Prevention of psoriasis at home. Additional preventive measures. Nutrition for the prevention of psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic non-contagious skin disease. Its other name is scaly lichen.

The first thing affected by psoriasis is the skin, which appears as pink-red rashes covered with silvery-white flaking scales. The dermatologist makes the diagnosis by visual examination, and only in some cases more in-depth studies, such as a skin biopsy, are required.

The disease is complicated by the fact that it is impossible to completely recover from it. In addition, medicine still does not know the causes of psoriasis. Dermatologists believe that.

If there is a predisposition, the impetus for the development of psoriasis is stressful situations, mechanical damage to the skin, severe diseases such as tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections or influenza. Also, psoriasis can occur against the background of an allergic reaction to any products, against the background of the environmental situation, or improper clothing. Even a mosquito bite can trigger psoriasis.

Calm, just calm!

Prevention of psoriasis is a set of simple rules. In most cases, the first manifestations of the disease occur against the background of psycho-emotional breakdowns. Therefore, the basis for the treatment and prevention of psoriasis is a minimum of stress and worry.

Do not worry. Typically, people prone to psoriasis are also prone to strong emotional reactions. And considering that psoriasis itself is already the cause of many psychological difficulties, it turns out to be a vicious circle. But it is important for the patient to remember that a positive attitude is the most effective medicine. You should calm down and understand that the disease does not make anyone worse than others, and learn to live with psoriasis.

To worry and be less nervous, you can take natural mild sedatives, for example, valerian extract, motherwort tincture, glycine.

Wardrobe. It is also important that the clothes of a person suffering from psoriasis are made of soft, light-colored fabrics. During an exacerbation, it is on light-colored clothing that peeling scales are invisible.

Never wear synthetics, especially underwear. Woolen items should not lie close to the body, and it is better to replace down and feather pillows with hypoallergenic ones.

Food. There is no special diet, but psoriasis affects the liver, so it is worth minimizing the consumption of fatty, fried, and smoked foods. It is also recommended to avoid allergenic foods - you should limit the consumption of chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes, carrots, nuts, eggs, mushrooms, honey, chocolate, coffee.

Lifestyle. The environment and regular rest play a big role. Don’t miss the opportunity to go to nature, spend the summer at the dacha or visit the village. And walk as often as possible - this is not only fresh air, but also active movement, which also plays an important role in the prevention of psoriasis.

People prone to the disease are recommended to exercise three times a week, go to the pool or do gymnastics at home. This is useful not only for your figure and immunity, but also to cope with stressful situations that can trigger an outbreak of the disease.

Medicines. All medications should be taken with caution and always consult a doctor.

At the same time, it is important to treat even seemingly trivial diseases, such as a runny nose or a cold, and prevent chronic forms.

Skin care. Increased attention to skin health is extremely important if you are prone to psoriasis. In the warm season, air baths and cool douses are useful. At any time of the year, it is worth pampering yourself with water treatments - taking a bath as often as possible. Massage is very useful.

In addition, you need to use specialized products for the care of diseased skin, medical cosmetics, which can be purchased at a pharmacy if prescribed by a doctor.

According to statistics, psoriasis affects 3 to 5% of the world's population. With this disease, the skin is primarily affected. It develops pinkish-red rashes covered with silvery-white scales. The situation is complicated by the fact that no cure for psoriasis has yet been developed. Scientists also find it difficult to answer the question of the causes of dermatosis. Popular theories associate the disease with metabolic disorders, exposure to adverse environmental factors, and stress.

Many experts are inclined to believe that it is a disease. It is known that in the presence of a genetic predisposition, the trigger for the development of pathology can be any damage to the skin, prolonged nervous tension, inappropriate clothing, exposure to chemicals, poor ecology, severe flu, tonsillitis, acute respiratory infections, allergies to insect venom, etc. Many methods have been developed for the treatment of psoriasis, but all of them only help eliminate symptoms and relieve exacerbation. Along with treatment methods, disease prevention is also important, as well as measures to prevent the acute phase.

Prevention methods

Skin care

If you are prone to this disease, you should pay increased attention to the skin.


Massage plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of psoriasis. The techniques used are aimed at improving blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, thereby accelerating the removal of decay products, cleansing the skin, which promotes rapid regeneration of the skin and prevents exacerbations.

The technique involves stretching the skin around the affected areas by 2-4 cm with your fingers and then returning to its previous state. Areas with psoriatic rashes are not affected. To prevent the spread of plaques to healthy areas, the entire body is treated. First, they massage the back (as a segmental reflex zone), then move on to massage the limbs and abdomen. The chest is treated with rubbing and squeezing movements while exhaling. The whole procedure lasts 10-15 minutes.

Nutrition and diet

There are no scientifically proven facts about the possible influence of nutrition on the development of the disease. There are medications whose goal is to improve the course of psoriasis, but they are not particularly effective. Practice shows that eating certain foods (spicy, fatty, smoked) can provoke an exacerbation or worsening of symptoms. Obviously, this phenomenon is associated with the fact that psoriasis affects the liver.

The optimal diet for preventing the disease and its exacerbation involves observing the following rules:

  1. Do not eat fried, spicy, pickled, salted, smoked foods, any canned food, semi-finished products, or perishable foods. They disrupt the process of absorption of nutrients in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Citrus fruits are also prohibited: lemons, oranges, tangerines. These are highly allergenic products. In addition, they contain colchicine, a special substance that destroys folic acid, which is necessary to restore skin integrity.
  3. It is undesirable to consume corn and products made from corn flour.
  4. Exacerbation can be triggered by bananas, strawberries, strawberries, mangoes.
  5. Sweets and flour products are also on the “black list”.
  6. Experts recommend sharply limiting the amount of potatoes. It contains a large amount of potassium, which, together with sodium salts found in salty foods, is a calcium antagonist. Calcium is known to have anti-inflammatory effects.
  7. It is necessary to limit the amount of lamb and pork, since these types of meat contain difficult-to-digest fatty acids: oleic, palmitic, stearic.
  8. You should not eat allergenic foods: tomatoes, eggs, mushrooms, honey, coffee, chocolate.
  9. If you are predisposed to psoriasis, dairy foods rich in complete proteins and fats are useful. The diet should include cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, acidophilus, and cheese. They contain valuable amino acids necessary for the occurrence of important biochemical reactions. In addition, these products are a source of calcium, which reduces allergic reactivity and inflammation.
  10. With this dermatosis, you need to eat a lot of raw plant foods: vegetables, fruits, herbs. Carrots containing provitamin A are very useful. Converting into vitamin A in the body, it normalizes metabolic processes in the skin and promotes the rapid restoration of damaged tissues.
  11. The daily diet should include various cereals: buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal.
  12. An important rule for the prevention of psoriasis is to drink enough liquid: regular and mineral water, natural juices, compotes.
  13. When preparing a diet for patients, the issue of limiting the consumption of certain foods is decided individually, taking into account their tolerance.

Alcohol and smoking

There is no information about the possibility of developing psoriasis due to alcohol consumption, however, numerous studies and clinical observations prove that alcoholic beverages aggravate the course of the disease and can lead to the generalization of an uncomplicated form of psoriasis, as well as its transition to psoriatic erythroderma.

As for smoking, most experts are inclined to believe that it provokes not only an exacerbation, but also the development of the disease itself. People who smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day are at risk. The reason is the disruption of the immune system under the influence of cigarette smoke. Other factors contributing to the development of the disease in smokers: vascular damage, impaired microcirculation in the skin, weakening of the body's antioxidant defense.


To prevent psoriasis, a proper daily routine is important. Experts recommend taking walks in clean air and going out into nature whenever possible. It is better to spend summer at the seaside or at the dacha.

An important condition for preventing the disease is physical activity. Three times a week you need to do swimming or fitness. These sports best strengthen the immune system and help relieve nervous tension, which often provokes exacerbation.

Anti-stress program

In many cases, psycho-emotional stress becomes the factor against which the first symptoms of the disease appear or an exacerbation occurs. Therefore, in the treatment and prevention of psoriasis, the ability to manage stress, minimizing its effect on the body, is of paramount importance. For this purpose, patients are recommended to practice various relaxation techniques (meditation, yoga, etc.), and devote sufficient time to rest and sleep. It is also necessary to use sedatives and herbal mixtures that have a mild effect on the body.

The use of medications is necessary if psoriasis is accompanied by headaches, sleep disturbances, and constant nervous agitation. Glycine, products based on valerian and motherwort are effective. Valerian P (valerian extract + vitamin C) has a good effect, the intake of which helps strengthen the immune system, improve the quality of sleep, and increase stress resistance. Experts also recommend the bioactive complex Nervo-Vit, which is a collection of the most effective medicinal herbs with a sedative effect: lemon balm, valerian, motherwort, blue cyanosis. The drug also contains vitamin C. It neutralizes free radicals that are formed in the body during stress.

Patients themselves must learn to control their emotions, try to remain calm and not overexert themselves.


If you are predisposed to psoriasis, it is important to choose the right profession and clearly organize your work. Factors such as elevated temperature, too high humidity levels, and contact with chemicals have an adverse effect on the body. For patients and people prone to psoriasis, it is unacceptable to choose a profession associated with constant nervous overload, a high risk of skin trauma, and the influence of allergenic substances.

Vitamin intake

The inclusion of vitamins in the complex of drugs for the prevention of exacerbations of psoriasis is due to their beneficial effects on the body by strengthening the immune system, as well as the known fact that the disease is provoked by metabolic disorders.


Before taking any medications (due to the presence of other diseases), consultation with a specialist is necessary. With psoriasis or a tendency to it, any drug can cause a skin reaction in the form of severe rashes, increased itching, and peeling. With this dermatosis, lithium, gold, and beta blockers (used for hypertension) have an adverse effect on the body.

At the same time, it is very important to treat any diseases in a timely manner. Even an ordinary runny nose with a chronic course can provoke psoriasis. In addition, diseases of the upper respiratory tract often worsen the course of dermatosis.


The main climatic factor that has preventive and therapeutic significance for psoriasis is ultraviolet radiation. Patients are recommended to take sunbathing starting from 5-10 minutes with a gradual increase in the duration of the procedure. Sea water is also important in the prevention of the disease and its exacerbations. Correction of the duration of solar exposure and time spent in water is carried out taking into account the condition of the skin. The optimal time of year for climatotherapy is also selected individually.

It is necessary to avoid burns that can provoke an exacerbation. Therefore, an indispensable condition for sunbathing is the use of sunscreen. If your skin is damaged, swimming in sea water is prohibited. Trips to the sea are contraindicated in the active stage of the disease.

In most cases, sunbathing is very beneficial for patients with psoriasis, but sometimes it can cause flare-ups. Therefore, the question of their feasibility is decided individually.

You should also be careful about treatment at the Dead Sea and the use of Dead Sea salts for bathing. In a certain percentage of patients they cause a worsening of the clinical picture.


  • To prevent exacerbations of psoriasis, experts recommend wearing loose, light clothing. Rubbing the skin leads to damage and can cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  • It is also recommended to choose underwear and clothing made from natural materials: cotton, linen. As for woolen items, it is better to limit their direct contact with the skin.
  • The best option for patients with psoriasis are suits and dresses made of soft non-synthetic fabrics in light shades or with a pattern: wearing them will avoid skin irritation and make the scales that get on your clothes invisible.
  • It is undesirable to use feather and down pillows and other things that can cause allergies. It is better to replace them with hypoallergenic bedding.

Psoriasis is a serious skin disease that has a chronic course. The main manifestations include rash and peeling. Winston Churchill, who promised to erect a golden monument to a person who could find out the exact cause of the skin disease and find an effective treatment. So far, no candidates have been found, despite this, modern medicine offers a large number of medications that can put the disease into remission. In order to remain in this state for as long as possible, it is necessary to adhere to special preventive measures.

Prevention of psoriasis prolongs the period of remission and reduces the risk of exacerbation of the disease.

When preventing psoriasis, a set of recommendations is used, the task of which is to restore the body’s resistance to negative factors, as well as to prevent re-exacerbation. These measures are prescribed by the attending physician and will be individual for each patient.

Important! It is unacceptable to ignore or change the doctor’s preventive technique.

Preventing psoriasis at home will help prevent re-exacerbation of the disease. These measures include: proper skin care, proper lifestyle, etc.

Healthy eating

Scientists have proven that if you stick to a diet, you can achieve long-term remission. Based on research, it is known that there is a relationship between the disease and disorders of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, and obesity. In addition, gastrointestinal disorders lead to exacerbation. Basically, the diet for psoriasis coincides with the principles of proper nutrition, which are also recommended for healthy people to follow.

But doctors note that there are features that are associated with irritation from eating certain foods, so those suffering from psoriasis are prohibited from:

  1. Smoked, fried, salty and spicy foods, as they negatively affect the absorption process, as well as the absorption of nutrients.
  2. Food additives, sauces, seasonings.
  3. “Empty” carbohydrates and foods characterized by low nutritional value, their consumption leads to disruption of lipid metabolism, which in turn causes fullness and disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Such products include sugar, sweets, fast food, crackers, candies, baked goods made from white flour, etc.
  4. Dermatologists advise limiting fats, so you need to add meat without fat or skin to your dishes, and buy dairy products with low fat content.
  5. Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages, coffee, chocolate and citrus fruits, as well as red fruits.

Among the useful products, experts highlight:

Skin care

Prevention of psoriasis also involves skin care. Basic Rules:


One of the important conditions for long-term remission is a correct lifestyle, including frequent exposure to fresh air, physical activity, adequate sleep, etc.

Scientists believe that the trigger for the development of the disease is stress and physical overexertion, which is why patients should avoid stressful situations, learn relaxation, and take natural sedatives. Such people should carefully choose a profession and place of work, since chemical reagents, high humidity, uncomfortable air temperature and constant conflict situations lead to another spread of psoriatic rashes.

There are additional preventive measures:

  1. To give up smoking. It is generally accepted that a smoker has a severalfold increased risk of exacerbation of the disease. This also applies to passive smoking. Experts say that cigarette smoke has a negative effect on the immune system, reducing it and harming blood microcirculation, poisoning the human body with free radicals.
  2. Medications that are used to treat other diseases can cause symptoms of psoriasis as side effects. It is very important not to resort to self-treatment, but to consult a doctor about the choice of medications.
  3. Reduced immunity due to various infections and other diseases also provokes psoriasis.

Prevention of psoriasis in children

When preventing psoriasis in children, you should follow simple rules:

  1. The child should not participate in contact sports. These include: volleyball, rugby, football. This is explained by the fact that during these sports activities, children often receive injuries, at the sites of which psoriatic rashes form. But physical activity still plays an important role. It is recommended to give preference to swimming, race walking, tennis, etc.
  2. It is prohibited to eat carbonated drinks, chips, fast food, flour, sweets, as well as spicy and salty foods.
  3. Stress provokes a relapse of the disease, and since the child’s psyche is considered especially sensitive, it is necessary to protect the child from strong psycho-emotional experiences. Try to provide support in any difficult situation.
  4. Children's skin should always be protected from sun exposure. In summer, you should choose clothes that have light shades and long sleeves. You also need to use a protective cream with high protection - SPF 50+. Fresh air is good for a child, but it is worth protecting him from excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  5. Do not use irritating, hormonal drugs in therapy that lead to severe psoriasis.
  6. Try to relax with your child at sea. This preventive measure helps better than others, since the maritime climate has a beneficial effect on the body, which leads to the rapid disappearance of plaques and improves overall well-being.

Preventive measures for psoriasis are aimed at prolonging remission. The patient should avoid provoking factors, monitor his diet, visit sanatoriums and go to the sea more often, and also monitor his emotions. Take care of your health!

In complex therapy of psoriasis,
eczema, atopic dermatitisSkin diseases should be treated
only under the supervision of a doctor

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  • Since psoriasis is a chronic and in most cases autoimmune disease, it cannot be cured. Treatment should be aimed at achieving, and prevention - at maintaining remission.


    Psoriasis is a disease that depends on the psycho-emotional state. Stress, anxiety and worries can become triggers for exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, patients with psoriasis are recommended to take a course with a psychotherapist who will teach you ways to relax and calm down. Also, healthy sleep is necessary for prevention, which can be achieved by walking in the fresh air, taking relaxing baths and using herbal remedies with a sedative effect.


    There is no special diet for patients with psoriasis, but it is worth remembering that metabolism depends on food. Canned, pickled, salted, smoked foods, food with synthetic dyes, allergenic foods (citrus fruits, honey, chocolate, nuts, mushrooms, etc.) can trigger the appearance of psoriatic plaques. The diet of a patient with psoriasis should consist of fresh vegetables, non-allergenic fruits, sea fish, boiled meat, and vegetable oil.


    Wear clothes made from natural, well-ventilated fabrics. In synthetic clothing, the skin begins to sweat, creating an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply.


    Soaps, shower gels and shampoos containing surfactants (including alkali) dry the skin and disrupt its water-lipid balance. However, with psoriasis, it is very important to avoid over-drying, so use products specifically designed for sensitive skin. In the line of drugs "" they are presented shower gel and shampoo containing deresined naphthalan, a complex of vegetable oils, extracts of burdock root and Japanese Sophora.

    Skin care

    Even caring cosmetics - creams, lotions, etc. can cause skin irritation and exacerbation of the disease. Even a cream intended to moisturize the skin may contain allergens. For prevention, use products recommended for the care of problem skin, they are hypoallergenic and fragrance-free. The composition of the cream "Losterin" includes valuable components with pronounced antiprosiatic activity: deresined naphthalan, urea, salicylic acid, D-panthenol and almond oil. Regular use of the cream normalizes the metabolic processes of the skin, moisturizes, and ensures the exfoliation of dead skin cells and the growth of new epidermal cells.

    Designed for daily skin care in complex therapy of chronic skin diseases - psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis.

    Be careful with medications

    Many drugs, especially antibiotics, can trigger an outbreak. Taking any medication must be agreed with your doctor.

    Bad habits

    Stick to it healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcohol lead to intoxication of the body, which in turn affects the condition of the skin. In addition, to maintain normal metabolism, it is recommended to exercise 2-3 times a week.

    Spa treatment

    In order to prevent recurrence of psoriasis, many patients are recommended to visit balneological resorts with a dermatological profile. This helps improve skin condition, improve the functioning of the immune system and metabolic processes. Air, sun, sea and mineral baths are beneficial. The use of mud and mineral applications, physiotherapy procedures and drinking treatment with mineral waters are also useful.

    Without periodic medical supervision and untimely treatment, psoriasis can become severe and provoke psoriatic arthritis, affecting the joints of the hands and feet. Lack of medical care can even lead to disability, but with proper care, regular treatment and maintaining a period of remission, the patient can live without experiencing serious problems. The scientific literature describes remissions of psoriasis for 20 years with the observance of preventive measures, constant medical supervision, and the exclusion of self-medication.

    Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin. The exact cause of the development of the pathology has not yet been established. 2-5% of the world's population suffers from the problem. Preventing the occurrence of disease helps improve people's quality of life.

    Prevention of psoriasis, like any other disease, is of three types:

    • Primary. It is aimed at preventing the occurrence of pathology in a healthy person. Its essence boils down mainly to following a diet, limiting the influence of negative environmental factors, and the like;
    • Secondary. This type of prevention is aimed at preventing the occurrence of complications in patients who already suffer from psoriasis. Extending periods of remission is the main goal of this set of measures;
    • Tertiary. It is aimed at eliminating the consequences of diseases and improving the patient’s quality of life. For psoriasis, it is focused on normalizing the visual appearance of the skin, rehabilitation for specific arthritis, and the like.

    In medicine, the trend towards educational work with patients is gaining more and more popularity. It is much easier to prevent any disease than to deal with its consequences.

    Below we will describe the main methods of preventing psoriasis.

    Skin care

    The epidermis is the main target of lichen planus. If a person has a tendency to develop it, then he definitely needs to pay special attention to the hygiene of his own skin.

    There are a number of tips that will help minimize the risk of developing the disease or its exacerbations:

    • Regular water procedures. In hot weather, this will prevent the epidermis from drying out. In cold months, it is recommended to additionally use decoctions of medicinal herbs or sea salt;
    • When taking a bath or shower, use only soft washcloths. Hard materials contribute to mechanical damage to the skin and lead to exacerbation of psoriasis;
    • If you have psoriasis of the scalp, you must select a medicated shampoo together with a dermatologist;
    • If a person has naturally dry skin, then he needs to additionally use moisturizers. It is advisable to apply creams at least twice a day to prevent the appearance of microcracks;
    • To humidify the air, you can use specialized humidifiers. It is worth limiting your stay in air-conditioned rooms. All this serves to prevent dry skin;
    • Mechanical injuries and contact with chemicals must be avoided;
    • If necessary, you can use specialized medical cosmetics.

    These simple steps will help prevent psoriasis from developing or worsening. The above rules must be followed both during exacerbation and remission.

    Massage for psoriasis

    Sometimes honey is used to prevent psoriasis. In this way, it is possible to additionally saturate the skin with nutrients, vitamins and minerals. The bee product is a strong allergen. You must first conduct a sensitivity test.

    The total duration of the massage session is 15-20 minutes. The effectiveness of such prevention of psoriasis depends on the individual characteristics of each patient and the skill of the massage therapist.

    Correction of nutrition for psoriasis

    To create a complete diet, you can consult a nutritionist. It will help prevent psoriasis correctly and effectively. Diet is the simplest and most accessible method of preventing the progression of this skin pathology.

    Rejection of bad habits

    Smoking and drinking alcohol are factors that contribute to the development of psoriasis. They are not obligate (mandatory), but have a general negative effect on the body.

    Because of this, the risk of various diseases increases, and psoriasis is no exception.

    People who smoke 20 or more cigarettes per day are at risk. They experience chronic, sharp vasoconstriction. Smoke also affects the immune system.

    Alcohol interferes with normal liver function. It cannot effectively cleanse the blood, which increases the concentration of harmful substances in it. Because of this, the possibility of an autoimmune inflammatory process increases even more.

    Nonspecific prevention of psoriasis is to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. It can sometimes be difficult to completely eliminate alcohol from your life. It is necessary to reduce its consumption whenever possible.

    The restriction applies to all types of alcohol. Dry white wine remains relatively safe for humans. The generally acceptable norm is 2-3 glasses per week. Otherwise, the risk of psoriasis increases.

    Regular beer, which many do not consider full-fledged alcohol, is a trigger for exacerbation of dermatosis. It is advisable to abandon it completely.

    Lifestyle correction

    To prevent the development of psoriasis, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Diet and giving up bad habits is an important step in the right direction. To consolidate the results, you need to maintain vitality at a sufficient level.

    To do this, you need to regularly perform dosed physical activity. There is no need to visit expensive gyms and do bodybuilding. To normalize a person’s condition, it is enough to do exercises every morning.

    Regular running or walking helps a lot. Swimming is another versatile sport that helps keep your body in good shape. The main goals of such prevention of psoriasis are:

    • Stabilization of metabolism;
    • Improving the patient's mood;
    • Change of dominant. During physical activity, a person tends to “disconnect” from everyday problems and concentrate on simply doing the exercises.

    Regular training is a non-specific prevention of many diseases. To increase its effectiveness, it is necessary to adjust the work/rest mode. It includes several important elements:

    • Try not to get overtired at work. This can be very difficult, but it is worth striving for;
    • Go to bed at the same time;
    • Sleep on average 8-9 hours;
    • Reduce the impact of stress at work.

    Similar advice is general for any disease. They are not specific to psoriasis. By adhering to them, you can reduce the risk of developing many diseases.

    Vitamins and minerals

    Prevention of scaly lichen largely depends on the characteristics of each organism. To restore the skin, it is necessary to saturate the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals.

    Most of these substances are obtained from food. Therefore, it is important to focus on vegetables and fruits. If it is impossible to provide the amount of bioactive components, they can be taken in the form of finished preparations.

    The pharmaceutical market offers a wide variety of vitamin and mineral complexes. The most popular of them are:

    • Decamevit;
    • Complivit;
    • MultiTabs;
    • Revit and others.

    It is especially worth paying attention to supplements that contain folic acid and vitamin A. The first component takes part in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and regulates the process of cell division. The second has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, which is especially important for psoriasis.

    With the help of vitamins and minerals, the body is generally strengthened. It becomes more resistant to the negative impacts of external and internal factors. This reduces the risk of developing psoriasis and other pathological conditions.

    Before purchasing any vitamin or mineral complex, you must first consult with your doctor to select the optimal product.

    Psychotherapy for psoriasis

    Stress is one of the main factors that provokes psoriasis and a number of other ailments. An important stage of prevention is to reduce the negative impact of nervous tension.

    The main consequences of stress on the body are:

    • Depletion of energy reserves;
    • Disturbance in the functioning of organs and systems;
    • Bad mood;
    • Weakening of the body due to infection.

    Stabilizing your emotional state is a good way to prevent psoriasis. To do this, you can use the following methods:

    • Psychotherapy sessions. They are suitable for people who have serious psychological problems;
    • Auto-trainings;
    • Meditation;
    • Holidays at the resort.

    Any activity that allows a person to escape from negative thoughts and reduce the negative impact of stress can already be called a nonspecific prevention of psoriasis and a number of other diseases, for example, hypertension and gastric ulcers.

    If possible, you need to reduce nervous tension in work and everyday life. The more a person worries, the more often he will have relapses of psoriasis.