Zero fat cottage cheese benefits for women. Is low-fat cottage cheese good for weight loss? Benefits and harms for a woman’s body

The benefits and harms of low-fat cottage cheese are understood as the very component of a healthy product, although not all consumers will agree with this. How to find out which product is better, why fat content affects the composition and benefits, and how to combine the pros and cons of a product if they are produced under different brands?

And yet, curd products (milk) are healthy, because they contain a lot of calcium and useful components. Nutritionists recommend eating 5% fat cottage cheese, but women prefer to follow a strict diet. How to be? What is the benefit of curd product, and is it worth choosing natural formulations to maintain weight and skin tone in shape?

Which cottage cheese is healthier: full-fat or low-fat?

There are several types of cottage cheese in production, unless we are talking about curd mass, which is not a dairy product. There are full-fat, semi-fat, low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese. The healthiest is considered to be the one made at home, but some consumers prefer a store-bought product as there is less chance of encountering bacteria. So, dietary nutrition is the consumption of low-fat foods. But how can you live without salt for 11 days? How can athletes gain weight without acids and fatty components, and how can women bear offspring?

Cottage cheese in factories is prepared according to GOST, and not according to technical specifications, so part of the milk composition is given preference to vegetable fats rather than natural animal ingredients. Curd mass has substitute fats that are never removed from the body, like gluten, for example. Low-fat cottage cheese, not bulk, has a fat content of 1.8%, and not zero percent fat. It is prepared from low-fat milk and beneficial components are introduced from outside. Calcium is better absorbed because fats do not interfere with proper protein absorption. But fatty cottage cheese saturates the body not only with components, but also with fats necessary for the development of muscles and brain cells.

But scientists say that a low-fat product can interfere with proper metabolism. Therefore, it must be combined with honey or fruits to compensate for losses and damages. A ballerina’s body can digest 5% fat cottage cheese in 3 hours, but low-fat cottage cheese will not do any good at all. Body weight is so small that fainting and loss of consciousness from a deficiency of fatty acids simply cannot stop, because the diet should be organic, if not fatty.

There is also such cottage cheese as grained - it is granules of the curd composition, which are convenient to mix with salads, add to soups, and when heated, they become similar in appearance to cheese. It melts, delicious, light. Although the degree of hunger quickly subsides, there is no emptiness in the stomach. It envelops the intestinal walls, promotes proper bowel movements and normalization of stomach function. Acids and bacteria stimulate the liver, cleanse it and restore active activity. Quickly and easily digestible, granular cottage cheese is better and healthier, but its fat content does not fall below 4%, which is considered useful in a diet.

If a woman wants to lose weight, as happens with every representative of the fair sex, it is better to eat low-fat cottage cheese than low-fat cottage cheese. It is dry, tart, and needs to be mixed with fats or protein. And its digestibility decreases due to its heavy composition, which lacks beneficial natural substances.

There are no purines in crumbled cottage cheese. What is useful for children and the elderly. Its proteins do not destroy joints, and casein protein makes cottage cheese an indispensable type of breakfast in the diet. It has neutral acidity, which is considered a safe property for those. Who suffers from gastrointestinal diseases.

Is low-fat cottage cheese good for you at night?

On the one hand, cottage cheese can be eaten at night by bodybuilders who want to supply their muscles with protein while resting. Thus, constant metabolism will occur, and on the other hand, in the process of digesting food, insulin is produced, which quickly enters the blood. Blood sugar levels rise and growth hormone is suppressed. Children who eat before bed, no matter cottage cheese, borscht or porridge, will not grow, but they will sleep well-fed.

Therefore, it is worth judging only when it is possible to proceed from individual characteristics. Cottage cheese at night or during the day before bed will perform the same functions as usual. The main thing is to choose a whole and natural product that contains proteins and real animal acids.

How long does it take to digest low-fat cottage cheese?

Low-fat cottage cheese takes about 2 hours to digest, but a medium-fat product takes 3 hours. Cottage cheese made from homemade or factory-made whole milk takes 4-5 hours to digest, but it satisfies hunger better. Some whey and curd-type cheeses (yogurt, children's cheese curds with icing) take 8-10 hours to digest, so it is recommended to give them only as a snack when it is still far from lunch. But such products are strictly prohibited for ballerinas or athletes; it is better to replace them with kefir or yogurt. Before weighing, low-fat cottage cheese is prohibited, a water diet is maintained for 3 days, and light aerobics on the last day.

The harm of low-fat cottage cheese - hidden dangers

Talking about the dangers of cottage cheese is blasphemy, unless we are talking about a low-quality product. Surely, you have come across non-grain cottage cheese, which contains special lactobacilli. By the way, there shouldn’t be any, because cottage cheese is made from milk and does not need any additional ingredients. Externally similar bacteria can remain in the product for only 2 hours, and from the moment the bag or packaging is opened, they multiply. Excessive numbers of bacteria will cause stomach upset.

Why can't you eat low-fat cottage cheese?

Why you can’t, or who it’s better not to eat low-fat cottage cheese, is children. Athletes and bodybuilders can eat any fatty or low-fat dairy products, but children need a balanced diet. The best type is considered:

  • In the morning protein + carbohydrates.
  • During the day fats + protein.
  • Carbohydrate in the evening.

If you choose curd products as protein and carbohydrate analogues, this is what normal nutrition will look like:

  1. In the morning, eat 100 g of cottage cheese 5%.
  2. During the day, you can mix 7% fat cottage cheese with fruit or honey. This is a loading dose to stop hunger attacks. It is useful and necessary for children.
  3. In the evening, eat 3% cottage cheese.

In this way, the child's muscles will constantly benefit, and it is not necessary to always look for fat-rich foods. The main thing is that the salt and fats are natural, then the children will receive a natural increase in supplementary feeding. But women are advised to eat full-fat cottage cheese at night, and in the morning eat medium-fat milk. During the day, eliminate it altogether and add proteins and light carbohydrates to your diet.

Is there calcium in low-fat cottage cheese?

Calcium is found in low-fat cottage cheese, but due to the low concentration of fats, it is not absorbed in the amount required for humans. One serving of cottage cheese up to 1.8% may contain 30 mg of calcium, but a person will receive only 3-5 mg from them, which is detrimental to the body. Therefore, when dieting, you need to consume vitamin complexes.

Is it possible to gain weight from low-fat cottage cheese?

It is impossible to gain weight from cottage cheese itself unless you are an athlete and do not consume low-fat foods, which should be fatty in their usual composition. Since cottage cheese without a drop of “pulp” is considered a heavy carbohydrate, it promotes muscle growth. As a result, kilograms are added not to fat tissue, but to muscle tissue, and in general, weight increases by 2-3 kg per month with this or a similar diet.

To exclude this, you need to eat less than 100 g of cottage cheese, and not every day. If you do not exercise, but consume cottage cheese with normal fat content (5%), then a diet with such a diet will be more beneficial. On the contrary, “good” fats are needed by the body to function. If you deprive him of this opportunity, you can permanently ruin your metabolism and disrupt your intestines.

Low-fat cottage cheese: calorie content, BJU, glycemic index and nutritional value

Low-fat cottage cheese, which has a fat percentage of up to 1.8%, has a calorie content of 0.2%. Fat content does not indicate calorie ratio, so the total caloric composition may be higher due to other acids and components of the product.

  1. Fats – amount to half a gram.
  2. Carbohydrates – 2.75 grams.
  3. But there is the most protein - almost 17 grams.

In terms of percentage content, protein accounts for 25%, while carbohydrates account for 1%. In this case, there cannot be zero fat content, and if it is 0%, the calorie content will be expressed as 4%, no less.

In this case, the calorie content reaches 85 kcal, when simple fatty or semi-fat cottage cheese has 112 kcal. They produce energy and strength to support the life of the body. The glycemic index (GI) of cottage cheese is 30 units, but the insulin index is almost 100 units. Also, cottage cheese made from whole milk can have a calorie content of up to 101 grams, exceeding all GOST standards, but in terms of the percentage of the component, it contains less harmful fats, since they are all obtained from an animal composition.

Therefore, based on all of the above, cottage cheese is considered not only useful, but also a necessary product. It contains vitamins H, B3, B12, which help synthesize proteins and fats, activate beneficial components, and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs in general. By neglecting a healthy diet, you risk saving yourself from the violent need for fat cells, which are necessary for proper brain function. It is important for intellectual professions to receive more carbohydrates, but for athletes - proteins. Moreover, in both cases, a fatty composition is needed that will transport all the components into the cells of the organs.

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Due to its high protein content, this product is the main component of the diet of athletes, people watching their figure, pregnant women, nursing mothers, and young children.

But before increasing its daily consumption, you should first study all the basic qualities. What properties does low-fat cottage cheese have, health benefits and harms, are in today’s article.

The popularity of low-fat foods has increased significantly with increasing public interest in a healthy lifestyle and awareness of the harm that comes from excessive consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

The benefits and harms of low-fat cottage cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese has gained its popularity in the wake of a total craze for a healthy lifestyle and a massive refusal to consume carbohydrates and “bad” fats. As a result, fermented milk cheese with a reduced fat content was invented, which is lower in calories compared to its fatty counterpart, but retains its protein value. Since there is a belief that cleansing makes a product less healthy, you should know all its advantages and disadvantages.

How is cottage cheese defatted?

The process of making a low-fat fermented milk product is no different from creating a regular one. The difference is that skim milk is used as the starting material.

The creation technology involves several stages:

  • clarification, pasteurization and cooling of milk to the required consistency;
  • adding a special starter (or rennet, which is used as an alternative method);
  • milk fermentation process;
  • cutting the formed clot;
  • cooling the resulting mass.

This method is traditional, but to speed up the process of whey separation they resort to additional heating of the milk mass. This technology is also available at home. To do this, pre-prepared milk is left in a saucepan in a warm place for several hours (overnight is possible), until it sours. Then the semi-finished product is heated and the resulting whey is separated.

Composition and nutritional value

In terms of the number of micro- and macro-elements and protein indicators, low-fat cottage cheese does not differ from regular cottage cheese. So, per 100 g there is at least 16 g of protein, fat, respectively, 0.1% (if it is low-fat, the figure can be 1.8%). It is impossible to achieve a fat content of 0%, so if this figure is indicated on the packaging, the data is distorted.

What is included in the chemical composition of a protein product:

  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium;
  • cobalt;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • vitamins: A, B, C, PP.

Caloric content indicators may differ slightly: some manufacturers claim an indicator of 90 kcal per 100 g, which can vary up to 115 kcal.

Beneficial properties of low-fat cottage cheese

Despite criticism of low-fat milk, the benefits it brings to the body are no different from fatty products. It is valuable due to its high protein content - the main building material for tissues and muscles.

The second most important element in the composition is calcium. The component strengthens and ensures the healthy functioning of bones, teeth, hair nails, and the high phosphorus content normalizes the condition of the nervous system. Calcium is especially necessary for children during the period of active growth, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.

The presence and ratio of micro- and macroelements in the composition contributes to a colossal beneficial effect on the human body, which affects:

  • Improving metabolic processes, helping to lose excess weight and improve well-being;
  • Improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Restoring the acid-base balance in the body;
  • Increasing hemoglobin levels, which prevents the development of anemia, including in pregnant women. The process of hematopoiesis improves;
  • Improving brain function, improving the quality of memory, concentration and attention. With regular consumption, the state of the central nervous system is normalized;
  • Strengthening the condition of the heart and blood vessels, especially in old age;
  • Kidney health;
  • Improved vision;

  • Normalization of skin and hair condition: cottage cheese lovers can be proud of healthy and smooth skin, elastic and shiny hair even at an advanced age.

A useful property for young children will be the prevention of the development of rickets, due to the saturation of bone tissue with calcium and its strengthening. The same action allows you to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system in old age.

Nursing mothers need to include low-fat soft cottage cheese in their daily diet; it helps to enhance lactation and saturates breast milk with substances valuable for the baby.

The benefits of low-fat cottage cheese for weight loss

The main factors that make the product useful for weight loss are the low calorie content of low-fat cottage cheese and low carbohydrate content, improvement of metabolism and general metabolic processes in the body.

Considering its benefits, experts are developing special cottage cheese diets, where the fermented milk product becomes the main component. On average, the optimal daily dose should not exceed 200 g per day. Due to the fact that mono-diets are based on increasing the daily norm to 300 g per day, possible negative consequences should be taken into account.

Since a fermented milk product with reduced fat content is not as tasty, compared to full-fat cottage cheese, the amount of food eaten will be significantly less. This factor is also important in dieting.

Harm and contraindications

The main contraindication to consuming a low-fat product is the same as for classic fatty cottage cheese - lactose intolerance or allergic reactions. Otherwise, as a rule, there is no pronounced harm from a low-fat analogue. If you have an individual intolerance to milk or a calcium metabolism disorder, you will also have to give it up.

Contraindications include the presence of urolithiasis or cholelithiasis. Those at risk should be vigilant.

As for the connection between the percentage of fat content and the degree of risk of allergies, experts made the following conclusions: since an allergic reaction occurs due to the action of a certain component included in the composition (usually a protein), fat content does not affect this process. Consequently, allergy sufferers will equally perceive high-fat, medium-fat and completely low-fat cottage cheese.

The main negative factor associated with fat loss is insufficient absorption of calcium by the body. The element is better absorbed with the participation of natural fats. Therefore, you should not constantly consume cottage cheese with a fat content of 1%; you should alternate it with the optimal 9%, containing the best balance of calcium and fats.

There is a lack of some valuable nutrients, which it loses during degreasing. Among them are the phospholipids lecithin and cephalin, which the body needs to transmit nerve impulses to the structures of cell membranes and their microreceptors.

For this reason, it is not recommended to completely exclude fatty dairy products from the diet. 1% cottage cheese is also depleted of valuable fat-soluble vitamins. But this drawback is not fundamental, since it is not their main source for humans.

A significant disadvantage of a product deprived of its natural fat content is its loss of taste, which leads to a person’s desire to “sweeten” it. This factor has led to the emergence of sweet curd desserts that dominate store shelves.

The healthy fats in them are replaced by harmful and equally high-calorie sugar, which promotes weight gain and causes a number of diseases. Therefore, it is not advisable to consume fermented milk products with sugar. If it seems tasteless, it is better to eat it with a little honey.

How much cottage cheese can you eat?

The effect on the body depends on how correctly the cottage cheese is consumed, on the dosage and quality of the product itself. In the absence of allergies and other pathological abnormalities that prevent the normal digestion of lactose, low-fat cottage cheese is absolutely safe, but provided that it is consumed wisely. Acceptable standards vary depending on the person’s age, body weight and intensity of physical activity.

An addiction to this product is also undesirable in case of gastritis, especially in an advanced stage, high acidity can cause unpleasant symptoms.

For children. It is better not to give raw 0.1 percent cottage cheese to children who have not reached the age of three, replacing it with special cottage cheese for babies, enriched with vitamins and microelements. After the child reaches 3 years of age, low-fat cottage cheese is added to his diet, gradually including it in the diet. At first, 50–70 g per day is enough.

For pregnant. Pregnant women should control the amount of this fermented milk product consumed. On the one hand, it contains a lot of calcium necessary for the harmonious development of the fetus, but on the other, an excessive amount of protein can overload the kidneys. Experts believe that the optimal amount for the diet of pregnant women is 150-200 g, approximately once every 3 days.

After the baby is born, if the mother is breastfeeding, there should be about 100 g of low-fat fermented milk product per day. This will be enough to enrich the body with calcium and protein, improve breast milk production and fill it with valuable microelements.

For athletes. Cottage cheese is also required for the body of an athlete, especially those involved in strength sports. Being a source of highly digestible protein, it is recommended as a main component of nutrition for bodybuilders.

  • The protein in its composition is responsible for the growth of muscle mass.
  • “Drying” athletes who want to reduce the proportion of fatty tissue in the body can confidently consume fermented milk with 0.1 percent fat content, because the caloric content and carbohydrate content in it are minimal.
  • Norms for strength athletes are determined individually, depending on the level of load and permissible daily caloric intake. To gain weight, eat about 200 g per day, while drying - up to 150 g per day.

Is it possible to eat low-fat cottage cheese at night? , nutritionists do not give a clear answer. On the one hand, this product is dietary and low-calorie, so consuming it before bed will not contribute to fat deposition, and therefore will not harm your figure.

But on the other hand, protein takes quite a long time to digest, so by eating shortly before bedtime, we provide the stomach with work for a long time and do not allow it to rest. Taking into account the peculiarities, nutritionists advise eating a small portion in the evening - no more than 150 g, if such a need arises.

Features and rules for choosing a product

The benefits depend not only on the physical characteristics of the product, but also on the freshness and quality of preparation. A fermented milk product can become hazardous to health if there are violations in the preparation or storage technology. There are several rules to follow:

Do not consume a product that has expired; dangerous intestinal infections multiply very quickly in its fermented milk environment;

The composition should not include anything other than skim milk and special sourdough. If it also contains starch, this negatively affects the quality;

A low-fat product may only have a white color. The yellow tint, which is acceptable for a product containing fat, is excluded in this case.

To avoid possible harm to health that can be caused by eating stale or low-quality cottage cheese, when purchasing, you should pay attention to the expiration date, and also give preference to products manufactured in accordance with GOST standards.

People who have enough time for their health can make cottage cheese themselves from skim milk.

Nuances of choice – fatty or low-fat product

The answer to the question: “Which product will be more useful - low-fat or fatty?” - can be answered taking into account the health status of a particular person and the goals that he sets for himself.

If the main desire is to reduce body weight, the 0.1% product is in a more advantageous position, because even with an average fat content of 5 - 9%, the caloric content is significantly higher and its value is at least 145 kcal.

Cholesterol levels. A fatty product contains significantly more cholesterol than a 0.1 percent product. This means that the risk of the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis is significantly lower.

Research by scientists says that the dietary product is richer in protein content; the protein component increases against the background of a low fat content. If at a fat content level of 5 - 9 percent, 100 g contains no more than 21 g of protein, then in the same amount of a low-fat analogue, this figure increases to 22 g.

The low-fat product is not without its drawbacks. In addition to the fact that it is depleted in certain substances and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E), which help support the health and prolongation of youth of all organs and systems, problems may arise with the absorption of calcium.

It is possible to avoid a deficiency of healthy fat and nutrients. Just add a small amount of sour cream, which has sufficient fat content, to the low-fat product. So, the calorie content with 15% sour cream will be 130 kcal per 100 g.

Low-fat cottage cheese, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied, will be an effective product for human health, only taking into account individual characteristics, health status and compliance with the basic rules of consumption.

I wish you health and longevity, dear readers!

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Sourdough for making real homemade cottage cheese, the taste of which is familiar from childhood. It is a natural source of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and protein, without additives, stabilizers or preservatives. Cottage cheese is necessary for cell formation, strengthening and growth of bone tissue and muscle recovery.

VIVO sourdough cottage cheese is perfect as complementary food for small children and natural nutrition for adults, especially for athletes, nursing and expectant mothers, as well as anyone who follows a healthy diet.

detailed information

VIVO cottage cheese starter is designed for making real cottage cheese yourself, which can be eaten even by small children.

Natural fermented milk product contains easily digestible, complete protein - the main building material for cells. Cottage cheese is also a source of calcium and phosphorus in a 2:1 ratio, which helps strengthen bones and teeth. This is especially useful:

  • children whose growing bodies especially need calcium
  • women during pregnancy
  • elderly people.

Homemade cottage cheese has a delicate, pleasant taste that even little gourmets love. When preparing a fermented milk product, you can independently adjust the consistency by reducing or increasing the amount of squeezed cheese.


To prepare cottage cheese from VIVO starter you need:

Cottage cheese starter VIVO (1 sachet is designed for fermenting up to 3 liters of milk)
milk (from 1 liter of goat, cow or other milk you get 150-200 g of cottage cheese)
saucepan, slow cooker or yogurt maker

1 Prepare the base for homemade cottage cheese. To do this, select the following possible methods:

2 Heat the base for 40-50 minutes, but do not boil until curd flakes appear. When using a multicooker, turn on the 85 °C function. Strain off the whey. Place the fermented milk product in cheesecloth or a sieve and hang it to drain the whey. In this way, you can adjust the consistency of the curd by expressing more or less whey. Bon appetit.

Bacterial composition

Compound Lactose
Lactococcus lactis subsp. Lactis
Lactococcus lactis subsp. Cremoris
Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis biovar. diacetylactis

The number of bacteria in the bag is enough to guarantee the fermentation of 3 liters of milk (at the end of the ferment’s shelf life).

Storage conditions and shelf life

Homemade cottage cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

Where can I buy

You can buy sourdough starter for making cottage cheese at home on our website and arrange delivery to any city in Russia. Residents of Moscow can use the convenient courier delivery service.

Courier delivery in Moscow Available from Monday to Friday from 12 to 18 hours.
Delivery cost - 300 rubles
When ordering over 1500 rubles, delivery is free. To calculate the cost of delivery, the price of the product before the discount is taken into account.

For residents of other Russian cities, goods are delivered by Russian Post

Payment options

Cash:- to the courier upon receipt of the order

Payment online: Our online store is connected to the Robokassa secure electronic payment system, which allows you to pay for your order using any Visa and MasterCard cards, without additional fees.

Payment to bank account: You can pay for your order to our account using your online banking, through the cash desk of any bank in Russia, as well as through a payment terminal.

High-quality low-fat cottage cheese fits naturally into a proper nutrition system. The benefits and harms of this natural dairy product are discussed in this article to make it easier to plan a healthy diet. Today, low-fat products from the following well-known manufacturers are popular: Prostokvashino, Slavyansky, Blagoda, Alpiysky, Kaluga Village, Ostankino, Dmitrovsky Dairy Plant, Svalya, Domik v Village, Savushkin Khutorok, Vkusnoteevo, Ruzsky.

Positive qualities of low-fat cottage cheese

Cottage cheese and its main characteristics

Some sources list only the advantages, others point out the disadvantages of lightened cottage cheese, so you should consider it from different angles. Cottage cheese, which does not contain fat, is a permanent component of the menu of almost all dieters and adherents of professional or amateur sports. Such food is an excellent alternative to food that includes components harmful to your figure - saturated fats and sugar. It is known that the taste of low-calorie low-fat cottage cheese differs little from the classic fatty version of this product.

Calorie content and product composition

Depending on the manufacturer, calorie content may vary. It has been noted that this indicator varies between 90-115 kcal per 100 grams, according to some sources - 71 kcal per 100 grams. It is known that traditional and low-fat types of cottage cheese are similar in many ways; both options saturate the body with protein, a whole range of vitamins, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. The fat content varies. The packaging of a fatty product may be labeled 3-18%, the designation on low-fat cottage cheese is lower - 0.1-1.8%. The 0% labeling is incorrect, since complete neutralization of fat in milk is impossible, otherwise the product would lose a number of important fat-soluble vitamins.

Useful properties of cottage cheese

People of different ages who are losing weight and leading an active lifestyle prefer low-fat cottage cheese. Benefits and harms are unequally combined in this product, since there are clearly more useful qualities than disadvantages. It is obvious that calcium is responsible for strengthening the skeletal system, normalizing blood clotting and improving the condition of muscle tissue. Protein supplied with dairy products is a natural building material included in all tissues of the body. The presence of phosphorus in the product means that cottage cheese supports healthy bones and the nervous system, and gives strength to teeth and nails. Despite certain distinctive features of low-fat cottage cheese, in many health parameters it can be equated to classic full-fat cottage cheese.

Low-fat cottage cheese for fasting days

Based on a light dairy product, you can organize cleansing fasting days to lose weight and improve the functioning of the digestive system:

  • option No. 1: as part of the cottage cheese-kefir day, 6 meals a day are arranged, each time you need to eat a 100-gram portion of low-fat cottage cheese, washing down this food with 150 milliliters of fresh kefir;
  • option No. 2: for a fermented milk fasting day, including 4 meals, you will need only 60 grams of high-quality sour cream, 600 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and 100 milliliters of milk; to this diet you should add a healthy drink - 3 glasses of rosehip infusion.
Skim cheese: a light dietary product that supplies the body with many nutrients

Possible harm of low-fat cottage cheese

Emphasis should be placed on the absence of obvious harm, but still the minimum percentage of fat content implies some difficulties with the absorption of calcium present in the product. The fact is that a certain amount of fat is required for adequate absorption. Authoritative nutritionists claim that the optimal supplier of calcium is cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%. This product has the perfect balance between fat and calcium. With a well-thought-out diet, the formation of a deficiency of nutrients is eliminated. Taking into account the constant consumption of powerful sources of calcium, such as fish and meat, the body receives enough of this element even when eating low-fat cottage cheese. A completely different situation occurs if a poor diet is practiced daily, consisting of low-fat cottage cheese, a piece of apple and an asparagus stalk or a similar inferior set. Eating this way on a regular basis is unhealthy, as it creates a deficiency of nutrients and healthy fat, which can result in poor health.

Another important negative point is the low concentration of phospholipids, and more specifically, cephalin and lecithin. These nutritional components of milk fat play a significant role in the functioning of the body - they take part in the redirection of nerve impulses, in addition, they are included in certain cell tissues. To protect the human body from deficiency of such important substances, the diet should contain dairy products with a normal and high percentage of fat.

Another significant disadvantage of certain products is the presence of additives designed to improve taste, such as sugar. If the calorie content of a low-fat product is high, it means it is sweetened. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers provide real data on its contents on the packaging: according to studies of products from different brands, it turned out that the indicated fat content may differ from the real value.

It is optimal to consume 400 grams of zero-grade cottage cheese every day, due to its excellent compatibility with many common products, you can prepare a lot of dietary dishes based on it. A large number of manufacturers supply low-fat cottage cheese to food markets. The benefits and harms of the product can be assessed by each consumer independently, since it belongs to the available types of food.

Fermented milk products are highly valued by nutritionists and are sources of calcium for the human body. However, many people have doubts about the benefits of such a product as low-fat cottage cheese, and sometimes avoid it.

Let's find out the composition of this product and what benefits or harm it can bring.

Which cottage cheese is healthier: low-fat or full-fat?

The usefulness of various types of cottage cheese depends, first of all, on the purpose of their use. Overweight women and hypertensive women with high cholesterol are better off eating low-fat cottage cheese than fatty or classic cottage cheese.

It contains slightly more protein and has very little cholesterol. The low-fat version has almost two times fewer calories than the fatty version, and a third less than the classic version.

You should know that along with fats and cholesterol, the content of fat-soluble vitamins A and D sharply decreases and polyunsaturated fatty acids and.

The quantitative composition of other vitamins and minerals does not change significantly. All types of natural cottage cheese are sources of B vitamins (most of all vitamin B12), biotin and, as well as elements such as molybdenum and selenium.

Did you know? Low-fat cottage cheese contains up to 1.8% fat. A low-fat fermented milk product contains 2–3.8% fat, while the classic version is usually of medium fat content - from 3.8 to 4%. Fat cottage cheese already contains 12–23% animal fats.

If this dairy product is taken as a source of calcium, then the optimal ratio of this element and fats for its absorption is in the classic 9% product.

Calorie content and composition of low-fat cottage cheese

Cottage cheese with a fat content of 0.6% contains 110 kcal per 100 g. Despite the very low fat content, it is not a low-calorie product, which does not detract from its nutritional value.
People counting calories should still pay attention to this dairy product as a source of many vitamins and minerals. It contains 20 amino acids, 12 of which are essential.

100 g contains: 71.7 g water, 22 g protein, 3.3 g carbohydrates and 0.6 g fat.

Low-fat cottage cheese contains the following vitamins:

  • PP - 4 mg;
  • - 0.5 mg;
  • - 0.4 mg;
  • - 0.25 mg;
  • - 0.21 mg;
  • - 0.19 mg;
  • - 0.1 mg;
  • - 0.04 mg;
  • - 0.04 mg;
  • - 0.01 mg;
  • - 7.6 mcg;
  • - 1.32 mcg;
  • - 0.02 mcg.

  • - 220 mg;
  • phosphorus - 189 mg;
  • calcium - 120 mg;
  • - 117 mg;
  • - 115 mg;
  • - 44 mg;
  • - 24 mg;
  • - 0.364 mg;
  • iron - 0.3 mg;
  • copper - 0.06 mg;
  • - 0.032 mg;
  • - 0.03 mg;
  • - 9 mcg;
  • manganese - 8 mcg;
  • - 7.7 mcg;
  • - 2 mcg;
  • - 2 mcg.

As we can see, skim milk products contain calcium, but it is unlikely that an adult will get their daily requirement from a standard pack weighing 200 g - such an amount of product will contain only a quarter of the necessary mineral, so cottage cheese should not be the only source of this element. But such a pack will contain approximately a daily dose of selenium and vitamin B12, almost half the norm of phosphorus and cobalt.

Benefits and harms

When cottage cheese is included in the menu, people who care about their health are interested in how healthy its low-fat version is and whether it is harmful.

Important! When purchasing, you should pay attention to its consistency. A grainy, hard product with grains most likely contains calcium chloride or milk powder. High-quality cottage cheese will have a delicate consistency. A product using vegetable fats, various stabilizers, preservatives and flavoring additives is no longer real cottage cheese and is called a curd product.

Of course, for your health it is better to eat natural cottage cheese made in the traditional way; products with food additives are unlikely to be so healthy. In addition, you need to monitor the expiration date of the manufactured product.

Expired fermented milk products can cause poisoning, since their environment can nourish not only beneficial bacteria, but also pathogenic microbes, such as staphylococci and E. coli. This is why such products are recommended to be used within 36 hours.

Why is it useful?

Let's look at how this product is useful:

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • is a source of selenium (54.5% of the daily value in 100 g);
  • recommended for diseases of the liver and biliary tract;
  • good for bones, as it contains phosphorus and calcium, it prevents osteochondrosis and osteoporosis;
  • due to its ability to improve intestinal microflora, it is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (peptic ulcer, gastritis, gallbladder diseases);
  • contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • helps reduce weight as it contains easily digestible protein;
  • it is recommended for cardiovascular diseases, as well as for problems with blood pressure, since this product has virtually no cholesterol;
  • increases hemoglobin;
  • helps strengthen teeth, nails, hair, bones.
So the answer to the question of whether low-fat cottage cheese is beneficial is positive. It is useful in the nutrition of older people, bodybuilders and athletes, as it contains many essential microelements and easily digestible protein.

In addition, few animal products can boast such low cholesterol levels. The low glycemic index makes it very valuable in the diet of patients with diabetes.
This valuable nutritious product will also be appropriate in the menu for pregnant women, as it contains many useful substances for the proper formation and development of the fetus.

Did you know? Low-fat cottage cheese can be prepared at home from milk purchased at the market. It is boiled, and when it cools, it is soured with a crust of black bread. In order to degrease the finished yogurt, the top fatty layer is removed. Next, the product is prepared using conventional home cooking technologies.

Why is it harmful?

It should be borne in mind that whether such cottage cheese will be useful or not depends on the person’s health status.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications for its use:

  • individual intolerance to lactose, casein or protein;
  • if you have kidney disease, it is advisable to avoid this food or limit consumption;
  • urolithiasis or cholelithiasis.

Is it possible

People who want to lose excess weight will be interested to know the rules for taking this dairy product, and whether it is possible to eat it at night.