Chapter 1 ABC, Primer, Alphabet. Comparative analysis of primers

A book is like an entrance ticket to a whole world - the world of children's literature. The first alphabet appeared in Russia in the 16th century. Together with Natalya Letnikova, we invite you to look into five pre-revolutionary books for teaching reading and find out their history.

“ABC” by Ivan Fedorov

The printer published the first primer in 1574 in Lvov. “For the sake of rapid infant learning,” it is written from the compiler. The alphabet is arranged in forward, reverse and staggered order. 40 sheets of 15 lines on each page are written in Old Church Slavonic with a black ornament of woven leaves, buds, flowers and cones, characteristic of Fedorov’s edition. Scientists are inclined to believe that this is “the first printed literacy textbook for the Eastern Slavs.” The only known copy of Fedorov's ABC that has survived to this day is in the Harvard University library. It is assumed that the book once belonged to the collector of antiquities Grigory Stroganov, Sergei Diaghilev bought the rarity from the heirs of the count, and only then the book came overseas.

“A Primer of the Slovenian Language” by Vasily Burtsov

The first manual on teaching literacy in Moscow was published in 1634. It replaced the Psalter in this matter. The author was Vasily Burtsov, the “primary clerk” of the Moscow Printing House. The printer retained the structure of the alphabet of his predecessor Ivan Fedorov, but collected the alphabet, syllables, reading texts, names of numbers and punctuation marks under one cover. The book teaches grammar and spelling.

The second part contains prayers and parables of King Solomon. Burtsov's primer appeared before readers in color: the publisher highlighted the letters, syllables and section names in red. The book became the main textbook for teaching literacy in the center of Russia. In the second edition, the printer added a moralizing engraving. The first picture on the school theme in the primer is just like in a pre-revolutionary school: a teacher punishes a student with rods. Authentic editions of Burtsov's primer are kept in the Russian State Library.

"Primer" by Karion Istomin

The first illustrated Russian alphabet with an ornate title: “A primer of Slavic-Russian letters, statutory and cursive, Greek, Latin and Polish with formations of things and with moralizing verses: To the glory of the All-Creator Lord God and in honor of the Most Pure Virgin Mary and all the saints.” The first copies were presented by the publisher and teacher of children of the royal family, Karion Istomin, to the mother of Peter the Great, Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna, for her grandson, Tsarevich Alexei. The design is in accordance with the status - the handwritten book is painted with gold and paints. The printed edition was published in 1694 in 106 copies. 43 sheets engraved on copper, each with an initial letter of human figures, objects for this letter and moralizing explanations. The drawings were made by Leonty Bunin, a student of the Dutch engraver at the Schonebeek Armory. One of the copies of Istomin’s Primer is kept in the St. Petersburg Public Library.

"ABC" by Leo Tolstoy

More than the alphabet. Not only an introduction to the alphabet, but also moral stories for reading, learning to count, stories on history, natural history, and life in exotic countries. Four big books. Lev Nikolaevich made the first sketches in 1868. The classic did not initially intend to limit itself to just “letter addition”; he strove to make a textbook for “little men” interesting. I checked how clearly the material was presented - in home school. Thirty students learned the basics of literacy under the guidance of Tolstoy, his wife Sofia Andreevna and older children. “ABC” was published in 1872 and caused controversy among teachers. The “nationality” of the language and methodological approaches were criticized. The reaction forced Tolstoy to postpone work on Anna Karenina and in 1875 to release The New Alphabet; during the classic’s lifetime, the manual went through over thirty reprints. “ABC” itself comes out of the printing house in the 21st century, Lev Nikolaevich’s children’s stories are an integral part of children’s anthologies. For a generation now, “little men” have been shedding tears over the story of the lion and the dog and worrying about Filipko.

“The ABC in Pictures” by Alexandre Benois

A whole entertaining world on book pages. Even the moralizing statement “Teaching is holy and unlearning is darkness” is written not on a slate board by the teacher, but on a piece of paper held... in the paw of an owl. Alexander Benois, a Russian artist, art historian, and world-famous illustrator, left only letters and a few words in his alphabet, filling the children's book with inimitable images. It was no coincidence that Benoit took up the book for the little ones.

The artist believed that aesthetic taste should be cultivated from childhood. The letters are just an organic addition to the illustrations at a level never before seen in children's book publishing. Together with the little reader, the Arab Iakinth travels through the alphabet - and this is how the story is told from the first letter “a” to Izhitsa. “I learned to read and write in Russian”, - the main character concludes at the end of the book. The author of the book, Alexander Benois, taught his followers, book publishers, the fantasy that is so necessary when designing a children's book.

The primer cannot be called an alphabet, but it is often called the alphabet. About the alphabet we can say that it is the alphabet. This is how it turns out that the alphabet is both a primer and an alphabet. At different times, the first book for teaching children to read and write was called differently. Why such confusion?

What goes on the shelf and what on the wall?

The alphabet is letters arranged in a certain order. Each letter has its own name. In the Greek alphabet, the first two are Alpha and Vita, hence the word alphabet. When we see all the letters at once, we say: “This is the alphabet.” It is printed both on individual posters and on book spreads.

A book in which we will definitely see the alphabet is called a primer. Using it, children learn to read syllables, words, and small texts. We can put the primer on the shelf with all the other books. But there is confusion with the alphabet. For some reason, primers are allowed to be called ABC. Although its name comes from the first two letters of the Slavic alphabet - Az and Buki. Initially, it consisted only of letters arranged in a certain order. Learning the alphabet means knowing the names of letters and pronouncing them in alphabetical order.

The alphabet, like the alphabet, is printed on a poster, leaflet, and electronic and magnetic alphabets are also produced. They can be attached to the wall or to the refrigerator (if the letters are magnetic), making it more convenient to study.

History of the ABC book

So, the primer is the child’s first educational book. To get acquainted with its history, we need to go back five centuries. In 1578, Ivan Fedorov published the first primer in our country. Telling a child a date means saying nothing. That's why…

It happened a long time ago, so long ago, like in a fairy tale. In those days, there were few cities in Russia, but more villages. Most people lived in wooden houses - huts. Only some huts were small, while others were larger. In those days, stone houses had just begun to appear.

The common people dressed in shirts with belts, wore bear coats in winter, and birch bark bast shoes all year round. The rich preferred coats made of expensive furs and clothes made of velvet and cloth, which were decorated with precious stones. In the homes of the poor, dishes were made of wood or clay. The main food products were rye bread, millet, peas, oats, turnips, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, and sometimes fish. The houses were illuminated with a torch - a wooden chain, which was fixed in a special stand and burned. The rich could afford meat products, they ate sausage with buckwheat porridge, and on their table they had dishes made of metal. Their houses were lit with candles.

For entertainment, both for the rich and for the poor, there were musicians, singers and dancers. The Russian Tsar, Ivan the Terrible, who ruled at that time, also loved to look at them. He was the first king, since earlier rulers were called princes. They called him formidable for a reason; he was cruel. But he also did good things for Russia. He annexed new territories to the country and established relations with Western countries. Another important contribution to the history of our state is the development of printing. After all, books used to be copied by hand. This is difficult and long work. There were few books and they were very expensive.

Then in Moscow, on the orders of Ivan the Terrible, the Printing House was built - a printing house. Ivan Fedorov was appointed to manage it. The first book published was called "The Apostle". Then a collection of prayers appeared - “Book of Hours”.

Five years after opening, there was a fire in the printing house. Ivan Fedorov tried to continue working, but after some time he was left without premises again. He went to the city of Lviv, which at that time was part of Poland (now Ukraine). There he published the ABC in Russian in 1574. Only one copy of the first primer has survived to this day. It is kept in the library of Harvard University in the USA.

The first primer with pictures appeared in Russia more than a hundred years after Fedorov’s ABC. And about two hundred years later, books were published that are still being published. This is “Native Word” by the teacher K. D. Ushinsky and “ABC” by the famous writer L. N. Tolstoy, author of the novel “War and Peace”.

Many primers were published after the first of them came out of print. The largest collection of books for teaching children to read is kept in the Russian State Library in Moscow (formerly the Lenin Library). And in Moscow there is a monument to Ivan Fedorov. It was installed more than a century ago in 1909. All this confirms that a book is of great importance to a person. Printing in printing houses has made books more accessible, there are enough of them for everyone - just read and learn!

Some guys ask: “Why study?” Then, so as not to sit at home with a torch, like in ancient times, without televisions, computers and other wonderful things. And in order to invent something new, making the world a better place for everyone. To fly on a spaceship to the stars. For this, every person in our country must study well. Let not everyone become astronauts, but we also need those who will build a spaceship; we need a skilled mechanic who will make the correct and most reliable screws for this ship. If no one studies, people will have to live in caves rather than in huts, because even to build a house, knowledge is needed.

Of course, studying is not so easy; studying is work. The first and most important stage is learning to read. Your faithful assistants will help you in this matter - the alphabet, alphabet and primer.

textbook for beginners literacy training; serves the purposes of raising children, developing their speech and logic. thinking. B. is traditionally a source of information about the life of the country, its people, and its culture. Includes material that shapes students’ standards of behavior and relationships between elders and younger ones. Basic structural units of B. - letters, letter combinations, syllables, numbers, grammatical. information, appeals to children and parents, instructions, text and illustrative materials, diagrams, tables. Educational teacher work on B. is usually divided into three periods: preparatory, alphabetic and post-primary.

In Russia, the prototypes of birch were alphabet tablets and birch bark letters (13th century). The formation of the genre of B. was influenced by Means. influence used in education. for the purposes of the explanatory “alphabet” of Gury of Kazan, fragments of the Bible, Psalter, Book of Hours, etc. In the 2nd half. 15th century in Rus', texts adapted for children that introduced writing and grammar became widespread (“Eight of the Honor of the Word”, “Writing in Slovenian about literacy and its structure”, “Conversation about learning to read and write”, etc.). In the 14th-17th centuries. acrostic alphabets were created.

The first printed B. in church glory. language in Russian The edition was “Azbuka” by Ivan Fedorov (Lvov, 1574), built on the basis of alphabets. method (see article Teaching to read and write), The address to children and parents and the afterword spoke about knowledge, which is the adornment of a person, about honesty, obedience and hard work, and contained advice on education. The arrangement of the alphabet - in forward and reverse order, staggered, vertically - made it possible to develop motor and visual skills. memory is learning. Learning to read and write began with combinations of sounds, then more difficult to understand combinations of two consonants and a vowel were given. The ABC contains the rudiments of grammar. concepts, some information about stress. For reading, the author selected and processed texts from the Bible, forming the following. humanistic beginning program education. To consolidate and improve reading and writing skills, the textbook used an adapted alphabetic acrostic poem, texts of prayers, excerpts from parables and apostolic epistles, selected in such a way that they seemed to constitute advice for parents.

The ideas of Ivan Fedorov formed the basis of the ABC of L. Zizania (Vilno, 1596). It consisted of the Staroslav alphabet. language, two-three-letter syllables of Greek. language, prayers, their explanations, explanatory dictionary “Vocabulary”. In the ABC of Zizania, attention was also paid to the sound composition of words - phonetics. The textbook lacked extensive grammar. concepts and acrostics. Collecting information on history, geography, etc., Zizaniy turned to op. Aristotle, “World Chronicle, or Cosmography” by Marcin Bielski (1551, translated into Belarusian, language, 1584), used the “Greek Lexicon” by Svidos (Milan, 1499) and other sources. The simplicity of presentation and teaching methods that are understandable to many have made the ABC popular not only in Russia, but also abroad.

In 1618, a textbook for teaching literacy was published, called. for the first time the word “B.” appeared. (“A Primer of the Slovenian language, those who want to learn to read the scriptures for useful guidance” - Evyevsky B.). The arrangement of syllables in it was strictly thought out, reflecting the characteristics of Staroslav. language. In grammar In part, the influence of M. Smotritsky’s “Grammar” (1619) is noticeable.

B. Spiridon Sobol (1631) in addition to traditions. The material included the beginnings of the theory of versification. Illustrations were introduced into it for the first time (engraving on the title, ending).

Moscow The alphabet book begins with the publication of B.V.F. Burtsev-Protopopov (1634; supplemented and republished in 1637, 1657, 1664, 1669). The textbook includes material for teaching numbers and numerals, more attention is paid to syntax and punctuation, grammar. information. The afterword describes the method. recommendations. A new word in the fatherland. ABC book was published in 1679 in Moscow by B. Simeon of Polotsk. The author sought to combine literacy teaching with instilling in students a reverence for Christ. teaching, morality. In special The preface speaks in poetic form about the benefits of education. The textbook not only provides the alphabet, but also names the syllables, highlights three-letter words, etc. An important milestone in the history of the development of teaching. The books were the first in Russia illustrated by B. Karian Istomin. T.n. Small B. (“A Primer in Persons”, written in 1692, published in 1694), designed by the engraver L. Bunin, was based on the idea of ​​​​visual teaching. It differed from the previous ones both in content and in structure - there was no syllable combination from the church. texts included only prayers. Ch. The author paid attention to the study of Staroslav. language in Russian editors. The book contains a “Word to the Reader,” which provides information about the book, its purpose and originality, and recommendations for its use. The colorful capital letters with different colors attracted attention. decorations formed from one or two figures of a warrior, townsman, etc. in clothes, with weapons, etc., depict images of animals and plants. B.'s illustrations and texts were informative. load, entertainment facilitated the perception, comprehension and memorization of the lesson. material. Here are the lowercase letters Slav., Greek, Lat. languages, each letter of the alphabet is dedicated to moralizing. poetry. All letters, words, pictures for them, poems are located on one sheet of paper to make it easier to see. perception of everything material. B. Karion Istomin was for the first time addressed not only to boys, but also to girls. “Big Primer” by Karion Istomin (1696) in Means. degree repeated B. Simeon of Polotsk, included texts from historical-lit. character.

In 1701, B. Fedora Polikarpov came out in Moscow - one of the last to introduce students to the basics of Staroslav. language. In it, for the first time, a comparison was introduced, a presentation of the teaching. material in Slavic, Greek. and lat. languages ​​and taught their basics. What was also new was the inclusion of three language themes. dictionary, in which specially selected vocabulary is systematized (words that provide information about the land and people, their activities and needs), translated into Greek. and lat. languages.

B. 2nd floor. 17th century contained sayings and proverbs, sayings of philosophers, samples of business correspondence. With the introduction of civil typeface, one of the first examples of B. was the “ABC”, which was part of the “Honest Mirror of Youth” (1717). max. popular teacher a guide to teaching literacy in the beginning. 18th century was repeatedly reprinted (printed in Cyrillic) by B. Feofan Preokopovich (1720), combining information on grammar, arithmetic, history, and geography in one book. From B., printed by citizens. font, the “ABC” by A. A. Barsov (1768) stood out, containing, in addition to prayers and commandments, general education. information about the seasons, countries of the world, states and their capitals, as well as instructions.

ABCs and B. 17 - beginning. 19th centuries chapters were compiled arr. based on letters. method of teaching literacy - only after developing reading skills did students move on to writing. For this purpose, the textbooks included copybooks, samples of business correspondence, and other exercises. Whole engravings were also published. cursive alphabets, specially created for teaching writing and repeating each other in content.

In the 19th century B.'s edition reflected the class differentiation of students. Expensive, colorfully designed textbooks appeared. books: “A gift to children in memory of 1812” (1814), “A Gift for Children or a New Russian Alphabet” (1815), which became a noticeable phenomenon in children’s art. books. The search for rational teaching methods is reflected in M. Gutt’s “ABC” (1820), in the first part the author reported on “reading rules and method”, in the second he gave texts for exercises. The material is presented lesson by lesson, with repetition and reinforcement provided. The next step towards facilitating learning to read and write was the appearance of letters composed according to the syllabic method. “The Magnificent Russian Alphabet” was published. A gift for good children" (1844) and "ABC" by A. Daragan (1846). Texts, engravings and color illustrations depicted the life of a noble estate, the games of landowners' children and other subjects. Preem have spread among the people. citizen and church alphabet with religious texts. content (“Russian primer for teaching reading”, 1846). "Rus. ABC" by N. Grech (1846) also included material for the development of speech, spelling and vocabulary. The material in it was arranged in a “gradual order”, groups of vowels and consonants were classified, voiceless and voiced consonants were correlated, and comparative words were italicized (for example, brother - take).

The improvement of B. as a textbook went along the lines of enriching its content and introducing new teaching methods. "Rus. ABC" by V. A. Zolotoe" (1856, 1860) and "ABC for Peasant Children" by F. D. Studitsky (1860) were the first alphabet books compiled on the basis of sound analytical. way. Along with Studitsky’s book, a cut-out alphabet was used, from which the children made up words and expressions. For reading, the author included stories, poems close to children by A. S. Pushkin, A. V. Koltsov, I. S. Nikitin, P. P. Ershov, fables by I. A. Krylov. The author believed that pictures distracted students' attention. A dictionary is provided to help you consolidate what you have learned. Zolotov’s ABC, in addition, contained a section “Numeration” with a multiplication table. In textbooks for primary literacy training in the 60s. 19th century (“Russian alphabet”

G. Bely, 1857; “ABC” for teaching 4-5 year old children by A. Belyaeva, 1863, and “Rus. ABC" for children 6 years old M. Grebenik, 1867) great attention was paid to orthoepy. According to Belyaeva's alphabet, children learned Russian at the same time. and foreign languages. The ABCs were well illustrated. The predominant texts at the beginning of the book were relit, and by the end of the book the themes were gradually replaced by fiction. and knowledgeable. stories.

The most important direction in the development of Russian. ABC book 19th century associated with the name of K. D. Ushinsky. “Native Word” (1864; went through 147 editions), which included “The ABC” and “The first book after the ABC,” had the goal of “exercising all the child’s abilities along with learning to read and write, developing, strengthening, giving a useful skill, stimulating initiative and, as it were, in passing, to achieve learning to read and write.” Distinguishes, the peculiarity of the ABC is systematic. introduction of material for the development of a child’s speech based on logic. processing specific knowledge about objects and phenomena of surrounding life. For the first time, the study of the native language began with the analysis of sounds in words, which gave children an idea of ​​​​the articulateness of speech. Together with the teacher, the children analyzed words, compared sounds and wrote the elements of letters and their combinations in the alphabet. We started writing after analysis, i.e. wrote meaningfully, and did not copy from a model. Then, looking for familiar letters in short words, the children read the words and sentences. This method of teaching literacy is called “writing-reading method” (as opposed to “reading-writing” based on the letter-composition method). Gradually the sentences became more complex, but still included simple words. Thus, Ushinsky anticipated phonological. the principle of teaching literacy, which became the basis of education only in the 2nd half. 20th century In “Native Word”, reading materials are systematized and thematically combined for the first time. According to the topics, there are educational stories accessible to children. content. The textbook provided: preparation, exercises (drawings, elements of letters, letters, their connections); writing words and sentences; reading printed text (alphabet, separate vowel letters - printed and handwritten); reading words and short sentences; reading texts in the “First book after the ABC”. This structure varied in subsequent textbooks (N.F. Bunakov, “The ABC and lessons of reading and writing in three books,” 1871; V.I. Vodovozov, “Russian alphabet for children,” 1873). Based on Ushinsky’s ideas, the “Primer for joint teaching of reading and writing with pictures and articles for initial exercises in explanatory reading for public schools” by D. and E. Tikhomirov (1873, went through 161 editions) was created, which was distinguished by its clarity of structure and design, didactically appropriate arrangement of material. It combined folklore texts with excerpts from Russian poems. poets of the 19th century

In 1872, L. N. Tolstoy’s “ABC” was published (in 1875 - “New ABC”), compiled according to the “auditory method”, but, according to the author, suitable for any method of teaching, which is taught by the teacher. The letters, supported by pictures, are given in printed and handwritten fonts with variant styles. Having memorized the letters, students moved on to reading two, three, four- and five-letter syllables. max. valuable in the ABC are stories and fairy tales composed by Tolstoy, the fables of Aesop presented by him, as well as proverbs and sayings, riddles, carefully selected from Russian. folklore

Based on Ushinsky’s ideas, A. Anastasyev’s “School of Literacy” (1897), N. A. Korf’s “Our Friend” (1871), and M. I. Timofeev’s “ABC” (1908) were created. The sound method of teaching literacy was transformed by V.P. Vakhterov (“Russian Bukvar”, 1898) and V.A. Flerov (“New Russian Bukvar”, 1922). Vakhterov believed that letters should be introduced immediately, reinforcing the sound analysis of words. This idea was the basis for primers built on sound analytic-synthetic. way of learning.

From the beginning 20th century and until mid. 30s B. were published, compiled using the “whole words” method: “A Word” by P. P. Mironositsky (1909), “From the Village. The ABC" by A. Gorobets (1922), "Sun" by V. Polyakov, "Work and Play" by E. Shalyta (1924), "Stream" by L. Bogoyavlensky, M. Zhebu-neva, M. Rybnikova (1926). Without giving sound exercises for the analysis and synthesis of sounds and syllables, they developed mechanical skills. reading texts to suggestive pictures and inhibited the development of literate writing skills.

During the eradication of illiteracy, books of various types were published: for the mountains. and sat down. schools, for teenagers and adults, for courses and clubs. This determined the specifics of each B. and the selection of examples and texts in them. In 1919, the “Military Primer” was published, in 1920-24-2 ed. first owl mass textbook for adults by D. Yu. Elkina and others (2nd ed. entitled “Down with Illiteracy?”), “Workers’ and Peasants’ Primer for Adults” by V.V. Smushkova, “A Primer for Workers” E Y. Go-lanta et al.

Mn. B.'s authors combined the “whole words” method with sound or syllabic methods. Characteristic in this regard are B.: E. A. Fortunatova and L. K. Shleger “First Steps” (1922), P. O. Afanasyev “Read, Write, Count” (1925), S. P. Redozubova “Our Words” ". Their structure and content were aimed at combining auditory and visual abilities in children. and motor components of perception.

In the 30-40s. B., compiled according to the “whole words” method, were replaced by B., which restored sound analytical-synthetic in the methodology of teaching literacy. method (primers by A.V. Yankovskaya and H.M. Golovin, 1937). In 1945, new stable ones were published by B. Redozubova and A. I. Voskresenskaya, who consolidated in the book-varistics the methods of teaching literacy, promoted by Vakhterov and Flerov, but in content reflecting the Sov. reality, in structure - features of modern times. rus. language. Developed by Redozubov and implemented in his B. system of teaching literacy based on practical. children's mastery of basic Russian sounds speech (phonemes) formed the basis of the textbook compiled by the team of authors of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR (1953) and the ABC for teaching 6-year-old children in the family of Yankovskaya, Voskresenskaya, and Redozubov (195S). “ABC” contains pictures for conversations, the basics of reading, writing, and materials for self-help. practical and work activities (sculpting, drawing, designing, etc.). In addition to B., didactic books were published in 1959. materials prepared by teacher M.I. Syapsha. In 1966-81, an updated art book was published. regarding B., whose consultants were S.V. Mikhalkov, lud. V. Serov, psychologist-methodologist. L. K. Nazarova. The illustrative material of B. was made up of works by artists A. Kanevsky, A. Pakhomov, A. Plastov, E. Charushin and others. The text of the textbook was also significantly updated: it included dep. works by A. Prokofier, G. Sapgir and other poets, as well as specially prepared texts (some of them turned out to be unjustifiably politicized and difficult to understand). In 1972, Nazarova’s ABC Book Companion was published, which made it possible to differentiate the education of children with disabilities. level of the previous preparation.

Research by D. B. Elkonin (60-70s) on the problems of teaching literacy, the structure and content of literacy, taking into account the latest achievements of modern times. linguistics and psychology are reflected in experiments. B. author (1961, parts 1-2, 1969-72). In the textbook, the introduction of letters was preceded by a period of sound analysis, when the child mastered the sound structure of the word and its organic connection with the meaning of the word. The sound form of a word is presented in B. in the form of sound diagrams-models. The author proposed a general method of reading any open syllable, when the child, when reading a consonant, learned to focus on the subsequent vowel. In 1981, B. (stable since 1982) was published by V. G. Goretsky, V. A. Kiryushkin, A. F. Shanko. For the first time in school. practice B. was published as part of the educational method. set, which also included “Recipes”, didactic. material “We read ourselves”, method. teacher's guide. B. for 7-year-old students (3-year elementary school) and “ABC” for 6-year-old students (4-year elementary school), prepared by the same team of authors, are built on principles new to alphabet studies. The model of the sound (phonemic) structure in it is transformed taking into account the pronunciation and the relatedness of sounds in words. Relying on diagrams and word models greatly facilitated children's difficult phonic analysis and transition to reading. The arrangement of letters (sounds) and sound combinations according to the principle of their frequency in the language made it possible to enrich the vocabulary and content of texts, and the use of special marks - to introduce words of different syllable-sound structures into texts from the beginning of learning to read and immediately teach to read words with stress. All this made it possible to reduce the inevitable large number of so-called. alphabetic (to a certain extent artificial) texts and earlier introduce students to literary art. works. B. contains many games, sound riddles, and puzzles, which contribute to the development of cognition. children's activity.

Since 1992, B. has been freed from overly politicized, ideological content; since the 30s. mandatory for B.

Russian experience primers published in the RSFSR since the 30s. was widely used in the development of similar manuals in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation, including for studying Russian as a non-native language.

Lit.: Babushkina A.P., History of Russian. det. Literary, M., 1948; Petrov A.N., On the history of the primer, “Rus. school", 1894, No. 4; 400 years of Russian book printing, vol. 1 - 2, M., 1964; Botvinnik M. B., At the origins of the teaching. books. Minsk, 1964; s g. o z e, Where did the primer come from, Minsk, 1983; his, Continuity and connection of the Eastern Slavs. primers of the 17th century, in the collection: Problems of school. textbook, in. 11, M., 1982; From the alphabet of Ivan Fedorov to modern times. primer (1574-1974), M., 1974; N a-z a r o v a L.K., Primer and system of means of teaching literacy, in the collection: Problems of school. textbook, in. 11, M., 1982; K a p n yu k G.V., The primer is a source of information about the life of the country, the people and their culture, in the same place, in. 14, M., 1984. L. K. Nazarova.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

If you are looking for the following search queries: “primer online, alphabet online, primer download, alphabet download, ABC lessons, alphabet for children, alphabet for kids, alphabet letters,” you can assume that you have found what you were looking for!

We present to you the unique “Primer Book (ABC) online” from the developers of the famous site with educational games for children

"A Primer Online" is not just the alphabet in pictures, it is a whole set of exercises aimed at learning letters and learning to read syllables. Having studied the first four letters (A, U, M, C), the child, in parallel with repeating the letters he has learned, becomes familiar with syllables and performs exercises for reading syllables.

Studying each individual letter of the alphabet consists of a large number of exercises. Here are examples of some of them:

1. Introducing the letter.

2. Search for words starting with a given letter.

3. Search for words containing a given letter.

4. Search for the letter being studied among other letters.

5. Determine by ear how many given letters are contained in the proposed words. For example, how many letters “A” are there in the following words: ball, ram, eggplant, etc.

Important! Helpful information! We draw your attention to the fact that the basis of learning to read is not the letter, but the sound. Imagine that the child has learned the letters “correctly,” that is, as they are usually called in the alphabet (BE, VE, EN, etc.). Then, when naming letters, he will name two sounds B and E, V and E, E and N. This will make it difficult to merge sounds when reading syllables, as a result of which letter-by-letter reading will be formed. Instead of MA-MA, the child will get "eMA-eMA". Reading some polysyllabic words will become completely inaccessible to the child. It is more correct for a child to name consonant letters in a simplified manner, as we call the hard consonant sound that they represent. Not “EM”, but “M”, not “PE”, but “P”, not “HA”, but “X”...

This method of teaching letters does not mean at all that the child should not know that a letter and a sound are different concepts, that a consonant letter can mean two sounds - hard and soft. But it is not for nothing that all these concepts are included in the literacy curriculum in the first grade: to master them, sufficiently mature functions of thinking are needed - analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction. But a preschool-age child masters these mental operations only at an elementary level. The time will come and your baby will acquire knowledge of the phonetics of the language and learn the names of letters in the alphabet. In the meantime, he can learn to read without this knowledge.

ABC lessons. Learning syllables

As we noted above, while studying with an online primer, at the same time as learning letters, the child learns to read syllables and performs exercises and games with syllables. Here are examples of some of them.

The ABC and Primer are the first books in every person’s life. Children learn to read from them.

The alphabet contains an ordered system of letter signs arranged in alphabetical order.

The word “AZBUKA” comes from the first letters of the letter series: Az, Buki. The name “ABC” itself suggests that this is an image of letters. Nowadays, for children to better assimilate it, the ABC is made in the form of colored stickers, with magnets, in the form of books with very colorful pictures, etc.

ABC today is an illustrated book publication or another type of manual designed for learning the alphabet. An illustration depicting a word beginning with the corresponding sound makes it easy to remember the alphabet.

We see the same technique in memorizing Morse code for telegraph operators (sign-word), as well as the sequence of rainbow colors: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits” (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet).

The Russian alphabet mainly differs from other alphabets in its perfect embodiment of the principle of unambiguous graphic display: “one sound - one letter.”

Professor, author of a number of works in the field of history and linguistics Yaroslav Kesler considers the Russian ABC to be a special, unique phenomenon due to its agraphonic nature, that is, its letter signs, in addition to their phonetic meaning, also carry a meaning (image). Along with the Cyrillic alphabet, only the alphabets of the Greek and Hebrew languages ​​are agraphonic. For example, in the Latin alphabet this feature is completely absent, so the Latin alphabet could only appear on the basis of an already widespread writing system, when acrophony was no longer needed.

However, unlike the above two alphabets, the original meaning of Cyrillic characters can contain both nouns (people, beeches), and verbs (think, live, eat, lead, etc.), pronouns (kako, shta), adverbs (firmly, very much). In a normal, coherent conversation, one verb occurs on average within three other parts of speech. In the names of the letters of the Proto-Slavic alphabet, exactly this sequence is observed, which directly indicates the coherent nature of the alphabetic names.

In addition, our alphabet also has a literal character, and, as J. Kesler says, it contains a literal, alphabetical message from time immemorial: “Az beeches vede. The verb is good. Live well, earth, and, like people, think about our peace. Rtsy’s word is firm - uk fret Her. Tsy, cherve, shta ЪRA yus yati!”, which in modern sound looks something like this:

I know the letters.
Writing is an asset.
Work hard, people of earth,
As befits reasonable people.
Comprehend the universe!
Carry your word with conviction:
Knowledge is a gift from God!
Dare to delve into
Comprehend the existing light!

Unlike the ABC, the Primer is a book from which one learns to read. In addition to the alphabet, the primer contains exercises for learning.

The word “BBCAR” is also polysyllabic: buk-v-ar and means: beeches (letters) that are stored in a certain place. “Ar” is an ancient Russian word that meant “place of safe storage”, compare: chest, lantern, old, tsar... It is not uncommon to come across the opinion that the word primer is not Russian and comes from the English “book” - book. Indeed, there is a connection, but only such that the Russian “beeches” and the English book came from the same root - the proto-language that was still spoken by the builders of the Tower of Babel.

Primers, like other textbooks, were the most read books in Rus'. The first printed book for teaching reading was published more than 400 years ago by pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov. It contained the necessary rules of grammar, instructive aphorisms, instructions, sayings, and introduced not only letters, but also numbers. The “Primer of the Slavonic language, that is, the beginning of learning for children...” (1634) by Burtsov-Protopopov, the first illustrated primer of 1694 by the Russian poet and educator monk Karion Istomin, have been preserved.

The word ALPHABET, just like the word “alphabet”, consists of the first letters, but of the Greek alphabet and means: ALPHA - beginning, VITA - life, - i.e. "beginning of life". However, the creators of the alphabetic writing were not the Greeks.

Science believes that all sound alphabets, including Arabic, Slavic, Greek, Hebrew, etc., originated from the Phoenician alphabet (mid-2nd millennium BC). At the same time, the Cyrillic, Greek and Latin alphabets constitute one branch, and the Arabic, Aramaic, and Hebrew alphabets constitute another branch.

Where did the Phoenicians get it from? It turns out that some ancient scientists have preserved the answer to this question. For example, the famous Greek historian Diodorus Siculus wrote: “Although in general these letters are called Finnic, because the Pelasgians brought them to the Hellenes from the country of Finnicia, they could be called Pelasgian, since the Pelasgians used them before the Finnicians.”

Who are the Pelasgians? - Let’s pull the thread further into the depths of centuries. According to a number of modern scientists: Bryusov A.Ya., Grinevich G.S., Gornung B.V., Belyakov G.N., Asov A.I. and others, the Pelasgians are a people who inhabited Greece, the island of Crete and other islands of the Mediterranean and Aegean seas even before the Hellenes, lived in Etruria, in the Balkans, were the bearer of the Trypillian culture from the Danube to the Volga, that is, a people who already in the III millennium BC (5 thousand years ago!) lived on the Central Russian Plain and was culturally significantly higher than its neighbors. B.V. Gornung clearly considers the Trypillians to be the linguistic ancestors of the Slavs, and G.S. Grinevich believes that in Trypillia, judging by the fragments of ceramics, there was a writing that was absolutely similar to writing signs of the “devils and cuts” type. The Greeks called these Trypillians, scattered across different lands, Pelasgians, that is, STORKS.