Does fever occur with inflammation of the gallbladder? Inflammation of the gallbladder - symptoms, treatment, diet. Inflammation of the gallbladder: symptoms, timely diagnosis and treatment

One of the most common pathologies of the digestive system is cholecystitis, or an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. The disease is of infectious-inflammatory origin, the root causes of development often lie in opportunistic flora, embedded in gallbladder. Cholecystitis in gastroenterology is considered insidious disease due to the nonspecific and multifaceted clinical picture. At risk are women over 40 years of age; in men, inflammation in the gallbladder is diagnosed half as often.

The inflammatory process in the gallbladder can occur in acute and chronic forms, but chronic cholecystitis occurs more often. Among cholecystitis, calculous cholecystitis is especially common - a type of inflammation associated with the formation of stones in the bladder and ducts. There is a form of pathology uncomplicated by conglomerates - acalculous cholecystitis.

Risk factors

Inflammation of the gallbladder often occurs due to infection of the organ by harmful microorganisms against the background of weakened immunity and the presence of underlying diseases. An important role in the formation of predisposition to cholecystitis is played by the hereditary factor.

To trigger an active inflammatory process, exposure to concomitant negative factors:

  • stagnation of bile due to blockage of the biliary tract, dyskinesia;
  • spicy infectious processes in organism;
  • prolapse of the digestive tract;
  • physical inactivity;
  • poor nutrition with non-compliance with time intervals between meals;
  • overeating, abuse of fatty foods;
  • regular drinking, smoking;
  • frequent exposure to traumatic situations;
  • endocrine dysfunction.


Inflammation in the gallbladder develops gradually, progressively, often turning into a chronic recurrent form. Signs of gallbladder inflammation vary depending on the type of pathology.

Acute cholecystitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • the pain is sharp and pulling, bursting, localized in the right side below the ribs; Possible irradiation to the right forearm, collarbone or scapula; pain in the form of attacks is typical for gallstone cholecystitis- its occurrence is caused by blockage of the bile duct with a stone or a voluminous clot of bile secretion;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • obstructive jaundice with discoloration of the skin and eye sclera;
  • high temperature, even fever as a sign of intoxication;
  • nausea and occasional vomiting with the presence of bile in the vomit;
  • bloating;
  • bowel dysfunction (persistent constipation).

Symptoms of chronic gallbladder inflammation are less pronounced and may disappear and reappear. Chronic cholecystitis manifests itself:

  • mild to moderate pain in the right side, and the pain intensifies after eating fatty foods or excess physical activity; the nature of the pain varies from stabbing to squeezing and tends to irradiate to the sacrum, area solar plexus;
  • belching air, food;
  • morning sickness on an “empty” stomach;
  • heaviness and discomfort in the epigastric region.

In some patients with cholecystitis, among the classic signs of inflammation, they develop VSD symptoms- increased sweating, attacks of tachycardia, increased heart rate, migraine, insomnia. Additionally, there are a number of signs of cholecystitis that occur exclusively in women:

  • mood swings;
  • swelling of the legs and pale skin;
  • attacks of headaches that worsen before menstruation;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome.


First alarming symptoms inflammation of the gall bladder requires immediate contact with a gastroenterologist. A conversation about complaints and anamnesis can reveal information about past illnesses Gastrointestinal tract and biliary system, infectious pathologies, lifestyle and eating behavior. When palpating the liver and gall bladder with inflammatory changes, the doctor pays attention to tense abdominal wall and soreness on the right side.

​​​After initial examination carry out a number of diagnostic procedures:

  • clinical and biochemical analysis blood, the results of which are characterized by accelerated ESR, increased number of white blood cells and neutrophils, increased activity of liver enzymes and bilirubin, C-reactive protein;
  • general urine analysis, which detects the presence of bile acids as a sign of trouble in the biliary tract;
  • echography of the biliary system organs shows compacted, hypertrophied, layered walls of the bile duct, irregular shape organ or compression in volume;
  • duodenal intubation makes it possible to identify failures in the process of accumulation and excretion of bile; indicative appearance bile secretion during inflammation of the bladder - with the presence of sediment, mucus; In microscopy, leukocytes, cholesterol, and Giardia cysts are present in large volumes.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment for inflammation of the gallbladder is complex and is aimed at suppressing the infectious focus, eliminating bile stasis, combating pain and dyspepsia. The indication for antibiotic therapy is the results of culture of bile secretions for bacterial flora. But antibiotics are always prescribed for inflammation of the gallbladder, and after receiving the culture results, correction is carried out therapeutic measures. The most effective for cholecystitis are Ciprofloxacin, Azithromycin, Ofloxacin, Doxycycline.

Other medicines used in complex therapy against inflammation of the gallbladder:

  • antispasmodics (Drotaverine), analgesics (Baralgin) and M-anticholinergics (Metacin) help relieve spasms and pain;
  • drugs with a prokinetic effect are indicated for reduced contractility of the gallbladder and ducts (Motilak, Domperidone);
  • agents with a litholytic effect are indicated for calculous inflammation of the bladder (Ursosan);
  • drugs to stimulate and normalize bile secretion (Allahol, Odeston) are prescribed outside acute period and only for acalculous cholecystitis;
  • hepatoprotectors are necessary not only to improve the outflow of bile secretions, but also to restore liver functionality (Hofitol, Gepabene);
  • means to improve digestive processes allow you to ease the load on the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate dyspepsia (Creon, Pangrol);
  • medications with sedative effect additionally prescribed to women shortly before the onset of menstruation and to persons with negative manifestations dystonia (motherwort extract, Novopassit).

After recovery from an exacerbation, patients may be prescribed physical therapy. The benefit of physical therapy is to optimize organ motility and improve the tone of the biliary tract. For cholecystitis during remission, UHF, ultrasound, paraffin and mud applications to the gall area are useful. Radon and hydrogen sulfide baths provide a positive result in relieving inflammation; they must be taken in courses.


It is impossible to relieve inflammation of the gallbladder without following a gentle diet. Compliance with the principles healthy eating allows you to normalize the process of bile formation and timely release of bile into duodenum. Helps achieve this goal fractional meals with eating small amounts of food. If the patient eats up to 6 times a day, the gallbladder secretes bile into the intestines in a timely manner, there is a risk stagnation is reduced to a minimum. When a person eats on the run, dry food, and the intervals between meals last more than 5-6 hours, bile accumulates and the bladder becomes inflamed.

For a disease such as cholecystitis, the diet is selected individually by a gastroenterologist, taking into account the form of inflammation of the bladder. In all cases, foods with irritating effects on the gastrointestinal tract are excluded from the diet:

  • spicy and sour foods;
  • food that is too hot or cold;
  • dishes containing vinegar, spices;
  • fatty, fried and smoked foods.

The diet of patients with cholecystitis consists of boiled, baked, stewed food. Allowed are cereals, vegetables without coarse fiber, lean meat, steamed omelettes and puddings, low-fat fermented milk products. Fresh baked goods are prohibited, but you can eat crackers from white bread, cereal breads. Of fats, preference is given to vegetable ones, but not more than 100 g per day.

Taking large volumes of fluid for inflammation of the gall bladder is necessary. When drinking 2 liters of liquid per day, the bile dilutes and acquires optimal rheological properties, which speeds up the process of evacuation of secretions through the ducts without the risk of blockage. Recommended drinks are still mineral water, a decoction of rose hips, and sweet juices diluted 1:1 with water.


Inflammation can be treated with folk ways. Herbal medicine allows you to speed up the recovery of the organ, relieve pain and discomfort in the problem area. But it is better to combine herbal medicine with the main drug treatment - tablets and herbs in combination give the maximum effect. Before you start taking herbal infusions consultation with a doctor is necessary - ill-conceived treatment folk remedies may give a negative result.

Effective folk recipes for cholecystitis:

  • Using an infusion, corn silks are removed painful spasms and improve bile secretion. To prepare, add 250 ml of boiling water to 10 g of dry stigmas and leave for an hour. Take 50 ml before meals.
  • Infusion from peppermint useful for women suffering from cholecystitis due to its soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare, pour 20 g of mint leaves into a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 25 minutes. Cool and drink before meals three times a day.
  • Parsley infusion improves digestion and has a light choleretic effect. Finely chopped parsley in a volume of 10 g is poured into a glass of boiling water, allowed to brew and drunk warm, 50 ml before meals.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for recovery in uncomplicated forms of cholecystitis is favorable. Calculous forms are more difficult to cure. In the presence of chronic cholecystitis, long-term (lifelong) remission can be achieved by following medical instructions - taking prescribed medications, eating right, and conducting an annual ultrasound of the biliary tract. An unfavorable outcome is possible in case of severe purulent forms cholecystitis and multiple bulk stones. In this case, the only way out is complete excision of the gallbladder.

To prevent the development of cholecystitis, it is necessary to eliminate negative reasons leading to damage to the gallbladder - get rid of bad habits And excess weight, change your diet, promptly treat bacterial and viral diseases. For persons with a family history, it is important to regularly conduct ultrasound diagnostics to monitor the gastrointestinal tract.

Cholecystitis is a lesion of the walls of the gallbladder of infectious and inflammatory origin, characterized by diagnosticians as an “insidious” disease. “The big pretender” - this is what they call him because of the diversity of the clinical picture, accompanied by a wide variety of, sometimes contradictory, symptoms. This is one of the most common gastrointestinal pathologies.

Cholecystitis is characterized by a gradual development, gradually turning into a chronic relapsing course. It is extremely rare that the onset of the disease is acute clinical forms. The peculiarity of this nosological unit is that it predominantly occurs in women. Chronic cholecystitis is characterized by concomitance with other gastrointestinal diseases, most often gastritis, pancreatitis and hepatitis. Causes:

  • bacterial infection, more often staphylococcal, streptococcal, less often anaerobic;
  • helminthic invasion of the bladder and ducts by opisthorchia, lamblia;
  • fungal infections of the biliary tract;
  • hepatitis viruses;
  • toxic factors;
  • allergic components.

Factors that directly and indirectly cause inflammation of the gallbladder:

  • bile stasis due to the formation of stones, the presence of narrowings, kinks and dyskinesia of the ducts;
  • foci of acute infection in the body;
  • prolapse of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypokinesia;
  • irregular food intake;
  • overeating, predominance of acute and fatty foods, fried foods;
  • alcohol;
  • stress, endocrine disorders and neurovegetative disorders;

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of cholecystitis is pain in the right hypochondrium, and occasionally under the sternum. It can radiate to the scapula and collarbone on the right, shoulder and shoulder joint, sometimes - in the hypochondrium on the left and in the region of the heart. More often the pain is prolonged and aching, but an attack of cholecystitis can be accompanied by unbearable acute spasms.

Patients suffer from nausea, heartburn and belching, and it is not uncommon for cholecystitis to experience bitterness and dry mouth, bloating in the abdomen and upset stool. Severe attacks with cholestasis, they are usually accompanied by vomiting, often with an admixture of bile. These symptoms often occur against a background of moderate elevated temperature body, malaise and weakness, sometimes jaundice of the sclera and skin is noted.

Laboratory and instrumental studies

With exacerbation of cholecystitis, clinical and biochemical research blood reveals:

  • leukocytosis;
  • neutrophilia;
  • eosinophilia;
  • increase in ESR;
  • presence of SRB;
  • increased levels of alpha and gamma globulins;
  • an increase in the activity of liver enzymes;
  • increase in bilirubin levels.

Duodenal fractional intubation of patients with chronic cholecystitis reveals disturbances in the efficiency of bile excretion, visual signs inflammation: flakes, mucus and sediment. Microscopy of the resulting bile reveals the presence of leukocytes, bilirubinate crystals, cholesterol, and accumulations of Giardia. In this case, the presence of pathological impurities in portion B indicates damage to the bladder itself, and in portion C - damage to the ducts.

An ultrasound picture of cholecystitis shows compaction, thickening or layering of the bladder wall, its deformation or a decrease in volume. To clarify the diagnosis, if necessary, contrast Rg-cholegraphy or cholecystography is used.


Drug therapy for cholecystitis is aimed at combating infection, bile stasis, spastic and pain syndromes.

The doctor must decide what to treat, monitor the treatment process, and determine what to do during attacks of cholestasis after examining and thoroughly examining the patient; self-medication is unsafe.

Diet for gallbladder inflammation

The goal of the diet during exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis is to normalize the process of bile production by the liver and its evacuation from the gallbladder to the intestines. This is achieved by orderly technique small portions food.

With 5 – 6 times daily nutrition The gallbladder is often and effectively emptied, bile does not stagnate in it, flowing into the intestines in a timely manner. Overeating and rare episodic meals can provoke stagnation of bile, thereby causing a painful or dyspeptic attack.

What the patient can eat should be discussed with the attending physician after a detailed examination. As a rule, patients should avoid anything that will provoke a spasm, thereby impeding the flow of bile:

  • spicy, sour foods;
  • rough food;
  • hot and cold food;
  • marinades and smoked meats;
  • spices

It is important to ensure a sufficient volume of fluid is taken daily, namely at least 2 liters. This will allow the patient to maintain the desired level of rheological properties of bile, facilitate its evacuation through the bile ducts, prevent its stagnation in the liver and thereby prevent pain and dyspeptic attacks. For drinking with cholecystitis, the following are recommended:

  • diluted berry and fruit juices;
  • still mineral waters;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • tea with milk.

Patients with cholecystitis are contraindicated from consuming foods and dishes that have a choleretic effect, which can cause overflow and overstretching of the gallbladder. Therefore, they exclude forever from their diet:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • spicy food;
  • soups with rich broths.

They are replaced for cholecystitis:

  • steamed, boiled and stewed dishes from low-fat products;
  • vegetable soups;
  • casseroles, puddings and cereals.

Coffee, hot chocolate, cocoa, and chilled drinks are unacceptable for cholecystitis, but any low-fat dairy and fermented milk products are acceptable. After you manage to relieve a painful attack of colic, all types of fresh or rich baked goods are excluded from the diet for a long time. Instead, the following are introduced into the patient’s diet:

  • dried bread;
  • Lenten cookies;
  • diet bread.

As for eggs, eating them in the form of a dietary protein steamed omelet is quite acceptable. Occasionally you can treat yourself to a soft-boiled egg. Scrambled and hard-boiled eggs will forever have to say no.

With all dietary restrictions, the diet of a patient with cholecystitis should contain the average daily intake:

  • carbohydrates – 300 g;
  • proteins – up to 120 g, 1/2 of them are animal;
  • fats - no more than 100 g, most of them should be of vegetable origin;
  • 2,500 kcal.

Food must be freshly prepared, delight the patient in taste and appearance, nutrition must be timely and complete.

Treatment with folk remedies

These methods, proven and reliable, have helped patients for centuries to successfully cope with numerous symptoms of cholecystitis and relieve inflammation. However, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before using them. Decoctions and infusions of many herbs and fruits help relieve heaviness in the hypochondrium, dryness and bitterness in the mouth, for example:

  • pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for an hour a tablespoon of dried corn silk filter and take a quarter glass before meals;
  • pour a liter of boiling water and infuse for 24 hours a glass of freshly ground horseradish root, strain and drink 1/4 glass before meals until they disappear painful symptoms;
  • a tablespoon of finely chopped parsley infused in a glass of boiling water is taken warm, 1/4 cup before meals;
  • Rose hips, brewed according to the instructions, can successfully replace tea for people with cholecystitis.

Natural proven over centuries medicinal products for cholecystitis, they also promote the outflow of bile vegetable oils– olive, sunflower, sea buckthorn, as well as leaves and stems of peppermint, immortelle color.

Treatment of cholecystitis requires a responsible approach and serious attitude. In any case, it must be monitored by the attending doctor; self-medication is fraught with unpredictable consequences and unforeseen complications. Consultation with a doctor will allow you to decide how to treat a particular patient and will allow you to develop a long-term individual plan treatment that is adequate to the age, constitutional characteristics of the patient, as well as the nature, severity and phase of disease activity.

Symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder are quite characteristic and therefore it is, in principle, quite difficult to confuse them with signs of another disease. If we talk about the root causes leading to the disease, then the first thing that needs to be mentioned is the emergence of opportunistic microflora, leading to weakened immunity, infection inside the organ, as well as the formation of stones in the bladder and its ducts. In medical slang, the inflammatory process in the gallbladder is called cholecystitis.

According to experts, women who have reached adulthood (mostly after 40 years) are more likely to suffer from this disease; men are half as likely to experience cholecystitis.

The disease can occur in various forms, but basically it is calculous cholecystitis with the formation of stones and a disease that occurs without the formation of conglomerates - acalculous cholecystitis.

Depending on the form and degree of the disease, the doctor selects effective treatment, which in most cases helps eliminate the main symptoms and cure the patient.

It was previously noted that symptoms will depend on the form of the disease and therefore it is advisable to divide the list of main symptoms into groups.

Acute cholecystitis will manifest itself as follows:

  • pain under the right rib like attacks ( sharp pain caused by blockage - obstruction bile ducts stone or thick clot of bile);
  • loss of appetite, a person loses weight;
  • skin painted lemon color;
  • During the diagnosis, the doctor notes dilation biliary tract;
  • chills;

  • the temperature rises to 38°-39°;
  • a person to vomit;
  • vomiting occurs periodically with and without bile;
  • the stool is unstable (mainly long-term constipation occurs);
  • increased gas formation;
  • V severe cases The skin and mucous membranes of the eyes may turn yellow.

Calculous cholecystitis in its acute form is almost always severe. Complications of such a disease are always not harmless.

For example, an abscess may develop in the liver (a focus of inflammation with a purulent capsule develops in the liver), peritonitis, pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas due to infection, and cholangitis.

For those who do not know what cholangitis is, we explain that it is an inflammation of the bile ducts. All of the described forms of complications require immediate attention. medical institution and, if necessary, placing the patient in a hospital.

Chronic cholecystitis:

  • burning or nagging pain under the costal arch on the right (in the liver area);
  • sometimes the stomach may hurt, mainly top part;
  • pain can radiate to the sacral area in lumbar region;
  • may hurt left-hand side, where the heart muscle is located (in medicine there is the term “cholecystocardial syndrome”), and the heart rhythms become unstable. Disorders of the cardiac system occur due to long-term toxic effects as a result of an infection developing in the gallbladder.

If the patient does not consult a doctor for a long time, then chronic cholecystitis can cause solar syndrome (pain is localized in the solar plexus). Main hallmark such a syndrome is unbearable burning pain, which radiates to the navel and/or back.

Painful spasms in this course of the disease occur and intensify after eating, during heavy physical labor, during stressful situations, with the abuse of strong alcoholic drinks.

Acute cholecystitis always has signs of poisoning (intoxication) - the temperature rises sharply, the head begins to hurt, aches in the joints appear, the person becomes lethargic, feels weak throughout the body, and a sharp weight loss is noted.

Inflammation of the gallbladder symptoms characteristic of all patients with cholecystitis:

  • frequent belching of air;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • bloating;
  • digestion is disturbed ( dyspeptic syndrome- diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting);
  • subcutaneous itching (this phenomenon occurs due to the effect on skin receptors of bile acids, which accumulate in the blood during inflammatory processes in the gallbladder);
  • reflex vomiting, which most often occurs due to errors in diet and alcohol intake.

Also, many patients suffering from inflammation of the gallbladder are characterized by a pronounced manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia - increased sweating, palpitations(tachycardia), frequent headaches, restless and disturbed sleep.

And people who suffer from allergies may develop the most dangerous reaction, of all allergy sufferers, is Quincke's edema.

It should also be noted that chronic cholecystitis often originates in at a young age. This disease occurs especially often in adolescence and at the same time does not manifest itself in any way for a long time, until a serious inflammatory process develops in the liver and gall bladder.

Signs of gallbladder inflammation typical for women:

  • the so-called premenstrual tension syndrome often develops;
  • before menstruation, about a week or a little more, headaches appear;
  • mood becomes changeable;
  • Pastosity often occurs lower limbs- slight swelling of the skin, accompanied by an almost indistinguishable swelling, while the skin becomes pale and dough-like, hence the term.

Chronic cholecystitis can manifest itself in different ways, so only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and he must prescribe adequate treatment.

Since the gallbladder is directly connected to the liver by the bile ducts, everything that was listed above may mean that the patient, in addition to inflammation of the bladder, also has an inflammatory process in the liver.

Drug treatment of inflammation

Clinical picture of symptoms and laboratory parameters are an indication for antibacterial therapy. The selection of antibiotics should always be done by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to unwanted and very serious complications and side effects. Inflammation should always be treated correctly and then the risk of complications can be avoided.

For elimination pain syndrome and to stimulate the outflow of bile, antispasmodics are prescribed (No-shpu, Drotaverine, Papaverine, Mebeverine, Duspatalin, Spazgan and others). Analgesics may be prescribed - analgin, baralgin. Riabal can be prescribed as an anticholinergic drug.

If the patient does not have signs of hypotension of the liver and gall bladder, then drugs that have a choleretic nature are prescribed - “Allohol”, “Cholenzim”, “Holagol”.

When microlites are detected in a patient’s bile and signs of biliary hypotension are diagnosed, he will be treated with agents based on bile acids - ursodeoxycholic acid (“Chenofalk”, “Ursofalk”). The course of treatment with such drugs is always long and is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor. However, in the presence of large conglomerates in the bubble, this method does not always have positive results.

Treatment of gallbladder inflammation is carried out with medications that have the ability to increase the secretion of bile, significantly reduce its viscosity, and also act on the underlying cause, causing inflammation bladder and liver.

To normalize liver function, medications called hepatoprotectors are prescribed. They have good choleretic properties. "Hofitol" - medicine plant origin(contains aqueous extract artichoke), "Gepabene" - combined herbal remedy, consisting of an extract of fumaria and milk thistle.

For women, during premenstrual syndrome and patients who have signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia, the doctor will recommend additional medications– valerian, motherwort or “Adaptol”.

Auxiliary treatment with such drugs is 1-2 months.

To normalize digestion, it is advisable to take Pancreatin, Mezim, Creon and other drugs.

In addition, the doctor will recommend the patient to undergo a course of herbal medicine - treatment herbal preparations and decoctions prepared from medicinal herbs. What herbs can be used for inflammation of the gallbladder and liver will be described below.

Relieve inflammatory processes in the gallbladder without following the rules dietary nutrition almost impossible. Therefore, it is very important not to neglect the common truths, which say that everything fried, smoked, fatty, etc. should leave the patient’s table, and instead of “unhealthy” foods, you should eat healthy food and drink mineral water and decoctions from medicinal plants.


Inflammation of the bladder and liver can be successfully treated using methods and techniques that are called traditional. It is important to remember that all medications that the patient decides to take ( we're talking about about herbal medicine) to eliminate the source of inflammation and in order to relieve painful sensations and discomfort, must be agreed with your doctor.

Herbal infusions and infusions that can treat inflammation of the gallbladder and effectively combat the manifestation of the main symptoms of the disease:

  • A decoction from a collection of herbs - immortelle flowers (15 g), leaf part of St. John's wort (10 g). The mixture of dry plant materials is poured heavily hot water(500 ml), infuse, filter and drink 100 ml before main meals.
  • Corn silk tea is prepared as follows: add 10 g of dry plant material to a glass of boiling water. Drink 50 ml before breakfast, lunch and dinner herbal tea.
  • Using the same principle and in the same dosage, a decoction of tansy flowers is prepared.
  • The peppermint infusion should be prepared in a water bath for a quarter of an hour, and, like the previous decoctions, should be drunk three times a day before meals. This decoction is especially recommended for women, because it has a good effect on mood swings during menstruation - women become less irritated.
  • During the period of remission, when the exacerbation process has passed, the patient is recommended to take an infusion of rose hips. Method of preparation: 2 large spoons of crushed fruits are poured into 500 ml of water, put on fire, then simmered in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Take 100 ml daily before sitting down to eat. Monthly course.

During the period of remission, physiotherapeutic procedures are often prescribed - UHF therapy, diathermy, inductothermy, ultrasound, paraffin-based applications, therapeutic mud, which are superimposed on the area where the gallbladder is located.

The cause of pain in the right hypochondrium is often pathology of the gallbladder. Inflammation of the gallbladder, the symptoms and treatment of which can vary, is caused by a number of factors.

This is one of the common diseases gastrointestinal tract. The pathology develops slowly, often in a chronic form.

Due to the difficulty of making a diagnosis based on symptoms, doctors call cholecystitis insidious. It disguises itself as other diseases, sometimes occurring without pronounced symptoms.

Causes of the disease

Inflammation of the gallbladder, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on the influence of negative factors, can give a different picture.

The process can be “triggered” by pathologies of the bile ducts, congenital anomalies, various pathogenic factors.

Irregular nutrition, addiction to salty, fatty, spicy foods, physical inactivity lead to the formation of stones that can disrupt the secretion of bile and cause irritation of the bladder wall.

The harmful effects of bad habits: alcohol abuse, smoking ultimately provoke the development of gallbladder pathology. Frequent stress and endocrine disorders can also cause inflammation.

If the disease is not diagnosed in time and treatment is not started, purulent processes and oncology may develop.

The formation of holes in the walls of the bladder, atrophy of the organ, and disruption of its functions are possible.

The question arises - how to relieve inflammation of the gallbladder? Treatment of cholecystitis depends on the form and stage of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

More often used conservative methods, in case of serious lesions - radical. The drugs are selected by the doctor based on research and determination of the cause of inflammation.

Self-medication is unacceptable, it threatens various consequences: inflammation of another vital important body: pancreas; blockage of the bile ducts, unbearable pain, intestinal dysfunction (constipation, diarrhea).

Taking medications is not a panacea; you must follow the diet recommended by your doctor and exclude provoking factors.

Lead a healthy, active lifestyle. Do not take medications that are contraindicated for this disease. Develop stress resistance. Give up bad habits and taste preferences.

Causes of the disease

Cholecystitis is diagnosed in children and adults, in men and women of different ages.

IN last years There is a persistent trend towards an increase in the number of patients; in different regions the incidence of the adult population reaches 20%.

Doctors are concerned about this picture, because cholecystitis leads to changes in the composition and structure of bile.

Factors favoring the development of cholecystitis:

  • pathology of the bile ducts: congenital and acquired:
  • bile stagnation, dyskinesia;
  • organ prolapse;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • all kinds of infectious diseases of the body: caries, inflammation of organs, dysentery, sore throat, flu, etc.;
  • violation of diet: significant changes in time intervals and volumes, consumption of junk food;
  • regular intake of ethanol and tobacco poisons into the body;
  • hormonal disruptions from psychotrauma;
  • pathology thyroid gland; increased level blood sugar;
  • obesity of internal organs;
  • a strong blow to the liver area;
  • reduced immunity;
  • heredity.

If the bladder is inflamed

Different types of cholecystitis differ in symptoms. General ones include aching pain in the right hypochondrium. Some people experience discomfort in the sternum area.

An acute attack is often accompanied by sharp spasms. Nausea and vomiting happen to many people, but not to everyone.

Bladder pathology can manifest as bitterness and dry mouth, bloating, stool disorders, loss of appetite, weight loss

Visible signs include yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

Types of cholecystitis

Spicy; manifests itself severe colic, vomiting with bile, a slight increase in temperature (up to 38 degrees).

The main reason is blockage of the ducts, bile accumulates, puts pressure on the walls of the bladder, damaging them.

If there are no complications, relief occurs on the third day after starting to take the drugs, after a week the pain disappears.

Catarrhal; accompanied by an increase in temperature and blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, pain radiates to the shoulder blade, lower back, neck.

Occurs with stones, manifested by pain when tapping and pressing in the area of ​​the bladder while inhaling. Requires surgical intervention.

Phlegmonous; pain increases when changing body position, chills, temperature rises to 39 degrees, nausea, repeated vomiting. It is characterized by an enlarged bladder, thickening of the walls, and an increase in leukocytes in the blood.

Gangrenous; against the background of pronounced general symptoms weakness, sweating, bloating, rapid breathing are manifested.

Significant changes have occurred in the tissues of the affected organ, and ulcers appear.

Chronic; manifests itself as mild dull pain, jaundice, bitter taste in the mouth, itchy skin, and a slight increase in body temperature. Pathology transforms into disease.

Diagnostic features

Women suffer from cholecystitis 4 times more than men. Doctors associate these statistics with pregnancies and side effect use of contraceptives.

In the weaker sex, the signs of inflammation of the gallbladder are special. Cholecystitis causes migraine attacks, especially before menstruation; sharp drop mood, swelling and paleness of the legs.

In pregnant women, the symptoms of attacks are similar to toxicosis, and the pain is similar to the points of a child, because of this, women often go to the doctor with acute forms of inflammation.

If, when eating spicy, fried food the pain intensifies, it’s time to go to the therapist.

In children, chronic and acute forms of the disease are less common than in adults. It often goes unnoticed.

The child turns pale, his appetite decreases, his head hurts, and dark circles under the eyes, the temperature stays within 37.5 degrees. These are all manifestations of intoxication against the background of gallbladder pathology.

Help with seizures

There are situations when a patient with acute attack cholecystitis requires the help of loved ones before the ambulance arrives.

He must be put to bed, on his right side, and ensure rest. A heating pad with ice or something flat from the freezer will ease the colic.

Cold should be applied to the liver area for 10-15 minutes, at half-hour intervals. You cannot warm your stomach or knead it. Enemas can be harmful.

For nausea, you can offer a patient with an attack warm water without gas, make a decoction of mint. Drinking is allowed in moderate doses.

Taking painkillers will change clinical picture, visiting doctors may make the wrong diagnosis.

Medical research

Inflammation of the gallbladder, symptoms and treatment of which are confirmed by laboratory and instrumental studies, must be treated comprehensively.

A blood test reveals invisible signs of inflammation. Deviations in the level of leukocytes, neutrophils, white blood cells, bilirubin, protein, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and liver enzyme activity are indicators of the disease.

A general urine test reveals changes in the composition of bile. Ultrasound examinations- shapes of organs.

If the wall thickness is 5 mm more than normal, this is a sign of cholecystitis. Stones and fluid in organs are a reason to undergo serious treatment.

Upon probing, signs of inflammation are visible: flakes, mucus, sediment. Giardia, cholesterol, and bilirubin crystals are visible in bile particles under a microscope.


After identifying the causes of the disease, drugs of a certain group are prescribed.

In some cases they use surgical method. If the bladder is seriously damaged, it is removed. Mainly using gentle laparoscopy.

Through punctures in abdominal cavity Special manipulators are inserted and the entire bubble is removed. The patient is discharged the very next day. There are no scars left on the body.

Resection does not worsen the patient's quality of life. The secretion stops accumulating under the liver and immediately enters the intestines.

Only 1% of patients retain frequent soft stools for the rest of their lives; in the rest, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract returns to normal within a few months.

Folk remedies

Your doctor can also tell you how to treat gallbladder inflammation with herbs and roots. Methods traditional medicine can be recommended as auxiliary.

Herbal medicine helps prevent the development of gallbladder pathology, minimize the possibility of stone formation and their proliferation.

Herbs and decoctions can dull pain and reduce discomfort caused by inflammation of the gallbladder.

Vitamin decoctions are a good helper during the recovery period. They can be taken without risk to health, they will help the body protect itself from infections, boost immunity, speed up metabolic processes in tissues.

Everything else is after consultation with a doctor. Often cholecystitis occurs against the background of other diseases, including folk recipes There may be contraindicated components.

Take with extreme caution choleretic fees, which includes:

  • corn silk;
  • dandelion;
  • elecampane;
  • calamus roots;
  • immortelle;
  • nettle;
  • sagebrush;
  • milk thistle;
  • coltsfoot;
  • lavender.

Chamomile and calendula are widely used as an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Mint will soothe headaches. Lemon, horseradish, Bay leaf– thin the blood, thereby improving blood microcirculation.

Parsley helps production gastric juice and does not allow bile to stagnate.

Infusion and decoction of oats improve metabolic processes and help in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

There are many recipes for potions; they often include vegetables that stimulate the digestive tract: radishes, carrots, beets. And this is no coincidence. Another component of successful recovery is diet.

Healthy and unhealthy food

Inflammation of the gallbladder, symptoms and treatment largely depend on taste preferences. Fans of spicy and sour foods get sick more often.

After treating cholecystitis, it is important to know the list of prohibited foods.

The diet involves excluding from the diet marinades, smoked foods, fatty, fried, sour foods, including citrus fruits. Even fatty varieties meat, poultry, fish can be harmful.

Now about dietary fiber. Soluble and soft ones are useful. They are contained in the following products:

  • barley, oats, rye;
  • in beans, lentils, peas,
  • beans;
  • fruits

Insoluble fiber is found in bran, cauliflower and broccoli, green beans, nuts, buckwheat, seeds, and mushrooms.

These products should not be included in the diet of people following a healthy diet.

Rich broths, baked goods, hard-boiled eggs (especially the yolk), coffee, and chocolate are also prohibited.

For cholecystitis, low-fat foods are steamed, boiled, baked, or stewed. Soups are mainly based on vegetable infusions. For the second course they are content with porridges, puddings, casseroles, and omelettes.

After pain attacks and colic are relieved, baked goods in the patient’s menu are replaced with dried gray bread, low-fat foam, and crispbread.

IN daily norm The balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be maintained. Dividing the diet into multiple portions is mandatory.

Food should be moderately heated: not too cold, not too hot. You need to eat according to a schedule: observing the intervals between breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Regular food intake normalizes the formation of bile and its release into the intestines.

Snacks, dry food, forced fasting can become a mechanism for triggering stagnant processes.

It is important to drink enough water: at least two liters. Juices, tea with milk, all kinds of decoctions and soups are not included in this amount.

Forecast for the future

When uncomplicated inflammation of the gallbladder is treated, the symptoms disappear. Treatment of chronic forms is delayed for years.

Achieving lasting remission requires patience. Only following all the recommendations allows you to forget about the diagnosis.

According to doctors, about 15% of adults periodically experience painful symptoms. Excessive nutrition, sedentary life reasons for this.

Prevention of the disease consists of eliminating unfavorable factors, contributing to gallbladder dysfunction.

Regular examinations, timely treatment viral and infectious diseases, sanitation of the oral cavity, fight against overweight, giving up bad habits, strict control over adherence to nutrition and diet - this is the key to a healthy life.

Useful video

Inflammation of the gallbladder, or cholecystitis, is a fairly common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. This disease develops slowly, but always leads to serious consequences.

Most often, the disease is diagnosed in women over 40 years of age.

It is impossible to say exactly why the gallbladder becomes inflamed, but in most cases the cause is the presence of stones in the organ. Statistics show that it usually occurs in young people, and in people 30-50 years old.

Acute cholecystitis is a sudden onset of inflammation that makes itself known by the sudden appearance of pain in the right hypochondrium. In 95% of cases, this condition occurs due to blockage of the bile ducts by stones. If you start on time drug treatment, you will be able to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Acute cholecystitis can be recognized by the following signs:

Manifestations of chronic cholecystitis

Recognizing chronic cholecystitis is quite simple. It is diagnosed during an ultrasound. Typically, this disease develops against the background of incompletely cured acute form inflammation. The symptoms of chronic are similar to acute cholecystitis, but there is no severe pain.

A patient suffering from this disease may complain of the following symptoms:

  • Dull pain in the hypochondrium, which intensifies after any exertion.
  • Frequent belching.
  • Feeling of heaviness and gas in the abdomen.

Symptoms of purulent and catarrhal cholecystitis

Catarrhal inflammation of the gallbladder is the safest form of cholecystitis, which is quite easily treatable with medication. Due to this disease, the organ may increase in size, which sometimes manifests itself painful sensations in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

Digestion is also disrupted - this occurs against the background of bile entering the intestines. Sometimes a person feels nausea and flatulence.

Purulent cholecystitis – extremely dangerous look inflammation. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

If purulent cholecystitis is not treated promptly, gangrene may occur. This complication can easily lead to death or peritonitis.

Manifestations of calculous cholecystitis

Calculous cholecystitis can also be recognized by acute pain in the right hypochondrium. It is this discomfort that indicates the onset of an attack. If you start to experience it, try to immediately consult your doctor to avoid dire consequences.

Among the symptoms calculous cholecystitis allocate:

If you notice such symptoms, call an ambulance immediately. If you tolerate or ignore such manifestations, there is a high risk of serious consequences.

The chronic form of such a lesion can be recognized by regular attacks dull ache in the hypochondrium, slight increase in temperature, vomiting after overeating. This may also be indicated inflammatory processes in the pancreas.

First aid for an attack of gallbladder inflammation

If you felt sharp pain in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting or other unpleasant manifestations cholecystitis, and you know for sure that your gallbladder is inflamed, follow the following actions:

  • Get rid of tight and tight clothing.
  • Lie on your right side.
  • Take painkillers.
  • Apply something cold to the area of ​​pain.
  • If your body temperature rises, take antibiotics.
  • If the pain does not go away, call an ambulance immediately.

Therapeutic nutrition for cholecystitis

To prevent frequent relapses of cholecystitis, it is very important to eat right. You must adhere to all the rules of table No. 5. You should also eat often, but in small portions. This is necessary for normal operation liver and stomach. Give up completely harmful products, fatty fried foods.

Remember to drink at least 2 liters daily clean water. It is very important to minimize the amount table salt in the diet.

Diet is an important part of the life of a person with cholecystitis. Without it, relapses will be more frequent and more painful.

Treatment of acute cholecystitis

To reduce the discomfort from an inflamed gallbladder, it is necessary to at least temporarily switch to completely proper nutrition. Also, during an exacerbation, you need to take a number of medications. The attending physician should prescribe you antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic therapy.

Drug therapy – classic way treatment of cholecystitis. Usually it is possible to get rid of it with the help of antibiotics, the duration of which is on average 1-2 weeks. The choice of drug is made by the doctor based on test results, but most often drugs based on penicillin or cephalosporin are prescribed.