How to disinfect water in the field and in emergency situations. Disinfection of a well with potassium permanganate Buy potassium permanganate for water purification

Water disinfection is a very hot topic, since a person needs 3-4 liters per day. water. In emergency situations (for example, disasters, military operations), especially in densely populated areas, the need for water disinfection comes first after physical survival.

The most difficult thing to purify is the so-called “blooming” water. Water blooms are caused by blue-green algae. In the process of life, such algae (not all) produce a number of toxins. Water with signs of “blooming” can be found far from populated areas. Since it is not infected with bacteria, but with toxins, then, if you have no other choice, then no methods for disinfecting it from biological factors - bacteria, viruses, etc. - will help in this case. The method for removing toxins is the same as for other “chemical” contaminants: filters with activated carbon, followed by disinfection from bacteria and other microorganisms.

Disinfection of water from pathogens


At t=70C, most microorganisms die within half an hour, at temperatures of 85C and above - within a few minutes.

It is enough to bring the water to a boil and the vast majority of microorganisms will die (except for some viruses, anthrax bacillus).

Boiling is a fairly reliable method, but in general it is quite expensive and may turn out to be inconvenient and unsuitable in emergency cases.


This is an old ancestral method, but now it is gradually falling out of use due to various reasons: displacement by other means (filters, chlorine tablets, etc.), the difficulty of acquisition due to the classification of KMnO4 as precursors. However, the drug is still wonderful and many may still have it.

The use of this chemical compound in a concentration of 0.01-0.1% is safe for humans. For example, gargle with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, wash wounds and stomach. Tourists boil water over a fire, throwing a few crystals of potassium permanganate into it. The bactericidal effect is based on the high oxidizing properties of potassium permanganate.

To disinfect water with potassium permanganate, you need to add a few crystals to 3-4 liters of water. The water should be slightly pinkish in color. Bright color is too much and can cause problems.

After adding potassium permanganate, let the water stand for 15-30 minutes in the warm season, or about an hour in cold weather.Settling is necessary so that KMnO4 is completely dissolved, so as not to get a chemical burn if an undissolved crystal of potassium permanganate gets on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.However, it is possible to speed up the process if you dilute potassium permanganate in a glass and add the solution to the drinking pot.At a high (but acceptable dosage), you can disrupt the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract (kills/disinfects both harmful and beneficial microorganisms). If it is possible to pass such water through activated carbon, then you will get quite high-quality drinking water.

The advantages of the water disinfection method are: high efficiency, low cost, compactness and low weight. KMnO4 is a strong oxidizing agent, therefore it not only destroys bacteria, but also neutralizes a number of toxins (waste products) released by these same bacteria.

Potassium permanganate is a fairly universal drug: it can be used to treat wounds, disinfect instruments, gargle or mouth during inflammatory processes, treat burns and ulcers, and be used for gastric lavage in case of poisoning. Dosage of an aqueous solution for external use: for washing wounds (0.1-0.5%), for rinsing the mouth and throat (0.01-0.1%), for lubricating ulcerative and burn surfaces (2-5%), for gastric lavage in case of poisoning - (0.02 -0.1%). The lethal dose of potassium permanganate for children is 3 g.


The method is emergency, but in a critical situation it can help, because... is on hand in almost any first aid kit.

The disinfection method is simple: add 10-20 drops of a 10% alcohol solution of iodine to 1 liter of water (less is possible, but this dosage may not be effective enough). The amount of iodine is determined visually depending on the contamination of the water.

The water should be allowed to stand for 20-30 minutes in the summer, an hour or more in the cold season. To guarantee the destruction of Giardia/Cryptosporidium, more time is required - up to 4 hours.

The settling time also depends on the dosage of the drug. This water is not very healthy and tastes unpleasant. You can get rid of the taste of iodine by passing water through a carbon filter, or adding activated carbon to it (the latter is less effective).

You can also crumble ascorbic acid into water; iodine easily oxidizes ascorbic acid.

Water purification with iodine, like potassium permanganate, is quite effective against almost all microorganisms (cryptosporidium is resistant to their action for quite a long time).Among the disadvantages of this method, in addition to the unpleasant taste, it should be noted that for people with thyroid problems, taking iodine in excess of the norm is contraindicated, and healthy people are not recommended to use water purified in this way for more than 2 weeks.


Another popular method of water disinfection is the use of hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, i.e. hydrogen peroxide. This is also an “emergency” method of disinfection. Hydrogen peroxide disinfects water from protozoa (giardia and cryptosporidium), bacteria, and viruses.

Directions for use: add one tablespoon (if heavily soiled - 2 tablespoons) per liter of water, let sit for an hour. To clean water from residual peroxide (accelerate its breakdown), add a couple of tablets of activated carbon to the water.

Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can use hydroperite tablets (when dissolved in water, a solution of hydrogen peroxide and urea NH2CONH2 is obtained). Urea is not a particularly harmful substance, giving water a slightly salty taste.

The advantages and disadvantages of this method are the same as for other medications - the fact is that you have to dose by eye. Despite the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, the water may have a slight "medicinal" taste. The active ingredient in this method is active oxygen, the same as in expensive industrially produced tablets for water disinfection, and, unlike the chlorine contained in various preparations, it is much more effective.

In addition to water disinfection, peroxide and hydroperite solution can be used for their intended purpose - washing wounds and rinsing for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes. However, when repeatedly disinfecting water with its help, people with chronic renal failure who have elevated urea levels should be careful.

It’s not difficult to guess that manganese in water is a real problem for residents of a country house. Even a slight excess of its maximum permissible concentration has an extremely negative effect on the human nervous system. Among the external manifestations of this metal, dark stains on plumbing fixtures can be noted; sometimes a person develops black dots on his nails. However, you should not wait for such manifestations, because... Depending on various factors, manganese in water may not show itself visually. After connecting the water supply, you should immediately conduct a full chemical analysis of the water in an accredited laboratory. The chemical analysis protocol will indicate excesses for those indicators that need to be filtered and removed.

Filtering method

Outdated filters use a harmful reagent - potassium permanganate. Modern deferrization of drinking water is carried out using reagent-free aeration units, which use air oxygen as a free and safe oxidizing agent. In cases where the concentrations of harmful substances are significant and deeper removal of iron and manganese from water is required, installations with hypochlorite dosing are used. Water treatment occurs in a similar way in urban water supply stations when effective filtration from surface sources is necessary.

Removing iron and manganese from water begins with their preliminary oxidation. In Moscow and the Moscow region, pressure aeration systems are widespread, as well as oxidation using storage tanks. In the Leningrad region, iron removal requires stronger oxidizing agents than oxygen, because the content of harmful substances is much higher. In addition to heavy metals, aeration systems oxidize and remove another unpleasant substance - hydrogen sulfide. When heated, dissolved gas begins to smell unpleasantly, making the life of owners of dachas and cottages simply unbearable.

After oxidation, heavy metals enter the clarification and sorption filter, where the final deferrization of drinking water occurs. Passing through the layer of filter material, metals settle on its surface and are washed out during the regeneration stage of the treatment plant.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is used in water deferrization systems. You can buy this reagent in our online store at a competitive price. The substance is packaged in packages weighing 1 kg. We guarantee the quality of the product and its effectiveness. Features of the use of potassium permanganate Potassium permanganate is a crystalline substance of dark purple color. Care must be taken when using it as it may cause burns. The required concentration of the solution can be determined only after a thorough analysis of the composition of the water and the efficiency of the dry filter beds. This requires special equipment. Potassium permanganate is necessary for the regeneration of reagents in iron removers. Any tap water contains a large number of impurities that not only adversely affect the taste, but also pose some health hazards. Sulfates, iron, chlorides, hardness salts and other substances are well retained by filters, but not...

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Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for filters

The water used usually has a high level of total mineralization and hardness, incl. increased content of chlorides, sulfates, calcium and magnesium salts, as well as manganese and iron, which not only worsens its taste, but also has a detrimental effect on health. Removing iron from water is a complex process that requires an integrated approach and analysis. The process of iron removal is influenced by a large number of factors, and the set of equipment for this is determined solely on the basis of chemical analysis. To restore the filtering properties, washing with a reagent is performed. Filters are an automatic system for purifying water containing high concentrations of dissolved iron, manganese, and hydrogen sulfide. The reduction in the content of these substances is ensured with the help of a special filler using a new oxidation technology, which does not require the use of aggressive chemicals. The system provides a continuous supply of purified water even during the regeneration process.
Iron removers with reagent washing require periodic replenishment of the reagent tank with reagent (potassium permanganate) and regular cleaning of the reagent line ejector - the place where dissolved iron oxidized by potassium permanganate falls out.
Moreover, in cases of using potassium permanganate, the discharge of water after regeneration into bioseptic tanks or deep biological wastewater treatment systems is strictly prohibited. Therefore, the sewage system must also include a procedure for discharging water after regeneration.

You can buy potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for water purification/water purification in Moscow from us. It is packaged in polyethylene bags weighing 1 kg.

Today I’ll talk about water disinfection. This is the most important process, because you yourself know how many different not very useful living creatures there are in the water. But first things first. So, first we need to figure out who we are actually going to protect ourselves from. This will be important in the future - when we consider how effectively one or another method of water disinfection can combat various types of pathogenic microorganisms. I will list the main threats.

The main causes of poisoning from untreated water

Worm eggs

I think everyone already knows what it is. Let me just remind you of a few facts. Often the cause of this or that ailment in adults is nothing more than worms, and this is revealed only after consulting a doctor. Every year every second person becomes infected with one or another worm. Of course, African countries spoil the statistics to a large extent, but nevertheless, at least every tenth reader of this forum is a carrier of worms. So if you are an easy walker, get rid of them quickly, this will give you the opportunity to walk 500 meters more per day. Some worms in the human body reach a length of several meters, and their lifespan can reach 20 years or more. The most likely places for water contamination with worm eggs are near pastures or animal watering places.


Protozoa unicellular. Let me give you an example:

Other microorganisms - e.g. dysenteric amoeba. Causes amoebic dysentery - the most common disease in countries with hot climates and unsanitary conditions, but you can easily catch it here. The disease has an incubation period of about a week. Then pain appears in the lower abdomen, weakness, and fever. The liver enlarges, and profuse bloody diarrhea often develops. Dehydration of the body in the absence of adequate treatment causes problems with the cardiovascular system.


Everyone already hears about them every day on TV. There are 10,000 species just described—the total number is supposedly close to a million. They have different sizes - from visible ones (0.5 mm in size and larger) to the size of large viruses, which allows such bacteria to penetrate most filters. Fortunately, only a small proportion of bacteria are pathogenic. For example, the human intestine is home to up to 1000 species of bacteria weighing up to 1 kg, which play an important role in the digestion of food. Pathogenic bacteria cause many diseases, the most famous of which are plague and cholera, diphtheria, anthrax, syphilis, leprosy, tuberculosis and others.


Also known to everyone. They are microscopic particles consisting of nucleic acid molecules. Enclosed in a protein shell, they are capable of infecting living organisms. They can cause hundreds of different diseases, I will only list viral hepatitis, polio, rabies, lichen, etc. The difficulty in fighting viruses is their small size - viruses themselves can easily penetrate almost any filter (with rare exceptions). Fortunately, viruses rarely travel on their own; they usually 'stick' to a larger object, such as a bacterium. Due to its relatively large size, it is much easier to filter out a bacterium, and by doing this, we will also filter out the virus. In our area, viruses in water are rare or have a low concentration, and only a small part of them is dangerous, so viral infection is unlikely. However, if the circumstances are unfortunate, you can become infected here, too—people with weakened immune systems are especially predisposed to this.

Water purification methods

Boiling water

Disinfection of water by boiling. A fairly common method of destroying microorganisms. A temperature of 70 degrees Celsius kills most microorganisms within half an hour, higher temperatures - 85 degrees and above - within a few minutes. Usually, just bringing the water to a boil is enough - the vast majority of microorganisms will die. Should I continue to boil water after it has boiled? Preferably. And that's why:

  1. Some microorganisms die only after the water has been boiling for at least 5-10 minutes. Yes, such microorganisms are rare in our area - therefore, in most cases, boiling can be neglected. But they meet. Worm eggs and cysts survive high temperatures quite well. Therefore, if you simply bring water to a boil, you do so at your own peril and risk. If the water is taken from a heavily polluted source, it is better to boil it longer.
  2. If you boil water at a high altitude, the boiling point of the water decreases, which gives microorganisms that are resistant to high temperatures an additional chance to survive.
  3. If you're going to be paranoid, it's worth noting that, say, anthrax spores can survive boiling for more than an hour. Advantages of boiling as a method: simplicity and high efficiency, especially when boiling for at least 10 minutes. You don't need to buy anything, you can't forget anything at home - all you need is a pot and a fire.

Disadvantages of boiling as a method of disinfection

  1. Bringing water to a boil and boiling it takes time - about 15 minutes. Sometimes there is no time to wait.
  2. If the ambient temperature is +30 or higher, then you don’t want to drink hot water at all. It will take a very, very long time to cool at this temperature.
  3. It’s a pity to pour water that has just boiled into a hydration device - it will either not withstand such a temperature at all, or it will ‘die’ ahead of schedule. And it will be hot in the backpack. We'll have to wait for it to cool down. Only use a heating pad.
  4. Fuel is consumed if you use a burner. Not only do you have to carry it yourself, but it also costs money. If you go hiking often and often have to disinfect water, it may be more profitable to use another solution, for example, buy.
  5. Not everyone likes starting a fire for the purpose of boiling: searching for or preparing firewood, extra time to make a fire, clothes smelling of smoke, sparks that can burn something, sometimes unnecessary unmasking, etc.
  6. Sometimes you want to literally scoop up water and drink on the go. To boil, you need to look for a place, stop, take out a pot, etc.
  7. You can't light a burner or make a fire everywhere. In addition, you may simply not have a pot or a burner with you - if you are an ordinary ‘civilized traveler’. You live on a tourist reservation, buy bottled water, and the task of water disinfection arises twice a year.
  8. If you are boiling, two strange men may come to you with some kind of washing powder to start steaming it. Well, it's completely undesirable.

The average efficiency of this disinfection method when boiled for 15 minutes is 99.99% for all groups, except for some viruses, anthrax bacillus, etc.

General conclusion : boiling It is quite capable of competing with other types of water disinfection, but in general it is expensive and inconvenient, so I would still consider it as an emergency method. It is more or less suitable for the cold season - firstly, you can immediately drink a hot cup of tea, and secondly, fuel consumption will not be too high, because The water consumption itself is small at this time of year.

Treatment with potassium permanganate

A fairly old method of water disinfection, which is currently gradually falling out of use. The reasons are both displacement by other, easier to use means (chlorine tablets, etc.), and the classification of potassium permanganate as a precursor, as a result of which its acquisition becomes problematic for most people. However, it’s still worth stopping at this wonderful drug - it’s very versatile from the point of view of use on a hike.

Method of using potassium permanganate

To disinfect water, add crystals one at a time until the water turns pinkish. Bright color is too much and may cause problems, dilute it. After adding potassium permanganate, let the water stand for 15-30 minutes in the warm season, or about an hour in cold weather. You are unlikely to be able to simply drink water treated with potassium permanganate. Firstly, it will cause vomiting, secondly, it will disrupt the intestinal microflora, which will result in digestive problems for a long time, and thirdly, you can get a burn if you overdose. Well, you already know that taking any chemicals internally is not good. True, bacteria-free water is sometimes needed not only for ingestion - for example, water purified with potassium permanganate can be rinsed without fear of catching some kind of skin infection - but I would still like more.

What to do in this situation? Use carbon filter, which will purify water both from potassium permanganate and from other harmful chemicals that it may contain.

Advantages of the method of water disinfection using potassium permanganate:

  1. High efficiency.
  2. Cheapness.
  3. Kaine is highly compact and extremely low weight (add, however, the size and weight of the carbon filter).
  4. Being a strong oxidizing agent, potassium permanganate not only destroys bacteria, but also neutralizes a number of rotting or decomposition products that these bacteria have managed to produce.
  5. Additional advantages are that potassium permanganate is a fairly universal thing when hiking: you can use it to treat wounds or disinfect instruments (once I had to stitch up a wound while hiking), gargle or mouth during inflammatory processes, treat burns and ulcers, use for gastric lavage during poisoning.

Dosage: externally, in aqueous solutions for washing wounds (0.1-0.5%), for rinsing the mouth and throat (0.01-0.1%), for lubricating ulcerative and burn surfaces (2-5%), for gastric lavage in case of poisoning - (0.02 -0.1%).

Cons of potassium permanganate

  1. It takes considerable time to process water - from 15 minutes to an hour.
  2. The process is two-stage. After treating the water, you will also have to filter it through a carbon filter.
  3. Sometimes you want, as I already said, to scoop up some water and drink it right away - based on pp. 1 and 2, this scenario does not work with this method of water disinfection.
  4. A container for processing is required - a pot, a flask, a hydraulic system - a “civilized traveler” may not have any of this. However, in this case he won’t have potassium permanganate either.
  5. Let me remind you that potassium permanganate is a precursor in modern times. If the outfit stops you, then, without finding a knife and gas cylinders, you won’t even need to throw in a bag of potassium permanganate - you’ve already taken care of everything yourself.
  6. Legislation is different everywhere. I don’t rule out that it’s loaded with potassium permanganate ‘ civilized traveler‘ Big problems may arise when crossing the border of any of the sovereign democracies, after which the next director will shoot some kind of ‘Midnight Express 2’.
  7. The typical lethal dose of potassium permanganate for children is 3 g. This also needs to be taken into account.

The average efficiency of the method is 99.99% (I left a small reserve, since there will always be a microorganism that is resistant to the action of strong oxidizing agents). General conclusion: taking into account the advantages and disadvantages outlined above, I would have potassium permanganate in my travel first aid kit, but would only use it for disinfecting non-potable water, rinsing drinking containers, etc. As a means of disinfecting water, I considered it only as a backup option.

Water purification with iodine

Despite the low applicability of this method in everyday life, I will still mention it as an ‘emergency’ - drugs such as iodine or hydrogen peroxide are usually found in every first aid kit.

The method of disinfecting water with iodine is simple - add 10-20 drops of 10% alcohol iodine tincture to 1 liter of water. A lower dose is acceptable, but may not be effective enough. The amount of iodine is determined visually depending on the contamination of the water. The water should be allowed to stand for 20-30 minutes in the summer, an hour or more in the cold season. To guarantee the destruction of Giardia/cryptosporidium, more time is required - up to 4 hours, and this time partially depends on the dosage of the drug. Unfortunately, water purified in this way is not only unhealthy, but also tastes disgusting. You can get rid of the taste of iodine either by passing water through a carbon filter, or - less effectively - by adding activated carbon to it. You can also crumble ascorbic acid into water - but hardly anyone carries it with them in their first aid kit.

Advantages of the method: Applicable in emergency situations. In essence, it is no different from expensive branded iodine tablets.

Flaws: in general, the same as those already indicated for potassium permanganate, there is no point in repeating them a second time. Additionally, we can say that for people with thyroid problems, taking iodine in excess of the dose contained in food is a contraindication; additional doses during pregnancy are strictly contraindicated, and healthy people are not recommended to use water purified in this way for more than 2 weeks.

Efficiency: like potassium permanganate, it is effective against almost all microorganisms, but cryptosporidium is quite resistant to its action for a long time. General conclusion: the same as for potassium permanganate. It is advisable to have it in the first aid kit as a means of disinfecting water - given the shortcomings, it is better to consider it as a backup option.

Purifying water with peroxide

Another popular method. Despite the rare use of this method in everyday life, I will still mention it as an ‘emergency’ - drugs such as iodine or hydrogen peroxide are usually found in every first aid kit. Hydrogen peroxide disinfects water from protozoa (giardia and cryptosporidium), bacteria, and viruses. Directions for use: add one tbsp. spoon (for heavily soiled - 2 tablespoons) per liter of water, let stand for about an hour. To clean water from residual peroxide (accelerate its breakdown), you need to add a couple of tablets of activated carbon to the water. Instead of hydrogen peroxide, you can use hydroperite tablets. Dosage - 2-3 tablets per 1 liter of water. When the tablet is dissolved in water, a solution of hydrogen peroxide is obtained, which in turn decomposes into water and the active ingredient - atomic oxygen. When hydroperite decomposes, urea also gets into the water - a not particularly harmful substance that gives the water a slightly salty taste. In Ukraine, urea is used as a food additive, and has an acceptable concentration of 2-3 grams per liter.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method- the same as for other medications. You have to dose by eye. Despite the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, the water may have a slight 'medicinal' taste. At the same time, the active substance in this method - active oxygen - is the same as in expensive industrial tablets for water disinfection, and, unlike the chlorine contained in various preparations, it is much more effective. Activated carbon absorbs urea, but the degree of absorption is low - it may be necessary to circulate the water a couple of times. There are more effective sorbents used in medicine, but I don’t think it’s worth building a separate filter based on them. In general, you shouldn’t be afraid of urea in moderate doses, as it goes in, so it comes out, this substance is well known to the body, because is the end product of protein metabolism and is excreted in the urine. Hydroperite is certainly more convenient than liquid hydrogen peroxide, especially when used in various applications. In addition to disinfecting water, it can be used for its intended purpose - washing wounds and rinsing for inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes. However, when repeatedly disinfecting water with its help, people with chronic renal failure, whose urea levels are already elevated, should be careful.

Several factors influence the amount of manganese in water.

Among the main ones are the terrain, the “type” of water. The safest liquid is marine liquid, containing 2 μg/m3.

In river water, the indicator varies from 1 to 160 μg/m3, the most unfavorable is underground water, containing from hundreds to several thousand μg of manganese per dm3.

Attention! The norm for manganese content in drinking water is 0.1 mg/l. In some EU countries, the requirements are even stricter - the permissible maximum should not exceed 0.05 mg/l.

Numbers fluctuate depending on the time of year– in winter and summer, due to stagnation of reservoirs, the manganese content is higher, in spring and autumn – vice versa.

Consumers of water that contains animal decomposition products, waste from chemical and metallurgical enterprises, and some fertilizers for agricultural crops are at risk.

Signs indicating excess concentration

Most people drink water containing manganese and other metals without even realizing it. Keep your finger on the pulse to eliminate the threat in time.

Signs that indicate excess manganese in water:

They learn that the water needs cleaning by the changed smell (even minor notes of a new aroma in the water are a serious sign). Sediment appears in the settled water, a black coating remains on the dishes, and after prolonged contact with such a liquid, the skin of the hands and nails darken.

You can find out about excess manganese in water yourself at home. Having identified at least one factor, you should contact the sanitary service or a laboratory for water analysis. Results are provided within 3-7 days.

A high concentration of manganese in the body will make itself felt:

  1. headache,
  2. poor appetite
  3. convulsions,
  4. loss of strength,
  5. constant drowsiness and apathy,
  6. allergic reactions.

Important! Heavy metals provoke the appearance of plaque and black spots on plumbing fixtures. The quality of the water itself deteriorates - the consistency thickens, the color turns yellow, and an unpleasant astringent taste appears.

Impurity removal methods

Having received the results from the sanitary service, and having become convinced of the urgency of action, they begin to combat heavy metals.

There are several methods to eliminate manganese from tap water, but they have one thing in common - the oxidation of the divalent formula of manganese (which is soluble) to insoluble with a valence of 4 Mn(IV).

Potassium permanganate

Experts call this procedure demanganization. This is a technologically simple way to eliminate a chemical element.

It is used for both underground and external waters. Potassium permanganate is introduced into the water, which leads to the oxidation of manganese and the appearance of a dispersed oxide precipitate.

The large specific surface area (about 300 m2/g) turns the latter into an effective sorbent. During processing, the smell and taste are restored water.

The advantages of the method include:

  • high-quality and fast result (oxidizes up to 97% of divalent manganese);
  • simplicity of the process;
  • additional use of ultraviolet equipment increases the final effect.
  • high cost of working material;
  • requires water filtration with an additional coagulant and the use of sand filler;
  • the presence of heavy metals in the products of modern manufacturers.

To achieve results It is important to use 2 mg of permanganate for every mg of manganese. At the same time, a number of additional impurities (various forms of iron) are removed from the water.

Catalytic approach

It is carried out through a reagent-free cleaning system with aeration, during which the water is enriched with oxygen, and the already saturated water-air mixture is sent to the charging filter.

Available in filter the catalytic material retains metals in the form of an insoluble precipitate.


  • relevant in advanced cases;
  • use of natural materials containing manganese dioxide;
  • the most budget option compared to others;
  • does not require the use of additional filter additives, since the granular catalyst simultaneously acts as a filter medium.


  • mandatory presence of a vacuum ejection apparatus;
  • The presence of divalent iron in water is mandatory (since the oxidation process produces iron hydroxide, which is an adsorbent for divalent manganese).

An important condition for completing the task is that the ratio of iron and manganese must be at least 7:1.


Until recently, chlorine was considered the most popular substance. It effectively degreased and removed iron.

Under the influence of this reagent, organic iron compounds converted into the form of inorganic iron salts with a valency of 3. They are easily hydrolyzed, precipitating.

Cleaning with chlorine is associated with such serious disadvantages as difficulties in transporting the substance and high toxicity of the composition.

This became a compelling reason to replace chlorine with another reagent - sodium hypochloride. At the same time, the water is not acidified, which plays an important role in. The solution is alkaline, which has a beneficial effect on filtration.

Chlorine dioxide or ozone

No less common oxidizing reagents received many positive reviews from experts due to its high effect and fast action - manganese is oxidized in just 10-15 minutes! The time will not increase if the pH level is at least 6.5-7.0 points.

The proportions are as follows:

  • ozone – 1.45 mg per 1 g of manganese;
  • chloride dioxide – 1.35 mg per 1 g, respectively.

The only downside is that dosage in theory has significant discrepancies with the amount of reagent used in practice.

This was influenced by:

  1. serious contamination of drinking water,
  2. different pH levels,
  3. presence of organic matter in water,
  4. equipment used.

Ion exchange

The method is based on hydrogen or sodium cationization water. Manganese salts dissolve and require immediate removal.

To do this, the water is purified at two levels of ion exchange material.

To implement this action, two resins are used: cation exchange (with hydrogen ions H+) and (anion exchange with hydroxyl ions OH).

Moreover, the use can be either sequential or simultaneous. The resin tandem replaces water-soluble salts with hydroxide and hydrogen ions (OH, H+). Having united, the ions form pure molecules of ordinary water, but without salt content.

This method is relatively new, but the number of its supporters is rapidly increasing. The key to such water purification is the correct combination of ion exchange resins.

Attention! Ion exchange is relevant when the manganese content in water is low. Ferric iron should be absent. The pH level should also be low.

In order not to get confused in the terminology and variety of cleaning methods, a specialist conducts a consultation. It is his responsibility to choose the optimal option for removing manganese from water, corresponding to each individual situation.

Rating of the best filters

The relevance of the topic of manganese water pollution has prompted manufacturers to produce various models of filters and their modifications.

To avoid mistakes and purchasing a low-quality water purification system, It's worth checking out the top sellers, which received the highest ratings from experts and positive customer reviews.

Before choosing a product, it is important to consult with a specialist, take into account the composition of the water, the minimum requirements for its quality after treatment and some characteristics of the water supply (water pressure, productivity).

Table - TOP 3 filters for water purification

Name Description price, rub. Advantages
Ferrum Will get rid of manganese, iron, salts. Relevant for country houses, where the amount of these elements in the water is many times greater. Easy installation and operation.4 000 Fights even against large mechanical particles, heavy metal ions and active chlorine;
The kit includes a separate faucet.
New water Expert M312 Removes insoluble impurities (rust, sand), as well as chlorine and organic substances. Manganese and iron are removed using a module with synthetic zeolite and activated carbon, disinfection is provided by silver.6 000 Small size;

faucet for clean water included;

warranty – 3 years.

Aquaphor Favorite Removes hazardous substances such as chlorine, heavy metals, petroleum products and carcinogenic impurities from tap water. Resource – 12 thousand liters. Capacity – 2.5 l/min.5 500 Durability;
stylish design;

infrequent replacement of modules (once a year).

Video on the topic

You can also watch a video about purifying water from manganese:


Thus, you can protect yourself and your family from the harmful effects of manganese and other impurities contained in water through professional cleaning. After analyzing the condition of the water, a sanitary service specialist will choose the optimal cleaning technology based on the results obtained.

Among other methods, the most proven ones are: the introduction of potassium permanganate, reagents, chlorine dioxide or ozone, as well as ion exchange and catalytic purification. These actions remove not only manganese, but also various forms of iron. At the same time, odors disappear and the taste of water improves.