Large lymph nodes on the human body. Causes of inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck. Level I: mental, submandibular

Lymph nodes (lymph nodes) are organs lymphatic system. They act as a filter for lymph coming from different organs and body parts.

Lymph nodes are round or oval formations from 0.5 to 50 mm in diameter. They are located near lymphatic and blood vessels. The location of the lymph nodes helps the body create a barrier to various infections and cancer.

There are cervical, supraclavicular, intrathoracic, axillary, ulnar, femoral, inguinal and popliteal lymph nodes. There are also lymph nodes located in the lung area (bronchopulmonary), in abdominal cavity(mesenteric and para-aortic), slightly higher than the inguinal (iliac).

How to independently recognize inflammation of the lymph nodes?

Inflammation of the lymph nodes, or lymphadenitis, is difficult not to notice. First alarm signal is an enlargement of the lymph nodes: bulge in the head, neck, pelvis, etc. In addition, there are other symptoms: painful sensations, especially felt when pressed; seals; redness. Sometimes purulent inflammation, headache, general weakness and increased body temperature. One lymph node, a group of lymph nodes, or all lymph nodes at the same time can become inflamed.

If enlarged lymph nodes are detected, you need to answer the following questions one by one:
1. How quickly and how much did the lymph nodes enlarge?
2. Are the lymph nodes mobile or in a fixed position?
3. Is the pain in the lymph nodes constant, occurs only with pressure, or is it completely absent?
4. Are the lymph nodes dense, or, on the contrary, very soft?
5. Is one lymph node inflamed, or several?

It is worth noting that an enlargement of one lymph node, not accompanied by pain, is not yet a cause for concern. Perhaps this lymph node simply works more actively than others, which led to this effect. This is often observed in people who have recently had an infection. When the body fully recovers from the disease, the lymph node also returns to normal. But if the recovery process is delayed, or pain appears in the area of ​​the lymph node, a visit to the doctor will not hurt.

Medical diagnosis of inflammation of the lymph nodes

First, the doctor must carefully examine the patient and get answers to all the questions stated above. The doctor should also examine the patient’s medical history, i.e. find out what he was sick with before and how the illness progressed. After this, a blood test is usually prescribed, which can help determine the causes of lymphadenitis. To rule out a tumor or find the source of infection, the patient is sent for an X-ray or computed tomography (CT) scan. The latter procedure is not only paid, but also expensive. But the images obtained after it are carried out allow the doctor to see the picture of the disease more clearly. This means that the treatment will be prescribed correctly and will bring greater effect.

If all of the above methods did not help install accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to perform a biopsy of the lymph nodes. During this procedure, the doctor takes small samples of lymph node tissue and its contents, and studies the resulting material in the laboratory. After this, the chances of identifying the cause of inflammation increase significantly.

How does inflammation of the lymph nodes occur?

Lymphadenitis most often occurs due to the entry of harmful microorganisms into the body.

There are two types of inflammation of the lymph nodes:
Purulent lymphadenitis
This type of disease is characterized by severe and constant, often throbbing pain in the lymph nodes. At purulent inflammation the lymph nodes seem to merge with each other and with other tissues located nearby. Another one of distinctive features purulent lymphadenitis is the immobility of the lymph nodes.

Sometimes purulent melting occurs, during which suppuration appears on the soft tissues large sizes. In this case, the skin around the lymph node and directly above it turns red. As a result, a tumor with clear contours appears in the area of ​​the lymph node. Its density varies different areas: somewhere the tumor is very hard, somewhere it is softened. When you feel the tumor, you can hear a characteristic sound, which is compared to the crunch of snow.

The difference between purulent lymphadenitis is sharp deterioration general condition. A person's temperature rises, their heart rate increases, and headache and general weakness.

The danger of this disease is that it can quickly spread throughout the body and lead to inflammation engulfing the entire body.

Non-purulent lymphadenitis
This type of disease brings less suffering to the patient, because general state does not change. As for the lymph nodes, they are compacted, enlarged and mobile. Painful sensations occur exclusively when pressed.

There are also two types of disease:
Acute lymphadenitis(lasts up to 2 weeks).
This type of disease has a sudden onset. Suddenly, pain occurs in the lymph nodes, which have increased sharply. Acute lymphadenitis is also characterized by fever and malaise.

Chronic lymphadenitis(lasts over 1 month).
This stage occurs after the previous one. When the inflammatory process subsides, acute lymphadenitis becomes chronic. Although there are cases of the development of chronic lymphadenitis without a pronounced acute stage.

This condition is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes without any discomfort in them. There are no other manifestations of the disease.

If you suspect chronic lymphadenitis usually a cytological and histological tests. The first allows you to study the cells of the lymph node, and the second - the corresponding tissues. These studies are necessary to confirm the correct diagnosis, because chronic lymphadenitis can easily be confused with a number of other diseases.

There is a classification of lymphadenitis according to the types of fluid that appears at the site of inflammation.
Based on this feature, the following types of lymphadenitis are distinguished:

  • hemorrhagic - in this case blood predominates in the fluid;
  • purulent - with this type of disease the fluid contains more pus;
  • serous - the site of inflammation is filled with translucent liquid, saturated with protein;
  • fibrous - the composition of the fluid is dominated by the protein fibrin, which ensures blood clotting.

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes

The causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes are extremely varied. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is usually secondary disease. In other words, lymphadenitis is always a symptom or consequence of some other disease.

2. Specific lymphadenitis.
This is the name for inflammation that occurs as a result of exposure to more severe infectious diseases on the body, such as AIDS, sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, etc. Its difference is that, like any specific disease, it will in any case cause damage to health.

Nonspecific lymphadenitis can occur with the following diseases:
Tooth abscess. Infectious disease, the focus of which is located near the root of the tooth. An abscess (ulcer) may appear due to untreated caries, inflammation of the gums or other dental disease. An abscess can also be caused by mechanical trauma, as a result of which the tooth was broken, or an infection that entered the body during an injection with dental procedure. This disease can lead to the development of inflammation of the lymph nodes under the jaw.
Other symptoms: long-term pain in the tooth, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, redness or swelling of the gums, bad breath, pain when chewing.
Allergy. Particular sensitivity of the body to certain substances.
Other symptoms: runny nose, pain in the eyes, cough, sneezing, swelling.

Sore throat (acute tonsillitis). Acute illness, characterized by inflammation of the tonsils. The causative agents of sore throat are bacteria such as staphylococcus, meningococcus, etc.
Other symptoms: sore throat, worsening when swallowing, sore and dry throat, fever; clearly visible yellowish-white or purulent plaque on the tonsils, sensation foreign body when swallowing, bad breath, signs of poisoning, headache, chills, general weakness.

ARVI. Viral disease of the nasal cavity, pharynx and epiglottis. In this case, several groups of lymph nodes may enlarge at the same time. In adults, during viral infections, the lymph nodes almost always enlarge, but inflammation of the lymph nodes in a child is usually so insignificant that it is not detected by palpation.
Other symptoms: runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat, vomiting, general weakness, loose stools.

Cat scratch disease (benign lymphoreticulosis). An infectious disease that occurs after a cat bite or deep scratch. It is this that often causes inflammation of the lymph nodes in children. The disease occurs due to the fact that a small bacterium, Bartonella, enters the body. This disease often causes inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes. But it can also cause inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin. Cat scratch disease is not transmitted from person to person.
Other symptoms: a small spot with a red rim, which over time turns into a bubble; enlargement of the lymph node closest to it, which occurs after about a week; signs of general poisoning; temperature increase; may sometimes occur accompanying illnesses nervous system(meningitis, etc.).

Lymphangitis. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessels. The causative agents of the disease are streptococci, staphylococci, etc.
Other symptoms: narrow red stripes on the skin, chills, heat, swelling, weakness.

Specific lymphadenitis appears in the following diseases:

HIV or AIDS. A viral disease that attacks the immune system. You can become infected through unprotected sexual contact or using contaminated medical instruments. The disease is also transmitted from mother to child during childbirth and breastfeeding. With this disease, the lymph nodes become inflamed behind the ears and in occipital region. HIV and AIDS are characterized by mass casualties various groups lymph nodes.
Other symptoms: fever, weak immunity, inflammation of the skin (urticaria), ulcers of the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals, “fibrous tongue”, etc.

Gaucher's disease. An extremely rare hereditary disease in which fat accumulates in large quantities in the liver, spleen, kidneys and lungs. In this case, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs.
Other symptoms: strabismus, difficulty swallowing, laryngeal spasms, dementia, bone damage.

Niemann-Pick disease. Also a very rare genetic disease associated with the accumulation of fats in the internal organs.
Other symptoms: liver dysfunction, difficulty breathing, developmental delays, eating disorders, eye movement and motor coordination.

Systemic lupus erythematosus. Disease connective tissue, in which the person’s immune system begins to attack healthy cells.
Other symptoms: a red, butterfly-shaped rash located on the cheeks and bridge of the nose; general weakness; sharp jumps temperature; headache; muscle pain; fast fatiguability.

Measles. Acute infectious disease transmitted by airborne droplets. Measles often causes inflammation of the lymph nodes in the intestines.
Other symptoms: very high fever, dry cough, conjunctivitis, runny nose, rash, signs of general poisoning, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose.

Leukemia (blood cancer). A disease caused by mutation of bone marrow cells. Leukemia can cause both inflammation postauricular lymph nodes, and other types of lymphadenitis.
Other symptoms: tendency to bruises, frequent bleeding and infections, pain in joints and bones, general weakness, enlarged spleen, sudden weight loss, lack of appetite.

Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes). An oncological disease of the lymphatic tissue that affects many internal organs. Lymphoma can cause inflammation of the lymph nodes under the chin, as well as other types of lymphadenitis. This disease is characterized by damage to many lymph nodes in different parts of the body.
Other symptoms: weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness, high fever.

Mononucleosis. An acute viral disease that can be contracted through blood transfusion or through airborne droplets. Almost any group of lymph nodes can be involved in the pathological process.
Other symptoms: dizziness, migraines, weakness, pain when swallowing, mucus in the lungs, high fever, skin inflammation, enlarged liver and/or spleen.

Breast cancer. Malignant tumor mammary gland. Breast cancer can often be indicated by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits of women.
Other symptoms: lumps in the mammary glands; nipple discharge not related to pregnancy or breastfeeding; scales and ulcers in the nipple area; swelling or change in the shape of the breast.

Rheumatoid arthritis. A connective tissue disease that affects the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the main causes of disability.
Other symptoms: swelling near the joints, changes in their shape, local increase in temperature, pain in the joints, aggravated by movement.

An abscess is a large accumulation of pus, blood, and dead tissue particles in one area. It is treated either with antibiotics or with surgery.

Blood poisoning is the spread of infection throughout the body through blood vessels. Treated with antibiotics. Without treatment, vital organs quickly begin to fail and death occurs.

Which doctor should I contact if I have swollen lymph nodes?

Because inflammation of the lymph nodes can be caused by various diseases, the treatment of which is within the competence of doctors of various specialties, then contact similar condition will have to to various specialists. Moreover, the specialist who needs to be contacted for inflammation of the lymph nodes in each specific case should be selected depending on in which area of ​​the body the pathology of the lymph nodes is observed and what caused it.

So, if the lymph nodes are inflamed in submandibular region, and before this there were any dental interventions or diseases, then you need to contact dentist (), since such a situation is most likely caused by an infectious-inflammatory process in the oral cavity, dental sockets, etc.

If the lymph nodes in the groin, pubic area, or labia of a woman are inflamed, then you need to contact urologist ()(both men and women) or gynecologist ()(women), since in such a situation the inflammatory process is caused by diseases of the pelvic organs.

If the lymph nodes in the neck area are inflamed, then you need to contact otolaryngologist (ENT) (), since in this case the inflammatory process is most likely caused by diseases of the ENT organs (for example, sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, etc.).

If inflamed lymph nodes appear in any other area (for example, in the armpit, arms, legs, body, etc.), then you should first contact surgeon () or therapist(). Doctors with these qualifications will be able to conduct an examination, determine the most probable cause inflammation of the lymph nodes and then either prescribe treatment or refer the patient to another specialist whose competence includes the treatment of a suspected disease in a person. If the lymph nodes in the arms, legs, or armpits are swollen, the physician or surgeon may refer the patient to oncologist () or infectious disease specialist (), if the suspected diseases are not within the scope of competence of the surgeon or therapist. If the lymph nodes in different parts of the body are inflamed, and this is combined with joint pain or persistent skin rash, then the surgeon or therapist will refer the person to rheumatologist (), since such a set of symptoms indicates the presence rheumatic disease (autoimmune pathology, pathology of connective tissue, etc.).

Accordingly, in case of inflammation of the lymph nodes, you may need to contact the following specialists:

  • Therapist (for children – pediatrician ());
  • Surgeon;
  • Urologist (for men and women);
  • Gynecologist (for women);
  • Dentist;
  • Otolaryngologist (ENT);
  • Oncologist;
  • Infectious disease specialist;
  • Rheumatologist.

What tests can doctors prescribe for inflammation of the lymph nodes?

In case of inflammation of the lymph nodes of any location (on any part of the body), the doctor will definitely prescribe a general blood test and a general urine test, and will also conduct an examination, palpate the nodes and ask about recent previous diseases or any unusual, previously absent sensations, symptoms, changes, etc. These simple studies and tests will help the doctor navigate and understand the character pathological process, after which, if necessary, appoint additional examinations or treatment plan. Most often as additional methods Doctors prescribe examinations x-ray (sign up) or computed tomography desired organs or body parts.

If the lymph nodes under the jaw are inflamed and in the recent past a person has had problems with teeth, dental procedures (for example, injections, installation of implants, tooth extraction, etc.), injuries to the jaw area of ​​the face, then in such situations the doctor is usually limited to prescribing a general blood tests and orthopantomogram (panoramic image of all teeth of the upper and lower jaw) (sign up). An orthopantomogram allows you to find out where in the jaws and oral cavity there is an accumulation of pus or an inflammatory focus is localized, and a general blood test makes it possible to assess the general condition of the body. Thus, based on the results of the orthopantomogram, the doctor is able to understand exactly what needs to be done to eliminate the cause of inflammation of the lymph node. But the result of a general blood test allows you to find out how systemic the process has become and whether it is necessary to use antibiotics for oral administration, and which ones.

Inflammation of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes often develops against the background of previous or chronic infectious diseases of the ENT organs (for example, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc.). In this case, the doctor must prescribe a general blood test and ASL-O titer(), which make it possible to understand whether the systemic spread of the pathological process has begun and whether it has recently been transferred streptococcal infection(title ASL-O). In addition, if, against the background of inflammation of the lymph nodes, a person still has signs of an inflammatory process in the oropharynx or nasopharynx, the doctor may prescribe a blood test for the presence of antibodies to Chlamydophila pneumonia and Chlamydia trachomatis (IgG, IgM, IgA), since these microorganisms can lead to long-term chronic infections respiratory system, difficult to treat.

When inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck, submandibular region and behind the ears develops against the background of or shortly after an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza, the doctor usually confines himself to prescribing a general blood test and X-ray of the sinuses of the facial skull (sign up) or lymph node.

If a person has inflamed lymph nodes in the groin, in the axillary region, in the thigh area, and there are no other symptoms and there have been no previous cases within a month serious illnesses, but within 10 - 14 days before he was scratched by a cat, then most likely lymphangitis is a manifestation of benign lymphoreticulosis (cat scratch disease). In this case, the lymph nodes located closest to the site of scratches caused by the cat become inflamed. Inflamed lymph node dense and increased in size by 5 - 10 times, and it remains so for 1 week - two months. In such a situation, the doctor usually prescribes only a general blood test, and sometimes a blood test for Bartonella may be ordered to confirm the diagnosis of cat scratch disease (in case of doubt).

With isolated inflammation of the lymph nodes in the absence of any specific symptoms the doctor can prescribe blood test for the presence of antibodies to toxoplasma (), since toxoplasmosis provokes long-lasting lymphadenitis, and otherwise can be completely asymptomatic.

For inflammation of the lymph nodes located near the site of cellulite (erysipelas of the subcutaneous fat tissue, manifested by redness, swelling, pain in the site, sweating and elevated body temperature), the doctor usually prescribes only a general blood test and an ASL-O titer test. Other studies at similar pathology Not needed.

With persistent inflammation of various groups of lymph nodes, especially those located behind the ears and in the back of the head, which is combined with ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth and genitals, "fibrous tongue", frequent colds, the doctor prescribes blood test for HIV/AIDS (sign up), since similar symptoms are specific to this disease.

When a person has swollen lymph nodes, combined with fat accumulation in the liver, spleen, kidneys and lungs, difficulty swallowing, developmental delay (dementia), or impaired eye movements, the doctor will refer the person for further evaluation to a medical facility that detects rare diseases. genetic pathologies. And already in this specialized medical institution, the geneticist prescribes specific tests for diagnosis, which are performed in the laboratory of the same organization. At indicated symptoms Sequencing of exons and near-exon regions of introns of the GBA gene, as well as determination of the activity of chitotriosidase and beta-glucocerebrosidase in the blood may be prescribed.

If the inflammation of any lymph nodes is persistent, does not decrease over time, is combined with a butterfly-shaped rash on the face, cutaneous livedo (the presence of blue or red areas on the skin that form a bizarre mesh pattern), headaches and muscle pain, fatigue, weakness and temperature fluctuations, then the doctor refers such a patient to a rheumatologist, since such symptoms indicate a systemic autoimmune disease– systemic lupus erythematosus. A rheumatologist or internist may order the following tests to confirm his presumptive diagnosis of lupus erythematosus:

  • Antinuclear antibodies, IgG (antinuclear antibodies, ANAs, EIA);
  • Antibodies IgG class to double-stranded (native) DNA (anti-ds-DNA);
  • Antinuclear factor (ANF);
  • Antibodies to nucleosomes;
  • Antibodies to cardiolipin (IgG, IgM) (sign up);
  • Antibodies to extractable nuclear antigen (ENA);
  • Complement components (C3, C4);
  • Rheumatoid factor (sign up);
  • C-reactive protein.
If inflammation of the lymph nodes is combined with pain, swelling and changes in the shape of the joints, then the doctor suspects rheumatoid arthritis and refers the person to a rheumatologist, who, in turn, prescribes the following tests to confirm or refute this diagnosis:
  • Antibodies to keratin Ig G (AKA);
  • Antifilaggrin antibodies (AFA);
  • Antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (ACCP);
  • Crystals in a smear of synovial fluid;
  • Rheumatoid factor;
  • Antibodies to modified citrullinated vimentin.
In an acute infectious disease reminiscent of a cold, called mononucleosis, any lymph nodes can become inflamed. With mononucleosis, in addition to lymphangitis, a person has headaches, pain when swallowing, fever, inflammation of the skin, and an enlarged liver and spleen. If mononucleosis is suspected, the doctor will prescribe a general blood test with the obligatory preparation and examination of a smear on glass, and may additionally prescribe a blood test for the presence of antibodies to the Epstein-Barr virus (anti-EBV EA-D IgG, EBV VCA IgG, EBV VCA-IgM ), which is the causative agent of infection. x-ray chest(sign up) and fluorography (sign up), microscopy of sputum, as well as determination of the presence of mycobacteria in the blood, sputum, bronchial washings, etc.

If a person has inflammation of the lymph nodes of any location, which is combined with sudden causeless weight loss, bad general health, loss of appetite, aversion to meat, as well as the presence of a visible or palpable tumor in any part of the body, then the doctor will refer the person to an oncologist, since such symptoms indicate the presence malignant neoplasm. And the oncologist orders an x-ray, Ultrasound (sign up), computer or magnetic resonance imaging (sign up) in order to determine the location and size of the tumor. The oncologist also prescribes a general blood test, biochemical analysis blood, general urine test and coagulogram, which allows you to assess the general condition of the body, its readiness for therapy and ability to undergo surgery, radiotherapy (sign up) And chemotherapy (sign up). In addition, for each type of tumor, the oncologist can prescribe specific tests to monitor its progression, treatment effectiveness, etc. However, we do not present these specific analyzes since this is not the subject of this article.

All described tests and examinations can be supplemented with x-rays or even biopsy (sign up) inflamed lymph node. Typically, a puncture of the lymph node and x-rays of nearby parts of the body are performed when there is a suspicion that a person has a specific systemic disease(AIDS, Gaucher disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, syphilis, tuberculosis, measles, etc.) or tumor process (leukemia, lymphoma, breast cancer, etc.) to identify characteristic changes or atypical cancer cells.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes?

If you suspect inflammation of the lymph nodes, the doctor will best helper and advisor. Therefore, you need to go to the hospital in the near future. Only a specialist will be able to find out the cause of the disease and make an accurate diagnosis. In addition, only a doctor can prescribe antibiotics for inflammation of the lymph nodes. Based on the tests obtained, the antibacterial drug that will be effective in your situation will be prescribed. If inflammation of the lymph nodes during pregnancy creates problems for a woman, then it makes sense to consult a gynecologist and surgeon.

What to do if the lymph nodes are swollen?

If a person has lymphadenitis, a doctor should prescribe treatment. It happens that a person himself has identified inflammation of the lymph nodes, but does not know which doctor to contact. In this case, you just need to go to your local physician, who will prescribe treatment or write a referral to another specialist.

But on weekends and holidays It's quite difficult to find a doctor. Then the question arises: “How to relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes at home?”

You can temporarily alleviate the condition with the help of ordinary warm compresses. A piece of clean cloth needs to be wetted warm water, and apply to the site of inflammation. In addition, you must carefully ensure that the skin in the area of ​​inflammation always remains clean.

In case of pain in the lymph nodes and fever, you should take a pain reliever that can be purchased without a prescription. Naturally, rest and good sleep will be beneficial.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes - symptoms, causes, complications and what to do? - Video

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The lymph nodes - the most important parts of the lymphatic system and the body as a whole, they are located throughout the body, including on the human legs.

Enlarged lymph nodes always cause discomfort and sometimes even pain. Their inflammation can accompany both a common cold and more serious diseases.

What is a lymph node?

A lymph node is one of the body's barriers. It has a bean-shaped or oval shape and is located in clusters throughout the body. There are quite a lot of such clusters. They are “scattered” throughout the body in order to maximally protect all organs and systems.

Lymph nodes are very small– y healthy person do not exceed 2 centimeters. Normally, they are not palpable (cannot be felt) and are painless.

Main functions

Lymph nodes - main body filter. They are the first to respond to malfunctions of any system or organ and perform several functions:

  1. Formation of antibodies, lymphocytes, phagocytes. All of them are responsible for immunity and protect the body from pathological agents (bacteria, cancer cells, cells with defects, foreign proteins).
  2. Regulation intercellular fluid: drainage of excess fluid from cells and tissues, distribution between blood and lymph.
  3. Active exchange proteins, fats and carbons.

Watch the video about the purpose of lymph nodes:

Lymph nodes on the legs

There are several groups of lymph nodes on the legs: inguinal and popliteal. They are all connected by lymphatic vessels of different sizes.

Highlight superficial and deep inguinal lymph nodes. The first ones are limited femoral triangle, and the second are located on the fascia lata of the thigh (the sheath that covers the muscles, tendons, nerves, etc.), near the large blood vessels.

The number of superficial lymph nodes ranges from 4 to 20, and deep ones - from 2 to 7. Lymph flows to them from lower limbs(feet, lower leg, hips), pelvic organs ( Bladder and, rectum), and genitals.

On each leg there are also popliteal lymph nodes. They are located on the back knee joints, in the area of ​​their bend. Responsible for the drainage of lymph from the feet, legs and thighs.

The location of the lymph nodes on the legs is the same in men and women.

Causes of lymphadenitis

Very important timely diagnose inflammation of the lymph nodes on your feet and correctly determine the cause. Therefore, at the first symptoms of lymphadenitis, consult a doctor. Correct and timely treatment will get rid of the problem very quickly.

Lymph nodes on the human body - the most important structures lymphatic system, which act as filters. This is necessary to screen out and destroy pathogenic microorganisms and pathologically altered cells.

Thanks to the lymph nodes, pathogenic bacteria do not enter the blood, which eliminates the possibility of infection. Such a process can only occur if the number of foreign agents is very high.

How does the lymphatic system work?

The location of lymph capsules in the body is thought out by nature quite rationally. They represent a kind of barrier to pathologically altered cells, viruses and bacteria, being responsible for certain internal organs, which allows you to instantly find out in which part of the body the pathological process is located.

Please note that it is not closed in itself, like the circulatory system. That is why liquid flows through it, moving only in one direction: to the central part of the body from the periphery. The passage of lymph occurs through lymphatic vessels and capillaries. These structures gradually develop into large ducts, where they connect with the central veins.

Lymph nodes are located in small clusters along the branches and along the blood structures. Lymph is filtered through the capsules and then passed on. If a person knows exactly where the lymph nodes are located, he can independently diagnose them in order to see a doctor in time for consultation and treatment if necessary.

Where are the lymph nodes located? The body has several groups of these capsules, which are oval-shaped tissue formations. The size of the lymph nodes reaches no more than 5.0 cm. The upper part of the capsule is formed from connective tissue.

The structure has two main areas: cortical and medulla. a labyrinth is presented, which doctors call the lymphatic sinus. Lymph leaks through them and is filtered: lymphocytes destroy everything pathogenic microorganisms and foreign bodies.

The role of lymph nodes in the body

The location of the lymph nodes is determined by the functions they perform:

  • Protective and immune-forming function.
  • Formation of antibodies, macrophages, phagocytes and leukocytes.
  • Support interstitial fluid and blood volume.
  • Taking part in metabolic processes: carbohydrate, fat and protein.

The functioning of the lymphatic system is regulated humoral factors– nervous and hormonal activity. Lymph is pumped through vascular structures through muscle contraction. With prolonged inactivity, the lymph nodes also swell. This pathological process goes away on its own as soon as a person begins to active image life.

Internal lymph nodes

Depending on the area of ​​location, lymph nodes are internal and external. In the first case we're talking about about visceral structures, which include the following:

  • Pirogov's pharyngeal ring. Represents large areas of lymphoid tissue, which is located between the pharynx and oral cavity. They are called tonsils: 2 palatine, 2 tubal, pharyngeal and lingual. On the posterior pharyngeal wall there are so-called lymphoid granules, which are designed to perform protective functions: disinfection of microorganisms penetrating into the body from the oral and nasal cavities.
  • IN this group may include lymph emanating from the lungs, trachea and bronchi. It is necessary to distinguish 3 main large accumulations: tracheal, posterior and anterior, which are divided into more quantity subgroups This system is the most numerous and is located through the mediastinal tissue.
  • Intrapulmonary. They are located below the area of ​​bronchial division and are designed to collect lymph flowing from the pulmonary structures.

Visceral structures are splenic, mesenteric, gastric and hepatic. These nodes can only be viewed using ultrasound. With magnification, we can talk about a pathological process occurring in one of the internal organs of the same name.

External lymph nodes

External lymphatic structures are those located close to the skin or under the muscles. In order to diagnose their increase, it is enough to carry out visual inspection. If you know the location areas of these structures, you can independently determine the presence of a pathological process in a particular area.

Where are lymph nodes located in humans? Diagram of the location of superficial lymph nodes on the human body:

  • Heads and necks. They are divided into smaller clusters (parotid and mastoid). There are anterior, lateral and deep.
  • Subclavian and axillary. Structures located in the area upper limbs are easily accessible as they are located close to the skin. nodes have a large clinical significance. They drain lymph from the arms and sternum, as well as from the mammary glands. It is located in the area of ​​fatty tissue armpit and are conditionally divided into several groups, based on the area of ​​localization: lateral, medial, central, posterior, apical and inferior. Based on the increase in axillary structures, we can talk about the development of oncological processes in the body.
  • Lymphatic structures located in this area are less significant, since they are indicators of the condition of the lower part of the arm. Pathologies in this area can only be caused by damage to the nail bed and skin and joint structures.
  • They have the same area of ​​location in both men and women. They are divided into superficial and deep. Please note that the upper ones can be easily felt under skin in the area of ​​the inguinal fold, which is located between the leg and the pubis. They collect lymph from the lower extremities and organs that are present in the pelvis, as well as from the external genitalia.

The location of lymph nodes on the human body is made in such a way that not a single one internal organ is not left without protection. IN clinical practice The layout of these structures is of great importance.

Every day, about 50% of the plasma and protein that is present in the blood is filtered through the lymphatic system, from where it is released back into the blood. This is where the production of lymphocytes - white blood cells designed to destroy infection.

How to suspect pathology?

The location of lymph nodes in the body allows us to determine in which organ and system dysfunction occurred. The reasons for the increase are as follows:

  • ARVI and inflammatory processes(mastitis, sore throat, etc.).
  • Immunodeficiency virus on initial stages progression.
  • Lymphogranulomatosis and connective tissue pathologies of a systemic nature.
  • Infectious diseases, such as brucellosis.
  • Blood cancer and hemoblastosis.
  • Metastasis to lymph nodes.

The degree of progression of the disease depends on how many lymph nodes are affected. Such manifestations are the only sign of many dysfunctions in the body. This is why it is so important to examine the main groups of lymph nodes during initial diagnosis.

We attach great importance to the role of blood in our body, but we often forget about another liquid that constantly circulates in our organs and tissues. We are talking about lymph. Even the ancient Greeks called it nothing more than “ living water" It was they who first discovered in our body an extensive system of lymph nodes and the fluid that is associated with them. But what do we know about our lymph nodes and lymph? Where are lymph nodes located in humans? What role do they play? What will happen to our body if they stop performing their functions?

In fact, the lymphatic system performs an extremely important task in our body. It is she who protects us from the penetration of viruses and bacteria, fights infectious diseases. It has been scientifically proven that it is the lymph nodes that prevent the development of cancer in our body. They identify and destroy cancer cells throughout our lives.

How does this complex system work? She reminds her appearance a very extensive network. There are many weaves and knots in it. The entire length of our lymphatic system is pierced by special structures - lymph nodes. They act as a kind of posts that prevent the penetration of infection, and also identify potentially dangerous cancer cells. Lymphatic vessels are very similar in structure to blood vessels. The wall of such a vessel resembles a venous wall. Lymphatic vessels and veins have special valves on their walls. The task of these valves is to ensure a constant flow of lymphatic fluid through the vessel in one direction.

Lymph nodes

So what is a lymph node? Where are lymph nodes located in humans? An important component of the lymphatic system is the lymph node. If we talk about its structure, it is quite complex. The outside is covered with a special capsule. It is connective tissue. Inside the node there are many capsular thin branches. When they come to the surface, they move into thicker branch structures. They are called "gates". It is through the gate that the arteries and nerve endings, and the lymphatic vessels and veins come out. The capsular and portal branches, or rather the space between them, are filled with special connective tissue. It's called stroma. The structure of this fabric is quite loose. It is this loose tissue that is the basis of the entire lymph node. It plays the role of a kind of “incubator” in which blood cells are grown.

Human lymph nodes are the most important biological filter. They receive lymph from all organs and tissues of our body. They are round or oval in shape and have a grayish-pink color. Their size depends on the weight and age of the person (on average - from 0.5 mm to 50 mm). They are arranged in a kind of clusters, in which approximately 10 nodes are collected. Near such clusters there are always blood vessels that feed them.

Lymph nodes, the location of which every person needs to know at least approximately, perform the most important functions in protecting the body. By this complex system nodes and interweavings of lymphatic vessels, lymph constantly circulates. At the node itself, the speed of its current slows down significantly. This ensures high-quality cleaning. While the lymph flows slowly through the lymph node, its structure is carefully analyzed and checked for possible foreign substances and infections. Also, it is during the passage of lymph through the node that it is fully saturated with antibodies that are so important for protecting the body.

Location of lymph nodes

The location of lymph nodes in humans is quite confusing. There are a lot of them in our body. In this case, each lymph node is located strictly in its designated place. The task of each lymph node is to carefully protect the area where it is located from the penetration of infections and foreign substances. These are the real workers of our body. They do their difficult work around the clock. Even while we sleep, our lymphatic system is fully functioning. It continuously cleanses our body.

Each node carefully collects all the lymph that flows in the area adjacent to it. It is thoroughly cleaned of all dangerous or simply useless substances. Namely, the following is removed from it:

  • foreign proteins;
  • bacteria;
  • cells with defects that can, under certain conditions, turn into life-threatening cancer cells.

If an infection suddenly penetrates into the surrounding tissues, the node that lies close to it immediately experiences a colossal load. This causes it to become inflamed and begin to increase in size. Even when the disease passes, such an affected lymph node becomes slightly denser and slightly enlarged. Therefore, those people who often get sick may have slightly larger lymph nodes.

It is curious that each person has a strictly individual number of lymph nodes. It can vary from 400 to an impressive figure of 1000. They are arranged in a kind of clusters. These clusters are located in extremely important areas:

  • in the groin;
  • under the knees;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the neck;
  • under the lower jaw;
  • in the abdominal cavity;
  • in the chest.

The largest blood vessels are adjacent to the lymph nodes. And this is not surprising, since it is very important to supply these natural factories for cleansing our body with life-giving blood. At the same time, they are responsible for cleaning it.

If a person is healthy, his lymph nodes are invisible. They are practically not palpable or palpable rather weakly. Their structure is different in children and adults. In children they are more elastic and softer. A lymph node of normal shape and size should not be palpable. If it is pulped, this should alert you. But don't panic right away. Lymph nodes may enlarge after illness. Over time, when a person recovers, they return to their original size. Even common cold may cause such an increase. This is due to the fact that the lymph is actively cleared of infection. The tissues of the node suffer from this.

Do you need to know in detail the location of your lymph nodes? In fact, if you don’t at least roughly know in which zone which nodes are located, you will not be able to independently diagnose possible start diseases. To diagnose them yourself, you need to know the location of at least the main groups of nodes.

The following main types of lymph nodes are distinguished:

  1. Cervical.
  2. Axillary.
  3. Inguinal.

The main role of the cervical is to protect the neck and head from infection. If you notice that they have enlarged, are easily palpable, inflamed, it becomes uncomfortable to swallow, and pain appears when you press, then there is cause for concern. It is worth consulting your doctor. Finding a lymph node in the neck is very simple. Wrap your fingers around it in the area under the lower jaw, swallow. It should be felt under your thumb and index finger. If there is no pain, then everything is fine. Diseases of the throat, ear, nose, infectious and viral diseases can lead to their inflammation.

Healthy axillary lymph nodes more difficult to probe. They are located around a small pectoral muscle. If a woman experiences inflammation of the lymph nodes in the armpits, this may be a symptom of breast disease and even the onset of cancer. But this doesn't mean you need to panic. They can become inflamed for fairly harmless reasons. For example, the lymph nodes under the arms often become enlarged during a cold. But it’s still worth seeing a doctor to fully understand the situation.

Lymph nodes in the groin are quite easy to feel. They resemble balls in shape. Their location is between the genitals (external) and legs. This is the area inside hips, on the sides of the pubic bone. On inguinal lymph nodes entrusted with an extremely important task - they are responsible for the healthy condition of the genitals, legs, and abdominal organs. Their inflammation will make itself felt by discomfort while walking. If you do not treat the cause that led to the inflammation, the situation may worsen. The person begins to experience not just discomfort, but sharp pain with every step. Their inflammation can be provoked oncological diseases, therefore, at the first symptoms, go for the advice of an experienced doctor.

If you know at least a little about the location of the lymph nodes, you will be able to respond in time to their enlargement or inflammation. In any case, the final word regarding the diagnosis remains with the doctor.


Our lymph nodes perform the following essential functions:

  1. They form cells that are responsible for our immunity: phagocytes, lymphocytes, antibodies, etc.
  2. Drainage (outflow) of intercellular fluid from tissues and organs. This fluid is sent to the lymphatic system. Also, the liquid is evenly distributed between the lymph and blood. This essential function helps maintain an even amount of fluid between tissues.
  3. Participation in digestion. Lymph is necessarily involved in the process of metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

As you can see, the lymphatic system is quite complex, and its work ensures the functioning of our body. This work is ensured by special humoral factors (for example, hormones), as well as the nervous system.

The importance of our lymph nodes cannot be overestimated. These are a kind of indicators of the condition of our body, as well as a reliable barrier that protects us from infection, pathological cells and foreign substances. It is in the lymph nodes that lymphocytes are formed. These cells produce our immune cells and destroy dangerous microorganisms. In addition, they are involved in metabolism and digestion. It is the lymph nodes that are the very first to respond to infection entering the body.

If the lymph nodes are enlarged

What can such a symptom as enlarged lymph nodes signal to us? How dangerous is this? What should be done about this? If you notice that one or several nodes have enlarged, you should consult a therapist. He will perform palpation, that is, he will probe the area of ​​​​the enlarged node. In doing so, he will pay special attention to several factors:

  1. how tight the knot is;
  2. its size;
  3. Is it painful?

If the doctor determines that changes have occurred in the structure of the lymph node/lymph nodes, he will have to clarify the diagnosis. In some cases, even an enlarged lymph node does not mean that a person is sick. But more often than not, if it has become larger, it is a sign that some organ nearby has become ill. The cause of this disease is most often viruses or bacteria. In this case, the patient may not feel pain.

If the node is enlarged and becomes painful, this is a sign of reduced immunity. In this condition, a dangerous complication in the form of phlegmon can develop. It cannot be cured, but can only be surgically removed. But if several lymph nodes at once fuse together and form a sedentary dense formation, this is a symptom of the appearance of a malignant tumor.

If the disease is not very dangerous for the body, then the lymph nodes simply become slightly denser and slightly enlarged. This is a typical local answer. But there are also diseases that cause the entire immune system to suffer. In this case, it is not even the group that reacts, but all the lymph nodes at once. Such diseases are cancer and HIV. Therefore, if you find that a separate lymph node has enlarged, there is no need to panic. But you still need to see a doctor. The reason for this increase may be a common cold, caries, and even a runny nose in the chronic stage. Remember that an enlarged lymph node is not a disease, but a symptom of a certain disease.

Any degree of inflammation of the lymph nodes should serve as a signal for action. You should immediately see a doctor in order to accurately determine the cause of such changes. In medicine, there is a term that refers to the process of inflammation of the lymph nodes - lymphadenitis. If such inflammation begins, it means that viruses or bacteria have entered the circulatory system. Most often these are streptococci or staphylococci. Since the lymph node is our natural filter, which is responsible for protecting the body from infection, the lymphatic system always reacts violently to any invasion of dangerous foreign objects.

Lymphadenitis is easy to diagnose based on the following symptoms:

  1. Muscle pain appeared.
  2. The temperature has risen.
  3. I felt dizzy.
  4. I have a headache.
  5. Nausea.

These symptoms indicate acute intoxication body. The degree of their manifestation will directly depend on how strongly the inflammatory process develops.

Lymphadenitis can be of different types:

  1. Simple. In this case, only one lymph node becomes inflamed. It is affected from the inside, and suppuration develops.
  2. Destructive (periadenitis). Inflammation affects not only the lymph node, but also the tissues surrounding it. For this disease it is prescribed antibacterial treatment. The doctor will prescribe an antibiotic with wide range actions. He will be able to cope with several types of dangerous microorganisms at once. IN in case of emergency antibiotics are administered intramuscularly or intravenously. So active active ingredients reach the source of inflammation faster and immediately begin to actively destroy the infection. If periadenitis is not treated on time, it is fraught with extremely dangerous complications. Thrombophlebitis may develop, and lymphatic fistulas may form. If the doctor detects the appearance of pus on the lymph node, it will need to be opened and drained with an antiseptic.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes is an SOS signal that the body gives us. In this case, delay may cost you dearly. Without wasting time, consult a doctor.

What to do if your child’s lymph nodes are enlarged

The structure of the lymphatic system in a child and an adult is not much different. Lymph nodes in children can become enlarged quite often. This is a normal reaction to infection entering the body. Of course, you should immediately contact your pediatrician and find out the exact reason for their increase. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck are often associated with colds. After the disease passes, their size should return to normal. But there may be more serious reasons. For example, a pig. This is a viral disease in which the submandibular lymph nodes become significantly enlarged.

Many parents call the child’s lymph nodes “glands.” Most people know at least their approximate location. This means that we can conclude which disease may cause inflammation of a particular lymph node. For example, the submandibular lymph nodes in infants often enlarge during the eruption of baby teeth. They can also react so violently to the penetration of any infection into the body. There may be more serious reasons similar manifestation from the lymphatic system.

What do lymph nodes look like in a child?

They are the same in shape as those of an adult - oval, elongated or round. These formations can be from 0.5 mm to several millimeters. They are covered by a dense capsule of connective tissue. In a newborn they are very tender and tiny; it is almost impossible to feel them even under the delicate skin of a baby. But the child one year old They are already quite easy to find.

What should a lymph node look like? healthy condition? If it is healthy, then its size will not exceed 5-6 mm. It is not painful, without any adhesions to other lymph nodes or to the skin. A healthy lymph node is always mobile and moderately soft. In children, you can most often feel about four different groups lymph nodes:

  • inguinal;
  • axillary;
  • cervical;
  • submandibular

What can cause enlarged lymph nodes in a child?

The most harmless reason, according to which the lymph nodes may slightly enlarge - the process of teething. In fact, although this process is natural, it represents considerable stress for the body. Due to teething, the baby may lose appetite, have difficulty sleeping, and may develop diarrhea and even fever. The submandibular lymph nodes can react to all this. During this period, their increase may be observed. It will go away immediately after a tooth or group of teeth erupts.

Another one common reason- penetration into fragile children's body infections. The first to meet her will be the lymph nodes, which should become an obstacle on her path. An increase can also be caused by tumors, as well as metabolic disorders. Metabolic disorders in children are due to the fact that their organs are still continuing their development and final formation. There may be some enzyme deficiency, causing food to not be digested quickly enough. Therefore, you should provide your child with a balanced and nutritious diet. It is unacceptable to include in children's diet too fatty, spicy, salty or smoked foods. Sugar should also be avoided, especially in infants' diets. It can negatively affect the pancreas. If the baby has a metabolic disorder, then substances cannot be eliminated from the body in a timely manner. This may affect the general condition of the child.

There may be an enlargement of not all lymph nodes, but only certain group. Such a local increase is a sign that not all is well in this area. For example, enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes may be a signal that there are dental problems or the child has been attacked viral infection. Cervical lymph nodes often swell during development chronic form tonsillitis. If you notice that some of your child’s lymph nodes are enlarged, you should immediately take him to the doctor. Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of this phenomenon. It can be extremely harmless, or it can be a symptom of a dangerous disease or even a tumor.

Is it worth running to the doctor every time your child’s lymph nodes are swollen?

In children under five years of age, lymph nodes enlarge quite often. The reason for this is an insufficiently mature immune system. The peculiarity of children's behavior is that children are constantly in contact with germs and infection. Moreover, with many dangerous microorganisms The baby encounters it for the first time. This is not something to be afraid of. Of course, you should take care of the child’s hygiene. You should wash his hands and sanitize his toys and dishes more often. But you shouldn’t completely protect him from contact with the outside world. Such contact is very important. Indeed, at the moment when the infection penetrates the child’s body, his immunity immediately begins to produce antibodies. This is how complete immunity is formed. Contact with germs cannot be avoided. After such contact, some lymph nodes may enlarge for several weeks, and sometimes even several months. In this case, the child will not complain of any pain.

If such an increase does not affect the general condition of the baby, his behavior, he does not experience pain or anxiety, then there is no reason to worry. You can just mention this change at your next appointment with the pediatrician. By the way, there is a way to determine which specific infections the child’s body has begun to fight. To do this, you should do a blood test.

It’s another matter if the lymph nodes have increased significantly, and the baby experiences pain when pressing the node, anxiety, his condition has worsened, and the temperature has risen. In this case, you should definitely show the baby to the doctor, especially if such symptoms are observed in the lymph nodes of a certain group. This is a sign of disease or infection in the area where they are inflamed.

So, we tried to provide as much as possible detailed information about the lymphatic system in our body. Remember what important function they perform, and periodically inspect their condition.


Lymph nodes can be characterized as local filters through which blood flows every second. a large number of lymph, bringing with it dead cells and foreign agents. That is why many inflammatory processes present in the body are accompanied by inflammation of the lymph nodes. We will consider their location, quantity and research methods in our article.

Number of lymph nodes

It is impossible to say exactly how many lymph nodes a person has, but according to modern data, their number varies from four hundred fifty to five hundred. They are usually localized in groups, but single nodules can also be found. The location of the lymph nodes is directly related to the flow of lymph. Examination of superficial lymph nodes is carried out using palpation, and groups lying deep inside - using ultrasound diagnostics. The most numerous places where nodes accumulate are the elbow bends, the fold hip joint - inguinal fold, popliteal and axillary areas. This location of the lymph nodes is due to possible stagnation of blood in these places and is optimal for preventing the spread of infection throughout the body. Smaller lymph nodes are located behind the ears, under the chin, on the neck, under the collarbones and mammary glands. Single lymph nodes are more common on the extremities.

The appearance and location of lymph nodes in a healthy state

Normally, the lymph nodes are painless and cannot be palpated; physiological norm is palpation of nodes in persons of asthenic physique. If the lymph node is enlarged, has clear or too vague contours,

pain on palpation and pathological consistency, this may serve as a sign of a developing pathological process. Changes in the lymph node may indicate disease immune system, lipid metabolism disorders, possible infection or tumors.

Diagnosis of lymph nodes

Lymph nodes are an important organ of the human body.

Essentially, these are the cleaning devices of our circulatory system, and in connection with such important they react sensitively to the appearance of a foreign agent in the body. Thus, palpation and ultrasonography lymph nodes is important diagnostic sign developing disease. This will allow you to identify the disease by early stages its development.