How to raise low healthy cholesterol. Folk remedies for lowering blood cholesterol. What foods increase good cholesterol?

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Reducing your bad cholesterol levels by 10% can reduce your risk of heart attack or heart attack by 20%. “Harmful” cholesterol accumulates on the walls of the arteries and makes them impassable – this leads to the development of heart disease. Following certain rules, you can increase your high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ("good") and lower your low-density lipoprotein cholesterol ("bad").

Part One: Raising Good Cholesterol Levels

1. First, you should take a blood test for cholesterol. If your HDL cholesterol is less than 60 mg/dL, you may be advised to change your diet and lifestyle.

  • High-density lipoprotein cholesterol acts as a waste-cleaning system in the blood—it reaches the “bad” cholesterol and carries it to the liver. “Good” cholesterol eliminates inflammatory processes throughout the body and even reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease. That is why you need to strive to increase the level of “good” cholesterol and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol.
  • Determine your goal for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. It is measured in milligrams per deciliter of blood. The risk of heart disease occurs in men at levels of 40-60 mg/dL and in women at levels of 50-60 ml/dL.
  • 2. If you are suffering from overweight, try to lose weight. By losing 2.7 kg, you will increase your “good” cholesterol levels. Losing weight is best achieved through positive changes in diet and exercise. You don’t have to resort to any of these options, but then losing weight can be dangerous to your health.

  • To lose weight, you need to consume fewer calories than the body burns during activity and life. To lose 0.5 kg, you need to burn 3500 kcal. This means that if you get 2000 kcal per day from food, to lose 0.5 kg, you need to burn 5500 kcal. Many people manage to achieve partial results at first, but this is already good.
  • Don't go hungry. Get rid of excess weight it is necessary not by fasting, but with the help of the right healthy eating. Strict diets only lead to the body starting to store fat for future use, just like bears before hibernation. Eat a large meal in the morning and then move on to smaller portions and lighter foods towards the end of the day.
  • Don't even think about losing weight too quickly. It takes time for the weight to go away and not return. If you manage to lose a kilogram in a week, this is a great success. Many of those who strive to lose weight at a fast pace eventually give up because the results do not come quickly. Be persistent and patient.
  • 3. Get your heart pumping at least 5 times a week. Activities such as playing basketball, walking, etc. will help you with this. In 2 months of regular exercise, you can increase the level of “good” cholesterol by 5%.

  • If you find it difficult to find time for long workouts, do short sets of 3-10 minutes. During your break at work, take a 10-minute walk before or after lunch; you can also walk part of the way home if you are not driving.
  • If you want to benefit from the exercises maximum benefit, try to exercise intensely (short sets), then calmly (longer approaches). As an example: run 1 lap at the stadium with maximum speed, then 3 laps at a free pace.
  • 4. When balanced diet approximately 25-35% of calories enter the body as fat, of which no more than 7% should be saturated. There is only one type of fat that is good for high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and heart health:

    Ideally, most of the fats your body receives should belong to this category. Monounsaturated fats reduce general level cholesterol, but at the same time maintain the level of “good” cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats are found in:

    • nuts (almonds, cashews, macadamia, peanuts, etc.)
    • avocado
    • olive oil
    • sesame oil, tahini

    5. Moderate alcohol consumption reduces the risk of heart disease in an interesting way. 1-2 glasses of alcohol increases HDL cholesterol levels. Women can drink 1 glass of alcohol per day, men - no more than 2 glasses. If you don't drink alcohol, then don't start.

  • Red wine, which contains a natural substance, is especially beneficial for increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels resveratrol. It also reduces the risk of inflammation and blood clots.
  • 6. Smoking lowers high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, and in general it is harmful to health. Quitting smoking will make it easier for you to do physical exercise and thereby get rid of excess weight.

    Part Two: Lowering Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol Levels

    1. Ask your doctor what medications can be used to lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Ideal level LDL cholesterol– 100-130 mg/dl. Less than 100 mg/dL is even better. If the readings rise to 160 mg/dL, you will be prescribed medication.
  • Talk to your doctor about taking niacin, a B vitamin. Prescription niacin generally has fewer side effects than over-the-counter niacin. In addition to lowering low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, niacin helps increase high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
  • The doctor may prescribe fibrates. The most commonly recommended medications are Gemfibrozil (Lopid) and Fenofibrate (Lobifra, Tricor).
  • Discuss the use of statins with a specialist. Medicines from this group affect the liver, interfere with the production of cholesterol, and force the liver to “take” more “bad” cholesterol from the arteries.
  • 2. To lower your LDL cholesterol levels, you can eat certain foods:

  • oats, whole grains, fiber-rich foods;
  • Brazil nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish, flax seeds, flaxseed oil and fish oil, help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase the level of “good” cholesterol. Fatty fish include salmon, flounder, cod, catfish, catfish, sardines, bluefish, herring, tuna and anchovies.
  • Sterols and stanols fight “bad” cholesterol. These substances are contained in orange juice, some yogurt drinks, certain margarines and other products.
  • 3. Reduce the amount of saturated and trans fats you consume. These substances are “bad” fats, one might even say doubly bad: they increase the level of “bad” cholesterol and lower the level of “good” cholesterol. It is better to replace saturated and trans fats with higher healthy fats(examples are in the previous paragraph).

    Saturated fats are found in:

    • butter
    • whipped cream
    • coconut and palm oil

    Trans fats are found in:

    • some types of margarine
    • fast food
    • instant noodles
    • mixtures for making pies and biscuits
    • deep-frozen products intended for quick preparation
    • donuts
    • baking
    • sweets
    • crackers
    • chips
    • energy bars
    • "quick breakfasts"
    • toppings, sauces, dressings.

    4. Replace high-calorie drinks with water and green tea. The water does not contain sugars that increase LDL cholesterol levels. A green tea and even contains substances that reduce the content of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. It is better to avoid sweet and caffeine-containing drinks.

    5. Try following the TLC diet rules, designed specifically to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. This diet may not help you lose weight, but it will help reduce your bad cholesterol levels and your risk of heart disease.

  • Determine your daily calorie ceiling. For men, the recommended norm is 2500 kcal, for women – 1800 kcal.
  • Limit your saturated fat intake to 7% of total number calories absorbed. Limit your intake of fatty dairy products (such as cheeses) and meats (such as salami).
  • Daily dietary cholesterol intake should not exceed 200 mg.
  • Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean meat(skinless chicken, soy meat, fish) and low-fat dairy products.
  • Translation for:
    Translated by: Anna Ezrina

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    There is a widespread misconception that cholesterol is harmful to the body, and its content in the blood is one of the most important indicators state of human health. Many people, in an attempt to maintain their health, adhere to strict diets, eliminating all foods containing cholesterol. However, few people know that it is part of cell membranes, gives them strength and ensures the exchange of substances between the cell and the intercellular substance and regulates the activity of enzymes. Thus, without cholesterol, the normal functioning of our body is impossible.

    Despite the importance of cholesterol, excess consumption fatty foods animal origin can lead to increased levels in the body, which negatively affects health and can cause serious illness.

    Controlling your cholesterol levels will help keep you healthy long years, increase the body’s natural resistance, increase life expectancy and improve its quality. In this article we will dispel the most common myths about the role of cholesterol in our body and its metabolism. We will also look at the most effective ways control cholesterol levels.

    Cholesterol (from the Greek chole - bile and stereo - hard, hard) was first identified in gallstones, hence its name. It is a natural, water-insoluble lipophilic alcohol. About 80% of cholesterol is synthesized in the body (liver, intestines, kidneys, adrenal glands, gonads), the remaining 20% ​​must come from the food we consume.

    Circulating in the bloodstream, cholesterol is used, if necessary, as a building material, as well as for the synthesis of more complex compounds. Since it is insoluble in water (and, accordingly, in the blood), its transportation is possible only in the form of complex water-soluble compounds, which are divided into 2 types:

    Low-density lipoproteins (LDL)

    High density lipoproteins (HDL)

    Both of these substances must be in a strictly defined ratio, and their total volume must also not exceed the norm. This can lead to serious illness of cardio-vascular system.

    Functions of cholesterol in the body:

    — ensuring strength cell walls, regulation of their permeability to various molecules;

    — synthesis of vitamin D;

    - synthesis by the adrenal glands of steroid (cortisone, hydrocortisone), male (androgens) and female (estrogens, progesterone) sex hormones;

    - in the form of bile acids, it participates in the formation of bile and the absorption of fats during digestion;

    - participates in the formation of new synapses in the brain, thereby improving mental abilities and memory.

    In fact, it is not cholesterol as such that causes harm, but its fluctuations outside the normal range. Health problems can be caused by both excess and lack of it in the body.

    Negative effects of cholesterol

    According to statistics, people who die from heart disease vascular diseases low levels of high-density lipoprotein but high levels of low-density lipoprotein were observed.

    Lipoproteins, if their ratio is incorrect or if their content in the blood is prolonged for a long time, can settle on the walls blood vessels and cause atherosclerosis.

    This arises dangerous disease, when plaques form on the endothelium of blood vessels, which over time grow more and more and accumulate calcium. As a result, the lumen of the vessels narrows, they lose elasticity (stenosis), this leads to a decrease in oxygen supply and nutrients to the heart and tissues and the development of angina pectoris (cessation of arterial blood flow to certain areas of the heart due to blockage coronary artery, accompanied by pain and discomfort in the chest). Often, a heart attack or myocardial infarction occurs due to impaired blood supply. The formation of cholesterol plaques leads to damage to the inner wall of blood vessels; a blood clot can form, which can subsequently block the artery or break off and cause an embolism. Also, a vessel that has lost elasticity can burst when pressure in the bloodstream increases.

    The role of lipoproteins

    HDL is considered a "good" lipoprotein due to its ability to solubilize cholesterol plaques and remove it from the walls of the arteries, the higher its percentage in relation to LDL (“bad” lipoprotein), the better. LDL transports cholesterol from the organs that synthesize it into the arteries, and when the content of this compound is elevated, these large insoluble molecules aggregate in the form of fatty plaques, attach to the vessels and clog them. Having undergone oxidative processes, cholesterol loses its stability and can easily penetrate into the thickness of the artery walls.

    Specific antibodies begin to be produced in large quantities against the resulting oxidized LDL, which leads to severe damage to the artery walls. In addition, cholesterol helps reduce nitric oxide levels, increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

    Nitric oxide plays an important role in the body:

    — dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, prevents the formation of blood clots in the bloodstream;

    - plays an important role in the fight against bacteria and viruses that enter the body, destroys cancer cells;

    - increases endurance muscle tissue;

    - participates in the exchange of information between different cells, is a neurotransmitter at synapses.

    HDL not only removes cholesterol from the blood back to the liver, but also prevents the oxidation of LDL.

    Signs of increased cholesterol levels in the body

    Increased cholesterol levels are associated with impaired lipid (fat) metabolism. This may be a symptom not only of atherosclerosis, but also of other serious illnesses:

    - liver;

    - kidney (chronic renal failure, glomerulonephritis);

    - pancreas (chronic pancreatitis);

    - diabetes ( serious disease associated with impaired synthesis of the islets of Langerhans by beta cells in the pancreas);

    — hypothyroidism (decreased synthesis of hormones by the thyroid gland);

    - obesity.

    Symptoms of atherosclerosis are caused by narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels as a result of prolonged and persistent elevated cholesterol levels, and deterioration of blood circulation by different areas bloodstream.

    Main symptoms:

    - angina pectoris (sudden discomfort or painful sensations in the chest, occurring during physical activity or emotional stress);

    - shortness of breath;

    - arrhythmia (heart rhythm disturbance);

    - cyanosis and swelling of peripheral parts of the body (fingers, toes);

    - periodic leg cramps (intermittent claudication);

    - memory impairment, inattention;

    — reduction intellectual abilities;

    - yellow-pink lipid deposits in the skin (xanthomas), most often observed on the skin of the eyelids and in the ankle joints.

    The impact of HDL and LDL levels on our health

    Still, the opinion is that the total level of lipoproteins HDL and LDL affects the state of health and their increase entails dire consequences for the functioning of the entire body. However, this statement is not entirely true. Yes, the above diseases will be accompanied increased content lipoproteins in general, but much more important is the exact ratio of “good” HDL and “bad” LDL in the blood. It is the violation of this proportion that leads to health problems. When determining the content of lipoproteins in the blood, 4 indicators are taken into account: total cholesterol, HDL level, LDL and triglycerides.


    Total cholesterol in the blood - 3.0 - 5.0 mmol/l;

    With the threat of atherosclerosis, total cholesterol rises to 7.8 mmol/l;

    LDL at men- 2.25 - 4.82 mmol/l;

    LDL in women- 1.92 - 4.51 mmol/l;

    HDL at men- 0.72 - 1.73 mmol/l;

    HDL at women- 0.86 - 2.28 mmol/l;

    Triglyceridesin men- 0.52 - 3.7 mmol/l;

    Triglyceridesamong women- 0.41 - 2.96 mmol/l.

    The most indicative is the ratio of HDL and LDL against the background of total cholesterol levels. In a healthy body, HDL is much higher than LDL.

    The most effective treatments for high cholesterol

    There are many drugs that lower cholesterol levels in cases where this indicator poses a serious threat to health, or already at the beginning of the development of atherosclerosis. It is necessary to pay tribute, an important part of which is proper nutrition. In such cases, diet and moderate physical exercise will help not only bring all blood counts back to normal, but also completely heal and rejuvenate your body.

    For a faster therapeutic effect, use pharmacological preparations:

    Statins- the most popular drugs, the principle of their action is to inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver by blocking the corresponding enzymes. They are usually taken once a day before bed (at this time the active production of cholesterol in the body begins). Therapeutic effect occurs after 1-2 weeks of systematic use; with long-term use they are not addictive. Side effects may include nausea, abdominal and muscle pain, in rare cases There may be individual sensitivity. Drugs from the statin group can reduce cholesterol levels by 60%, but with them long-term use It is necessary to regularly take tests for AST and ALT every six months. The most common statins are cerivastatin, fluvastatin, lovastatin.

    — Fibrates stimulate the production of HDL, recommended for triglyceride levels of 4.5 mmol/l. It is highly not recommended to use it with statins. Side effects appear in the form gastrointestinal disorders, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. Representatives of this group of drugs: clofibrate, fenofibrate, gemfibrozil.

    Bile acid sequestrants. This group of drugs is not absorbed into the blood, but acts locally - it binds to bile acids, which are synthesized from cholesterol, and removes them from the body naturally. The liver begins to increase the production of bile acids, using more cholesterol from the blood, a visible positive effect occurs a month after starting medication, it is possible to enhance the effect simultaneous administration statins. Long-term use medications can lead to impaired absorption of fats and vitamins, and increased bleeding is possible. Side effects: flatulence, constipation. These drugs include: colestipol, cholestyramine.

    Cholesterol absorption inhibitors interfere with the absorption of lipids from the intestine. Drugs in this group can be prescribed to people who have contraindications to taking statins, since they are not absorbed into the blood. In Russia, only 1 drug from the group of cholesterol absorption inhibitors is registered - ezetrol.

    The above measures are used in advanced cases, when it is necessary to quickly reduce cholesterol levels, and lifestyle changes cannot quickly produce the desired effect. But even when taking pharmacological agents do not forget about prevention and harmless natural supplements, which, with long-term regular use, will help you prevent cardiovascular diseases in the future.

    Folk remedies that help lower blood cholesterol levels

    — Niacin ( a nicotinic acid, vitamin PP, vitamin B 3). The mechanism of action has not been fully studied, but experiments show that after just a few days of taking increased doses of the vitamin, the level of LDL and triglycerides in the blood decreases noticeably, but the amount of HDL increases up to 30%. Unfortunately, it does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications and attacks. For maximum effectiveness, you can combine niacin with other treatment methods.

    . Contained in fish oil and seafood, as well as cold-pressed (unrefined) vegetable oils. They provide positive influence on the nervous system, prevent rickets during active growth, help reduce cholesterol and blood pressure, improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels and give them elasticity, prevent their thrombosis, and participate in the synthesis of hormone-like substances - prostaglandins. Regular appointment in food sources of essential fatty acids will have a miraculous effect on the functioning of the whole body, in particular it will help prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

    Vitamin E. Extremely strong antioxidant, prevents the breakdown of LDL and the formation of fatty plaques. For the offensive positive effect It is necessary to constantly consume the vitamin in appropriate doses.

    Green tea contains polyphenols - substances that affect lipid metabolism, they reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol and increase the content of “good” cholesterol. In addition, tea contains antioxidants.

    - Garlic. Fresh garlic is recommended to be consumed to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of clots in blood vessels (thin the blood). The active components of garlic are sulfur-containing compounds, in particular alliin.

    Soy protein. They are similar in action to estrogens - they reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis. Genistein prevents LDL oxidation due to its antioxidant properties. In addition, soy stimulates the production of bile, thereby helping to remove cholesterol from the body.

    Vitamins B 6 (pyridoxine), B 9 ( folic acid), B 12 (cyanocobalamin). A sufficient amount of these vitamins in the diet contributes to the proper functioning of the heart muscle, significantly reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts.

    What factors contribute to increased cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis?

    Most often, atherosclerosis affects people who have neglected their health for a long time. The sooner you change your lifestyle, the less likely development of serious diseases. Here are 4 main factors that contribute to high blood cholesterol:

    Passive lifestyle. With low mobility and lack of physical activity, the level of “bad” cholesterol increases, creating a threat of developing cardiovascular diseases.

    Obesity. Lipid metabolism disorders are closely related to high content cholesterol. People who are overweight are prone to various diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    — Smoking. Leads to narrowing of arteries, increased blood viscosity, thrombosis, and entails a risk of heart disease.

    Consumption fatty foods animal origin V large quantities leads to an increase in LDL.

    Heredity. The predisposition to high cholesterol levels is genetically transmitted. Therefore, people whose relatives suffer from this pathology should carefully monitor their health.

    A healthy lifestyle as a method of combating cholesterol

    As long as you stick proper nutrition And active image life, the risk of developing various diseases. This especially applies to people at risk. By changing your lifestyle, you improve the functioning of the whole body, even despite the tendency to any pathologies, internal defense mechanisms can easily cope with the threat.

    Active sports improve metabolism, train the heart muscle at the same time as skeletal muscles, promote a better blood supply to all organs and systems (during physical activity, blood from the depot goes into the general channel, this contributes to better saturation of organs with oxygen and nutrients).

    Sports exercises also lead to strengthening the walls of blood vessels and prevent the development varicose veins veins

    Don't forget the importance of proper nutrition. You should not abuse strict diets. The body must receive all the nutrients it needs in optimal proportions, vitamins and minerals, and fiber. The diet should contain sufficient quantities of vegetables, fruits, cereals, lean meat, sea and ocean fish, unrefined vegetable oils, milk and dairy products. If there is a lack of any vitamins in the diet, it is worth periodically taking medications containing them to prevent vitamin deficiencies.

    Quitting smoking will reduce the risk of developing not only atherosclerosis, but also a number of other diseases, such as bronchitis, stomach ulcers, and cancer.

    Sports – the best remedy against stress and depression, it strengthens the nervous system. Regular physical activity, whether it’s a jog in the park or 3 hours of exercise in the gym, helps relieve the negativity and irritation that has accumulated throughout the day; many athletes experience euphoria during the training process. It has been experimentally proven that active people are much less stressed than those who lead sedentary image life.


    As you can already see, cholesterol is an extremely important compound that performs a number of vital functions. It is necessary for our life, but its amount in the body should not exceed normal limits. An imbalance in the ratio of high- and low-density lipoproteins entails serious consequences.

    The best way to treat is timely prevention. The most effective method Preventing high blood cholesterol levels is a healthy lifestyle.

    When you give up bad habits and start adhering to the above rules, you will completely forget about your health problems.

    Cholesterol. Myths and deception.

    HDL is called good, healthy cholesterol. Unlike low-density lipoproteins, these particles have antiatherogenic properties. Increased quantity HDL in the blood reduces the likelihood of the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and cardiovascular diseases.

    Features of high density lipoproteins

    They have a small diameter of 8-11 nm and a dense structure. HDL cholesterol contains a large number of protein, its core consists of:

    • protein – 50%;
    • phospholipids – 25%;
    • cholesterol esters – 16%;
    • triglycerols – 5%;
    • free cholesterol (cholesterol) – 4%.

    LDL delivers cholesterol produced by the liver to tissues and organs. There it is used to create cell membranes. Its remains collect lipoproteins of high HDL density. In the process, their shape changes: the disk turns into a ball. Mature lipoproteins transport cholesterol to the liver, where it is processed and then excreted from the body by bile acids.

    A high level of HDL significantly reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, and ischemia of internal organs.

    Preparing for a lipid profile

    • Blood for research is donated in the morning from 8 to 10 o’clock.
    • You cannot eat 12 hours before the test; you can drink plain water.
    • The day before the study, you should not fast or, on the contrary, overeat, or drink alcohol or products containing it: kefir, kvass.
    • If the patient is taking medications, vitamins, or dietary supplements, this must be reported to the doctor before the procedure. He may advise you to completely stop taking the medications 2-3 days before the test or to postpone the test. Anabolic steroids greatly distort the results of lipid profiles, hormonal contraceptives, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
    • It is not advisable to smoke immediately before taking the test.
    • 15 minutes before the procedure, it is advisable to relax, calm down, and restore your breathing.

    What affects HDL test results? The accuracy of the data can be affected by physical activity, stress, insomnia, extreme rest experienced by the patient on the eve of the procedure. Under the influence of these factors, cholesterol levels can increase by 10-40%.

    An HDL test is prescribed:

    • Every year - for people suffering from diabetes of any type, who have had a heart attack, stroke, who have coronary artery disease, or atherosclerosis.
    • Once every 2-3 years, studies are carried out at genetic predisposition to atherosclerosis, heart disease.
    • Once every 5 years, it is recommended that persons over 20 years of age be tested for early detection of vascular atherosclerosis and heart diseases.
    • It is advisable to check it once every 1-2 years lipid metabolism with increased general cholesterol, unstable blood pressure, chronic hypertension, obesity.
    • 2-3 months after the start of conservative or drug treatment, a lipid profile is performed to check the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment.

    HDL norm

    For HDL, the normal limits are set taking into account the gender and age of the patient. The concentration of a substance is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) or millimoles per liter (mmol/L).

    Norm HDL mmol/l

    Age (years)WomenMen
    5-10 0,92-1,88 0,96-1,93
    10-15 0,94-1,80 0,94-1,90
    15-20 0,90-1,90 0,77-1,61
    20-25 0,84-2,02 0,77-1,61
    25-30 0,94-2,13 0,81-1,61
    30-35 0,92-1,97 0,71-1,61
    35-40 0,86-2,11 0,86-2,11
    40-45 0,86-2,27 0,71-1,71
    45-50 0,86-2,24 0,75-1,64
    50-55 0,94-2,36 0,71-1,61
    55-60 0,96-2,34 0,71-1,82
    60-65 0,96-2,36 0,77-1,90
    65-70 0,90-2,46 0,77-1,92
    > 70 0,83-2,36 0,84-1,92

    Norm of HDL in blood, mg/dl

    To convert mg/dL to mmol/L, use the coefficient 18.1.

    A lack of HDL leads to a predominance of LDL. Fatty plaques change blood vessels, narrowing their lumen, impair blood circulation, increasing the likelihood of dangerous complications:

    • Narrowed blood vessels impair blood supply to the heart muscle. She does not receive enough nutrients and oxygen. Angina appears. Progression of the disease leads to a heart attack.
    • Damage to atherosclerotic plaques of the carotid artery, small or large vessels brain disrupts blood flow. As a result, memory deteriorates, behavior changes, and the risk of stroke increases.
    • Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the legs leads to lameness and the appearance of trophic ulcers.
    • Cholesterol plaques affecting major arteries kidneys, lungs cause stenosis, thrombosis.

    Reasons for fluctuations in HDL levels

    An increase in the concentration of high-density lipoproteins is detected quite rarely. It is believed that the more cholesterol of this fraction is contained in the blood, the lower the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease.

    If HDL is increased significantly, there are serious disruptions in lipid metabolism, the cause is:

    • genetic diseases;
    • chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
    • acute or chronic liver intoxication.

    To confirm the diagnosis, diagnostics are carried out, and if the disease is detected, treatment is started. There are no specific measures or medications that artificially lower the level of beneficial cholesterol in the blood.

    Cases of low HDL are more common in medical practice. Deviations from the norm cause chronic diseases and nutritional factors:

    • celiac disease, hyperlipidemia;
    • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, causing hormonal disorders;
    • excess intake of exogenous cholesterol from food;
    • smoking;
    • acute infectious diseases.

    Reduced HDL levels may indicate atherosclerotic vascular damage and reflect the degree of risk of developing coronary artery disease.

    For rate possible risks take into account the ratio of high density lipoproteins and total cholesterol.

    When analyzing HDL indicators, it is revealed possible risks cardiovascular diseases:

    • Low – the likelihood of atherosclerotic vascular damage, the development of angina pectoris, and ischemia is minimal. High concentration good cholesterol provides protection against cardiovascular pathologies.
    • Medium – lipid metabolism monitoring and apolipoprotein B level measurement are required.
    • Maximum permissible – characterized low level good cholesterol, the development of atherosclerosis and its complications can be prevented.
    • High - low HDL levels with elevated total cholesterol levels indicate an excess of LDL, VLDL, and triglycerides. This condition threatens the heart, blood vessels, and increases the possibility of developing diabetes mellitus due to insulin insensitivity.
    • Dangerous - means that the patient already has atherosclerosis. Such abnormally low rates may indicate rare genetic mutations in lipid metabolism, for example, Tangier disease.

    It should be added that during research, entire groups of people with low levels of beneficial lipoproteins were identified. However, it was not associated with any risk of cardiovascular disease.

    How to increase good cholesterol

    A healthy lifestyle plays a major role in increasing healthy cholesterol levels:

    • Quitting smoking causes HDL to increase by 10% within a month.
    • Increasing physical activity also increases levels of good lipoproteins. Swimming, yoga, walking, running, and gymnastics in the morning restore muscle tone, improve blood circulation, and enrich the blood with oxygen.
    • Eating a balanced, low-carbohydrate diet helps maintain normal levels of good cholesterol. If there is a lack of HDL, the menu should include more products containing polyunsaturated fats: sea ​​fish, vegetable oils, nuts, fruits, vegetables. Don't forget about proteins. They provide the body with the necessary energy. Dietary meat contains enough protein and a minimum of fat: chicken, turkey, rabbit.
    • Diet will help restore the normal ratio of HDL and LDL cholesterol. Eating 3-5 times a day in small portions improves digestion, production of bile acids, accelerates the removal of toxins and waste from the body.
    • If you are obese or have metabolic disorders, you can reduce bad cholesterol and increase the level of healthy lipoproteins by giving up fast carbohydrates: sweets, confectionery, fast food, baked goods.

    • Fibrates increase HDL levels by reducing harmful cholesterol in peripheral tissues. Active substances restore lipid metabolism, improve blood vessels.
    • Niacin (nicotinic acid) – main element many redox reactions and lipid metabolism. In large quantities, it increases the concentration of healthy cholesterol. The effect appears a few days after the start of administration.
    • Statins are prescribed together with fibrates to increase good cholesterol. Their use is relevant for abnormal low rates HDL when hypolipidemia is caused by genetic disorders.
    • Policonazole (dietary supplement) is used as a food additive. Reduces total cholesterol, LDL, increases the concentration of high-density lipoproteins. Triglyceride levels are not affected.

    Eliminating risk factors, giving up bad habits, and following recommendations restores fat metabolism, delays the development of atherosclerosis, and improves the patient’s condition. The patient’s quality of life does not change, and the threat of cardiovascular complications becomes minimal.


    1. Kimberly Holland. 11 Foods to Increase Your HDL, 2018
    2. Fraser, Marianne, MSN, RN, Haldeman-Englert, Chad, MD. Lipid Panel with Total Cholesterol: HDL Ratio, 2016
    3. Ami Bhatt, MD, FACC. Cholesterol: Understanding HDL vs. LDL, 2018

    Last updated: February 28, 2019

    How to increase cholesterol. Typo? There is no typo, of course. Gone are the days when they fought with lipoproteins according to the principle of “keep them in and don’t let them go.” Now most people who monitor their health know that lipid correction includes several tasks: how to increase cholesterol, which is beneficial for metabolic systems, how to reduce “bad” or harmful ones, and how to maintain their ratio and total amount normal. It should be noted that active scientific research continues in this area, so it is necessary to separate the obvious from the controversial, and the desired from the actual.

    Correction of lipids includes several tasks: how to increase good cholesterol, how to reduce “bad”, and how to keep their ratio normal

    Why is low cholesterol dangerous?

    The number of deaths due to a lack of this substance is three times higher than the number of deaths due to its excess. Here are some pathologies:

    1. Obesity. The production of bile acids is impossible, which means the absorption and breakdown of fats and the metabolism of fat-soluble vitamins.
    2. Chronic digestive disorder.
    3. Violation of the integrity of the intestinal walls and, as a result, the release of toxins into the blood.
    4. Lack of nutrients in the body.
    5. Predisposition to diabetes (2).
    6. Risk of cancer.
    7. Cell membranes become vulnerable to free radicals.
    8. Hemorrhagic stroke, heart attack. Circulatory disorders, capillary fragility and hemorrhages increase, which means problems with the heart and blood vessels cannot be avoided.
    9. Osteoporosis. Problems with the absorption of calcium and, as a result, a violation of the composition of bone tissue.
    10. Depression. The frequency of suicides has increased two to three times.
    11. Immunity decreases. Without vitamin D production, the normal state is disrupted nerve cells, mineral metabolism, insulin production.
    12. Problems with reproductive function. Production is difficult steroid hormones adrenal glands, incl. sex hormones.
    13. Amenorrhea. Women who thoughtlessly experimented with diets experience cases of premature menopause.
    14. Impaired thinking and memory. Possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease.
    15. Children have slow growth and sometimes mental retardation.

    Reasons for low level:

    Reason low cholesterol maybe stress

    • liver diseases;
    • tuberculosis;
    • acute pancreatitis;
    • hyperthyroidism;
    • heart failure;
    • infectious diseases;
    • intoxication;
    • stress;
    • anorexia;
    • vegetarianism and unbalanced diets;
    • genetic predisposition.

    How to increase

    Another range of problems is associated with measures designed to prevent an increase in levels in order to prevent heart disease, atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels, the appearance of stones in gallbladder and other exchange problems. However, in order to select corrective measures, an understanding of certain features of lipid transport is necessary.

    Before moving through the bloodstream, cholesterol combines with special proteins to form lipoproteins (lipos - fat, protein - protein). Of these, the main ones are the so-called low-density lipoproteins and high-density lipoproteins. The former move in the direction of the organs, where they have to perform their tasks, the latter - in the direction of the liver, where the compounds are converted and then removed from the body.

    These two types of compounds are conventionally called bad and good cholesterol. The fact is that in the former the fat component is greater; when there is a metabolic disorder, they begin to leave its excess in the vessels of the brain and body organs. In the second, on the contrary, the protein is quite free and, moving towards the liver, it “captures” excess lipids, freeing the body from them.

    From this two things become clear:

    • both types of compounds are needed in a healthy body;
    • if the total amount has increased beyond the norm, you should try to increase the content of good lipoproteins, since they reduce the level of bad ones.

    For convenience, we use abbreviations: LDL (sometimes shorter, LDL) - low-density lipoproteins. Accordingly, the second type of compound that is useful for us is HDL (or HDL).

    How to determine when it is necessary to raise HDL, or good cholesterol?

    If in the corresponding result column laboratory analysis If the value is less than 1.0-1.3 mmol/l, it’s time to think about correction. (Numerical indicators differ slightly between women and men and depend on age, as well as the method of research in a particular laboratory). Moreover, this must be done even if the overall level is normal or slightly elevated.

    So, in order to reduce the risk of vascular diseases, it is necessary, as stated, not to try to suppress the bad cholesterol going to the tissues with an ill-conceived diet, but to increase the content of compounds with which it is removed from the tissues.

    Drug therapy

    Nicotinic acid helps lower LDL and triglycerides

    Nicotinic acid (niacin, vitamin PP). Helps reduce LDL and triglycerides (by 20% and 50%, respectively) and increase HDL (by 30%).

    Fibrates (fibrin derivatives). Drugs in this group can achieve an increase of 10-15%.

    The latest generation of statins began to have the same properties.

    Unfortunately, the advisability of using niacin and fibrates is questionable, and even regarding statins, scientific controversy continues. Thus, drug therapy For now, it needs a cautious approach and curbing too rosy hopes.


    “As a basis” you can take one of the hypocholesterol options or table No. 10, but add accents in the form of products that increase HDL:

    1. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. Salmon, sardine, sea bass, mackerel, herring, etc. Olive, flaxseed, soybean, corn oil. Can be taken in the form of dietary supplements (capsules).
    2. Cellulose. Bran, whole grains and cereals, legumes, blackberries, currants, champignons, oyster mushrooms, celery.
    3. Antioxidants. Normalize lipoprotein levels. Avocado, nuts, cabbage, beets, spinach.
    4. Sprouted seeds and cereals. Wheat, sunflower, pumpkin, lentils, etc.
    5. Soy products and oil. Recommended 40g soy protein for a day.

    To improve cholesterol, follow a low-carb diet

    Should follow a low carbohydrate diet, - according to nutritionists, this is much more important than limiting yourself in fat. Minimum refined sugar confectionery, white bread.

    Finally good news for men, - Foods and supplements that increase good cholesterol in the blood can be combined with red wine. It contains resveratrol, which has just these properties. However, you need to focus on the volume of one glass per day.

    Exercise and fresh air

    During muscle activity, the liver is much better supplied with blood, which leads to its purification and a shift in the lipoprotein balance in a positive direction. In turn, intestinal motility improves, freeing the body from already used compounds contained in bile.

    Physical exercise can change LP balance as well as some drugs. Positive changes of 0.25 mmol/l are confirmed already with half an hour of charging, repeated 3-4 times a week. Timing before eating can be additional factor: the body more actively produces LPL (lipoprotein lipase), which breaks down the “heaviest fractions”, the place of which can be taken by HDL.

    Folk remedies

    • Green tea. Contains antioxidant-rich polyphenols. These substances carry out the balance in full: they inhibit the harmful component and “pull up” the beneficial one.
    • Cranberry. Also contains polyphenols. By using cranberry juice You can raise HDL by 7% in one month.
    • Milk thistle, oil. Useful action associated with the silymarin it contains.
    • Artichoke. The effect is observed after 8 weeks of taking the extract.

    It is probably difficult to find the best folk or medicinal remedy for the prevention of atherosclerosis and, at the same time, increasing the level of “correct” lipoproteins in the blood. The optimal strategy is to use different methods and monitor developments in this area.


    How to increase cholesterol: increasing healthy levels.

    Why is good cholesterol level so important?

    From previous posts, you have already learned about what the level of cholesterol in the blood should be, found out that cholesterol can be bad, the level of which you should strive to reduce, and learned something about the so-called “good” cholesterol. Now we’ll talk about it in more detail.

    In fact, you understand that the names “bad” and “good” are used in common parlance, so it is easier for the doctor to explain the problem to the patient. But these names were given for a reason; they have a direct connection with the properties of cholesterol. As we already know, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) or bad cholesterol tend to settle on the walls of blood vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques, which lead to irreparable consequences. What is the difference between high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or so-called good cholesterol and bad cholesterol?

    HDL has more high density, since it contains more protein molecules. This type of cholesterol can make up up to 30% of total cholesterol.
    The unique property of good cholesterol is that it removes excess bad cholesterol from the blood, transports it to the liver, and from there it is subsequently eliminated from the body. US studies show that increasing HDL levels by just 0.026 mmol/L (1 mg/dL) reduces the risk of heart attack by 3%!

    A level of 1.56 mmol/L (60 mg/dL) is considered best, a level between 1.3 and 1.53 mmol/L (50-59 mg/dL) is considered good, and a level below 1.3 mmol/L (50 mg/dL) for women and 1.04 mmol/L (40 mg/dL) for men are considered low, which may increase the risk of heart disease.
    In other words, the higher the level of good cholesterol in the blood, the better body protected from heart attack or stroke! If lowering the level of bad cholesterol from maximum to minimum reduces the likelihood of a heart attack by 3-4 times, then with a level of good cholesterol of 1.56 mmol/l, the likelihood of a heart attack decreases by 8 times, compared with a level of 0.8 mmol/l. That's it…

    So, if you have already taken the test and found out that your cholesterol is “not very good,” then proceed to action! However, the recommendations that I will give below will not hurt in any case, even if your cholesterol is normal. But, believe me, this only happens to absolutely healthy people who lead a healthy lifestyle, and for at least several years.

    How to Increase Good Cholesterol Levels

    Point one - follow the recommendations for reducing bad cholesterol! Without this, all other points are monkey work! If you have already read and understood, read on.
    Omega-3 fatty acids. Foods high in unsaturated fats include fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, herring, mackerel, halibut, sea bass. They contain healthy types of fat called omega-3 fatty acids, which can help increase good cholesterol levels. Eat fish two to three times a week as part of a healthy diet.
    Nuts are very healthy - almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, Australian nuts, pecans, sesame seeds, they contain monounsaturated fats. The content of Omega-3 acids is also increased here.
    Flaxseed and camelina oil. These oils contain large amounts various vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, including polyunsaturated ones. They are used in the morning on an empty stomach, one tablespoon at a time.
    Soy protein (such as tofu (bean curd), soy nuts and soy cheeses). People who consume 40 grams of soy protein daily have significant increases in HDL levels.
    Complete smoking cessation! Studies have shown that for every 20 cigarettes smoked, the level of “good” cholesterol decreases by approximately 3.5 mg/dL. Quitting smoking can raise your HDL levels by 10%.
    Moderate consumption of alcohol, especially red wine, can help raise HDL levels. Red wine contains a substance called resveratrol, which is associated with increased levels of “good” cholesterol.
    Studies have shown that consuming one glass of cranberry juice or cranberry juice over four weeks, HDL levels increase by about 8%.
    Green tea polyphenols help block cholesterol absorption in the intestines, lower total cholesterol, increase HDL levels in your body. 2-3 cups per day is considered optimal. However, please note that green tea is a more tonic drink than coffee - if you have problems sleeping, it is better to refrain from drinking this drink.
    Well, and physical activity, of course, where would we be without it! Walking, swimming, jogging and various physical activities will help raise your HDL levels. To do this, you must burn at least 1,200 calories per week through exercise. Timing your exercise can also be a factor in increasing your HDL. When you exercise before eating, you thus stimulate the production of LPL (lipoprotein lipase), which cleanses the blood vessels of fat and reduces triglyceride levels, while clearing the way for HDL.
    These are such simple, as it seems to me, recommendations. Quite doable and not requiring any deprivation at all. From own experience I can say that being a passionate meat-eater and a sweet tooth, at the moment I have significantly reduced my meat consumption, I don’t eat sausage and other “delicacies” at all, I almost don’t eat cheese, sour cream and other fatty dairy products. I started eating more fish, especially salmon and trout. Previously, I almost didn’t eat fruit, but now it’s included in my diet. daily diet. And you know... I’m already used to both fish and fruits :) But there remains an irresistible craving for sweets, I confess, sometimes I allow myself too much :) The only thing that calms me down is that basically I “hamster” homemade cookies and dark chocolate. Those. Baking is not made with margarine, even butter is strictly limited. Well, dark chocolate (in reasonable quantities) even has a beneficial effect on the level of good cholesterol, by the way.

    At the moment I am just conducting one interesting experiment (what else is there to do?) with linseed oil. Knowing that flaxseed oil slightly increases HDL, I decided to look for more detailed information on the Internet about this product and came across a rather interesting article that claims that a mixture of flaxseed oil and low-fat cottage cheese is almost a cure for cancer!

    So in next post Read more about flaxseed oil and its miraculous properties.