Prolonged headache - what is hidden behind this illness. The most common diseases causing cephalalgia. Staphylococcal food toxicosis

There are many types of headaches of various durations.

characterized by an intense course, occurs more than 15 days a month and may portend a serious illness. It is difficult to meet a person suffering from only one type painful syndromes in my head. For some reason, pain may alternate or be mixed. Depending on the mechanism of occurrence and symptoms long lasting headache

  1. is divided into the following categories:. Vascular Pathology occurs when there is narrowing or expansion blood vessels , with hypotension or increased blood pressure , as well as for other vascular diseases
  2. : atherosclerosis, migraine. In this case, pulsating sensations in the temples and dizziness appear. Pain from muscle strain
  3. provoke stress, prolonged uncomfortable body position, and spinal diseases. A person feels squeezing spasms in the back of the head and around the head. Neuralgia. Neuralgic diseases cause short-term attacks when touching the facial area and can result from inflammation of the trigeminal or.
  4. occipital nerve Liquorodynamic.
  5. Intracranial pressure, hydrocephalus, inflammatory diseases of the brain, various brain cysts are provoked by a disorder in the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid through the vessels. Toxic. Manifests itself when the body is intoxicated harmful substances , medicines. Poisoning may be the reason why
  6. headache for a long time. Infectious. Formed under the influence viral infections
  7. , ARVI, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, meningitis and encephalitis. Consequences of injuries
  8. brain or soft tissue. Symptoms may appear much later, so any bruises in the skull area should not be ignored by a specialist.. Oncological Prolonged headache frequent companion tumors and neoplasms in the central organs nervous system

. It is characterized by intensity, lack of relief when taking painkillers, and disturbances in the patient’s gait and speech.

Causes , Reasons why my head hurts every day

maybe a lot.


The attack can occur suddenly and last from 4 to 72 hours. In this case, photophobia, nausea, lacrimation, and pulsating sensations from one part of the head, most often in the temple, are observed.

With hypertension, it is very common to have a headache for several days. Spasms are localized in the temporal and occipital region.

Trigeminal neuralgia

Shooting sensations on the face are a symptom of neuralgia. Such pain may occur frequently, but last no more than 1 minute, radiate to the ears or lower jaw.


Purulent processes in the brain, accompanied by an increase in temperature, can cause prolonged pain syndromes that occur in the temples and forehead area.


Arteritis − infection, complicated by fever, swelling in the eye area, difficulty moving the head. Treatment of the disease is complex and may take several years.

Iron-deficiency anemia

Permanent reduced content hemoglobin in the blood can cause prolonged pain syndromes in humans. At the same time it worsens general health, there is a feeling of squeezing in the head, dizziness, weakness.

Adenovirus infection

Inflammatory diseases of the eyes and respiratory system can lead to the appearance of constant aching spasms in the head, high temperature, tinnitus, nausea.

Meningitis, encephalitis

Inflammatory diseases of the meninges are always accompanied by long-term painful sensations, chills, decreased vision and hearing, fainting and dizziness may occur.

Spinal diseases, osteochondrosis

When the vertebral arteries are compressed or herniated intervertebral discs, pain often occurs in the temples and in the center of the head. Hypoxia and insufficient blood circulation in the vertebral arteries lead to constant cephalalgia.

Cerebral ischemia

It is a consequence of atherosclerosis or hypertension. The narrowing of small capillaries leads to oxygen starvation brain. As a result, long-lasting painful symptoms in my head.

Overuse pain

The development of abusive pain syndromes occurs with the abuse of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics.

Brain tumors

Tumors, cysts, and vascular aneurysms often provoke chronic cephalgia, which tends to increase. Concomitant manifestations may include increased intracranial pressure, vomiting, nausea, impaired speech and coordination.

Liquorodynamic cephalgia

Changes in intracranial pressure lead to persistent painful sensations in the head, accompanied by pulsation, nausea, and vomiting.

TO external factors that provoke the development of long-term pain symptoms in the head include:

First aid

No one can endure a headache for long. When a headache does not go away for several days in a row, a person is forced to consult a doctor.

Some diseases that provoke a long course of cephalalgia can be treated only at an early stage.

So, how can we help ourselves with long-term headaches in several ways:

Typically, with chronic painful sensations, drug treatment aimed at the cause that causes them. Depending on the type of pain and the mechanism of its occurrence, use:

  • medications that stabilize blood pressure;
  • beta-blockers and nootropic medications for oxygen deficiency;
  • carry out infusion therapy in case of poisoning.


When contacting a specialist, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • When did chronic pain first appear?
  • duration of attacks;
  • probable reasons for the appearance;
  • associated symptoms;
  • in what areas of the head does pain appear;
  • nature of pain.

Based on the patient’s interview, the doctor draws up clinical picture diseases and refers to
additional research:

  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • electroencephalography;
  • Doppler ultrasound of head and neck vessels;
  • biochemical and general analysis blood;
  • consultations with doctors of other specializations: ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, neurosurgeon, psychiatrist.


If you have a headache for a long time, the smartest thing to do is go to the doctor. Further therapy will depend on the specialist’s diagnosis. The following procedures may be prescribed to the patient:

TO medicines used to treat chronic cephalgia include:

  • antidepressants: amitriptyline, paroxetine, melipramine;
  • muscle relaxants: tolperisone, mefedol , tizanidite;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: ibuprofen, ketoprofen, naproxen.


In some people, after therapy pain symptoms may happen again. However, doctors do not advise getting carried away with taking medications: this can provoke even more intense syndromes. Doctors' recommendations How to prevent long-term headaches comes down to simple tips:


“The headache doesn’t go away” - Doctors hear this very often when seeing patients. The success of therapy mainly depends on the person himself. Timely appeal Seeing a specialist will help you avoid negative consequences and the development of many head diseases.

Many people are familiar with headaches firsthand. She has already become a constant companion modern man and often they don’t pay attention to it, trying to endure it. Of course, sometimes the headache will hurt and stop, but this does not always happen. It can accompany a wide variety of diseases and indicate serious problems in the body. Painful attacks last from several seconds to several weeks, depending on the cause that causes them.

If you have a headache for a long time, the reasons may lie in organic damage nervous system. IN in this case cephalgia continues for several days in a row, constantly, increases gradually, and if provoking factors also arise, then more intensely.

Typically, headaches are caused by migraines, brain damage, injuries, irritation of the membranes of the brain, and decreased or increased intracranial pressure.

Causes cephalalgia and following reasons: hangover, glaucoma, sinusitis, cough. There is also so-called psychalgia, which accompanies depressive states. In this case, the pain is moderate and intensifies periodically, but it is very difficult to determine its location and nature.

There are several types of cephalalgia:

  1. neuralgic,
  2. liquorodynamic,
  3. muscle tension,
  4. infectious - toxic,
  5. vascular.

Manifestations of cephalalgia depending on the cause

Head pain can manifest itself in the form of simultaneous blunt blows with very strong stretching of the walls of blood vessels with hypertension and hypotension.

If the wall of the vessel swells, the pain turns from throbbing to dull, bursting. Arterial spasm can lead to tissue hypoxia. Then cephalgia is accompanied by a feeling of lightheadedness and nausea, pallor skin, black highlights before the eyes. The pain lasts for a very long time if at the same time there is not enough oxygen to the tissues and at the same time the walls of the blood vessels spasm.

Headaches in the morning occur with strong relaxation vascular walls veins (hypotension). They last for several days. Associated symptoms include: swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth and pharynx.

If intracranial pressure is increased, then cephalalgia is accompanied by constantly occurring vomiting. Noise, ringing, and drowsiness occur when the delivery of oxygen to the tissues is disrupted and they experience a lack of it. This type of cephalgia most often has different intensities. A headache and if blood viscosity increases, at which red blood cells lose their elasticity, platelets become prone to aggregation, and the composition of the blood changes.

Migraine pain can last from several hours to several days. At cluster pain Most often the eye socket and the area around it hurt, and the pain most often appears at night, 3 hours after falling asleep. These attacks appear for quite a long time, several times a day.

If you often have a headache, then you should pay attention to the factors that provoke it, make an appointment with a neurologist and talk about them. After all, cephalalgia can be triggered by a variety of diseases.

Causes of pain

Tension cephalgia. In the area of ​​the temples and the back of the head, headaches occur with pain from excessive muscle tension. It's as if she tightens her head in a tight ring for 5 o'clock or a little less. Nausea is extremely rare. This type of cephalalgia lasts three days or more and is often provoked by stress. Relieved with paracetamol, ibuprofen.

Trauma. For head injuries of any degree, cephalalgia - normal phenomenon. Even if a person may not notice that he has been injured, a headache will certainly remind him of this.

Arteritis. Pain syndrome against the background of a brain infection occurs due to arteritis. Fever appears, and at the same time neck movements are limited and vision is lost. Swelling of the artery occurs within 3 or 4 hours. With this disease, a diagnosis should be made as quickly as possible in order to properly prescribe treatment and preserve vision. After all, you will have to undergo treatment for at least three years.

Intracranial pressure. Pain in the head also manifests itself with a decrease in intracranial pressure, if a person is lumbar puncture. If you have a headache for the third day, pain appears in the face area, then this may be caused low blood pressure inside the skull. If the pain is stopped, it can be eliminated even within a day.

Syndrome vertebral artery . Cephalgia is accompanied by noise and ringing in the ears, dull stabbing pain in the back of the head, neck. These pains are constant and manifest themselves in attacks that can last from a few seconds to an hour, and painkillers do not help, they only slightly alleviate the condition.

Cephalgia with trigeminal neuralgia facial nerve. It will be one-sided, shooting. It involves the lower jaw and is paroxysmal in nature. Pain is relieved with carbamazepine.

Inflammatory processes. Headache for several days due to purulent and inflammatory processes various localizations. This happens strong increase temperature reaches a critical level, there is general weakness, loss of appetite.

But the main symptom is a nagging, severe headache and inflammation in the area of ​​the fistula. Since the fistula does not go away for a long time, the headache can also last for the same amount of time. It goes away as soon as the wound heals, the pathological process disappears.

Brain abscesses. Pain is most often localized in the temporal lobes. If in frontal lobes abscesses metastasize, then the headache lasts for a very long time, the pain does not subside throughout the day. With abscesses, cephalalgia is accompanied by disturbances in hearing, smell, and sense of taste, and decreased muscle tone.

Adenovirus infection. Causes aching cephalalgia. At the same time, the person’s temperature rises, appetite disappears, and vomiting appears. This pain accompanies the patient for 2 or 4 weeks. With this infection, the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and conjunctiva.

Adenoiditis. Inflammation nasopharyngeal tonsil may also cause headaches. This disease mainly occurs in childhood and is provoked by infections. In acute adenoiditis, the head hurts constantly because the outflow of lymph and blood from the brain is difficult, as congestion in the nose area. Breathing becomes difficult, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx becomes inflamed.

Brain tumors. The cause of constant headaches can be a pituitary adenoma. Gonadotropinomas and thyrotropinomas (these are rare forms tumors) as they develop, begin to put pressure on the diaphragm of the sella turcica, and patients begin to experience headaches in the area of ​​the orbits, forehead and temples.

Has such cephalgia stupid character and does not go away within three or five days. It can be triggered by a serious head injury, the effect of contraceptives, or an infection in the pituitary gland (pituitary gland).

Symptoms of pituitary adenoma: significant weight gain, increased body hair growth, sexual dysfunction, thyrotoxicosis, double vision, constant Blunt pain, nasal congestion. For pain caused by a tumor, there are some other things to consider: special symptoms. These are suddenly hardened muscles, their weakness, impaired speech function (tongue slurred), visual impairment.

In pregnant women, the head may also hurt for three days with an increase in ophthalmic and neurological symptoms, as hemorrhage occurs in the adenoma. However, after childbirth the tumor does not grow, but involutions.

Aneurysm. With aneurysms of cerebral vessels, there is a headache in the forehead without any precursors, sometimes there is incomplete paralysis cranial nerves(with arterial aneurysm). If an aneurysm ruptures, a very pronounced cephalalgia occurs, which quickly spreads throughout the entire head, as if spreading over the entire internal surface. In this case, nausea, loss of consciousness and frequently recurring bouts of vomiting occur.

Anemia. Headache for several days iron deficiency anemia when the amount of hemoglobin in the blood decreases significantly. In this case, cephalalgia is accompanied by dizziness, shortness of breath during the simplest physical activity, loss of appetite, and the skin acquires a greenish tint. The following signs may also be observed: non-healing wounds form in the corners of the mouth, lines are visible on the nails, it is difficult to swallow, hair breaks.

Cephalgia caused by allergies and food. In this case, tearing and runny nose occurs. Allergic pain is treated antihistamines. Pain from food can manifest itself if you eat ice cream very quickly in the heat, drink cold drink. This pain goes away very quickly when the body temperature becomes stable. Nitrates in sausages and monosodium glutamate also cause acute headaches, as well as pain in the chest, neck, shoulders, face.

Other factors

Daily cephalgia can be triggered by: taking new medications or discontinuing old medications, metabolic problems, head injuries, infections. A headache can last for a week in numerous situations: daily stress, diabetes, cervical osteochondrosis, hypertension.

The causes of headaches include constant incorrect position body, weakness of the back muscles, flat feet, disorder in the cervical spine. On initial stages Diseases with such symptoms are characterized by depression, stroke, vegetative-vascular dystonia, kidney pathologies, and hypertension.

What not to do

  • If your head hurts, it is better not to take it alcoholic drinks. Of course, the pain may go away, but it will only be temporary, then it will return again.
  • There is no need to take a second painkiller tablet, since an overdose can lead to more serious consequences and side effects.
  • Prolonged cephalalgia should not be relieved using heating pads with ice, since such a procedure will only complicate the condition due to spasm of peripheral vessels. Cigarettes also will not save you from headaches; on the contrary, they can provoke new attacks of pain and dizziness.

A healthy lifestyle is very important, especially in today’s time.

What needs to be done?

First of all, you should measure your blood pressure to rule out hypertension; if your blood pressure is elevated, you should take pills.

If you have a headache for several days and the pain is constant, take a few harmless procedures, which will help stop it, but will not harm the person. No pills are used, and the pain subsides.

  1. You can apply a towel soaked in water with drops of mint and lavender diluted in it to your forehead or temples.
  2. Drink a cup of chamomile, mint tea and try to sleep.
  3. Self-massage can also help. Gentle movements from the forehead to the back of the head or from the crown to the ears, from the crown to the neck and stroking the temples will ease the pain.
  4. Constant ventilation of the room supplies the brain with oxygen. You should also walk or play sports outdoors more often.
  5. If you have a headache every day, you should stop eating for a while. following products: chocolate, red wine, smoked fish and meat, hot spices, nuts and cheese, as they contain tyramine, sausages.

Most people prefer to treat themselves, but if the headache does not go away within 10 to 15 days and analgesics are constantly taken, then the most serious consequences can occur.


First of all, with cephalalgia, it is not the symptoms of pain in the head that should be eliminated, but its causes, the source.

Help with vertebral artery syndrome vasodilators, such as drugs nicotinic acid, aminophylline, diuretic medications relieve pain with intracranial high blood pressure. For stress and osteochondrosis cervical spine spine requires physiotherapy and acupuncture in combination with ibuprofen.

Migraine pain is treated with special drugs, which act on serotonin receptors in the brain. These can be Sumamigren, Zomig, Amigrenin. If there are other provoking factors, these medications will not work.

It should be remembered that the first doses of tablets should be taken under the direct supervision of a doctor and your condition should be recorded every week. Similar drugs prohibited during lactation, pregnancy, age after 65 years and hypertension.


  • You should periodically take a break from your psychological problems so as not to provoke psychalgia. Simple children's entertainment will help with this: skating, skiing, roller skating, sledding. They will restore a state of euphoria, help distract you from everyday routine worries and problems, and therefore prevent headaches associated with psychological stress.
  • Daily outdoor exercise often prevents or relieves cephalalgia better than any medication; an orthopedic pillow helps muscles relax and corrects posture.
  • If you have constant headaches, you should keep records that record the time of onset of pain and their nature. Also in the records it should be noted what was eaten that day, what were physical exercise, sleep and work patterns. Women should also note any changes in their hormonal levels during menstrual cycle, because hormonal surges also affect headaches. With the help of these records, it will be possible to calculate all the triggers of cephalalgia and avoid them to prevent headaches.
  • You should pay attention to sleep hygiene: get enough sleep, go to bed and get up at the same time.

It should be remembered that headaches are often a symptom of a disease rather than independent disease. It causes a lot of trouble, but it also serves useful service. Pain signals problems within the body, sometimes even very strong ones.

If cephalalgia manifests itself in some unusual way, too strongly, or for a long time, then you should not postpone your visit to the doctor and undergo an examination. Only in this case can you protect yourself from possible complications.

Each of us has faced the problem of headaches and more than once was able to appreciate all the troubles of either short-term or long-term, debilitating cephalgia.

Our body reacts to the presence of a particular disease, so you shouldn’t just wait for a headache the pain will go away herself. You need to understand its types, causes and select suitable medicine, especially in cases where the headache lasts for several days, causing great discomfort and, of course, affecting the quality of life.

There are several main types of cephalgia.

Each of them has its own characteristics in manifestation and treatment tactics.

Vascular cephalgia

Occurs against the background of an increase or decrease blood pressure. It is commonly believed that headaches appear only with hypertension, but in fact, headaches occur not only with severe vasodilation, but also with hypotension.

Possible diseases:

  • hypertension;
  • hypotension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • temporal arteritis.

Occurs with diseases of the trigeminal or occipital nerve at the site of their passage.

Most often - in the maxillofacial area.

Possible diseases:

  • occipital neuralgia;
  • trigeminal neuralgia.

Occurs when overvoltage occurs.

  • nervous tension;
  • chronic stress;
  • uncomfortable working posture;
  • visual strain;
  • overstrain of the neck muscles;

Liquorodynamic cephalgia

Occurs due to an increase or decrease in intracranial pressure.

  • hydrocephalus;
  • various brain cysts (in particular -);
  • inflammatory processes in the brain;
  • violation of venous outflow;

It is one of the symptoms of infectious diseases.

Possible diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • flu;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis.

Toxic cephalalgia

It can appear when the body is intoxicated with toxic substances and medications.

Possible reasons:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • ingestion of toxins and poisons into the body;
  • poor environmental conditions in the place of residence or work;
  • drug poisoning.

Oncological cephalgia

Occurs when oncological diseases not only the brain, but also the blood or endocrine glands.

  • central nervous system tumors;
  • other neoplasms.

There are many types and causes of headaches; there may be 2-3 or more provoking factors.

Most pain is characterized by a mixed mechanism of occurrence, and its appearance is influenced by the combination of all factors.

The most common diseases causing cephalalgia

Despite the abundance of causes of headaches, I would like to dwell in more detail on 3 of them. These are migraines, poisoning and muscle tension.

maybe a lot.

Migraines are equally likely to occur in children, adults, and adolescents. Average duration attacks - from several hours to a week.

If we describe the sensations experienced by patients during a migraine, we can say that not only the head hurts, but there is a characteristic sharp pain in the area of ​​the eye sockets, there are also shootings towards the ear, jaw or back of the head.

Photophobia, nausea and lacrimation may occur. The causes of migraine are not known for certain; there are only unproven theories. The only thing that can be said with certainty is that women suffer from this disease much more often.

Tension headaches

They occur primarily against the background of stress, poor diet and drinking habits, lack of sleep, and prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position. This type of pain is characterized by intense unpleasant sensations in the forehead area, extending into the head.

These headaches are often chronic and accompanied by constant fatigue, bad sleep, loss of appetite. They can last for several hours over 15-30 days.

In case of food or alcohol poisoning, headaches may appear, but they can hardly be called long-lasting. You can be poisoned not only by food or drinks, but also medicines. In this regard, patients are constantly warned that uncontrolled use of medications will not only not help in the current situation, but can also lead to poisoning.

Such cases are quite common, and the duration of the disease directly depends on the time it takes to remove drugs or alcohol from the body.

Each of the above types of cephalalgia is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. Dizziness, nausea, photophobia are possible, the patient may complain that his head hurts for several days in a row, without stopping. In this case, there are ways to manage pain at home before visiting a medical facility. Namely:

  • drink tea with lemon balm, lemon or mint;
  • ventilate the room well;
  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • do self-massage, best of all the temporal and occipital areas of the head;
  • Take a contrast shower from time to time.

Preventive measures

First priority preventative measure always appeared healthy image life. It is not uncommon for a long-term headache to subside simply after normalizing sleep and rest patterns. If you have a headache for a long time, sometimes a walk along the street is enough. fresh air. But when you are literally tormented by a persistent headache for several days in a row, and you don’t know what it could be, then you urgently need to see a doctor.

If you consume a lot of coffee, chocolate, smoked foods, alcohol and food with harmful additives, then later you don’t have to wonder why your head hurts for a long time.

It is also necessary, if possible, to combine physical and intellectual load, work out longer in the gym and, if possible, balance your work schedule to avoid overexertion. It often happens that a headache lasts 5 days or even a month, but the patient tries to cope with it by uncontrolled taking pills. In this case, the person not only loses the time necessary for treatment, but can also cause irreparable harm health.

Separately, I would like to highlight the topic of female cephalgia. This can easily be explained by changes in hormonal levels, which is the cause of frequent headaches and mood swings. Headaches for several days in a row can bother the fair sex during the period:

  • the beginning of menstruation;
  • early pregnancy;
  • menopause.

In all these cases, the headache is not due to the presence of any pathologies, but due to changes in hormonal levels. Mild headaches can be relieved with a cold compress or prolonged rest. Special attention should be reversed if a pregnant woman’s headache does not go away for some time.

The seriousness of the situation is that most painkillers should not be taken during pregnancy. If symptoms appear, for example, due to poor nutrition or lack of sufficient air in the room, then it will be easy to cope with them.

But if a headache bothers you for two days or more, you shouldn't wait until it goes away on its own. You need to urgently contact your doctor.

Diagnosis of the disease

When contacting medical institution You must describe your complaints to the doctor in detail:

  • focus attention on the very first, perhaps even minor, manifestations of pain;
  • clarify what form the headache attacks have, constant or periodic (specify how long the attack lasts);
  • name additional symptoms accompanying this attack;
  • indicate in which areas of the head the pain is more pronounced;
  • describe pain sensations.

You can also speed up the diagnosis process with your own ideas about why your head hurts, since who, if not you, knows best individual characteristics your body. And it is very important to mention the presence or absence of traumatic brain injuries; this information can radically change the plan for further treatment.

After your conversation, the doctor will need to refer you to additional tests and examinations:

  • checking the blood vessels of the brain and neck;
  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • electroencephalography;
  • consultations with other specialists.

Treatment of headaches

If the tablets do not help, the patient should be prescribed adequate treatment, and it doesn’t matter whether you’ve had a headache for a week or just the second day. It could be various procedures, and prescription of medications.

TO non-drug methods treatments include:

  • physiotherapy;
  • massage of the temples and neck-collar area;
  • acupuncture;
  • lotions and compresses.

TO medicinal drugs, prescribed depending on the type of cephalgia, can be considered:

  • antidepressants;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal).

There are many various methods combating headaches, including folk remedies, but only qualified specialist will be able to correctly diagnose the disease, explain what to do, and prescribe the correct treatment.

What actions are strictly prohibited for headaches?

Even if you follow all the recommendations for the prevention of cephalalgia, use the listed methods to reduce and eliminate it, one wrong step can ruin all your efforts. Undesirable actions include the habit of some patients to endure headaches.

Many people believe that analgesics are harmful, and it is better to just wait until the pain goes away on its own. But this is not true, taking the pills when symptoms first appear can prevent more severe attack. It is best to take the medicine right away, since with a headache the body experiences stress, which negatively affects the quality of life and can trigger the appearance of headaches. anxiety states and even depression.

Don't dull the pain with alcohol. This method can improve the situation only in the case of a decrease in pressure, and in many others it can even intensify the attack.

It is also not recommended to visit the steam room or try to relieve pain with cold douches. This leads to a sharp expansion or contraction of blood vessels and can be dangerous for the body, which is already under enormous stress.

Having studied the information about cephalalgia and methods of its treatment, do not forget that headache is the body’s reaction to malfunctions. If cephalalgia occurs no more than 2 times a week, then there is no reason to worry. But this question requires individual approach, and any symptoms should be treated with caution.

If your headache does not go away and prolonged spasms prevent you from enjoying life, be sure to consult a specialist. If the doctor has already diagnosed you and prescribed medication, then you need to take it, but still try to find out the causes of the long-term headache.

This may signal inflammatory processes in the internal organs, which are located in abdominal cavity, and what exactly was the cause of the pain that appears, in order to begin treatment correctly, you need to undergo diagnostics.

Why does my stomach hurt for 5 days: causes of pain

There can be many reasons, and what exactly causes abdominal pain is difficult to understand on your own in order to carry out the correct and timely treatment, you need to seek advice from a specialist.

If you have abdominal pain, first go to an appointment with a therapist, he can refer you to a gastroenterologist, a surgeon, and, perhaps, in women abdominal pain occurs due to “female” problems, then it is better to go to a gynecologist.

If your stomach bothers you for 5 days, this may be caused by a disruption in the functioning of some internal organs. For example, the spleen, pancreas, stomach, intestinal loops, which are located throughout the abdomen, so pain can appear on both the left and right. If there are problems with the diaphragm, pain in the abdominal area is also observed.

Such internal organ, How spleen, which is located close to the surface of the body, on the left side, so it is susceptible to rupture, if it begins to hurt, then this indicates that it is not working correctly, its capsule begins to stretch, which can lead to rupture, which is naturally dangerous for human health. Therefore, you should not delay visiting a doctor; it is better to start treatment on time and get rid of pain. Another symptom that suggests that the pain is caused by the spleen is that the skin around the navel begins to acquire a bluish tint.

Gastritis- another cause of pain. Irritation of the gastric mucosa is, of course, accompanied by pain in the abdominal area. This pain is usually aching, and accompanying symptoms may appear - vomiting or nausea. Pain may appear as a result of development in the stomach cavity malignant neoplasms, ulcers, hernias.

With diseases of the pancreas, the pain appears very sharp and encircling, it radiates to the back and comes from the inside. Associated symptoms– this is an increase in body temperature, nausea, vomiting. If you belong to a risk group, that is, you smoke a lot, drink alcoholic beverages, steroid hormones, diuretics, you have problems with the gallbladder, then such pain most likely indicates malfunction pancreas.

Why does my stomach hurt for 5 days or longer with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. There are three groups of pancreatitis, and each of them is accompanied by prolonged abdominal pain:

The reactive type of pancreatitis is more a consequence of the pancreas’ reaction to inflammatory process;

Acute pancreatitis. Manifestations of the disease are: nausea, sharp pain in the upper abdomen, upset stool.

Chronic pancreatitis. It often occurs without symptoms. There is a decrease in appetite, rare periodic pain in the stomach for 5 days or longer, nausea.

Diagnosis of pancreatitis in children, the symptoms of which do not appear, can be done using a blood test and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Pancreatitis chronic type as a cause of abdominal pain

Most common chronic pancreatitis. The main cause of chronic pancreatitis is a gross violation of the diet. Let's highlight following symptoms chronic pancreatitis:

Lack of appetite, weight loss;

Nausea, vomiting;

Chronic bowel dysfunction, abdominal pain;

Moodiness, fatigue, drowsiness;

Manifestation of allergies in the form of rashes.

The main symptom of chronic pancreatitis is constant pain in a stomach. Symptoms of pain range from dull to cutting pain.

Chronic pancreatitis progresses quite quickly, so you should immediately consult a doctor. Over time, the patient's temperature rises, dry mouth increases, pulse increases, and blood pressure decreases. The skin of a patient with symptoms of pancreatitis looks very pale, then acquires a gray tint.