What does chicken fillet contain? Chicken breast. Chicken breast with kefir

Chicken meat is now one of the most common food products. Firstly, it is relatively inexpensive, and secondly, chicken - dietary product with low fat content and high digestibility, and thirdly, it is quickly and easily prepared with a minimum of additional ingredients. That is why it is a popular culinary product and many are interested in what to cook with chicken fillet, they are looking for recipes for this. Let's help them!

To begin with, let's figure out why chicken meat has become so popular and thanks to what properties it is considered so useful.

Firstly, it contains a lot of easily digestible protein (more than any other meat), and in addition there are polyunsaturated fatty acid. This makes it a prophylactic against stroke, heart attack, ischemia and hypertension. Also, chicken contains very little cholesterol, second only to fish products.

This meat contains a high content of B vitamins, as well as trace elements and minerals - iron, phosphorus, selenium, calcium, sulfur, copper and magnesium.

Chicken meat is shown at various violations and diseases digestive system regardless of the level of acidity. Despite the high amount of protein, it contains a minimum of calories, and it is recommended for diet food obesity, diabetes, disease of cardio-vascular system.

All of the above advantages of this product affect the appearance when it is used. Chicken meat contributes to the good condition of hair and nails, normal vision and slender figure.

How tasty and quick to cook chicken fillet?

1) Cut the fillet into small cubes - about a centimeter. Fold in a deep bowl, beat in an egg and add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise. Mix thoroughly, adding salt and pepper, add a little flour in order to give the resulting mixture a thicker consistency. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and spread the fillets from the bowl like pancakes. Fry them on both sides until golden brown.

2) Cut the fillet into strips, mix semolina with salt and spices in a separate plate. Roll the fillet in it. At this time, put a frying pan on the fire with vegetable oil and warm it up. Lay the strips of meat on it and fry until golden brown. Then reduce the heat and let the resulting sticks sweat until cooked. Lay them out on a paper towel to soak up excess oil.

3) Take a few chicken fillets and cut them into small pieces for beating. In order to properly beat off chicken meat - use cling film. Put a piece of meat on a layer of film and cover with another layer on top. So it will not stick to your hands, or to the board, or to the hammer. Cut off the meat. In a hotel bowl, beat the egg, in another - mix salt, pepper and other spices as desired, in another - prepare the crushed crackers. Sprinkle the resulting chops with salt and spices, then dip first in the egg, then in the breadcrumbs, then again in the egg. Now fry them in a pan until cooked. In principle, they can already be eaten, but you can make them even tastier. To do this, cut the tomato into thin rings and grate the cheese. Put the chops on a baking sheet, sprinkle with cheese and place a tomato circle on top. Send to the oven preheated to 180C for a couple of minutes - until the cheese melts.

4) Take the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. Arrange them randomly in a baking dish. Between them, spread thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpotato slices. You can salt to taste. Pour the resulting mass with cream. Spoon the tomato paste on top of them without stirring. You can also drizzle generously with lemon juice on top. Send the baking sheet to the oven with a temperature of 180C for half an hour. Then take it out, sprinkle with grated cheese and send it back until it melts.

5) Cut the fillet into large squares. Snip each square on the side to make it look like a pocket. Put a pre-prepared filling in it - finely chopped mushrooms should be mixed with grated cheese, salt and spices, as well as herbs - to taste. Carefully fold the filled pockets into a baking dish and pour sour cream mixed with spices. Bake in the oven at 180C for about twenty minutes.

6) Boil the chicken fillet and three eggs. Cut them into cubes and put them in a salad bowl. Also cut a couple of medium tomatoes and grate 200g. hard cheese. Open a can of green peas. Mix all ingredients with mayonnaise and add salt to taste. Such a salad will be a very nutritious and healthy dish.

7) Chicken fillet you can bake it very quickly in the oven by simply rubbing it with garlic and salt. You can add mayonnaise or any seasonings to them. If the skin remains on the fillet, then it will be more juicy. It is necessary to bake for a short time - from 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the thickness and amount of meat. It is best to use special baking bags for cooking, which can be purchased at any store.

So you know what to cook from chicken fillet for yourself and quickly and tasty. I showed you how in every possible way it can be combined with different ingredients. This useful and common product, and therefore quite worthy of more frequent inclusion in your daily menu.

Everyone is now trumpeting the right and rational nutrition, that you need to eat diet low-fat foods, and then you will be happy in the form slender legs And . Chicken breast is in the first place of honor in the list of dietary products of all fitness girls and athletes who are watching their figure. But is brisket as useful as many people think? Can lean white meat chicken really give your body everything it needs?

Today I decided to analyze in great detail the question of benefit and harm chicken breast for the human body. And we will begin our study with good news, that is, we will find out what benefits the use of chicken breast brings.

Benefits of chicken breast

Chicken breast is a low-calorie dietary product, it is for its high protein content (23%) and low fat content (1.5-2%) that all athletes love it so much. But I note that it is chicken breast WITHOUT SKIN considered a reference source of protein! I will talk about chicken skin a little later.

The table below shows the calorie content and mineral composition of chicken breast.

From the presented chemical composition we see that chicken breast contains vitamins of group B, vitamins A and PP, choline, and also not a large number of minerals.

This set useful substances helps to neutralize excessive acidity of the gastrointestinal tract, so patients with gastritis and stomach ulcers are especially recommended to eat white meat. This is what health benefits of chicken breast.

Also, the low calorie content of chicken fillet (113 kcal per 100 g of product) really indicates that meat is a dietary protein source, which means it is recommended for people who are obese and overweight body, and for its low fat and cholesterol content, it is recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

On this health benefits of chicken breast ends, then we turn to the consideration reverse side medals of "aristocratic" white meat.

Damage to chicken breast

In 100 g of chicken breast, in addition to 23 g of protein, there are very few mineral salts: calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc. The reason for this is the fact that white chicken meat there is a very small number blood capillaries, which carry all the useful substances and trace elements that the chicken ate during life.

It turns out that if every day for six months or more there are only chicken breasts without skin, which are practically devoid of minerals, then this is fraught with very serious consequences: the body begins to use the missing minerals from our own sources, and these are ours BONES AND TEETH!

But this is not all the consequences that chicken breast lovers are doomed to. The fact is that the white meat of chicken breasts, as I said, is almost completely defatted. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, it is very, very bad.

Animal fats are needed by the human body (both male and female) to produce sex hormones: in men it is testosterone and androgens, and in women it is estrogen and progesterone. So for their production, the presence of saturated animal fats, as well as cholesterol - required condition! If a sufficient amount of animal fats (20-30%) is not supplied to the body, then sex hormones will simply cease to be produced, which will either lead to " chemical castration» in men, or to amenorrhea in women.

What to do? - you ask, - do you really have to completely abandon the use of chicken breasts and eat only fatty varieties meat? Not really. There are several ways to get out of this situation.

Method number 1

Eating chicken breasts with skin on

Chicken skin contains a lot fat soluble vitamins A, D and K, for this reason, eating chicken skin (not naturally fried) will enrich your diet big amount vitamins compared to only white meat chicken breast. Therefore, if you are not a professional athlete, and do not prepare for bikini fitness competitions, then I recommend that you sometimes do not throw away chicken skin, but eat chicken breasts with it.

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Chicken fat is considered the most fusible among animal fats, which makes it minimally saturated, unlike beef, pork, lamb and other types of animal fat.

Method number 2

There are not only chicken breasts, but also other parts of the chicken

In chicken thighs, wings and drumsticks there are much more blood capillaries and vessels, and, accordingly, more minerals and vitamins that our body needs. Therefore, my advice to you, if you are on a fat-burning diet and eat only breasts, then still a couple of times a week, replace white meat with dark chicken meat.

And if you are still terribly afraid of the fat that is contained in the dark chicken meat, then you can degrease it a little by removing the skin from it. So you kill two birds with one stone: get the minerals and vitamins you need from the meat itself, and reduce the overall calorie content of the whole dish.

Method number 3

Combine chicken breasts and other sources of protein

The world doesn't end with chicken breasts! There are many other dietary sources of protein that are superior in chemical and mineral composition to chicken breasts. This includes various seafood (shrimp, squid, crabs, crayfish, etc.) and white lean fish(cod, hake, pollock, pike perch, haddock, etc.). If you alternate the consumption of white meat chicken with seafood, fish and lean beef, then you can not only lose weight or gain muscle mass, but at the same time you will also remain with your teeth and strong bones.

The content of medicines in chicken meat

In our time, I think it will not be news to anyone that various hormones and antibiotics are used to grow poultry (mainly for broilers). Hormones allow broilers to grow 2 times faster than this process would occur naturally; antibiotics protect them from different kind diseases and infections, and thus save large factories from great losses and losses. It turns out that all industrial chicken meat, whatever one may say, is stuffed with all sorts of medicines, which are by no means vitamins for our body.

And the largest concentration of all antibiotics and hormones is passed on the dark meat of poultry - these are chicken thighs and drumsticks, while the chicken breast accounts for only a hundredth of all these harmful substances.

So, if we consider the white meat of chicken from the side of the presence of hormones in it, then it outperforms the dark one, and if from the side of the content in it useful minerals and vitamins, then loses ...

So what to do? - you ask again, - it turns out that you can’t eat chicken at all, since the thighs are full of hormones, and the chicken breast is poor in useful trace elements?! No, you can eat chicken, you just need to know that golden mean, which will allow you to eat the chicken, and at the same time extract from it only positive properties. How can I do that?

1. Heat treatment of meat

Unlike the chemical composition of the chicken breast and the content of useful substances in it, which are stable and which we cannot influence in any way, the content of a large amount of medicines in dark chicken meat can still be partially or completely neutralized. And this is done very simply - by heat treatment.

Naturally, no one eats raw chicken meat, everyone cooks it. Everyone does it differently: someone bakes, someone fries in a pan in oil, someone boils, someone cooks in a double boiler or slow cooker. There are many ways to cook chicken. So, depending on which method you choose, it will depend on whether you can get rid of antibiotics in chicken meat or not.

The fact is that such methods of cooking meat (absolutely any, not only chicken) as: baking, steaming, grilling, do not destroy the products of microbial decay. What does it mean? And this means that by baking your chicken thighs or wings, also steaming them, you do not get rid of the toxic substances that are in them. All hormones and medications safely remain in the cooked meat, even though the baking temperature can be quite high. In this matter, the cooking temperature does not play ANY role.

To get rid of all the toxic substances that are found primarily in dark chicken meat, since we have already found out that the chicken breast is lucky in this regard, and there are practically no antibiotics, you need to COOK this meat! It is during cooking that all the harmful substances that the meat contains are released into the water.

All other heat treatment methods are not suitable for this purpose!

2. Reliable and trusted sources

And another way to protect yourself from hormone-containing chickens is to buy poultry, preferably grown personally in your village, in the country or with close relatives. If you are 100% sure that the purchased chicken grew in an ecologically clean area, without the use of medicines, then you can safely eat the meat of this chicken, both the chicken breast itself and other parts of its carcass.


But remember that even if the chicken was grown naturally, this does not mean that the content of minerals and vitamins in its white meat will be greater than in the "doubtful" chicken. No, the chemical composition of organic chicken breast will be almost the same as the industrial one, their main difference is the ABSENCE of toxic and toxic substances. Therefore, do not console yourself with the illusion that chicken breast from poultry is more useful, which means that you can eat it every day, be slim and completely healthy.

Well, I really hope that I was able to describe in detail the entire benefits and harms of chicken breast. Now you know that eating one skinless chicken breast daily for a long period of time can become a serious reason for the lack of many useful elements, minerals and vitamins in your diet. Benefits of chicken breast is on the same level as its harm, so excessive consumption of white meat can tip the scales at any time, and you will already receive no benefit from dietary meat but only harm. To prevent this from happening, diversify your diet with other types of meat and fish as much as possible.

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skripnik!

The vast majority of the inhabitants of our country from meat products prefer to eat poultry meat. Firstly, this is due to the high cost of other types of animal protein sources, such as lamb and pork, and secondly, many citizens are guided in their choice by knowledge about the benefits of dishes prepared from turkey or chicken fillet, which far outweighs that of meat. domestic mammals. However, including these proteins in your diet, you need to be aware of the nutritional and valuable qualities specific carcass segments. The healthiest part of a chicken is the breast. This article will help you figure out if this is really the case.

Composition of chicken breast

Chicken breast in a chicken carcass is easy to identify. This part is located on both sides of the base of the bird's chest, has more White color compared to the meat of other segments, for example, legs, wings, and as a result of cooking, it has a greater dryness of protein fibers.

The product has a variety of chemical content. Almost on? it consists of proteins (100 g of chicken breast contains 23.2 g of protein). There are negligible fats in this type of meat: only 1.65 g, while there are no carbohydrates at all, although some information sources claim that there are still sugars in the brisket in a purely symbolic amount - up to 0.4 g.

The greatest value in addition to protein in the product are vitamins and minerals. There are a lot of them here, so we will list only the most important ones. From biologically active substances should be mentioned first of all choline, ascorbic and nicotinic acid. Chicken breast is also able to saturate the human body to some extent with vitamins E, A, H, K, group B. Ash also belongs to the organic elements of the brisket. Mineral composition will please the gourmet no less: the product of animal origin contains enough sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, and also chromium, iodine, copper, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, manganese, calcium. As for the calorie content, the brisket is classified as a dietary type of food, since it contains from 108 to 113 kcal.

Useful properties of chicken breast

A valuable product of animal origin with such a rich composition, by definition, cannot but heal human body. Indeed, chicken breast has a lot of healing properties that each of us is able to use, as they say, "to the fullest."

  • Dietary brisket is a source important amino acids There is especially a lot of glutamine in it, which, in tandem with vitamin B3, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Well, and of course, the presence of a significant amount of protein in white chicken meat makes it useful for children, the elderly and athletes.
  • The presence in the product of vitamins A, E, C, group B, minerals magnesium, potassium, antioxidants selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, a small amount of lipids and, as a result, "bad" cholesterol, creates all the conditions for improving the health of the cardiovascular system. This means that lovers of chicken breast dishes are not afraid of hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia and other diseases. this row. These features of the chemical composition of the product give hope for protecting the body from the occurrence of oncological ailments.
  • The absence of carbohydrates in white meat chicken is " green light» for diabetics. The latter can enjoy a product of animal origin without fear of provoking a jump in blood sugar.
  • The presence of calcium and phosphorus in the chicken breast suggests that meat is good for people suffering from diseases. skeletal system and musculoskeletal system: gout, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism.
  • low calorie product allows you to use it in diets for people trying to lose excess weight. With chicken breast, this is more than possible: in 7 days it’s really possible to get rid of a dozen kilos!
  • Regular use eating chicken breast has a beneficial effect on blood composition, moreover, it is due to neutralization hyperacidity gastric juice excellent disease prevention gastrointestinal tract: stomach ulcers and duodenum, gastritis and enterocolitis.
  • The white meat of the chicken breast is much healthier than that of other parts of the chicken carcass. So it is preferable to feast on them in any case. Just do not go to extremes: periodically eat the rest of the chicken carcass segments. They contain valuable substances absent in the brisket.
  • It is advisable to use the product together with the skin, since it is in the latter that the lion's share of all the vitamins and minerals of the chicken breast is located. Do not put aside the bones of this segment of the carcass - the main source of calcium, since they are easy to chew with proper preparation.
  • Chicken breast is useful for people who have had surgical operation or serious illness i.e. during the recovery period.

Damage to chicken breast

After reviewing the information about the benefits of chicken breast, you are probably wondering: can white meat cause any damage to health? Answer: definitely not. However, this product animal origin, however, there are small drawbacks that should be mentioned.

It has already been said above that important mineral and organic compounds necessary for hematopoiesis: iron, magnesium and vitamin K. Alas, there are very few of them in the product, and therefore the regular inclusion of white meat in the menu of a sick person or a person experiencing long period recovery after a serious illness, will not improve health as we would like.

The second drawback is the impossibility of chicken breast to become for people involved in heavy physical labor, source of energy. Do not forget that there are no carbohydrates in this product, and if there are, then the minimum, which is by no means enough to raise morale and replenish the depleted supply of strength.

Cooking delicious diet chicken breast!

There are many recipes cooking white meat chicken breast - for every taste. But if you want to get a really useful output, and not just delicious product, you have to take into account several nuances.

1. It is best to boil the chicken breast rather than stew or fry it. Thus, you will not add fat and calories to it - these indicators will remain in their original form.

2. Prepare the breast as follows: first wash in running water, then cut or cut in half, if necessary. It is recommended not to lay in the pan immediately, but only after the water in the container boils.

3. Since there is a possibility of overdrying the chicken breast due to the existing trend, it is necessary to strictly observe the cooking time of the dish. Leaving the product with the skin and bones, cook it for about 30 minutes. Fillet without the parts listed above, subject to a 25-minute heat treatment. Cut in half chicken breast should be kept on the stove for 15-20 minutes.

4. Excessive heat treatment harmful to the product - it turns the brisket from tender to "rubber".

5. To make white meat juicy, it is worth keeping it in a marinade with a minimum of spices and spices or in whipped proteins for 2-3 hours. After such a procedure, even frying will not greatly affect healing properties product.

6. Low-calorie breast can be obtained by baking it in the oven. Sprinkle the product with grated cheese beforehand for an appetizing crust, but be sure to watch the cooking time.

7. Having decided to fry the chicken breast, then by all means stew the meat along with vegetables and / or fruits. It can be bell pepper, mango, pumpkin pulp, etc. In this case, the product will turn out to be more juicy, fragrant and, of course, tasty.

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Meat should be present in the diet of every person, it saturates the body with a huge amount of useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. AND great option such meat will be chicken, or rather chicken fillet. This is a dietary product that is available to each of us. The topic of our conversation today will be the use of chicken fillet for children. Recall the calorie content of chicken fillet, and also clarify what benefits and harms a child can have from eating it (in other words, consider it beneficial features and contraindications to the consumption of chicken fillet).

About what chicken fillet is valued for, what are the benefits of it to the body

Chicken fillet can rightly be called the most valuable part Chicken. If we talk about the amount of unique protein contained in it, then not a single type of meat is characterized by the same indicators. Chicken fillet protein is a source of 92% of amino acids, which are indispensable for a growing child's body.

Such meat contains a lot of phosphorus and other the most useful elements, among which are vitamins H and PP. In addition, such a product is rich in sulfur, chromium and cobalt.

Its calorie content is one hundred and ten kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

Chicken fillet is an excellent meat for baby food. Such a product contains very little connective tissue, so it is easily absorbed.

The protein in this meat is construction material necessary for every cell of the child's body, for full growth muscular system. It is also necessary for adequate and continuous development of the brain and mental abilities. The fillet contains a unique amino acid histidine, which is important for the full growth and formation of all tissues. The amino acid tryptophan is also present in chicken meat, which is converted into serotonin in the body and has some calming and relaxing effect on the body. children's body.

Chicken meat contains some iron. It helps support normal level hemoglobin and optimizes hematopoietic processes. And for children, this is very important, because great amount.

B vitamins in the composition of the fillet are needed for the full development of the child's nervous system and to ensure a normal response to stress. Also provide such useful substances. More B vitamins are important for activity defensive forces organism.

Chicken white meat is a source that helps to cope with fatigue (which is important when teaching a child), improves memory by an order of magnitude and has a positive effect on immunity.

By itself, useful qualities chicken fillet is largely determined by the method of its preparation. This product is best boiled, stewed, steamed or in the oven. Fried meat loses a lot of nutrients during cooking and generally does not bring much benefit to the body.

About who should not eat chicken fillet, what harm from it

Chicken fillet for children is not always useful because it provokes allergic reactions. Therefore, when introducing such a product into the diet, you need to be especially careful. Quality meat can be given to children closer to one year old. And classic broilers, which are sold in all stores, are advised to introduce a baby into the diet closer to two or three years.

It is worth noting that the quality indicators of chicken fillet are determined by the conditions in which the bird lived: they directly depend on the feed that it was fed. After all, almost all chickens grown on an industrial scale receive compound feed. And besides, manufacturers give them antibacterial agents, which help prevent the spread of infections among birds that are in mass conditions. Such drugs are really effective, but they remain in the meat and then enter the body. Moreover, it is almost impossible to identify the volumes of antibiotics in meat.

Hormones that are used to make the bird grow faster and actively build muscle mass can also harm the child.

How to introduce chicken meat into the children's diet?

High-quality chicken meat can be given to babies from nine to ten months. Most often, such a product is administered after and when the body of the crumbs normally adapts to them. Chicken meat is given to the baby in accordance with general rules introduction of complementary foods.

For a child, it is better to buy chilled chicken. Frozen product is not the most the best option, because when freezing and thawing, meat loses some of its nutrients. When buying chicken fillet, you must definitely study what is written on the package. And immediately before cooking, remove the skin from it and possible fat.

Before preparing a meal for a child, thoroughly rinse the meat, and do not forget that it needs to be cooked for a sufficient time. Only a well-cooked (steamed, stewed or baked) product will be safe enough for a growing organism.

Chicken can be given to children two to three times a week. It is best to serve such dishes with vegetables - stewed or fresh (in the form of a salad). So the meat is absorbed by the body as well as possible.

Chicken fillet is a dietary food product that should be present in the children's diet.

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Today more and more more people become adherents healthy lifestyle life. Yes, people refuse bad habits Start exercising, eat right. Exactly proper nutrition- the guarantee of health and longevity. All doctors and nutritionists agree that chicken breast is valuable product for the human body. This part of the bird is considered dietary, hypoallergenic. Chicken breast is often included in the diet sports nutrition, diets for weight loss. What are the benefits of chicken breast?

The benefits of white poultry meat in its composition

It is in the chicken breast (fillet) that contains the maximum concentration useful components. White meat has much less fat, cholesterol and calories than dark meat from chicken drumsticks and thighs. It should be noted that in the background constant use only dark meat poultry develop inflammatory processes in the intestines, intestinal contamination.

The composition of the chicken breast includes a large amount of vitamins. The main vitamins are group B. This group fills almost all types of white meat, and is necessary for the normalization metabolic processes. There are a lot of vitamins B12, B9, B6 in the breast. Also, the product contains other necessary vitamin groups: K, A, H, PP, F.

The benefits of white meat chicken are also high content trace elements:

  • Cobalt;
  • Zinc;
  • Chromium;
  • Iron;
  • Fluorine;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;

chicken breast calories

This part of the bird is the most dietary, low-calorie. 100 grams of fillet contains no more than 112 kcal. During the cooking process, the calorie content is further reduced, to about 95 kcal. This is due to the dissolution of fats, which pass into the broth. Therefore, boiled white chicken meat is recommended to eat while dieting.

Chicken breast is one of the best sources of protein. Protein allows you to maintain high activity, ability to work. 100 grams of meat contains about 30% protein, which cannot but please athletes. Minimal amount fats can also be considered an advantage of white meat. But, this only applies to fillet - breast without skin.

Useful properties of chicken breast

What are the benefits of chicken breast? Immediately worth highlighting the benefits vitamin group B. They are simply indispensable for normal metabolism in the body. Thus, the state of health of a person is normal, body weight decreases. Also, high level folic acid content is very beneficial for both men and women during the conception of a child. Already pregnant women folic acid necessary for the full formation of the nervous system of the fetus, its development.

In addition, B vitamins provide the following benefits to the central nervous system person:

  • Raise the mood;
  • Normalize sleep;
  • Reduce sensitivity to stressful situations;
  • Eliminate fatigue;
  • Favorably affect the functions of the brain.

White chicken meat is very beneficial for the skeletal and muscular system due to high concentration protein and phosphorus. These same elements are important for the normal functioning of the adrenal glands and kidneys. But, in the case of urological chronic diseases, the amount of protein should be reduced. Fillet broth is very useful for the digestive system. The use of such a light broth gently envelops the intestinal mucosa, neutralizes excess stomach acid. Therefore, the product is recommended for use in gastritis, stomach ulcers, duodenitis.

You can appreciate the benefits of fillet thanks to potassium. A sufficient level of potassium in the body is important for the prevention cardiovascular disease. Thus, the microelement reduces arterial pressure, strengthens the heart muscle. It is very important to remember that regular consumption of white breast strengthens the walls of blood vessels, cleanses them of cholesterol. Consequently, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.

The product is useful for athletes. Low calorie, high protein, ideal for sports nutrition. By consuming boiled fillet, you can achieve maximum endurance during training, quick recovery muscle fibers after loads. Also, white meat activates the process of converting subcutaneous fat into muscle mass. Due to this property, chicken breast is included in the diet.

Can chicken breast hurt?

This product has few downsides. But, nevertheless, there are some. So, it is forbidden to eat chicken with the skin. The fact is that the skin is concentrated maximum amount bad fats. And in the process of frying, these fats automatically turn into carcinogens. Carcinogens are known to be the main cause of cancer.

Chicken fillet should be carefully thermally processed. Insufficient cooking increases the risk of getting sick serious illness- salmonellosis. Also, raw chicken meat can cause taxoplasmosis. The main disadvantage of white breast is an excess of protein. For certain diseases (diseases genitourinary system, kidneys) protein from food is generally excluded. It is not advised to eat chicken breast for those who are engaged in heavy physical labor. In this case, it is better to give preference to more fatty varieties.

Do not forget that there is a high risk of purchasing a low-quality product. Today, chicken is actively exported. For their rapid growth, various antibiotics and growth hormones are used. But, one thing pleases that the maximum concentration of these harmful substances is concentrated in the hips. The breast is considered the cleanest part of the chicken.

Selects quality chicken breast

When choosing a chicken breast, you should pay attention, first of all, to appearance. If the fillet has white veins, you should not buy it. This suggests that the growth process of the bird was accelerated, and its adipose tissue did not develop evenly.

The color of the fillet is uniform, pink. The aroma should not feel musty. A piece of breast should not have a slimy texture. It is better to choose medium-sized fillets. The shelf life of the product is also important. Chilled, the breast is stored for a maximum of 5 days. If the meat is frozen, it will last up to six months. Defrosting chicken breast should be natural - in the refrigerator. If you defrost meat at room temperature, its useful properties and taste will be lost.