Secret code: how car license plates affect the lives of their owners. Numerology. The secret code of your car And at this time

Each car is unique - any experienced car enthusiast knows this. The car has its own unique character, features and disposition. Having owned a car for more than one year in a row, a person gets used to it and knows all its weak points. And by studying the numerology of the license plate, you can greatly facilitate your task - to find out about your iron horse something that you had not noticed or did not know before.

The meaning of the letters and numbers of the license plate

Each vehicle is assigned a license plate upon registration. It is unique in its own way and gives the car its own unique characteristics. To find out about such features of a car, you need to look at its number.

Pay attention only to numbers and letters; you do not need to take into account the region code. Using the table below, a specific number is displayed.

1 A AND WITH Kommersant
2 B Y T Y
3 IN TO U b
4 G L F E
5 D M X YU
6 E N C I
8 AND P Sh

Using the table, determine the number for each letter of the car. Then add the resulting values ​​to get a single-digit number. It will determine the features of your car.

Numerology of your car

  • One. This is the number of luck. A car with such a license plate has a good character, quickly picks up speed and very rarely breaks down.
  • Two. For a car enthusiast, such a car is like a protective amulet. She protects him from failures along the way. Your iron horse will be a close friend for you; it will help you in difficult times.
  • Three. Number three is not the best for a car. Your iron horse may let you down in a difficult situation or break down along the way. She may suddenly have an empty tank; she often causes minor troubles to her owner. When owning such a car, you need to carefully monitor it.
  • Four. A car with the number four has a rather modest disposition and calm character. It often causes trouble for its owner in the form of scratches, chips and other external defects. But breakdowns will bother the car enthusiast much less often.
  • Five. A five for a car means more serious troubles. Your car may be stolen or you will have problems with the documents for it.
  • Six. Six for a car is like a capricious woman. All sorts of malfunctions and breakdowns will constantly occur in it. It requires increased attention and patience on your part. Before long trips, the owner of such a car is recommended to carefully check it for breakdowns and immediately correct them.
  • Seven. Seven for an iron horse is a good sign. It is always in good working order and serves its owner for quite a long time. It rarely causes inconvenience and has virtually no breakdowns.
  • Eight. The Eight is a good and reliable car. She evokes only positive emotions in her owner and quickly gets used to the new car owner.
  • Nine. Nine has a rather difficult character. She constantly requires increased attention; traffic police officers often stop her. Before each trip in such a car, it is recommended to check the availability of documents.

Determining the compatibility of the owner with the car

Numerology of a car number helps to find out about compatibility with its owner. Not every person is compatible with his iron horse. The car itself tells its owner that it is not suitable for him. It often breaks down, all sorts of problems arise, and tires go flat. They are worth thinking about. What if this is not your car and it should be owned by a completely different person.

Odd numbers are able to adapt to their owner. The meanings of these numbers are soft. With their help, a fairly warm and strong connection is established between the owner and his iron horse. They become one. Such a car adapts to its owner, to his driving style. It is perfect for a person with leadership inclinations.

The numbers two, four and six for a car speak of a wayward character. This car needs to be looked after more closely. She periodically demands attention and loves to drive fast. She will not tolerate a careless attitude towards herself. She will be offended by you, which will manifest itself in her problems. This car suits every person. The numbers zero and eight indicate the complex nature of the car. Not every person can find a common language with him. This car loves to be free. A calm, kind person with a weak character will suit her. Otherwise, it can harm its owner.

Numerology. Is a car a luxury, a means of transportation or destiny?

As a child, my father and I often played a funny game: we looked out the window of a bus, trolleybus or tram for license plates. If there were two identical numbers in the number, the one who noticed it first received one point, if there were three, two points. And if all four, for example 55-55, then five points at once. We got carried away and played with terrible excitement, shouting numbers out loud and rejoicing at our luck. Since then, I have not stopped paying attention to car license plates, out of old habit, noting everything unusual and interesting.
Number plates on a car are a familiar thing: combinations of numbers and letters that distinguish one car from another. What if this is all wrong? What if some heavenly Stirlitz encrypted his message to you? Each driver - personally?
Getting this or that number is a matter of chance, you say. And you'll probably be right. But still...

Plato, faithful to the Pythagorean tradition, concluded that the mathematical code - an integral property of the universe - underlies all phenomena.
The ideas expressed by numbers are absolute, unchanging and perfect.
There is such a science - numerology. If the car number is encrypted, then numerology is something like Morse code, the key to the cipher, the secret code.

Let's go back for a moment to the golden years of childhood, when there was a hidden meaning in everything, when we were so captivated by playing spies, and let's start deciphering.

Numerological name code and car preferences.

The first thing that matters to us is the meaning hidden in the numerical expression of your full name (first name, patronymic and last name). Without knowing the meaning of the name, we will not be able to know if our car is suitable for us. If you changed your last name, which is especially important for women, then you should use the last name that you currently have. The same rule applies to changing your name. The point here is that by changing your first or last name, you change your destiny, since the numerical vibrations of your full name change, which have a huge impact on your life.
Let's take the following name as an example: Fedor Vasilyevich Antonov - and calculate its numerical expression using the table below.
Fedor: 4 + 7 + 5 + 7 + 9-32 = 3 + 2 = 5.
Vasilievich: 3 + 1 + 1 + 1+4 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 1 + + 7 = 30 = 3.
Antonov: 1+6+2 + 7 + 6 + 7 + 3 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5.
Table of numerical correspondence of letters of the alphabet

Thus, the number of the full name is: 5 + 3 + 5 = 13 = 1 + 3 = 4.
In numerology, all numbers are reduced to prime numbers from 1 to 9, but there are also sacred numbers that cannot be reduced to prime numbers: 11 and 22. The vibrations of these numbers extremely rarely begin their impact in early childhood. As a rule, they manifest themselves in full force after a person has passed the threshold of his thirty-second birthday. Very few people live in accordance with the vibrations of sacred numbers (approximately 5% of those who have this full name code). All other people live in twos instead of 11, and in fours instead of 22.

Let us present the meanings of the numbers in relation to the full name code.
Select the resulting number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22

Numerological code of the car brand and the general nature of the model

How are car names deciphered? Actually, the same as the names of their owners. Only the semantic load of the numerical expression is somewhat different.
To decipher foreign cars, we use the following table:

Depending on the components from which the number is formed, the characters of the machines also vary. Of course, not all existing car models are included in the list, so you can add it yourself, guided by the meanings of the numbers and your knowledge of cars and their characters.

Let us present the meanings of the numbers in relation to the code of the full name of the car.
Select the resulting number.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 22

Numerological license plate code and individual character of the car

To get the numerological code for a car number, it is not necessary to delve into the jungle of higher mathematics. It is enough to add the digits of the number with the numerical expression of its letters. The region number is not involved in this procedure. So, if your car number is E864ХС, you first get numerical correspondences of letters (in this number the alphabet is Russian - therefore, we look for matches in the table with the Russian alphabet; if the number contains Latin letters, we look in the table with Latin letters):
E = 6, X = 5, C = 1,
and then calculate the sum:
6 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 1 = 30 = 3.
The numerological code for your car number is three. Now let's move on to the meanings of the numerological codes of car license plates:

Compatibility of the car owner’s code with the license plate code of his “iron horse”

For some reason, it is believed that choosing a car number is a luxury, and only a few motorists attach importance to the number, and in vain... It is enough to consider the options for combining the driver code with the car number code to come to the conclusion that the number has a serious impact on the , how a specific driver will drive a specific car.

Numerologists are confident that the numbers in registration numbers not only determine the “character” of the car, but can also change a lot in the fate of motorists. We tell you how to read them and use them to your advantage.

Change text size: A A

Exactly 115 years ago, on April 25, 1901, the world's first license plates were introduced in the United States. By this date, we decided to ask whether the numbers carry any other information other than registration. And we found out that license plates are of great importance in numerology. For those of our readers who believe in this science, we asked a specialist to compile a “cheat sheet”: how to read the license plate of your car, strengthen its strengths and bypass its weaknesses. The answers* were given to us by Vijay, an astrologer and numerologist who has been practicing since 2001, a representative of the Samudrika Eastern School of Astropsychology.

So, all you need to do is convert the three digits in your car registration number to a prime number (single digit). That is, if your car number is 357, then you need to add 3 + 5 + 7 = 15 = 1 + 5 = 6. This means that in the interpretation given below you need to read the meaning of the number 6. And if the car number is 124, then add 1 + 2 + 4 = 7 (that is, you need to look at the interpretation of seven). Go?

Your car is patronized by the Sun.

Such machines are ideal for representatives of law enforcement and government agencies. They enhance the leadership qualities of their owners, help them in their careers, give them cheerfulness, help them establish the necessary contacts, and cultivate conscientiousness. These cars rarely get into accidents, and they are less likely to receive fines. Such machines are stronger than others in terms of resource capacity. For example, a Nissan with a one in the code may be “stronger” than a Toyota with any other number.

Advice for motorists:

One should not engage in shady activities in unit machines. No smuggling, evil talk, dishonest dealings. Conscience will torture you. This will be the case when the thief's hat is on fire. The owners of these cars should maintain a brand of righteousness and solidity.

Your car is patronized by the Moon.

A good car for a family. Conducive to easy communication, friendship, understanding. Ideal for family travel. And if this is a working car, it will bring good luck to those who transport or sell any liquid or fruit. In addition, this is a very efficient and punctual machine; usually the owner gets more from it than he expects.

Advice to motorists:

Two-cars enhance sensitivity and flexibility in their owners, so here, on the contrary, it is important not to give these qualities too much free rein. We must learn to make independent decisions and purposefully implement them.

Your car is ruled by Jupiter.

Such cars bring their owners good luck in business and any other financial matters. They provide an influx of income and useful connections. They are good for planning - they help you see clear goals and create a direct route to them.

Advice for motorists:

However, three-car cars generate pride in their owners. And she must be kept in check. To do this, owners of Cs are recommended to communicate with friends more often, to be a little easier for those around them, and not to give in to the desire of everyone around them to teach life.

Your car is ruled by Rahu.

This machine is good for organizing moves and transporting furniture. If it's a work vehicle, it's best used in these areas. It is also suitable for trips with a large group – it helps organize everyone and everything. It gives the owner composure and discipline. Meanwhile, for any shadow activity, it is the “four” that is successful.

Advice for motorists:

You should not give in to the temptation to do anything illegal if it suddenly arises. Don't spoil your destiny. In addition, cars with numbers 4, 7 and 8 often provoke their owners to use dirty language in the cabin. Therefore, they are advised to monitor the culture of speech.

Your car is ruled by Mercury.

This car is ideal for people who have a lot of business meetings, negotiations, and long-distance travel. He helps negotiate! If this is a work vehicle, then it is good for long-distance passenger and freight transportation. This car often brings considerable profit to its owner.

Advice for motorists:

Mercury is the patron of trade. It will help motorists with fives negotiate with others about anything. But we must warn the owners of such cars against a possible spontaneous desire to deceive someone, keep a secret, or take more than they are entitled to.

Your car is ruled by Venus.

If a man wants to give a gift to his wife, then a car with sixes in the number is the best choice! He will be a symbol of love. Such cars are often the center of attention - they are usually neat and attractive both outside and inside. You want to communicate in these cars. And mostly about love! Sixes are suitable for the car fleet of wedding salons, for organizing romantic dates, and for holding luxurious night parties. They are also ideal for various “homes on wheels” - you really want to live, create, and love in them.

Advice for motorists:

If you have a quarrel with someone, know: there is no better place for reconciliation than the six car.

Your car is patronized by Ketu.

This is a performance machine. It will bring good luck to its owner, of course. But more - to others, through the motorist. It develops a helping spirit, strengthens a person’s craving for spiritual food, and helps to find a purpose in life. Ideal for traveling preachers and doctors, such as the Red Cross.

Advice for motorists:

This car makes me want to chat. And often gossip. Therefore, owners of the seven are advised to refrain from malicious gossip and foul language.

Your car is ruled by Saturn.

This machine is a workaholic! She must work constantly. This is her natural rhythm. It gives its owner strength, confidence, and determination. And, accordingly, indirectly through them - success in work.

Advice for motorists:

Many people have a desire to exploit the workaholic - eight for free. But the owner of this car must learn to say no. Or at least show some financial determination. For example, when he is asked to help with the transportation of something, sometimes it is still worth either refusing or reminding the applicant that gasoline costs money.

Your car is ruled by Mars.

This machine is best suited for representatives of law enforcement agencies, law and finance. She inspires her owners that it is important to maintain order and discipline. And it helps in this, giving drivers determination, organization and strength.

Advice for motorists:

This car will often break down if its owner is easily provoked, provoked into aggression, or gives free rein to his nerves. And if the driver is positive and has a sense of humor, then he and the car will find a common language, and it will be his faithful assistant in all his endeavors.

An obstacle for any planet.

Zero is not included in the above interpretation. But it’s important to talk about him too. If there is a zero in the registration number of a car, then it provides some kind of obstacle to the good vibrations of other numbers. Surprisingly, in the number of a person’s character, zero enhances good qualities, and in the case of car license plates, it nullifies them...

Advice for motorists:

If your car's license plate number has a zero, it's okay. Perhaps it will only slightly slow down the impact of other numbers. But if you are just choosing a number for your car, it is better to avoid zeros.

*Explanation from a numerologist.

Above is a generalized description of the numbers in license plates. However, the combination of numbers should also be taken into account. For example, the one in number 001 (0 + 0 + 1 = 1) is different from the one in number 343 (3 + 4 + 3 = 10 = 1+0 = 1). In the second case, the role is played not only by the resulting number 1, but also by 3, 4, and in the first, we must not forget about the influence of zeros. In addition, the most complete understanding of the influence of the car number on the owner will be provided only by a table of compatibility of the car’s “code” with its destiny number (see below for a list of favorable combinations – editor’s note). Usually only professionals can correctly assess such compatibility. It is also important to note that in numerology it is known that the negative impact of any numbers will be reduced if it is intended for a person with good intentions. Conversely, the positive vibrations of numbers for a pure-hearted person intensify.


The best car numbers were chosen by Kirkorov, the worst - by Basque

Separately, we discussed with a numerologist whether it is worth avoiding the numbers 13 and 666 in registration numbers, whether it makes sense to overpay for 777, why executives choose 001, and whether the stars of Russian show business chose successful numbers for themselves.

Vijay, why do people in Russia consider numbers like 13 and 666 unlucky? Are the numbers 777 and 001 called lucky?

These are superstitions. From the point of view of astrology and numerology, they have no basis. There are no bad numbers at all. Much more depends on who is driving the car and with what intentions. As for the number 13, for example, it adds up to four. And she, in turn, usually brings her owners gifts of the material world - money, apartments, luxury items. What's wrong with that? But if a person is superstitious, then, of course, it is better to avoid the number 13. Due to bad associations, it can bring bad luck. Usually people who have a destiny number of 2, 4, 7 like to cheat (the destiny number is the sum of all the digits in the date of birth, reduced to a prime number - editor's note).

Vijay, astrologer and numerologist, practicing since 2001 Photo: Personal page of the publication’s hero on the social network

Our eastern neighbors, the Chinese, are very superstitious. They avoid the number 4 in license plates at all costs. And they like it 8. Why?

I repeat, there is nothing wrong with the number 4. This is also just a matter of superstition. However, the Chinese love for eights is understandable. This figure is ruled by Saturn, the planet is a workaholic. It gives its owners strength, hard work, and focus. From an energy point of view, it is 8 that gives success to the whole of China. Who can work more? Everyone knows how the Chinese revere work.

Most heads of state have a unit in their license plates. For example, 001. Why do managers prefer this combination?

The unit enhances leadership qualities. Gives prosperity, success, power, attractiveness and protection. This is in addition to the status of numbers like 001. However, they contain zeros, which, as I already said, can cause obstacles.

Let's discuss a few celebrity car license plates. For example, judging by the photo on the Internet, Alla Pugacheva’s car number is 222, Baskov’s is 002, Bondarchuk’s is 017, Kirkorov’s is 777, Buinov’s is 888. Did they choose them successfully?

Kirkorov, Pugacheva and Buinov did this best of all from the list above! For example, Philip Bedrosovich has both a character number (sum of birthday numbers - editor's note) and a fate number - 3. And a car number - 3 (7 + 7 + 7 = 21 = 2 + 1 = 3). The perfect combination! And the composite sevens in this number give him creativity, humor, and spiritual growth. The same goes for Alla Borisovna. She chose for herself three twos, which add up to 6. And 6, again, is her number of both character and destiny. As for the composite twos, they are patronized by the Moon; they give the Diva femininity, intuition, and success in creativity. And Alexander Buynov also guessed right! His eights in the number add up to 6. This is his number of character and destiny. For him, this combination is mega-successful. In addition, any Chinese would be jealous of the three eights in his room! They give him additional strength and hard work. It’s amazing to me how people who are far from astrology and numerology have so surprisingly successfully chosen car license plates for themselves! You can check for yourself by calculating the numbers of character and destiny by date of birth that all these three stars have chosen the appropriate registration plates for themselves!

Bondarchuk has good numbers. It’s good that the one is in front of the seven, and not behind it, otherwise its positive influence would be weaker. These numbers help him make useful contacts with influential people. But Baskov’s numbers are not the best. The zeros in front of the two create obstacles for him. Two helps creativity, but in this case it is hindered. “To the Golden Voice of Russia” I would recommend numbers like Alla Pugacheva’s.

Superstitions among motorists often concern not only numbers, but also the color of the car. For example, in the USA it is considered a bad omen to buy a green car. There are even statistics that such cars are more likely to get into accidents. Do you think color matters?

It has. But rather psychological and practical. In northern countries, where there is a lot of snow, white cars often get into accidents. They are simply not noticed! Meanwhile, it is safest to drive red cars there. Everyone can see them. But the property of green color is to relax, calm. Perhaps that is why people often crash into such cars, they simply lose their vigilance. However, green cars are very favorable for people born under the control of Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn (destiny numbers - 3, 5, 8).

Another superstition says that it is a good sign to buy a rich person’s car. Allegedly, he stores grains of luck, which can help you too. But they advise not to take cars from broke and needy people. So as not to attract poverty.

And here I agree. After all, it is known that if you wear someone’s things, you take away part of their owner’s karma. Here is the same analogy: the energy of the previous one can be transferred to the new owner. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to who you are buying a car from. Not to say that this is extremely important, but this is one of the nuances that is still better to take into account.

And many drivers are sure that the car should be given a tender name. And that under no circumstances should he be scolded out loud. Do you agree?

Yes, even from my own personal experience! How you treat the machine is how it will work. By the way, I saw how in the East drivers read prayers before getting behind the wheel. They explain that before the trip they are trying to get on the same page with the car. I, of course, do not call for such a thing. And in general, I don’t recommend flirting with the car, so that it doesn’t turn into a Tamagotchi for drivers. But a favorable attitude towards cars is good, and it works.


Which numbers will bring good luck to whom?

Ideally, the number of the car should be combined with the destiny number of its owner. Let us recall that the destiny number in numerology is the sum of all the digits in the date of birth, reduced to a prime number. It is best when the fate number coincides with the “car code”. For example, like Alla Pugacheva, who was born on April 15, 1949 (fate number: 1 + 5 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 4 + 9 = 33 = 3 + 3 = 6, car number: 222 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6). She has both the fate number and the car number - 6. According to numerology, this is cool. But what combinations are still considered successful.


How apartment number affects our lives

Have you noticed that every home has its own energy? And, of course, it influences the fate of the people living in it. Astrologers and numerologists are convinced that its number can tell about a home

Western numerology deciphers the meaning of a number based on the total value of all digits, which comes down to one index.

Some are ready to pay a tidy sum for a car license plate, while others don’t care what numbers will decorate their car, but even less so, numbers play, if not the main, but important significance in our lives.

So, what do the license plate numbers mean?

  • The first number indicates the nature of the machine
  • The second characterizes the interaction between the driver and the car.
  • The third indicates the driving style and character of the car owner

And now about the meaning of these numbers

“1” indicates energy, strength, will. If the number is located in the middle of the number, it means the car will adjust and sense you, so that you can become a close-knit team with it.

"2" symbolizes soft, passive, emotional traits. Therefore, numbers with such numbers are not recommended for men, but “2” is quite suitable for women. The car will expect you to be smooth and slow.

“3” will add aggressiveness, activity and assertiveness to the car. If the number is in the middle, then the car is waiting for greater determination; it obviously will not like stopping at a yellow traffic light.

“4” is a contradictory number. On the one hand, it will present the owner with many problems, and on the other hand, it will provide him with security and support to resolve these difficulties. For example, if a machine breaks down unexpectedly, it may also unexpectedly work.

“5” speaks of the mobility, adventurism and sexuality of the car. Yes, yes, a car can also have sexuality, which will be transmitted to the owner of the car.

“6” represents laziness, inaction and inertia. If “6” is in the middle, then there is a high probability of frequent breakdowns and troubles with the machine if it is overstressed.

“7” in the number will make you and your car feel irritable and withdrawn. This number is also a symbol of singles. It also happens that a car shows open jealousy and dissatisfaction towards passengers.

“8” - the meaning of monetary and business relationships. When the number is in the middle of the number, it will definitely bring wealth to its owner.

“9” will bring new plans, activity, and inconstancy into your life. While in such a car, you will often be visited by thoughts about the meaning of life.

For “0”, numerology does not provide characteristics, but numbers with three identical digits focus the owner on certain features and enable the driver to be in harmony with his car.

Western numerology deciphers the meaning of a number based on the total value of all digits, which comes down to one index. The car index indicates the purposes for which the car is best suited, as well as the favorable type of activity of its owner. The index is determined quite easily; to do this, add up all the numbers. For example, your car number is 738. We add: 7 + 3 + 8 = 18. Now we add again: 1 + 8 = 9, respectively, the index of your car number is 9.

1 - number is suitable for major executives, helps with business trips and maintains the business reputation of the owner. You can also safely drive such a car abroad.

2 - a car with this number is best used for business purposes, for example, to go shopping or transport small goods. Suitable as a work car, it’s good to drive around different parts of the city and go to calls. This number is especially good for employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, traffic police, police and fire engines.

3 is an ideal number for those whose work involves money, such as bank employees. If you intend to take out a loan, then this number will also be favorable for you.

4 - patronizes people of creative professions, those whose work is related to communications and communication. Suitable for both journalists and postmen, advertising and sales agents.

5 - perfect for lovers of car travel. In a car with this number, you can safely go on any trip and not be afraid of trouble. It also helps lawyers and teachers in their careers.

6 — a car for family trips. It’s easy to create comfort and harmony in your home if you periodically drive the whole family in a car with this number. Favors managers.

7 is the number of freedom and loneliness at the same time; passengers will not favor such a car with attention. Suitable for taxi drivers, and especially real estate agents.

8 is the patron number of precision and should be chosen by computer scientists, racing drivers and scientists.

9 is the most suitable option for transporting dangerous and large cargo. The number will be good for workers in the justice sector, as well as for those whose profession involves frequent visits to public institutions.

You can tell a lot from the numerology expression of a car license plate number.

It is this that determines how the car will behave on the road, what qualities it will endow its owner with, and even how long it will serve him. We’ll tell you about this today, but first, let’s do some simple calculations.

How to calculate car number

  • First, we add up the three main digits of the license plate, for example, 164, it turns out: 1+6+4=11. We collapse to the base number: 11=1+1=2.
  • Now we calculate the region in the same way (the digital code of the car number of the regions of Russia), let’s assume that it is 77th, respectively: 7+7=14, 14=1+4=5.
  • Let's sum these two numbers: 2+5=7. This will be the Number of the car, that is, based on our example, it is “seven”.

Characteristics of Car Numbers

Car number 1

If you have a car with Number 1, then get ready for the fact that, sooner or later, you will not be driving it, but it will be driving you. You will have to pay much more attention to it than you originally planned, as you will have an irresistible desire to constantly improve something in it.

You will change its covers, do tuning, decorate it in the most unimaginable way, because you will want it to be the most beautiful in the world. For you, a car will become not only a means of transportation, but also a way of active self-expression, so don’t be surprised if at some point you decide to participate in some rallies or specific car competitions. With proper care and respect, your car will serve you for a very long time.

Car number 2

A car with Number 2 promises to be a faithful assistant; it will never let you down, working properly and starting even in the most severe frost. Moreover, it will become for you not just a means of transportation, but also, in some way, a reliable friend. You will be very comfortable in it.

However, a car with such a Number also has its own characteristics - it loves when people talk to it. Therefore, if you have not yet given her a name, then do it as quickly as possible and access your vehicle more often. Don’t consider this crazy - many car enthusiasts, including representatives of the stronger sex, know that a car runs better if you interact with it affectionately. By the way, a two-wheeler car will help you become more sociable and tolerant.

Car number 3

If your car is a “troika”, do not rush to rejoice and dream that it, like a Russian troika of horses, will rush dashingly across the expanses of our homeland. Alas, you have received a whim that will require constant repairs, and, most likely, you will quickly want to replace it with a more reliable car. Moreover, if you bought a used car, then most likely it has already been in the hands of more than one owner, and in its depths there may be shortcomings that they “forgot” to warn you about.

However, not everything is so negative. Number 3 is great for a family car, and if it carries you, your significant other and your baby, it will be imbued with responsibility and will serve you faithfully until your family grows.

Car number 4

You can rely on a car with Number 4 in extreme conditions; it will cope with any difficult task perfectly, but in a standard situation it can stall and refuse to function. He works great to overcome, but “gets bored” when everything is smooth and calm.
Give him an additional load more often, and then he will perceive the usual journey as a rest, and not as a forced and unpleasant duty. And put a good “anti-theft” device on it, because if you don’t arrange something for it, then with a simple alarm system it will easily allow itself to be hijacked.

However, the “four” car will serve you well in any case. It will teach you to act more radically, help you understand how you can quickly and productively deal with obstacles, and, perhaps, sooner or later, it will push you to the most important decision in your life.

Car number 5

A car with Number 5 is great for traveling, and the more varied your routes are, the longer it will serve you. However, at the same time, get ready for the fact that his energy will constantly push you to commit any offenses, and you will have to try very hard to control yourself, otherwise you will go broke with fines.

You shouldn’t indulge your desire to spend as much time as possible in a “five” car, otherwise at some point you will realize that you even want to spend the night in it, and not at home. Such a machine may make you more restless and fussy, or deprive you of other affections and hobbies, so do not give it free rein. But if you are a homebody in life and don’t really like noisy companies, your vehicle will turn you into a sociable and easy-going person.

Car number 6

A car with the Number 6 is just a godsend for a car enthusiast. He will become a reliable partner for you, will always help you out in difficult times, will keep the road perfectly and mystically avoid accidents. True, only if you treat him with due respect and gratitude.

Don’t forget to change the oil on time, wash your iron friend more often, buy him beautiful accessories. The interior of a six-wheeler should always be in perfect order, and it is advisable to have a special place for parking it, rather than leaving it anywhere overnight. If you spend a lot of time in your car, you will learn mutually beneficial partnerships, clearly understand what a sense of duty is, and you will also make many new friends.

Car number 7

In a “seven” car you cannot drive recklessly, break the rules or rush. It does not tolerate this, and therefore it will either stall frequently or even break down. But it will teach you slowness, a philosophical attitude towards life and making informed decisions. You will become a little more withdrawn, but the problems that you provoked with your impulsive actions will disappear.

At the same time, be prepared for the fact that the most successful trips await you when you are alone in the car. Riding with fellow travelers is unlikely to be pleasant and productive. However, if those whom you take with you do not chat, laugh loudly and distract you from communicating with the car, then everything will turn out well. The main thing is to behave with restraint and decentness in the “seven”.

Car number 8

A car with the Number 8 will become for you a confirmation of your status and not so much a means of transportation as a specific accessory. When you invest money in it, you will want to get some kind of return from it. It will have to emphasize your importance and amaze others with its solidity, even if in fact it is compact in size and cheerful in color.

However, whatever its characteristics, it will attract financial luck to you, somehow help you make money, or “introduce” you to someone who will make you a smart and profitable offer. The main thing is to treat the G8 car as a full-fledged business partner, avoid familiarity and carry out all preventive work on time.

Car number 9

A car with Number 9 is calm and intelligent; it is unlikely to cause you any problems on the road, although it is better not to get carried away with overtaking. “Nine” is timid by nature, she has more feminine than masculine qualities, so you should treat her like a beautiful lady - look after her, spare her nerves and feelings, protect her from stressful situations. Your car will love it if you decorate its interior with plush toys and flavors in beautiful boxes, but it is advisable to avoid aggressive things and colors.

You, in turn, will receive from your car the ability to subtly sense the situation, intuitively avoid danger and deftly maneuver not only on the road, but also in life. “Nine” will add both romanticism and good luck to you, especially if you tune in to her wavelength, listen to her desires and satisfy her needs.

A car is a delicate thing, and only “thick-skinned” people think that it is just a pile of iron. In fact, among the metal and spare parts there is a kind of soul hidden, and if you take this into account, then your trips will become much more comfortable and, most importantly, safer.

Nadezhda Popova