Mole on the left waist in women. The meaning of a mole on the foot. Moles in the armpit

Everyone has thought about the meaning of moles at least once in their life.

Location on the body

All people living on the planet have pigment spots on their skin, better known as moles.

They can form throughout life or even be on the human body from birth.

  • Birthmarks can vary in size - from the smallest half a centimeter in diameter to large ones (more than 10 centimeters).
  • Moles can be located on any part of the skin, especially on the face.

Pigment spots are sometimes quite difficult to see with the naked eye.

They can hide even on the surface of the tongue, mucous membranes, in the oral cavity and in intimate places.


The meaning of moles

Since ancient times, people have been concerned about the meaning of moles and the impact they can have on character or destiny.

To find out what these small dark marks on the skin mean, you first need to determine their location, which largely determines the possible influence of a mole on a person.

  • dark and red enhance the qualities that a mole gives a person, depending on its location;
  • the lighter the mole, the weaker these qualities are, however, the appearance of a pigment spot implies the presence of certain abilities and personal qualities that can be developed over time.

Many people are interested in if there are a lot of moles on the body, what does it mean?

The effect on fate was calculated based on the size of the pigment spot.

The calculation scheme is as follows:

  • if the mole is large and convex, then the impact on human life is great;
  • There is practically no effect from a small mole.

And they can have very different shapes, even be in the form of a triangle.

  • Since ancient times, there has been a belief: if hair grows from a mole, it is a symbol of wealth.
  • However, if the hair is too long, then the meaning may be the opposite.
  • It is not a very good sign if a nevus itches; it usually indicates that a person will have life problems in the near future.

Video: “How to find out your fate by moles”

Among women

Typically, women have a greater concentration of moles.

  • This is due to the fact that pigment spots often appear during the production of large amounts of hormones, for example, during pregnancy or puberty.
  • Then changes in character occur, which means changes in hormonal levels.

This is reflected in the number and color of moles.

In men

Men in most cases have fewer pigment spots, unlike the female half of the world's population.

Usually the meaning of a nevus on a man’s body is the same as that of a woman, although sometimes the effect of the location of the mole is different.

On the face

To determine possible health problems and the impact on your own destiny, it is important to be able to interpret the meaning of moles on the face.


A nevus on the nose, especially on the bridge of the nose, is definitely a lucky sign that fate has awarded to its owner.

  • People who have a mole in the middle part of the face in this place have a cheerful and good-natured character, a good sense of humor and innate insight.
  • If the mole is at the very base of the nose, you can entrust this person with your most intimate secrets and ask for life advice.
  • For women, such a mole can mean a certain amount of frivolity and a simple attitude to life, especially if it is located on the tip of the nose.
  • For a man, it can serve as a sign of the presence of psychic abilities.


A mole in the eye speaks of the calm character and balance of its owner.

  • If a woman has a pigment spot under her eye, this symbolizes her sincerity and kindness.
  • It is believed that in both men and women, a birthmark under the eye is a strong feature that attracts the opposite sex.


A mole located on the ear indicates a person’s recklessness, boasting and narcissism.

  • However, such a person has his own perception of reality and his own opinion with a high development of intelligence.
  • If a mole is located inside the ear, this is a sign of possible problems with the nervous system or metabolism.


The location of the pigment spot on the right cheek in women means good luck in your endeavors and happiness in life.

  • The lower the mole is to the lip, the happier its owner will be.
  • Such a mole can also predict a good marriage if it is located above the lip on the right.
  • A mole located on the left cheek suggests the presence of enormous talent, a kind heart and a tendency to self-sacrifice.


If you are wondering what age spots on the chin mean, the answer will differ depending on the gender of the owner of the mole:

  • for women they symbolize prudence, wisdom, experience and determination;
  • in men, on the chin - the desire to gain power, a certain amount of aggression and the desire to always achieve the goal.


Pigmentation on the lip can appear due to external influences, for example, due to smoking or using low-quality lipstick.

  • Above the lip on the right are moles of sensual personalities with pronounced sexuality in both women and men.
  • Its meaning can also be interpreted as the deceit of the owner.
  • A birthmark above the left lip in women, on the contrary, indicates a balanced and tactful personality.


Even in the times of Ancient Rus', a birthmark on the right eyebrow promised a profitable marriage for a girl who could unmistakably decide on a groom, finding happiness and prosperity for life.

  • Men have a predisposition to accomplish great things.
  • If the mole was on the left side of the eyebrow, this is a sign of the opposite, that is, an unhappy family life.


The interpretation of the meaning of moles on the forehead depends on the area where they are located on the face in women and men:

  • in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and eyebrows - a discerning mind, quick wits and a predisposition to politics;
  • next to the hair growth area on the forehead on the right - leadership qualities, stubbornness and perfectionism;
  • next to the hair growth area on the left or on the head under the hair - weak character, easy to control from the outside.


On the neck of men there is a symbol:

  • unbalanced character;
  • lack of will;
  • tendency to weather sensitivity;
  • availability of professional qualities and skills;
  • ability to find an approach to business.

What to do if a mole starts to grow?

How to get rid of moles and papillomas? Find out here.

For women - a symbol:

  • a difficult fate, where all successes have to be achieved through one’s own labor;
  • talent;
  • unique abilities;
  • desire to be alone;
  • variability;
  • desire for home comfort;
  • calm character.

Video: “Moles - spots of fate”


Pigment spots on the hands appear only closer to old age; before this time, moles on the palm are very rare; they can appear and periodically disappear, having one of the most powerful effects on human life.

Palmists give special importance to the palms and moles on them.

You can learn about the influence of nevi and what they mean by finding them on your hand:

  • on the right palm - disappointment and suffering;
  • on the left palm - resistance to stress and skills in knitting and embroidery techniques.


People who face life's trials and a difficult path to personal happiness have moles on their elbows.


  • On the left - to money problems.
  • On the right shoulder - to success in business and luck in financial matters.

The character of people with moles in this zone is characterized by patience and calmness, the ability to think before acting and value the opinions of other people.

However, such people are not aware of their positive sides.

A mole can even appear under the armpit, this will mean that its owner is a very generous person who knows how to attract finance.


By moles on the wrists, which are usually not so common, you can find out your future:

  • on the inside of the wrist - sensitive;
  • on the outside – talent and getting a good job while developing talent.


Birthmarks on the fingers are not so common.

The owner of a mole in such an area, depending on the finger, may have the following future:

  • on the nameless one - to disappointment and several wedding ceremonies;
  • on other fingers - a good sign, especially regarding financial issues, well-being and long life.

In addition, people with age spots in this area are more easily exposed to negative energy from other people, so they catch colds and get sick more often.


Located birthmark on the left breast:

  • promises a man luck and success;
  • in a woman it is a symbol of a passionate nature, imprudent when choosing a groom.

When placed on the right chest, it means frequent changes from success to failure, happiness to grief.


A mole on the sternum for men and women means that this person will live comfortably, but will not become too rich.

Mammary gland

  • A mole on the lower chest and on the mammary gland is a sign that a woman will become a wonderful and caring mother.
  • In a man, a pigment spot in this area means love and ardor.


A person who has a mole on his back is able to succeed in many areas of life.

If he takes up his studies, he becomes the best in his class or group; if he takes up sports, he achieves titles and awards.

Small of the back

If a person has a mole on his lower back, then success awaits him in life.

How is a mole removed surgically?

How to remove hanging moles on the neck at home? Find out here.

What is the radio wave method of mole removal? Read here.

And it’s not surprising, because such people are very hardworking, devoted to their family and friends.


  • Moles located in the abdominal area can indicate a person’s greed and selfishness.
  • Such people easily become slaves to their passions.


  • A mole in the navel for a girl means a successful marriage and a happy family.
  • For a man - success and wealth.
  • Often people with a mole in the navel become good leaders.

Photo: warty nevus on the stomach near the navel


  • If a mole is located closer to the back or center, its owner is distinguished by courage and determination.
  • However, when the mole is located lower (closer to the legs), the situation is the opposite - the person has a weak character and prefers to idle.


  • People with a mole in the groin area can be selfish and impatient.
  • They may also have serious health problems related to metabolism and the gastrointestinal tract.


  • A birthmark on a man’s genitals means he is loving, but this is not a negative trait, but rather the opposite - he is able to discern in every girl her hidden beauty and uniqueness.
  • Women with a mole in such a zone are distinguished by sensuality, love of experimentation and an active, lively character.


The appearance of a nevus on the legs is a fairly common occurrence, especially in active people.

Depending on the location of the mole, the interpretation of its meaning changes.

Photo: birthmark on the front of the thigh


  • A woman with a birthmark in the hip area is able to give birth to a healthy and strong child.
  • A man with such a mole is distinguished by good athletic training.
  • If the nevus is located on the back of the thighs, its owner has a predisposition to psychic abilities.


A birthmark on the lower leg is most often found among athletes and active people who love a healthy lifestyle.

Owners of moles in this zone have an ability for dancing and sports, and are also very popular with the opposite sex if the mole is located on the back of the leg.


  • Nevi on the right knee are a symbol of a successful wedding.
  • On the left - excessive haste.

However, moles in this area also have a common meaning - they are characteristic of impatient individuals.

How does laser mole removal work?

What happens if you pick a mole? Find out here.


  • A pigment spot on the left foot indicates an extraordinary mentality and excellent intuition.
  • On the right - a passion for changing places of residence, for travel and new discoveries.

The presence of birthmarks on a person’s body is not a 100% guarantee of certain skills and influence on the fate of the individual.

However, nevi lay the preconditions for the development of people's strengths.

Moles appear and disappear over the course of life, and fate can be changed if you make an effort.

Video: “The meaning of moles on the human body”

What do moles on people’s faces and bodies mean?!

  • What is the meaning of moles?
  • The mystery of moles on the hands

Do moles on the body have any significance, what do they symbolize, what do they want to warn about? Surely, similar questions have arisen for every nevus owner. Ancient people attributed pigment spots to a connection with evil spirits, so they tried to get rid of their owners and often burned the unfortunate ones at the stake.

Over time, attitudes towards moles have changed, and the study of pigmented neoplasms has become a separate science called “moleosophy”.

What is the meaning of moles?

Scientists have conventionally classified the meaning of nevi into three types - aesthetic, medical and morphoscopic (in common parlance - fortune-telling).

  • The aesthetic role of a pigment spot lies in its ability to both embellish the appearance and disfigure it. Fashionistas of bygone centuries, wanting to attract the attention of men, painted a “sight” on their faces. Women hoped that with such a simple action they would distract the eyes of others from other defects and emphasize the natural beauty of the skin.
  • In medicine, the significance of a mole on the body is perceived as a possible risk of developing melanoma. The trigger for the launch of a pathological malignant mechanism can be trauma to the spot, frequent rubbing of it, or passion for sunbathing. Acquired nevi formed on the palms, feet, and scrotum are prone to degeneration. Melanoma-dangerous neoplasms include giant and blue nevi, Dubreuil's melanosis, etc. Therefore, you should approach the choice of a mole removal method responsibly and trust the procedure only to a qualified specialist.
  • The morphoscopic meaning of neoplasms is more attractive to people. Agree that it is very interesting to look at the marks of fate on your own body, especially if they promise happiness. And although for real scientists the true meaning of moles remains a cosmic mystery, there are still researchers who want to completely unravel the mystery of age spots.

Followers of Eastern teachings say that moles protruding above the surface of the skin symbolize happiness. And more often it finds fair-skinned owners of nevi. When studying moles in dark-skinned people, morphoscopists prescribe fateful events to black formations.

What qualities do moles reveal in women?

The beautiful half of the Universe pays a lot of attention and time to its appearance. Therefore, it is not surprising that young and mature fashionistas examine the body and equate pigment foci with different signs of fate.

What is the significance of moles on a woman’s body?

Firstly, nevi on a pretty woman’s face symbolize beauty. And if medieval ladies, out of idleness, added the missing “zest” to themselves, then among modern young ladies nevi carry a certain meaning, showing different aspects of their life. For example, the presence of a mole between the eyebrows hints at a girl’s excellent intuition. She is endowed with intelligence and a certain amount of mysticism, so it is difficult to mislead her.

If a woman has moles on her cheeks, you can guess about her hot-tempered character. At the same time, reconciliation with a choleric personality promises passion and seething feelings. Moles on the lips will also tell about the generosity of feelings and love of the lady.

Owners of nevi on the chest are considered by morphoscopists as frivolous individuals. But for those who have many moles around the waist, they promise the same number of children. Experts identify shoulders covered with spots with luck in business. “Spotted” hands signal success in various fields and happiness. Nevi on the ankles indicate independent, energetic and hardworking individuals.

Moles whose shapes resemble geographical features indicate the owner’s passion for travel. A spot in the form of a lake or peninsula can also predict an upcoming departure.

What do moles on a man's body tell you?

Researchers pay special attention to moles in men.

What do moles on their body mean?

  • A nevus on the face reveals the age at which its owner will tie the knot. The localization of a mole on the right eyebrow will tell you about early marriage. But on the left side it can also mean that the man will not marry at all.
  • A mole hidden in the corner of the left eye speaks of unbridled jealousy. But the mark on the opposite part of the face near the eye should attract the attention of the opposite sex by the fact that this object is an excellent family man.
  • Nevi on the eyelids reveal intellectual personalities.
  • Spots on a man's shoulders foreshadow a difficult life with overcoming obstacles. Their location on the back speaks of the man’s honesty and open soul. But at the same time, his negative quality may be grumpiness.
  • Markings on the legs will reveal the young guy's indecisiveness, and dark spots on the buttocks will tell about his tendency to idle.

For a man, the meaning of a mole on his neck is revealed in his sincerity and high mental abilities. But for a woman, a mark in this place speaks of her inconstancy and variability. In addition, girls with moles on their necks often inherit the fate of their own mothers.

A mole on the jaw is considered a rare occurrence. But if it was formed here, it means that a person should be more careful about his health - it is weak. And this will certainly affect your choice of profession and affect your career growth.

Reading character by moles on the face

The meaning of a mole on the face is determined by its specific location.

If it appears on the forehead, the event can be interpreted in different ways. For example, a spot on the left side of the forehead will tell about a woman’s attachment to her mother and her reverence for family values. But when placed on the right, it already declares firmness of character, the ability to influence others and oratorical inclinations.

If the nevus borders the roots of the hair, it can be seen as affection for relatives, respect for elders and the habit of obedience. If it is located in the central part of the forehead, you can guess about the person’s lack of self-confidence and understand that he is not stable psycho-emotionally.

What do moles on the face mean when they are located around the eyes? There are several options here:

  1. above the left eye - fleeting sensations of loss of reality and daydreaming;
  2. under the left organ of vision - endless disappointments in life, lack of mutual understanding with others;
  3. above the right eye - rapid intellectual growth, unusually clear consciousness;
  4. under the right eye - preference for calm family relationships, friendliness, concentration of energy and better feelings.

Moles surrounding the oral cavity are also interpreted differently:

  • between the nose and mouth - an inexhaustible flow of ideas, prestige, luck in everything;
  • on the chin, a nevus is considered both as a weakness of character and as a great strength, but it often turns out that its owner combines unprecedented stubbornness and kindness;
  • on the upper lip - softness, calmness, kindness and moderate communication with others;
  • on the lower lip - indecision, carelessness, lack of hard work.

What does a mole on the nose mean? A pigmented nodule that appears on the olfactory organ tells of its owner’s good sense of humor, his lightness of character, and kindness. But its location on the cheek adjacent to the nose reveals a person-advisor who knows how to keep other people's secrets and is ready to come to the aid of his neighbor in difficult moments. Also, the owner of a nevus on the nose is endowed with the gift of dream interpretation.

A mole on a man’s right cheek speaks of a lively and lively character. Women with a marked cheek are popular with the opposite sex. A mole on the left cheek in childhood should be considered as a reflection of a talent that is worth developing.

The mystery of moles on the hands

Nevi on the hands promise a woman a happy marriage. If they appear on the outer part of the forearm, it is possible that it is endowed with magical powers - an assistant in all matters. A mole on a man's right hand speaks of the good energy of its owner. Such an optimistic person solves any problems on his own; you can count on her in business and love relationships.

Two moles visible on the palm of the right hand are considered a sign of fidelity. A pair of moles located on a man’s forearm can be perceived as the willingness of a representative of the stronger sex to carry his beloved in his arms.

Nevi appearing on the back of the hand are considered symbols of exceptional abilities and promise their owners success and prosperity. Their localization in the wrist area promises interesting work, in which a person will succeed thanks to his own talents and skills.

What is the meaning of moles on the palms?

If they are formed on the left hand, this can be deciphered as a person’s luck, regardless of his gender. Success will “pursue” from a very early age. At the same time, the owners of the marked left palm naturally receive a capricious, absurd character, which creates interference during everyday life.

The right palm with a nevus is an indicator of the highest degree of success. Any undertakings must be successful, and material well-being must reach the peak of wealth. However, experts say that only men can achieve such happiness immediately after birth. And for women to plunge headlong into the pool of happiness, they should first get married.

In general, a mole on the palm is considered a rare occurrence. But if, after all, nature has given you a nevus in this place, be aware of the existing opportunity to radically change your way of life. The main condition is to really desire these changes. But very often a person with a mark on the palm withdraws into himself, becomes a hermit and stops accepting the traditions established in society.

The presence of a mole on the thigh should be a reason for a change in character. A person with a spot in this zone tends to get distracted and waste his nerves. Owners of the thigh "fly" often have strange visions, but they become talented teachers, surgeons and priests.

What can the shape of a mole tell you?

Look at the pigment lesion and understand what it reminds you of.

The shape of the nevus can also be used to guess about fate. For example, a cross mole will prepare you for many upcoming challenges. A new formation in the shape of a 5-pointed star will predict happiness, although such an unusual element is rare.

Spots that resemble fire are a sign of a difficult path in life. Their owners are impulsive, suicidal and cannot control their feelings. But “seal” moles classify a person as mysterious. They probably hide magical potential that requires development.

Moles on the knees reveal the impatience of a person who simply hates waiting. If they are localized only on the right knee, the person should enter into a happy marriage. If on the left, then the main quality of the owner of a nevus is haste.

Pigmented lesions on the body in the shape of lips promise surprises. Experts call them kisses of fate. Bird-like spots have an exclusively positive meaning. It is especially worth rejoicing for those people whose wings of the so-called bird are open. The “flying” spot is deciphered as a symbol of indulgence, hard work, kindness, and love of art.

When the contours of a mole have human outlines, this means that its owner is incapable of making serious decisions. He always needs advice, instructions and everything that can push him on the right path.

Video: how to find out character and destiny by moles.

As you can see, the interpretation of moles is quite varied. But should you believe everything that is written? The matching information can be considered as an addition to one’s own image, because it cannot categorically declare any qualities of a person. Judge yourself and your loved ones only by their actions, and perceive moles as marks of nature. If they don't bother you, of course.

The meaning of birthmarks on the human face and body

Why are moles on the human body necessary? What is the significance of moles on the face, palms, fingers and neck? Or maybe birthmarks are proof of the transmigration of souls? What do moles in the shape of a triangle mean? The meaning of moles on the human body has always interested people. There was a lot of speculation, different mystical interpretations and meanings. Moles predicted a person's fate, characteristics of temperament and addiction to something.

The spots are located in the most unexpected places. Sometimes moles form a whole pattern, gathering in one place on the back or arms, and sometimes they are located individually on different parts of the body. Let's listen to the word "mole". At the root of this word is “genus,” and this already indicates some kind of genetic continuity. That is, not everything is so simple with moles. They are like messengers of heaven, heralds of a karmic program or the transmigration of the soul. You don't have to believe it, but it's not wise to deny it either. Esotericists claim that moles on the fingers, buttocks, neck, back and palms are energy channels that connect us with another dimension of existence.

About the interpretation of moles

Only a palm reader or a professional occultist can find out the meaning of the line of events from moles on the back, fingers or buttock. A simple person, from the pattern of clusters of birthmarks, can only learn about some of a person’s character traits, preferences, and life aspirations, which can be shaped by specific life circumstances. In fact, it is possible, in general terms, to predetermine the fate of a person, but for this you need to have intuition and logical analysis. Nevertheless, many unseemly life situations can be avoided by knowing in advance about a person’s vicious aspirations and eliminating them in time.

  • A mole with a regular round shape carries good potential and means harmony in life's destiny. The more such moles on the body, the more decent the person.
  • Oval oblong moles portend luck in life.
  • Moles of an angular shape carry the message of some uncertainty and doubts, confusion in thoughts and life attitudes. Their meaning is not defined.
  • The rich color of a mole or birthmark indicates a pronounced characteristic of a particular meaning.
  • The general appearance of the mole and the impression of it are subconsciously correct. Ugly shaped moles do not mean anything good and have a negative meaning.

Many esotericists say that moles are of no small importance for fate, just like the lines on the palm. Like fate lines, moles tend to appear, disappear and grow throughout life. Moles, like litmus paper, reflect all life events. They talk about the suffering or happiness they have experienced. But they can predetermine events and be their initiator, and not just their consequence.

It is known that even among identical twins the location of moles on the body does not coincide. This suggests that in addition to the hereditary factor, when dark spots and bumps appear in children in the same places on the body as their parents, there are others. And it's not just ultraviolet radiation or hormones.

There is a whole science, moleosophy, which studies the location of moles and birthmarks and their influence on a person’s fate. She proceeds from the fact that each mole can slightly lift the veil of secrecy over a person’s future, as well as tell about his character and inclinations.

What do the color of moles on the body and their shape mean?

In order for fortune telling by moles to be as close to the truth as possible, all factors must be taken into account. This means that not only where they are located matters, but also the shape and color of the spots.

  • The more regular the shape of the mole and the closer it is to a perfect circle, the better. It is believed that such a spot promises good luck in the future and indicates positive aspects of character.
  • Elongated oval spots promise average wealth and balance in all aspects of life.
  • Angular, irregularly shaped, ugly moles are very ambiguous. They may talk about certain difficulties and possible problems. But the verdict is not final - the shape of moles tends to change, the angles tend to smooth out.

As for the color of the spots and tubercles, it is important when interpreting the location of the mole. For example, a dark brown, almost black color indicates the severity of the specified character trait or upcoming event.

Some moles are considered as independent signs - for example, a honey-colored speck, regardless of its location, promises good luck and luck.

It’s good if there are a lot of moles on the right side of the body, worse if there are a lot of moles on the left.

What do moles mean for women and men?

You will not find a fundamental difference in the meaning of moles between the stronger and weaker sex. Still, there are some features that need to be taken into account.

A man’s many dark moles mean fortitude, an inexhaustible supply of energy, and the ability to overcome any obstacles.

Women with an abundance of dark, almost black moles are distinguished by their strong-willed character, severity towards themselves and others.

The abundance of light, red moles (freckles, which can be located not only on the face, as is commonly believed, but also on the chest, back, shoulders, arms and even legs) in women indicates a cheerful disposition. Such people are easily offended, but easily forgive the offense if they do not find malicious intent behind it.

Men with freckle moles are quick-tempered, touchy, easy-going in their youth, but lazy in later life.

  • Many moles on the body mean the same thing for both men and women: a happy, memorable life, interesting events and extraordinary people along the path of life, well-developed intuition.

What do moles on hands mean?

The exact location of the mark matters.

  • Near the shoulder- karmic retribution for something done by previous generations or by the person himself in a past life.
  • In the elbow area- impressionability and nervousness. Such people, like sponges, absorb other people's negativity and suffer from it. You definitely need to learn how to build energy protection in order to maintain your mental balance.
  • On the wrist- sensitivity. If there are a lot of moles, then touchiness, often over trifles.

If a woman has a lot of moles on her hands, this means that she will be happy in marriage, if a man has many moles, this indicates his determination, ability to achieve his goals and earn good money (if only he sets such a task for himself).

What do moles on fingers and palms mean?

  • On the nameless- difficulties in family life. Wearing a wide ring on this finger will help neutralize the sign.
  • On the little finger- wealth, successful career, happy family life, beautiful healthy children.
  • On the index finger- indicates a leader, a person who can quickly gain authority in any society.

A mole on the palm is an ambiguous phenomenon. Palm readers really dislike such marks, since the location of a mole on the palm can confuse any fortune telling by hand and change what is destined. One thing can be said for sure - the fate of a person with a mole on the palm is only in his hands and it is difficult to predict.

What do moles on the face mean?

Such marks are given great importance, and not only because they are always in sight. In ancient times, people used to tell fortunes by looking at the face - paying special attention to the location of wrinkles, scars, and moles.

  • On the forehead- a sign of a sharp mind. If the mark is located between the eyebrows or exactly in the middle of the forehead, then the person has a hidden talent for clairvoyance and the occult sciences.
  • Mole above eyebrow means a successful marriage if we are talking about the right side of the face, and an unsuccessful union if we are talking about the left.
  • On the nose- luck, easy-going nature, good sense of humor and good luck in everything.
  • On the temples- a hidden gift of foresight, which can find a way out in prophetic dreams and bad or good premonitions.
  • Near the eyelids- dreaminess, observation, kindness.
  • Around the lips- passion, sensuality, love affairs, natural magnetism and charm that is impossible to resist.
  • On the chin- imperiousness, difficult character, sometimes a tendency to aggression.

What do moles mean on the human body in other places?

  • On the chest- if the mark is in the center of the chest, then this is a very positive sign. On the right - means inconstancy, frivolity, frequent changes of mood and preferences, but at the same time good inclinations in the field of doing business, the opportunity to build a career according to your own scenario. On the left are frequent disappointments in love, which can push people to cheat or encourage them to ruin someone else’s married life.
  • On the back- high expectations, increased demands on yourself and others. Such people need to be extra careful, since it is believed that moles on the back mean troubles in a past life (betrayal, a stab in the back), which can be repeated in the current one. You need to be careful when choosing friends.
  • On the lower back- success, reward for efforts, well-deserved honor. Such people learn easily and quickly and become professionals in their field. At the same time, they have many positive qualities, such as honesty, directness, decency, and reluctance to earn money by anything other than legal methods.
  • On the hip- a pronounced penchant for witchcraft, magic, and occult sciences. If such a person wants to develop his gift, he will become a powerful magician.
  • On my knee- excessive haste in making decisions. Such people are easy-going, but often act thoughtlessly. They lack the perseverance to finish what they start.
  • On the ankle- endurance, hard work, which will be duly rewarded.
  • On the foot- difficulties in life are possible, but a person will be able to overcome them.
  • On the buttock- increased attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex. However, at the same time, a mole on the buttock means softness of character, helplessness in resolving issues independently, reluctance to work and a tendency to succumb to the influence of others, coupled with a lack of one’s own opinion.

In any case, remember that many moles are good, and the qualities and predictions depending on their location depend on the color saturation of the mark. The paler, the less pronounced this or that property of a person is manifested and the less likely it is that the omen associated specifically with this mole will come true exactly.

Every person has moles on the face and body. Since ancient times, people have thought about the meaning and location of moles in certain places of the body. People tried to find answers to their questions not only in the starry sky or in card fortune-telling, but also on their bodies. In the Middle Ages, clearly visible moles were considered marks of dark forces, and a person could be burned for this. And in the 18th century, moles became fashionable among the aristocracy, and those women who did not have moles on their faces or shoulders made them into artificial spots.

Of course, in the modern world, few people think about the location of moles on our bodies, but some still believe in the fateful significance of these cute natural spots.

A mole is a symbol and a sign, so you need to learn how to correctly decipher their meaning.
Moles on a woman’s body have their own individual meaning. You can even tell what kind of character she has by looking at a girl’s birthmark.
What should you pay attention to first when examining moles? These are the location, type of spot, color, size and shape.
It is believed that round moles are a good sign, while angular ones are a negative sign. And by color you can distinguish between dark moles - also not a very good sign - and light moles.

For a woman, it is very important which side the moles are on - if on the left - this means happiness, ease in business, and success. On the right side - to difficulties that need to be overcome.

A woman may have hairs on her mole; this is a sign of success and good luck in all matters.

The symbol of the femme fatale is a mole near the eyes. Men often pay attention to this. At a certain period, it was fashionable to tint a mole on the left side of the nose, and for good reason. A real mole in this place speaks of the passion and sensitivity of the owner. If the mole is on the tip of the nose, the woman is very sexy. Moles are found on the eyebrows and tell a story about family relationships. On the left eyebrow it means failure in personal relationships, but on the right eyebrow it means happiness in love and marriage. A spot on the right cheek means good luck in life, on the left – difficulties. A mole on either ear will indicate a reckless nature, and a mole on the temple symbolizes inconstancy.

Sometimes you can meet a girl with a mole in the center of her forehead. Symbol of intuition, mind, the so-called “third eye”, determination. Moles on the lower part of the face and chin indicate a calm nature, character, and this is an excellent sign.

Sometimes you can see moles on the lips of girls. Basically, it is a symbol of sensitivity and cheerfulness. A mole on the lower lip denotes sensuality and optimism. At the top is subtle taste and uniqueness.

Moles on the tongue are more common in females than in males. On the one hand, it is a symbol of sensitivity, on the other – talkativeness, emotionality, and sometimes pain.

A mole on the neck also carries symbolism. Practicality is shown by a mark in the center of the neck.
On the left breast, a mole denotes a passionate character, ardor, on the right - inconstancy, searching for oneself, rushing about both in life and career issues. In general, moles in the chest area of ​​a woman are a symbol of motherhood. These are the women who love to take care of someone. Even if she is not a mother, she will find friends. Colleagues, relatives who will receive attention and care. Moreover, if the mole is on the left side of the chest, then the girl is subconsciously ready to give all of herself to her family and children. Spots on the nipples warn of diseases.
The meaning of a mole on the palms of the hands, cheek, above the lip, on the sternum of the left and right
Moles on the shoulders also carry symbolism. Usually this speaks of all sorts of obstacles and difficulties in life, and on the wrist - a creative nature.

Spots on the back are usually found on kind, romantic girls; they are generous and brave.

Moles on the lower back also have their own meaning. This is an amorous and romantic woman. She is very hardworking and loves her family and friends. A woman with such a mole will experience success in many endeavors.

There are also moles on the arms and legs.

If you notice a mole on your wrist, it means creativity and good luck in your career. On the fingers is a symbol of handicraft. A mole on the elbow, especially on the inside, is a symbol of a vulnerable nature. Such a person has to solve many problems on his own. And different situations arise all the time.

On the right knee there is a mole for a happy family life, marks on the hips - the health of the family and children. The spots on the ankles indicate an energetic woman. Moles on the foot are a symbol of travel and travel, changing places. Moles on the toes are a sign of instability and weak psyche. Moles around the waist and at the navel are a symbol of motherhood. Accordingly, if there are many marks, there will be a large offspring.

In general, moles on a woman’s stomach indicate a selfish nature. Sometimes even greedy. These are often spoiled natures; they can change partners and abuse alcohol.

Undoubtedly, each mole has its own meaning. Women's moles are special; if you read them correctly, you can learn a lot of interesting things about this person. And to believe or not to believe - only longer communication will show!


This has been of interest to many people since ancient times. What do moles say? The designation of moles on the body has a long history. Ancient healers associated the appearance of each new mole with the fate of a person. Often in Rus' they believed that if a mole pops up in a visible place, then it speaks of misfortune, and not something invisible means good things. But this was not something terrible; the only exception could be attributed to very large spots that were covered with hair. But even now many are interested in this topic.

What do moles say?

We will give you a few signs about how the location and shape of a mole affects a person’s life.

Many believe that the size of a mole indicates the degree of its influence on a person and, depending on the location, it will bring either a lot of trouble or a lot of good luck;

If the mole has the shape of a circle, then this is fortunate. With an oblong shape, it brings good luck, but not very much. A mole that has an angular shape brings both good and bad;

Depending on the color saturation, the effect will intensify: the darker the mole, the stronger its effect on fate;

Location affects women and men differently.

Designation of moles on the body of women:

A mole on the right eyebrow indicates a successful marriage. On the left - unsuccessful;

A mole in the corner of a woman’s eye means calm and tranquility;

A mole on the right cheek means a stormy love life;

A mole on the left cheek speaks of a path to success with a lot of troubles;

The designation of a mole on the nose means success in all matters;

A mole on the lower lip is a rather cheerful character;

The designation of a mole on the upper lip indicates a flirtatious character;

A mole on the right breast means inconstancy of character, which is accompanied by disappointment and disappointment in life;

The designation of a mole on the left breast is frivolity in character. Many believed that a woman would certainly become unhappy;

Designation of a mole on the waist - there will be a large number of children;

A mole on the buttock means a woman will spend her whole life in poverty;

A mole in the bikini area is an opportunity to become the mother of a brilliant child;

Designation of moles on the body of men:

A mole on the forehead on the right - will be happy;

A mole in the middle of the forehead - will find happiness in love;

Designation of a mole on the ear - your whole life will pass with luck and without any special worries;

A mole on the side of the neck means a hard life with a lot of failures;

A mole on the front of the neck indicates that you will be very lucky in career growth;

A mole on the chin - a man’s opinion will be highly valued in the team;

Mole on the jaw - your health will be very poor throughout your life;

A mole on the shoulder indicates that life will be spent in constant struggle with difficulties.

What else do moles say?

The general meanings of moles are:

The mole is on the forehead. A person with such a mole can get into politics; he is very smart and diplomatic. As an example, we can cite Prince Menshikov. He had a mole above his right eyebrow. These people often have significant energy potential, but for some reason they waste it over trifles. Also, a mole above the eyebrows often gives the gift of foresight. In religion, they were often possessed by divine beings. This mole served as a “third eye”. Finding it at the top of the forehead indicates good organizing abilities;

Identification of moles on the cheek and under the eye. This is often an intelligent person who is very kind;

The mole is located on the cheekbone. These are determined people who devote their entire lives to fighting for their ideas;

The mole is located under the scalp hair. Often these are philosophers and thinkers. Their nature is secretive;

Identification of a mole on the right temple. This suggests that a person has subtle intuition and the gift of foresight. It must be hidden from prying eyes;

The mole is on the ear. These are quite boastful people. Often they use their quality only for self-defense;

Designation of a mole on the tongue. Such people can never listen to their interlocutor to the end;

The mole is on the neck. If this is a man, then he is very intellectually and spiritually developed. If this is a woman, then she has a very changeable character. She often lives her life like her mother;

Designation of a mole on the shoulder. This person has a lot of problems, both in the past and in the present. This is also a very strong personality who has very little determination;

The mole is on the chest. For many, this indicates danger. What can be said about a man with such a mole is that he has only pure intentions. For women, this mole characterizes unhappy love;

The mole is on the cheek. Men in this case are very extraordinary and have a lively character. A woman enjoys the attention of men much more often than others;

The mole is on the eyelid. This person often cannot control his emotions. Often his whole life is spent in dreams;

The mole is located above the lip. In this case, for the female sex it is a sign of deceit. Such people often achieve success in their careers.

In order to more fully know the designation of moles on the body, it is necessary to read the relevant literature. This article is for informational purposes only.

There are moles on every person's body. And if men attach little importance to them, then women, who always critically examine themselves, know every spot and every mole. But not even all representatives of the fair sex realize what information these marks, located on different parts of the body, hide.

Moleosophy is a special science

It is believed that it is arbitrary on the human body. When a baby is born, he may already have several marks, which may be almost invisible. Throughout life, moles can disappear, appear and change their shape. Ordinary people do not connect these phenomena with each other and do not attach special significance to them. Many people don’t even know that for many years there has been a science that has been studying the influence of moles on a person’s character and destiny.

Moleosophy is based on hypotheses about the close connection between the location of a mole, its size and color, and the events that a person is destined to experience in the future. Also, according to this science, the appearance of new moles warns of new turns in fate or symbolizes serious changes that have already occurred. For many years, moleosophy was forgotten and associated with fortune-telling, but in recent years interest in the study of moles has increased, and the data of scientists has become very popular not only among ordinary people interested in mysticism, but also among doctors.

Moles are of particular interest to women, especially since it is believed that the marks have a great influence on them. Almost every daughter of Eve wants to know what a mole on her chest or cheek means. Some ladies are convinced that the discovery of their talents, which knowledge of the meaning of certain moles helped them recognize, completely changed their lives.

What do moles say?

Not everyone can be considered iconic and fateful. Experts advise paying attention to large, light-colored marks. They significantly influence fate. If the color of the formation changes over some time, it means you should prepare for serious changes in the future. warns of problems and troubles, even death. Conversely, the brightening one promises the emergence of new prospects, wealth and success in all endeavors.

While focusing on large-sized moles, do not forget about medium-sized marks. They also influence the character and fate of their owner, although to a lesser extent. For example, a large mole on the chest will affect a woman more than a couple of small marks. Moreover, large nevi can resonate with other moles, in which case the strength of their influence becomes unpredictable.

Does the shape of a mole affect a person's fate?

Moleosophy claims that it is not enough to take into account the size and color of a mole. The shape of the marks is also of great importance. Some of them are considered positive, while others have an extremely negative impact on the fate of their owners.

Moles in the shape of a star or a bird are considered especially lucky. They characterize talented people who are destined for a great future. They can achieve success in any field of activity, moreover, fate will always protect these lucky ones from serious problems and illnesses.

A mole that resembles a cross in shape promises a person a lot of trouble. She warns that the life of its owner will not be easy. Depending on the place on the body where the mole is located, the nature of the problems will depend. A cruciform nevus on the head promises trouble with mutual understanding; its owner will always be in conflict with other people. But a mole on the chest of the same shape warns that it will be difficult for a person to find love. He is programmed to be rejected by the opposite sex.

Scary pages from the history of the study of moles

In the Middle Ages, marks on the body were given special significance. The priests believed that any mole was a mark of evil spirits, which means that such people should be treated with suspicion. Large moles with a convex shape were especially feared. The worst thing is if such a “sign” was found on a woman’s body.

During the witch hunt, inquisitors even wrote a special treatise proposing to identify witches by looking at the “three witch marks” on the skin. In this case, moles must have a special shape and be located in special places. Such women were accused of witchcraft and publicly burned at the stake. Additional evidence of guilt was the freckles, red hair color and beauty of the alleged witch. Sometimes during the trial, a mole was pierced with a hot needle. Bleeding was proof of the woman’s innocence; otherwise, she was clearly considered a witch and sentenced to death. Through such courts, tens of thousands of young women were killed in Europe, whose guilt was only in beauty and rare marks on their bodies.

"Three Witches' Marks": Moles That Can Change Your Life

Scientists studying moles do not refute the conclusions of the inquisitors. Modern research confirms that marks in certain places on the body can indicate a woman’s abilities for magic and witchcraft. They say that such ladies easily predict fate and can also read minds.

A mole on the temple is of great importance. It determines the ability to read the future and recognize lies. It is almost impossible to deceive such a woman; she intuitively knows how to separate lies from truth. Telepaths and fortune tellers are often born with such a mole, who have the ability to “scan” any person.

The inquisitors were especially afraid of women with a mole of an even, round shape located on the inside of the knee, just above the bend. In the Middle Ages, this mark was called moon-shaped, and it was the most compelling evidence of a connection with evil spirits. Moleosophy confirms that such a mole indicates serious paranormal abilities of its owner. A woman with these abilities has a close connection with the world of the dead, can receive information from them and ask for favors. Deceased relatives always care about the well-being and success of a woman with a moon-shaped mole; they are her guardians.

A mole above the upper lip indicates the ability to hypnosis. Such a woman can damage and bless with just one word; she has a huge gift of persuasion. Men are especially susceptible to her charms; they simply cannot resist her magnetic charm and charisma.

I would like to add that only large moles that are clearly visible on the body are important. The appearance or disappearance of such a sign promises big changes in a woman’s life.

Men and women: who is more affected by moles?

Moleosophy says that people of both sexes are equally susceptible to the influence of moles. But the meanings of the marks for men and women differ. Moreover, scientists say that we are all capable of intuitively recognizing moles and classifying them. For example, a mole on a woman’s chest is always perceived by men as something sexy and attractive. According to scientific research, this is indeed the case, that is, subconsciously, every person can determine some character traits by moles.

Although nevi affect men and women equally, the latter are still more susceptible to their marks. This is explained by the fact that representatives of the fair sex are more emotional and sensitive natures, capable of perceiving information from the world of subtle matters.

on the chest?

Many moles go unnoticed due to their location, but those on the arms and chest always raise a lot of questions. A mole on a woman's chest especially often attracts the attention of the opposite sex. Is such close attention to their owners fair?

Markings on the chest can tell a lot about a woman; it’s not for nothing that men look for them so intently in the neckline of a dress. In general, a mole on the chest symbolizes the passion and sexuality of a woman; such natures are happy to start new romances and easily change partners. But the half of the body on which the nevus is located is of considerable importance.

A mole on the left breast reveals a sincere and gentle nature. Such girls always dream of a prince and are unable to play with their partners, deceiving them. A mole on the right breast will tell you that the girl is very determined and knows what she wants. Women with such marks can fight for their love in all available ways and in the end always get what they want.

If a large mole is located under the breast, then you can be sure that you have met the ideal expectant mother. She will be extremely attentive and caring towards her children.

Markings on the chest of men

For men, a mole on the chest can be decisive. It is believed that it characterizes a romantic nature. Such men love to make surprises, give gifts and always guess the wishes of their chosen one. Experts in the field of studying moles advise choosing people with similar moles as husbands. They are distinguished by fidelity and retain ardent feelings for their soulmate for many years.

Do not underestimate moles and consider moleosophy a heresy. Perhaps, having found a new mark on your body, you will be able to find out in time about the trouble that threatens you and will be more careful or feel unprecedented abilities. After all, nothing in life is meaningless.