No food day. Day of healthy eating and avoiding excess food

Every year adherents healthy eating, or as they call themselves - pp-shnikov, there are more and more people in the world. Proper nutrition or “PP” is not only healthy, but also always fit appearance. Being fat is no longer fashionable these days. But the most interesting thing is that Healthy Eating Day arose as a counterweight to Gluttony Day.

Healthy eating against obesity

On June 2, 2011, several Russian enthusiasts decided to establish a day of proper nutrition. By doing this, they wanted to troll the famous American holiday of gluttony, when you can eat as much as you want and whatever you want. Russian PP people seemed to be hinting to their overseas opponents that Gluttony Day in America takes place not only on June 2, but every day. This ingenious idea found approval not only among Russian residents, but also among healthy eating enthusiasts from several other countries of the world. But the emphasis here was no longer on trolling. It was necessary to draw people's attention to the problem of excess weight.

Causes of obesity

A day of healthy eating and avoidance of excess food will not be able to change the situation with obesity overnight. He will only remind you that everyone can change the situation individual, starting directly with yourself. At first glance, it seems that weight is gained only due to overeating. In fact, the factors leading to excess weight a lot more. These include bad habits, for example, drinking alcohol, as well as stress, which people, for the most part, are accustomed to eating.

Food culture

You can blame a lot on the transience of our lives, when it is impossible to allocate enough time for lunch, dinner and breakfast, and it’s easier to grab the first pie you come across and stuff it into yourself on the run. One pie is not a problem, but when their number starts to grow, it’s time to sound the alarm. In addition, food is increasingly consumed not for the purpose of replenishing strength, energy, or satisfying hunger, but simply for pleasure or as an antidepressant. Every year everything more people they begin to live under the motto: “Live to eat,” forgetting that they need to do exactly the opposite: “Eat to live.”

Do you want to lose weight?

A wide variety of scammers are profiting from the problem of obesity. They came up with all sorts of miraculous ways: “lose 30 kg in a week,” “Kremlin diet,” “eat more, lose more weight.” All this is nothing more than a scam. A person is offered to pay a huge amount of money for a miracle; the unfortunate person believes in a way to lose weight, because for that kind of money it must work. As a result, time passes, the result is zero, there is no money, and you get another stress that you definitely need to eat well.

On June 2, 2011, the Day of Healthy Eating and No Excess Eating was established, which became a kind of challenge to the American “glutton day”, when you are allowed to eat anything in any quantity. This date should remind everyone how important it is to take care of your daily diet by giving up harmful, health-damaging foods. June 2 is not a national holiday, but it gives us the opportunity to once again think about and take care of our body.

history of the holiday

The idea to organize Healthy Eating Day was an initiative of the online community, which includes ardent fans of diets, weight loss in all possible ways, the right image life. The participants were openly outraged by the presence in America of such a date as Gluttony Day, which does not provide anything useful to the population. Information about such a protest quickly spread across the Internet and community members were quickly able to find like-minded people.

On June 2, in all communities, Internet resources, and organizations supporting a healthy lifestyle, there is active propaganda against fast foods, harmful carbonated drinks, physical inactivity, and spending long periods of time in front of the computer.

Hippocrates argued that health, performance of the body, and life expectancy largely depend on proper nutrition. Excess weight not only spoils appearance, but also becomes one of the main provoking factors in the development of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, digestive system. People who are obese are much more likely to have problems reproductive function, oncological diseases. And it's not all my fault proper nutrition, an abundance of snacks, habitual banal overeating.

Nutritionists urge you to eat on a schedule. Every time you have an irresistible urge to open the refrigerator, you think: “Am I really hungry?” After all, sometimes eating is a reason to distract yourself from boredom or at least temporarily forget about a serious problem. It is the habit of “eating stress” that most often leads to the fact that the scales move inexorably forward.

The topic of obesity among the young working population is very relevant for Russia. According to research from the Institute of Nutrition, overweight 60% of people over 30 years of age are affected. The data is impressive, so if you don’t instill a nutritional culture in the younger generation, the numbers will increase every year.


Directly on June 2, as well as in the days preceding and following this date, adherents healthy image life organizes all kinds of promotions, meetings, seminars, flash mobs dedicated to proper nutrition. On television you can watch thematic programs in which experienced nutritionists give useful tips, share experiences with colleagues, demonstrate the results of their work. It is possible to get a discount or even a free visit to a nutritionist, who will personally select the ideal nutrition plan for you, which will allow you to always feel full without gaining extra pounds.

You should always take care of your health, not just on June 2nd. Those who are very concerned about the topic of proper nutrition and organizing the most healthy diet for the whole family can visit specialized resources, where the most up-to-date information is always presented.

I ask you, friends, for a moment of attention,
Today the day has come for us, healthy eating,
So as not to get sick throughout life,
Don't grow old before your time,
Eat right
And harden yourself from childhood!
Less sweets, flour, fried, fatty,
This is necessary for health, strong, stable,
I wish you to conquer gluttony and laziness,
Meet every day with healthy eating!

All food today is unhealthy
We want to announce a fight,
On healthy eating day
Fat, calories - down!

You need to eat more fruits
Poultry, vegetables,
Let's just change the diet
We'll be healthier in no time!

Happy Healthy Eating Day!
Give up all your worries
Let's say no to cholesterol
“yes” to proteins and vitamins!

Let food bring health,
Prepare it with love
To get healthy from food,
Get prettier and younger!

Do you want to be healthy and stylish?
Change your habits:
Fanta, cola with strong gas
Replace with plain water.

Instead of these fabrications
Better drink some yogurt.
All products containing nitrates
Prefer plain porridge.

On healthy eating day
Here is an example to follow:
Soup, salad, steak, lasagna -
Food requires attention.

And you can't refuse
From fast food, sandwich -
Make an appointment with a therapist
(There is a line of people there).

Let's say no to junk food
Because today is a glorious day,
And healthy eating
Nowadays we are all a target.

Let healthy products
They will definitely be on your menu,
Only benefit, strength, vigor
And they bring you health.

Decorate the table with fresh fruit,
Unleash the vegetables
Let wonderful products
They only give us joy.

Not to be on the body
Extra pounds
You really need to think
Over your nutrition.

What happened to us to eat?
Not good at all.
If you don’t eat harmful things yourself -
Do not share with others.

You need to think about health
Since childhood,
There is no uselessness -
This is the best remedy.

After all, you won’t find health,
Money can't buy you
What goes around comes around -
You will get it with age.

Healthy Eating Day
It is arranged for our edification,
Those who eat a lot of fast food
About normal weight will be forgotten.

So as not to remain fat,
You need to eat right
The fruits are sweet and juicy,
They are the key to beauty.

Anyone who doesn't like to eat fish
He'll be a fool in his old age.
You need to eat right
No to gluttony - let's say it together!

To always stay in shape
And don’t get sick and don’t get sick,
Everyone needs to eat right
Chew fruits and vegetables!

Eat carbohydrates
Proteins, fiber, minerals,
So that never, for many years,
You didn't know any problems!

Down with the tube of mayonnaise,
Nuggets - in the trash,
If you don't want to get there
To the hospital bed.

About Pepsi and Coca-Cola,
Buddy, forget it
Drink juices and compotes,
Be a little wiser.

French fries and burgers
Say your “no”
And you better eat the borscht
With sour cream for lunch!

On healthy eating day
Let's say goodbye together
All fast food, soda,
They're not of any use.

Let healthy food will,
And brings health to people.
To gain strength
And they didn’t give in to illness.

Healthy Eating Day is celebrated on June 2. This holiday, like many others, appeared recently, but has already managed to take root in Russia and other countries of the world. And this is understandable - after all, in the modern dynamic world with its high speeds, semi-finished products and poor nutrition problem of refusal junk food and banal gluttony is especially acute. Moreover, many do not play sports and have overweight bodies. The purpose of the holiday is to remind people that they are responsible for what they eat and for their health.

history of the holiday

Healthy Eating Day was established in 2011 as a full and symmetrical response to the Gluttony Day established in America. “We are what we eat” - everyone without exception has heard this phrase, but few people attach serious importance to it, but in vain. 50% are overweight Russian men and 60% of women aged 30 years and older. And obesity is one of the main trigger factors for the development of heart and vascular diseases, oncology, diabetes, and the formation of tumors of the mammary and prostate glands. The essence of No Excess Food Day is to remind a person that his health is in his hands and directly depends on what he eats.

It all starts simple and sad - a person stops watching what he eats, when and in what quantities. Weight is gaining slowly but surely, and losing a new 20-30 kg is very difficult, especially if you have a habit of stress eating. Healthy Eating Day is designed to explain to people that eating right is the only chance to stay young and healthy for many years.

It’s no secret that having too much is fraught with numerous problems. World history knows many examples of people who had to suffer from diseases caused by overeating and obesity. It's about about arthrosis, varicose veins, arterial hypertension, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, erectile dysfunction, infertility, chronic illness kidneys, oncological diseases.

The Day of Healthy Eating and Avoiding Eating Excesses is a fairly young holiday that appeared in 2011. the main objective holiday - attracting the attention of the general public to food culture issues.

It is important to know which eating habits are beneficial to health and beauty, and which ones are harmful and dangerous; how to properly build your diet so that it is tasty, balanced and does not contribute to overweight and the development of diseases. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 30% of all existing diseases directly or indirectly related to poor quality, irrational nutrition.

It's no secret that the number of people with overweight is growing noticeably from year to year. Obesity is getting serious social problem developed countries. World organization The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized obesity as an epidemic of the 21st century. Since 1980, the number of overweight people in the world has doubled. The reason is so rapid growth has become the habit of the population to eat foodstuffs high content salt, sugar and trans fats.

Often we eat not because we are hungry or need nutrients, but because we are not satisfied with life, we cannot find The best way calm yourself down stressful situation. Food serves to satisfy not a physiological, but an emotional need: love, safety, emotional satisfaction.

Healthy eating is nutrition that ensures growth, normal development and human life activities that contribute to the strengthening of his health and the prevention of diseases. Today medicine knows the most common nutrition-dependent diseases: atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, gout, some malignant neoplasms. Compliance with healthy eating rules combined with regular physical exercise, refusal bad habits reduces risk chronic diseases and disorders.

A healthy diet can prevent 80 percent of heart attacks, strokes and diabetes. Obviously, people need to be reminded as often as possible how to eat properly in order to live into old age in perfect health.

Articles on healthy eating

IN last years In gerontology (the science of aging), a special section has appeared devoted to the study of nutritional characteristics of both healthy elderly people and those suffering from one or another disease.

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