Soy: description, origin, beneficial properties. Harm and benefits of soy products. In what form should you eat soy?

A.V. Mosov, doctor, head of the expert direction of NP Roskontrol:
I believe that soy products are undeservedly unpopular, because soy is the only complete replacement for animal protein - meat, fish, dairy products, eggs. In addition to protein, it contains healthy fats, slowly digestible carbohydrates and vitamins. If we are talking about nutrition during fasting or vegetarianism, then such a replacement other than soy can hardly be made. In addition, soy milk and soy-based products are suitable for those who are lactose intolerant.

2. Too much soy protein is bad for your health.

For reference:

Soy protein powder can be added, for example, to your morning oatmeal or milkshake. Of all soy products, soy concentrate contains the most protein (80.7%). In second place is dry soy meat (58.1%), and in third place is low-fat soy flour (about 47%).
Soybeans contain almost the entire set of macro- and microelements: potassium - 1607 mg per 100 g, calcium - 348 mg per 100 g, silicon - 177 mg per 100 g, magnesium - 226 mg per 100 g, phosphorus - 603 mg per 100 g, iodine - 8 .2 mcg per 100g, copper - 500 mcg per 100g.

People who watch their diet stick to a certain amount of nutrients they consume per day - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Each nutrient must be present in a certain amount for optimal functioning of the body.
How many soy products can you eat daily? Here, restrictions can only be determined by the standards of human protein needs - for an adult this is 75 g per day, of which at least 60% must be animal or soy protein. Consumption of protein in quantities greater than 100-120 g per day is not justified, unless, of course, you are an athlete.

3. Soy - a dietary product that promotes weight loss

When losing weight, it is considered correct to replace the usual high-calorie foods with “light” ones: bread with whole grain bread, sour cream with low-fat yogurt, meat with soy substitute. In fact, if you replace regular meat in your diet with a soy product, it will not lead to weight loss. In order to lose weight, it is important to review your entire diet.

5. Soy products should not be eaten by pregnant women.

WHO studies have not revealed any negative effects of transgenic soybean products on human health

Soybean is one of the most popular and promising agricultural crops in the world. It is often called a product of the future that can save humanity from hunger. The reason for this positive characteristic is the variety of products that are made from soybeans: milk, meat, cottage cheese, asparagus, butter, flour, sausages and even chips. Why soy products are so popular, read further in the article.

From this article you will learn:

Soy products: production technologies and composition

Although there are vast differences in appearance, texture, taste and color, all soy products are made from the beans of this plant. In most cases, the first stage of processing is their soaking with further extraction of milk. Asparagus and cottage cheese are subsequently obtained from it. To obtain asparagus, soy milk is boiled, during which the curdled protein is removed from the surface. To coagulate milk into curd, coagulants (citric acid, magnesium chloride or calcium sulfate) are used.

Through mechanical processing, oil and flour are obtained from beans. Extrusion cooking of dough (from meal or flour) produces a spongy textured mass called soy meat.

As a result of fermentation of beans, various types of paste are obtained, as well as. Special cultures of microorganisms are added to soybean seeds boiled and/or mixed with wheat, which change the composition, taste and smell of the product. The solid part of the fermented mixture is used for miso, twenjang, gochujang pastes, and the liquid part is used for sauce.

All soy products are characterized by a high content of protein and amino acids. In beans, its mass fraction is up to 50%. For this reason, they are popular among vegetarians and vegans who need a good source of protein in the absence of meat. An important feature is also the high content. These phytoestrogens are plant hormones analogous to those produced by the body.

The benefits and harms of soy products

Due to the large differences in composition, the beneficial properties of soy products are manifested to varying degrees. To one degree or another, their influence on health and general well-being is expressed in the following cases:

  • To lower cholesterol. Soy and its derivatives not only contain extremely little “bad” cholesterol, but also stimulate its removal from blood vessels. In some cases, doctors recommend consuming soy products for hypercholesterolemia, atherosclerosis, heart disease and hypertension.
  • Soy products for weight loss. Due to their low calorie content and low fat and carbohydrate content, soy products help reduce body weight. They stimulate the body to use stored reserves and help remove waste and toxins by improving metabolism.
  • Soy isoflavones may be useful in preventing cancer of the breast and organs involved in reproductive functions.
  • For diabetics. Due to their low carbohydrate content, these foods rarely worsen diabetes.
  • Soy diet for allergy sufferers. Soy milk and its products are a wonderful alternative to alternatives made from animal milk for those who are allergic to lactose.
  • To maintain emotional and physical tone. The presence of lecithin, various trace elements, minerals and amino acids prevents neurological diseases and cognitive decline.
  • For digestion. Soy polysaccharides maintain the balance of intestinal microflora, promote regular bowel movements and reduce the load on the intestines.

What products contain soy?

Soy and its derivatives are found in a large number of products that can be found in any store. Lecithin, protein, and soybean flour are widely used in the food industry. Lecithin is popular in the confectionery and baking industries as a natural emulsifier, and protein is popular as a protein filler in emulsified meat and minced meat. Thus, you can find soy in a variety of products: from cookies to dumplings.

Soy milk

This is a plant-based milk that is produced by squeezing soaked and boiled soybeans. It can be prepared at home without much difficulty. Up to 5% of the composition (depending on the production technology) is protein. Typically high in vitamin B12 and calcium. Quickly absorbed by the human body. Yogurts, smoothies, tofu, cocoa and coffee, such as soy milk lattes, have a delicate and mild taste. due to the presence of vitamin E, isoflavones, lecithin and low saturated fat content.

Soy meat

Bean curd (tofu cheese)

Tofu, which is called both curd and soy cheese, is produced by curdling milk with coagulants. Varieties of tofu differ in hardness, smell, and the presence of additional ingredients that determine its flavor and aromatic properties. Traditional tofu has been consumed in Southeast Asia for more than 2 thousand years and remains popular today.

In general, similar to other products. It gives the body a lot of valuable protein, amino acids, minerals (especially calcium, sodium, iron), phytoestrogens. It is used in the preparation of desserts, soups, salads, cold and hot dishes, and smoked snacks.


Fuzhu in Chinese or yuba in Japanese is called soy asparagus in Russia and the CIS. This name has been assigned to the product since the times of the USSR, although this product has nothing to do with real asparagus. Fuzhu is made by collecting and drying the curdled protein in soy milk when heated. The rolled and dried film is soaked before use and used in salads, soups, and hot dishes. The Japanese prefer to eat it separately, dipping it in sauce.

They consist of improving metabolism, digestion, maintaining stable functioning of the nervous system and brain, and influencing the endocrine system.

Soy flour

It is made by grinding or grinding whole beans, cake or soybean meal until a white-cream powder product is formed. The composition of the low-fat product, the most popular in cooking, is characterized by a high protein content (up to 50%) and a low fat content (up to 1%), the presence of zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and potassium in the composition. expressed by the action of phospholipids, polyunsaturated fatty acids and minerals:

  • the functioning of the liver, kidneys, and immune system improves;
  • muscle tone increases;
  • the skeleton is strengthened;
  • metabolism is stabilized;
  • Degenerative changes in the nervous system are prevented.

Flour, which can be made at home, can be used to make flavors like candy, pancakes, bread, cookies, etc.

Soybean oil

Vegetable oil from soybeans is the most popular in the world, judging by annual production volumes. In deodorized, refined form, it is widely used in home cooking and the food industry. It goes well with vegetables, fish, meat and poultry. differs in the presence of fatty acids that are characteristic of fish oils. They provide a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, strengthening the overall immune system.

Soy noodles

This product is very similar to the more famous funchoza in Russia - “glass” noodles made from mung bean starch. A product made from soy has less starch content. Therefore, it is safer for overweight people and diabetics. When consumed, it provides the body with highly digestible plant protein, minerals and phospholipids, helping to maintain overall well-being at a good level.

When boiled, the noodles look like a translucent rubber band and are a little springy on the teeth when chewed. Thanks to its neutral taste, it goes well with any side dishes and bases, so it can be added to almost any salads, soups, appetizers and dishes.

Soy chips

This is a healthy alternative to the classic potato chips that have taken over the market. Soy chips do not contain as much salt and fat as most analogues widely sold in retail chains, and have more minerals, vitamins and bioactive components. To satisfy customer demand, chips are produced in various flavors: meat, cheese, cream, onion, etc.

Soy formula for children with allergies to cow's milk protein

Soy formula for newborns is an alternative to cow's milk-based milk nutrition for children who cannot consume it due to allergies to lactose and milk protein. They contain vegetable soy protein, vitamin supplements, micro- and macroelements. The opinion that these products are hypoallergenic is erroneous - children may be intolerant to soy vegetable protein, so inclusion in the diet requires a doctor’s recommendation.

Pediatricians strongly do not recommend using soy formula for feeding “healthy” newborns (without allergies), because this leads to lack of nutrition and low body weight. Indications for the use of soy mixtures are:

  • acquired, temporary or congenital lactose deficiency;
  • allergy to cow, goat or breast milk;
  • viral diarrhea;
  • galactosemia (disorder of galactose metabolism).

Soy sausages: composition and nutritional value

Soybean sausages are a nutritious and healthy alternative to traditional meat products for those who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet. They contain up to 50% easily digestible vegetable protein and retain phytoestrogens, amino acids, minerals and vitamins after heat treatment. Regular consumption promotes:

  • reducing sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • improving digestion;
  • normalization of heart rate;
  • preventing aging;
  • stabilization of metabolism, blood pressure and hematopoiesis.

The sausages contain boiled beans or tofu, sauce, spices, vegetable oil, onions, garlic and mustard.

Question: Doctor, Russians have been increasingly including soy in their diet in recent years. So much has been said about soy that you no longer know what is true and what is false. Clarify some “myths” for consumers. For example, genetically modified soybeans allegedly dominate in Russia.

Answer: On the contrary, in Russia only non-genetically modified, conventional soybeans are grown, because The legislation of our country prohibits the cultivation of genetically modified crops (including soybeans) in open ground. There are hundreds of varieties of regular soybeans, differing in shape, color, protein content and other components. And if you are sure that the product is made from domestic soybeans, then it, without a doubt, does not contain GMOs. GM soybeans were developed in the USA and are not currently grown here.

Question: The next myth or truth is that the effect of soy products on human health has not been studied in our country.

Answer: On the contrary, it was in our country that, for the first time in the world, large-scale medical studies were carried out on the effects of soy foods (soy milk, tofu soy cheese, soy curd, okara) on human health. Hundreds of research and practical institutions of the USSR, thousands of highly qualified specialists in various fields took part in these studies in the 30-40s of the twentieth century. The results confirmed the extremely high nutritional value of such soy products and their beneficial effects on human health, which have been spoken and written about in the East for thousands of years.

Question: So why do many people think that soybean is a new plant for Russia?

Answer: This is a basic lack of knowledge. In Russia, soybeans even grow wild (Far East), i.e. this is her homeland. In the European part of Russia, soybeans have been grown for almost 150 years - since the second half of the 19th century. In the mid-twentieth century in the USSR, the area under this crop occupied hundreds of thousands of hectares (it was planned to increase it to a million hectares). Since the fifties of the 20th century, soybeans began to be forgotten, as the cult of corn - the “queen of fields” arose, and there was also some political motive - the cooling of relations with China. Now soybean again occupies a significant place in the crop rotation of our country.

Question: What can be said about the widespread information that supposedly men who eat soy risk becoming impotent?

Answer: This is an absolutely false and false statement. On the contrary, all substances have a beneficial effect on male potency without causing any damage to it. Normal male potency is evidence of normal male health, and this requires proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and many other nutrients, minerals and trace elements, as well as normal levels of sugar and cholesterol in the blood. helps maintain health and, therefore, potency. Therefore, the positive contribution of soy products here is difficult to overestimate, since they contain complete protein and fats, lecithin, ferrous iron, many vitamins, as well as substances that reduce sugar and cholesterol levels. The references of the authors of the myth to the fact that soy contains substances similar to female sex hormones are, to say the least, naive, since, firstly, these substances are only similar, and there are few of them. Secondly, the male body normally produces significant amounts of female sex hormones - estrogens (estradiol, estriol, estrone). 1/3 of estrogen is produced in the testicles, the rest in the liver through a series of transformations from testosterone, the male sex hormone. In addition, in men, the testicles produce the female sex hormone progesterone, from which then, also through a series of transformations, androgens are obtained - male sex hormones. Thus, female sex hormones are always present in the male body, and without them the normal functioning of the male reproductive system is impossible.

Question: It is clear that soy does not harm men, and even seems to be beneficial. Is there anything else particularly important in it for a man’s sexual health?

Question: So where does the information for such statements come from?

Answer: This absurd myth owes its birth to the incorrect transfer of the results of studying the life of rats into recommendations for human nutrition. In particular, in experiments, rats were fed soy flour, and their pregnancy was difficult. Hasty conclusions were made that soy is also harmful for pregnant women. Not only were these results not published in the scientific press, and the scientific community recognized them as incorrect, they also did not take into account the difference in the metabolism of rats and humans. Firstly, healthy rat offspring are promoted by eating the contents of garbage food bins, and I think that no one would think of recommending such a diet to pregnant women. Secondly, when digested in rats, equol is formed - a substance that negatively affects the fetus, but equol is not formed in humans. Therefore, direct transfer of conclusions obtained from animal experiments to human nutrition recommendations is fraught with possible absurdities.

Question: They also write that it contains estrogens, which have a bad effect on the development of the boy’s reproductive system in the womb.

Answer: As already noted, there are indeed substances similar to female sex hormones, but they are similar, without the pronounced effect of female sex hormones, and their content is low. These so-called phytoestrogens do not pose any threat to the development of the boy’s reproductive system if a pregnant woman eats it. The female body, in which the intrauterine development of a boy occurs, produces not some substances similar to hormones, but real female sex hormones, and in quite large quantities. However, this does not interfere with the development of the fetus and the formation of a normal male reproductive system. In the world, the people of many countries (USA, Western European countries, Japan, China, India, Vietnam, etc.) widely use potatoes in their daily diet (about the same as potatoes and potatoes in our country) without any restrictions for pregnant women. No deviations associated with such nutrition were observed in the development of the boys’ reproductive system.

Question: What can you say about children? Can they use it?

Soy is a very controversial product, many are afraid of it, but they cannot justify why, and some consider it a storehouse of benefits, because... Now they are actively advertising this to us, and everyone has heard about the magical properties of soybeans, known hundreds of years ago in Asian countries and China. Those who switch to vegetarianism out of inexperience and from advertising are often convinced that soy products should now be the basis of their diet in order to provide themselves with protein and the rest - but this is just an advertising myth; vegetarians can easily have a balanced diet without soy! Some people switch to soybeans because they are cheap, although we still have few healthy soybean products on sale, or they are very expensive. Always remember that health is worth more than a little savings on food, and if you devote a little time and effort to the issue of nutrition, then anyone can choose an affordable and balanced diet without soy or with healthy soy products, even a vegan, although this will not be the case fast food with semi-finished products and fast food, you will have to learn to cook at home, and not throw something from a package into yourself, doused with water for a couple of minutes (saving time on food preparation, we almost always lose on our health later!). However, it is true that there are healthy soy options when consumed in moderation, let's get to know them.

And so, what I learned from the information and research I studied on soy and the composition of soy products:

  • Most of the studies confirming the harm of soy were conducted using GMO soybeans. The harm of soy is substantiated and confirmed by daily use and abuse, with one-time small quantities - research data varies greatly and apparently depends on the initial health of a person and the accompanying diet. The harm of soybeans (in studies we are talking about soy without fermentation and soy isolate) for pregnant women and excessive consumption in baby food is confirmed by most studies.
  • The peoples of Asia have been eating soy for about 1000 years in their diet (according to other sources, about 5000 years, but there is no data on whether or not it was eaten and in what form). Here it is worth emphasizing again that they used it before, non-GMO and in the form of bean products that had necessarily undergone natural fermentation! There is no evidence that people in Asia ate soybeans without cooking them using fermentation methods (+heat treatment for some recipes), but there are studies on the dangers of eating whole soybeans without fermentation. What is fermentation? In fact, it would be more correct to say fermentation, because... To process soybeans, we often use a symbiosis of bacteria from wheat or a starter, and not just its internal enzyme reserves (during germination). The essence of the process is that special bacteria and enzymes prepare the product for a simpler and more accessible form of absorption for our body, and also destroy the harmful protective substances of the bean. What does fermenting soy provide? The process of prolonged fermentation greatly reduces the effect of trypsin inhibitors, hemagglutinin and phytic acid and makes soybeans edible and healthy (i.e., it removes those factors in soybeans that likely contribute to: pancreatitis, chronic malabsorption of certain vitamins and minerals, and how a consequence of hypothyroidism, goiter, vitamin deficiency especially in group B, zinc, magnesium, calcium, infertility and developmental problems in children at an early age).
  • There has been a proven connection with an increased likelihood of deficiency of magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium and iron in people who regularly consume soy, because. Phytic acid (and there is much more of it in soy than in any other whole grain cereals and beans, and it is not sufficiently reduced by soaking and heat treatment) blocks the body’s ability to absorb the above minerals. The effect of phytic acid on the body is eliminated by processing soybeans through prolonged fermentation or consuming soy products in combination with meat or fish (to a lesser extent). In fact, if we take Japan, China, Indonesia - countries where soy is regularly consumed, we will see two patterns: 1. There are few vegans there, most people eat both soy and fish or meat on a regular basis. 2. Most local soybeans are fermented soybeans (miso, tempeh, nato, tofu, etc.) But products made from unfermented soy (soy milk, soy flour, soy oil) and soy isolate are popular in the USA and Canada, and it is there that in recommendations for vegans we can see a diet consisting almost entirely of soy and recommendations to use vitamins or supplements for those substances that probably due to the excess of whole soy, they are poorly digestible. It is quite possible that the eternal debate about the dangers of veganism, precisely in terms of lack of iron, zinc and magnesium, is actually associated with the frequent consumption of soy by many modern vegans, which led to health problems. Conclusion: if you are a vegan, you should limit your consumption of non-fermented soybean products, i.e. tempeh (only prepared by fermentation), misso, natto and soy sauce (only prepared by fermentation) are acceptable, which again must only be naturally long-fermented! Do not make soy products the basis of your diet - moderation and a varied diet are important.
  • In the Russian Federation and CIS countries, GMO soybeans are not currently grown, so all the stories about soybeans that they are all GMOs on the Internet apply to other countries (USA, Canada, Mexico). Most soybean products in the Russian Federation have GMO certificates and marks, so you can look and choose.
  • Misso soybean paste has the ability to cleanse the body during radiation exposure. But it is also worth remembering that soybeans can absorb contaminants from the soil in which they grow, so when buying soybeans, you should pay attention to what zone it is grown in or whether it has bio-certificates.
  • It is advisable to exclude soy meat, soy flour, soy milk and soy oil for pregnant women and children under 2 years of age!
  • Soy is quite an allergenic (with caution the first time if you are severely allergic).
  • The dangers of soy products made on the basis of soy protein (soy protein) and soy protein isolate have many confirmations. Why? First, soy protein and isolate are not natural products, but are produced using many chemicals in production technology. Secondly, soy protein contains carbohydrates that our body cannot digest, and again, all the horror stories about “soy clogs the intestines” are directly related to soy protein and all soy products and additives based on it, and not to the soy itself! Thirdly, soy protein and isolate are made from GMO soybeans, often because our country usually imports it (and GMO soybeans are often GMO in the USA). Those who believe that only vegans who consume soy face this problem and the dangers of soy protein are deeply mistaken, because. soy protein is now used in almost all industries for all everyday food products, and test purchases confirm this. You definitely come across soy protein or isolate every day when you buy and eat: bread, cookies, waffles, gingerbread cookies, bagels, ice cream, durum wheat pasta, many candies and chocolate, most baby food, dietary products, sweet curds, some dairy products, many meat products (here the harm is the least, because in combination with meat), semi-finished products, some ketchups, sauces, etc. Soy protein is added there to: increase shelf life, increase the nutritional value of the product in a cheap way, improve appearance and external characteristics. In vegan stores, you will most often find soy isolate in dairy substitutes: soy milk (not all imported, Russian made from whole beans), sour cream soy cream, some vegan mayonnaise (by the way, the most delicious without it), cheese soy paste, again can be added without indication in the composition to cookies and candies (applies only to mass production and products from Indian stores are especially questionable here).
  • Soy dishes don't taste very good in the wrong hands. I know that talented chefs, with the help of natural spices, can transform the soy base into whatever they want and it will become a truly delicious masterpiece. I also know that to make soybeans tasty in factory production, many different additives, flavor enhancers, flavors, and dyes are often used, so learn to cook yourself or go to cozy vegan cafes with skilled chefs, of which there are more and more people.

Conclusions for yourself:

  1. I refused store-bought products where soy isolate may be added (especially without indication in the composition): mass-produced bakery products, cookies, waffles, bagels and gingerbreads, store-bought bread, store-bought chocolates, mass-produced semi-finished products (such as pizza base) . The “pros” of avoiding these products can also be considered: the presence of trans fats, vegetable fats of unknown quality, large amounts in the composition of various E (not the most healthy), preservatives, large amounts of sugar or chemical sweeteners. origin, a large amount of starch and a base of highly refined products. For the same reason, you should refuse to eat in chain cafes, where they deliver half-finished products (for example, a chocolate bar, a coffee house, a mu-mu, a rake, because even their salads contain at least citric acid, and sometimes other preservatives).
  2. I do not include and exclude products based on soy protein and soy protein isolate in my diet, because... Most of the hype is associated with the use of this relatively recently developed soy-based component: soy pastes, vegan cheeses based on soy protein (there are excellent vegan cheeses without soy isolate), vegan soy mayonnaise (there is vegan mayonnaise without soy) and sour cream, soy cream and soy milk powder - exclude. There are many vegan recipes based on nuts and seeds, which are much tastier and healthier, although more expensive.
  3. I exclude soy products without processing in the form of fermentation/fermentation, such as: soy flour, soy oil, soy “meat”. I pay attention to the method of production of different soy products and choose those with natural fermentation (sourdoughs, bacteria, mushrooms):
    • Soy milk– an ambiguous product, because There are different variations of its preparation, both with and without fermentation of beans, but fermentation in soy milk will still be minimal (I don’t know any manufacturers who make soy drink with fermentation; what we sell is made according to specifications simply with heat treatment). At the moment I don’t use it and I don’t see the point in starting to introduce it into my diet, besides, the taste is not for everybody, and if you need a milk substitute, then there are more interesting alternatives, for example, poppy seed, sesame or almond milk. At the same time, I don’t avoid it completely, I can quite afford to sometimes drink a cappuccino with soy milk or eat baked goods with soy milk in a cafe, but if given a choice, I will choose something other than soy milk. By the way, interesting information about soy milk - in other countries it is usually called a soy drink, not milk. In China, Japan, Germany, under the term “soy drink” you will get exactly what we call soy milk, but under the term “soy milk” or “soy cream” you will get a mixture based on soy and dried cow or goat milk\ squirrel. It seems to me that the name “soy drink” is more correct, why keep getting attached to the comparison with animal products? Also pay attention to the composition of soy milk in tetra packs - sometimes there are additional components that are not the most useful. Bottom line: I limit soy milk, I don’t buy it on purpose, but I don’t avoid it in cafes or when visiting.
    • , how to find out which is natural and which is not). There is natural fermentation (3-12 months of fermentation on wheat sourdough) - I leave it. And there is chemical rapid fermentation - I exclude it as a harmful product.
    • Tempe- a well-fermented product (without the top husk) from Indonesian cuisine, tasty and satisfying, but rarely spoiled; in Moscow it is produced by the guys from the Mokh cafe.
    • Misso– natural soy misso (AKAMISO – red miso) should be made from soybeans and salt through natural long-term fermentation (from 5 days to 1 year) using the “koji-kin” mushroom. There is mixed misso (AWASEMISO) - made from a combination of rice, barley and soybeans. The food is very suitable, but I'm not a big fan of the miso taste. If you love it, then eat it and don’t worry, it’s a healthy product.
    • Tofu– regular tofu (firm, soft, linen, bean curd), which has a neutral taste and which we can easily buy, is obtained by rapid curdling with magnesium chloride, calcium sulfate or citric acid (traditionally this used to be a longer process using sea water and citrus juice, which ensured complete fermentation). Modern rapid chemical curdling is not enough to completely neutralize the effect of phytic acid, trypsin and hemagglutinin - therefore, tofu can be safely consumed by healthy people, but it may be worth limiting the amount for children, pregnant and lactating women, people with metabolic and thyroid diseases, and osteoporosis. Is there "stinky tofu" or doufu, which is used in China, Malaysia and Taiwan (formerly in other Asian countries), it is what they usually talk about when talking about the magical benefits of tofu that came from ancient China, and not about modern tofu! I haven’t seen it on sale here (but they say its smell is such that an unaccustomed European would never eat it of his own free will). “Stinky tofu” has a sharp, not very pleasant odor - it is produced through long-term fermentation with sourdough (that is, it is classified as completely healthy).
    • Natto– a special variety of well-fermented (due to Bacillus subtilis during the day) soybeans. I haven’t seen it on sale in the Russian Federation.
    • Soy lecithin– obtained from refined soybean oil or soybean flour. It's much better not to eat. It is better if the products contain sunflower lecithin, but this is rarely seen; soy is more often added, especially to chocolate.
    • Soy "meat", soy sausage— made from defatted soy flour and water, sometimes from soy protein or isolate. For myself, I classify soy products as unhealthy and exclude them. I see its benefit only from the point of view of helping people give up old eating habits and thus calm their brains (again, help or psychological self-deception?), and the disadvantage is that during the time of “calming the mind” or satisfying taste curiosity, you can gain a taste addiction.
    • Soy “asparagus”” - produce
    • soybean sprouts– soybeans (non-GMO) are germinated from small whitish sprouts to 4cm green sprouts (the sprouting process is a process of natural fermentation). The most common mistake Russian people make is that they try to eat the whole sprouted bean, but this cannot be done! It is necessary to remove the cotyledons (many controversial substances and phytic acid remain in them) and use only the sprouts themselves (the sprout grown from the bean) for food. It is optimal to complement it with any sauce from Chinese, Japanese, or Korean cuisines. The second option is heat treatment of the sprouts. Sprouting and consuming the sprouts themselves is so far the most affordable option, because... It’s expensive and difficult to buy other healthy soybean options from us.
  • Moderation in consumption of fermented soy products. Well, moderation is important in everything, even in very healthy things.

It is very sad that in pursuit of fashion, cheapness, new taste and fast food, people are “hooked” on those soybean options that pose a clear health hazard, and the trend of daily consumption and consumption in large quantities aggravates the situation. There are many better products around us than soy protein that can meet the needs of people with any type of diet, including strict vegans and athletes. If you have a lack of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, B vitamins, decreased hemoglobin, unstable metabolism, PMS, infertility, osteoporosis, bad teeth, depression, high platelets, varicose veins, vision diseases, poor memory, thyroid disease , pancreatitis - remove soy from your diet (soy supplements, soy sports nutrition, tofu, soy flour, soy meat and analogues, soy asparagus, soy oil, store-bought confectionery and bread with soy additives). Recently, a lot of pregnant and breastfeeding women have been consuming and abusing soy, which has a negative impact on the baby.

Soy is a popular product in the diet of vegetarians. They love it for its nutritional value and calorie content. But is this product safe? What do we even know about soy, except that vegans are crazy about it, and soy sauce is traditionally served with sushi and rolls? What are the benefits and harms of soy? Let's do a little educational program.

What is soy

Surprisingly, about a quarter of those surveyed don’t even know what soy is. Some believe that it is a type of lean meat; others suggest that this is the name of a special chemical product obtained in laboratory conditions; Still others are sure that this is such a mushroom. In fact, it is just a plant of the legume family.

Soybeans grow on all continents except Antarctica. In Russia it is cultivated in the Far East. Good yield and high protein content have made soybeans a popular and valuable product. The seeds of the plant, soybeans, are eaten.

Popular Products

Soybeans are rarely eaten in their natural form. Soybeans are commonly made into various products that people consume as natural alternatives. Soy milk, for example, is added to coffee and pureed soups. Vegetarian sandwiches and cold appetizers are made with soy sausage and meat. Well, lovers of sushi and rolls know about soy sauce.

This is interesting! Tofu, which many people add to Greek salad, is also made from soy. The product is loved for its nutritional properties and delicate creamy consistency.

Not everyone likes the specific taste of such products. But those who constantly eat soy foods say that you get used to it and then you can’t switch back to natural meat, milk and cheese.

The nutritional value

The praises of soybean are sung because of its composition. It is believed that all its components bring only benefits to the body. What is so valuable about soybeans?

  • Protein (about 50%). For this reason, soybeans are eaten by vegetarians who cannot get protein from meat.
  • Vitamins A and E, which have antioxidant properties.
  • Lecithin, which helps reduce cholesterol and improve metabolism.
  • Phospholipids that cleanse the bile ducts.
  • Isoflavones, which reduce the risk of cancer cell formation.
  • Fatty acids essential for brain function.
  • Tocopherol, which prevents the aging of the body.
  • A certain amount of macro- and microelements valuable for humans.

It turns out that soy definitely has benefits. But how much does it prevail over the harm that soy products can cause to human health?

Why soy is dangerous

Let's move on to the dubious benefits of soy products. The harm of soy is not a myth, but a scientifically proven fact.

For children

Phytoestrogens, which are classified as isoflavones, lead to disruption of children's physiological development. This is especially dangerous for girls who begin to develop too early. In the future, this can lead to an unstable menstrual cycle and problems with childbearing. In boys, on the contrary, sexual development slows down.

Newborns who are fed formulas with soy components are also at risk. According to testing results, such babies have 20,000 (!) times more isoflavones than normal in their blood. This amount of estrogen is dangerous for the development of the baby.

For women

Excessive consumption of soy products can lead to early-onset dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, women are more susceptible to senile dementia. In China and Japan, where tofu is very popular, female dementia begins at a relatively young age.

Eating soy and products made from it leads to brain shrinkage, i.e. to reduce the weight of the most important organ. The reason for this is the same isoflavones. If they enter the body regularly and in large quantities, then the cells eventually stop producing their own estrogen. Which leads to dementia.

Attention! Soy is completely contraindicated for pregnant women. The product can cause allergies in both mother and fetus.

For men

At a young age, men can consume soy products in reasonable quantities. But after 50, during the period of decline of sexual function, you should abandon them. Otherwise, the aging process will accelerate, sexual activity will drop completely, and due to hormonal changes, a man may begin to gain weight.

For all

Eating soy can cause overgrowth of thyroid tissue in people. Beans contain so-called goitrogenic substances that contribute to this. An enlarged thyroid gland has a negative impact on human health and can cause the formation of a goiter. Therefore, people who eat a lot of soy should also include iodine-containing foods in their diet in order to neutralize these goitrogenic substances.

This is interesting! About 50 years ago, infants were fed infant formula based on soy flour. Because of this, cases of goiter have been identified in several children.

Genetically modified soybeans

In the list of common products with the unflattering GMO designation, soybeans occupy one of the leading places. Why? Because an ordinary plant is quite capricious and requires constant care. But genetically modified beans are much easier to obtain. They grow faster and are more unpretentious.

GMO soybeans are often sourced from Argentina. The acreage of this crop in this country is simply huge, because Latin Americans love soybeans. Almost half of the genetically modified soybeans grown are exported, so they end up on the tables of residents of European countries.

GMOs may contain dangerous substances that cause changes in the genetics of the body. If a child consumes genetically modified products, his health will noticeably deteriorate over time, his psyche will be impaired, and the risk of cancer will increase. The entry of GMOs into the body of an adult can cause infertility or mutations in future offspring.

Whatever the benefits of soy products, they should be consumed in moderation. At the same time, it is necessary to take iodine in order to extinguish the negative effects of goitrogens on the thyroid gland. Soy is contraindicated for children and pregnant women in any form. And when purchasing products made from soybeans, you should look at the manufacturer. It is not advisable to buy Argentine products. It is better to focus on domestic companies.