The composition of sulfur ointment is simple. Simple sulfur ointment: instructions for use

For many years, sulfur has been considered an important component for the most various drugs. She is famous for her healing properties, and based on this substance it can help solve many problems.

What does it consist of?

The composition of the ointment may vary depending on the formulation of a particular manufacturer. Most often it consists of the following components:

  • petrolatum

The latter is the main one in this ointment. Once on the skin, the drug interacts with organic substances, forming acids and sulfates, which gives therapeutic effect. This helps accelerate regeneration, so sulfur ointment is used from different skin diseases.

Effect of the ointment

Pharmacies produce drugs with different percentage substances, from 5 to 33%. The effect depends on the amount of sulfur.

5% - 10% - softens the skin, promoting the appearance of new cells, heals small wounds and affects small scars. Due to the fact that cells are renewed quite quickly, this makes the method especially effective against individual diseases accompanied by keratinization of the skin. The drug not only softens it, but also allows you to get rid of itching and irritation. It also helps get rid of skin imperfections and minor damage.

33% – provides irritant effect, which enhances . Drying occurs upper layers epithelium and healing more deep wounds and scars. Due to stronger effects, caution is required and correct use to avoid possible complications.

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Principle of use and effect on various diseases

Sulfuric ointment is used for local application. It is applied to the problem area to combat the emerging disease, after cleansing and drying the skin. Depending on its composition and content, it can provide different action thanks to existing components, helping with the ailment that has arisen. That's why an important condition is compliance with dosages. The specific treatment is determined by a dermatologist or therapist.

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Possible side effects and overdose

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is not prohibited, but before starting use, you should consult your doctor to avoid any special problems. Children are prescribed sulfur ointment from the age of three, but cases of use starting from two months are possible, with the appearance of scabies and with a low concentration of the substance.

It is worth remembering that the substance easily stains fabric. Therefore, care must be taken when using it carefully. During treatment, it is recommended to use clothes and bedding that you wouldn’t mind throwing away if they accidentally get dirty.

A distinctive side effect may be intolerance to the components of the drug and an allergic reaction to them. You may have certain symptoms:

  • hives
  • swelling of the face, throat, or tongue
  • dizziness and

Subject to correct dosage and thoughtful use, cases of overdose were not noticed. Do not apply sulfur ointment in a thick layer, which can lead to severe drying of the skin. Also, you should not use it on damaged skin.

Medicines containing sulfur

Sulfur is contained in some drugs that have an antibacterial and drying effect. The main drugs containing sulfur are:

  • Sulfuric ointment
  • Wilkinson's ointment
  • Mozolin
  • Olimethine
  • Salipod
  • sulfur-tar ointment
  • sulfur-sallicylic ointment
  • licorice root powder

Since ancient times, humanity has used sulfur as an important component for treatment. On this moment there are many. But sulfur ointment differs not only wide range impact, but also a low pricing policy. This is a very democratic and useful substance.

Sep 24, 2016 Violetta Doctor

Sulfur ointment is a universal and inexpensive product. It can cope with many skin diseases. You just need to know when the remedy is most effective and how to use it correctly for a particular disease.

Sulfur ointment helps cope with skin diseases

Sulfur ointment: what helps

That is why the effect of sulfur ointment is especially effective in the following cases:

Seborrhea of ​​the head, which is usually accompanied by increased fat content;

Skin dermatitis;

Acne, individual inflamed pimples and blackheads caused by demodex ( subcutaneous mite);


Infections in the area of ​​facial hair growth (for example, beard), which manifests itself in the form of pustules;



The ointment also helps with many fungal diseases, but in any case it is better to consult a doctor.

Application of sulfur ointment

The method of using sulfur ointment depends entirely on what disease you are struggling with. The ointment is usually applied once a day. If necessary, the doctor may increase the frequency of use. Before applying the ointment, you need to wash the affected skin with soap. Apply the product only after the skin is completely dry. It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening, and after application do not wash off the ointment. Treatment can take from 3 to 10 days. The ointment should not cover the skin in a thick layer. Rub it in well enough a large number of into the skin for it to start working.

If you are concerned about subcutaneous mites, apply a small amount of ointment on the affected skin, slightly extending beyond it. Sulfur ointment for acne should have a concentration of 33.3%. For scabies, a 10% ointment is used, which must be applied 3 nights in a row to the entire body. For pediculosis, the ointment is applied 2 times a day for 5 days. For dermatitis, 5% ointment is used twice a day.

Interesting! Sulfur ointment has quite a lot combined analogues, which contain one or more active ingredients. In pharmacology, ointments are produced that contain, in addition to sulfur, salicylic acid, zinc oxide, Birch tar. Combination drugs help to have a targeted effect on various skin diseases and the symptoms of these diseases. It is necessary to use any of the drugs only after the etiology of the disease has been established and as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication may not only not give the desired result, but will also worsen the situation.


Sulfur ointment is a very popular remedy that simultaneously has several positive properties. Local use of the drug allows you to cope with various diseases skin, eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve appearance skin.

Very often prescribed. The drug perfectly helps to cope with rashes and other imperfections of problematic skin types. Thanks to its excellent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, sulfur cleanses the skin and helps prevent further acne. The regenerating properties of Sulfur Ointment help restore the skin in the area of ​​the rash and prevent the appearance of scars after acne.

Important! It is forbidden to use Sulfur ointment if you are hypersensitive to the components present in its composition. To warn side effects caused by an allergic reaction of the body, it is recommended to do skin test before using the drug.

Composition and action

To create Sulfur Ointment, precipitated sulfur is used in the required concentration. Sulfur is a natural substance with complex therapeutic effect. This component has a number of medicinal properties, due to which it not only neutralizes the causative agent of the disease and the inflammatory process, but also activates skin regeneration, restoring its health and appearance.

For certain skin pathologies, Sulfur ointment is used in different concentrations. They produce a drug containing 10% sulfur and a concentrated ointment - 33%. Sulfur ointment with low sulfur content is prescribed for better recovery skin, combating inflammatory processes And cosmetic defects skin. Ointment 33% perfectly loosens and irritates the surface of the skin, providing the necessary keratolytic effect and launching an active process of restoration of the epidermis.

You should only use the ointment prescribed by your doctor. Improper use or overdose of the drug can disrupt the natural processes in skin and lead to serious complications.

What is the price? In pharmacies the price of Sulfur Ointment is 60 rubles. The ointment is sold in 25 gram jars and 40 gram tubes. Packaging volume may vary.

Cosmetology and ethnoscience We are sure: the list of things that Sulfur Ointment helps with is not complete. Simple chemical agent gives a positive effect in destructive pathological processes on human skin. And this is possible despite short list indications in the instructions for use.

In terms of popularity and demand, the medicine did not lag behind the tar that was used to treat in Rus' various diseases. It is safe to say that back in the Middle Ages, every person had an idea of ​​what sulfur ointment helps with and how to use it.

Sulfur, Vaseline and water mixed in the prescribed manner in the required proportion provided several positive effects for seborrhea, psoriasis, burns, lichen and mycotic lesions.

Reviews about the action of a simple medicine, were invariably enthusiastic. An ointment based on a simple and common chemical element, had several undeniable advantages.

The product is produced by many Russian pharmaceutical factories and can be three or four component. In the first case, the ointment contains petroleum jelly, water and an emulsifier, in the second - mineral oil, soft paraffin, an emulsifier and water.

This doesn't really matter since active active substance remains unchanged and is contained in a ratio of 1:3. The form of release (jars, tubes, plastic and glass) has no significance for the effectiveness of the drug.

It is pentathionic acid and sulfides that provide all the main healing effect. Excipients are intended only to facilitate and accelerate absorption chemical composition V surface layer human skin.

Pharmacological action for fungal diseases

Despite the apparent simplicity of the drug, to obtain the desired effect, you must consult a doctor. It is the dermatologist who determines the required dosage and frequency of application. This is due to the specific effect of sulfides on certain types of infection.

The most common group of diseases is associated with mycotic infections. – one of the most common skin lesions.

Effective use of sulfur ointment against fungus allows you to use the remedy for treatment various groups skin diseases:

  1. – result of spread on the skin fungal infection, which in medicine is called trichophytosis or microsporia. For deprivation, ointment is used by applying it to any affected area of ​​the body, in combination with active antifungal drug. For the treatment of disease in animals, sulfur ointment is considered the optimal remedy, less toxic than others. For human skin, sulfur-salicylic ointment is considered more effective in this case.
  2. – damage by a fungal infection. In an untreated state, it gradually spreads to the foot and hands, but early stages development of mycosis, sulfur ointment is the drug of choice if the disease has not yet taken root. For nail fungus, SM is applied to the nail plates (the immediate site of infection), after steaming or a bath. Such treatment course lasts about a week.
  3. – a consequence of the development of a fungal infection in the scalp. To treat the disease, daily application of the drug to the damaged skin. SM is recommended for use for seborrhea.
  4. At medicine local application does not reduce the allergic reaction, but dries out weeping forms and eliminates skin reaction. If skin dermatitis caused by the presence of a fungus, the action of the ointment will give all the usual effects.

The presence of psoriatic lesions implies the use of SM as a way to destroy the pathogenic infection. It gives excellent results at the stage when a cracked wound surface is formed.

In the dry form, it is used with caution, since the drug has a drying effect. In this case, the medicine is applied to a short time no more than once a day to obtain antimicrobial and antiseptic effects.

Use for cosmetic and medicinal purposes

Therapy for mites (scabies and demodectic mites) is long-term and persistent. Depending on the stage of the lesion, demodicosis is treated with sulfur ointment for 30 to 90 days. Healing procedures done every 12 hours (for eyelash bream).

Scabies is treated by applying the drug to the body, after which the person does not wash for 24 hours. This treatment is still used in the post-Soviet space and is considered inexpensive and effective.

In Europe, other medications are prescribed for scabies, which provide the desired therapeutic effect more quickly. There are immediately compelling reasons for using SM on the face.

Its action allows:

  • improve work sebaceous glands and minimize hypersecretion sebum;
  • destroy pathogenic bacteria, the reproduction of which leads to the development of the inflammatory process;
  • get rid of pimples (acne small size to destroy existing ones and prevent the development of new ones);
  • stimulate the exfoliation of keratinized cells and dry out inflamed pores, in which pathogenic microorganisms that provoke the process accumulate.

Blackheads and oily sheen are eliminated after just a few procedures (it is enough to consistently apply the medicine once a day for three days to remove unhealthy, shiny oily sheen from hypersecretion of sebum and blackheads in the pores - the result of the vital activity of microbes that have settled in natural cavities.


Characteristics of the drug


Indications for use:Fungal infections of the skin and nails, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis

Side effects:Possible allergic reaction, manifested by rash and itching

Contraindications:Individual intolerance to sulfur and age category children under three years old

Price: From 40 to 50 rubles

Sulfur ointment has proven itself as excellent remedy in the fight against various diseases skin several centuries ago. Modern medicine continues to use the drug because it main component provides anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, promotes skin healing and affects the cause of the disease.

Components of the drug and their effect

Simple sulfur ointment has yellowish color and viscous structure. When applied, small grains are felt and a very specific smell is felt. It contains two components: sulfur and an emulsion consisting of water and petroleum jelly.
One package of sulfur ointment contains 25, 30 or 40 g of the drug. Active substance may be present in 10, 20, 33%.

When the components that make up the drug interact with the skin, acids and sulfides are formed. They influence pathogenic microorganisms, stopping their life activity. In this case, sulfur does not enter the systemic circulation, which ensures a minimal risk of side effects.

What does sulfur ointment help with?

Despite the popularity this tool you need to know that it is advisable to use it for treatment after consultation with a doctor who will determine individual scheme use of the drug. In addition, to eliminate many diseases, it helps only in complex treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

Sulfur ointment has few contraindications. These include individual intolerance to sulfur and the age category of children under three years of age.

During drug therapy, it is quite rare to experience side effects as allergic reaction, manifested by rash and itching. Swelling of the face or throat, dizziness and migraines may occur. If this happens, you need to consult a dermatologist who will decide whether to discontinue the remedy.

Sulfur ointment is approved for use during pregnancy, as it is applied topically and does not affect the fetus. However, expectant mothers and breastfeeding women should consult a doctor before using the drug.

Proper Use

The instructions for using sulfur ointment indicate that the drug should be applied to clean, dry skin. The dosage and amount of the product used depends on the type of disease and its severity.

Let's consider the use of the drug for certain diseases.

Fungal infections

Infections caused by fungus are contagious and very unpleasant diseases that require long-term treatment.

Sulfur ointment against fungus has proven itself as effective remedy, however, to achieve positive treatment it can be used only at the very beginning of the disease or in its mild stages. In more difficult cases treatment should be comprehensive, including not only local drugs, but also medicines that fight the disease from the inside.

Quite often, sulfur ointment is used for foot fungus. However, several of its disadvantages in the fight against this disease should be noted:

  • is a strong allergen;
  • active only against some pathogenic fungi;
  • has an unpleasant odor.

Considering these factors, before starting to use the drug, it is necessary to undergo tests to identify the type of fungus that caused the disease. You also need to test for possible manifestation allergies. It is done like this: spread a little of the drug on the skin of the inner part of the forearm. If after a few hours no visible changes are noted on the skin, you can safely use the product. Sulfur ointment for nail fungus is also widely used.

However, to achieve good result, you should follow a number of rules during treatment:

  1. Before applying the drug to the nail plate, it is necessary to steam the nails in a bath with warm water, to which soda is added. You can use baths based on other ingredients that we have described.
  2. Dry your feet thoroughly with a towel.
  3. The drug is applied to the infected nails in a thin layer, carefully but gently rubbing it in.
  4. The drug is applied for prophylactic purposes to healthy areas of skin that are located around the infected nail.
  5. The nail is treated not only from all sides, but also, if possible, the product is placed under the nail plate.
  6. To keep the product on your nails for as long as possible, after treatment, wear socks made from natural fabrics. If the fungus affects your fingernails, bandage your finger.
  7. Apply the product in the morning and evening.
  8. Treatment should not be interrupted, regardless of its duration.
  9. All tools used to apply the product must be disinfected after each use.

When treating nail fungus, it is important to remember that following the rules of personal hygiene is the key to success in getting rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

Sulfur ointment is more suitable for use in treating skin fungus than nails. In addition, it must be remembered that when prescribing the drug to children from 3 to 12 years of age, treatment should be carried out under strict medical supervision. To treat a child, you can use a product with a lower concentration of sulfur in the ointment.

Considering that sulfur is an excellent antiseptic, it is used in the treatment of lichen. This disease is highly contagious and manifests itself in the form of constantly itchy and flaky spots. Sulfur ointment for lichen – good remedy, however, to achieve maximum effect in therapy, it should be combined with other drugs. Treatment is carried out for 10 days. Apply a thin layer of the product to the infected areas of the skin.


You can rub the product for 10 minutes on areas affected by lichen before going to bed for a week. The second method of treatment consists of a specific scheme. So, on the first day of use, the affected areas are treated with the product, and for the next two days the drug is not used. On day 4, the patient uses the ointment again, after washing the entire body with soap.

Sulfur ointment has also proven itself well for the treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp. It will also help with seborrhea on the body and face.

The beneficial effect of hair ointment is to protect it from hair loss. It can get rid of dandruff and stimulate fast growth healthy hair.

To treat demodicosis, a sulfur-based drug is often used. It is effective, but requires long-term treatment, and the ointment is used 3 times a day


The drug can alleviate the symptoms of the disease at the very beginning of its development. In more running forms this chronic illness requires complex treatment.

The ointment is an indispensable assistant for treatment problem skin faces. For its effect to be effective, you must first prepare the skin for the treatment procedure:

Similar means and cost

Sulfur ointment has no analogues that would be identical to its composition, with the exception of the preparations Sulfur, Precipitated Sulfur.
Widespread combined agents based on sulfur: sulfur-salicylic and sulfur-tar ointments.

Sulfur-salicylic ointment Sulfur-tar ointment

Also similar actions such drugs as Medifox, Benzyl benzoate, Spregal and others possess.
The cost of the medicine is low: the price of the ointment varies from 40 to 50 rubles.

Medifox Benzyl benzoate Spregal

Additional Information

Despite the fact that dermatologists often prescribe the product to pregnant and lactating women, there are no full-fledged studies on the effect of sulfur on the fetus and the penetration of the substance into breast milk was not carried out.

Do not allow the product to come into contact with mucous membranes. If this happens, they need to be washed big amount water.
Concomitant use of the drug with other antiseptics is prohibited: this may cause chemical burn skin.

The product is difficult to wash off clothes and bedding. Moreover, it cannot be washed off the skin with water. For these purposes, heated vegetable oil, in which a cotton pad is moistened and the remaining ointment is wiped off.