Are there lymph nodes in the neck? Signs of enlargement and inflammation of the lymph nodes. How to determine enlarged lymph nodes yourself? How is an ultrasound of the cervical lymph nodes performed?

Have you noticed or felt round lumps on your child’s neck? It's probably swelling The lymph nodes. This disease is called lymphadenitis. It is considered dangerous, but childhood such inflammation occurs more often than in adults and is not always a cause for concern. Let's look at why lymph nodes become enlarged in children, what you need to pay attention to, and how to properly treat this pathology.

Inflammation cervical lymph nodes

The role of cervical lymph nodes in the body

Lymph node is an element of the lymphatic system, which is a pinkish-gray formation of a bean-shaped or round shape ranging in size from 0.5 mm to 2 cm. It transports lymph - a colorless liquid involved in metabolism, serving as a filter for cleaning tissues and cells and moving lymphocytes and phagocytes in infectious diseases. Lymph nodes permeate the entire body - from popliteal areas to the head. The following groups are located in the neck area:

  • submandibular, located on the right and left under the jaw;
  • chin;
  • anterior and posterior cervical;
  • anterior and posterior ear;
  • occipital;
  • retropharyngeal;
  • subclavian and supraclavicular.

The cervical lymph nodes are responsible for fighting diseases of the ENT organs (otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, ARVI, influenza) and infections of the teeth and oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis, caries, pulpitis).

Causes of enlarged lymph nodes in a child’s neck

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Lymph nodes are closely related to the human immune system. If they increase, this indicates the development of pathology in the body. When a signal is received that an infection has occurred, it begins to produce a large number of lymphocytes and phagocytes. They move to the lymph node, which causes it to enlarge. Causes cervical lymphadenitis:

  • Teething in infants. It’s not easy for the child’s body during this period; the nodules, together with the immune system, work hard. There is no reason to panic; over time they will return to normal.
  • Previous occurrence infected wounds, abscesses or boils. If located in the neck area, they can seriously affect the functioning of the lymphatic system. If the immune system is strong, the body will cope on its own, otherwise, without therapy, pus begins to accumulate in the nodes, spreading along with the lymph throughout the body. This complication requires urgent medical attention.
  • Pathogenic microbes that live in the throat. In this case, the retropharyngeal nodes become inflamed. They are located in the area where the edge meets auricle and lower jaw.
  • Infections of the face and mouth, atypical mycobacteria. Most often they cause inflammation of the nodes under the jaw on one side - left or right.
  • Inflammation of the larynx, respiratory tract, skin infectious diseases. Their sign is enlarged nodules on the sides or back of the neck.
  • Colds ( adenovirus infection, influenza, ARVI) provoke an increase in the occipital nodes (we recommend reading:). This type of lymphadenitis is a sign of good immune function. As a rule, it goes away within 3 weeks, so it does not require treatment.

There are many reasons for inflammation of the lymph nodes, such as their increase during the period colds- sign of “work” immune system
  • Mononucleosis, secondary syphilis, toxoplasmosis, and other acute viral infectious diseases cause bilateral inflammation supraclavicular lymph nodes (we recommend reading:). If you find this in your child, this is alarm signal, requiring prompt medical attention.
  • Felinosis, or cat scratch disease. Often found among owners of cats and dogs. The causative agent is the bacterium Bartonella. It enters the bloodstream through scratches left by the animal's claws. The wound does not heal for a long time, and redness forms around it. The disease is not dangerous and often goes away on its own without treatment.

If the lymph node is enlarged from birth, and there are no complaints, there is no need to worry. This symptom disappears within 1-2 years.

Associated symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes

Lymphadenitis in children can develop in acute or chronic form(we recommend reading: ). In addition to enlarged lymph nodes, which can be easily felt when touched, the child may experience the following symptoms:

  1. Acute form - typical serious condition patient. The inflamed lymph node is clearly visible. Arises high fever, sometimes - fever, it becomes difficult to move the head, the enlarged node hurts when touched. Nausea and vomiting are possible. If suppuration occurs, the lesion turns red, loses mobility and softens in the center. After some time, the pus breaks through and flows out.
  2. Chronic form - associated symptoms less pronounced. When touching a swollen lymph node, no pain is felt. The child experiences apathy, lethargy, lack of appetite, restless sleep. Temperature rises, sometimes headache. If the nodes are inflamed in the submandibular group, pain in the ears and redness of the oral mucosa may occur (we recommend reading:).

Purulent submandibular lymphadenitis The child has

Diagnostic methods

If you find that your child's lymph nodes are inflamed, contact your doctor for advice as soon as possible. To identify the cause of a symptom, the therapist uses following methods diagnostics:

  • interviews parents about past illnesses - how they progressed, how they were treated;
  • examines the child, palpates his lymph nodes, records their size and hardness, which helps develop a plan for further action;
  • prescribes the necessary tests;
  • gives direction to computed tomography, ultrasound or x-ray;
  • if installed accurate diagnosis the above methods failed - a biopsy is prescribed, during which samples of lymph node tissue are taken for analysis.

Based on the diagnostic results, a referral is given to one of the specialized specialists: hematologist, phthisiatrician, oncologist, surgeon, ENT doctor or dentist. Based on the data obtained, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

Features of treatment

Most often, inflammation of the lymph nodes in children is a symptom accompanying the underlying disease, so the infection that caused its appearance needs to be treated. When the underlying disease is cured, lymphadenitis in most cases goes away on its own.

The doctor prescribes therapy for the nodes if recovery does not occur. The main methods are UHF therapy, taking medications (including antibiotics), surgical intervention.

Antibiotics and other medications

Drug therapy is carried out for at least 14 days:

  • The doctor prescribes antibiotics of the tetracycline group, such as Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Oracillin, Ampicillin, Flemoxin and Amoxicillin. These drugs are sold with a prescription. They have proven themselves to be effective means with lymphadenitis.
  • Auxiliary medications are prescribed depending on the patient’s condition; they are designed to enhance the effect of taking the main drug. These may be means to improve immunity, for example, Interferon, Eleutherococcus, Arbidol, tincture of ginseng or echinacea, Immunal, Amiksin and Viferon. They complement them perfectly vitamin complexes With high content vitamin C.
  • To reduce the risk of allergies, Tavegil, Cetrin, Diazolin, Suprastin or Cetirizine are used.
  • Sometimes the patient is prescribed antifungal drugs– Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole or Diflucan.

Most often used to treat children under 12 years of age. medications in the form of a suspension

UHF therapy

Ultrahigh frequency therapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment method. Principle of action: the patient’s body is affected magnetic field high frequency with wavelengths from 1 to 10 meters. The procedure produces a thermal effect, the vessels dilate and leukocytes begin to actively migrate to the enlarged lymph nodes. Local is strengthened anti-infective immunity tissues, and inflammation goes away much faster.

UHF therapy is prescribed for acute form disease during the period of weakening of accompanying symptoms. Contraindications – specific tuberculous lymphadenitis, feverish conditions, muscle pain, rapid heartbeat, suspicion of cancer. It is not recommended to use the method if there is benign tumors, hyperthyroidism.

Surgical intervention

This type of treatment is resorted to in cases where medications and physical therapy have not helped, and purulent complications– abscess or adenophlegmon.

The operation is performed under anesthesia - the purulent focus is opened, the degree of damage to the tissues surrounding the lymph node is determined, their destroyed parts and accumulated pus are removed. Then the affected area is washed with an antiseptic and sutured.

A special tube (drainage) is inserted into the resulting cavity. Through it there is an outflow of residual pus. If necessary, an antiseptic solution is subsequently injected into it.

Folk remedies

In cases where the lymph nodes are swollen due to bacterial infection, for example, a cold or flu, then the use of remedies traditional medicine(compresses and decoctions) are quite effective as a treatment. Remember that self-medication at home can be harmful, so be sure to consult your doctor first. Some recipes:

  1. Buy dried echinacea at the pharmacy and peppermint. Boil 1.5 cups of water, add 4 tbsp. spoons of echinacea and continue to boil for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, add a quarter cup of mint to the broth and let steep for 5 minutes. Strain and add honey to taste. For children under 3 years old, give ¼ tsp. 3 times a day, older children – 1 tsp.
  2. To prepare a herbal compress, take 1 tsp. chopped nuts, mistletoe, St. John's wort and yarrow, pour them into a glass cold water and place on the stove. When the broth boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes, then let cool. The compress should be done before bedtime. The duration of therapy is up to 3 weeks.
  3. For gargling, take 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, add to a small saucepan with 200 ml hot water, place on low heat and bring to a boil. Let the resulting broth cool and brew. On the first day, rinsing should be done every hour, from the second day - every 3 hours.

A decoction of dried chamomile flowers is used if swollen lymph nodes are caused by a cold.

Lymph nodes are organs of the immune system that serve as protection against pathogens. They filter the source of infection, destroy pathogenic viruses and bacteria and do not allow them to penetrate inside the body.

If the lymph nodes swell and increase in size, this indicates the presence of an infection nearby. This may be a reflection of a specific independent illness, or an indirect echo of other pathologies of the body.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

The inflammatory process occurring in the lymph nodes is called lymphadenitis.

In this case, when pressing on the inflamed cervical lymph nodes:

  • there is a feeling of pain;
  • there is general malaise;
  • body temperature rises;
  • headache appears.

Sometimes there may be painful sensations when swallowing.

In the most severe cases lymphadenitis, suppuration forms in the area of ​​the nodes and the neck swells greatly.

Cervical lymphadenitis is the most common, it occurs due to:

  • tonsillitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • flu;
  • caries;
  • gingivitis;
  • periodontal disease.

What does inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck look like: photo

Unfortunately, lymph nodes can become very swollen, and not only in adults.

What tests should be taken for inflammation of the lymph nodes and which doctor should I contact?

First of all, you need to contact general practitioner or family doctor. He in turn will conduct visual inspection , will find out the availability chronic diseases and diseases suffered earlier. Next are appointed blood and urine tests to check for infection. The infection is present in any case, once the lymph nodes have reacted to the pathogen.

Lymph nodes near the ears, jaw, and neck indicate infection in the mouth, upper respiratory tract, ears, and nasal cavity. In such cases, additional consultation with a specialist is required. otolaryngologist . He can guide you take a culture from the pharynx and nasal cavity for the presence of pathogenic microflora . You may need to undergo ultrasound diagnostics.

If everything is fine with the above organs, then enlarged nodes may be a symptom of other diseases, such as tuberculosis, syphilis, diseases associated with thyroid gland , For example.

Then give directions to:

  • endocrinologist;
  • immunologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • surgeon;
  • oncologist.

To eliminate the possibility of formation cancer cells, An x-ray or computed tomography may be prescribed.

If the tests and studies prescribed by the doctor did not help determine the cause of the increase lymph nodes , then it is necessary to carry them out biopsy . Tissue is collected from inflamed node, which is then examined in the laboratory. This method of research is carried out in the very as a last resort, but his result is the most correct.

In every special case The doctor may prescribe a number of additional tests.

Why is inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck dangerous?

If you leave the problem of swollen lymph nodes to chance, you may experience serious complications. The cervical lymph nodes are located close to the head, that is, to the brain, its inflammation may begin - meningitis .

Also pus that accumulates in inflamed lymph nodes, may contribute to blood poisoning - sepsis . The infection spreads through the blood to all organs and systems, and this is extremely dangerous.

How to treat inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck in an adult at home?

Traditional methods of treatment can only serve auxiliary to the main treatment , helping to relieve pain and swelling. Before self-medicating, consult your doctor.

Before you start using a folk remedy, make sure that it does not cause you an allergy.

To remove toxins from the body, it is important to drink plenty of fluids. To prepare healing infusions:

  • Combine oregano, yarrow and dried hop cones. Take 1 tsp of this collection and 2 tsp of horsetail, pour a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Let the broth brew, then strain it. Take 0.5 tbsp half an hour before meals 3 times a day.
  • The same can be done only with horsetail. For 1 tbsp – a glass of boiling water. If the course of treatment is long, alternate it with knotweed every seven days.
  • Instead of plain tea, brew lavender, wormwood, and elderberry twice a day. To collect, take equal amount these plants.
  • Fresh mint and blackcurrant leaves are also suitable for brewing.

How restoratives The following tinctures are used:

  • ginseng;
  • propolis;
  • Echinacea.

Take these drugs to boost immunity according to the instructions, diluting the required number of drops in water.

Rinsing will help if the source of infection occurs in oral cavity, use solutions with the following components:

  • Salt;
  • Baking soda;
  • Pharmaceutical camomile;
  • Calendula flowers;
  • Aloe juice.

Heat or apply warm compresses You can’t touch inflamed lymph nodes, this can only aggravate the situation.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck: how many days does it take to go away?

  • If inflamed lymph nodes are an indirect symptom of some not very serious disease, then their swelling goes away on its own in a few days or weeks . As the inflammation in the “affected” area subsides, the enlarged lymph nodes will return to normal.
  • Only a doctor can determine the severity of the disease, which results in enlarged lymph nodes.
  • If there is pus in their inflamed lymph nodes open and install drainage .
  • If the node has increased in the presence of oncology patient, surgery, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy may be required.
  • It happens that with its increase lymph nodes react to the allergen . Then you need to eliminate the irritant and undergo a course of anti-allergenic therapy. In such cases, the degree and speed of recovery depends on the quality of treatment and protective forces human body.

Inflammation of the lymph node on the right side of the neck: what does it mean and how to treat it?

If the lymph node is enlarged and bothers you right side neck, this may indicate:

  • Infections of the mouth, throat;
  • Malfunction of the right side of the thyroid gland;
  • Enlargement of the right tonsil.
  • Other diseases that occur due to infections of the tongue, teeth, mouth, face. But they tend to be diagnosed less frequently than the above.

Inflammation of the left lymph node in the neck

Pain in the lymph nodes on the left neck is usually caused by the same factors as in the cervical lymph nodes on the right. But besides this, it can be assumed that left-sided inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs due to inflammation in the peritoneum and abdominal organs.

Also in connection with this, the following diseases are diagnosed:

  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • toxoplasmosis.

According to statistics, every fourth case of inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes is accompanied by general inflammation the entire lymphatic system. This, in turn, manifests itself nearby unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, in any case, you need to see a doctor in order to identify the disease in time and not let it worsen.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the neck

Often enlarged lymph nodes on the back of the neck occurs due to manifestations of infectious mononucleosis . This disease is also accompanied by swelling of the face and neck pain. Children are more likely to experience these symptoms than adults.

The development of mononucleosis is provoked by Epstein-Barr infection Therefore, if a disease is suspected, a study is carried out to determine its presence.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck behind the ear

The parotid lymph nodes are located along the line of the posterior auricular vein. In the presence of inflammation, they harden, swell and increase in volume.

This is often caused by the following diseases:

  • otitis;
  • boil of the external auditory canal;
  • eustacheitis;
  • inflammation of the auditory nerve;
  • mumps;
  • rubella.

Also, this inflammatory process can be caused by diseases developing in the oral cavity.

If the lymph node does not hurt and there is no suppuration in it, then the inflammation will go away naturally due to the elimination of the underlying disease. If the lymph node is affected by the cells of pathogenic microorganisms, then lymphadenitis begins to develop.

Inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes in the neck

Temperature due to inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Among general symptoms, which manifests itself with inflammation of the lymph nodes, is also indicated by an increase in temperature. As usual, if it exceeds 38°C, then you need to take an antipyretic. When anti-inflammatory therapy for the underlying disease is carried out, the accompanying symptoms disappear and lymphadenitis gradually disappears.

If the inflammation of the lymph nodes has acquired chronic form , then with a decrease in immunity or hypothermia, it repeats again and again. Then temperature may increase slightly . It is necessary to thoroughly examine and completely disinfect the source of infection.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck with sore throat

In case of contact with the oral cavity pathogenic microflora first contacts the palatine tonsils . If they cannot cope with microbes, a person gets a sore throat or chronic tonsillitis, for example. Palatine tonsils just like lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic system of the human body and perform the same drainage function. Therefore, their connection is very close. When the tonsils are affected, the infection spreads further, covering nearby lymph nodes. IN in this case– cervical.

It hurts to swallow when the lymph nodes in the neck are inflamed

One of the symptoms of swollen lymph nodes is pain when swallowing. The reason for this may be infections of the ENT organs. Or areas of the oral cavity are affected by various pathogens, and there may be dental caries.

Chronic and frequent inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

In the chronic form of inflammation of the lymph nodes, they enlarge, but all other symptoms characteristic of inflammation may be absent. The pain may not bother you. The most common cause of chronic lymphadenitis is a decrease in the body's defenses. Therefore, the patient’s therapy will be aimed at increasing immunity in general.

This is facilitated by taking various immunomodulators. Just identify the cause of the disease and prescribe an effective and safe treatment only a specialist can do it.

In this case, it is worth conducting an examination and excluding the presence of tumors.

Severe purulent inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

If the inflammation of the lymph nodes is acute and accompanied by suppuration, then you must follow all the doctor’s advice:

  • Take a course of antibiotic therapy. The dosage and duration of administration must be strictly observed.
  • Observe bed rest, drink plenty of fluids, immunostimulants and vitamins.
  • Possible physical therapy , if there is complete confidence in the absence of tumors: currents, laser radiation, phonophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to relieve inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck?

Anti-inflammatory drugs for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

If the inflammation was caused by viruses, then restorative therapy for the body with an immunomodeling effect is prescribed, helping to cope with this virus. For example, such drugs:

Tablets for inflammation of the lymph nodes

In some cases, the doctor prescribes drugs similar to adrenal hormones; they are very effective in combating inflammation, these are:

Ointment for inflammation of the lymph nodes

For effective complex treatment for inflamed lymph nodes, both internal and external methods of treatment.

Ointment-lubricated bandages can be applied to enlarged lymph nodes, for example:

  • Heparin ointment improves blood flow, reduces inflammation, removes stagnation.
  • Ichthyol ointment and Vishnevsky ointment have antibacterial properties and draw out purulent masses well, relieving inflammation.
  • Pain relieving ointments for external use: DIclofenac, Ketoprofen also relieve swelling.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

In case of damage to the cervical lymph nodes by microorganisms , and not viruses, the patient is prescribed taking antibiotics . To determine which microbes affect the body, you will need to undergo a lot of research and tests. In the meantime, the disease will progress, so broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.

It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage of antibiotics prescribed by the doctor. If you independently reduce the amount of the drug used, then the weak units of the pathogen will die, and the strong ones will become even stronger. They will receive so-called immunity to the drug.

Injections for inflammation of the lymph nodes

Antibiotic injections are considered the most acceptable option for taking medications. Intramuscular administration active substance does not affect the stomach and liver. Therefore, patients who have problems with these organs are recommended intramuscular injections. In addition, in this way the drug begins to act instantly when orally you need to wait some time.

But there are exceptions to every rule: an antibiotic administered intramuscularly is excreted by the kidneys, and if you have serious problems With genitourinary system and kidneys, this option is contraindicated for you.

Alcohol compress for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

For such a compress, you can use a regular one. medical alcohol, Can i - various tinctures. For example, echinacea tincture. The substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2 and applied with moistened gauze to the lymph node overnight.

Painkillers for inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Painkillers also have an anti-inflammatory effect, thereby performing a dual function. These remedies also eliminate swelling and reduce temperature if necessary:

These can be tablets, syrups, suspensions, depending on the age of the patient.

Lymph nodes may become inflamed due to for various reasons, but more often it serves as infectious lesion nearby organs. An enlarged lymph node in the neck is especially often detected, because the nose and throat are located nearby.

Lymph nodes of the neck - position and causes of inflammation

Lymph passes through the human lymph nodes - blood is sifted into this fluid harmful substances, dead cells. It is the lymph nodes that are the first to encounter infection, after which they send lymphocytes to the site of the lesion. The process causes the nodes to increase in size - lymphadenitis is noted.

Where are the lymph nodes in the neck? Their location varies - some lie deep, others are superficial. The groups of knots on each side of the neck are as follows:

  • anterior cervical;
  • posterior cervical;
  • under the jaw (submandibular);
  • supraclavicular;
  • chin;
  • occipital;
  • behind the ear, parotid.

Most often, inflammation of the node or its painless enlargement happening in the background infectious process. The cause in children and adults is ARVI, influenza, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis, which are caused by viruses or bacteria. In children, an enlarged lymph node on the right or left, or on both sides of the back of the neck, accompanied by a rash, means the development of rubella.

After vaccinations, a child becomes “acquainted” with the infection, and the cervical nodes may also react with enlargement.

If the lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged, the causes can be more serious. Fast growth may mean the development of cancer (lymphoma). Systemic enlargement of several groups of nodes is sometimes a sign of tuberculosis, HIV infection, blood diseases, and autoimmune diseases.

How does cervical lymphadenitis manifest?

Inflammatory changes in lymph nodes have specific symptoms. Externally, a lump is noticeable on the neck, which can range in size from a pea to 2-3 cm, depending on the severity of the infectious process. The lymph node is also capable of changing its structure - from soft, elastic it becomes harder and denser.

Normally, 1-3 weeks after an acute respiratory viral infection or other disease, the node returns to its natural size, but in children or people with chronic infections the nodes remain enlarged for months.

Sometimes a large number of bacteria penetrate into the lymph node, and it becomes inflamed - it swells and turns red.

Signs of lymphadenitis can be more serious. The patient notes that one or more nodes are swollen, very painful, and become “stony” to the touch. In this case, you should urgently contact medical assistance- there is a risk of tissue suppuration. At the same time, general symptoms appear:

  • increased body temperature;
  • malaise, weakness;
  • headache;
  • pain when swallowing.

No treatment purulent lymphadenitis may result in the formation of phlegmon and sepsis. Oncological diseases occur without inflammation - the node simply grows in size, sometimes becomes harder, but is painless. Distinctive feature- damage to only one node on the right or left side (but with lymphogranulomatosis or leukemia, different nodes can be affected).

What examination is needed?

If the lymph nodes hurt or are enlarged, you should see a pediatrician, therapist, or otolaryngologist. After studying the condition, the ENT specialist will conclude what process is occurring in the body. In some cases, instrumental diagnostics will be required:

If the reasons for the growth of the node are doubtful, the patient will be prescribed a puncture. The analysis will show whether the nodes are inflamed or whether malignant process. It is difficult to independently determine what a lymph node shows, but a number of signs can suggest a diagnosis:

In some cases, to normalize your health, you should undergo treatment at the dentist. It is impossible to ignore a problematic lymph node that does not go away on its own - the consequences can be serious.

General principles of therapy

Treatment tactics are selected depending on the type of disease and its severity. If signs of malignant pathologies are reliably absent, treatment is carried out conservatively. General tips will help cure the disease:

  • follow a daily routine, get more rest;
  • do not overcool, do not walk in cold, windy weather;
  • do not practice serious physical activity;
  • maintain psychological peace;
  • eat right, eat more vitamin-rich foods;
  • remove spices, fried, smoked, alcohol from the menu;
  • spare your throat - do not eat hot or cold food;
  • do not smoke, do not overstrain your voice.

At infectious lymphadenitis Antibiotics are most often prescribed. Also, at home, many people are recommended to take immunomodulators, vitamins, and other medications. If the disease has reached the purulent stage, then only a surgeon should treat the lymph nodes in the neck. The node is opened, the affected and necrotic tissues are removed, and drainage is installed.

It is strictly forbidden to heat nodes if they have inflammation - with the flow of lymph, the infection will quickly spread to neighboring organs. If an oncological process occurs in the cells, heating will contribute to its progression. Drawing iodine grids and massaging the area also works poorly - the problem may get worse!

Antibacterial therapy

Antibiotics are an integral part of the treatment of lymphadenitis, if the inflammation occurs in an acute form, the node is painful, reddened, and even causes a slight increase in temperature. Usually the pathology occurs against the background of sinusitis, sore throat or complicated ARVI, which must be treated with antibiotics. Only in the chronic form, in some cases, are limited local therapy- you can smear the affected area with antibacterial ointments:

Since analysis to identify the pathogen is rarely carried out, in most cases drugs with wide range activity. Amoxiclav helps well against cervical lymphadenitis - the drug is recommended for adults at 1000 mg twice a day for 7-10 days. Medicines Sumamed, Flemoclav, Augmentin, Erythromycin, Josamycin are also used. If the node became severely inflamed, festered, an operation was performed, and often more powerful antibiotics are introduced into the course of therapy - Cephalexin, Suprax.

Other treatments

Sometimes an increase in lymphatic angles is caused by viral infection, including - infectious mononucleosis, and lymphadenopathy continues long time. In this case, it is recommended to check your immunity and carry out therapy with immunomodulatory agents:

In the presence of herpetic infection lymph nodes also greatly increase in size - treats pathology special drug Acyclovir and its analogues. When the disease is provoked dental problems, after treatment, physical therapy may be recommended.

For lymphadenitis, UHF, galvanization, and microcurrents are prescribed.

To strengthen the body, adaptogens (Eleutherococcus, Leuzea), vitamin and mineral complexes are introduced into the course of therapy. At painful conditions And high temperature anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Nise, Ibuprofen.


From folk remedies Only those taken internally to enhance immunity and protect the body, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, are considered safe. Compresses, lotions, and rubbing for lymphadenitis are strictly prohibited! Here are examples of suitable recipes:

In children, any treatment of lymphadenitis is carried out only with the approval of a doctor, “test” on children traditional methods therapy is strictly prohibited - a course of antibiotics is usually sufficient.


Liliya Kobylnik, Woman, 38 years old

Hello, I’ve been having this problem for several months now, enlarged lymph nodes on my neck, 3 pieces, one submandibular a little more than 1cm, and 2 below, they all move freely and don’t hurt, took a picture (ultrasound), I’ve been living in America for more than 20 years, sorry if I'm not expressing my thoughts correctly. The ENT specialist told me that she is not worried that they are so enlarged as she is worried that an ultrasound showed that there are no capillaries in them and that blood does not pass through them and that this means that there may be a suspicion of cancer or autoimmune disease, please tell me or is there a difference in the lymph node? Is there no capillary there or does it just depend on the size of the node? They gave me an antibiotic to take for the 10th day, if it doesn’t help, they will take a biopsy, now I can’t sleep, my whole body is burning from stress, only oncology is in my head, and I have a small child. Thanks in advance. Lily

Hello, Lilia. The passage of blood through a lymph node is called blood flow. Determined through Doppler mode. It's called the color flow mode. When determining the blood flow in the lymph node and visualizing the vascular pedicle, the node is determined to be pre-oncological, and a puncture is prescribed. LACK OF BLOOD FLOW IS A NORMAL CONDITION OF A LYMPH NODE, INDICATING ONCOPATHOLOGY. In size, up to 10/11 mm, an increase is not considered pathological. One of the differences between an oncological lymph node and an inflamed one is in its shape: an oncological lymph node is round in shape (does not have transverse or longitudinal dimensions) and ultrasound does not visualize the structure of the lymph node - layers, which remain differentiated in an enlarged lymph node due to inflammation. Lymph nodes remain enlarged after the inflammatory process for a long time, up to six months. Chronic inflammatory processes may increase the increase time. They react poorly to antibiotics and may not decrease within 10 days. If you have animals in the house and there is a risk of becoming infected with toxocara or toxoplasma, then the lymph nodes will be enlarged for a long time. (you need to take a blood test for specific ones to detect infections) And also, drink sedative fees. Lilya, everything is fine with you, there is no oncology, and your oncologist probably didn’t understand the ultrasonic results. Information about blood flow in the lymph nodes is widely covered on the Internet, incl. in the Russian-language segment. And you can easily find confirmation of what I said in the data of many studies as an evidence base. I never hush up patients' problems if they are identified. In your clinical case(based on the information provided) signs of cancer - NO Sincerely, A. Petrov

Thank you very much Andrey Vitalievich. Sorry for disturbing you, I am very grateful that you answered all my questions so thoroughly, But I am still worried about the following questions. I forgot to say in the previous message that all blood tests are normal, and the white blood test is also normal, you said that additional analysis blood is needed to detect infection for immunoglobulins, it is possible that this test has already been done with my general analysis? And if the white blood test then cancer excluded? You said about animals, we recently acquired parrots. broke out about two months ago small pimples on the forehead and neck they did not itch like a rash, and several large ones left side below the forehead in the temple area a little higher. They lasted for about two weeks, could this be related to an enlarged lymph node? Could this also be related? I was removed in September gallbladder and discovered (Primary sclerosing cholangitis) here are the exact measurements from the doctor: The left aspect of the neck is examined. Three abnormal lymph nodes are noted. First one is in area 2A measuring 1.2 x 0.9 x 2.2 cm. This does not show a fatty hilum. A second lymph node is in area 2A measuring 1.2 x 0.5 x 1.8 cm. There is no obvious fatty hilum. A third lymph node is noted in area 1B measuring 1.1 x 0.7 x 1.6 cm. A fatty hilum is present although the cortex is overly prominent and Hypoechoic. Thank you very much!

Hello. Immediately: what did you mean with the phrase: “And if the white blood test is done, then cancer is excluded?” -What kind of white blood test????? Parrots are allergic; they are not carriers of Toxocara and Toxoplasma. I will not equate pimples with lymph node enlargement; this question does not relate to oncological specifics. Chronic cholangitis is a hepatological problem that requires an in-person consultation with a specialist. Sincerely, A. Petrov

Thank you Andrey Vitalievich, yes, I am seeing a specialist hepatologist, I just asked if this could be related to an increase in lymph nodes. As for white blood, I don’t know exactly what it’s called. medical term, but I know that they take a blood test to see if white cells exceed the norm, my test is normal, my question was, if this test is normal, then oncology is excluded? Please tell me what you think about the size of my LUs? And no fatty scars were found in them, and in one of them fatty scars were present, although the cerebral cortex was too noticeable and hypoechoic. I'm also adjusting my ultrasound pictures. Please excuse me for disturbing you. Sincerely, Lilya

Photo attached to the question

Hello, Lilia. The reference values ​​of the analyzes do not indicate the absence of pathologies. About your lymph nodes, I think that they are of inflammatory origin. Lack of blood flow, longitudinal and transverse dimensions, the preserved structure indicates inflammation. There is no need to apologize for worrying. Sincerely, A. Petrov

Thanks a lot. Have you seen my pictures?

You ask me frankly incorrect question. The ones you attached - I saw... so what? The images do not show the position of the sensor, there is no color mapping, there is no visualization of the location of the vessels. But I don’t see any signs of cancer. If someone sees it, I’m ready to listen to his opinion and explanations. If something doesn’t suit you, you can go to another doctor for an appointment. Maybe he will say more... Sincerely, A. Petrov

No, I didn’t mean to offend you in any way, I’m very grateful that you spent so much time with me and answered all my questions, for some reason I thought maybe you didn’t see my attached pictures, so I asked, thanks again for your time. for me, here in America, in order for me to get to a specialist regarding this disease, I will need to go through many other doctors, and you highly qualified specialist They immediately answered all my questions and without any payment, I am very grateful to you, good luck in your life! Best regards, Lilya.

The location of the lymph nodes in the neck is such as to cleanse the lymph, preventing nearby organs from becoming infected with infection or bacteria. The nodes of the neck fulfill their purpose by cleansing the lymph.

Lymph nodes in the neck are one of the (glands) included in the. Lymph, clear liquid, through capillaries, vessels, trunks flows throughout the body, capturing foreign substances, nuclides and similar formations that have entered them from the blood and tissues. Along the way you may encounter inflamed areas of the body, purulent wounds and many other organs that are infected with infection or bacteria will also be taken up by the lymph.


Lymph begins its journey in the lymphatic system when a person walks. From the feet, when walking, a clear fluid called lymph rises to the head. The system does not have its own engine. Therefore, the lymph returns by gravity to, making a full circle around the human body. About vital important organs in humans there are located, including lymph nodes in the neck, which are part of the lymphatic system. In the lymph nodes, the lymph is cleansed of bacteria and infections in order to prevent infection of the areas near the glands, including in the neck.

Gang locations

There are 300 units of cervical lymph nodes. The location diagram makes it possible to see where the lymph nodes are located in the neck. The diagrams show that the location of the lymph nodes in the neck in people is in the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae. According to classification, they are divided into groups:

  • anterior cervical (anterior) and posterior cervical;
  • and chin;
  • supraclavicular;

The anatomy of the location of the glands in the neck can be seen in the diagrams.


The anterior cervical lymph nodes, which allow the head to tilt and rotate, are located above and below the sternocleidomastoid muscle in front of the internal jugular vein. These are superficial jugular nodes. They are small, but there are many of them. The anterior cervical cleanses the lymph entering the pharynx, throat, tonsils and thyroid gland.

In turn, if you look at the figure, it is clear that among the anterior glands there are groups of preglottic, thyroid, paratracheal and pretracheal. These are deep nodes.

Palpation of the cervical node is difficult, it is impossible to find them, since they are small. In an adult they are smaller than in children.

The lymph node on the left or right side of the neck is inflamed. We need to find out what happened:

  • The tonsils are inflamed.
  • There was an infection in the oral cavity.
  • Bacteria got into Airways.

The reason could be:

  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • freezing of the body;
  • long-term stressful situations;
  • insect bites;
  • inflammation in the ears.

A lump appeared on the front of my neck. Often it is not painful. The anatomy of the appearance of a lump is as follows: depending on the infectious lymph node that first caught the infection, the lump can be in the front, side or under the chin.

The submandibular glands are the first to fight infection of the pharynx, mouth and throat. Changes usually take place at the micro level. The neck remains unchanged. When an infection or viruses enter the gland, the node swells.

The neck can be seen with a lump under the chin. If the lump is on the neck when the glands have entered normal condition, then the doctor can answer whether lymphadenitis has developed into a chronic stage.

Glands at the back of the neck

Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the neck is a sign of some kind of disease: an organ or infection in the body. The posterior cervical lymph nodes, located between the clavicle and the mastoid region of the temporal bone, protect the respiratory tract from infection. When the glands in the back of the head become swollen, inflammation of the lymph nodes in the back of the neck can occur.

Lymph nodes in the neck, located at the back, can be seen if you look at the diagram.


Lymph in this area flows from the chin to the submandibular glands. The mental glands are located below the chin, cleaning lower lip, tip of the tongue, central incisors.


Submandibular or submandibular cervical lymph nodes are located under the jaw bone on the sides.

Lymph flow comes from lower cavity mouth through the pharynx to the tonsils. In addition, lymph flows from the lower teeth, excluding the central incisors, to the maxillary molars, including the anterior minor ones.

Abductors lymphatic vessels the skin goes to the submandibular and anterior neck nodes from the middle part of the face. They pass through the submandibular and from the lower part of the face.

The figure shows the view on the left, showing the drainage lymph from the tongue.


If you look at the cross-sectional drawing, you will see the supraclavicular nodes and the subclavian trunk. in the pits near the junction of the clavicle with the sternum. They control the flow of lymph from the abdominal and chest area.

Nodes that are responsible for the flow of lymph from abdominal area, are known as Vikhrov nodes and are considered the main ones. Since these nodes transport incoming lymph through the left subclavian vein back to venous circulation, they are susceptible to the creation of painful neoplasms such as infection in the arm, lymphadenitis, and breast cancer.


Are there ear glands? The side view in the figure answers this question. To the left of the group of parotid nodes, there are several ear glands at the base of the neck. With otitis, the lymph nodes on the front of the neck and on the left side become inflamed; inflammation of the nodes on the front surface of the neck and submandibular can occur. The pain will be felt in the neck and radiate to.


The occipital nodes are located on the back of the neck. If in children under 5 years of age the occipital nodes have slightly increased in size, but the swelling quickly subsides, there are no symptoms of the disease. There is no need to see a doctor. It is the lymph nodes in the back of the head that work, successfully coping with the infection. This process is considered normal, since at this time the formation of immunity occurs.


There are also lateral (side) cervical nodes: superficial and deep. The deep ones are more numerous and deserve special attention. The location of the lymph nodes in the neck is responsible for the movement of lymph. The deep cervical glands move lymph along the neck through the carotid vagina, pharynx, esophagus and trachea.

Deep cervical lymph nodes are divided into two groups: primary and secondary:

  • The primary ones ensure the movement of lymph flow along the path - the head, occipital part neck, thyroid, pharynx, esophagus, trachea, areas of the nose, palate and tongue. In this case, lymph is taken from the deep primary nodes in the neck and neck muscles.
  • The second group is responsible for lymph flow from the chest, part of the arms and the surface of the liver. Receives lymph from the deep primary glands in the neck and neck muscles.

There is also a group of deep cervical nodes: lateral jugular, anterior jugular; jugular: jugular-digastric and jugular-scapular-hyoid. The jugular-digastric is the deepest. It can only be felt if the tongue, tonsils, or pharynx are inflamed. The jugular-scapular-hyoid is located between the inner jugular vein and the omohyoid muscle.

The figure clearly shows how each location of the gland groups is located.

What is a tonsillar lymph node?

These are glands located in the corners of the jaw. There are several tonsillar nodes; they protect the body from diseases, especially infectious and bacterial ones. Inflammation occurs with respiratory diseases such as tonsillitis, tracheitis and similar infectious diseases.

1) Tonsillar (jugulodigastric) lymph nodes are located in the jugular region of the neck

At chronic tonsillitis often the condition is similar to the condition during the listed diseases.

Jugular fossa (suprasternal fossa)

Depression at the bottom of the neck. V-shaped depression, limited laterally by the sternocleidomastoid muscles. The outflow of blood from the head and neck to the heart is carried out by several veins located in the jugular fossa.


This is an area in the jugular fossa associated with the mucous membrane in the lower part of the larynx, pharynx and thymus gland regulating the human immune system. Impact on the zone increases the body's resistance infectious diseases by improving blood circulation in the thymus (thymus gland).


There is no clear solution to this issue. Textbooks indicate the size is 1 cm. Medical workers Based on practice, 1 cm is considered the norm. However, there are opinions of oncologists who believe that the lymph node should be smaller. So, for the elbows this normal size will be less than 0.5 cm; for groin – 1.5 cm. healthy children axillary, cervical and inguinal – 1.6 cm.

Causes of inflammation


For lymph nodes, you need to see a doctor and follow his recommendations. To eliminate the viruses that cause, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs. In case of infection, the patient is prescribed antibiotics:

  • Ampicillin - for adults and children.
  • Clindimicin.

And also used:

  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Painkillers.
  • Immunomodulators.

The painful area in the area of ​​the inflamed gland should not be heated; the result may be sepsis, which is life-threatening. Do not rub the sore spot. It is better to apply a cooling compress.

Skin cysts that cause lumps on the neck are removed surgically.

Lymph nodes are part of the immune system and the lymphatic system, which is a natural filter that delays the penetration of infections and bacteria into the body. The fight against infection, bacteria, the removal of toxins, and the restoration of injured tissues occurs due to cellular formations and the anatomically reasonable structure of the body.

Lymphatic system cleanses the body only when a person moves. Moreover, with continuous movement for a long time. To keep the lymph nodes healthy and cleanse the body, people need to walk more.