The dog is limping on its front legs for reasons. What to do if your dog is limping on a front or back leg, but there are no visible injuries

Lameness in a dog is functional change in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. First of all, the step function is disrupted. The movements of a healthy animal, regardless of its physique, are free and springy. It rests on all limbs. An unhealthy animal moves stiffly and guards itself. This means that walking does not involve any one limb or even several limbs. An attentive owner cannot help but notice that any dog’s gait has changed, it is limping or dragging its paw. The veterinarian is most often asked the question why a dog is limping on its front leg. The front paw is the support paw; the animal injures it most quickly when jumping - it gets twisted, dislocated, cut on glass, or sprained when landing on a slippery surface.

The question is why the dog is limping hind paw, slightly less frequent. But the hind limbs also suffer - they are pinched, damaged in fights, and damaged in the hock joint. It is important for the owner to understand that lameness is not a disease. This is a symptom of many diseases, so it is eliminated in accordance with the diagnosis.

Possible causes of lameness in dogs


Mechanical causes include injuries of various etiologies. The dog could get into a fight and in the fight get bitten by another animal (if the fight was with a cat, then the cat’s claws could severely scratch the dog’s paw and cause an infection in the wound). Fight small dog with a larger dog leads to obvious injuries, but a fight large dog with a small dog is usually ignored by the owners. Therefore, they do not always associate the pet’s health problems, in particular lameness, with past “showdowns.” Meanwhile, even Yorkshire Terrier or the miniature pinscher is capable of biting through a muscle or tendon of a large opponent, which subsequently leads to lameness.

An unsuccessful jump leads to fractures, sprains, dislocations, and cracked bones. An animal falling from a height has similar consequences. There are breeds for which jumping is contraindicated, and falls are often fatal for them. These are heavy type dogs short legs- pugs, french bulldogs, Bullies, as well as dogs with thin fragile bones - Russian Toys, Chihuahuas, Chinese Cresteds. Dogs with an elongated body - Dachshunds, Basset Hounds, Skye Terriers, Welsh Corgis - are also susceptible to diseases of the back and paws, if not properly maintained and excessive loads mature years are greeted with lameness, numbness of the paws, and sagging of the back.

Someone could have kicked the dog or hit it with some object, or it could have gotten under the wheel of a car or bicycle and been bruised. The bruises are not dangerous, but the pain at the site of the impact causes the animal to limp and take care of the affected limb for some time.

In the summer, the cause of lameness is often the bite of an insect, especially one with a sting: wasps, bees, bumblebees. These bites are dangerous because they can cause severe allergic reaction and even lead to tissue necrosis at the site of the bite. The same goes for snake bites. Tissue damage is caused by the bite of any snake, including non-venomous ones.

Other summer nuisance- particles of the spikelet plant of empty oats (popularly called oats, oats, ustyug, ustyuk, etc.). These particles go deep into the tissue and cause abscesses.

Medical causes of lameness

Under medical reasons refers to genetic (congenital) and acquired diseases.

TO genetic diseases musculoskeletal system include hip dysplasia (Saint Bernards, Rottweilers, Mountain Dogs and others large breeds), dysplasia knee joint with possible dislocation kneecap(Labradors, Spitz, Griffons), ataxia (Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers, Cocker Spaniels). These diseases are not treated, only the symptoms are relieved and the pet’s suffering is alleviated. The only prevention of genetic diseases is genetic testing breeding animals and exclusion from breeding of individuals with a tendency to genetic defects.

Inflammatory diseases of muscles, ligaments, and joints also cause the animal to limp. Neurological problems in animals - paresis, paralysis - often lead to lameness. These diseases affect the peripheral nervous system And spinal cord(about concussion).

Various types of problems with blood vessels - thrombosis, for example - disrupt blood circulation in the extremities, impair tissue trophism and cause lameness due to weakening of ligaments.

Lameness is caused by poor quality nutrition, poor in magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Due to a deficiency of these microelements, animals develop seizures. Painful muscle contractions, even after relaxation and return to normal, still remind of themselves for some time. aching pain in the limbs, which can also cause the dog to limp.

Causes the same problem tumor diseases, especially osteosarcoma, muscle fibroids and others. Firstly, the tumor disrupts normal structure bones or muscles, impairs their nutrition, causes discomfort and pain at the site of formation. Secondly, the tumor changes the functionality of the limb, growing into different parts of it.


It happens that a dog limps on its hind leg after an injection. She may be in pain after an incorrect - too fast or too slow - injection of the medicine, or the drug causes a painful sensation at the injection site, or an inexperienced specialist got into the periosteum.

Also, the dog limps on the front leg if he goes on IV drips. She usually has a catheter placed and secured to her paw with duct tape. The catheter causes discomfort to the animal and slightly interferes with movement. Even when it is removed, the animal limps either from discomfort at the attachment site or out of habit. IN severe cases sometimes a nerve is affected, in which case specific treatment is required neurological treatment. Muscle contracture is also possible due to the local toxic effects of the drug.


Dogs, of course, should not be humanized and ascribed qualities and abilities that are unique to humans. But you shouldn’t underestimate them either; they are very smart and cunning creatures who perfectly know how to manipulate both people and other animals. It is cunning that determines psychological reasons some cases of lameness in these pets.

The dog may be limping if

  • Previously, he was sick, limped, underwent treatment and was released from training at the training ground. Thus, he wants to avoid another training and habitually demonstrates the behavior that he needs in order not to train.
  • He once ran, limping, into the ring with a handler and was taken out of training or removed from the exhibition. Since handling and performance in the ring are not interesting to the dog, he will remember how to avoid them.
  • He is younger than other dogs I know. Then, in the event of the slightest manifestation of aggression on the part of adults, the young dog may limp, fall on his back, whine, in every possible way showing that he is smaller and weaker.

What an owner should do if a dog has lameness

What to do if the dog is limping? Definitely take him to the veterinarian or call him to your home. In the first case it is possible immediately full examination dogs, in the second the dog does not bother his sore paw with walking and feels better in a familiar environment.

The veterinarian will manually and visually examine the paw on which the dog is limping, take a blood test, and, if necessary, urine. You will also need to do x-rays in several projections. Ideally shown ultrasonography joint and adjacent tissues. It is advisable that the results of analyzes and studies be studied by an orthopedist or traumatologist. But in principle, the surgeon will handle the diagnosis and prescription of treatment.

Veterinary clinics in large cities have installed equipment for magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. If you have the opportunity to conduct such an examination for your pet, you should not neglect it. It's on this moment most accurate and safe method diagnostics various problems with health. the only drawback of this study is its high price.

Before the dog gets an appointment with a veterinarian, it is necessary to immobilize its paw, place the animal in a cage, carrier or tie it up, limiting its mobility. A small dog is best carried in your arms.

Treatment of lameness in dogs

Treatment for lameness will depend on what diagnosis the veterinarian makes for the dog based on the examination completed. If the dog is in pain, he may be prescribed a pain reliever. But if it is necessary for treatment purposes to keep the animal at rest, then the painkiller is not administered to it. After all, with the disappearance of pain, the dog will again run, jump, play, disturbing the sore paw and preventing healing.

If the x-ray reveals a crack or fracture, then a splint is put on the limb or otherwise immobilized. The inflammatory process is relieved non-steroidal drugs. Steroids are prescribed if the first ones are ineffective.

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An ailment such as lameness in dogs is very common; it is one of the most popular reasons for contacting veterinary clinic. It can ruin the health of not only a small breed dog, but also its more massive brothers.

Etymology of the disease

Veterinarians call lameness a partial or complete impairment of an animal’s ability to support. This term is usually understood as Impaired gait function in one or both hind limbs. Changes in gait will be visible to the owner with the naked eye; they are expressed in the asymmetry of rear paw rearrangement associated with various disorders functionality of the animal's musculoskeletal system.

Lameness should in no case be considered as a separate diagnosis, since it is in fact a symptom of some disease that impairs coordination pet.


Many veterinarians are inclined to believe that when a problem of this kind occurs, there are a number of factors that provoke the appearance of lameness in a dog:
Factors that can cause this disease:

  • Mechanical in nature (wound, damage).
  • Thermal (frostbite, burn).
  • Chemical (burn from acids, medical supplies, alkalis).

Predisposing factors for lameness:

  1. Insufficient exterior.
  2. Loads that are too heavy for the animal.
  3. Unbalanced nutrition, leading to weakening of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Avitaminosis.
  5. The presence of inflammatory processes.
  6. Neoplastic neoplasms and so on.

Symptoms of the disease

This disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Soreness at rest.
  • Painful movement.
  • Impaired support ability associated with exercise, wakefulness, and sleep.
  • Fast fatiguability.

Types of disease

  1. Lameness of a leaning limb. It is characterized by pain when moving. The dog whines at this time, does not go forward at the owner’s command, and is constantly in a restless state. This form characteristic of a claw injury, damage to the pads on the paw, tendon-ligament, or bone apparatus.
  2. Hanging limb lameness– is expressed in painful sensations associated with the dog’s transfer of a limb. This form is typical for injuries associated with impaired functionality of the muscular system.
  3. Mixed lameness - it includes elements of the two previous variations. It belongs to the acute inflammatory processes, arising in the area large joints at the dog.
  4. Intermittent claudication– is determined by an unexpected appearance and the same disappearance.

The latter type of disease is extremely common in dogs. dwarf breeds. It is associated with a dislocated kneecap. Such lameness does not cause pain to the pet, nor does it cause any particular discomfort, however, in the future the dog may develop degenerative change in the joint area, what will happen in the future unpleasant problem not only for the dog, but also for its owner.

U large dogs lameness may occur due to dysplasia hip joints. This disease is purely hereditary and occurs as a result of a disorder in the development of the joint.

Diagnosis of the disease

A disorder associated with partial loss of support ability is expressed as mixed lameness and lameness of the supporting limb. Diagnosis of this disease must be done using very informative methods. One of these methods is considered to be radiography.

First of all, the veterinarian will need to carefully examine the limping animal, assessing the changes that led to the disease. To do this, it takes about 10 minutes to walk with the dog, during which time he will have to assess which particular hind leg the sick animal is limping on.

Having assessed the situation, the veterinarian will need to use palpation to determine whether the dog has muscle hypertrophy, or even atrophy, painful tumors, crunching in the joints, discomfort When flexing and extending the hind limbs, conduct a thorough examination of the pet's toes, pads and claws. Quite often, cracks are considered the most common cause of lameness. small sizes, appearing on the pads of the paws and torn claws.

As stated above, the most reliable way to determine lameness in a dog should be considered undergoing radiography. It is the R-shot, necessarily taken in frontal and lateral projections, that will help establish the real reason occurrence of lameness in the animal.

As an addition, the treating veterinarian may prescribe the animal to undergo a CT scan.


Therapeutic measures veterinarian will be prescribed based on the degree of the disease. These include:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Rimadyl, Ketofen).
  • Diet.
  • Reduced activity and load.

If the case is extremely severe, then it may be necessary surgical intervention.

The dog may limp for some time after sleep, which in turn will be a consequence of the rupture cruciate ligament, this cannot be done without surgical intervention.

If the dog began to limp after the injection was given to it, then in this case it was done incorrectly, the needle got into the nerve. Similar action associated with the administration of antibiotics. In this case, the veterinarian will advise thoroughly massaging the limping hind leg.

When a dog limps on its hind leg, this type of action is usually a consequence of the presence of some kind of disease in its body. Timely appeal to the veterinary clinic will help to promptly identify the appearance of serious pathologies and eliminate them.

Lameness - common in veterinary practice work disorder lower limbs at the dog. The pet's gait changes, becomes asymmetrical, and when moving it experiences serious discomfort. Most often, the disorder appears due to injuries to the limbs, but if their signs are absent, the cause may lie in pathologies musculoskeletal system And internal organs. What should the owner do when the dog is limping on its front leg and there are no noticeable injuries?

The dog is limping on his front leg, visible damage No

Lameness in dogs is a change in gait, which is accompanied by a shortening of the step, partial or complete exclusion of the limbs from the walking process, when the animal only leans lightly on it, or even tucks in when moving. She is not independent disease, but a symptom of pathologies that are associated with pain, discomfort or muscle weakness in the limbs.

The disorder may manifest itself spontaneously, after prolonged physical activity or a state of rest, and sometimes accompanied additional symptoms– swelling, muscle atrophy, general malaise (loss of appetite, lethargy, apathy, etc.). Features of lameness and accompanying manifestations play an important role in making a diagnosis, so they need to be given special attention.

Main types of lameness

Before looking for the cause of changes in a dog’s gait, you need to carefully observe your pet - there are several types of lameness, each of which has its own characteristics of gait disturbance.

Type of lamenessImagePeculiarities
It appears when the dog rests its affected limb on the ground while walking. She tries to minimize the duration of contact of the paw with the surface, lightly touching it with a pad, and at rest she can tuck her limb. This type of disorder is typical for damage to soft and hard tissues, hereditary pathologies (dysplasia elbow joint), arthritis, arthrosis
The disorder can be noticed at the moment when the animal moves the limb forward when walking. Due to discomfort, the animal is unable to take a step normal length, and places the diseased paw next to the healthy one, as a result of which the step shortens. For intense pain there may be no lifting of the limb at all, and when moving, the dog begins to drag it along with it. This type of disorder is observed when muscle structures are damaged, lymph nodes and nerve tissue
It appears both when moving a limb and when it rests on the ground. Mixed type disorders possible with localization pathological process in muscle and nerve endings
The peculiarity of this type of disorder is the absence of pain, and changes in gait are associated with muscle weakness

In addition, lameness in a dog can be intermittent (temporary) or permanent. In the first case, the disorder is an unsystematic gait disturbance that appears spontaneously and resolves on its own. Permanent variety the disorder is observed for a long time with any movements, and sometimes at rest - the dog tries to spare the sore paw, squeezing it or holding it in an unnatural, tense position.

Attention! Pain threshold in dogs is quite high, and if the animal does not lean on a limb or tucks it in, it means we're talking about about intense pain and serious tissue damage, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Possible causes of lameness in dogs

Reasons pathological change Dogs can have a lot of gaits, but in the absence of visible damage, it is quite difficult to determine them, so the owner of the animal should contact a veterinarian. All reasons why a dog’s gait may be impaired are divided into mechanical, that is, those that were caused by exposure to external factors, and medical - these include disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Mechanical reasons

Most often, lameness, which arose under the influence of traumatic factors, is accompanied by external damage - wounds, swelling, abrasions, etc., but sometimes gait disturbance is the only symptom.

Attention! The most alarming symptom is gradually increasing lameness - it is observed when oncological diseases and degenerative processes of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis).

Medical reasons

Medical causes of lameness include various diseases that are associated with disruption of the musculoskeletal system or other organs:

  • inflammatory processes in muscle and nerve tissues;
  • diseases of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system;
  • degenerative pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis);
  • thrombosis of large vessels;
  • pathologies of the spine, accompanied by compression of the nerve roots (hernia, protrusion);
  • benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • pathologies of internal organs, which are accompanied pain syndrome, radiating to the limbs;
  • errors in nutrition, lack of vitamins and nutrients;
  • overweight, too speed dial body weight in young individuals.

To the non-obvious, but most serious reasons lameness refers to genetic diseases of the musculoskeletal system that affect some breeds of dogs - hip or knee dysplasia, muscle ataxia. These are pathologies that cannot be treated, and the only thing doctors can do is to stop the symptoms and alleviate the pet’s condition.

What an owner should do if a dog has lameness

As a rule, lameness in a dog can be detected with the naked eye, but in some cases it appears slightly, or only during certain periods. If the owner suspects a gait disorder in the pet, the following test can be performed - walk the dog along wet sand or wet soil, and then measure the distance between the footprints remaining on the surface. In healthy individuals, the step length is the same, and if one step is shorter than the other, we may be talking about problems with the musculoskeletal system.

If the animal begins to limp, you need to carefully examine and feel the limb for external or internal damage, trying not to cause pain to the animal. It is strictly not recommended to straighten limbs, reduce dislocations or carry out other manipulations on your own - this can lead to serious consequences for the health of the pet. You should also not use any medications without a doctor’s prescription - the only justified therapeutic agent in this case it is vitamin B (the dose must be selected depending on the weight of the animal).

Regardless of the presence or absence of visible injuries, the dog should be taken to a veterinarian for diagnosis - the doctor will conduct an external examination and functional tests, and, if necessary, send the animal for x-rays, blood tests, ultrasound and other studies.

Important! Even if the dog’s lameness went away on its own over a certain period of time, it is better to show it to a veterinarian - changes could have occurred in the joints, bones and other structures that would provoke serious complications in future.

Treatment of lameness in dogs

Therapy for lameness in a dog depends on the disease that caused this symptom and is aimed at eliminating discomfort and the underlying pathology, as well as restoring normal operation musculoskeletal system. As symptomatic treatment painkillers, decongestants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, and in recovery period chondroprotectors and B vitamins. For uncomplicated pathologies, you can usually get by conservative therapy, and in severe cases, surgical intervention is required - suturing wounds, removing tumors, arthroplasty, introducing medications into joints, etc.

Video - Bone fractures in animals

Prevention of lameness in dogs

To prevent lameness, owners should closely monitor the health of their pets and pay attention to balanced diet and proper distribution of physical activity. Special control is necessary for a dog during a walk - you need to exclude fights with other animals, falls from a height and other factors that can lead to injuries, and upon arriving home, carefully examine the animal’s limbs for damage. Representatives of breeds that are prone to genetic diseases, as well as older individuals, require regular preventive examinations by a veterinarian.

Lameness in a dog - alarming symptom, which cannot be ignored or tried to be eliminated on your own. Any delay or inept action can lead to serious consequences for the pet’s health, so it should be taken to a veterinary clinic immediately.

Perhaps you have seen how clumsy and pitiful pets look when they have suffered limb injuries. A sick dog can’t even play... Why play - it’s not easy for him to even go to the toilet! In short, a sick pet has a very bad time. So lameness in dogs is a reason for an immediate visit to the veterinarian. There is no point in delaying this, since later treatment will cost much more. On the pages of this article we will describe the main pathologies that can lead to the appearance of a limp, and also talk about ways to eliminate them.

Important! Remember one simple truth - never try to treat lameness in your dog using “human” drugs.

Firstly, the cause of the pathology may be serious, and your “poultices” will not help your pet in any way (moreover, they can worsen the process). Secondly, dogs and humans are representatives of diametrically opposed species with completely different body biochemistry.

Important! Medicines that are useful for people can simply kill a dog. Don't take risks!

Perhaps these are one of the most common pathologies leading to lameness. They appear quite characteristically:

  • Lameness due to these factors can occur on any limb. When trying to feel the affected area (as a rule, the dog himself constantly licks it) the animal pulls its leg back and whines pitifully.
  • Also, the damaged limb can be easily identified by the appearance bruises, abraded hair and skin, hematomas etc. When palpated (when the injury is still fresh), it feels good traumatic edema, all tissues are swollen and slightly “springy” under your fingers.

Dogs often get bruises and sprains during games, training (applies to service dogs, of course), in case of unsuccessful “contact” with cyclists. In mild cases of pathology, these pathologies are treated extremely simply - the animal is given complete peace. Walking is only up to the nearest tree. If the situation is more severe, anti-inflammatory drugs (including corticosteroids) and possibly painkillers are treated.


You should not be surprised: in veterinary practice, there are often cases when a dog is brought to the clinic with complaints: “He began to fall a little on his front paw,” after which it turns out that the animal has a fracture.

In addition, if the pet received a fairly serious injury, but it did not reach the point of an obvious fracture (you definitely won’t be able to see a crack in the bone with a “keen eye”), then the pathology can easily be confused with an ordinary bruise. So if you have the slightest doubt about your dog’s behavior after a fall, a “hot” encounter with a friend or a bicycle, it is better to immediately take him to the veterinarian. The characteristics of fractures are as follows:

  • Most often "undetected" fractures remain on the front leg– in case of damage ulna the limb rests on the radial one, and therefore the injury can be confused with a severe bruise.
  • If a hind leg is “broken”, it’s difficult not to notice - the animal is strongly influenced by it crouches, constantly whines and wheezes pitifully. In general, often with a paw pressed up, the dog tries in every possible way to avoid any influence on it, squeals and whines when trying to feel the limb that is bothering it.
  • In old pets, the fracture may well be due to bone cancer or. With this pathology, they become very fragile and sensitive to mechanical stress.

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What are the symptoms that indicate that you and your pet need to be seen urgently? to a good veterinarian? Firstly, with a simple bruise or even dislocation, the dog can still stand and even walk, even if it causes him severe pain. When there is a fracture, it usually lies down. Only in mild cases will the dog be able to walk with a severe limp. In other situations, he will press the injured paw to the body, trying not to disturb it again. In addition, with fractures (even closed ones) in the place subjected to mechanical stress, bruising, blue discoloration are visible, the skin and other tissues in this place are seriously swollen and may be coldish. If you observe something like this in your pet, you should immediately show him to the veterinarian!

For fractures, treatment can be very varied. In mild cases, the paw is simply “wrapped” in plaster bandage , carefully cutting the fur first. If the fracture is accompanied by the appearance broken bones and cracks, surgery will be required, right down to the installation of plates and pins. The dog's recovery time depends on the severity of the injury and the skill of the surgeon who performed the operation.

Infectious diseases

In addition to coughing, sneezing and infection, infections can affect any system and all organs. This rule does not bypass the limbs of dogs. Let's consider brief characteristics of lameness resulting from the adverse effects of pathogenic microorganisms:

  • As in all the cases described above, pathology can affect all limbs.
  • A characteristic sign of infectious diseases is intermittent claudication: The “breakdown” seems to “wander” from one leg to the other. With injuries, as you understand, this does not happen. The dog limps only on the limb that was injured. With infections, it often turns out that all the paws are damaged.
  • When and not only lameness is noticeable: the affected joint capsules swell greatly, “undress”, the dog does not allow you to feel them - whining and squealing in pain, he tries to escape.
  • Lameness due to infections is a minor thing. The dog almost doesn’t get up without it, it may start fever, the dog completely or partially refuses food. In the most severe cases, purulent (photo below) and: pus melts through the joint capsule and begins to ooze into the external environment.

Read also: Leukopenia - decreased white blood cell levels in dogs

Treatment depends on the specific infection. In most cases, antibiotics are prescribed wide range actions and others antimicrobials. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to resort to surgical intervention: surgery in such cases is extremely difficult and expensive. Sometimes, when pus and bacteria have thoroughly “worked” on the joint capsule and capsule, the only way out– installation of prosthetic implants. So don't let the disease spread, bring your dog regularly preventive examination to the veterinarian.

By the way, your dog is limping maybe after vaccination, designed to fight infectious diseases. Most likely, nothing bad happened in this case: some vaccines cause short-term swelling and swelling at the injection site, and pain is likely. Everything should go away completely in three to four hours. If this does not happen, we advise you to contact the veterinarian who performed the vaccination. If lameness appears a couple of days after the administration of the drug, then the reason almost certainly lies either in an individual “non-standard” reaction, or (most likely) in non-compliance basic rules asepsis and antiseptics when performing the procedure. Again, you need to immediately contact a specialist.

Skin diseases

Yes, skin diseases, which seem to have nothing to do with lameness, may well cause it. This is due to the fact that the source of inflammation located near the joint or directly on it is always painful. Because of this, the dog begins to limp, and the owner may well get the impression that his pet has something very wrong with his joints. Here are the characteristics of these types of lameness:


These causes of lameness in dogs, along with bruises and sprains, are quite common. Wounds (most often) are bitten and lacerated, which is bad. Such damage takes a long time to heal and causes a lot of “ side effects“, and lameness is perhaps the most harmless thing. a brief description of these injuries:

  • More common on hind limbs(this is where dogs are bitten by their relatives during fights).
  • Wounds are often accompanied by crushing and tissue ruptures, including ligaments.
  • In addition to bites, broken nails, insect bites, and grass stubble embedded in the paw pads can cause lameness. In these cases, the animal begins to fall on its hind paw, but the front limb, as a rule, is supported by weight.

There are situations when dogs begin to limp without visible reasons and wants to understand what is happening and how to help the pet cope with the problem that has arisen.

Here it is worth remembering that, without proper education, as well as practical experience in the treatment of pets and without special diagnostic equipment and laboratories for research, there is no way to say what’s wrong with the dog and why it behaves this way. A visit to the veterinarian will be the right decision this issue.

The dog is limping and leaning in, does not stand on its hind leg, leg, what should I do, is it bad or does not eat, whines, trembles, shakes, falls over on its side

There can be several reasons for a dog's lameness: injuries (injuries, sprains, wounds), burns or frostbite, infections.

If you notice that your dog is limping, you should immediately consult a veterinarian. If a wound is noticed on the paw, it is treated with saline solution and shown to a specialist.

If the dog is trembling, limping on its hind legs and cannot stand up, then it may be myositis (inflammation of the muscles).

In this case, you need a paw massage and heat, but correct diagnosis Only a veterinarian can diagnose it.

It is possible that the dog infectious arthritis, which is accompanied by swelling of the joints and refusal to eat. It is necessary to urgently take your pet to the doctor.

A dog limps on its front leg after sleeping, after lying down, an injection in the leg, vaccinations, a walk, a tick bite, what to do?

If a dog limps after sleeping and then goes away, it could be a dislocated shoulder. Here you need a specialist consultation and an x-ray.

The cause of lameness after an injection is an incorrectly performed procedure or painful sensations. These symptoms will pass and the dog will begin to walk without lameness.

If the dog starts limping after a walk, then you need to check the paw pads, there may be something stuck there. foreign object or a broken claw. In this case, try to remove the object yourself and disinfect the wound. A broken claw is removed at a veterinary clinic.

Tick ​​bites are dangerous due to infectious diseases, which result in increased body temperature, swollen joints, and lameness. The pet needs to be treated urgently by a doctor.

The dog limps on one leg and then on the other without any visible reason or damage, without pain, no wound, no reason

If lameness appears periodically, but there are no injuries on the paws, then it may be osteochondrosis. Lameness without pain occurs with neurological paresis. A veterinarian can treat such diseases, but you cannot help your pet on your own.

The dog limps when it gets up and then walks, runs, from time to time, from old age, only at home

If it is difficult for your pet to lie down and get up, and mobility is restored during movement, then this may be a symptom of arthritis. In this situation, you cannot do without the help of a veterinarian.

Aging dogs are susceptible to musculoskeletal diseases and arthritis, which is why lameness occurs. You need to show your pet to a doctor and surround it with attention and care.

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