Swelling under the eyes - how to eliminate harmless causes and when to see a doctor? How to quickly and effectively remove puffiness under the eyes

What to do if bags and swelling appear under the eyes? Why do they form and how to quickly remove them at home?

Swelling and bags under the eyes- This is accumulated fluid under the thin skin around the eyes.

Facial swelling - causes. Why do bags form under the eyes?

The reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes can be:

1. Violations of the daily routine. The causes of bags under the eyes may include insufficient sleep. People suffering from insomnia, who do not have time to get a good night's sleep due to their work, those who are constantly woken up in the middle of the night several times, wake up in the morning with a swollen face. The face swells especially severely if lack of sleep is accompanied by stress and overwork.

2. Incorrect position heads while sleeping. Those who sleep with their faces buried in the pillow may see bags under the eyes and swelling of the face in the mirror in the morning. To prevent your face from swelling in the morning, you need to keep your head elevated with a pillow in relation to the rest of your body while sleeping.

3. Cosmetics can also cause swelling. An incorrectly selected night cream can cause allergic swelling of the face, and can form a film that will not allow the skin to breathe and evaporate moisture.

4. Hormonal changes in the body of women. Often, bags under a woman’s eyes appear at the end of the menstrual cycle and in late pregnancy, during menopause after 50 years.

5. Age reasons: weakening of the orbicularis oculi muscle, accumulation of fat under the eyes. After 40-50 years, the muscles weaken, they cannot withstand a heavy mass of fat for a long time, they sag.

6. Chronic diseases. The cause of swelling of the face and bags under the eyes may be problems with the kidneys and heart, or allergies.

7. The face often swells due to drinking too much the night before. alcohol.

How to quickly get rid of bags under the eyes using folk remedies?

What to do if in the morning you have bags under your eyes and your face is very swollen? If this happens constantly, then you must understand the causes of bags under the eyes. And the first stage of treatment for facial swelling is prevention, that is, it is necessary to remove all those removable causes that cause facial swelling. If the cause of edema is kidney or heart disease, then you need to limit your salt intake, drink less liquid in the afternoon, and sleep on a high pillow.

The following 3 procedures, which are done sequentially, will help to quickly remove bags under the eyes and relieve swelling of the face:
1. First stage– contrast wash. If you see swelling on your face in the morning, immediately start washing your face alternately with hot and cold water. This will increase blood circulation, lymph circulation, fill the face with energy, swelling and congestion in the facial tissues will disappear.
2. Second phase– cool compress on the eyes. How to prepare compresses for bags under the eyes is described below. If you don’t have enough time in the morning, massage your eyelids with ice cubes.
3. Third stage– light massage of the face and eyelid area: tap the eye area with your fingertips, pat your face (cheeks, forehead, chin) with your palms

Massaging with ice cubes will help get rid of swelling on the face..
If your eyes become swollen overnight, take a regular ice cube and massage the skin around your eyes for 3-5 minutes. Instead of a regular ice cube, it is better to use an ice cube made from herbal decoctions (parsley, chamomile, green tea) to relieve swelling of the face. An ice cube can be wrapped in a piece of wide bandage to distribute moisture more evenly across the face and to prevent your fingers from freezing.

How to treat bags and swelling at home?

Use effective compresses and masks for facial swelling and bags under the eyes:
Parsley leaves. Parsley is the most effective folk remedy for relieving swelling. Parsley is used in a variety of forms against bags under the eyes and puffiness of the face caused by heart or kidney disease.
Parsley for edema is used in different forms:
1. Parsley leaf mask. Grind (in a blender, meat grinder, finely chop and crush) fresh parsley leaves, apply the resulting pulp to the swelling and place a damp swab on top. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

2. Parsley infusion for bags under the eyes. Brew a tablespoon of fresh or dried parsley with a glass of boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes, strain. Make lotions from the resulting infusion using cotton pads. Just apply them to your closed eyes and leave for fifteen minutes. Repeat the procedure several times in a row.
Parsley infusion can be frozen in the form of ice cubes and used for massage for swelling and bags under the eyes.
It is useful to drink parsley infusion - 1/3 cup - 3 times a day. Course 2-3 weeks. Your face will stop swelling in the morning.

3. Compress of parsley and sour cream. An excellent remedy for bags and puffiness under the eyes. Finely chop a few sprigs of parsley. Mix a teaspoon of chopped herbs with 2 teaspoons of sour cream. The resulting mixture should be applied in a thick layer to the bags under the eyes and covered with wet cotton pads, lie there for 10-15 minutes, covering with a damp swab on top. It should be washed off with ordinary water.

Potatoes are the second most effective folk remedy for facial swelling. There are also several ways to get rid of bags under your eyes using potatoes:
1. Boiled potatoes. Boil a whole potato, cool, cut in half and apply to the swelling for 20-30 minutes.
2. Raw potatoes. Wash and cut the potatoes into slices, apply under the eyes and leave for about half an hour.
Grate raw potatoes, wrap in gauze and place on bags under the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
Grate raw potatoes, mix with chopped and grated parsley, wrap in gauze and place on swollen eyelids for 10-15 minutes, then apply rich cream.

Treating puffiness and bags under the eyes with tea at home..

Tea bags– ideal ready-made compresses for the eyes. Pour boiling water over 2 tea bags, cool in the freezer, and place on the bags under the eyes for 10 minutes.

Tea lotions for bags under the eyes. Brew strong black or green tea, strain, cool and use for lotions. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. This folk remedy for facial swelling will be even more effective if you brew tea mixed with chamomile flowers in a 1:1 ratio as a lotion.
Swelling will quickly go away if the infusion (tea) is divided into 2 parts, 1 part is cooled and the other is heated. Make lotions by either soaking cotton pads in cold tea or warm tea.

Cucumber mask– a classic method for getting rid of bags under the eyes. Thinly slice a fresh cucumber and apply its pieces to the swelling, on top of which place cotton swabs lightly dipped in milk.

Mint leaf mask. Grind fresh mint leaves in a blender and then make a face mask out of them. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to also apply a tampon soaked in cooled green tea on top of the mint.

Treating bags under the eyes and facial swelling at home.

Materials and reviews from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”.

Swelling of the eyes after surgery. What to do - doctor's advice.
After surgery for cataracts on her right eye, a woman developed severe swelling under the eye. Before this, there was swelling under the eyes, but not so severe. She contacted the editors of the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” with the question “How to relieve swelling after surgery, or somehow reduce it, including using folk remedies.”
Answered by ophthalmologist of the highest category M.V. Minaeva.
The cause of swelling under the eyes in this case is a previous hemorrhage in the orbit of the eye. This occurs due to the pressure exerted on the tissue by the eyelid speculum used during eye surgery. If a month has not passed since the operation, then medications with microdoses of iodine will quickly help relieve swelling, for example, homeopathic sulfur iodine, which should be taken 8 grains under the tongue 3 times a day before meals for two weeks. To relieve swelling from the face after surgery, do not forget about diuretics. Along with sulfur iodine, use the diuretic diacabr 1 tablet 2 times a week (4 tablets in total)

Folk remedies will also help reduce swelling under the eyes:
1. Boiled potatoes. Boil potatoes in their jackets, cut them in half and apply warm (but not hot, so as not to damage the skin) to your closed eyes for 30-40 minutes.
2. Raw potatoes. Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, wrap in gauze and apply this compress to swelling and bags under the eyes for 10-15 minutes. After this, rub the cream with vitamins A and E into the areas of swelling. After 15 minutes, use a cotton swab dipped in cold tea to remove the remaining cream from the skin. Do the procedure 2 times a day.
3. Contrast baths with sage infusion. 2 tsp. sage, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Strain, pour into 2 containers, cool one, the other should be warm. Before going to bed, alternately apply a cotton wool soaked in cold or hot infusion to the swelling on the face (5-6 times). (HLS 2012 No. 15 pp. 9-10)

Swelling around the eyes - how to get rid of it using folk remedies.

These folk remedies will help quickly remove swelling from the face, get rid of bags under the eyes, tearing, swelling and redness of the eyelids.
1. Finely chop the parsley leaves and apply the resulting paste to your eyelids for 15 minutes. Redness and swelling of the eyes will go away quickly.
2. Cucumber compresses will help get rid of bags under the eyes at home. Cut the peel off the cucumber, grind the pulp into a paste, wrap it in gauze, and apply it to swollen eyelids for 5-10 minutes.
3. An infusion of blue cornflower flowers will help relieve irritation and swelling from the eyelids. 2 tbsp. l. dry flowers, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Soak cotton pads in the warm, strained infusion and apply to eyes for 20 minutes. (Folk recipes from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2012 No. 2 p. 12-13. Advice from ophthalmologist M. V. Minaeva)

Treating swollen eyes with milk at home.
If swelling forms under the eyes, milk will help cure them. Cotton swabs should be soaked in cold milk and placed on the eyelids, held for 15-20 minutes. You can also freeze milk in ice cube trays. Apply milk cubes, wrapped in cloth, to the swelling for 5-10 minutes. (Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 12 p. 31).

Folk remedies for bags under the eyes.
Lotions made from a warm solution of table salt or lotions made from cold milk will help get rid of swelling of the eyelids. Bags under the eyes will disappear if you make compresses from grated raw potatoes and sleep on 2-3 pillows. (Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 14 p. 19).

Folk remedies for facial swelling and bags under the eyes.
1. A mixture of sour cream and parsley.
2. Mask made from raw grated potatoes.
3. Compresses from a decoction of linden, chamomile or cornflower.
(Home recipes from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 25 p. 26).

Allergic swelling of the eyelids - treatment with eyebright at home.
Eyebright will help relieve allergic swelling of the eyelids, in addition, this herb helps stop cataracts and cure conjunctivitis. The infusion is taken internally and lotions are applied to the eyes.
For infusion 2-3 tsp. crushed eyebright, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. From the same infusion, apply lotions to the eyelid area for 15-20 minutes. (Folk treatment from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 18 p. 4).

Contrast compresses for the eyes.
If you often experience puffiness under your eyes, use a sage decoction (1 teaspoon per half cup of boiling water). The broth must be divided into two halves, one heated and the other cooled. Place 2 cotton pads in a hot broth, 2 in a cold one. Apply either cold or hot compresses under the eyes. At night, lubricate the swelling under the eyes with camphor cream. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2002, No. 16 p. 4).

Swelling under the eyes - how to get rid of it using folk remedies.
Some people get up in the morning with swollen and puffy eyes, afraid to eat soup and drink water at night. The cause may be kidney disease or heart disease. Plantain will also help such people sleep. You need to take 15-20 plantain leaves, a handful of plantain, finely chop and cook in 1.5 liters of water for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour. Store in the refrigerator, drink 2-3 glasses a day hot instead of tea, with jam. The woman drank this decoction for a month, the swelling of her face went away, her bowel movements improved, her blood pressure returned to normal, and her weight dropped. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2003, No. 23 p. 27).

Each of us has faced the morning problem of a “terribly swollen face.” And this trouble can aggravate the already joyless mood from a difficult awakening. Swollen eyes and swollen eyelids in the reflection of the mirror upset both women and men equally. Sound familiar? Is it relevant almost every day?

The causes of morning swelling of the eyes can be different. A party the day before with obvious excess, late-night coffee with virtual “shooting races”, evening beer with salted fish, lack of sleep, insomnia, kidney disease, varicose veins... And if you still slept, shrank, and put your hand under your neck, swelling will occur with high probability.

So, what to do if you have little time to get ready in the morning, and you can hardly see your eyes?!

First: Before you shower, do 15 squats. It’s difficult, but quite doable, and it takes no more than 1.5 minutes. This way you can activate the drainage system of the body, increasing the circulation of blood and lymph, which was in “sleeping” mode at night. The faster the blood and lymph “run,” the faster they remove excess water from the skin tissue, which causes such swelling. Bonus - your leg muscles will always be in good shape.

Second: the shower should be contrast. Let’s not commit atrocities, so alternate between not icy and hot, but tolerably cool and warm. Make the jet to the maximum - such an additional massage will also improve blood circulation.

When you get out of the shower, do 15 more squats. Try to complete all 15, or at least 10. This is a must!

Third: When brushing your teeth... make faces all the time. Yes, yes, just grimace and make all sorts of faces for yourself! Engage the muscles around your eyes more: clench your eyes and hold for 2 seconds, then open your eyes wide, blink quickly, roll your eyes... Bonus - morning mood improvement is guaranteed.

Let's continue: Wash your face with very cold water and rub your face well with your palms. Ideally, wash your face with highly carbonated water from the refrigerator, because... the bubbles also provide micromassage, and the salts and minerals dissolved in it strengthen the skin.
If swelling is frequent, prepare ice in molds in advance and instead of washing, wipe with an ice cube. Ice is the oldest way to eliminate swelling!
Look in the mirror again to see any improvements. As a rule, the appearance of your eyes after all these manipulations should already be closer to normal. If everything is completely neglected or you want to achieve maximum similarity with your usual reflection, proceed to the next stage.

Eye area massage. To save time, you can do it while breakfast is being prepared or even during a meal (while you are chewing food), but it is still better to take a couple of minutes.

So: along the upper eyelid, pressing lightly, draw an arc from the bridge of the nose to the temples with the pads of the index fingers, 10 times. Repeat the same under the eyes: from the nose to the temples, 10 times. Just don’t pull your skin, because you don’t need wrinkles.
Now “play the piano” under the eyes, i.e. alternate frequent pats with your fingertips. This type of self-massage for the eyes is the easiest and most effective. 2 minutes is enough for the entire massage.

Additional Helpful Tips, if swelling has become a common occurrence for you, but you are determined to fight it:

1) Express recovery: in the evening prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 cup of boiling water (chamomile, sage, mint, lemon balm or linden blossom - whatever you have). Cool, pour into ice cube trays and place in the freezer.

Massage with an ice cube around the eyes for puffiness - the most effective SOS remedy. Apply ice until the skin endures, then let it “come to its senses” for 2-3 seconds and continue until the entire cube has dried out. Finally, lightly tap your eyelids with your fingertips.

2) A cold cucumber will help you out if there is no ready-made ice (compress: cucumber rings on the eyes for 5 minutes or massage with a piece of its core). Here is also a bonus - much less wrinkles + fresh complexion!

3) There is another option: buy special mask for the eye area made of thick moisturizing gel. Store it in the refrigerator. When you need to remove swelling (or need relaxation for your eyes after working at the computer), you apply it to your eyes and rest for 10 minutes. It is reusable, so it will serve you for a long time.

4) Puffiness + dark circles + red whites of eyes: Set aside 10 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in cold, strong brewed black tea, squeeze lightly and place it on your eyes. Lie down for 10 minutes.

5) Frequent swelling: Try not to drink a lot of liquid 2-3 hours before bedtime. As a rule, the amount you drink above the norm for your body is reflected in your face in the morning. You can limit yourself to a couple of juicy fruits.

6) Use at night and in the morning cosmetic gels and eye creams with extracts arnica, horse chestnut and cornflower - they help reduce swelling. It is also effective to use them for a morning massage of the eye area, as they glide perfectly, moisturize the skin, smooth out fine wrinkles and generally give a fresh look.

7) Chronic edema: Consult your doctor and drink light diuretic infusions and/or herbal decoctions to avoid fluid stagnation. Make a contrast shower a mandatory morning ritual - it really helps.

Still, remember about the ice cube, it won’t let you down!
Now you know how to erase the disgusting “mask of yesterday” and be a “cucumber”!

Puffiness that appears on the face at the most unexpected moment is a problem familiar to every person. There are many ways to eliminate bags under the eyes; for this you do not have to resort to medications - folk remedies will eliminate swelling no less effectively. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the factor stimulating their appearance, otherwise there remains a risk of a recurrence of the problem. If the cause is a blow, tears, a bite, a hangover or an allergy - everything is clear here, choose the recipe or ointment you like, and eliminate the defect.

Causes of swelling

Puffiness often appears due to an unhealthy lifestyle and addiction to bad habits, but serious illnesses often provoke the accumulation of fluid in the tissues under the eyes. Among the main factors causing swelling are:

  • eating a lot of salt;
  • lack of sleep or discomfort during the night;
  • addiction to alcoholic drinks, hangover;
  • prolonged crying;
  • eye diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes;
  • health problems leading to fluid accumulation in tissues;
  • active consumption of unhealthy foods;
  • smoking;
  • complex diseases (diseases of the thyroid gland, stomach, blood vessels, kidneys);
  • pregnancy;
  • late dinner;
  • drinking plenty of fluids before bedtime;
  • overwork or exhaustion of the body;
  • problems with the nervous system (irritation, stress, depression).

Insect bites also cause swelling under the eyes, especially for those with sensitive skin. Women who abuse cosmetics should also prepare for the unexpected - an abundance of creams and powders prevent the access of oxygen to the dermal tissue and contribute to the accumulation of fluid.

Tea compresses

Remove puffiness under the eyes, caused by excessive alcohol consumption or other drinks, simple tea compresses will help. It is recommended to use tea bags - they are easier to use, but loose granules or tea leaves can also cope with the problem.

Use of tea to relieve swelling from the eyes:

  1. brew a rich drink (1 sachet per 100 ml of boiling water or 20 grams of loose granules, leaves);
  2. leave for a quarter of an hour, remove the bag, cool completely (to speed up the process, it is recommended to put it in the refrigerator);
  3. put cold bags on the swelling, duration – 15 minutes.

If loose tea is used, soak cotton wool discs with concentrated liquid and place on bags. The number of procedures per day is up to 5 times, this is enough to relieve swelling from the eyes.

It is recommended to use black or green tea for the procedure; a prerequisite is that it must not contain aromatic or flavoring additives. Chamomile tea has an equally effective effect, at the same time toning and relieving inflammatory processes.

Removing puffiness with potato compresses, cucumbers

Regular potatoes will help you quickly deal with bags that have appeared in the eye area. There is no need to prepare for the procedure - all you need is to simply cut the tubers, without peeling, into thin (up to 5 mm) slices.

The use of potato slices will help relieve swelling under the eyes after sleep, alcohol, or insect bites. For eye diseases accompanied by inflammatory processes, it is not recommended to use the product - as it is ineffective.

Treatment with potato compresses is simple - place the plates on areas with swelling and leave for half an hour. After using the product, wash with cool water, do not use detergents.

Cucumbers will help remove puffiness more effectively. A prerequisite is to use only fresh fruits. Place the sliced ​​vegetables on your eyes and wait a quarter of an hour.

Buckwheat mask

A mask, the main component of which is buckwheat, will help you cope with bags in the eye area caused by lack of sleep, overeating salty foods, consuming excess amounts of liquid, and even quickly removing swelling after an impact. Preparation and use of the product:

  1. Lightly fry the buckwheat in a frying pan, do not use oil.
  2. Grind chilled buckwheat (30 g) with a coffee grinder.
  3. Combine buckwheat flour with warm water; the mixture should have the consistency of dough.
  4. Make small circles from the prepared mixture and place them on the swelling.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, remove the product, rinse the skin with cool water or a soothing chamomile-based decoction (20 grams of plant material per 200 ml of boiling water).

Repeat the procedure every 2-3 hours. The results are noticeable after the first manipulations with the use of a buckwheat mask.

Parsley remedy for getting rid of puffiness after drinking alcohol

A simple parsley-based remedy will help you urgently get rid of swelling that occurs during a hangover or after prolonged crying. For treatment, it is recommended to use only fresh leaves of the plant. Store them in the refrigerator, sprinkle with a little cold water if necessary.

  • To prepare the product, chop a bunch of greens
  • rub a little with your hands - a little juice should appear
  • add sour cream (homemade fatty product is recommended), stir
  • proportions – for 50 g. parsley gruel 20 ml sour cream.

Mix the composition and use immediately. Apply a thick layer of the prepared mask to the swollen areas and leave for half an hour. If the swelling is insignificant, it will go away after the first manipulations with the mixture. If the swelling does not go away completely, repeat the procedure after 1-3 hours.

Cream, ice against bags under the eyes

A cream remedy, the preparation of which only takes a few seconds, will effectively help with swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes. Step-by-step manipulations:

  1. Pour chilled cream into a small container.
  2. Add ice cubes to the dairy product.
  3. Dip cotton wool discs into the liquid and wait until they are completely saturated.
  4. Place the discs on your eyes and leave for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Remove, place discs in cold cream again, and place on eyes again.

There is no need to repeat the procedure - the swelling disappears.

Egg whites vs bags

Egg whites are a component that is often used in home cosmetology. This product has many positive qualities - it fights eye fatigue, tightens dermal tissue, restores elasticity to the skin and even helps remove fluid from cells. Anti-edema products that are highly effective are often prepared based on proteins.

Preparation of egg mixture, carrying out the procedure:

  1. Beat 2 whites into a thick, fluffy foam (it is recommended to use homemade eggs).
  2. Using a wide brush, distribute the product over problem areas under the eyes.
  3. Wait until completely dry.
  4. Remove the composition, rinse the skin with plenty of cool water (can be replaced with a herbal tonic decoction of chamomile).

Carry out the manipulations twice with a break of 2 hours. Two procedures are enough to cope with even severe swelling.

Herbal decoctions

Home remedies made from herbal raw materials will help get rid of swelling after crying, drinking alcohol, midge bites, mosquito bites, and allergies. It is recommended to use the following components for decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • sequence;
  • linden flowers;
  • plantain;
  • thyme;
  • sage;
  • calendula.

Each of these plants has anti-inflammatory properties, therefore, in addition to getting rid of puffiness, they relieve inflammatory processes in the eyes that occur when fluid accumulates in the tissues. One or more types of herbs are used to prepare home remedies.

To prepare the decoction:

  1. grind vegetable raw materials (50 g) into a pulp with a sharp knife
  2. bring water (200 ml) to a boil, brew herbs
  3. To obtain a more concentrated product, tightly close the container with a lid and wrap it in a warm scarf. After half an hour, filter.

The prepared product is recommended for use as compresses. To do this, soak cotton pads in the cooled mixture, place on your eyes, and leave for half an hour. Rinse the skin after manipulation with cool water. If you don’t have time for long-term manipulations, wipe the affected areas of the face with a herbal decoction during the day - the effect will be no worse.

Anti-swelling ointments

If swelling or bags in the eye area are a frequent occurrence, it is definitely recommended to keep medications in your home medicine cabinet that can cope with the problem. Of the pharmaceutical products that are effective against defects that appear after consuming salt, large amounts of drinks, and alcohol, the following can help:

  • Neolithic. The ointment consists of plant components; there are no chemical compounds that can harm the dermis. Apply 2-4 times a day. For one procedure you will need 2-3 drops of the drug, which should be gently rubbed into the skin tissue.
  • Dermahil. A domestic drug that has an effective effect on swelling under the eyes caused by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the dermis. Use twice a day - apply the composition, spread in an even thin layer, massage without applying force.
  • Troxevasin. The remedy against hemorrhoids and varicose veins actively affects swelling, helping to remove excess fluid from the dermal tissues. Use twice a day - apply a thin layer and rub into the skin. Use the drug with caution - if mishandled or overdosed on delicate facial skin, the active ingredients can cause burns.
  • Heparin ointment. The drug has beneficial properties - it relieves swelling, restores elasticity to the skin, and tightens the dermis. The disadvantage of the product is that it has a drying property and can cause flaking on dry skin. It’s easy to prevent trouble - combine the ointment with face cream. Apply the prepared composition to the swelling under the eyes, rub in without applying force. The number of manipulations is no more than two applications per day.

When starting to treat edema with medications, you need to remember that each drug has restrictions on its use, so be sure to study the list of contraindications in advance or consult a doctor. It is recommended to combine ointments with homemade herbal remedies - this will increase the effectiveness of treatment and help quickly deal with bags under the eyes.

Diuretic drink for swelling

It is recommended to supplement the use of external agents on the bags with drinks that help remove fluid from the body. Tea made from birch leaves helps reduce swelling around the eyes after a hangover, abuse of salty foods, or tears.


  1. Grind 30 grams with a sharp knife. birch leaves.
  2. Brew the vegetable pulp with boiling water (220 ml).
  3. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

Drink the prepared decoction at one time. The number of appointments per day is no more than two. The drink has a diuretic effect; in combination with home remedies for external use, it helps to quickly get rid of edema.

Folk and traditional medicine offers a lot of remedies that quickly remove accumulated fluid from the tissues of the dermis. We should not forget about precautions - abuse or simultaneous use of several compounds can cause allergies or serious consequences for the body.

Specialty: General Practitioner
Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov in 2010

A woman’s eyes can rightfully be considered her calling card. Swelling of the eyelids and an exhausted look expose all the spiritual problems. Swelling is a consequence not only of external factors such as a stormy evening, but also internal ones related to physiology. That is why it is important to identify the causes of bags under the eyes, and only then select the appropriate treatment.

Internal causes of puffiness under the eyes

  • frequent exposure to allergies;
  • lack of elastin and collagen;
  • excessive work of the eyelid muscles;
  • age-related changes in the epidermis;
  • weak muscles around the eyes;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • lack of vitamin B;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • a large accumulation of capillaries under the eyes;
  • looseness of subcutaneous tissue;
  • lack or insufficient amount of fiber.

External causes of puffiness under the eyes

  • excessive fluid intake 1-3 hours before bedtime;
  • late dinner, including fatty, smoked and salty dishes;
  • long-term work on a PC (more than 9 hours a day);
  • drinking alcohol in the evening;
  • insufficient fluid intake throughout the day (less than 2.3 liters);
  • exposure to UV rays, visiting a solarium without protective glasses;
  • last trimester of pregnancy;
  • constant stress, anxiety, in particular crying;
  • improper work and rest schedule;
  • lack of sleep, insomnia;
  • frequent and prolonged driving;
  • resting without a pillow, sleeping on a pillow that is too high;
  • being in smoky and gas-filled rooms (volatile substances, tobacco, foreign vapors);
  • the consequences of a fight, in particular a blow to the eye;
  • incorrectly selected cosmetics for the face and eyelids;
  • improper use of decorative and household products;
  • invasive cosmetology (Botox, Dysport);
  • premenstrual period.

  1. If you are an avid fan of noisy and long parties, a “bouquet” of swelling is guaranteed. After an evening of drinking alcohol, sweet carbonated drinks and unconscious snacking, bags will definitely appear in the morning. In addition, clubs have bright and unstable lighting, which also provokes swelling. Maintain good food hygiene, the best option for you is to consume food and drinks 3 hours before bedtime. Avoid beer and sweet cocktails, drink dry wine, cognac or whiskey in moderation. When you come home, be sure to open the windows and go to bed only in a fully ventilated room.
  2. Fans of beach holidays and solariums are recommended to wear high-quality sunglasses at all times. Choose an accessory with polycarbonate glass with anti-reflective coating. They are also suitable for people who spend a lot of time driving. As for working on a PC, purchase special glasses for this purpose at the pharmacy.
  3. Drink more fluids in the summer. The total amount of water and healthy drinks (tea, fresh juice) should be at least 3 liters. In winter, you can reduce the amount to 2 liters per day. Eliminate black coffee from your diet or drink no more than 1 cup. Switch to green tea with jasmine and chicory, they awaken you no worse than an invigorating drink.
  4. Do not overuse salty, spicy, pickled and smoked foods. Balance your diet, eat more lean meat and fish, fruits, vegetables, cereals and whole grains. Try not to eat chips, snacks, crackers and other unhealthy carbohydrates. Consume sausages, sweets and canned goods in moderation.
  5. Keep track of how often you go to the toilet. It is important to prevent kidney disease in time when bowel movements do not correspond to the amount of fluid drunk. If you bought a diuretic without a doctor's prescription, monitor your health more closely. The drugs often cause high blood pressure, arrhythmias, fatigue, and seizures.
  6. Try to sleep at least 7 hours a day, go to rest at 22.00-23.00. Be responsible when choosing a pillow; it should be flat with a slight rise. After waking up in the morning, take a cool shower or wash your face with cold water. Make it a habit to always wipe yourself with cosmetic ice.
  7. After a long day with makeup on your face, remove it a few hours before bed. The skin should breathe; there is no need to remove makeup immediately before resting. Do not remove cosmetics with toilet soap under any circumstances; use gentle products (milk, lotion, tonic). After you have cleansed your skin, wash your face with cool water and dry it with a towel. Please note that night face cream creates a film on the skin, so it should not be left until the morning. Apply, wait 2 hours, then remove excess with a cotton pad.
  8. As for the choice of decorative cosmetics and moisturizers, they should be completely natural. Before purchasing, always study the “composition” column and give preference to products with medicinal herbs. Do not buy active creams that retain moisture; products should not be too moisturizing or nourishing.
  9. It is known that physical activity speeds up metabolism. Sign up for a gym, fitness class or dancing, and do exercises in the morning for 15 minutes. Take more walks in the fresh air, especially before bed.
  10. If, due to your line of work, you are often exposed to stress and excessive workload, learn to balance your mental state. Avoid prolonged depression, which is accompanied by insomnia and overeating, find ways to combat negative factors. You can do yoga or home meditation, read an interesting book or watch a movie.
  11. For those who are bothered by the problem of edema too often, it is recommended to arrange fasting days every 5 days. At this time, drink only water or kefir, eat apples, nothing else is allowed. You should also completely avoid marinated homemade “delicacies”, smoked and fried foods, and cook steamed dishes.

Massage is an effective way to combat swelling

  1. Lie down on the bed several times a day, completely relaxing your facial muscles. Run two fingers (index and middle) under the eyes towards the temples. Do not stretch the skin too much; you need to speed up the flow of lymph and disperse the fluid. Continue the procedure for a quarter of an hour. Then do the same, but now move along the bridge of your nose to your earlobes, forming a semicircle.
  2. Apply your regular day eye cream, leave it on for 5 minutes, then begin to vigorously rub into the skin around the eyes. Your movements should not be strong, the speed of the massage is important. Continue simple manipulations until the product is absorbed. Now, with two fingers, begin to slam the bags and cheek area, dispersing the blood. Pay attention to the area between the inner corner of the eye and the bridge of the nose; this is where the fluid is most poorly absorbed. Perform the procedure for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Lie down on the bed, remove the pillow so that your head is at body level. Close your eyes tightly, hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat steps 25 times. After these manipulations, the outflow of lymph has improved significantly, now close your eyes and place your fingers on the outer corners. Start squinting your eyes tightly, offering resistance with your hands. Hold at the end point for 3 seconds, do 15 approaches.

Make sure that you always have this folk remedy in your arsenal. Wipe the skin under your eyes daily in the mornings and evenings. Before applying cosmetic ice to your face, hold it in your hands for a while to allow the water to drain. Perform the procedure for 2-3 minutes, do not stay in one place for more than 5 seconds.

  1. Brew in 150 ml. boiling water 20 gr. cornflower and 30 gr. oak bark, wait half an hour, strain through cheesecloth and add 25 ml. aloe vera juice. Pour the mixture into molds and place in the freezer.
  2. Grind the cucumber in a blender without removing the seeds or peeling the peel, add 35 ml. lemon juice. Place the mixture in ice bags and place in the freezer.
  3. Take 25 gr. sage, 20 gr. eyebright and 1 bag of green tea with lemon balm. Brew the mixture with 150 ml of hot water and simmer on the stove for about 10 minutes. Strain and pour into molds, then freeze.
  4. Pour boiling water over fresh parsley and dill, add 5 ml. rosemary ether. Do not strain, immediately put the mixture in the freezer.
  5. Brew 50 g. ginseng 100 ml. hot water, let the broth brew for half an hour. After the expiration date, strain and place in the freezer.
  6. Grate raw potatoes with skins on a fine grater or grind them in a meat grinder. Do the same with half a lemon. Mix the two ingredients, pack into ice bags and freeze.
  7. Take 50 gr. crushed sea salt and fill it with 170 ml. boiling water, stir until the granules are completely dissolved. Cool, pour into molds and place in the freezer.

Puffiness under the eyes appears in most cases due to poor lifestyle choices. First of all, balance your daily diet, then adjust your work and rest schedule, and then pay attention to the decorative cosmetics you use. All products must be of high quality and not form a film on the face. Wipe your skin daily with cosmetic ice and massage.

Video: removing puffy eyes with parsley

Flawless makeup, perfect hairstyle, dazzling smile - you are fully prepared to face the new day. Only one unpleasant detail can prevent you from feeling irresistible: puffiness and bags under the eyes.

There are many more reasons for their occurrence than is commonly believed, but coping with them is not as difficult as many people think. And yet - how to get rid of puffiness under the eyes?

Sometimes the cause of swelling and bags under the eyes can be detected very quickly. Analyze the last 3–4 days: what you did, what, and most importantly, what time you ate and drank, did you follow a sleep and rest schedule.

Unpleasant surprises in the form of swelling and bags often lead to:

  • frequent insomnia or lack of time for proper sleep;
  • the destructive habit of drinking water, tea, cocoa before bed;
  • passion for salty, spicy, fatty foods, which retain fluid in the body;
  • a wild alcoholic party that lasted well past midnight;
  • long hours spent without moving;
  • the need to stay in a smoky room for a long time;
  • low-quality eye cosmetics.

All these reasons are very, very short-term, and as soon as you get rid of them, the swelling and bags will quickly subside. However, if the swelling does not go away for weeks, and the bags have already begun to be perceived by others as an indispensable attribute of your appearance, you need to sound the alarm bell: the sources of their occurrence lie much deeper.

The most likely of them:

  • inflammatory diseases of the eyes or eyelids;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • diseases, often chronic, of the kidneys, liver, and cardiovascular system.

It is quite obvious that you cannot do this without the help of a specialist: no matter how you try to quickly get rid of swelling and bags at home, the idea will not succeed until you improve your health under the supervision of a doctor.

...we find a solution

Meanwhile, quickly getting rid of bags and swelling under the eyes at home is by no means an empty idea.

And what is especially pleasing is that this can be done using folk remedies, and not expensive pharmaceutical ones:

  1. Potato.
    Regular potatoes will help you quickly cope with the problem of swelling and bags under the eyes. Recipe for the lazy: Place mugs of raw vegetable on closed eyelids for about 20–25 minutes. The second method, more effective, is to mix finely grated fresh potatoes with chopped parsley and apply the resulting paste to the lower eyelid. The swelling will subside fairly quickly.
  2. Cucumber.
    A paste of finely grated cucumber with the addition of a few drops of milk, applied to the lower eyelid, will do a great job of coping with the problem if you are willing to spend 15–20 minutes on it.
  3. Chamomile.
    The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile will be useful in this case too. The flowers need to be poured with boiling water and left for 10 minutes. Apply cotton pads soaked in the resulting infusion to your closed eyes. The effect of such a compress will not be long in coming.
  4. Black tea.
    You can use black tea in the fight against puffiness and bags under the eyes in different ways. Cotton pads soaked in freshly brewed tea placed on the eyelids will not only relieve puffiness, but also eliminate inflammation. And ice cubes made from weakly brewed tea will also refresh the skin, nourish it with moisture and energy.
  5. Birch leaves.
    Fresh birch leaves should be filled with warm water and left overnight. In the morning, generously soak cotton pads in birch infusion - your ideal compress is ready!
  6. Melissa.
    This method of getting rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes is a little more exotic, however, in just half an hour not a trace will remain of them. Bread crumbs should be folded into gauze to form a base for a compress, moisten it in freshly squeezed plant juice and apply to the eyelids.
  7. Parsley.
    This plant has long been known for its not only healing, but also amazing cosmetological properties. The root and leaves of the plant need to be crushed and the resulting paste applied to the lower eyelids. Brilliant results are guaranteed!
  8. Honey.
    Liquid honey should be mixed in equal proportions with wheat flour and egg white. The mask for the lower eyelid is ready!
  9. Soda.
    This recipe is ridiculously simple. Dilute a quarter of a teaspoon of soda in a third of a glass of water, apply cotton pads soaked in this solution to your eyelids - and after 20 minutes there will be no trace of bags and swelling.
  10. Water.
    In this case, we will need ordinary cold water - and nothing more. Rinse your face with it as often as possible over the course of several morning hours. The fluid that caused the swelling will subside under the influence of low temperature, and the skin will be refreshed.

...carrying out prevention

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of bags under the eyes - disrupted routine, bad eating habits or chronic diseases - a few simple tips that you will have to follow will help you forget about the problem forever:

  • reduce the amount of salt and hot spices in your usual dishes;
  • do not drink any liquid 3 hours before bedtime;
  • use special caring cosmetics for the eyelids;
  • do not save time on sleep and rest;
  • make it a rule every morning to lightly massage your lower eyelids with patting movements using only the pads of your fingers. And it’s not at all scary if you rub a caring cream or eye serum into the skin of your eyelids in this way.