How to get rid of gluttony using folk remedies? Bouts of gluttony, insatiable hunger

Reason one: chronic otitis media

Frequent inflammation of the middle ear in childhood develops a tendency towards excess weight - in the course of a large-scale study, American epidemiologists were able to prove this. Having carefully studied eating habits and the health status of schoolchildren and adults with frequent ear infections, experts have found that this disease causes harm nerve endings taste buds. This manifests itself in the fact that we begin to give preference to fatty and sweet foods. The result for the figure is sad: according to statistics, those of us who regularly have to suffer from ear pain, are 62% more likely to carry extra pounds.

Action plan: the most ridiculous thing in this situation is to try to forever give up your favorite buns and forcefully choke on celery and carrots instead of sweets. This is a sure way to cause stress and make you even more fat.

Fatty and sweet – not necessarily rich buns and milk chocolate. Cut back little by little and look for healthy alternatives. If you want cream, you can eat low-fat pudding, yogurt, fruit jelly or oatmeal with cinnamon and fruit. Instead of sweets, you can snack on raisins and dried cherries.

Train yourself to have a hearty breakfast and lunch. To do this, fuel up with “long-lasting” carbohydrates and proteins: omelette with broccoli, tofu/cheese cheese and bell pepper; sandwich with slices of avocado, tomato and feta; porridge with a handful of berries and walnuts(oatmeal, rice, millet, buckwheat); dishes with legumes. They ensure normal blood glucose levels for a long time and relieve attacks of “sweet fever”.

Reason two: a delicious challenge

Intense mental work can backfire: it provokes spontaneous outbreaks of hunger. In blood samples that Canadian nutritionist Angelo Tremblay and his colleagues from the University of Laval periodically analyzed during the experiment, subjects during and after periods of intellectual work were found to have increased level stress hormones cortisol, glucose and insulin. These substances send hunger signals to the brain and increase the desire to urgently eat something.

Action plan: Choose the right candidates to be your allies. These products should, on the one hand, quickly give a feeling of fullness, and on the other, maintain it for as long as possible, at least several hours. Therefore, you will need food rich, firstly, in fiber ( whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes), secondly, an abundance of liquid (juicy fruits), thirdly, proteins (beef, fish, legumes).

Australian doctor Suzanne Holt and a group of colleagues, through experiments, identified the most satisfying foods. In descending order of satiety:

  • potato,
  • fish,
  • oatmeal,
  • apples and oranges,
  • whole grain pasta,
  • beef,
  • legumes,
  • grape,
  • whole wheat bread,
  • popcorn.

In addition, food rich in unsaturated foods quickly “quenches” appetite and erases the feeling of hunger in the brain. oleic acid: walnuts, avocado, olive oil, salmon.

Sweets, alas, boast high index they cannot be full. On the contrary, chocolates, cream cakes, croissants, cookies and similar gastronomic delights not only burden us with extra calories, but also sneakily make us feel hungry. Reason – a large number of fats in confectionery products.

Reason three: wrong gender

Men are better able to resist the appetizing smells and tastes of their favorite foods than women - specialists from the Brookhaven Laboratory at the US Department of Energy received visual confirmation of this during an experiment.

The men and women tested were given positron emission tomography while they were tempted by their favorite foods (kebabs, pizza, cinnamon rolls, chocolate cake). The scanner images showed that it is harder for the weaker sex to resist food temptations than the stronger sex.

It sounds disappointing, but it’s a fact: hence the tendency to overeat and the susceptibility to eating disorders (nervous gluttony, anorexia, bulimia) in difficult life circumstances in women. The natural impulsiveness of nature also makes its contribution: most women cannot endure a starvation diet for a long time. Such methods of losing weight only provoke obesity.

Action plan: Try to eat, if not by the clock, but at a certain time: breakfast, lunch, dinner, plus two snacks. This style of eating normalizes hormonal background, promotes healthy digestion and brings to life a “corroded” stomach. For those who are used to swallowing food at great speed, it is better to change European appliances to Chinese chopsticks: This will slow down the process of food absorption, and the brain will have time to receive a signal of satiety.

If you can’t keep up with your eating schedule, you can simply eat little and often (green vegetables, yoghurts, bread, cherries, plums (including frozen), citrus fruits) and big amount fiber. Recharge with endorphins and fill the deficit Have a good mood will help physical activity: walks at a brisk pace, jumping rope.

Reason four: chaos around

Dirt and clutter in the kitchen can cause... unsuccessful attempts lose weight.

This curious dependence on own experience discovered by American graphic designer Peter Walsh. In his book on how to turn a cluttered den into a cozy home, Walsh gave readers, basically simple tips: get rid of unnecessary things, get more air, moderate your appetite for new unnecessary purchases. To his surprise, Walsh turned out to be quite popular as... a nutritionist! Grateful readers flooded him with letters: it turns out that as soon as they cleared away the rubble in their kitchen, their diet also became more rational and organized.

Inspired, Walsh wrote new book″The chaos in the house puts fat on my butt?″ (Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat? In it, he again calls for ridding your home of unnecessary things, and at the same time of food waste. The argument is ironclad: excess things are a consequence of an excessive unhealthy appetite , and an excessive appetite leads to an excess of extra centimeters at the waist.

Action plan: Once you put the surrounding space in order, the desire to overeat will appear, and with it the excess weight will begin to recede. Walsh advises “putting yourself on a diet” first of all in the kitchen. First, you should part with everything that is not used for cooking, serving and storing food.

Cracked dishes, a non-working mixer, an old toaster, a cutting board cut beyond recognition, a fondue pot and a microwave that haven’t been used for years.

It is also important to monitor the temperature in the room: the colder it is, the more you want to eat, warn experts from Harvard. This human “weakness” is often taken advantage of in restaurants, deliberately supporting low temperature in the halls.

Reason five: fast food

Addiction to fast food is a dangerous thing. The fact is that fast food, in addition to a huge amount of preservatives, flavorings and additives that are far from beneficial to our health, for the most part represents... simple carbohydrates. Once in the blood, they provoke a sugar attack - the level of glucose in the body decreases sharply, and after an hour and a half we experience an unpleasant gnawing feeling in the stomach - the body, hooked on fast food, requires a new “dose”.

Action plan: It’s worth trying to give up fast food and processed foods for at least a week or two and switch to healthy food made with your own hands: making a vegetable salad, an omelet with tomatoes and herbs, mixing a fruit smoothie or a sour-spicy puree soup in a blender is not at all difficult and takes not much time. Or you can try baking your own homemade whole grain bread. This menu will allow you to feel full for a long time – primarily due to fiber. Gradually, your clogged taste buds will wake up, and you will be able to see fast food in its true light - a pile of salt, sugar and fat.

Polina Lungardt

  • Chronic lack of sleep

One of the most common reasons leading to increased feelings of hunger, a person’s lack of sleep is considered, especially his chronic form. In this case, hunger arises due to a lack of such food in the human body. important hormone, like leptin. It is he who is responsible for all processes related to appetite. Without this hormone, a person develops a constant form of hunger, which leads to severe gluttony.

  • Vitamin B deficiency

In addition, low levels of B vitamins in the body can also lead to the development of a constant feeling of hunger.

  • Genetic and mental disorders

A variety of genetic and mental disorders can also lead to the development of a pathological condition such as gluttony.

  • Post-diet syndrome

Another risk factor for the development of obesity may be the so-called “post-diet syndrome”, it develops in women who constantly sit on varied diets, after which the body rapidly begins to gain weight by increasing the feeling of hunger.

Ways to get rid of gluttony

  • Cellulose

You can get rid of the constant feeling of hunger different ways. For example, when this state must be included in your daily diet foods that contain large amounts of fiber, these include vegetables and legumes. Fiber is not digestible human body, which means it will not lead to sudden weight gain, but it has the property of causing a very quick feeling of fullness.

  • No snacking

While eating, you should not do other things at the same time; the brain should be completely focused on the process of eating and assimilating food, so the feeling of fullness will come much faster. To a person with constant feeling hunger, you should completely abandon irregular and chaotic eating. All snacks and main meals should occur strictly on schedule. This will stimulate the proper functioning of the center in the brain, which is responsible for the feeling of fullness, and also cause the production of the necessary amount of necessary hormones.

  • Health care

A person who is faced with the question of how to get rid of gluttony can go in two ways. He can go to a qualified medical specialist, who, after a series of examinations, will prescribe a series medicines. All drug therapy will be aimed at regulating the work of the saturation center, which is located in the brain, as well as stimulating the production of necessary hormones, including leptin. The main group of drugs used for this pathological condition are drugs that reduce appetite. Among them we can distinguish a group of adrenaline drugs that cause stressful state, reduce appetite, and a group of serotonin drugs that take part in the regulation of the general psycho-emotional state of a person and block the body’s need for such nutrients like carbohydrates and fats. IN Lately, doctors mainly use drugs from the second group, since adrenaline drugs have a large number of contraindications. And also side effects.

  • Folk remedies

The second way to get rid of prolonged feelings of hunger is folk remedies for gluttony. A specialist who treats diseases using folk recipes, can offer at least 10-20 methods of treating gluttony, from which any person can choose those that are suitable exclusively for him.

How to get rid of gluttony using folk remedies

The use of folk recipes in the fight against gluttony and excessive hunger is the most gentle means of combating these pathological conditions. This is achieved due to the fact that traditional medicine does not use medicines containing chemicals.

Of course, when using any recipe from folk sources, you must follow a diet, because without some dietary restrictions, not a single remedy will help. Also, in the fight against gluttony, dosed physical activity is important, which will not only distract from the process of eating food, but will also help maintain the body in decent physical shape.

Recipes for gluttony:

1) Clean drinking water

Drink enough water, not tea or coffee, but pure drinking water without additives.

2) Peppermint toothpaste

Brushing your mouth after eating with a toothpaste containing mint helps stop chewing and promotes a feeling of fullness.

3) Special herbal teas:

- to reduce appetite, you can use decoctions or infusions of herbs such as marshmallow, flax or corn silk;
- acceleration of excretion excess water and harmful substances contained in it are promoted by decoctions of lingonberry leaves, horsetail, as well as an infusion prepared from burdock leaves;
- herbs such as immortelle and dandelion have good choleretic effect, and bile contains various enzymes that break down food that enters the human body.
- for the general regulation of all processes occurring in the human gastrointestinal tract, specialists traditional medicine It is recommended to take cumin, dill and buckthorn bark.

4) Aromatherapy

One more in an effective way Aromatherapy helps fight gluttony. It is believed that when the feeling of hunger increases, you should mix a few drops of bergamot, orange, grapefruit and rosemary oils and inhale the aroma of the resulting mixture.


A five-minute massage of a point located in the middle of the distance between the nose and upper lip. During this time, you should massage this point quite strongly in a circular motion.

We all sometimes are gluttons, and then we just can’t deny ourselves the pleasure of eating aromatic pizza, our favorite cake or other spices that are not so healthy. Believe me, this is not gluttony yet. How can you tell if you are suffering from gluttony? If you often experience sudden increases in appetite, then you have an eating disorder during which you consume excessive amounts. People who are overeating may not be aware of how much food they have eaten. After such food “raids”, a feeling of guilt and self-hatred may appear. Also, bulimia ultimately leads a person to obesity, along with which there is a decrease in self-esteem and loss of self-respect. Over time, a person may stop communicating with friends and loved ones, choosing loneliness instead.

If you have a habit of constantly chewing something, it is not so easy to cope with it. IN otherwise, if you do not get rid of this scourge, then the habit can develop into a disease. Such an addiction to food may soon become an uncontrollable need on your part, which you are powerless to resist.

There are quite a few reasons why a person develops gluttony. It is believed that the roots of this addiction come from trauma. mental nature from childhood. People who were very susceptible to childhood insults in childhood suffer from low self-esteem and incorrect judgment of their appearance, and as a result of this, eating disorders.

Let's talk about the causes of gluttony.

One of the most important reasons leading to obesity is “eating up” on life’s troubles and problems: a quarrel, the loss of a loved one, dismissal from a job, divorce, conflicts with friends or difficult exams.

A similar situation can arise over time due to minor troubles. But even if there is no reason to distract yourself with food, you, sometimes unconsciously, continue to eat in huge quantities.

Over time, the desire to eat develops into a real symptom, which is observed more and more often. It becomes simply unbearable to live like this: with constant thoughts about food, interrupting all others. There is a loss of performance, and thoughts about food still interfere with thinking about important issues. And most importantly, the habit of constantly chewing leads to serious illnesses esophagus.

So, how to get rid of gluttony?

Let's start with this: if you are not hungry, there is no need to eat again! This, of course, is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. But over time you will learn to listen to your own inner voice and understand the signals that our body is trying to reach us - you will radically change your life.

First, try to learn to distinguish between real hunger and the desire to “eat a little.” Before you start eating, place your hand on your stomach where your stomach is and thereby feel your hunger. Ask yourself: what sensations am I experiencing? Is my stomach really telling me that I need to eat or is it all my subconscious that is asking me to “eat” the problem? You should always eat without being completely full, but not to the point where you can no longer swallow another bite.

To defeat gluttony, start keeping notes, noting in them all your experiences, sensations at different times of the day, and most importantly, how they are reflected in your appetite and desire to eat. You can also hang on the refrigerator the most terrible photo in your opinion, where you are in full growth. And now, every time you go to the refrigerator, a photograph will remind you of how you don’t want to see yourself and what overeating will lead to. To enhance the effect, try hanging a photo nearby where you really like yourself.

Think about what food you most often prefer. What do you usually think about and what do you do when you start eating: are you busy reading, talking, or maybe watching your favorite series or TV show? Whatever you choose, immediately exclude it from your preferences.

An unusual connection between your sensation and the taste of the food you eat has long been noted: if what you eat does not bring pleasure, then the world around us becomes uninteresting and unattractive.

1.If you have started bulimia attack, then first relax and listen to soothing music that you love. This will distract you for a while from thinking about what you need to eat. Listening to nature music is even more beneficial. Buy a disc with recordings of various “natural” sounds: the sound of the wind or sea, the sounds of raindrops or birdsong, and others.

2. Get used to doing it. breathing exercises. When you perform it, do it with your eyes closed, relaxed well and focusing on your breathing. Do this exercise five times during the day.

3. Don't let anyone get close to you bad thoughts, get them out of your head. Tie a bright ribbon around your wrist, and when you think about something bad or if your mood gets worse, pull the ribbon. This way you will be reminded that you thought about the bad and it’s time to switch to the positive.

4. Be sure to replace your favorites high-calorie foods for fruits, vegetables, bran – peeled or not, cereal products. By the way, it is cereals that bring the feeling that you are already full, without burdening the body.

5. Try to pepper, sweeten or salt your food less. And remember that drinks such as black tea, coffee, carbonated drinks greatly increase your appetite, and fight against gluttony will be less effective.

I would also like to say a few words about bulimia- a habit that turns into a disease. The main symptom of this disease is considered to be insatiable hunger, followed by a sharp desire to get rid of the consumed food. Just like anorexia, bulimia is considered one of the scourges modern society. Therefore, do not push yourself and your body to extremes in relation to food, because food should not become over you, train your willpower and most importantly, be healthy.

For many of my students, the issue of gluttony is very relevant. It has different shapes and manifestations, but quite dangerous. We all overeat from time to time, whether it's an extra helping for lunch at grandma's or an extra dessert at a birthday party. However For real gluttons, overeating is regular and uncontrollable.

Using food to combat stress and others negative emotions, we feel even worse.We feel like we're in a vicious circle, but gluttony is treatable. At the right help and support, you can learn to control your eating and develop a healthy relationship with food. I wrote this article using the latest scientific materials from HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL and my experience working with students using my “LOSE WEIGHT EASY AND FOREVER” method.


Gluttony: Key Aspects

Signs and symptoms

Consequences of gluttony

Causes and factors of gluttony

How to stop gluttony

Helping someone with gluttony

Health care

Gluttony: Key Aspects

Compulsive overeating, or simply gluttony, is the consumption of huge amounts of food that is uncontrollable and impossible to stop. Symptoms of binge eating usually begin in late adolescence or early adulthood, often after a major diet. Binges usually last about two hours, but some people manage to binge eat throughout the day. Gluttons eat even when they are not hungry and continue to eat even after they are full.

Key features of gluttony:

  • Frequent attacks of uncontrolled overeating.
  • Feeling depressed or regretful during or after overeating.
  • Unlike bulimia, there are no attempts to correct everything by vomiting, fasting or intense training.
  • Guilt, disgust and depression.
  • A desperate desire to stop overeating, accompanied by a constant feeling of inability to do so.

Overeating may feel good for a moment, but when it comes back to reality, regret and self-loathing sets in. Excessive food consumption often leads to weight gain and obesity, which only increases the desire to overeat. How feeling worse glutton and the more critical his self-esteem is, the more often food is used as a calming aid. Vicious circle, openwhich would seem impossible.

Signs and symptoms

People who suffer from gluttony are embarrassed and ashamed of their eating habits, so they often try to hide their imperfections and eat in secret. Many gluttons have excess V EU or obesity, but there are representatives with absolutely normal weight.

Behavioral symptoms of gluttony:

  • Inability to stop eating or control what you eat
  • Eating a large amount of food quickly
  • Eating food even when feeling full
  • Hiding and stockpiling food to eat later in secret
  • It's usually okay to eat when surrounded by people and to overeat alone
  • Continuous eating throughout the day, without scheduled meals

Emotional symptoms of overeating:

  • Feelings of stress or tension that are relieved only by eating
  • Feeling embarrassed about how much you've eaten
  • Feeling numbduring a bout of gluttony with the transition to autopilot
  • Lack of satisfaction, regardless of the amount eaten
  • Feelings of guilt, disgust, or depression after overeating
  • Desperate and unsuccessful attempts to control weight and nutrition
  • Express test for gluttony:
  • Is your overeating uncontrollable?
  • Are you busy? Are you thinking about food all the time?
  • Does place overeating in secret?
  • Is it possible to eat food until you feel sick?
  • Is food a means of calming, relieving stress and escaping your worries?
  • Do you feel shame and disgust after eating?
  • Is there a feeling of powerlessness and inability to stop the process of eating?

The more positive answers, the more likely presence of gluttony.

Consequences of gluttony

Overeating leads to many physical, emotional and social problems. People with binge eating tend to experience stress, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts. Depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are common side effects. But the most well-known consequence of overeating is weight gain.

Over time, gluttony leads to obesity, and obesity, in turn, leads to causes numerous complications, including:

Causes and factors of gluttony

There are many factors, the combination of which contribute to the development of gluttony - including human genes, emotions, impressions. But there are certain factors responsible for compulsive overeating.

Biological causes of gluttony

Biological abnormalities may contribute to gluttony. For example, the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that controls appetite) cannot send messages about true feelings of hunger and fullness. The researchers also found genetic mutation, which causes food addiction. There is also evidence that low serotonin levels, chemical element brain, provokes overeating.

Social and cultural causes of gluttony

Social pressure to be thin and judgment of people who are prone to binge eating only encourages overeating and the desire to comfort ourselves with food. Some parents unwittingly set the stage for overeating by using food to console, encourage, and calm their children. Children who experience frequent criticism of their body and weight are just as vulnerable as those who were sexually abused as children.

Psychological causes of gluttony

Depression and gluttony are closely related. Most gluttons are depressed or have been depressed before, and some are unable to control their emotions and feelings. Low self-esteem, loneliness and body dissatisfaction can also contribute to binge eating.

How to stop gluttony

Overeating and food addiction are quite difficult to overcome. Unlike other addictions, this “drug” is necessary for survival, so there is no way to avoid its use. Instead, we need to develop a healthy relationship with food - a relationship that is based on meeting our physical nutritional needs, not our emotional ones.

In order to stop the unhealthy pattern of binge eating, it is important to start eating for health and nutrition. Healthy eating involves creating a balanced system, where choices are made to the side healthy food with sufficient vitamins, minerals and calories.

10 Strategies to Overcome Overeating:

  • Stress management. One of the most important aspects overeating control is alternative way confronting stress and other overwhelming feelings without using food. Moderate exercise, meditation, using sensory relaxation strategies and practicing simple breathing exercises are great help.
  • Eat 3 times a day plus healthy snacks. Our metabolism starts with breakfast. It is important not to skip breakfast, which should contain enough protein and the right carbohydrates. It is important to have a balanced lunch and dinner with healthy snacks in between. When we skip meals, we often resort to overeating later that day.
  • Avoid temptation. It's much easier to overeat if junk food, desserts, snacks and other nasty things are nearby. Put everything that tempts us out of reach. Clear the refrigerator and cabinets of stocks of sweets, smoked meats, and snacks. Let everything be in the store. And if we suddenly want something, we will have time while we go to the store to think about how much we need it.
  • Stop dieting. A strict diet that leaves us deprived and starving will only fuel the cravings for gluttony. Instead of dieting, you need to focus on eating in moderation. Find nutritious foods that we enjoy and that make us satisfied. Any abstinence and self-abuse will end in another overeating.
  • Strong exercise. No abuse of your body. If you like to run - run, if you like to walk - walk, if you like to jump rope - jump. Everything should be feasible, not depressing and pleasant. Thus, the process of burning fat occurs, your mood improves and your well-being improves, and stress decreases. And this, in turn, eliminates the need to use food as a sedative.
  • Down with boredom. Instead of snacking when you're bored, you need to distract yourself with something else. Take a walk, call a friend, read, or do something interesting - painting, gardening, knitting, rearranging furniture, building a children's playhouse. Start the renovation, after all. Or play with the kids.
  • Dream. Fatigue and sleepiness increase food cravings to boost energy levels. Taking a nap or going to bed early is a great way to avoid overeating.
  • Listen to the body. You should learn to distinguish between physical and emotional hunger. If you have eaten recently and there is no rumbling in your stomach, then this is not hunger. It is enough to drink water to make sure of this.
  • Keep a diary. Recording everything that was eaten, noting the amount, time, and mood that accompanied the meal, makes eating behavior visual, displaying the connection between mood and gluttony.
  • Get support. You are more likely to succumb to a binge eating disorder if you do not have strong support from loved ones or people with similar problems. Family, friends, social media, thematic clubs - all this perfectly serves as support and support in such situations.

Helping someone with gluttony

Signs that your loved one is overeating include piles of empty food bags and wrappers, empty cupboards and refrigerators, and hidden stashes of high-calorie and unhealthy foods. If there is a suspicion that close person is overeating, you need to talk to him. It is difficult to start such a delicate conversation, but silence can only make things worse.

If a person denies, snaps, gets nervous, gets upset, don’t put pressure on him. It will take time for him to be ready to admit the problem and accept help from others.

It is difficult to help a person with gluttony if the initiative does not come from him. loving person can only provide compassion, encouragement and support throughout recovery healthy image life.

5 Strategies for Dealing with Your Loved One's Overeating:

  • Encourage him or her to seek help. The longer the process of restoring healthy eating behavior is delayed, the more difficult it is to overcome binge eating, so you should encourage your loved one to see a personal therapist for timely diagnosis compulsive overeating and take help from specialists.
  • Provide support. Listen without judgment and show caring. If a person experiences setbacks on the road to recovery, it is worth reminding them that it is still possible to quit binge eating for good.
  • Avoid insults, lectures and guilt-provoking. A person with gluttony tends to feel bad enough without further talking. Lecturing, ultimatums, insults will only increase stress and make the situation even worse. Instead, it is necessary to show concern for the person’s health and well-being, making it clear that you will always be there.
  • Set a good example. By personal example healthy eating, physical exercise, managing stress without food convinces a person that it is real and does not require extreme effort.
  • Take care of yourself. Only by being calm, confident and healthy person, you can help someone else become like that. Monitor your well-being, do not hide your emotions, give vent to your fears. Don't make your loved one a scapegoat.

Health care

For those who are unable to help themselves, there is professional support and medical treatment. Health care professionals who offer treatment for binge eating disorder include psychiatrists, nutritionists, therapists, and eating disorder and obesity specialists.

Exist different types therapy, formal support groups and various medications. But all this, as a rule, gives a temporary result - while the person pays. In fact, greedy weight loss experts only want our money. We can go to them endlessly, but the result will only come when we go to them and pay.

Only by making a firm decision once can you help yourself forever. This is what my methodology teaches.

When you get nervous, do you attack the refrigerator and start consuming everything indiscriminately? Are you used to eating away at your problems and can’t stop until you’ve emptied all your plates? And then reproach yourself for intemperance? It's quite possible it's not easy bad habit, and a severe eating disorder called bulimia.

In this article, we will dwell in detail on the causes of uncontrollable bouts of gluttony, the manifestations of this mental disorder, and tell you how to treat it.

What is bulimia

Bulimia in medicine is a disease based on the nervous system. mental disorder, manifested in uncontrolled eating. A person with such a problem is susceptible to compulsive overeating, i.e. uncontrollable seizures gluttony, which is accompanied by painful hunger, weakness and soreness in the pit of the stomach. It is not surprising that a single meal in this state can significantly exceed a person’s need for food.

Typically, when subjected to bouts of gluttony, the patient is not aware of his actions, and then begins to feel guilty and depressed. In general, people suffering from bulimia are extremely concerned about food and their appearance. And here comes the second one characteristic feature diseases, namely vomiting, which a person induces in himself in order to prevent weight gain.

According to doctors, bulimia cannot be viewed solely as an eating disorder. This is serious psychological problem, which destroys the patient’s life, limits his social contacts, changes his interests and plans for the future, leaving him alone with his misfortune.

When is gluttony considered a disease?

It is important to understand here that a strong craving for food does not mean that a person suffers from compulsive overeating. We can talk about a mental disorder only if the patient has several of the following: characteristic symptoms illness, namely:

  • uncontrolled absorption of food, even pain;
  • inability to independently stop the process of eating food;
  • theft and attempts to hide food products;
  • alternation between periods of gluttony and periods of fasting;
  • a person’s remorse after an uncontrollable bout of gluttony;
  • excessive physical exercise after an attack of overeating, in order to burn accumulated calories;
  • attempts by the patient to give himself an enema or induce vomiting;
  • swollen cheeks and microdamage to the throat as a result of frequently vomiting;
  • yellowing or discoloration of teeth due to regular contact with stomach acid;
  • constant smell of vomit in the bathroom and toilet;
  • constant weight fluctuations around 5–7 kilograms.

What is typical is that bouts of gluttony in such patients do not occur during empty space, but are a way of dealing with negative emotions - frustration, resentment, disappointment, dissatisfaction with life or loneliness. And in this regard, bulimia is very similar to drug addiction. The patient takes food as a dope, which makes him feel better. Like a drug addict, such a person for a long time hides his problem, or denies its fact. And even reckless behavior like stealing food also links food addiction to drug addiction.

Causes of uncontrollable gluttony

According to scientists, the basis for the development of bulimia is genetic disorders in the area of ​​the brain that controls appetite. However, this disease also occurs in those people who have nothing wrong with their genes. According to doctors, the following factors can affect the development of this disease:

1. Hereditary factor

30% of patients with bulimia had close relatives suffering from a similar disease, which means we can say that bulimia is a hereditary factor. Scientists attribute this not so much to genetics as to upbringing, drawing attention to the fact that the patient’s family had a distorted idea of ​​food, its importance for the body and the rules of eating.

2. Physiological factor

Bouts of uncontrolled overeating with subsequent vomiting seriously affect the balance of hormones. For this reason, it is extremely difficult for doctors to determine whether hormonal disbalance Starting point in the development of bulimia or is a consequence of the disease.

In any case, to endocrine reasons Bulimia can be attributed to:

  • increased levels of leptin (a hormone that is responsible for the feeling of hunger);
  • abnormally elevated levels of cortisol (stress hormone);
  • disruption of the production of serotonin and dopamine (hormones of joy and happiness).

3. Psychological factor

Such psychological characteristics character, such as problems with self-esteem, emotional instability, panic fear Weight gain, as well as mental trauma and previous illnesses can also become a provoking factor for bulimia. Especially often girls who cannot boast of such a disease are faced with perfect proportions bodies, as well as those who in childhood were subjected to violence from adults, including from their parents.

4. Cultural factor

We cannot discount fashion trends, because today, from the pages of glossy magazines, thin beauties look at us, who by their very appearance promote the desire to be thin and slender. Thinness is considered the standard of beauty, an indicator of a person’s value and success. In an effort to imitate their ideals, young girls try to lose weight at all costs, and as a result they become dependent on uncontrolled bouts of gluttony.

Diseases that cause bulimia

It should be noted that the neuropsychic disorder in question may be the result of existing diseases. Let's list them.

– Depression. This mental disorder, which causes a person to become joyless and apathetic, can easily lead to bulimia. Craving for food, the patient strives to at least temporarily lift his mood.

– Obesity. Excess weight of thalas can also provoke this disease, because in trying to find slim figure a person begins to independently induce attacks of vomiting, and subsequently does not notice how he develops attacks of compulsive overeating.

– Schizophrenia. There is a form of schizophrenia in which the patient is disgusted with his own appearance and believes that food is harmful to him. Such people may deliberately avoid meals and regularly induce vomiting.

- Diabetes. It is no secret that a lack of the hormone insulin leads to the development of diabetes. However, the introduction of insulin into the body by injection has a number of unpleasant side effects, one of which is uncontrolled gluttony.

– Injuries and cerebral hemorrhages. When brain tissue is injured, the consequences can be very unpredictable, even leading to organic personality disorder. In this case, the person’s behavior may be inappropriate and may be accompanied by attempts to overeat or induce vomiting.

– Drug and alcohol addiction. In case of encoding from bad habits, as well as with prolonged abstinence from taking narcotic substances, the patient can easily become addicted to food.

Myths and facts about bulimia

Around of this disease There are many myths floating around, and therefore below we will consider the most popular of them.

1. If there is no vomiting, is it not bulimia?

In fact, the absence of vomiting is not a guarantee that you do not have bulimia. Vomiting is just one of the many symptoms of this disease.

2. Bulimia sufferers have overweight body

Statistics show that people prone to uncontrollable bouts of binge eating and vomiting are more likely to have normal weight, which, however, constantly fluctuates between 5–7 kg.

3. Only young girls are susceptible to bulimia.

Men also suffer from this disease, although there are ten times fewer of them than sick women. And practice shows that the number of men with bulimia is constantly increasing.

4. After every meal a person necessarily vomits

This is another misconception. A person prone to uncontrollable gluttony may feel great after an attack and not vomit.

5. Vomiting is necessary solely for weight loss and does not cause harm.

You need to understand that bulimia is not a diet, and therefore has nothing to do with losing weight. But to cause harm digestive system and heart, as well as aggravate mental problems can easily.

6. People don’t die from bulimia.

A fatal outcome in the case of frequently provoked vomiting is quite possible, since a person rapidly loses fluid and develops dehydration, which can negatively affect the functioning of the heart muscle, as well as provoke a rupture of the stomach or esophagus. It cannot be ruled out that depressive state a patient with bulimia can lead him to thoughts of suicide.

7. The best way overcome bulimia - stop inducing vomiting

Firstly, if a person is addicted to gluttony and constant provocation of vomiting, it will be extremely difficult for him to get rid of this on his own. And secondly, the root of the problem is not at all in the gag reflex, which means that by eliminating it, the disease will simply take a different form.

Diagnosis of the disease

So, we have decided that bulimia is a dangerous mental disorder that needs to be treated under the supervision of a doctor. But first of all, a specialist must conduct a diagnosis in order to determine accurate diagnosis. This requires:

  • conduct a survey of the patient and find out whether he is fixated on food and whether he is prone to uncontrollable gluttony and inducing vomiting;
  • collect the patient’s medical history in order to have an idea of ​​the diseases he had in the past;
  • identify three or more symptoms of bulimia;
  • take the patient's general and biochemical analysis blood, and also check the blood for sugar;
  • prescribe hardware diagnostics to the patient, in particular, computed tomography(CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound thyroid gland and take a test for sex hormones;
  • for collection additional information, especially if the patient does not want to talk openly about his problem, it makes sense to talk with the patient’s relatives.

Only after carrying out all of the above measures can a person be recognized as sick and diagnosed.

How to deal with bulimia

It is extremely rare that the patient himself consults a doctor with an existing problem. Relatives usually start sounding the alarm.

Practice shows that the patient himself can see a doctor only if he has other health problems caused by bulimia. So, for example, when acute pain in the heart, low blood pressure, fainting, severe dehydration or loss of consciousness, such a patient ends up in intensive care, where he is given emergency assistance. Here, with the help of droppers, fluid loss and deficiency are restored in his body. necessary microelements, after which they are transferred to the department according to the profile.

In the general department, the patient is examined by a surgeon, especially if such a patient continues to be bothered by abdominal pain or has bloody stool. These symptoms may indicate a rupture internal organs, which often happens to people who induce vomiting.

The patient is also examined by an endocrinologist, since bulimia has a close relationship with hormonal disorders in organism.

However, the main burden in the fight against bulimia falls on the shoulders of the psychotherapist, who prescribes medication to the patient, and at the same time conducts behavioral therapy. Only psychotherapeutic treatment can help “reach out” to a sick person and convey to him the full severity of the current situation. Practice shows that in a hospital setting, the patient’s recovery occurs in approximately 5 months. The specialist sets the patient a clear diet, which allows him to reduce the number of episodes of overeating to a minimum, which means that within a few months he can completely get rid of the existing addiction.

As for drug therapy, its goal is to replenish the patient’s level of vitamins and minerals (primarily magnesium and potassium). In addition, the complications caused by bulimia are eliminated with the help of medications. Finally, drug therapy includes antidepressants designed to improve the patient's well-being and help him regain his joy in life.

What you can do yourself

1. Practice mindful eating

There is no need to impose bans on food consumption; it is better to build a healthy relationship with food. To do this, use the following practice. Before every meal, put away your phones and computers, and turn off the TV. Sit at a beautifully set table and look at the food. Eat a couple of bites, chewing the food slowly, trying to feel the texture, temperature, and taste of each bite. Take a break and listen to your own feelings. Do you feel hungry or gradually increasing fullness? Also, slowly eat a couple more pieces. Again, listen to your body. It is important to learn to slowly absorb food and understand when the body feels full.

2. Take care of your emotional state

Start paying attention to your state of mind, take care of your emotions. Analyze what you really like, what makes you happy and calms you down. Give yourself at least one hour a day where you can just sit back and do something you enjoy.

3. Reconsider physical activity

No need to exhaust yourself gym. Find yourself physically active occupation, which gives you sincere pleasure, and regularly pay attention to it.

4. Get rid of stereotypes about your weight

You have to accept that some people have larger bodies. However, with such a body people can be happy, loved and find their place in this life. The reasons for your failures do not lie in overweight, but in your head! Also, avoid watching programs that glorify thinness and give weight loss tips.

5. Organize a support group

Agree to always have people who love you next to you, who will not leave you alone with your food addiction and will help you survive severe attacks. With them you can discuss the problems that concern you, and therefore, with a high degree of probability, solve them. Surrounding yourself with love and armed with a positive outlook on life will help you overcome bulimia.
Take care of yourself!