How to remove an obsessive thought. How to get rid of anxiety and obsessive thoughts: advice from psychologists. Bad thoughts in the head: reasons for their occurrence

In the worst cases, obsessive thoughts can cause a lot of trouble. In simpler cases, they are physically and mentally exhausting. A negative thought that doesn’t let go poisons life and can lead to depression. A person, having lost vital energy, becomes a downtrodden creature with a hunted look.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and regain your joy in life?

Where do they even come from? Science cannot yet give an exact answer to this answer. Some talk about brain overload, some talk about incomprehensible processes in the subconscious, others blame mental instability. However, confirming or refuting any of these hypotheses will not help in any way to get rid of obsessive thoughts.
In the modern era, the brain is subjected to colossal loads: huge amounts of information that come from outside lead a person to stress. A night's rest doesn't always help. The same negative thought can swirl around in your head for months.

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Effective ways to get rid of obsessive thoughts

It’s not so easy to calm down a wild fantasy that goes against logic and common sense. To “reach out” to the subconscious and neutralize a negative attitude, you will need the help of an experienced psychologist, as well as work on yourself. However, few people who do not know how to get rid of obsessive thoughts go to a specialist with complaints of “mess in the head” and depression. If we are talking about deeply personal or intimate experiences for which you have to blush, there will be no visit to the doctor: it’s a shame to tell such a thing to a stranger.

You will have to do the main work yourself. For example, like this:

— set yourself up to be completely indifferent to negative thoughts. There is no point in fighting them, but you can live. Of course, they will return, but over time they will visit you less and less.

The main thing is patience. With the help of an experienced psychotherapist, you should have enough willpower to remain completely indifferent;

— get rid of negative language, replace them with positive statements;
- don’t try to fight obsessive thoughts: it’s useless. They can be neutralized by indifference. Try switching to active activity. Fill your consciousness only with positive emotions - and you will see how your life will be filled with bright colors, and there will simply be no room left for destructive obsessive thoughts!

How to distract yourself from bad thoughts? This question arises for many people. This is how a person is designed that he has no control over his thoughts. They come and go on their own, making people either happy or worried. Once bad thoughts come into your head, it is no longer possible to get rid of them. One after another, new negative reasoning arises that can drive a person into depression.

So how can you distract yourself from bad thoughts? To protect yourself from such bad developments, you should know a few recommendations from psychologists. By following the advice of experts, you can forget about bad thoughts and protect yourself from negative influences.

Understand yourself

First of all, qualified psychologists recommend trying to understand yourself, or rather, the essence of negative thoughts. After all, bad thoughts are formed subconsciously when some unresolved problems and questions are stored in the head. Therefore, you should try to understand yourself in detail and try to find the root of the problem, subconsciously returning to the moment when the situation occurred that provoked the subsequent appearance of bad thoughts. To make this easier, you need to concentrate on the flow of thoughts and try to unite them with one topic.

When you can remember the situation, it is worth thinking about the moment that became the reason for further mental return to this issue. Only by understanding the very essence of the problem will a person be able to solve it and, therefore, get rid of bad thoughts. For example, it could be some unfortunate action or an incorrectly expressed phrase. Very often it is difficult for a person to understand the essence of the problem, since the source of negative thoughts is simply forgotten. However, it gets deposited in the head and begins to provoke the subconscious into bad, difficult thoughts. In such cases, experts advise trying to thoroughly remember all actions, phrases and actions over the past days.

Stream of thoughts

Every day, when faced with negativity coming from others, the body begins to adapt, producing more and more negative emotions. As a rule, a person himself does not realize that negative thoughts accumulate in him. Only when one negative thought flashes in the subconscious, followed by a second, does a person begin to realize the degree of his irritation or anger. However, it is already very difficult to stop the flow of thoughts rushing through the head and every minute replenished with new memories. It is not for nothing that in ancient times they began to say that nothing material can be compared with thoughts. After all, thoughts that arise in the head at lightning speed are almost impossible to stop simply by expressing a desire.

People’s imagination works in the same rhythm. The two combined abilities of the mind, such as fantasy and thought, do simply amazing things with the human brain. For example, imagining inclement weather, trees bending from the wind and leaves falling to the ground, it is very difficult to force the subconscious to immediately draw wonderful weather. The human body reacts in the same way when it represents a raging sea or a swinging pendulum of a clock. Even with strong concentration, it is difficult for a person to force the presented picture to change. However, it is still possible to subjugate your consciousness and learn to control the flow of thoughts.

Let's distract ourselves correctly

How to distract yourself from bad thoughts? When a person starts thinking about something negative, he should immediately try to switch.

To do this, it is recommended to remember the happiest, funniest moment in life, your favorite joke, phrase, or watch funny films (for example, “Groundhog Day”, “And in my heart I’m dancing”, “Neighbors. On the Warpath-2”, “The Simpleton”, "Third wheel"). In this way, a huge number of people are saved from depression. The main thing is to distract yourself from negative thoughts in time, eradicating them. It is much easier to solve a problem when it is just beginning than to try to eliminate the consequences of daily torment with negative thinking.

Favourite buisness

So how can you distract yourself from bad thoughts? There is another method. In this case, a person needs to find something to do that requires maximum concentration. This could be a favorite activity or, conversely, a very difficult task that requires complete concentration. If such a hobby is found, then bad thoughts will automatically fade into the background. Their place will be taken by reflections and ideas on the topic that the person has taken up.

What is your favorite activity? For example, you might want to try puzzles, which are a hobby for many people, or start solving difficult crossword puzzles. Such activities are not burdensome. But they are very good at distracting from bad thoughts. Experts also advise people to repeat their achievements and successes every day, to remember their importance in society. After all, it is precisely from self-doubt that a feeling of fear appears, which provokes the appearance of negative thoughts.

Psychological reception

How There is a really effective and not at all difficult way to outsmart your mind, forcing it to distract itself from bad thoughts. All that is required from a person in this situation is a good imagination and the ability to laugh. So, closing your eyes, you need to imagine all your problems as something small and insignificant, even funny.

For example, these could be some tiny cartoon creatures or just small insects. A person should imagine himself as a huge bright ball from which warmth and light emanate. Only by assessing your importance, realizing how insignificant negative thoughts look, can you get rid of them once and for all. The same can be said about fear. If a person has a real fear of something, he should mentally imagine this object or situation, only adding a little comedy. For example, if a person has a fear of his boss, why not mentally put a funny wig or ridiculous clothes on his head? It has long been known that sincere laughter can drive away any, even the most obsessive fears.

Let's be positive

What other effective way is there? Stay positive! That is, when a person has negative thoughts, he should look for positive aspects in the situation. In general, people suffering from constant negative influence of their own mind should try to become more optimistic. Then, in the worst thoughts, it will be easy enough to find even the slightest good moment, which will become salvation.

For example, a huge number of people daily torment themselves with thoughts about their inferiority. So, many are not satisfied with their figure, physical fitness, appearance, attitude in society, etc. Such people are advised to try to find in themselves the distinctive positive traits that create their personality. If you suddenly can’t do this on your own, you can turn to family and friends for help. They certainly know for what qualities and characteristics they communicate and make friends with a person. It is best to ask each of them to make a list of characteristics that made them fall in love with the insecure person. You definitely need to remember all your positive traits and be proud of them every day. Then all the negative thoughts that appear against the background of uncertainty about your personality will disappear by themselves.

Varied life

How to deal with To prevent negative thoughts from appearing in your head, you should diversify your life, filling it with all sorts of interesting activities and colorful emotions. For example, go to cinemas more often, watch funny films, visit clubs, go on various tourist trips, and so on.


By following these simple tips from psychologists, a person can get rid of bad thoughts on his own. Remember that a positive attitude is the most important thing in the fight against negativity. Moreover, after some time, thoughts will not just disappear for a certain period, but will disappear completely. Only then will a person be able to understand how beautiful life and himself are.

The most difficult thing for a person is to convince himself of something. And it doesn’t matter what it is: an obsessive thought or a bad habit, fears, anxieties, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, and weak willpower stand in the way. We may think that our brain can only be trained: to study science, languages, and solve logical problems. What about our mental sphere? After all, she also needs to be trained and closely monitor her emotional health. A song constantly playing in your head gives you no rest, or annoying thoughts keep spinning and ruining your life. Either you are worried because you are afraid that you didn’t turn off the kettle, or forgot to close the apartment, or the light was left on, or the fear of getting into a car accident. All these thoughts prevent you from calmly and sensibly thinking about situations, solving problems and achieving success in life.

What are intrusive thoughts?

As the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle says: Fear makes people think. And this is really so, as soon as our subtle strings of soul and subconsciousness capture a strong emotional overstrain, which gnaws into our brain so much that various phobias arise. We begin to fear doing something wrong, being ridiculed or punished for our actions. Whole trains of thoughts come into your head, and it is sometimes very difficult to control this flow, and sometimes even impossible. It seems that it is not subject to our will, bad thoughts completely surround and lead us astray from the right path of thinking. Think for yourself how many times, when you fail to complete a task or solve a problem, you go through a dialogue with yourself, mentally reproaching yourself for your inferiority, ignorance, underdevelopment, getting angry, afraid of doing the wrong thing. Such thoughts only lead your thoughts down the wrong path, do not allow you to see the rational grain in the situation, and anger grows more and more, time is running out. And then, disappointment comes with oneself and a desire to find out where these unpleasant and so annoying obsessive thoughts come from? And most importantly: how to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Psychologists believe that obsessive thoughts are a neurotic disorder - neurosis or obsessive thoughts syndrome. This disorder is characterized by obsessive states, thoughts - obsessions and corresponding behavior - compulsions. In fact, many people quickly and painlessly cope with such a misunderstanding between a person and the psyche, while others require the help of a psychotherapist. Obsessive thoughts can be associated with illnesses, disasters, death, dirt, and less than perfection. Coping with the slightest obsessive thought is sometimes difficult, but possible. Before you beat yourself up and go to a psychiatric clinic for help, pull yourself together and try to figure out on your own how to get rid of obsessive thoughts, and we will help with this.

A developed system, a step-by-step guide to cope with the flow of obsessive thoughts and remove yourself from their influence.

Fear is not at all in danger, it is in us - he said Stendhal, French writer. To understand the reasons for fear, take one day to follow the guide and everything will work out. The main reason for the appearance of annoying thoughts is fear: of people, society, mom, dad, your soul, death. We are afraid to cause ourselves discomfort, and when we experience it, our thoughts increasingly try to “protect” ourselves from it. Say NO to obsessive thoughts and start the fight.

Instructions for managing your thoughts and emotions

  1. Change the strategy for perceiving these thoughts - to the all-in method. Turn your back not on the annoying murmur and fear, but face it, take them for granted, as one step on the path to improvement. Believe me, when your attitude towards these thoughts changes, it will become much easier for you to find a way to get rid of them. As soon as a thought comes to mind, like: Did I turn off the iron? I can't do this because I don't know how. Find the positive aspects in them: if I think about it, then this is the quality worth developing: attentiveness or the ability to analyze, memory. Tell yourself “thank you” for the tip. Thus, learn a lesson from every such thought. Set aside a day for this analysis and write down the lessons learned on paper.
  2. The next step is as soon as a sticky thought arises that you can’t get rid of, calm down, take a comfortable position, take a pen and a piece of paper. Close your eyes and let your thoughts flow without forcing or fighting them. Then, quietly opening your eyes, write them down on paper. This could be arguments or internal dialogue, blame or thoughts like: what if... When the piece of paper is written on, turn on slow soothing music and read what you wrote. It will not seem as scary and terrible, hopeless as it really is. We read it and learned a lesson: we ourselves are inflating the situation. Now you can demonstratively tear, burn or throw away this paper and thought at the same time.
  3. Rummage through your memory and determine which picture before your eyes evokes a storm of only positive emotions, tenderness and lifting your spirits. Found it? Now, with every flash of obsessive thoughts, turn on sleep mode and scroll through this picture or situation, this way you are distracted and you can simply forget what you were thinking about earlier.
  4. When unwanted and annoying thoughts swarm in your brain, think that maybe this is a reaction to a hidden meaning. For example, you should learn English, words or constructions, and grammar exercises. And the reluctance to do this causes other thoughts, there are beliefs that the person will not be able to complete the task or learn the words. The hidden meaning is in plain sight, find it and use point 1 - change your attitude and believe in yourself.

Tips for those who need to be able to control their thoughts

  • Find the true reason for such thoughts, what you are really afraid of: death, pain, fire. Try to live with it, fighting will only make the situation worse. Rising above fear is your task.
  • When you first analyze your thoughts, you will feel unpleasant, ashamed, and uncomfortable. But this is all temporary, as soon as you find reasons to get rid of them, you will feel relief.
  • Be prepared for a new attack of obsessive thoughts, do not be afraid and do everything from the beginning, be prepared to fight back.

Hello, dear friends!

Our brain generates hundreds of thousands of thoughts every day. Some of them are pleasant, filled with good memories and euphoria in anticipation of the next portion of events.

But what to do with those thoughts that are similar to an obsessive, panic attack? Sometimes they can wake us up in the middle of the night and ask us to think about painful things.

Such reflections remind me of the lyrics of a song that, like an “earworm,” takes root in the subconscious and treacherously hums a boring refrain. How to remove obsessive thoughts from your head?

In today’s article I would like to discuss some of the peculiarities of the birth of such mockery of the subconscious over our common sense and logic. And also try to find a way to solve this interesting problem.

Walking in circles

Probably, such obsessions are familiar to many. They can occupy the mind and force endlessly " suck thoughts”, returning to the same experiences in a circle.

Constant experience thoughts in your head, trying to resolve them or even influence what happened a couple of years ago, can drive any reasonable person crazy.

An attempt to untie the “noose tie” often turns into an even more frightening “strangulation”.

And to the usual stress is added a newly acquired question, fueled by an inner voice: “ How to stop this? Can't I do this? ».

Some can boast of such an acquisition since childhood. At times, we caught ourselves thinking that think and worry for something was not a prerequisite.

It would seem that you should sit with your butt in the sandbox and make Easter cakes, but no, thoughts like a hurricane burst into our childish, impressionable reality, gifted with fantasies, and that’s when the marathon of “cartoons” began, which is difficult to stop at a fairly mature age. Sounds familiar, doesn't it?

Habit of the brain constantly process information and “chew” ideas, situations and events, can catastrophically worsen against the background panic attacks, as well as other psychological problems.

This in turn leads to insomnia, neuroses, nervous breakdowns and bags under your own bags under your eyes.

How to overcome the vicious circle of thoughts and thoughts move to a new, subconscious level of correct perception of reality ?

First rule

First of all, it is worth understanding the peculiarities of your own body. Pondering obsessive thoughts is nothing more than an emotion. Excessive emotionality or inept handling of them expression, leads to such, obsessed fiasco.

Thoughts originate from emotions, as well as from the subconscious, non-rational nature of the adventure.

They are directly related to personal concerns, and of course, anxieties. It is for this reason that they acquired the name obsessive.

When we think, we emotionally color the thought in a certain tone of the narrative with a plus or minus sign. This doesn't seem bad, right?

But! The signal they give appears to us as the following, masterfully encrypted sentence: “ Aw! Human! There's a problem, a problem! You urgently need to look for a solution, otherwise the fluffy animal will personally come to say hello! »

If you look at it from the other side, how I like to do it, you can note a small plus in obsessive states.

They signal to us that there is unsolved problem, which you definitely won’t forget! And you won't be able to disable this notification or the option to stop the unbridled fun.

Again, our brain does not always adequately perceive what is happening. Ghostly phantoms of an inflamed and tired subconscious, adjust to a standard set of alerts, imaginary experiences.

And then, for example, taking care of your body can develop into hypochondria, and the desire to protect oneself is transformed into paranoia and a home bunker made of blankets and a bed.

The conclusion I made is the approach to the situation. Its essence is addressed to understanding the key feature- you can’t fight annoying thoughts with logic, because they irrational roots of occurrence.

So how can we develop a new attitude towards the usual thinking process?

Second rule

The right solution lies on the surface and sends rocket signals into the Universe. First of all, you need to understand the nature of the origin of personal experiences. Are these real events or games of our mind? Is there any justifiable reason nervous and fidgety?

It happens that chewing gum from thoughts drives you to white heat, but in fact it is an empty exaggeration and in fact a fly, not an elephant.

You should consider whether there are causes for annoying thoughts? And immediately write them down on a sheet of paper for visual elaboration.

For example, do you think that you are terminally ill and this thought kills you without a weapon? Maybe the symptoms you feel really indicate a possible health problem? If this is the case, then you should consult a doctor in order to dispel fears and make sure that you noticed the insidious disease in time.

In the case when you have passed all the tests, tests, x-rays and smears, and you are diagnosed with a simple runny nose - forget it.

Once you cross this issue off the list and mark it as resolved, you can move on to the following points and feel like a hero of the MythBusters program.

Regardless of whether the problem is real or a figment of your imagination, concentrating your attention on it constantly is an unfavorable outcome of events in advance. You either solve it or you don't. heating up the Universe with your own panic.

Third rule

Elaboration loosening your grip morbid thinking is possible when you are in optimistic mood and have inner peace. I think the morning before the main procedures would be ideal here.

Believe that scrolling through thoughts one after another is pointless. The purpose of such mockery is to confuse and misinform you through deception and gigantic exaggeration.

  • realize absurdity panic state;
  • to solve the problem if it is possible to do this, forget- if the exit is not found;
  • remember, “thoughts in a circle” is a repetition of the “old song” to a new tune;
  • need to realize the need for calm reaction It’s my nature to panic;
  • practice pacifying the volcano of emotions at a critical and stressful moment in life;
  • do not be afraid, but work with him, because he is the one who can make you better.

Help yourself to see the banality of the situation. Say phrases when you feel increasing tension and the motives of a familiar song:

  • « I'm safe! — Tests confirmed that I am healthy! »;
  • « Everything is already good! — I am surrounded by positivity and calmness! »;
  • « I will complete all tasks on time! - I’m already solving the production problem! Which means I'm smart!" etc.

Argue your own position clearly and clearly. A lengthy argument with repeated thoughts is doomed to lose, because complexes and fear, will win the battle with logic and even intelligence.

In conclusion, I will say that you will have to arm yourself patience and allow yourself to gain new experience of daily work on yourself, which in turn will make your life more successful!

That's all. Friends, don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates and recommend it to your friends to read. In the comments, tell us about your way of dealing with obsessive thoughts! And have you encountered similar conditions?

See you on the blog, bye-bye!


As soon as an unpleasant, frightening thought comes into your head, immediately imagine the opposite situation. If you are afraid to fly and every fifteen minutes you vividly imagine how your plane crashes with you on board - rest assured, sooner or later this can happen. Everyone knows that thoughts. Don't let bad thoughts take over you. As soon as you think about something bad, immediately draw the opposite picture in your head. For example, your plane takes off safely, has an amazing flight and lands successfully. Relatives and friends meet you at the airport.

Don't store emotions inside yourself. You thought something bad or something bad happened to you. Don't throw it away pretending everything is fine. Think about this situation. Analyze what exactly happened, what exactly upset you. Feel the situation, don’t run away from it. Release your emotions, don’t be afraid. Don't be afraid to show your tears to other people. Tears ease your emotional state, after which it will be easier for you to deal with the problem, attracting your mind. If tears are not your option, slam the door, slam your fist on the table.

As soon as bad thoughts begin to overcome you, take a sharp breath, take a deep breath and exhale, or go outside (no matter what the weather is like). Don't let unpleasant thoughts swirl in your head, drive them away with an effort of will. Remember that you are not struggling with an already accomplished fact, but only with your thoughts about it. And you are much stronger than your thoughts. Cultivate self-respect and self-confidence.

Stop expecting troubles in the future. There is no future, focus on today. To do this, choose one day and try it in the feeling of “here and now.” The more often you manage to retain this feeling, the easier you will be able to remember it and get out of the stream of unpleasant thoughts.

Don't be alone with unpleasant thoughts. Don't lock yourself in a room, go outside, call your friends, spend a lot of time with people you are interested in, go to a movie or a play. Believe that bad moods are easy to banish.


Don’t try to “eat” bad thoughts or, on the contrary, starve yourself. Eat something hot once a day, do not deny yourself small pleasures.

Helpful advice

Share your fears and concerns with others, only to be told how ridiculous they are and how unrealistic they are. Ask friends for help or go to a psychologist.

Related article

Many of us suffer from negative conditions. Thoughts make you sad, angry, offended. Without thought there is no person as a rational being, but there are completely unnecessary thoughts that poison life.

If you understand the reason for your negative thoughts, you have almost solved the problem. There are a huge number of books on self-development that describe the occurrence of certain emotions. The mistake of many is that they attribute their thoughts to facts that have already happened, and do not think at all that thoughts are the result of ongoing events.

Proving the falsity of negative thoughts is very easy

You need to imagine that there are two people in front of you. One of them had negative events in his life, while the other did not have such events. It is necessary to consider whether the belief influences an event that did not happen. Such an experiment confirms that thoughts are a consequence of ongoing events.

Watch your thoughts

Create a diary in which you will record your emotional states:

  1. thoughts,
  2. emotions,
  3. behavior.

Change your belief

Now you need to choose thoughts that seem most productive for life and have a positive impact on mood and behavior.

Live with a New Conviction

Every time a similar situation arises, remember the reaction that turned out to be positive. Over time, your thoughts will change and become positive.

It should be remembered that the article presents the main mechanisms for working with negative thoughts from the point of view of psychological correction. If the event is truly traumatic and has been haunting you for a long time, then most likely only a psychologist or long sessions of self-development can cope with the problem.

Video on the topic

Anxiety, stress, emotional tension - all this contributes to the accumulation of negative energy in the body. It has a destructive effect on the body, so it is necessary to get rid of it in various ways.

In the modern world, a person has a large number of sources from which he can receive negative energy. This may include difficulties in the family, problems at work, and a flow of negative information from the media. An individual needs to limit himself from all this, otherwise the nervous system may simply not be able to withstand it. There are five popular ways to get rid of negativity:

Limit yourself from “information noise”.

Every day a person is bombarded with a lot of unnecessary information, for example, why do you need to know that somewhere in Barnaul a cat was run over if you live in Tver. Try to filter the incoming information, just don’t perceive it that doesn’t concern you.

Watch your diet.

An abundance of carbohydrate and sweet foods leads to overeating, deterioration in overall health and depression. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider your diet, limit your consumption of meat and eat more plant foods.

Be in nature more often.

The sounds and smells of living nature have a beneficial effect on the body, have an excellent relaxing effect and restore the nervous system.

Play sports.

Physical activity is an excellent way to relieve negative energy and get in good physical shape.

The negative energy that a person has accepted from the world around him does not go anywhere, it remains in his body. If you do not get rid of it, it can provoke the occurrence of various diseases and ailments.