OPTIVISION for vision. The drug for restoring vision OptiVision. natural components of D-Vision drops

D-Vision - a complex for restoring vision

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Vision is one of the most important physiological processes an organism that helps to perceive the size, color, shape of objects, as well as the distance between them. This function human body must be carefully preserved and protected throughout life. If a person loses the ability to see, his psyche is disturbed, he loses contact with the outside world. Almost 90% of all information people receive through the ability to see. In case of violation of visual function, you need to take remedial measures quickly and correctly. Complex drug based on natural ingredients D-Vision has a restorative and healing effect on the eyes and vision. With the help of this medicinal product the person will regain the ability to see clearly and clearly the world, and also eliminate the cause that led to this pathology.

Reasons to buy

The drug effectively eliminates various pathologies organs of vision, including senile age-related changes and a number of infectious diseases in just one treatment course. At the same time, no negative impact the drug does not affect the vision and health of other organs and systems of the body. Particular attention should be paid to:

  • Naturalness and safety composition are competitive qualities when choosing a drug for restoring vision for adults, children and elderly patients.
  • Availability a wide range buyers. Anyone in need can afford to buy the drug, and during the campaign, when the manufacturer reduces the cost by more than 50%, the benefit for buyers doubles.
  • Suitable for everyone. The solution-activator D-Vision for the restoration of vision is intended for the prevention and treatment of ophthalmic pathologies in all groups of patients.

Apply this natural preparation the manufacturer recommends, regardless of what pathologies are present in the patient: allergic nature, infectious, associated with stressful situations or professional activity, means for sight easily and for short term deal with any of them. By the way, we recommend that you ask the manufacturer questions by phone, leaving a request in the form below:

Would you like a free consultation about D-Vision?

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Ask the manager all your questions about the product by phone.
If the answers suit you, then you can immediately place an order by informing the manager of the data for delivery.

A support specialist will contact you within a few minutes/hours and answer your questions.

Now let's briefly say why it is worth buying D-Vision discs with an activator solution right now: there is a promotion with a 50% discount, which allows you to save up to 3000 rubles!!! After the end of the promotion, the price will double. To receive the drug as early as possible, you need to place an order on the website of the official dealer and after 5-10 days pick up the goods at the post office.

Indications for use

Natural two-phase D-Vision drops to restore visual dysfunctions, effectively eliminate many pathological processes associated with visual impairment. The medical and health-improving complex will help prevent retinal detachment, stop the progression of farsightedness and prevent the development of myopia. Vision will become 100%, with no risks, side effects and pain the patient will not be afraid.

The most common low vision problems are:

  • The patient acquires an inferiority complex due to wearing glasses or dependence on contact lenses.
  • You have to visit the ophthalmologist regularly.
  • Visual acuity will gradually decrease if proper measures are not taken to combat pathology.
  • General physical well-being will deteriorate.
  • The patient becomes withdrawn, irritable, emotional condition does not correspond to a healthy person.
  • Increased risk surgical intervention followed by a long recovery period.
  • risk of developing strabismus.
  • Vision problems interfere habitual life and work.
  • Driving a car becomes big problem or endanger the process.
  • Women are at risk of acquiring new wrinkles due to constant squinting.

The D-Vision solution consists of 2 active concentrated phases, each of which improves the condition of the eyes during application and after the course of treatment. The drug does not violate the microflora of the eye and does not change the composition of the natural eye fluid. Discs included medical complex help to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, fungi, viruses, bacteria. When applying the bioactive composition to the disks, the power and effectiveness of the drug increases significantly. Vision will be restored without expensive and risky operations, laser correction and tedious exercise.

If the patient has a tendency to worsen vision, it will be followed by more serious problems. Many of them not only significantly worsen the quality of life, but also entail psychological discomfort and contribute to the development of complexes.


The biomaterial which is a part of D-Vision disintegrates within the next 30 days after application. The composition of the drug is environmentally friendly, does not cause allergies, removes pathological microorganisms, while bioextracts, vitamins and other beneficial substances of the drug actively restore vision.

Discs are made from natural pure cotton. And the composition of the liquid concentrate contains the following elements:

  • Taurine. It has anti-inflammatory properties, effectively fights barley, relieves irritation, eliminates dryness, has therapeutic effect against furunculosis, helminthiasis, demodicosis.
  • Blueberry. IN in kind improves visual acuity, helps strengthen the retina.
  • Carnosine. It is able to penetrate into the lipid layer of the eyeballs, effectively protects the outer layer of the eyes from the negative effects of UV rays, prevents the development of glaucoma and cataracts, and in the presence of these pathologies effectively fights them. According to research, the effectiveness of this component is 100% justified. As a result of using the drug, 80% of patients managed to get rid of age-related and senile cataracts.
  • milky barley juice. Renders nutritional properties, saturates cells and tissues with useful substances, helps to eliminate toxic substances, prevents the development of barley, boils, and other infectious and viral pathologies.
  • Ginkgo biloba extract. Acts as an antioxidant. Helps to improve blood microcirculation in the capillaries, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves their tone. Helps to restore normal blood circulation in the vessels of the retina.

In addition to the main components, D-Vision includes vitamin complex- A, B, C. These vitamins stimulate blood circulation even in the smallest capillaries, restoring intraocular pressure to normal.

How to use?

There are several ways to use D-Vision (discs + solution). Each new bottle contains instructions that must be carefully studied before using the composition for the first time. Some patients may be allergic to the components of the drug, so the annotation must be studied.

Some rules for using the drug:

  1. The upper phase of the concentrate is taken with a special pipette, 10 drops liquid solution applied to a cotton pad and superimposed with a disk on a sore eye.
  2. The mixed phase is obtained by shaking the solution in the vial. Pick up 10 drops with a pipette, apply the liquid to the disk and apply to the sore eye.
  3. The lower phase is applied with a spray nozzle. Put on the nozzle, press the valve, distribute the solution over the disk and apply to the sore eye.

The manufacturer warns that it is necessary to keep the D-Vision disk with the solution on each eye for no more than 10 minutes. After the end of the indicated time of use, the disc must be discarded.

Application results

Until recently, vision could be corrected only by surgery, while no one gave any guarantees of 100% vision. were also popular special exercises or gymnastics, which was performed under the supervision of a specialist. Today, all problems with vision and eye diseases will help to solve a comprehensive D-Vision tool according to its manufacturer.

The main results that patients can achieve during the testing period:

  • It will help eliminate the most common vision problems - nearsightedness and farsightedness.
  • Will render reliable protection vision from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, TV, monitor, etc.
  • Stabilizes and accelerates microcirculation in blood vessels eyeballs, will help strengthen the vascular walls.
  • It will help improve light perception in low light conditions.
  • No more squinting and premature wrinkles at the corners of the eyes.

The drug D-Vision has passed wide clinical researches with the participation of volunteers before it became available to a wide mass of patients. According to the test results, almost 90% of the participants regained their vision, 80% refused glasses and contact lenses, almost 100% got rid of intraocular pressure, stress and chronic fatigue.


Disks and solution for D-Vision have a complex therapeutic effect on the eyes and tissues that are nearby. The medicine helps to restore: the mucous membrane, lacrimal glands, cornea, lens, sclera, conjunctiva, retina and optic nerves.

The main advantages over D-Vision analogues:

  • The drug helps to eliminate pain syndrome and eye discomfort.
  • Reduces burning, dryness, sensation foreign body when blinking.
  • Helps restore visual acuity.
  • Helps to overcome myopia and hyperopia without surgery.
  • Restores intraocular pressure.
  • It has a positive effect on the tissues of the retina.
  • Eliminates inflammatory processes.
  • Stops age-related degradation of vision.
  • D-Vision reduces the risk of developing glaucoma.
  • Possesses completely natural composition which is 100% safe for human health.
  • It has no contraindications and does not cause negative reactions during use.
  • Can be used without specialist advice.
  • Replaces laser vision correction.
  • Can be used by patients of any age, even in the presence of advanced disease states.

It is very convenient that the drug can always be taken with you on a trip or to work, for example. To use it, you do not need to seek special ways or convenient places.

The tool can be used for any vision problems, whether it is eye fatigue, redness, inflammatory diseases. And for seniors, D-Vision drives are a great way to read books and magazines - without straining your eyes - without glasses or contact lenses. Children can also use the drug, and now parents will not have to worry about their child having complexes at school because of wearing glasses.

Price and where to buy drops?

In order to order the original composition complex means to restore vision, you must go to the official website of the manufacturer. The official dealer sells quality products that have everything necessary document and certificates. Buyers who decide to buy D-Vision at a price lower than the manufacturer are at the highest risk of getting a fake, which will not only be useless, but can also provoke a deterioration in the patient's health.

Fraudsters on dubious sites offer fake goods under the guise of a real one. You can avoid deception only by placing an order on the official website, where there is a certificate of quality and other documents confirming the effectiveness and quality of the product.

The price of D-Vision disks for vision is quite democratic, and during the campaign period, everyone who wants to buy medicine gets the opportunity to significantly save their financial resources and order products at a very favorable price. The discount is 50% and you save 2990 rubles!

How to place an order?

To buy the original, just follow the link and follow the instructions:

  1. After going to the official website of D-Vision, the buyer must familiarize himself with the proposed information on the order.
  2. In the order form, leave your personal data - name, contact phone number.
  3. Receive a call from a company specialist a few minutes after the application is made, coordinate the details of the order with the operator.
  4. Within 5-10 days to receive the parcel at the nearest post office.
  5. You need to pay for the goods only after receiving it. You will have to pay separately transport services carrier.
  6. Before the first use, study the composition in detail and start taking it according to the scheme proposed by the manufacturer.

IN Lately cases of fraud with the sale of D-Vision have become more frequent. This is due to the growing popularity of the drug among a wide audience of patients.

D-Vision is an innovative, natural remedy that can restore vision and restore health to the eyes. Through natural active components its composition in a short period of time regenerates the natural structure of the eyeball, which has a positive effect on its condition. Today, this tool is recommended for use not only by doctors, but also by satisfied consumers.

By purchasing D-Vision for vision, you will be able to evaluate high quality product. A three-phase drug is able to eliminate many eye diseases. According to the manufacturer, thanks to his work, you will be sure that you will not develop cataracts, problems with visual acuity will go away and retinal detachment will not occur. Regular intake products guarantee you gentle eye care.

Symptoms and effects of poor vision

Ophthalmologists recommend as often as possible to pay attention to the symptoms of diseases that may accompany you. Signs of disease include loss of clarity of vision at close or far distance, decrease in the brightness of objects, the appearance of discomfort and soreness in the eyes, fatigue and lacrimation, a burning sensation inside the eyes and dryness syndrome.

Untimely treatment of poor vision often leads to the development of irreversible complications. Without appropriate therapy, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal detachment, blindness, dry eye syndrome, stye, or conjunctivitis may occur. All this, one way or another, harms human health. To prevent this from happening, experts recommend starting treatment with D-Vision discs for the eyes as soon as possible. The price of this drug today is only 2990 rubles. It will allow you to normalize vision and restore vision without surgery and pain. healthy state eye.

Complex properties

Many reviews of D-Vision vision discs say that they have a number of medicinal properties:

  • Returns clarity and visual acuity.
  • Stabilizes intraocular pressure.
  • Eliminates the need to wear contact lenses and corrective glasses.
  • Several times reduces the likelihood of developing eye disease.
  • Prevents retinal detachment.
  • Improves the quality of life.
  • Supports appropriate eye care.

How does D-Vision work?

Many ophthalmologists advise buying D-Vision to improve vision. The work of the complex is based on the deep effect of active components on the structure of the eyes. After getting drops on the sclera of the eyes, the ingredients of the composition instantly penetrate into the blood. They instantly relieve fatigue and stress, normalize intraocular pressure. Useful material funds start the nutrition of the eye, due to which the process of regeneration of vision is accelerated.


The D-Vision complex for vision contains only high-quality and natural components, including:

  1. Taurine eliminates inflammatory process, relieves barley, helminthiasis of the eyeballs, demodicosis, dryness and irritation syndrome.
  2. blueberry extract improves visual acuity and clarity, strengthens the retina.
  3. Vitamins A, C, E, B improve blood circulation, stabilize intraocular pressure.
  4. Carnosine penetrates into the deep layers of the eyes, protecting their structure from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. This component helps to get rid of developing senile cataracts in 80% of cases.

Clinical researches

Numerous real reviews about D-Vision from intraocular pressure left participants clinical trials. More than 250 people took part in the experimental testing of the drug. various diseases eye on various stages development. They used the three-phase remedy for one month.

The final results amazed even ophthalmologists! In 98% of people, vision has noticeably improved, and in 84% it has recovered to one. This is surprising, since no analogue is able to act so efficiently and quickly.

Expert opinion

The excellent reviews from doctors about D-Vision discs for improving vision only prove once again that they really work. Here's what an ophthalmologist thinks of them:

"Loss of visual acuity is topical issue, which affects more than 70% of people from all over the world. Due to poor eyesight, people not only lose each other in the crowd, but also get into an accident. For this reason, they are also at risk for serious diseases such as cataracts, blindness, glaucoma, etc. Today, I recommend that my patients use D-Vision discs for vision. Their price is only 2990 rubles, which is much lower than the cost of other methods of corrective therapy. The three-phase complex is great alternative laser correction. By using it on an ongoing basis, over time you will see better without glasses or surgery.”

Advantages over other means

Favorable cost for D-Vision eye preparation ensures its availability for a large number of people. Compared to other methods of vision correction, this complex has the following advantages:


By purchasing D-Vision drops, you can evaluate their maximum effectiveness. It consists in strengthening the capillary walls, which are responsible for delivering blood flow to the optic canal. The complex provides the body essential vitamins and mineral compounds, and also protects the eye lens from age-related changes.

Mode of application

Use the D-Vision tool according to the manufacturer's instructions. The drug has three phases of exposure, which are applied alternately:

  1. 10 drops of the upper phase of the product are placed on a disk with a pipette, which is then applied to the eye.
  2. 10 drops of the mixed phase are applied to a new disk, which is then placed on the sore eye.
  3. 10 drops of the lower phase of the solution are sprayed onto the disk, which is then applied to the eye.

Where can I buy?

It is impossible to buy D-Vision in a pharmacy today. The complex is sold only in the manufacturer's online store at a bargain price. It is actively used for the prevention and treatment eye pathologies. The drug provides protection against visual impairment. Experts recommend using it for those who often work at a computer, feel tired eyes.

The current price of D-Vision can be found on the official website of the manufacturer.

Please note that payment for the order occurs only after the issuance of funds at the post office or delivery by courier.

EYE DROPS "TRUE VISION" (10ml) - certified as a cosmetic Aloe tonic - a "magic source" of life, hidden in nature! Eye drops "TRUE VISION" are used to relieve eye fatigue (during visual stress), for the prevention and treatment of many diseases of the organ of vision. Help save healthy vision or visually improve its quality, even if you have to put a lot of strain on your eyes. The use of eye drops "TRUE VISION" improves vision in patients with diabetes. "TRUE VISION" will help adults and the elderly, as well as schoolchildren who especially need to take care of maintaining their vision. Indications for use "TRUE VISION" Myopia varying degrees(including progressive myopia) Violation of the mechanisms of adaptation of vision to darkness (hemerolopia) Myopic chorioretinitis (eye disease with decreased vision) diabetic retinopathy Central and peripheral retinal dystrophy Blepharitis (inflammation of the edges of the eyelids) Conjunctivitis (inflammation outer shell eye) Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea) Iritis (inflammation of the iris) Cloudiness vitreous body(clear mass) Cataract B complex therapy primary glaucoma Composition "TRUE VISION" : Water enriched with silver ions, kelp extract, Aloe extract, sodium chloride, bee honey, adenosine, asphodelin, acemanan, ascorbic acid, vitamin B12 How to use: Adults and children over 12 years old 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day are instilled into each eye. Duration of application is 2-3 months. If necessary, the course is repeated. ALOE - old remedy. It has been used to treat diseases of the organs of vision since Ancient Egypt and Greece over 3,000 years ago. The concept of the biostimulating properties of aloe was first substantiated by Academician V.P. Filatov. According to the teachings of V.P. Filatov, in isolated tissues or organs under certain conditions, substances are formed and accumulated that resist dying and mobilize all vital processes in tissues and cells aimed at preserving life. He found that if isolated plant tissue (aloe leaves) is placed in special conditions, then biochemical changes will occur in tissue cells, as a result of which special biological active substances A. These substances were named biogenic stimulants that can activate vital functions organism. thus, due to biogenic stimulants in the composition eye drops, you can activate vital functions visual analyzer person. BEE HONEY is a source of the most valuable compounds. It contains a complex of substances necessary for the normal functioning of the organs of vision. There are proteins, and carbohydrates, and vitamins, and trace elements important for eye health. Almost the entire periodic table is presented in this staple from the bee hive. Bee Honey contributes to the nutrition of eye tissues, is effective in reducing visual acuity as a result of many diseases, especially cataracts. The water used to prepare the extract is enriched with silver ions, which enhances the effectiveness of the drug and provides long term drop storage. And also Laminaria Extract was added to the composition of the drops, which is identical in composition to human blood plasma, which contributes to a high percentage of assimilation of all nutrients kelp. Laminaria is rich in unique substances such as amino acids, alginates, polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamins, macro- and microelements. Health to your eyes!!! In combination with Visio mix; Seeing the world is a gift of nature! Natural natural components that are part of "Werther Visiomix" contribute to the normalization of the process visual perception, strengthening the anatomical elements of the eyes, including the retina, nourishing the tissues of the eyeball, activating the function of the cascade of peripheral and central neurons that provide light and color perception. The function of vision gives us the opportunity to fully interact with the outside world, thus receiving a huge amount of information. With the help of the organs of vision, we orient ourselves in space, enjoy colors and colors, gain knowledge by reading, observing, contemplating. Good vision is an essential part of a person's overall health. Therefore, it is very important to take care of your eyes, not to overload them and not to overstrain, to maintain visual function. preventive measures, including through the use of a balanced complex of natural substances, including vitamins and minerals and other necessary components. Vertera® Organic introduces Werthera Visiomix, a combination of ancient knowledge of plant power and modern scientific advances in ophthalmology with the latest technologies. "Werthera Visiomix" contributes to the restoration of functions visual apparatus, improves nutrition of eye tissues, activates blood supply. Improving the blood supply to the organs of vision; Preservation of the cornea, lens, vitreous body; Maintaining the proper level of visual acuity; Normalization of nutrition of eye tissues; Central and peripheral vision; Prevention of the appearance night blindness", cataracts; positive impact at inflammatory lesions; Expansion of the functionality of the visual analyzer, including the removal of overvoltage during increased loads to the organs of vision. Product composition - sublimated gel from marine brown algae, extracts of carrots, beets, blueberries, rosehips, oranges, Schizandra chinensis (schizandra), barley, eyebright. 1 tablet 1-3 times a day after meals.

Name: D Vision
Purpose: for vision
Availability in the pharmacy: did not enter
Side effects: not found
Price: 978 rubles

Good afternoon, Sergey Minin is with you. Today we will discuss with you a means for preserving and restoring the vision of the D-Vision drop. Reviews about this preparation good enough, so I decided to check if it's a scam? Composition, instructions for use, price, and where to buy.

ATTENTION! We have described all the questions that our readers have about drops for vision D-Vision. You can go to the specifics simply by clicking on the desired item in the menu below.

This pathology directly affects the quality of life. With the deterioration of the ability to see clearly and clearly, a person may develop an inferiority complex, he will feel insecure. For women, this issue is more important than any other, because poor eyesight makes you squint, and this is a direct path to the appearance of wrinkles - crow's feet. If you spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor or TV, then you probably noticed that after that your eyes turn red, start to itch and hurt.

The following symptoms should be of concern:

  • decreased sharpness in the eyes;
  • rezi, the feeling of "sand in eyeballs»;
  • redness in the eyes, tearfulness or dryness, itching;
  • feeling of "blurring" and turbidity;
  • heavy eyelid syndrome.

Vision may fall sharply or fall slowly over several years. But if symptoms have been detected and there are prerequisites for a deterioration in the functioning of the organs of visual perception, then it is better to start treatment or prevention immediately.

D-Vision complex for the treatment of myopia and hyperopia

D-Vision are biologically active drops that not only relieve swelling and redness. They act on the cause of the deterioration in the ability to see and on cellular level regenerate eye tissues - retina, cornea and lens. Leading ophthalmologists strongly recommend treating poor vision with D-Vision for a number of reasons:

  1. Natural product, non-addictive side effects.
  2. Works at the cellular level, restores vision in a natural way.
  3. Thanks to the cumulative effect, the result is saved for a long time.

These three qualities distinguish new complex for eyes from analogues. The development of Russian scientists has been researched and studied for a long time, as a result, it was approved by WHO and received a certificate of conformity.

Indications for use

Save your eyesight and stop progressing eye diseases a new biological agent based on natural ingredients will help. It quickly relieves redness in the eyes, eliminates dryness, tearfulness and itching. So, drops are intended for those who:

  1. He drew attention to the development of farsightedness or myopia.
  2. Spends a lot of time at the computer or in front of the TV.
  3. Does not see well, but does not want to wear glasses or lenses.

The tool acts at the cellular level, and, saturating the body with vitamins and microelements, completely restores the function of the eyes, regardless of how advanced the disease is.

Instructions for use

The presented drops are a three-phase remedy that must be used strictly in accordance with the instructions. Use according to the manufacturer's recommendations gives good effect in the treatment of myopia and hyperopia varying degrees gravity:

  1. The upper phase - drops are applied to the disk, which is applied to the problem eye.
  2. The lower phase is used by spraying onto the disc and applying it to the eye.
  3. For mixed phase treatment, shake the vial and spray the contents onto the disk, which is also applied to the eyeballs.

Bioremedy is easy to use and does not require much effort. Using them according to the instructions, you can completely get rid of myopia and farsightedness in just 30 days.

How does D-Vision work?

Thanks to unique composition don't be afraid allergic reactions And side effects. The bioactive agent gently affects the eye sockets and quickly regenerates cells. What is the principle of action of the drug for myopia and hyperopia:

  1. When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it envelops the eyeballs and relieves swelling, redness, and discomfort.
  2. Saturates eye tissues with vitamins and microelements. Protects the lens from UV radiation.
  3. Strengthens blood vessels in the eyeballs, normalizes blood circulation and blood flow.


The drug has many advantages and differs from analogues in its formulation. The formula includes only natural ingredients that gently affect the eyes and restore the retina, cornea and lens of the eye. Why D-Vision is better similar drugs and more profitable than laser correction:

  1. Equally effective for farsightedness and myopia.
  2. Natural composition.
  3. Completely safe.
  4. Does not cause side effects and allergies.
  5. Has no contraindications, suitable for everyone.
  6. Acceptable price.


D-Vision (D-Vizhin) - natural triple action eye drops that are worthy alternative laser correction. Those who know the feeling of blurry objects in the distance or, conversely, close, they know what it's like to constantly squint like a mole and feel lost. Now there is a replacement for expensive operations and useless medicines that do not heal the eyes, but act in the process of taking them. Innovative tool D-Vision completely restores poor vision and makes it clear forever.

Thanks to the new complex for restoring vision, you can leave glasses and lenses in the past, because D-Vision will restore your eyes to their former strength for a long time.

Where to buy?

You can buy D-Vision on the official website. The price of the drug is 978 rubles, including the discount. We remind you that D-Vision is produced in Russia. And before the fact of payment, you can always check the product for authenticity. To do this, you will need to enter a special code on the package in the form on the site. Feel free to do it right in front of the courier or by mail with mobile phone. Cases of fakes have already been registered.

Combined drug True Vision based on the composition of aloe extract according to Filatov, enhanced with Laminaria algae extract, designed to improve energy metabolism in the lens of the eye and stimulate tissue regeneration. These properties allow us to recommend it as effective remedy for treatment and prevention degenerative changes in the lens - opacities (cataract) and seals (presbyopia). It improves the metabolism in the lens of the eye, which at any age helps maintain visual acuity and prevents the occurrence of disorders in the functioning of the organs of vision.

Aloe - famous medicine, which was used in Ancient Greece and Egypt. However, the opinion about the biostimulating effect of aloe was first formulated by Academician V.N. Filatov. Based on his teachings, in isolated tissues and organs that are under certain conditions, special processes can occur, the task of which is to preserve life. Academician Filatov found that when the isolated tissue of an aloe plant is placed in special conditions, biochemical changes occur in the cells of the plant, resulting in the production of special biologically active substances. These substances are called biogenic stimulants, they activate the vital functions of the body.

Aloe extract, based on water enriched with silver ions, made according to the method of Academician V.P. Filatov, is a complex complex, the main components of which are hydroxymethylanthraquinone - aloe-emodin, as well as other anthra derivatives - aloin, fatty hydroxy acids, homonataloin, nataloin, aromatic acids, enzymes, phytoncides, vitamins. The production technology of this extract is so complex that it is simply impossible to manufacture it under conditions far from laboratory ones. To do this, use only fifteen-year-old mature leaves of tree-like aloe, delivered from South America, which are subjected to a unique process described by Academician Filatov in his monographs. Besides, in eye drops add natural flower honey. Honey is a source of valuable compounds containing a complex of substances essential for the normal functioning of the organ of vision. This includes vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and trace elements necessary for eye health. Bee honey improves the nutrition of eye tissues, effectively combats the decrease in visual acuity that accompanies many diseases, especially cataracts.
Indications for use

Myopia (all degrees, including progressive)
. Hemeralopia (impaired adaptation of vision in the dark)
. Myopic chorioretinitis
. diabetic retinopathy
. Retinal dystrophy (central, peripheral)
. Blepharitis (inflammation of the edge of the eyelids)
. Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the outer shell of the eye)
. Keratitis (inflammation of the cornea)
. Iritis (inflammation of the iris)
. Opacification of the vitreous body
. Cataract
. As part of the treatment of primary glaucoma

Dosage and administration

Dosage (for children over 12 years old and adults) is 1 - 2 drops. up to 3 times daily in each eye, a course of 2 or 3 months. If necessary, the course is repeated.

Eye drops "True Vision" "is a unique tool to support eye health. Drops are needed for prevention for those who have excellent vision, those whose vision is already deteriorating and is indispensable for those who need to restore vision.

Vitamins B1, B2, E, A, VZ, B6, C, choline, folic acid, run-carotene, silver, honey, aloe vera extract, kelp extract.