetus
    Even if the parent's Rh factor is positive, the baby can get negative. In this case, you can still talk about the compatibility of Rh factors during pregnancy: the mother's body is "familiar" with all the proteins in the child's blood.
  • Rh-positive mother + Rh-negative father = Rh-positive fetus
    It is positive for the mother and the fetus, during pregnancy there is no conflict.
  • Rh positive mother + Rh negative father = Rh negative fetus
    Although the mother and fetus have a different blood Rh factor (the mother and child have positive and negative, respectively), there is no conflict.

As already mentioned, blood Rh is a protein. And since this protein is already present in the mother's body, the blood of the fetus does not contain components that are unfamiliar to the mother's immune system.

Rh factor negative during pregnancy

Negative Rh during pregnancy is not always a sentence for the baby. The main thing is that it should be the same for both the baby and the mother.

  • Rh negative mother + Rh negative father = Rh negative fetus
    The baby inherited the Rh factor of the parents. And since both the mother and the fetus have no protein (rhesus) in the blood and their blood is similar, then there is no conflict.
  • Rh negative mother + Rh positive father = Rh negative fetus
    This is one of the cases when the Rh factor is very important: the compatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus affects the next nine months of intrauterine life. Although the woman is Rh negative during pregnancy, it is good that the fetus is also Rh negative. There is no Rh in the mother's blood, nor in the blood of the fetus.

When does an Rh-conflict pregnancy occur?

Rh negative mother + Rh positive father = Rh positive fetus
Please note: whatever the mother's group, a negative Rh during pregnancy becomes a cause of conflict. In this case, the fetus inherits it from the father and brings the "new protein" into the body of the Rh-negative mother. Her blood "does not recognize" this substance: there is no such protein in the body. Accordingly, the body begins to defend itself and produce antibodies. They cross the placenta into the baby's blood and attack his red blood cells. The fetus tries to defend itself: the spleen and liver begin to work hard, while they increase significantly in size. If a child has few red blood cells, he develops anemia, or anemia.

What causes Rh conflict during pregnancy?

Rh-negative women should monitor their body very carefully and listen to its signals.
This attitude will help prevent:

  • dropsy (fetal edema);
  • anemia
  • miscarriage;
  • violations of the brain, speech or hearing of the child.

To protect the baby from these consequences, women with a negative Rh during pregnancy should take all the tests that the doctor prescribes on time.

What to do if you have an Rh-conflict pregnancy?

If your chosen one and you have Rh factors positive and negative, respectively, this must be taken into account when planning a pregnancy. Often, the Rh conflict does not appear during the first pregnancy, although the parents have a different Rh factor. Whatever the blood type of the future mother (Rh negative) during pregnancy, during the second birth, the likelihood of a conflict is very high, since her blood most likely already has antibodies.

Rh negative during pregnancy

There is a vaccine - anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, which prevents Rh conflict during pregnancy. It binds the antibodies that the mother's body produces and brings them out. Vaccination can be done during pregnancy.

If you have a negative Rh, and your husband is positive, this is not a reason to refuse motherhood. Within 40 weeks, you will have to repeatedly donate blood from a vein:

  • up to 32 weeks - once a month;
  • from the 32nd to the 35th week - 2 times a month;
  • from the 35th to the 40th week - once a week.

If Rh antibodies appear in your blood, the doctor can detect the onset of the Rh conflict in time. In a conflict pregnancy, immediately after childbirth, a newborn is given a blood transfusion: the group, Rh factor should be the same as that of the mother. This is especially important in the first 36 hours of a baby's life - mother's antibodies that enter the child's body are neutralized by "meeting" familiar blood.

When can immunoglobulin prophylaxis be carried out?

To prevent conflict in subsequent pregnancies, Rh-negative women should be prophylactic. This is done after:

  • childbirth (within three days);
  • abortion;
  • analysis of amniotic fluid;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • transfusions.

Remember: if your group and Rhesus are different with your baby, this is not an indicator that there will definitely be problems. Group and Rhesus are just the presence or absence of specific proteins in the blood. The reaction of the body and the development of pathologies in our time can be successfully controlled with the help of drugs. Your attention to your body, as well as an experienced doctor, will help you bear a healthy baby.

How do the chances of conception depend on the blood type?

Quite a lot is already known about the influence of blood groups, for example, on the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease, oncological diseases, blood clots, etc. However, virtually nothing was known about the effect on fertility. And finally, thanks to the efforts of Turkish doctors, a study appeared in this area.

A study published last week says that men with type 0 are four times less likely to develop impotence compared to guys with other blood types. Specialists from Ordu University in Turkey noted that blood type is as important a risk factor as smoking, being overweight, and high blood pressure. The reason is not clear, but scientists have said that in people with blood type A, the penis has a large number of veins, the membrane of which can be damaged, which leads to erectile dysfunction.

Blood type also affects female fertility. Girls with the second group are more likely to bear a healthy child for a long time than with the first. Studies have shown that women with the first group quickly deplete their egg reserves early in life. But at the same time, women with type 0 have a lower risk of developing preeclampsia - high blood pressure during pregnancy, which can be dangerous for mother and child.

Naturally, representatives of the rest of humanity should not panic either (of which, by the way, there are a little more than half, because the people of the 1st group account for a little more than 40%) - a higher probability does not mean a 100% chance. As well as representatives of the "happy" group, you should not relax ahead of time - a reduced risk does not mean zero at all.