What can replace small hair ties. Silicone rubber bands for creating different hairstyles. That thing that is always in my purse! Chinese chopsticks

We chew gum whenever we wantfreshen your breath, get rid of nervousness or just out of habit .

Some people take care of their health and choose sugar-free chewing gum.

In reality, chewing gum is not as harmless as it seems, and it may affect your health more than you think.

Why is chewing gum dangerous, and what can replace it?

The harm of chewing gum

1. Stomach problems

Chewing gum causes you to swallow excess air, which can lead to stomach pain and bloating. When you chew gum, you send a signal to your body that food is about to start coming. Enzymes and acids begin to be produced to digest food, but no food is present.

This can cause bloating, overproduction of stomach acid, and interfere with our body's ability to produce enough digestive juices when you eat food.

2. Damage to teeth

If chewing gum contains sugar, you are literally dipping your teeth into sugar while you chew it, which can contribute to tooth decay. If you prefer to chew sugar-free gum, it likely contains acidic flavorings and preservatives that can erode your tooth enamel.

3. Aspartame

Most sugar-free chewing gum contains the artificial sweetener aspartame. Aspartame breaks down into wood alcohol (a poison) and formaldehyde (a carcinogen). There is evidence linking this sweetener to congenital malformations, cancer and brain tumors.

4. Titanium dioxide

If you like gum that whitens your teeth, your gum may contain titanium dioxide. This substance is often used for whitening, but it has been linked to problems such as autoimmune diseases, asthma and Crohn's disease, and may be carcinogenic.

5. Butylated hydroxytoluene

Butylated hydroxytoluene is banned in many countries due to its toxicity. It is often used as a preservative in chewing gum and other products. It has been linked to liver damage, hyperactivity in children, and may be carcinogenic.

Folk remedies for bad breath

Natural Breath Fresheners

Chewing gum is definitely a convenient way to freshen your breath. However, if you want to avoid negative consequences, you may want to turn to natural remedies.

1. Cardamom

Cardamom is a spice in the form of small pods with black seeds inside with a pleasant aroma and taste. Chew a few cardamom seeds to clear your breath.

2. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is often used in mouth rinses for fresh and minty breath. Make a homemade mouthwash by adding 1-5 drops of eucalyptus oil to a glass of water.

3. Parsley

Parsley freshens breath after eating. Simply chew a few leaves after meals to get rid of food odors and leave your breath smelling fresh and pleasant.

4. Anise

If you like the taste of licorice, then you will like anise. Chew the seeds or boil 3 tablespoons of anise seeds in water for 3-5 minutes. Cool, strain and use as a rinse aid.

5. Dill

Use dill infusion or chew dill seeds after meals to freshen your breath. The seeds are more aromatic, while the leaves of dill have a mild and sweet taste.

6. Fresh mint

Mint is a very good breath freshener. Just chew a few leaves to get rid of bad breath.

7. Cloves

To add a spicy aroma to your breath, chew a few clove buds. Cloves also have antibacterial properties, and its oil can be used as a natural remedy for toothache.

Hi all. Initially, it was planned to write the most standard review, but as soon as I started looking for photos with the use of these elastic bands, certain periods from my life flashed before my eyes, so I wanted to introduce you a little to myself :)

I don't know how you will react to this review, but I hope you like it.

I will not delve into any details, everything will be superficial and with a minimum of unnecessary information, but, nevertheless, this review will differ from my previous ones :)

I have been buying silicone rubber bands for a very long time. I saw and bought packages from us that contained only 100 pieces of elastic bands and the cost, as it turned out, was higher than if I had ordered elastic bands from China. In addition, on Ali I found very convenient packages that contain 1000 rubber bands and last for a long time.

And it all started when one girl braided me several French braids, so-called braids.
Oh, don’t ask how old I am here, but it was a long time ago :)

After that, I really fell in love with braids, besides, at that time, I still had long hair and I began to get interested in braids myself. Fortunately, my hands grew from the right place, I am a patient and diligent person.
I started braiding braids like this for myself, it turned out quite well:

Over time, I came to the conclusion that such braids can be braided to the side. This option seemed more convenient and original to me:

All this time I used silicone rubber bands. They are comfortable and miniature. I took two rubber bands for one braid to be on the safe side in case one of them burst. Silicone, in this case, still tends to stretch, dry out and lose its original shape.

I braided such braids not only for myself, but also for the male sex. Yes, yes, exactly him :) That’s where my imagination could run wild a little, it was more convenient to weave on someone else’s head, and I got patterned braids. Alas, I will not add photos, for special personal reasons.

Over time, these rubber bands began to lie in any of my bags or backpacks. I always carried them with me, just in case I suddenly decided to braid someone else’s hair or myself. This still happens today. Unfortunately, now I rarely braid interesting braids, but I use elastic bands all the time. Two ponytails, the usual two braids... as soon as my hair starts to get in the way, I immediately braid it.

I mentioned that I wear elastic bands all the time. I also used them on one of my trips:

For one of the triumphant holidays, I again brought elastic bands with me, because I planned to braid three braids. The central one reminds me of a dragon :)

Even just sitting at home, without going anywhere, out of curiosity, I tried to braid my hair in different ways:

At the moment, I have had relatively short hair for several years. I don’t regret cutting them off, I wanted something new and to this day I wear similar haircuts. Rubber bands are mainly needed to make the “malvinka”. I like this simple and easy hairstyle, where the face is exposed to the hair. Loose hair, of course, is my priority, but the “malvinka” is one of my permanent hairstyles:

I ordered rubber bands from Ali. I've had them for more than half a year, probably 8-9 months. There are still a lot of them and nothing happens to them when they are in a closed package. Don't dry out :)
I use it as needed. As soon as they run out, I will immediately order more.

I ordered from one link. There are different colors to choose from. As you can see, I chose standard black and bright multi-colored ones.
Black is #3 and multicolored is #11.




This is what new and used rubber bands look like. The latter are more extended. They are reusable, but then there is a higher chance that the rubber band may burst at any time, so it is better to get a new one.

The elastic bands stretch well. My hair is thick. If you make two ponytails, then, as always, I take two elastic bands for each. It holds well, I adjust it periodically. If I make one ponytail, the elastic bands most often break from stretching as soon as I put them on the ponytail. And even then they slip, since there is no way to twist them as many times as needed.

Generally ideal for braids. At the bottom of the braid, the hair is always thinner if you have profiled hair, so using such elastic bands is very convenient.

Examples of braids I made using these elastic bands:

Conclusion: if you like to braid braids or like to have them braided for you, then such elastic bands can only help with this. The price is reasonable. I didn’t count how many elastic bands there actually are in the package, but there are a lot of them. I think it's +-, but it's the right number. I advise you to buy.
Here's a review:)

Thanks for watching ^-^

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If you are not satisfied with the composition of chewing gum, consider available alternatives that, when consumed in moderation, can only benefit the body.

Do it yourself

Chewing gum is made relatively easily from gelatin, sugar, protein and any juice. You can read the recipes.


Nuances: there may be allergies and intolerances, manifested in the form of skin redness, nausea, stool disorders, abdominal pain and fever.

At first, chew for no longer than 10 minutes to check for allergies and intolerances.

The first time, chewing it can be unpleasant: propolis sticks to the teeth and has a specific taste. However, after a while you can get used to it.


Zabrus, like propolis, is a beekeeping product. Wax is made from it. It has a pleasant honey taste, however, unlike propolis, it quickly breaks down into pieces.

Zabrus has beneficial properties similar to propolis. It will be useful for those who are on diets: it reduces appetite, quickly saturates the body and normalizes digestion, accelerating metabolism. Zuber is irreplaceable for those who suffer from allergies to pollen in spring and summer. It will also help those who want to quit smoking: it reduces cravings and cleanses the lungs of toxins.

If the lining is too expensive or unavailable, you can replace it with regular wax or honeycomb.

Like propolis, it can cause allergies and intolerances.

Wheat germ

1/2–1 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat or rye should be chewed for about 5 minutes. It becomes like chewing gum in consistency. You can even blow bubbles.

Special wheat for germination is suitable, preferably durum varieties. You can buy it in supermarkets or garden stores.

The grains need to be washed and soaked in water for 5–10 minutes. We remove floating grains and debris. If the wheat is of questionable quality, it is recommended to soak for 10-15 minutes. a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Fill the wheat with water, which should cover a layer of wheat by 2 cm. Place it in a dark and warm place. If the room temperature is above 30 °C, then change the water every 4 hours, if lower, then every 8 hours. After the first sprouts appear, drain the water and place it in the refrigerator. It is not recommended to consume wheat with shoots larger than 3 cm.


It is sold in pharmacies, for example, under the brands of oleoresin, tar, etc. As a rule, such chewing gum is based on larch oleoresin. Sometimes propolis or extracts of various beneficial plants, such as mint, are added to it.

If possible, you can get resin from any tree, preferably coniferous.

Mint leaves, parsley, cardamom seeds, anise, dill, citrus peels, clove buds and coffee beans

Like chewing gum, they can reduce appetite, eliminate odor and bacteria, but do not cause any harm.

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A hair tie is an essential item in every woman’s purse. Moreover, you understand the significance of this accessory when you urgently need to pin up your hair. Agree, in most cases, you cannot find a single hairpin, bobby pin or bobby pin. And then paranoia begins to develop and you look for a global plan against beauty in this. This can ruin your mood! In general, we want to protect you from this kind of disorder. That's why we've selected the best 5 household items that can easily replace an elastic band or hair clip.

Pen or pencil

It's simple: have you seen how Chinese women pin up their hair? Here! Take them as an example. Twist your hair with a rope and form a bun, then simply pierce the bun diagonally with office supplies so that it holds well.

Chinese chopsticks

Are you preparing a meal and can't find a hair tie? Use chopsticks the same way you would use a pencil or pen.


Forgot to put your hair in a braid again while going to the kitchen? Foil will come to the rescue. Tear off a small strip from the roll, wrap it up so that you get a not too thick flagellum. Now you can gather your hair into a ponytail or braid and secure it with foil, wrapping it around your hair and tightening it at the ends.

Stationery clips

Didn't take your hairpin to the office? And again you will have to turn to office supplies. Pull your hair into a loop at the back of your head and then secure it with a paper clip as you would normally secure it with a crab clip.

Paper clips

The ancient Greeks chewed the resin of the mastic tree to freshen breath and cleanse the mouth. The Mayans used the frozen juice of the Hevea - rubber - for the same purposes. But the North American Indians chewed the resin of coniferous trees, which was evaporated over a fire. In Siberia, larch resin is often chewed to this day; at first it crumbles, but then, with prolonged chewing, it begins to gather into a single piece. It cleans teeth perfectly and strengthens gums. They also often chew the resin of cherries, pine trees, spruce trees... True, this requires very good and strong teeth. In Soviet times, someone even chewed tar - although this, of course, was a very, very extreme option.

2. Zabrus and beeswax

For a long time, bee products have been another natural chewing gum. Honeycomb covers - zabrus - are not very convenient to chew, because they crumble in the mouth, but they are very useful, because they contain bee saliva, honey, and a little bee venom, which bees use to seal the honeycombs. The zabrus contains a huge concentration of vitamins A, B, C, E, there are all the microelements necessary for humans, as well as a very rare type of fat that is secreted by the glands of bees.

3. Coffee beans

You can freshen your breath not only with chewing gum, but also with coffee. You need to chew a couple of grains, which will remove all unpleasant odors. And the reason for this is that coffee beans contain substances that destroy bacteria - a factor in unpleasant odors. In addition, coffee in small quantities is useful - it invigorates and improves memory.

4. Mint and parsley leaves

Chewing gum is often chewed in order to “silence” the stomach, which requires food. In fact, this is a very harmful activity, because using chewing gum on an empty stomach can lead to gastritis or aggravate existing stomach diseases. To suppress the feeling of hunger and additionally freshen your breath, chew a mint leaf or a sprig of parsley. These herbs are enriched with essential oils and vitamins, and naturally they will not do any harm, but they will dull your appetite.

5. Chewing marmalade

A sweet and healthy substitute for chewing gum is chewing marmalade. It’s easy to make it yourself, and if you use molds or cut out figures from it, then this marmalade can distract your child from chewing gum in bright wrappers.

To prepare chewing marmalade you need fruit (apples, pears), sugar, water, vegetable or olive oil. You need to peel the fruits, turn them into puree, and cook them with sugar and water. After this mass has cooled and caramelized, you need to grease a wooden board with vegetable oil and put fruit puree on it, then cover it with gauze. And then after 1-2 hours the resulting substance must be cut into plates.