Glycine suppositories for constipation in children. Use of glycerin in the food industry and agriculture. Other ways to combat constipation

Rectal glycerin suppositories for a newborn will help alleviate the child's condition in case of constipation. Active ingredient – ​​glycerol will dissolve feces and will ensure their gentle removal. Glycerin suppositories for constipation are injected into anal hole and provide lubrication to the inner wall of the rectum, helping to get rid of the problem.

In what cases are glycerin-based suppositories used?

Glycerin suppositories, the use of which is permissible from the 3rd month of a child’s life, are prescribed by pediatricians to newborns, if necessary, namely, if others do not have an effect, and bowel movement does not occur after three days.

Rectal suppositories are used exclusively as emergency assistance , they have no effect on the cause of constipation. Therefore, it is important to establish why this happened to the child. Detailed information You will learn about this problem and ways to solve it.

When it's not needed

Glycerin suppositories for newborns are real helpers for parents in the fight against constipation. But even such a harmless drug has its drawbacks.

Contraindications for use

  • Anal fissures.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Your local pediatrician should tell you how often glycerin suppositories can be placed in relation to your particular case. If your baby has it, it will be useful for you to know 6 reasons for its appearance, as well as ways to eliminate it.

Remember, glycerin suppositories for a newborn cannot be used more than once every 3 days. Constipation is not a disease, but a consequence, the cause of which must be eliminated first.

If they do not help the first time, then you should look for another method of relieving constipation.

On my own the drug is not addictive, but haphazard use can harm the baby’s health– the natural functioning of the intestines and the process of defecation are disrupted, which leads to consequences such as enterocolitis, intestinal obstruction and drug-induced diarrhea.

Glycerin suppositories for newborns: instructions for use

Unlike an enema, the procedure for introducing a rectal suppository is faster and does not cause discomfort to the child. A young mother can cope with this simple task without outside help, even if she has no idea how to give glycerin suppositories to newborns.

So let's get started:

  • Before administering a laxative, wash your hands, remove it from the package, and cut it lengthwise into 2 or 4 pieces (you can also crosswise) with a clean knife.
  • Place the baby on his back or left side (choose a position that is comfortable for the baby)
  • Raise your baby's legs so that his knees touch his tummy.
  • Slowly and carefully insert the suppository into the hole anus, trying to push it as deep as possible. The drug begins to dissolve as Glycerin suppositories act quickly and do not cause pain to the child. There is no need to use creams or oils as additional lubricant - the candle fits in effortlessly. If desired, you can use regular baby cream.
  • Close your buttocks and hold them in this position for 5-10 minutes. A restless baby can be picked up.
  • The time it takes for glycerin suppositories to work depends on the severity of the problem. In most cases, the effect of the drug occurs within a few minutes after administration. The duration of action of glycerin suppositories is from 1 to 15 minutes. The child relieves himself, and the remains of the suppository with feces come out.
  • Upon completion of bowel movements, wash the baby and lubricate the anus with baby cream.

Insufficiently deep insertion is main mistake, which is allowed by young mothers in an effort to protect the baby from unpleasant sensations.

You can watch a visual video instruction on how to place glycerin suppositories for newborns and infants below.

The most popular ones from Mospharm have many analogues. They all work on the same principle and have almost the same composition. The effect of glycerin suppositories does not depend on the auxiliary components of the drug.

Rectal suppositories with glycerin produced by Nizhpharm, the Tula pharmaceutical factory or the pharmaceutical factory of St. Petersburg can be bought within 100-150 rubles. per package.

Both adult and children's glycerin suppositories are available. There is no special dosage intended for infants up to 1 month.


Mila, 23 years old, Kharkov

After taking antibiotics, my daughter developed. Within a week they fixed the stool, but they overdid it - constipation began. Laxative products did not have any effect, and after consulting with a doctor, I went to the pharmacy to buy laxatives.

They advised me to take glycerin suppositories for newborns, reviews of which I had previously read on the Internet. They act quickly and have almost no contraindications. It helped within five minutes after the injection - the girl calmly emptied.

We used them only twice, since they cannot be abused either - the intestines must work independently.

Tatyana, 25 years old, Stavropol

My son was 2 months old when we encountered such a problem as constipation. I included dried apricots in my diet, but there was no effect.

The doctor advised to use safe candles with glycerin. I didn’t find special baby glycerin suppositories for newborns in the pharmacy, I bought regular ones (from 3 months), only before the administration I divided them into 2 parts (the size seemed too big to me).

They act quickly - relief came within 15 minutes. Now I always keep them in my medicine cabinet.

Lilia, 28 years old, Kurgan

I didn’t know before whether a newborn could take glycerin suppositories, so when my son started getting constipated, I called the doctor.

The pediatrician advised using suppositories if relief does not occur in the next three days.

There is a special release form for children - safe and effective. They work at the local level and will not harm the child. As for contraindications, in our case there are none. The doctor confirmed that glycerin suppositories for infants are effective and safe.

Nadezhda, 22 years old, Minsk

When I encountered a problem such as constipation in a baby, the doctor advised me to use rectal suppositories.

I'm afraid to give an enema, so I chose glycerin suppositories for newborns.

The instructions for use were simple and clear. Before insertion, I divided the candle into two parts and did not lubricate anything. I held it in my hand and it seemed to “thaw” and went in easily and quickly. And after 10 minutes relief came. Now baby glycerin suppositories are always in the refrigerator just in case.


Glycerin suppositories help relieve constipation, but do not affect its cause. To prevent this problem, it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner. Often, to normalize a child’s stool, it is enough to change the diet.

Babies can experience constipation with any method of feeding; more often, difficulties arise in those who are artificially fed. To solve the problem, glycerin-based suppositories are used. The doctor decides whether they can be used; there are also positive reviews parents about the effect of the drug. Before use, you must read the instructions.

Causes and signs of constipation

A delay of 1.5-2 days in bowel movements can cause constipation. Newborns up to 3 months have bowel movements 2-4 times daily, one year old children 1-2 times a day. If it is impossible to empty the intestines, the baby develops painful sensations, increased gas formation, due to swelling. He becomes moody, restless, and cries.

It is necessary to pay attention to the consistency of stool - normally it is mushy. If infant does not have a bowel movement every day, but this does not affect the thickness of the stool, the baby feels well, perhaps this individual feature or temporary condition. Often children breastfeeding They digest milk almost completely and have bowel movements every 3-5 days. In general good condition, full development is considered normal and does not require treatment.

Most often, constipation occurs in children when switching from breastfeeding to artificial feeding, and the cause may also be:

  • Introduction, poor nutrition. Some foods have a strengthening effect and cause stool to thicken, which makes bowel movements difficult;
  • Teething. Painful condition leads to a decrease in food consumption, the number and frequency of bowel movements decreases;
  • Infection;
  • Dehydration caused by hot weather high temperature in room;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Disturbance of intestinal microflora during complications during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Improper metabolism, lack of vitamins;
  • Psychological disorders of the baby caused by stress. Can cause weaning, change of environment, forced separation from the mother.

In breastfed children, constipation may occur when the mother's diet changes. Difficulty defecating appears after the baby's first feeding. His digestive system not yet adapted to new system nutrition, intestinal motor function is poorly developed. At feeling unwell baby, absence of bowel movements, it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Effect of candles

To help a baby with constipation, the pediatrician can prescribe baby glycerin suppositories, which are administered rectally. The medicine is available in two types: adults with a concentration of 2.11 g, children (up to 12 years), dose 1.24 g. It contains glycerol. The component is an alcohol with a viscous consistency; in combination with acids, it has an antiseptic effect, reduces inflammation and pain.

The active substance, entering the rectum, irritates the inner wall and stimulates peristalsis. Its properties allow it to soften stool to facilitate its elimination. Glycerol is not absorbed by the intestines, excluding it from entering the baby’s blood, is not addictive and is safe for the child’s body.

Unsystematic use of the drug disrupts the natural process of defecation, leading to entercolitis, diarrhea, and intestinal obstruction. Active substance at frequent use can inhibit intestinal microflora, causing digestive upset and decreased immunity.

Is it possible for the baby?

Instructions for use of glycerin suppositories contain restrictions on use - children over 3 months, babies younger age and for newborns, they can be prescribed by a pediatrician in rare cases for emergency care. Use is possible until the cause is determined and constipation is eliminated. It is not recommended to use glycerin suppositories for prevention purposes.


For babies older than 3 months, use a whole baby candle or divide an adult candle in half. For newborn children, the dosage is reduced; it is recommended to administer a third of the specified norm.

How often can I bet?

According to the instructions, it is possible to use the medicine once a day, not more than a week. Newborns and babies under one year old are not recommended to use the drug more than once every 3 days.

The drug is stored in the refrigerator to maintain its shape. Before placing, you need to warm the candle to a comfortable room temperature. The drug is administered in the morning 20 minutes after feeding.

Mode of application

How to place glycerin suppositories for newborns:

  1. Wash your hands with soap;
  2. Lay a clean diaper and lay the baby on his back or left side, lift and bend his legs so that his knees reach his tummy;
  3. For a more comfortable insertion, lubricate the candle with baby oil or wet it with warm water;
  4. Insert the candle into the anus, using little force, so as not to injure the mucous membrane. It must be inserted completely so as not to come back out;
  5. After administration, slightly squeeze the buttocks with your hands to fix the suppository, hold for 2-3 minutes so that the drug melts for further effect.

How long does it take for the drug to help?

The instructions for using glycerin suppositories for newborns indicate that the effect occurs approximately half an hour after administration. If the remedy does not help immediately, you can repeat the procedure after waiting 12 hours. For some, glycerin suppositories work quickly: the result occurs within a few minutes after administration. The drug is completely eliminated during bowel movements.


Glycerin suppositories for infants cannot be used if the child has:

  • Haemorrhoids;
  • Anal fissures;
  • Intestinal inflammation;
  • Individual intolerance.

The drug can have a painful effect on the intestines and cause an allergic reaction. After use, it is necessary to monitor the child’s condition: increased body temperature, rash - signs of an allergy. If the baby does not go to the toilet after insertion and cries a lot, he may feel strong burning sensation and irritation of the mucous membrane. It is better to do a microenema to remove the drug from the intestines.


The price of a blister with 10 children's glycerin suppositories is, on average, 150 rubles.

Microlax instead of a candle?

The only remedy for constipation intended for children from birth is microenemas. The composition also contains glycerin, but in smaller quantities. The drug is administered rectally, liquid form helps soften stool, facilitates bowel movements, and has a stimulating effect on the intestines.

Suppositories and microenemas have similar characteristics:

  • Local impact;
  • Efficiency:
  • Stimulation of peristalsis by irritating action;
  • Minimum contraindications;
  • Use for small children;
  • Opportunity allergic reaction to components.

Both drugs cannot be used long time. Reviews say that microlax acts instantly and has a one-time effect, unlike suppositories, which can cause heavy stool and increased frequency of bowel movements. It is better to decide what is more suitable with your pediatrician.

Alternative methods for relieving constipation

Before using the candle, you should try not medicinal methods helping the baby. Often help:

  1. Tummy massage. Performed with circular stroking movements clockwise, the pressure should be slow and not strong so as not to hurt the child;
  2. Gymnastics - bending and straightening the legs, knees need to be pressed to the tummy, the movement is similar to the “bicycle” exercise;
  3. Baths help you relax, you can add decoctions medicinal herbs, chamomile is more often used;
  4. Gentle shallow insertion of the tip of a gas outlet tube into the anus can cause defecation.

It is also worth reviewing your diet. If the baby is breastfed, the mother needs to follow a diet that does not involve reducing the diet, but consuming foods that do not have harmful effects. negative impact on the baby's digestion.

You can add beets and prunes to the menu - they have a mild laxative effect. If the baby is artificial feeding, you can try a different mixture after consulting your doctor.

If a baby is constipated after starting complementary feeding, you can use other cereals or purees and ensure adequate fluid intake.

If a problem arises, it is better to consult a doctor; he may recommend adjusting the feeding regimen, active image life. If constipation is a symptom of other diseases, it is necessary to conduct an examination and prescribe treatment.

The digestive system of a newborn has a number of physiological characteristics. Therefore, in the first year of life, a child may experience a number of problems associated with bowel movements.

During this period of life, a newborn baby can often experience constipation; when constipation appears, the child begins to cry and twitch his legs.

To facilitate alarming symptoms parents and doctors resort to using suppositories with glycerin. They gently eliminate the problem of constipation and help normalize the act of defecation.

Causes of constipation in babies

Normal bowel movements, in infants up to three months of age, should occur up to 4 times a day, and in children one year old The act of defecation occurs twice a day. If the process is delayed by 2 days, this is usually called constipation.

There are many reasons why stool disorder occurs:

Effect of suppositories with glycerin

The mechanism of constipation in a newborn is based on a violation of the density of stool. Unlike breastfed children, newborns with artificial feeding feces acquire a dense consistency. This interferes with their smooth removal from the body.

- This perfect assistant in this position. Their main component is glycerin. It envelops and gently lubricates the mucous walls of the intestines. This leads to easy and painless emptying.

In addition, additional components included in glycerin suppositories (stearic acid, sodium carbonate) draw in moisture, which helps to liquefy feces and facilitates their removal from the body.

Pharmacological action of suppositories with glycerin

The intestinal mucosa has many nerve receptors. Glycerin acts on them, irritating their endings, as a result of which intestinal motility increases.

This leads to his release and accelerated withdrawal feces from the body. Under its influence, they soften, and the act of defecation is painless and becomes regular.

The big advantage of glycerin suppositories is that they do not change intestinal microflora, and do not cause disturbances from the gastrointestinal tract.

The body does not get used to them. Therefore, glycerin suppositories can be considered a universal antispasmodic.

But we should not forget that by eliminating constipation, they do not eliminate the cause of its origin.

Method of use and dosage of glycerin suppositories

There are a number of rules that must be strictly followed when placing glycerin suppositories for a newborn.

Let's look at all the rules in step-by-step instructions:

Dosage regimen:

  • Usual dose for a newborn baby and children under 3 years old, is half a suppository per day, and it can be divided into two times.
  • For older children(up to 7 years) one 1.24 g suppository is prescribed. in the morning.
  • For adults and children(over 7 years old) it is recommended to use 2.11 g candles. once a day, no more than 1 piece.

Due to the fact that the relief effect can occur 10-15 minutes after using glycerin suppositories, they should be used only in the morning.

Indications for the use of suppositories with glycerin

Glycerin suppositories are used in case of emergency; they cannot be used every day, under any circumstances. Since they do not eliminate the cause of constipation, and are symptomatic treatment.

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Contraindications for glycerin suppositories

Despite the fact that glycerin suppositories have received wide application in resolving this sensitive issue, there are a number of restrictions in their use under which their use becomes impossible.

Let's look at them in detail:

Side effects of glycerin suppositories

When using glycerin suppositories, basically no side effects. They are well tolerated in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

IN in rare cases a slight burning sensation may occur and some discomfort in the area of ​​insertion of the suppository. This leads to excessive irritability in the child, which is accompanied by whims and crying.

If the expected effect is not achieved after a single use, next dose should not be administered immediately. To do this, you need to wait until the next day.

And in order to alleviate the child’s suffering, it is necessary to use another method to eliminate constipation (give a microenema, massage with a thermometer).

The use of glycerin suppositories in newborns

In early childhood (up to 3 months), the use of glycerin-based suppositories is not recommended. But after consultation with a pediatrician, they are often prescribed. Since they don't have toxic properties, and generally do not cause side effects.

The admissibility of their use is justified by the fact that they act only locally, this prevents them from entering the general bloodstream. And the residual half-life products of their components are excreted along with feces.

It is very important in early childhood to follow the rules for administering glycerin suppositories; in addition to observing the dosage, the suppository should be administered to a newborn carefully; to do this, the suppository is moistened in water and the corners and nicks on the suppository are removed with a slight movement of the finger. This prevents the anus from being damaged.

Before giving a rectal glycerin suppository to a child, you need to make sure that the problem with bowel movements is caused by a problem with the stomach or intestines. Because attacks of a child’s whims can be caused not only by constipation.

If the placement of candles is carried out uncontrolled, for a long time this can lead to the development serious pathologies, in which the baby will not be able to empty the intestinal contents on his own.

Features of application

Rectal suppositories with glycerin are best used in the first half of the day or in the morning. This is done after a 20-minute interval from the moment of eating.

Bowel movement after such manipulation occurs within 15-30 minutes. If this does not happen, then a repeat dose is inserted into the anus after 12-15 hours.

It is very important to follow the dosage, because suppositories can be produced for both adults and children.

In case of an overdose of this drug, the baby cannot say that his tummy hurts or he feels any discomfort.

He may experience the following symptoms:

  • Intestinal upset (sometimes severe diarrhea).
  • In some cases, intestinal obstruction occurs.
  • Allergic skin rashes may appear.

Children over four years of age can be given suppositories with glycerin. But at this age, in order to avoid constipation, it is necessary to follow the child’s nutritional standards.

Following a proper, highly fortified diet and sufficient consumption of liquid homemade food will help prevent constipation.

And the use of glycerin suppositories will lose its relevance.

When treating constipation in early childhood, it is very important to pay attention to the baby’s nutrition.

Before visiting a pharmacy to buy suppositories for constipation, you need to check:

  • Are the foods chosen correctly for the first complementary feeding?(it must be varied, the presence of vegetables and fermented milk products, kefir or yogurt).
  • View (in cases of artificial feeding) the composition of the ingredients of the mixture. Prebiotics are often added to its preparation; they help normalize intestinal function.

Are glycerin suppositories harmful or not?

Like any medication, if used too often(even if it has minimum quantity side effects) may lead to negative reactions from the body.

Its ingredients may develop a sense of addiction, which affects their effectiveness.

If the cause of constipation is not clearly established(there is a type of cologenic constipation, their significant difference, from the usual, is the location fecal stone above the level of the rectum), then therapy with glycerin suppositories may not bring positive dynamics.

Also positive action will not be noted if stool retention is caused by scars or tumors.

Rules for storing suppositories with glycerin

This medication is best preserved in a dry and cool place. In case if little patient lives in an apartment, it can be stored in the refrigerator, and if in your own home, then you can use the basement for storage. The temperature should not exceed 15 degrees.

It is important that they do not fall into the hands of more children.

The shelf life of glycerin suppositories does not exceed 2 years.

The drug is sold in the pharmacy chain without a prescription.

Main advantages and disadvantages

These rectal suppositories have a number of advantages compared to other drugs of this pharmacological group.

The advantages of this dosage form include:

  • Achieving results quickly.
  • Low price.
  • Application does not require special skills and knowledge.
  • Has selective local action, is not absorbed into the general bloodstream.
  • Can be used at any child's age.

The disadvantages of this tool include the following disadvantages:

  • The action of the drug is based on eliminating the symptoms of constipation, it does not treat or eliminate the underlying cause of the pathological process.
  • At long-term use nerve endings intestines lose sensitivity, as a result of which further use of the drug does not have a positive effect.
  • Overdose is difficult to establish, since the child cannot talk about his discomfort and unpleasant sensations.
  • If the prescribed dosage of the drug is not followed constipation can develop into diarrhea, which is difficult to treat.

How to choose glycerin suppositories for infants?

  • Purchasing glycerin suppositories in a pharmacy chain or online store, you need to pay attention to the dosage, since they come in two types, for adults and for children. Suppositories for adults can also be used in childhood and infancy, but this will cause certain inconvenience when using them.
  • It is best to use rectal suppositories for infants Glycelax, they are produced by the pharmaceutical company Mospharm, or suppositories with glycerin from the company Nizhpharm. Their price can range from 100 to 150 rubles.
  • When choosing this medication necessary remember that there are additional ingredients that are included in the composition rectal suppositories, they are not only able to influence the gentle removal of constipation, but also the price of this medicine.

Price in pharmacy

Suppositories based on glycerin are a generally available drug and have a low price:

  • Glycerin suppositories 1.24 g. 10 Nizhpharm company 130-140 rub.
  • Suppositories with glycerin 0.75 g. 5 Farmina company 200-230 rubles.
  • Glycerin suppositories No. 12 Antibiotic SA 180-190 rubles.
  • Glycerin based suppositories. Manufacturer Poland Farmina 1.5 gr. No. 5 70-100 rub.


This dosage form has many analogues and substitutes, but their use is possible only after consultation with a pediatrician.

According to its action and chemical composition The most popular medicines are:

  • Norgalax. Available in the form of a tube containing gel-like contents, it is very easily inserted into the lumen of the rectum using a cannula. Used for the treatment of long-term constipation. The disadvantage is the presence of many contraindications, including childhood up to 15 years.
  • Microlax. Similar in action to glycerin suppositories. But unlike them, its main component is sodium citrate. Prescribed in all cases of constipation. Has very few contraindications and side effects. Prescribed in infancy.
  • Duphalac. Its composition is based on the use of two chemical compounds— Lactulose and purified water. Available in different dosage forms, which makes it easier to use. In infants it is used by adding to breast milk. Its action begins after 4-10 hours after a single application. It has few contraindications and side effects.
  • Prelax. It is used only for oral administration in the treatment of constipation, the etiology of which is hemorrhoids. The main advantage of this drug is its wide range appointments. It is used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children of any age. In infancy, it is prescribed half a teaspoon, added to milk.
  • Normolakt. The product is intended for oral administration. Used to relieve constipation during pregnancy and lactation. Can be used in the youngest patients, during breastfeeding, a single use of 2.5 ml of the medicine is prescribed, which is added to the milk. Well tolerated by patients, overdose and side effects are observed extremely rarely.

Glycerin-based suppositories are widely used in the treatment of constipation in newborns. However, they cannot be used as a panacea for these pathological conditions. Moreover, they are unable to eliminate the cause that underlies this pathology.

A pediatrician will always help you choose correct dose, and will explain how to use the drug. Self-prescription of this medication can greatly harm the baby’s health and cause diarrhea, which will require special treatment to eliminate.

Glycerin is a viscous colorless liquid that is an excellent solvent and forms in any proportions aqueous solutions, very hygroscopic, gels well and burns without producing smoke and unpleasant odor. Glycerin solution is widely used in production tobacco products, V Food Industry. Glycerin is used in production detergents, varnishes, paints and plastics, in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries and agriculture. In medicine, glycerin ointment is used to soften the skin of the hands, when ear plugs and in the form of glycerin suppositories as a laxative.

Suppositories with glycerin during pregnancy

Glycerin suppositories are used for constipation. Often this problem occurs during pregnancy due to large quantity progesterone - a hormone that inhibits muscle contractions internal organs. Suppositories with glycerin slightly irritate the colon mucosa and cause its contractions, and melting glycerin and petroleum jelly soften the stool and help release it. Do not use suppositories without consulting a doctor, otherwise there may be a risk of miscarriage, since in addition to stimulating the intestines, they increase the tone of the uterus. The suppositories should be inserted into the rectum after breakfast, after 15-20 minutes, 1 suppository per day. You should not use them daily, but only as needed.

Borax in Glycerin

Sodium tetraborate in glycerin solution is an antiseptic. Women often use it for treatment vaginal candidiasis(thrush). The solution should be used twice a day for a week. Before use, rinse the vagina thoroughly and douche with chamomile solution. Then wrap several layers of sterile bandage around your finger, soak it in a borax solution and treat the inflamed areas. This medicine is used only externally (douching, rinsing, lubricating). Can this drug be used during pregnancy? Your consulting doctor will answer this question for you. But the main thing is not to use borax if the mucous membrane is damaged or if you are intolerant to the drug.

Glycerin and vitamin E

Tocopherol (vitamin E) and glycerin are vital for the beauty of facial skin. They will prolong youth and help get rid of many problems. Vitamin E is the most powerful antioxidant among all vitamins, which slows down oxidative processes in cells, protects against exposure to UV rays, improves nutrition and accelerates skin regeneration. This vitamin can be taken both externally and internally. Liquid glycerin perfectly retains moisture, removes inflammation and improves cell regeneration. Mix both liquids in equal proportions and apply to the skin of the face before going to bed - in the morning the skin will become smooth, even, velvety, and fine wrinkles will disappear. No for hand skin best combination than glycerin and vitamin E. These substances are added to hand creams and lotions, which help relieve irritation from household products, water and environment.

Lugol's solution with glycerin

This medicine can be used topically, externally and internally. Oral Lugol with glycerin is prescribed for syphilis, atherosclerosis, and epidemic goiter. It is necessary to take 1 drop 1 time per day for 3 weeks. This course should be carried out three times with a break of 20-30 days. Locally, this medication is used for ear diseases (need to be instilled for 2-4 weeks), burns and infections (apply gauze wipes, soaked in Lugol's solution with glycerin), chronic tonsillitis, trophic ulcers, for lubricating the throat and pharynx (several times a day). The drug consists of iodine, water and glycerin and has antifungal, antiseptic and local irritant effects.

Every parent faces the problem of constipation in children. IN modern world there are many ways to fix it unpleasant condition- an enema, a thermometer with Vaseline, herbal laxatives and glycerin suppositories. The latter are especially popular because they are the most convenient and quick way relieve your child from constipation.

How do suppositories with glycerin work for children?

Constipation in infants is not determined by the frequency of bowel movements, but by the difficulty of elimination and the consistency of stool. In newborns up to one year old who are breastfed, stools are usually mushy and frequent. In children who are bottle-fed, their stool is more sparse but dense. When babies become constipated, they are prescribed inexpensive glycerin suppositories for children.

Main active substance suppositories are glycerin. Auxiliary components are stearic acid and sodium carbonate. In case of constipation, glycerin provides additional lubrication for the inner lining of the child's rectum, which promotes painless and easy excretion of feces. In addition to stimulating intestinal motility, the components included in the suppository have good hygroscopicity. They attract liquid to themselves, thereby softening the stool.

How to place glycerin suppositories for children

They produce glycerin suppositories for small children in the same composition as for adults. The only difference is in the dosage, so if you don’t have a medicine for newborns at hand, you can use the drug for adults by first dividing the suppository into three parts. Instructions on how to properly place a laxative suppository for babies:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before the procedure;
  • lay the baby on his side or back;
  • lift your legs up so that the baby rests his knees on his tummy;
  • soak the candle in warm water;
  • inject the laxative carefully into anal passage;
  • lower the baby’s legs, lightly pressing his buttocks together;
  • hold them for 1-2 minutes so that the glycerin melts.

How long does it take for a glycerin suppository to work in a child?

According to the instructions for use, newborns do not require additional lubrication during drug administration, since the suppositories independently lubricate the rectum. Thanks to this effect, children do not develop a feeling of fear of painful sensations during the process of defecation, because feces are released painlessly. As a rule, children's suppositories are placed after breakfast, and they take effect 20 minutes after administration. If the drug does not work, then it is allowed to re-administer the drug, but not less than 12 hours after the first time.

How safe is glycerin for children?

If you follow the dosage indicated in the instructions, then the use of the drug for children is safe. However, with glycerin suppositories, like everyone else medicines, there are contraindications. You cannot use the medicine if the child suffers from hemorrhoids, there is intestinal inflammatory processes, anal fissures or proctitis. If you do not calculate the dose, you may experience adverse reactions in the form of allergies, intestinal obstruction and diarrhea. In any case, before placing glycerin suppositories on a newborn, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

How often can glycerin suppositories be given to infants?

Glycerin suppositories are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, so when purchasing, always pay attention to the packaging, which should be marked that the drug is intended for children. Daily norm for newborns – 1 piece. In rare cases, if there is no emptying after the first time, it is allowed to introduce a second one after 12 hours. Infants should not be given a laxative for more than 3 days in a row to avoid causing side effects. Children over 3 months are allowed to take one suppository per day for no more than a week in a row.

Price for glycerin suppositories for children

In addition to the pharmacy chain, glycerin suppositories can be purchased inexpensively in the online store. It’s easy to choose from the catalog the right drug and order delivery to any region of Russia. average cost laxative drug from the Russian manufacturer Nizhpharm (Nizhny Novgorod) 140 rubles for 10 pieces. Foreign analogue from the company Farmina (Poland) is slightly more expensive in price - from 170 rubles per package. The most popular laxative drug for children is Glycelax with active substance glycerol, a means for rectal use Microlax.

How to choose glycerin suppositories for infants

Issued glycerin suppositories V different dosage. For example, Glycelax for children contains 0.75 g of glycerol, and for adults - 1.5. If it is not possible to purchase a child’s dose, divide an adult candle in half, but do not forget to smooth the sharpened side with your fingers before inserting, so as not to injure the baby. A significant disadvantage of treating constipation with suppositories is that the symptom is removed, not the problem, so they should only be used as an emergency aid. It is imperative to identify the cause of difficult bowel movements together with a doctor.

Video: glycerin suppository for babies