How to replace a cigarette during withdrawal. Alternative replacement for cigarettes: products with nicotine content. Cigarette substitutes from traditional medicine

What can you smoke if you don't have cigarettes? Such a question cannot be understood by a non-smoker; it sounds like a gesture of despair for a heavy smoker. Naturally, no one is immune from the situation when you are left without smoking far from your home. Some time after the forced cessation of smoking, withdrawal begins, and the person is ready to smoke anything.

What can you smoke instead of tobacco, and in a way that also gives you pleasure? Whatever has been tried for smoking in unforeseen circumstances, we can try to generalize such experience.

The essence of the problem

What is the problem of not having cigarettes for a smoker? It has been established that nicotine is an addictive substance human body. As a result, after many years of smoking a person develops nicotine addiction.

In a situation where he suddenly finds himself without tobacco, painful and unpleasant manifestations Such dependence occurs within a few hours. The following symptoms may appear: irritability, dizziness, nausea, stress.

An irresistible desire arises to smoke a cigarette, and when it is not there, the search begins for a solution to the question of what can be smoked instead of cigarettes. Is it possible to find a way out of the situation? There are 2 possible ways in this direction: measures to distract from smoking and imitation of a cigarette. When trying to provide the illusion of smoking, you will have to forget about nicotine, but smoke can accomplish this task. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not in vain that tobacco has a centuries-old practice of use: in addition to nicotine, it slowly smolders, releasing smoke that is quite mild in its effects with a characteristic taste and smell.

The first thing that comes to mind in the absence of tobacco is to smoke dry grass. This approach is quite logical, but not every plant can be used. Firstly, the crushed crumbs should not burn, but should slowly smolder. Secondly, the smoke different herbs completely different in the nature of the effect: it can have a very aggressive effect on the mucous membrane oral cavity and larynx, irritate the nose and eyes, causing coughing and lacrimation.

Finally, the taste in the mouth can be such that even a heavy smoker cannot stand it. Thus, when choosing a temporary tobacco substitute, one should take into account the mildness of the effect of smoke on the mucous membranes, the presence of a more or less decent taste and smell, and the absence of hazardous substances in the smoke.

What can you smoke?

Naturally, the choice of a tobacco substitute depends on the circumstances in which a person finds himself: nature, apartment, countryside, i.e. availability of a range of substances plant origin. Judging by the numerous reviews and recommendations of experienced smokers, the following cigarette substitutes have been tested in practice:

  1. Tea. This is the first product that catches your eye and inspires a certain trust. In a city apartment, tea may be the only real opportunity to deceive the smoker’s body. In principle, you can smoke both black and green tea, but green varieties are more suitable because they have fewer additives. Important condition: Do not take deep puffs, otherwise the tea smoke will cause a strong cough. You should not use tea leaves in tea bags either - it is the worst tolerated by the body.
  2. The best combination of smoking imitation and a decent smell with low smoke aggressiveness can be achieved by smoldering herbs such as mint, lemon balm, catnip, and oregano. You will need dry leaves of these herbs, and they should not be turned into dust, just chop them a little. You can wrap this “tobacco” in thin paper or a grass leaf (more durable than other leaves). When smoking these herbs, a bitter smoke is released, which will temporarily distract you from thoughts of a cigarette and reduce withdrawal symptoms. It should, however, be taken into account that overindulgence Smoking like this can cause gastrointestinal upset.
  3. Carnation. At home, if you have such a seasoning, you can try stuffing it into a homemade cigarette. Clove smoke has a rather pleasant taste and can help the smoker for a certain time.
  4. You can use a method that will distract you from the desire to smoke, causing disgust. In this case, you can smoke herbs such as motherwort or coltsfoot. They are kept in a house in medicinal purposes (pharmacy option) many people, and therefore they are quite accessible. The smoke from the smoldering of these plants has a very bitter taste, which can cause nausea, which will ensure an aversion to smoking.

A good way to take your mind off obsessive desire- chew wormwood, yarrow or similar herbs.

They have a characteristic bitter taste, which can replace tobacco for some period. Moreover, this method is absolutely harmless.

Of course, you can try to find a substitute for tobacco in the absence of cigarettes and deceive and calm the body for a while, and then continue to succumb again bad habit.

Or maybe it’s better to take advantage of the situation and quit smoking?

You only have to endure the inconvenience once, but then the most dangerous source of harm to health will be eliminated.

Nicotine addiction keeps a person very hooked. Even if an experienced smoker understands that his habit is harmful own health and the health of his loved ones, he will not be able to refuse it at once. Smoking addiction manifests itself both physiologically and psychological level. On physiological level this craving is already perceived as a natural need, like hunger or thirst. Psychologically, it’s like a habit of performing a certain smoking ritual.

When smoking, nicotine-containing substances are integrated into the metabolism and participate in all processes, therefore, when quitting a bad habit, the body experiences stress and reacts to the lack of a “dose” by malfunctioning. The most frequent symptoms are severe cough, sore throat, pressure surges, headache, general poor health.

Nicotine-free products allow you to overcome psychological dependence, which manifests itself in the habit of performing the ritual itself (holding a cigarette in your hands, taking a drag, exhaling smoke), constantly holding something in your mouth, while away the time with cigarette breaks.

Nicotine substitutes and analogues

Before replacing cigarettes with nicotine-containing products or similar substances, you need to determine exactly what the purpose of such replacement is. The fact is that not all substitutes containing nicotine actually help you quit smoking. Often, nicotine addiction to such drugs only gets worse.

Let's try to figure out which means really help you quit smoking, and which ones only transform nicotine addiction into a new form.

Electronic Cigarette

Smoking electronic cigarette analogues is inhaling vapor from a nicotine-containing liquid located in the cartridge of this device. This saves a person from inhaling tobacco smoke, which contains many carcinogens, but in general, in one session of its use, more nicotine enters the body than from a regular cigarette. In addition, the ritual of smoking itself is preserved.

As a result, this electronic accessory does not help fight nicotine addiction, but rather aggravates it.


If the tablets contain nicotine elements, then physical dependence This substance does not make you less when you take the pills. The tablet is placed under the tongue and nicotine-containing substances are absorbed into the blood. But there are pills that really help fight a bad habit.

These include Tabex. This medicine contains the substance cytisine. In its action, cytisine is very similar to nicotine-containing substances, but it is less toxic. Not everyone can use Tabex, as it has many contraindications. In particular, Tabex is not recommended for heart and vascular diseases, gastrointestinal problems, pregnancy and lactation.

However, compared to nicotine tablets, Tabex really helps you quit smoking. Mainly, its effect is to soften " nicotine withdrawal", but, in addition, the drug makes "inhaling and exhaling smoke" unpleasant process for humans and reduces cravings for cigarettes.

Nicotine patch

Maintains a certain concentration of nicotine in the blood in the absence of the very fact of smoking. The dosage of nicotine is determined based on the smoking experience. If you use the patch wisely, gradually reducing the dosage, it can really reduce the physical craving for traditional smoking.

Nicotine gum

Its action is similar to a nicotine patch. You need to chew it every time you want to smoke. However, there is evidence that such chewing gum itself can become a subject of addiction, because the entry of nicotine substances into the body is accompanied by actions on the part of the person himself. As a result, a person can give up cigarettes and “switch” to chewing gum.

Cigarette substitutes without nicotine

Such means help to displace psychological craving to this bad habit, but in its place a new addiction is often formed.

  • Nicotine-free cigarettes. Instead of tobacco they contain smoking mixture from herbs that do not contain nicotine-containing components. And although nicotine stops entering the body, such cigarettes cannot be called harmless, because their smoke also contains a lot of harmful impurities

  • Seeds, nuts, candies and other snacks. Of course, chewing something is healthier than smoking. Very often the desire to chew something arises when a person is struggling with the urge to smoke. In addition, snacks can fill the time that is freed up in place of habitual smoking breaks. However, if you use sweets or other harmful products– you can dial excess weight and disrupt metabolism.

Smoking is a habit that can be difficult to break. This is not only due to a lack of willpower. The nicotine contained in cigarettes becomes part of the body, it takes part in metabolic processes. Therefore, when quitting smoking, a person may feel unwell. This physiological need in nicotine. Abrupt refusal can be quite painful for an active smoker. No less strong is the psychological need to smoke. The reflexive craving for a cigarette, developed over the years, is not quickly forgotten. It requires replacing one reflex with another. Instead of smoking, you can do something else.

Replacing cigarettes

There are many options with which you can replace the usual. The choice remains up to the smoker himself, but some features should be taken into account. Various means, which were invented to replace nicotine, can be harmful. When you quit, you should reduce the dose of nicotine entering the body, but when using electronic cigarettes with nicotine, patches, tablets and other products containing this poison, you can incorrectly calculate the amount. Nicotine levels in the body may increase. This will subsequently lead to increased physiological dependence.

Instead of cigarettes, you can use the following:

  • Electronic Cigarette;
  • nicotine gum and patches;
  • tablets with nicotine and nicotine-free tablets;
  • sweets, seeds, eating.

Any of the listed remedies used instead of “health sticks” have their advantages and disadvantages. This should be taken into account when choosing a replacement product when trying to quit smoking.

Electronic Cigarette

This substitute was invented to help people quit smoking. An electronic cigarette eliminates the entry into the body of harmful carcinogenic substances that enter the lungs when smoking. regular cigarettes. But this device contains a cartridge of liquid, the vapor of which is inhaled by a person. The liquid contains nicotine. This allows you to save a person from withdrawal symptoms. But it is impossible to control the level of absorbed poison. It significantly exceeds the amount of nicotine entering the body when smoking a regular cigarette.

Thus, the e-cigarette does not weaken addiction, but aggravates it. A person is unlikely to be able to get rid of withdrawal symptoms if he stops smoking an e-cigarette. In addition, the process of smoking an electronic cigarette resembles the ritual of smoking regular cigarettes. Psychological dependence is maintained, the reflex developed over the years is preserved. What is better in the end: replacing regular cigarettes with electronic ones or continuing to smoke?

Nicotine gum and patches

The nicotine patch was designed to maintain a certain concentration of nicotine in the blood. There is no physiological craving for cigarettes. At the same time, the ritual of addiction itself is not supported. The psychological habit of smoking becomes less strong.

But the patch also has its drawbacks. It should be used in moderation, gradually reducing the nicotine dosage. IN otherwise physical cravings may get worse. At correct use the need for nicotine will decrease.

Nicotine gum has a similar effect to the patch. It supplies the body with poison. Use nicotine gum whenever the desire to smoke arises. By reducing the frequency of chewing gum, the need for nicotine may decrease. But the opposite effect is also possible with excessive use of smoking cessation products. There is also a risk that chewing gum will develop a new addiction in the smoker: a person can replace the habit of smoking by chewing nicotine gum.

Smoking pills

A lot has been developed medications to replace smoking. There are tablets containing nicotine. Taking them will not reduce nicotine addiction, and in some cases may even increase. The benefits of such medications is doubtful, but the harm is obvious. Of course, there is no smoking ritual; a person gets used to living without breaks for a smoke break, but the same can be said about nicotine patches and chewing gum.

Tablets that do not contain nicotine can become a substitute for cigarettes. The most famous of these tablets is Tabex. The composition includes cytisine, a substance somewhat similar to nicotine, but slightly less harmful. Its action can stop the desire to smoke. Dependence decreases somewhat, gradually, reducing the desire to reach for cigarettes.

But the drug has many contraindications. Not all smokers can use it. Do not use the drug during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use the tablets for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

Food substitutes

Instead of cigarettes, lollipops, sweets, seeds, etc. can be used. They can replace cigarettes when you quit. Whenever you want to smoke, you should use lollipops, which distract you from thoughts about smoking. Quitting can be gradual; at first, smokers can combine smoking with eating sweets and seeds. But gradually you can completely displace the bad habit.

The transition process can be quite lengthy. But the effect will gradually appear. Nicotine addiction will weaken over time, and the reflexive process of smoking will become more conscious. When you quit, this is very important. A smoker should smoke consciously, and not automatically, when even counting the amount smoked becomes difficult.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to such an alternative. Possible appearance overweight body, which is associated with large volumes of food consumed. It is also possible to have problems with teeth due to a large amount of sweets. There may be contraindications for eating sweets (diet for various diseases, diabetes and etc.).

What to do?

Each person decides for himself what aid use when quitting smoking. But the most important thing is the desire to quit. Moral readiness to give up a harmful hobby will help you approach the process of abandonment with all seriousness. What to choose as a substitute for cigarettes?

You can use several products at the same time. But it is important to control the process of nicotine entering the body. Its quantity should decrease, not increase. This will allow you to painlessly quit smoking, reducing physical urges.

When used instead of cigarettes, lozenges or food as a preventive measure overweight will be something to do physical activity. You can exercise, visit the gym, or the swimming pool. Even regular walks will be useful. Physical exercise also contribute to the accelerated removal of nicotine from the body. The process of quitting smoking will become faster. To protect teeth from harmful effects sweets, it is useful to clean and rinse them more often (with water or by special means). In any case, this is a lesser evil compared to the harm of smoking.

Every person planning to get rid of a bad habit thinks about how to replace cigarettes. There are many options, some are more effective, others are affordable. Some things help, some don't. However, experts agree that best result provided to those who are sincerely interested in giving up nicotine and strive for this, straining their will. Here any remedy will be a worthy assistant. Let's try to consider what is recommended to resort to most often. It should be remembered that the addiction to smoking is not only a physiological habit, but also a mental addiction.

Where do we start?

When choosing what to replace cigarettes with, you should immediately decide for yourself whether a replacement with nicotine is needed or whether a complete cessation of the bad habit is expected. Options that provide the body with nicotine supply help reduce the daily need and completely give up habitual cigarettes. The second group of remedies will help get rid of psychological discomfort and will become his assistant brave man who decides to completely eliminate poison from his life.

How it works?

To understand how to replace cigarettes, it is worth delving into the very essence of such a replacement. It is known that a long-term addiction to smoking leads to the incorporation of nicotine into the human body: this substance participates in chemical processes and adjusts them to suit itself. As soon as a person makes an attempt to refuse harmful component, he is soon covered with “brittleness”, that is, he is disturbed by unpleasant sensations.

Quitting smoking is accompanied by headaches and cough, and blood pressure may rise from time to time. Many become aggressive, irritated with or without reason. To smooth out the situation to some extent, you can use special drugs containing nicotine. These are tablets, electronic cigarettes, which deliver relatively little a large number of malicious connection, so it becomes easier to refuse it, and side effects less. The main thing is not just to know what to replace cigarettes with, how it works, but in practice to constantly reduce the amount of the toxic component entering the body so that the theory does not remain “hanging in the air.”

What about the psyche?

For many of our compatriots, smoking has turned into a kind of ritual that allows them to take a short break in a busy day filled with haste. If you have to face a stressful situation, just light a cigarette, and unpleasant impressions will become a thing of the past. When figuring out what to replace cigarettes with when you quit smoking, you should pay attention to special preparations: they allow you to leave bad habit in the past, gradually reducing addiction to tobacco. However, this simply involves replacing one ritual with another, so it is important that the new one is less harmful to health.

Where is nicotine?

Finding out what to replace cigarettes with when you quit smoking, while wondering how to ensure the supply to the body small quantity active component, costs special attention give:

  • special tablets;
  • electronic cigars;
  • patches, chewing gum with nicotine.

Fashionable, stylish, youthful

Perhaps this is how electronic cigarettes can be characterized. IN Lately Almost every smoker has one of these, and often not at all because of a desire to give up the habit, but simply as a tribute to fashion. It is possible to use such a device to reduce the craving for smoking, but it requires willpower, since you will have to limit the number of puffs per day, and also consciously choose the weakest liquids. By the way, there are even some on sale that contain no nicotine at all.

At the same time, there is a lot of debate about whether e-cigarettes are replacing regular cigarettes. During use, a person inhales vapor containing nicotine, and the concentration active substance There may be not only no less, but even more in the blood than when smoking regular cigarettes. And using the device is as easy as shelling pears, which is “tempting.” On the one hand, giving up regular cigarettes in favor of electronic cigarettes is easier, because you don’t have to deprive yourself of the opportunity to take a puff, getting rid of stress, but at the same time the opposite is true: this device will not allow you to get rid of a decent ritual. But one thing undoubted advantage yes: the electronic device does not produce tobacco smoke that is so dangerous for both the smoker and others, so its use is generally safer than smoking conventional products.

Will pills help?

What to chew instead of cigarettes? One option is special preparations containing nicotine. They are sold not only in pharmacies, but also in regular stores. Such tablets provide the body with a dose of nicotine, allow you to completely get rid of smoke and help gradually reduce addiction.

An alternative option is tablets made with cytisine. This is a biological analogue of nicotine, less harmful to the human body. But smoking substances containing cytisine is quite unpleasant for a person, so it encourages people to do it as little as possible.

What else should I try?

One of good options What to replace cigarettes with when you want to smoke - a patch. There are several varieties on sale, choose best option for yourself, taking into account the duration of indulging in the addiction. Each product has its own unique level of nicotine concentration, you need to pay attention to this so that your purchase does not disappoint. The patch must be attached to an area of ​​the body where there is no hair. At first, a fairly large amount of nicotine will enter the body; over time, this volume decreases, which helps to wean off the toxic component quite painlessly.

Typically, the duration of treatment for harmful addiction varies about six months. If this time was not enough, you need to look for another option than to replace smoking cigarettes - the patch will not help.

Or maybe chew it?

When getting rid of the smoking habit, you can try using special chewing gum. It is used precisely in those situations when you are tempted to take a drag from a cigarette. However, many experts rightly doubt the effectiveness of the technique, since the dependence remains, just now not on cigars, but on new form a product that provides a supply of nicotine. The dosage of the component entering the body varies only depending on the willpower of a particular person, that is, there is a possibility of not only not decreasing, but even increasing the volume of the harmful compound. Many people note that after chewing gum there remains bad taste in the mouth.

Is there an alternative?

You can find several more for sale different drugs, which contain nicotine. These are aerosols, inhalers and other substitutes that are positioned as means of helping to get rid of addiction. All of them are based on one idea: a rapid influx of a small dose of nicotine into the human body is ensured. It is believed that this should help break the habit. The disadvantages here are the same as those indicated above for chewing gum and electronic cigarettes - the real benefit is observed primarily in people with a very strong will.

You can try a sedative instead of a cigarette. This option is based on the absence of nicotine, and its effectiveness is due to the reflex: stress - smoking. It is best to practice this approach under the supervision of the attending physician and only in cases where other methods have shown to be ineffective.

No poison!

Candy instead of cigarettes is the most common way to get rid of addiction. Many people use cigarettes that do not contain nicotine and chew nuts and seeds. Of these options, the most dubious is cigarettes, since they do not allow you to leave the habit of puffing in the past, and the smoke is rich in components that negatively affect health. But electronic nicotine-free cigarettes are a good approach for a beginner to get rid of addiction. This will not help from a ritual, a mechanical habit, but initial stage may be beneficial as the body gets rid of the influx of both nicotine and poisons from smoke.

What about the candy?

The method is not bad, but it can lead to gaining extra pounds. Lollipops are especially effective against mental dependence. However, weight gain can also be caused by nuts, seeds and other foods. Maximum positive result can be obtained if you simultaneously quit smoking, start playing sports and relieve stress caused by the lack of cigarettes, sweets and other foods.

In general, as experts say, any of the described options will only work if a person sincerely wants to leave a bad addiction in the past. But for those who are not sure of the need for this, the effectiveness is unlikely to be high. Willpower (by at least V currently) cannot be replaced with medications.

Don't forget to praise yourself!

Many people start smoking because of strong stressful situation, and each puff is used as a method of removal nervous tension. By giving up smoking, a person thereby deprives himself of the usual emotional outlet, which leads to irritability and imbalance. To deal with this, there are two approaches. The first is intensifying your life, increasing physical activity, and constant training. At the same time, hormones are produced that allow you to feel happy, and the irritation caused by quitting cigarettes remains a thing of the past.

An equally important approach that psychologists recommend is to regularly praise yourself. There are many reasons for this. 12 hours without cigarettes and still don’t feel like it? This is wonderful! This is a reason to praise. You want to, but you manage to restrain yourself - another wonderful moment for which a person deserves an award. By encouraging yourself, you can prevent relapse.

The question raised in the topic, at first glance, is quite simple. It would seem that whatever helps, replace it with something so that you don’t feel the urge to take a cigarette again. But what helps or can help – everything here is very ambiguous.

Not only are people different, but also everything is constantly changing for each person, including priorities. What may be effective today may be completely useless tomorrow, and what did not help yesterday will probably be quite useless today. effective means. One thing is obvious - the very fact of turning on the “quit smoking” mode is worthy of respect (except for those cases when you have been doing this every Monday for the eighth or twelfth year already). Therefore, rise in your own eyes - you have an important and very serious goal in front of you, and do not waste your time on trifles on the way to it, but be prepared for the fact that problems may await you from different sides.

Difficulties in quitting nicotine

It all depends on how long and often you have been smoking. The hardest person to replace cigarettes will be those who are malicious and inveterate, so we’ll talk about them. Doctors say that nicotine withdrawal (refusal) can cause the following symptoms:

  • often there is a strong desire to smoke again;
  • irritability increases, anxiety increases;
  • difficulties arise with concentrating, the desire to smoke becomes dominant, memory problems appear;
  • sleep disturbances are possible, you may dream about smoking;
  • The mood deteriorates greatly, the ex-smoker becomes depressed;
  • headaches are very likely;
  • sweating increases, hand tremors appear;
  • there may be problems with gastrointestinal tract, even constipation;
  • the appearance of cough with sputum; increased appetite, often leading to weight gain.

However, it is noticed that most of the symptoms disappear about a month after quitting smoking.

Looking at these ten points, it is a little easier to understand how to combine two key aspects of making it easier for yourself to become a non-smoker. When you quit smoking, you need to minimize the impact of quitting tobacco on your body as much as possible, but do it in such a way that the changes are as painless as possible.

The first and basic rule is to never try to replace cigarettes with alcohol. If only because alcohol in no way helps to reduce dependence on tobacco, but rather, on the contrary, increases the desire to smoke again. To develop the topic - at the early stage of quitting smoking, it is advisable to avoid companies with the use of alcoholic beverages and being in the company of smokers. Later, when dependence on tobacco weakens both at the chemical and psychological levels, it will be much easier not to smoke, but at an early stage it is better not to take risks.

Now let's talk directly about what can replace cigarettes.

Replace with action

The desire to smoke often arises not even in the head, but in the hands. You still don’t understand what’s happening, but after dinner your hand immediately goes into your pocket in search of a cigarette pack... A familiar picture, isn’t it? Don’t let her do this - sit longer at the table or, conversely, do something unrealistic right after important matter so that both your hands and you are completely at work, preferably for two hours.

Replace with sports

Already from the first days of quitting cigarettes, the body begins the process of cleansing from all the nastiness that is present in abundance in the body. tobacco smoke. Speed ​​up this process, because the faster your body cleanses itself, the faster you can replace cigarettes full life. Well accelerate the cleansing process intensive physical exercise. Walk more, run more often, jump regularly, if possible, be sure to swim. Make sports an integral part of your life mandatory element your daily routine - you save so much time by not standing in lines at tobacco kiosks and not having to go on smoke breaks. Moreover, you will notice that every day it becomes easier for you to bear growing loads, it becomes deeper breathing, smoother heartbeat...

Replace with rest

In the evening, sitting in front of the TV, give yourself the mindset not to jump when the commercial starts. It used to be that you ran to the balcony for a dose of smoke, but now this is completely unnecessary. In return, you can carefully familiarize yourself with new offers for goods and services, or you can go through the channels - maybe there is something more interesting on another button. Or turn off the TV altogether and go to the skating rink, to the cinema or to... a museum. What, it’s been a long time since you’ve been planning this?!

Replace with love

There is another great way to replace cigarettes. True, it is not suitable for everyone, but it works flawlessly. Many members of the opposite sex have a very strong taboo against wanting to be around you - smoking. Indeed, people who would never be around smoking person, enough.

And by quitting smoking, you destroy this barrier. And now, who knows, perhaps your destiny is already approaching you through its ruins.

Replace with anything, but don't smoke

Although, it is not at all necessary to look for such significant cigarette substitutes. Sometimes standard inexpensive assistants, which, as a rule, are talked about on thematic portals, may be quite enough. These include all kinds of nicotine chewing gum, patches and inhalers (I don’t include an electronic cigarette in this list, I’ll tell you why below). The items are very effective, but it’s important to quickly discard them too. Their value is great in the first days, and if the quitter is in the right mood to achieve success, the need for them disappears already on the second or third day of use. Now about electronic cigarettes. I run the risk of arousing the wrath of numerous fans of this device, but I will say that I consider them not a way to quit smoking, but a marketing ploy, perhaps a very successful one, but not solving the problem. You're not saying that you quit smoking by replacing cigarettes with filter cigarettes, are you? And if they replaced it with non-filter cigarettes, they didn’t quit smoking either. That is, the idea is clear.

If we try to summarize all of the above, we get something like this:

  • bearing in mind that on early stages giving up smoking, in any attempt to replace cigarettes with anything, the feeling of hunger will be a constant companion, and, not wanting to gain excess weight, we always keep water and a little sweet (chocolate or caramel, or better yet, dried fruits or nuts);
  • we increase the intensity or begin, if we have not done this before, to walk, run, jump - move as much and as actively as possible;
  • we strengthen the attack on the body with vitamin C, which is poorly absorbed when smoking, by taking rosehip decoction, any citrus fruits, black currants, etc.;
  • At night, take a spoonful of honey with warm tea or milk; if irritability is off the charts, take soothing teas.

Important: if you suddenly notice that you have become a little more absent-minded and inattentive, do not wait for this to lead to something bad, for example, when driving a car. Add B vitamins (tomatoes, garlic, parsley) to your diet. They will help you hold on until the balance of neurotransmitters disrupted by nicotine is restored.

And, most importantly, if you decide to quit smoking, quit. Do not try to replace one bad habit with another, perhaps less harmful, but still a habit that controls you and on which you are also dependent. Free yourself. Break the foundations and canons, listen to your body, help it, and, therefore, yourself too. Remember the goal and do not substitute concepts. And then everything will work out.