What to do if your vision suddenly deteriorates? Causes of sudden deterioration in vision

The eyes provide us with most of the information about the world around us. Even partial loss of visual function significantly reduces the quality of life, but deterioration of vision does not cause concern for everyone: it is believed that this is associated with the natural aging of the body. But if the cause of a sharp drop in vision is a serious illness, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

The first warning sign, indicating a disruption in the functioning of the visual system, is the blurring of the contours of objects falling into the field of view. The picture blurs, and more or less distant objects lose their clear outlines, a veil may appear, which makes it difficult to read.

Defects in the visual organs themselves are not always the main cause of loss of good quality vision. Visual acuity often decreases if a person has serious systemic diseases.

The nature of the pathological condition of the eyes can be temporary or permanent. The deviation can also be bilateral or unilateral. In the first case, visual ability most often deteriorates due to neurogenic disorders. When vision decreases in one eye, the reasons for this are usually local, so it is quite possible to suspect defects in the eye tissue or local vascular pathology.

What can cause the rapid loss of eye health? In medical reference books, the causes of a sharp deterioration in vision are classified as ophthalmological (relating to the physiology and anatomy of the eyes) or general, that is, associated with functional and organic disorders in the body.

Spontaneous visual impairment has different origins and its own characteristics:

  1. From a school anatomy course, everyone knows that the retina, being the inner shell of the eyeball, contains light-sensitive cells. Retinal pathologies entail impairment of visual acuity, that is, the ability of the visual organs to distinguish between two separate objects at a short distance. A healthy eye has an acuity equal to one conventional unit.
  2. It happens that vision deteriorates due to the appearance of an obstacle in the path of light flow to the retina. Any changes in the lens or cornea can cause blurring and various spots before the eyes. The image on the retina may be distorted if the lens is not shaped correctly.
  3. Many people have probably wondered why the eyes are located so close to each other. This anatomical feature allows a person to perceive the surrounding picture of the world as deeply and comprehensively as possible. But when the positioning of the eyeballs in the sockets is disrupted, vision deteriorates. Due to their incorrect location or axis displacement, the eyes may begin to double.
  4. As soon as light waves penetrate the peripheral part of the visual analyzer, it instantly transforms them into nerve impulses, which, moving along the optic nerves, enter the area of ​​the cerebral cortex responsible for visual perception. With disorders of the central nervous system, vision may also decrease, and such disorders are of a rather specific nature.

According to statistics, vision problems occur mainly in those who suffers from any ophthalmological disease or has a predisposition to it. If there is a sharp decrease in the ability of one or two eyes to see well, or complete or partial loss of vision, it is first necessary to exclude possible eye pathology:

Sudden deterioration in vision may be caused by sudden changes in intraocular pressure. In no case should this condition be left unattended, since without taking appropriate therapeutic measures, you can lose your vision completely.

Another common reason for the decline of visual function is all kinds of mechanical damage to the eyes, burns of the mucous membrane, hemorrhage in the orbit, etc..

The reasons for the sharp deterioration of vision, perhaps, should be sought not so much in the eyes themselves, but in existing diseases of other organs. Here it is worth remembering, doctors say, that functional systems are closely interconnected, so problems in one thing often entail a whole chain of ailments, including eye ones. You can make a whole list of disorders in the body, in which the visual system suffers:

We cannot exclude some other factors that lead to a deterioration in visual ability, among which we should note general chronic fatigue and regular stress, long-term work at the computer. Redness, burning, increased tearing and, finally, blurred vision are the body’s reaction to a critical situation. To eliminate short-term blurred vision, it is worth establishing a work and rest schedule, getting enough sleep and performing relaxing exercises for the eyes.

If vision has sharply deteriorated, the reasons that provoked this condition can be very diverse. These include unfavorable environmental conditions in the area of ​​residence, poor nutrition, insufficient physical activity and bad habits.

If a child’s vision is failing, only a qualified specialist can tell you what to do and what measures to take. The earlier the doctor diagnoses visual pathology, the more effective and easier the treatment will be. After 10 years of age, it will be more difficult for a child to restore visual function, so it is important not to overlook the first signs of an ophthalmological disease. The best preventive measure is regular examinations by an ophthalmologist from early childhood. During the examination, the doctor evaluates the ability of the eyes to distinguish objects at a distance and perceive bright light.

If a pathology is detected, the following treatment measures are recommended for both adults and children:

  • gymnastics for the eyes;
  • wearing corrective glasses and lenses;
  • use of eye drops;
  • surgical vision correction.

There are a huge number of factors affecting visual function, therefore, if the true cause of visual impairment is detected in time, you can protect yourself from further progression of the pathology.

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Impairments in the functioning of the eye itself can also lead to a decrease in visual acuity. It has several functional parts. The pathological processes that arise in them lead to the fact that the patient begins to see worse. Diseases that cause vision impairment are divided into three groups:

  • corneal diseases;
  • retinal pathologies;
  • lens diseases.

They can cause blurred vision in one eye or both. Among the serious pathologies of the cornea are:

  • keratitis (inflammation of the cornea);
  • corneal ulcer;
  • clouding of the cornea (cataract).

The retina is the part of the eye that contains a network of nerve endings. Normally, it should be in contact with the choroid. Visual impairment occurs when they are separated from each other. The reasons may be:

  • diabetic retinopathy;
  • vitreous or retinal detachment;
  • retinal tear.

These diseases require serious and long-term treatment. In some cases, the patient may be indicated for surgical intervention. Pathologies of the lens are one of the most common disorders of the organ of vision. Among them, a special place is occupied by: farsightedness and myopia. According to statistics, more than 16% of schoolchildren suffer from this pathological condition. Treatment can be completely different. Glasses, contact lenses, laser correction and microsurgical interventions are often used.

Prevention of visual impairment

Experts note that following the rules of personal hygiene, sleep and wakefulness significantly reduce the risk of eye diseases. Also, to prevent vision deterioration, it is recommended to: add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, do eye exercises, and take breaks every 40 minutes when working at the computer or watching TV.

Vision is precious for every person, because through it we receive more than 80% of information about the world around us. Unfortunately, visual acuity decreases over the years due to inevitable age-related changes in the body. If this process develops gradually, a person has the opportunity to adapt to this, select correction means (glasses or contact lenses) and carry out therapeutic measures. But it’s a completely different matter when vision loss occurs sharply and suddenly.

Causes of sudden vision loss

It must be said right away that a sharp decrease in vision is almost always a symptom of some disease. The causes of eye problems can be both direct eye pathologies: diseases of the cornea, lens, retina, and general diseases. Among the eye diseases that most often lead to a sharp decrease in vision are retinal detachment and rupture, macular degeneration, inflammation or ischemia of the optic nerve, rupture or blockage of a vessel. Also, a common cause of the development of this symptom is diabetic retinopathy, a complication of diabetes mellitus in which damage to the vessels of the retina occurs. With this disease, vision loss is usually irreversible. In addition, a sharp deterioration in vision can occur with retrobulbar neuritis, intracranial hypertension, intoxication of the body and other pathological conditions.

Symptoms of a sharp decrease in vision

Depending on the type of pathology, the following symptoms may appear:

  • pain when moving the eyeballs;
  • headache;
  • distortion or doubling of the image of objects;
  • the occurrence of photophobia;
  • loss of visual fields;
  • blurred vision;
  • the appearance of sparks, lightning, dark spots, circles, veils, etc. before the eyes;
  • a sharp decrease in vision or its complete loss.

Often, vision problems are preceded by frequent headaches, which can arise from overstrain of the eye muscles, accommodation disorders and eye-related neurological disorders. Often, patients do not attach much importance to headaches, but experts recommend paying close attention to this symptom in order to prevent possible problems.

If you experience symptoms of a sharp decrease in vision, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible. You should not put off visiting an ophthalmologist, since delay can lead to the development of serious complications, including complete loss of visual function.

Treatment of severe vision loss

In order to prescribe the correct treatment for a sharp deterioration in vision, it is necessary to accurately identify the cause of the pathological process. This often requires a full ophthalmological examination. Treatment depends on the type of disease; it can be conservative or surgical. In no case should you self-medicate; therapy for a sharp decrease in vision should be carried out only by a qualified ophthalmologist.

At the ARTOX clinic you can always get specialist advice, carry out accurate diagnostics using the most modern equipment and treat any eye diseases. The extensive experience of our doctors will help you eliminate problems and restore good vision.

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A sharp deterioration in vision is a nuisance that significantly worsens a person’s quality of life, because people draw much from the world around them thanks to their vision. Problems with the visual organs most often have a certain underlying cause, because a sharp form of deterioration in visual abilities can indicate both an unhealthy lifestyle, an eye injury, or pathological processes occurring in the brain and central nervous system.

Deterioration of vision can affect not only an adult, but also children, who nowadays very often sit in front of a computer, play with phones and other technological devices that gradually cause significant damage to health.

Sometimes the factors influencing vision deterioration are beyond the patient's control. But, nevertheless, you should never be lazy about taking care of your health. With his behavior and his lifestyle, a person can reduce many risk factors to nothing. At the same time, you can also freely read books, play computer games, watch TV, but do it without harming your eyes.

It must be remembered that due to visual impairment, a person may experience depression, stress, and one ophthalmological disease can lead to the development of other ailments. In this regard, if there is noticeable damage to the functioning of the visual organs, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Most often, in a person who has a problem with the functioning of the visual organs, the following is observed - the refraction of light in the eye lens is disrupted, because of this, the contours of objects seem unclear, they blur. Myopia and farsightedness are the most popular forms of vision diseases, and they are precisely the result of a physical disorder in the refraction of light.

It happens that vision loss is caused by other pathological processes occurring in the body. All systems of the human body are interconnected, and many diseases can cause disruption of the visual organs. Decreased vision is observed with lesions of the brain, with disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels, etc.

However, sometimes vision loss occurs due to pathologies of one eye or two eyes, for example, due to injury, cataracts, etc.

Classification of visual impairment

Modern medicine tends to distinguish several types of visual impairment. These types are not diseases, they simply talk about the causes and forms of the disease, its nature and possible prognosis.

There is more than one criterion by which vision impairment can be classified.

For example, classification based on the duration of the disease distinguishes two types of disorders:

  1. temporary;
  2. long lasting

It is not difficult to guess that the temporary nature of the disease is said when vision may deteriorate due to some factor that has had its effect here and now. For example, very often a person who works for a long time at a computer or with papers, then gets up from his workplace and feels that all objects are blurry, a veil may form before his eyes, and the eyes themselves may hurt greatly. However, as soon as the patient lies down and sleeps, in the morning he feels completely different, and his visual organs still work just as well.

Some experts also talk about the sudden, but short-term nature of visual impairment. It occurs, for example, when a person, having been in the dark for a long time, comes out into the light. He begins to squint, which can hurt someone's eyes. However, medicine is still officially inclined to believe that this is not a form of illness, but a physiological component of the human body, and relates this phenomenon more to photosensitivity.

The long-term form of the disease is pathologies that arise in the structure of the eyes or in the central nervous system. They are, of course, more serious than the processes that occur during temporary deterioration of vision. Naturally, these pathologies indicate the need to see a doctor.

According to causality, medicine also classifies the following vision ailments:

  1. are common;
  2. ophthalmological.

As already indicated, the nature of the occurrence of these diseases is influenced by their causes.

Common eye diseases are associated with various pathologies occurring in other body systems, for example, circulatory disorders, and pathologies of the nervous system.

Ophthalmological, or local eye diseases are characterized by problems specifically with the eye structure, for example, damage to eye tissue, cataracts.

Also, depending on whether one or both eyes are affected, the following ailments are distinguished:

  1. bilateral;
  2. unilateral.

Unilateral eye disease is characterized by impaired vision in only one eye. As a rule, vision may deteriorate due to local causes - eye injury, mechanical stress, tissue damage, local disruption of vascular function.

Bilateral visual impairment indicates problems in both eyes, and also refers doctors to other pathologies, because usually visual impairment in two eyes hints at neurogenic causes of this disease. They can be damage to the cerebral cortex, various congenital diseases of the nervous system, hypertension, hypertension, oxygen deprivation of the brain, damage to certain parts of the brain.

Types of eye diseases leading to visual impairment

Medicine, of course, identifies a lot of reasons that cause visual impairment. Among them, neurogenic and ophthalmological diseases are usually considered.

If we talk about problems with the eyes as visual organs, scientists have studied a huge number of manifestations of diseases, and now, in modern medicine, problems with recognizing ophthalmological diseases practically do not exist. So, doctors identify the following types of serious local (eye) diseases:

  1. myopia - a person sees objects that are near him, he can freely read a book, but at the same time he cannot see at a distance;
  2. farsightedness is the opposite phenomenon: a person sees objects at a distance from himself, but he has to wear glasses to read a book. It should be noted that both farsightedness and myopia are forms of the disease that involve the effect of light refraction in the eyes;
  3. retinal diseases – retinal detachment due to injury, metabolic disorders;
  4. cataract – clouding of the lens due to diseases of the endocrine system, age-related and hormonal changes in the body, most often leading to surgical intervention;
  5. corneal diseases caused mainly by viruses and infections;
  6. eye injuries, local burns, local intoxication with toxic chemicals;
  7. local circulatory disorders;
  8. increased intraocular pressure;
  9. chronic eye strain.

Causes of severe visual impairment in humans

Medicine identifies a huge variety of causes that can become provoking factors that cause not only vision problems, but also its complete loss. The functioning of the visual organs is influenced by many internal systems of the body, in particular the circulatory and endocrine systems. This also includes changes in the human body regarding age, hormonal levels, etc.

So, let's look at the reasons in more detail:

  1. fractures of the neck, base of the skull, spine. Do not forget that the visual organs are also fed by blood, which carries nutrients with it. If there are circulatory problems, compression, or damage to blood vessels, the eyes can no longer work properly. Vision deteriorates;
  2. diseases of the spine, in particular osteochondrosis. The anatomical effect of spinal diseases is the same, the most important arteries and vessels that carry blood to the brain are compressed;
  3. endocrine disorders in the body. Metabolic disorders can lead to problems with the cornea, retina, etc. Moreover, the endocrine component also affects other functions of the body, seemingly not involved in the eyes;
  4. hormonal imbalance;
  5. age-related changes in the body. Although everyone can notice deterioration in their vision, statistics show that older and older people are most at risk. This indicates possible wear and tear of the eye tissues, weaker signal transmission by neurons;
  6. intoxication with chemical and biological substances;
  7. alcohol, drug use, smoking;
  8. venereal diseases;
  9. hypertension and hypertension;
  10. tumors and cysts in the brain that interfere with normal blood circulation. It does not matter whether the tumors are benign or malignant;
  11. inflammation of nerve tissue;
  12. glaucoma – death of the optic nerves due to increased intraocular pressure;
  13. allergy;
  14. keratitis (infectious, allergic, bacterial, toxic);
  15. diabetes;
  16. congenital diseases of the central nervous system and brain;
  17. eye fatigue.

Symptoms of severe visual impairment

Manifestations of severe visual impairment depend on the nature of the disease.

But, nevertheless, it seems possible to highlight the most striking and general features of a sharp deterioration in vision:

  1. hyperactivity;
  2. depression;
  3. mental and emotional instability, stress;
  4. pale skin;
  5. headache;
  6. irritability;
  7. rapid weight loss;
  8. chronic general fatigue.

Treatment of sudden deterioration of vision

Usually, when treating, doctors resort, first of all, to getting rid of the pathologies that caused visual impairment. For example, if visual impairment is caused by negative processes occurring in the brain, then no matter how you treat the eyes, you still need to destroy the root cause, the main factor.

For example, if there is a tumor in the brain that compresses blood vessels and interferes with normal blood supply, visual impairment can be cured only by removing this particular tumor.

All pathological endocrine processes that also affect the functioning of the visual organs require immediate medical intervention, since these pathologies can bring many more troubles if not treated in a timely manner.

For farsightedness and myopia, the selection of optical devices – glasses or lenses – is very important. For cataracts and glaucoma, treatment usually cannot be done without surgery or laser therapy.

After such procedures, the doctor also prescribes the use of eye drops.


Through vision we receive 80% of information about the world around us. But often the deterioration of a person’s vision does not cause concern; it is believed that this is due to age-related changes.

However, blurred vision is almost always a symptom of some disease. Causes of visual impairment- diseases of the lens, retina, cornea, or general diseases leading to damage to the vessels of the eyeball, or disorders of the tissues surrounding the eye - adipose tissue and eye muscles.

Visual impairment can be of different types.

Impaired visual acuity associated with retinal pathologies. A healthy eye has visual acuity of -1.0. Sudden deterioration of vision can cause obstructions in the path of light to the retina, which occurs when the cornea and lens change. With disorders of the nervous system, vision is also impaired. This is facilitated by chronic lack of sleep, constant overwork and stress, and prolonged eye strain. Often, to eliminate visual impairment in this situation, it is enough to rest and perform eye exercises. And still visit an ophthalmologist so as not to miss the disease.

Peeling retina

The retina is the part of the eye in which the nerve endings perceive light rays and translate them into images. The retina is in close contact with the choroid. If they are separated from each other, visual impairment develops. Symptoms of retinal detachment are very characteristic:

  • First, the vision in one eye deteriorates.
  • A veil appears before the eyes.
  • Periodically, flashes and sparks are felt before the eyes.

The process involves different parts of the retina, depending on which one or the other occurs. To restore the normal state of the retina, treatment is carried out surgically.

Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration- the cause of visual impairment in the age group after 45 years. This disease affects the area on the retina where the largest number of light-sensitive nerve receptors are located (the corpus luteum). Scientists are inclined to believe that it is caused by a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.

There are two types of treatment for this disease - laser therapy and photodynamic therapy; drug therapy in the form of tablets or injections.

Retinal tear and vitreous detachment

The vitreous body is a substance that fills the inside of the eyeball and is firmly attached to the retina in several places. In youth it is dense and elastic, but with age it begins to liquefy and separates from the retina, which leads to its ruptures and detachment. Treatment is carried out surgically, and no two identical cases of this disease exist.

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy - with diabetes, vision almost always deteriorates; in the later stages it occurs in 90% of patients, especially with type 1 diabetes.

Diabetic retinopathy is caused by damage to the capillaries and small vessels of the retina, leaving entire areas without the necessary blood supply. If visual acuity decreases or one eye stops seeing, it means that irreversible changes in vision have developed. Therefore, patients with diabetes should undergo regular examinations by an ophthalmologist.


Cataracts are the most common. Develops in old age and is very rarely congenital. It is believed to be caused by metabolic disorders, injuries, and exposure to free radicals. At the same time, visual acuity decreases, up to blindness in one eye. In the initial stages, visual impairment can be treated with eye drops; the radical method of treatment is surgery.


Myopia is the most common pathology and may be caused by a hereditary factor; elongated shape of the eyeball; violation of the shape of the cornea (keratoconus); violation of the shape of the lens; weakness of the muscles that are responsible for the movements of the eyeballs. For treatment, glasses, laser correction and other microsurgical interventions are used.


Farsightedness is a pathology in which vision deterioration is caused by: small diameter of the eyeball; Decreased ability of the lens to change shape, starting at age 25 and continuing until age 65. As people age, visual impairment is corrected with contact lenses and glasses. There are surgical treatment methods using special lasers.

Eye injuries

Eye injuries are accompanied by a sharp deterioration in vision. The most common types of injuries are: foreign body; eye burns; contusion of the eyeball; retinal hemorrhage; eye injury (the most dangerous injury); hemorrhage in the orbit. In all cases, the ophthalmologist must examine, determine the extent of the damage and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Clouding of the cornea (cataract)

Corneal turbidity (cataract) is a process in which a cloudy infiltrate forms on the surface of the cornea, disrupting normal vision. To restore it, special drops can be used, as well as surgery - keratoplasty.


Keratitis is a group of diseases characterized by the presence of an inflammatory process in the cornea. Inflammation of the cornea is caused by: bacterial and viral infections; keratitis of fungal, autoimmune and allergic origin; toxic keratitis. In any case, visual impairment occurs, which goes away after the disease is cured. Sometimes a cataract forms, which is accompanied by persistent visual impairment.

Corneal ulcer

A corneal ulcer is a defect that is caused by injury, infection and inflammatory processes, accompanied by deterioration of vision. As treatment, drops with antibiotics and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Thyroid diseases

Diseases of the thyroid gland - diffuse toxic goiter (Graves' disease), one of the symptoms of which is bulging eyes associated with double vision and blurred vision. Treatment is conservative; in severe cases, surgical intervention is performed.

Disorders in the spine

Disorders in the spine - vision is subject to brain activity involving the spinal cord passing through the spine. Injuries, damage to the vertebrae, and unsuccessful childbirth can cause visual impairment.


Infectious and venereal diseases affect the nervous system of the body, and vision steadily declines.

Bad habits

Bad habits - alcohol, smoking, drugs affect the condition of the eye muscles and blood vessels of the retina. Poor blood supply to the eyes sooner or later leads to decreased vision.