Can a nursing woman eat bananas? Delicious and healthy banana desserts. What fruits can a nursing mother eat?

A very important stage in the development of a child’s immunity is the period of breastfeeding. At this time, the mother needs to adhere to a certain diet, the menu of which includes very few permitted foods and dishes. But, at the same time, we should not forget about replenishing the body with useful substances, microelements and vitamins necessary for the normal functioning of every person. Everyone knows that the largest amount of them is found in vegetables and fruits. One of these is banana. When it can be included in the diet, in what quantities and whether bananas are harmful for a nursing mother, we will look into it further.

Precautions for eating bananas while breastfeeding

First of all, you should take into account the fact that a banana is a fairly high-calorie fruit, so it is better not to eat it for the first 2-3 months. This is due to the fact that at this time the baby does not have enough enzymes to quickly digest food, and such a heavy product as a banana, entering the baby’s body through the breast milk of a nursing mother, will only aggravate the situation and cause

  • colic,
  • constipation,
  • gas formation,
  • bloating.

The latter, in turn, will lead to anxious and restless behavior of the child, which is extremely undesirable.

When the baby's intestinal microflora is fully formed and the symptoms of digestive discomfort have disappeared (age 3-4 months), the mother can eat half a banana, and then carefully monitor the baby's reaction. If he does not have allergies, constipation, colic, it is allowed and even recommended to include this fruit in the menu, but no more than 1 piece per day. Now we need to list the beneficial properties of banana. These include: proteins, fats, calcium, iron, vitamins B1, B2, PP, ascorbic acid and many others. In addition, banana is considered a product that helps combat postpartum depression and also stimulates breast milk production.

Banana dishes for nursing mothers

If this fruit is combined with foods allowed for a nursing mother, you can expand the menu of her diet with the following dishes:

  1. a smoothie made from banana and low-fat yogurt. Grind them (for example, using a blender), and then drink the resulting drink 30 minutes before feeding;
  2. a simple, and most importantly, healthy salad. Take an apple, banana, low-fat cottage cheese in equal proportions, cut into convenient pieces and add a little sour cream to them, then mix. If desired, you can add a little sugar to the given assortment of products;
  3. banana porridge. Boil any porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) until tender, add a small piece of butter or cream (fat content no higher than 10%), sugar and a fork-mashed or diced banana. Next, mix everything and start eating;
  4. cookies, for which you mix cottage cheese, banana and flour in such proportions as to form a mass similar to cheesecakes. Spread it using a tablespoon onto a baking sheet and bake for about 15 minutes in the oven;
  5. cake, which can also be prepared in the microwave. Mix mashed one banana with half a glass of milk, then add 1 glass of flour, 2 tablespoons of sugar, ½ teaspoon of soda and melted 50 grams of butter. Bake the resulting dough in the existing mold for about 20-30 minutes.

As you can see, bananas are not only healthy for a nursing mother, but also necessary due to their composition. The main thing is to monitor the child’s reaction when consuming them and, as a result of the absence of a negative effect, prepare various dishes from this fruit, in which you just need to be careful with the amount of sugar, which is one of the causes of fermentation processes that cause intestinal colic and bloating in the baby’s tummy.

After the birth of a baby, adults have a question about whether it is possible to eat bananas while breastfeeding. How does this affect the lactation process?

After birth, a child is one of the few mammalian cubs that need every minute of parental care and attention. The health and well-being of the baby depends on them. Breastfeeding is the best option for feeding your baby. It is very important what quality of breast milk a nursing mother produces.

From the first days of feeding a newborn, a ban on certain foods appears in the mother’s diet. Is it possible to eat bananas while breastfeeding or are they included in the list of “punished” foods?

During breastfeeding, milk enters directly into the baby’s stomach, and his body is involved in digestion and secretion of useful active substances. This is why the composition of maternal food is so important for the baby’s tummy.

The answer to the question of whether you can eat bananas while breastfeeding is yes. The mother needs to introduce them into her food from the 2nd week of feeding the baby, if they were previously part of her usual diet.

Beneficial properties of bananas

And although bananas do not grow in our latitudes, they are not exotic fruits (or rather, berries, since these are the fruits of a perennial herb). These aromatic, sugary sweets have been part of our diet since childhood (the child definitely likes them).

Despite the high calorie content of the product, these fruits have a low glycemic index. The serotonin they contain improves mood, and potassium improves water and salt balance. Potassium also normalizes blood pressure. The B vitamin group reduces cholesterol, participates in the production of hemoglobin, and improves microcirculation of brain vessels.

If you eat 1 banana a day, then along with it the body will receive up to 30% of the daily requirement of vitamin B5, the same amount of potassium, 15% magnesium. The pulp contains dietary fiber and pectin, which stimulate intestinal function, vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, phosphorus.

Answering the question about the usefulness of bananas during breastfeeding, we can say with confidence that these fruits are necessary in the diet of a nursing woman. The only question is the amount of fruit consumed, which can harm an infant, and personal contraindications.

Dangerous properties of bananas and contraindications

These include the following points:

  1. After giving birth, many women gain a lot of weight. This is due to an imbalance in the pituitary gland. Therefore, eating fruits that contain a large amount of carbohydrates and calories should be limited (although they may benefit the child).
  2. Pregnancy and weight gain put stress on the legs and can be the onset of varicose veins. In this case, it is not allowed to eat bananas, as they increase blood viscosity.
  3. If the acidity of gastric juice is increased, then bananas are contraindicated for nursing mothers, especially in their raw form. You can try stewing, boiling or frying them.
  4. Bananas during lactation sometimes cause allergies in a child if he has congenital latex intolerance or a reaction to mango and avocado.
  5. Excessive consumption of bananas by a mother while breastfeeding can lead to an excess of potassium in the body and nausea and loose stools in the baby (this will harm the baby).
  6. These fruits are included in the possible list of foods that cause migraines.
  7. If you have diabetes, you should not consume this product in large quantities. It is better to eat unripe fruits.

When breastfeeding your baby in the first month, you need to carefully experiment with the foods that mommy eats. You should introduce new foods into your diet one at a time to monitor the newborn’s reaction (whether the child can do this). You can consult your pediatrician about whether a nursing mother can have bananas.

Recipes for moms

Sweet pancakes. The ingredients are as follows:

  • milk - 1 glass;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • - 2 pcs.;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Pour the beaten egg into the milk. Add salt, sugar, flour, soda and chopped bananas. The dough should have a consistency like thick sour cream. Fry over medium heat, turning. Sprinkle the finished golden pancakes with powdered sugar.

Banana curd rolls. Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream or yogurt - 50 g;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife;
  • butter - half a pack;
  • or walnuts - half a glass.

Mix all ingredients except peeled fruits and nuts in a blender. Place bananas on serving plates and spread the curd mixture on top, forming 3 rolls. Sprinkle chopped nuts on top. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Banana milkshake. Ingredients:

  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • bananas - 3 pcs.;
  • - 1 glass.

Mix cold milk with ice cream and beat for a few minutes. Then add peeled and chopped bananas to the mixture. If you like the feeling of pieces of pulp on your tongue, then you don’t need to beat it completely.

Now it’s clear whether nursing mothers can take this food. And when is it possible, and in what case is it not. As a result, it is clear that it is possible to give a banana; children tolerate it well.

The birth of a child is always a joyful and unforgettable event for young parents. From the first days of a baby's life, he receives the care and attention of loving parents. One of the important points that receives a lot of attention is breastfeeding, which allows you to provide the child with valuable and irreplaceable substances for his healthy growth and development. In this article we will answer a common question about the possibility of eating bananas while breastfeeding in the first month of a newborn.

During the lactation period, a young mother pays special attention to her diet, the quality of which determines the composition of breast milk and the overall well-being of the baby. The diet of a nursing woman is quite limited. The list of prohibited foods is quite long, but does it include bananas and is it possible for a woman to consume an overseas product during the first month of breastfeeding? Before answering this question, you need to understand the benefits of bananas and what harm they can cause to the mother and newborn baby.

Beneficial features

Bananas are the most affordable fruit that you can enjoy all year round. They are not only tasty, affordable and healthy, but also quite high in calories. Many women during lactation refuse to use them, but many pediatricians recommend including them in the menu. The chemical composition of bananas is quite rich. They contain a number of vitamins, including B vitamins and vitamin PP. Bananas are rich in carotene, enzymes, and various microelements.

Bananas are a source of potassium, fiber, calcium, iron and phosphorus, as well as various amino acids. This product contains a sufficient amount of pectin, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Ripe fruits are often recommended for use in stool disorders in nursing mothers.

Unripe bananas have the opposite effect and are widely used as a mild laxative. Considering that during lactation almost all medications are contraindicated in case of intestinal problems, many mothers opt for bananas.

Very often, nursing mothers use bananas as a remedy for breastfeeding for themselves and their baby. Moreover, with normal functioning of the stomach, this product does not affect the digestion of the baby or the woman herself. Despite the rich composition and benefits of bananas, it is important to understand that when the product is consumed, all its components pass into breast milk, so bananas may be present in the diet of a nursing mother, but in moderation.

How to introduce it into the diet?

Children in the first months of life have immature systems and internal organs that can be extremely vulnerable to various foods that a nursing woman consumes. Many pediatric experts claim that bananas cannot cause allergies, but when a woman abuses overseas fruits, the risk of an allergic reaction increases significantly. The risk of allergies is reduced only if a woman regularly consumed bananas during pregnancy.

When a nursing mother introduces bananas to her diet in the first month, the baby’s stomach may not cope with its functions, which can cause colic, bowel problems or allergies.

In order for bananas to benefit a nursing mother and a baby in the first month of life, they need to be introduced into the diet in small portions, while eating them on an empty stomach and drinking water is not recommended at all.

When introducing this tasty fruit into the diet, a nursing mother should monitor the baby’s condition after feeding. Pay attention to the stool, the baby’s sleep, and general well-being. If there are no signs, you need to increase the amount of banana you eat gradually. For example, for the first 2 weeks, it is permissible to divide 1 banana into 2 - 3 servings, you can add it to various cereals or eat it fresh.

With the regular introduction of bananas into the mother’s diet, the baby will get used to the product and will enjoy eating it in the future.

During lactation, it is important not only to eat right, but also to pay attention to the quality of the products. So, in the first months of life, it is important to buy ripe fruits; before eating, be sure to treat the peel with boiling water.

Why are bananas dangerous during lactation?

Despite the benefits of bananas and their rich composition, they are not always beneficial for a baby in the first month of life. In the practice of pediatricians, there have been numerous cases where, after introducing even a small piece of banana into the diet, the child experienced colic, bloating, abnormal bowel movements, and skin rashes. In such cases, you need to stop eating the fruit and try to introduce it in small quantities after 1 - 2 months.

The danger of bananas during lactation lies in the fact that in their homeland, the fruits are collected while still unripe, then they are hermetically packaged and delivered to their destination. After this, the fruits are placed in gas chambers, where under the influence of ethylene they acquire ripeness and a beautiful presentation. Considering the “long journey” of bananas until they go on sale, as well as their treatment with ethylene, we can conclude that there is not much benefit from them.

Allergies and side effects

Bananas can extremely rarely cause an allergic reaction. However, taking into account the individual characteristics of a newborn child’s body, risks exist, especially in cases where a woman abuses the fruit or the baby is intolerant to starch, which is quite abundant in bananas. Signs of an allergy may include a skin rash and redness of the skin. The first signs of an allergic reaction may appear several hours or days after introducing the fruit into the breastfeeding diet.

Changes in baby's stool are also one of the common problems faced by young mothers. In such cases, doctors do not recommend eliminating the product from the diet, but reducing its quantity. Bananas contain a large amount of vitamin A, which is converted into serotonin in the body.

With an increased amount of the hormone serotonin, a woman may experience a loss of strength, dizziness, decreased heart rate and other unpleasant symptoms.

When fruits are chemically processed, the amount of beneficial substances is reduced several times, and when harmful substances are used to preserve their presentation, the risk of poisoning increases.

In order to reduce possible adverse reactions, a woman during lactation should consume bananas in a minimal amount; be sure to consult with a local pediatrician, who will always be able to give useful recommendations on nutrition and caring for the baby.

Effect on the body of mother and child

In the absence of contraindications to eating bananas, this product “works wonders.” Its introduction into the diet of a nursing mother will make the diet fortified and complete. When bananas are consumed daily in acceptable quantities, they have a positive effect on the body of a nursing mother and allow the following effects on the body:

  1. normalize blood pressure;
  2. improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  3. improve blood composition;
  4. increase immune defense;
  5. normalize the functioning of the central nervous system;
  6. improve sleep;
  7. improve your mood.

Many nursing mothers claim that by eating bananas, their health improves and there are no problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some sources claim that the overseas fruit saturates the body with all the necessary components, gives the body vitality and energy. For many breastfeeding women, bananas are an excellent alternative to sugary foods that are not recommended while breastfeeding.

Bananas bring benefits not only to women, but also to children. If a woman constantly ate bananas during pregnancy, then she can safely consume them in the first months of lactation.

Along with mother's milk, the baby receives banana pectins, which help the intestines digest and absorb food.

In some cases, when a baby has stool retention, bananas help to have a laxative effect, and in case of constipation, on the contrary, they strengthen. The banana fruit is quite high in calories, so if it is consumed heavily by a nursing mother, the baby may experience increased gas formation, colic or constipation. The appearance of such symptoms indicates intolerance to the product, so the mother needs to reduce its consumption or exclude it from the diet until the baby’s intestinal microflora is fully formed (3-4 months).

If during breastfeeding the baby tolerated bananas well, then with the onset of complementary feeding, this product can easily be introduced into the diet. The benefits of bananas are obvious, both for the nursing mother and the child, but, still starting to introduce this product into the diet, the mother needs to monitor the condition of the baby.

Delicious cooking recipes

Bananas are quite sweet and tasty. They can be consumed fresh by a nursing mother or combined with other foods. There are several recipes that allow you to diversify a woman’s menu, make it tasty and safe for the baby.

Recipe No. 1. Light salad. To prepare the salad you need to take 1 apple, half a banana, 100 gr. cottage cheese. Cut apples and banana into cubes or grate, add cottage cheese, mix, season with sour cream and consume 1 – 2 times a day in small portions. If a woman is not allergic to honey, you can add a spoonful of “sweet nectar”.

Recipe No. 2. Porridge with ripe banana. To prepare tasty and healthy porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), you can add half a banana to it along with butter, which can be crushed with a fork or decorated. Such a breakfast will not only be tasty and satisfying, but also healthy for a nursing mother and baby.

Recipe No. 3. Banana cocktail. To prepare a sweet and healthy drink, you need to take 1 glass of warm milk or low-fat yogurt, add half a banana, and grind in a blender. Consume fresh.

Recipe No. 4. Banana cookies. It is known that store-bought confectionery products are not always healthy; they contain trans fats, various dyes and carcinogens. Homemade baking would be an excellent alternative to such cookies. In order to prepare dessert, you will need: 100 gr. cottage cheese, 1 banana, flour, a little sugar. Grind the banana together with cottage cheese, add 1 egg, a glass of flour, a little sugar and 3 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream. All ingredients are mixed until a thick but soft dough is formed. Using special pastry molds, cookies are formed, placed on a plaque with greased butter and placed in the oven. Cookies should be baked at 180°C for 20 - 30 minutes. These cookies are ideal for tea, they are completely safe and quite tasty.

Rules for eating bananas while breastfeeding

Breastfeeding specialists do not consider bananas a dangerous product, but on the contrary, if there are no contraindications to taking them, introduce them in small pieces into the diet of a nursing mother.

The main thing is not to overuse bananas. In the first month of breastfeeding, it is recommended to eat half a banana a day. If the baby tolerates this product well, after 1 - 2 weeks you can increase to 1 banana per day.

It is recommended to eat bananas in the first half of the day. After consuming an overseas product, you need to monitor your baby. If he is not capricious, there are no problems with stool, there are no colics, then the little one’s body has accepted the product well.


Eating bananas while breastfeeding in the first month of a baby’s life often causes controversy and disagreement between young mothers. Some say that this product is completely safe and will bring nothing but benefits, while others believe that bananas can only be consumed from the second or third month.

If a woman constantly consumed bananas during pregnancy, the risk that the baby will be intolerant to them is minimal. In order to solve the problem, whether a nursing mother can or cannot eat bananas in the first month of breastfeeding, it is better to consult a pediatrician who has been caring for the child since birth.

Expectant mothers have definitely heard about the breastfeeding diet, that is, about some nutritional rules that are so strict that the list of allowed foods is reduced to items that can be counted on one hand. Following such a diet, mothers limit themselves to many foods or refuse them altogether, as they believe that they are harmful to the baby.

The list of such unauthorized products includes bananas. Women refuse them, since the diet of a nursing mother dictates that they can only eat fruits that grow in the region where the child is born. But, still, you should not rush to cross out this fruit from your diet. This a product that is very useful for a nursing mother. Let's try to finally verify this by understanding the issue in detail.

How to properly introduce bananas into your diet while breastfeeding

Newborn babies in the first month of their life are not adapted to a special diet, they have an immature digestive tract, and their body is susceptible to allergic reactions. To a mother breastfeeding her baby, you should carefully monitor your diet and do not consume active allergenic products, so as not to cause a reaction in the baby. After all, breast milk consists of blood and lymph, that is, all products that are absorbed by the mother’s body pass through the blood into breast milk, and then into the baby’s stomach, which does not yet have enough enzymes to digest food.

If a mother does not watch her diet and eats foods that are familiar to her but harmful to the child, then the digestive system simply cannot cope with them and the baby may get sick. Exotic fruits are a strong allergen for the infant body.

A nursing mother who cares about the health of her child, even if she really wants to eat a banana, she eats a small amount and does not abuse it. However, you should not drink the fruit with water. The mother’s task is to make sure that the product is absorbed as much as possible only in her body, and not passed on to the child.

Introducing any new product into your diet, a nursing mother should carefully monitor the baby’s well-being: whether he has bloating, loose stools or constipation. If everything goes smoothly and the baby’s condition does not change in any way, then the mother can safely eat her favorite bananas every day.

When the child grows up a little, he will enjoy eating bananas himself. Statistics show that most children love them.

Bananas, like other foods, for nursing mothers should be introduced into your diet very carefully. First, you can try a third of the fruit in the morning, after which you need to carefully monitor the child’s well-being. If everything goes well, then the fruit can be eaten every day.

The benefits or harms of bananas during breastfeeding

When understanding the question of whether bananas are ok for breastfeeding, you first need to understand the benefits of this product, as well as the possible harm. Many studies have proven that banana is a very healthy fruit. It contains many useful substances and microelements. Fruit base:

Due to its composition, banana is the leader among fruits in terms of benefits for the body.

Substances contained in the pulp of the fruit, cleanse the body and stimulate the human immune system. Vitamin B is very good for hair and bones, vitamin C and E fight skin aging.

By eating two fruits a day, a nursing mother will receive the required amount of potassium, which balances the water-salt balance in the body.

Bananas have been proven to stimulate the release of a hormone that improves mood and relieves stress. Carotene strengthens blood vessels and heart muscle.

In the countries where the banana grows, it is called an erotic fruit, as it enhances male and female desire.

Banana during breastfeeding is a real salvation from stress for mom.

Benefits of fruit

Banana is not a panacea, but food. Eating one banana per day in the absence of unwanted reactions, it works wonders:


For all its merits, Bananas also have some downsides.. There is much less bad in it than good, but in order to objectively understand its effect on the body, this should also be taken into account.

  • Bananas are difficult for the body to digest and digest in the stomach.
  • Exotic fruits can cause fermentation processes in the intestines,
  • They can cause diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.

For some diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or high stomach acidity, you should consume bananas with caution and consult your doctor.

Although bananas are not very high in calories, only 90 kcal per 100 grams, the sugar contained in the fruit is completely absorbed and this can lead to weight gain. Therefore, you should not abuse the quantity, one banana per day will not harm the body of a nursing mother at all.

Allergic manifestations and other possible troubles

Bananas very rarely cause allergies.

But it is worth remembering that all children are absolutely individual and in some the body does not tolerate starch, of which there is plenty in fruits.

In such a situation, the child may develop skin rashes.

If the mother notices that the baby has become capricious, is worried after eating vegetables or fruits, has changes in stool or skin rash, then You should stop using the product and try next time only after a few days.

If the baby’s stool has changed, but there are no other reactions, then the mother can eat half a banana a day and thereby help the baby get used to the product.

This fruit, like pineapples, nuts, mushrooms and other foods, contains a large amount of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin. As you know, serotonin is a hormone that a person simply needs, but its excess can affect overall well-being, cause weakness and loss of consciousness.

If a nursing mother After eating the fruit, I felt unwell, she should stop using it. Such situations are extremely rare, so it’s not worth talking about them. Most likely, this may be due to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. That is, as we have already found out, banana is hypoallergenic and if any reaction occurs to it, then this only indicates a malfunction of the internal organs. In such a situation, a woman should consult a specialist for qualified medical care and examination.

Bananas can extremely rarely cause any allergic reaction. Some children have a personal intolerance to starch.

It happens that the human immune system reacts to the product with the manifestation of allergic reactions during poisoning. It's very easy to get poisoned by an exotic fruit., just don't wash it.

Not many people know that bananas are cut while still green, and to speed up ripening they are treated with nitrogen and ethylene. Ideally, the fruit ripens for several weeks when the temperature drops. But suppliers are trying to speed up the process and this only harms the quality of the fruit. On the shelves you can find bananas with dark spots and even rotten.

How does a banana affect the body of a nursing mother and baby?

There is no doubt about the benefits of bananas for a breastfeeding mother. It gives strength and nourishes the female body, which has a positive effect on lactation. Both during pregnancy and breastfeeding, these fruits are very valuable for the female body. It is able to improve mood, calm the nervous system, and improve blood circulation in the brain.

An important advantage of this fruit is that it can easily replace any sweet dessert for mom.

If a mother ate bananas during pregnancy and continues to eat them after the birth of the child, then, most likely, their consumption will not affect the child in any way. Through breast milk, during breastfeeding, the baby receives pectins that are beneficial to the body, which are involved in the digestion of food.

The following property of bananas has been noticed: if the child had constipation, then the fruit will have a laxative effect, but if the child’s stool was liquid, then the fruit will strengthen.

Sometimes an exotic fruit can cause bloating and flatulence in a child. But such symptoms pass very quickly; most likely, neither the child nor the mother will notice them.

Several months will pass and at the beginning of the first complementary feeding the child can be pleased by giving him a banana. Usually kids accept them with a bang.. The product is introduced very gradually, starting with half a teaspoon, while the child’s condition must be closely monitored.

In any case, it is better to ask your doctor for advice, who will help your mother make the right decision.

Bananas are very healthy fruits, very filling and tasty. Their relatively inexpensive price and availability in all seasons have made these fruits a regular “guest” on our tables. Can I eat bananas while breastfeeding? When can these yellow, appetizing fruits be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother?

Benefits of fruits

Fruits that seem simple at first glance actually have a complex beneficial effect on the body of a nursing mother:

  • Fruit sugar, which is part of the rich pulp, charges new mothers with energy for the whole day, full of worries about little children. Slow carbs will not affect her blood sugar levels or her figure.
  • The ratio of the nutrients that make up a banana and its energy value is so balanced that nutritionists equate one fruit to a plate of oatmeal.
  • The microelements included in the yellow fruits have a beneficial effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, relieving irritation and improving peristalsis.
  • Eating bananas while breastfeeding provokes the production of serotonin, the “happiness hormone.” It helps improve mood, fights depression, improves memory and concentration. Of course, every nursing mother will appreciate these properties of the yellow fruit during the difficult postpartum period.
  • This fruit is recommended by pediatricians for first complementary foods, which means it is hypoallergenic. Its use by a nursing mother is unlikely to be associated with negative reactions from the baby’s skin and stool.
  • Banana is a recognized record holder for potassium content. This microelement contains 300 mg per 100 g; it effectively lowers blood pressure and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • This fruit has a positive effect on stool - ripe bananas are good for bowel movements.
  • The valuable amino acid tryptophan helps a new mother normalize sleep and easily adapt to a new routine.

Possible harm

With such colossal benefits of the fruit and its relative harmlessness, the use of these fruits should still be limited in the following cases:

  • for diabetes;
  • with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • tendency to heartburn;
  • cases of banana allergy.

If you eat bananas in large quantities, this can cause increased gas formation in the child due to the significant content of starch in the pulp of the fruit. In addition, the nutritional value of the fruits brought to us is also in question; perhaps this is the main problem regarding the advisability of eating them. These fruits, as a rule, are collected completely unripe - this is the only way they can be delivered to the consumer in marketable form. During transportation, bananas become ripe and appear on the shelves no longer green, but yellow.

Fruits picked much earlier than expected do not have time to accumulate useful substances in their pulp. Therefore, it is believed that foreign fruits that have undergone long-term transportation have virtually no nutritional or microelement value. In fact, their pulp contains only starch and sugar; the possible consequences of their increased content are indicated above. Whether you can eat bananas that do not have the required nutritional value and cause colic is up to you.

Bananas and breastfeeding

If you still want to introduce this delicious, tender fruit into your diet, you are probably wondering whether bananas are ok while breastfeeding.

If a nursing mother wanted these fruits only after giving birth, and before that she did not eat bananas during pregnancy, Komarovsky and pediatricians allow them to be included in the menu only in the third month.

In both cases, a nursing mother should be careful when introducing bananas into her diet:

  1. You need to start eating bananas gradually: on the first day you are allowed to eat no more than a quarter of the fruit, and then, in increments of three days, gradually increase the amount of the daily “dose” by 1/4.
  2. After the first test, you should pause for 2-3 days, and during this time carefully monitor the baby’s skin and the nature of the baby’s stool. If your baby develops an allergic rash in response to fruits eaten by his mother, or develops diarrhea or painful constipation, he should no longer eat bananas. You will be able to try this fruit again in a month, although Komarovsky believes that you can try again earlier - after 2 weeks.
  3. If the child does not have an allergic reaction, the mother can continue to increase the amount of banana in her daily diet until she reaches the recommended daily intake of 2-3 fruits.

Some mothers successfully regulate their baby's bowel movements with the help of certain foods in their diet, including eating bananas while breastfeeding.

So, unripe fruits are well fixed. If your child develops mild diarrhea after some other new additions to your diet, you can eat greenish fruits before feeding your baby - traces of this food in breast milk will definitely help the baby cope with the problem. If, on the contrary, your baby has a tendency to constipation, you can gently loosen his stool with the help of an overripe banana, the skin of which is already covered with dark spots.

To choose bananas during lactation that will really benefit you and your baby, you need to know about the characteristics of these fruits.

  • The shape of good sweet bananas should be slightly ribbed and streamlined, and the surface of the skin should be shiny and smooth.
  • Ripe fruits have a rich yellow color. Fruits that are pale or have a greenish tint on the ribs or tips are unripe, which means they were picked before they had time to absorb nutrients. Such bananas will not bring you or your baby any benefit while breastfeeding.
  • The diameter of table varieties of bananas should be 3-4 cm, and the length - from 20 cm. There are also dessert “breeds” of the fruit that differ significantly from the fruits we are used to - they have a thinner peel, are about half as long and have a pleasant honey taste. But the price of such bananas makes them inaccessible to the average consumer.
  • Don't be alarmed by black spots and spots on the surface of the fruit's skin. They are not talking about spoilage of the fruit; on the contrary, if its flesh remains firm to the touch, it is better to choose just such an unsightly product during the breastfeeding period. This condition of the peel indicates that the fruit is ripe and its sugar content has reached its maximum. By purchasing a banana with a darkened peel, you will get delicious sweet pulp for dessert.
  • You don't have to eat only fresh fruits - a new mother can treat herself by buying dried bananas and mixing them with muesli and milk.

For a nursing mother on a strict diet in the first months, a banana will most likely be the very first treat she can treat herself to. When introducing this fruit into your diet, the main thing is to adhere to moderation and carefully monitor changes in the condition of the child’s skin and its skin.