Symptoms of an ear infection in adults. Viral otitis What drops to use to treat otitis

Ear infections develop when bacteria, fungi, and viruses enter the ear canal from the outside or through the blood. The most often affected are: the middle ear - diagnosed with otitis media, the inner ear - labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis.

The infection affects not only the tissues of the hearing organ, but also the nerve endings responsible for transmitting impulses to the auditory center. Sensory disturbances, dizziness, and hearing problems occur.

Signs of an ear infection

  • throbbing pain in the ear (more strongly felt when walking, running), itching;
  • temperature above 38C, chills, increased sweating;
  • loss of appetite, vomiting, upset stomach;
  • muscle pain, weakness;
  • pain around the ear, radiating to the neck;
  • an inflamed, red eardrum (this symptom can be detected by a doctor when examining the ear canal);
  • leakage of fluid from the ear (clear or sticky, with pus, blood);
  • cough, sneezing, stuffy nose (due to swelling of the mucous membrane);
  • hearing loss, loss of balance.

Children are often unable to understand the cause of discomfort. Signs of an ear infection may include crying, hitting yourself in the head, pulling your ears, or shaking your head.

Reasons for the development of infection

With the development of colds, provoked by a viral infection or other trigger, the mucous membranes swell, bacteria accumulate in them, penetrating into the ear canal.

Another reason is “swimmer’s ear”; pathogens get inside along with the water. The eardrum does not allow fluid to pass beyond the outer ear. But if the water cannot be removed immediately, due to the swelling of the wax plug, itching, pain, noise in the ear appears, and an infectious process develops.

Also, water can penetrate inside and “by a roundabout way” - through the Eustachian tube, which is also fraught with lumbago, stuffy ears, and the risk of infection. In children, the penetration of microbes is facilitated by the specific structure of the auditory tube - it is much shorter and wider than in adults.

Risk factors

  • infectious diseases that weaken the immune system (measles, influenza);
  • polyps – block the middle ear, cause swelling, attract bacteria;
  • seasonal or food allergies;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx, tonsils;
  • hypothermia – exposure to cold water, air (or both);
  • swimming in polluted waters;
  • injuries - fraught with infection in the middle ear area;
  • decreased immune function - either due to bad habits (smoking, alcoholism), or due to the presence of autoimmune disorders, lack of sleep, chronic stress.

Fungal otitis is provoked by long-term use of antibiotics, eczema in the ear area, allergies, diabetes, high humidity (systematic accumulation of water in the ear).


  • when the mucous membrane swells and fluid secretes, otitis media develops with effusion - the disease is fraught with impaired coordination and hearing impairment;
  • in children, hearing loss caused by chronic infection leads to delayed speech development;
  • Mastoiditis is a bacterial infection that affects the tissue of the mastoid process (the area of ​​the skull behind the ears). Lack of treatment leads to irreversible damage to the cellular structures, threatening hearing loss, ringing in the ears, infection of the facial nerve, subperiosteal abscess, and in severe cases, meningitis, cerebrovascular accident, and brain abscess.

Treatment of ear infections

The developed inflammatory process requires observation by an otolaryngologist. Otoscopy and audiometry (tympanometry) are performed to check hearing acuity, the condition of the eardrum, eustachian tube, auditory ossicles, and acoustic reflex.

Depending on the cause of the disease, the following are prescribed: antibiotics, antimycotic drugs, antihistamines, painkillers (ibuprofen, acetaminophen, aspirin).

The auditory canal is freed from sulfur plugs and other formations, and the tissues are examined for the presence of infiltrates. To remove fluid, drainage is used (a tube is inserted into a hole made in the eardrum under local anesthesia).

Swelling of the mucous membrane is relieved with vasoconstrictor drops (in the nose).

At the first manifestations of otitis and the absence of purulent discharge, warm compresses are acceptable. It is necessary to warm the area around the ear: make a hole in the middle in a gauze napkin folded in several layers, moisten it in vodka, squeeze it out and “put it” on the ear. Cover the top with film or wax paper, lay a layer of cotton wool, secure with a soft scarf or handkerchief, and leave for 2 hours.

Heat exposure to the affected area during the period of activation of inflammation is contraindicated; heat will increase blood circulation, causing the spread of infection.

Ear drops must be prescribed by a doctor. The products contain antibacterial components, anti-inflammatory, pain relief. Before use, the liquid must be brought to body temperature by holding the bottle in your hands or placing it briefly in warm water. After the product has entered the ear canal, you need to lie on your side for 2-3 minutes.

For otitis media, the following are used to relieve pain, fight inflammation, and soften wax plugs: Otipax, Otirelax, Otinum, Sofradex, Otofa, Normax, Anauran, Polydexa, Maxitrol, Candibiotic (in addition to the antibiotic and anesthetic, it contains an antifungal component).

If the eardrum is damaged, the listed drugs cannot be used (except Otofa).

If the membrane is damaged, its integrity is restored using myringoplasty, covering the affected areas with fragments of the amniotic bladder (egg membrane), hyaluronic film, rubber strips, and special sponges.

More extensive tissue destruction requires tympanoplasty using patient tissue and sponge-like absorbable graft support materials.

Additional funds

1) Diet.

It will increase immunity, reduce inflammation, swelling and the likelihood of allergic reactions by eliminating sugar, processed food, allergens (milk, gluten, peanuts, seafood). With the simultaneous introduction of vegetables, spices (especially turmeric, garlic, ginger), organic protein (lean meat, “wild” fish), water, probiotics.

2) Antiviral supplements and herbs.

Help cope with inflammation: omega-3 fats, vitamin C, zinc.

The following can be used topically: extracts of calendula, basil, astragalus, echinacea, bay leaf decoction, aloe juice, kalanchoe, wild garlic, onion, peony and juniper tincture.

3) Prevention

  • breastfeeding – protects against ear and respiratory infections, allergies, bronchiolitis;
  • quitting smoking - inhaling smoke, including the smell of tobacco that has permeated clothes and hair, increases the risk of otitis media in children;
  • Hand washing eliminates pathogens.

Most infections that affect the hearing organs are non-contagious and do not require specific treatment; symptoms disappear within a week - during the period of so-called “careful waiting”.

If the pain intensifies, hearing has deteriorated, the temperature has increased, the tone of the neck muscles has increased, or there is a suspicion of damage to the eardrum, you should consult a doctor immediately.

There is nothing more painful than ear pain. One of the causes of pain is ear infections. This pain can range from a dull ache to a sharp throbbing pain. Having an ear infection prevents you from concentrating, causing headaches, hearing loss, and nausea. An ear infection causes fluid to accumulate in the ear, which can cause fever and disrupt sleep.

Causes of ear infection

The main cause of ear pain associated with infections is a bacterial or viral infection that affects the middle ear. Such infections can be acute or chronic. Acute infections are very painful. Chronic infection can lead to irreversible damage to the middle and inner ear.

Ear infections occur when the Eustachian tubes become blocked, swelling occurs, and fluid begins to accumulate in the middle ear. The Eustachian tubes are small tubes that run from the ear to the back of the throat.

The cause of blockage may be:

  • Allergy;
  • Cold;
  • Nasal congestion;
  • Excess mucus;
  • Tobacco smoking;
  • Infected and inflamed adenoids.

Although ear infections most often occur in young children, since their Eustachian tube is short and narrow. Formula-fed children are more susceptible to ear infections. But infections can also occur in adults. The main risk factors for ear infections are:

  • Changing of the climate;
  • Climbing to a height above sea level;
  • Exposure to cigarette smoke;
  • Disease or infection;
  • Sucking a pacifier.

Symptoms of an ear infection

The most common symptoms are:

Moderate pain or discomfort in the ear area;

Persistent pressure inside the ear;

Anxiety of a small child;

Leakage of pus;

Hearing loss.

These symptoms may persist or go away, occurring in one ear or both. Symptoms of a chronic infection may be less noticeable than acute ones. If an ear infection occurs in a child 6 months or younger who has a fever, be sure to see a doctor.

Most ear infections can be treated without medical intervention. The following methods are most effective:

Place a warm cloth on the sore ear;

Buy prescription painkillers such as ibuprofen;

Apply pain-relieving ear drops;

Apply decongestant drops.

If symptoms do not improve or worsen, you should definitely consult a doctor. The doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. For children under two years of age, doctors most often prescribe antibiotics.

Surgery may be necessary if the condition does not improve or there have been several ear infections in a row. In some cases, your doctor may suggest adenoid removal.

Home remedies for ear pain

There are plenty of home remedies that can help relieve or relieve ear pain associated with infection.

Garlic has powerful antimicrobial and analgesic properties. Garlic can be used in different ways to treat ear pain.

The first thing is to make garlic butter. To do this, you need to take two cloves of garlic, chop and mix with two tablespoons of mustard oil. Heat the mixture until it turns almost black. Place warm oil in your ear.

The second way is to boil 2 cloves of garlic in water for about 5 minutes. Then mash the cloves and add a little salt. Wrap this mixture in a clean bandage, folded several times and place it in the sore ear.

For chronic ear infections, you can eat a few cloves of garlic every day as a preventive measure. This will boost immunity and speed up healing.

Onions, like garlic, are used to treat many diseases. Onions contain flavonoids, particularly quercetin. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which will help reduce pain in an inflamed ear.

Bake the onion in the oven for about 15 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.

Cool, cut it in half and squeeze the juice into a small bowl. Strain through several layers of gauze or paper towel to avoid onion particles.

If the temperature of the juice is comfortable, use a pipette to drop a few drops into the sore ear. Turn your head in the opposite direction so that the juice does not leak out.

Then turn your head in the direction of the sore ear so that all the juice flows out. Wipe your ear. Repeat the drops several times a day.

Olive oil

When the Eustachian tubes are blocked, it can be cleared with olive oil. Heat a small amount of oil and drop it into the sore ear. The oil will soften the plug and it can be easily removed with a cotton swab. There is no need to insert the stick too deeply into the ear so as not to damage the eardrum.

Radishes are often recommended for constipation, high blood pressure, and dehydration. You can use it for ear infections. To do this, mix a teaspoon of chopped radish with 2 tablespoons of mustard oil. Heat for about 10 minutes.

Strain to separate the radishes and transfer the oil into a clean bottle. Place 2-3 drops into the sore ear for quick relief.

Apple vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has many beneficial properties, including antibacterial and antifungal. Vinegar is often used to treat various fungal and yeast bacteria. It can also be used to treat ear infections.

Before use, you need to mix apple cider vinegar with water in equal proportions. Dip a rolled cotton ball and place it in your ear. Leave for about 5 minutes. Then take it out and lie on your side so that the remaining vinegar flows out of your ear. Then dry your ear with a warm hairdryer.

If you don't have apple cider vinegar, you can use regular natural table vinegar. Just keep in mind that the concentration of such vinegar is higher than that of apple cider vinegar.

There is salt in every home and, as a rule, there is always a pack in stock. Add about a cup of salt (or a glass) and heat it on the stove in a dry frying pan. Then pour the salt into a clean cotton napkin and tie it. Apply to the affected ear and hold for about 10 minutes. Apply salt for several days until the pain goes away. Salt can draw out accumulated fluid from the ear and provide relief from pain.

Basil is not only an aromatic spice. It also has medicinal properties. It is high in antioxidants and has powerful antibacterial properties. Crush 5-6 fresh basil leaves to extract the juice. Place this juice in your ear.

You can mix basil oil with coconut oil and soak a cotton swab in it and gently clean the inside and outside of your ear.

Ginger root is famous for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To do this, squeeze the juice out of the root and drop it into your ear. As an alternative, you can moisten a cotton swab and place it in the sore ear.

You can make the oil by mixing a teaspoon of grated ginger root with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Warm for about 10 minutes and filter. Place a few drops at a time.

Mullein is a plant with soft, velvety leaves and has medicinal properties. Mullein flowers are often used to make extracts in oil or vodka. They are also brewed as tea. Such mullein extracts are often used in the treatment of cough and respiratory diseases.

The flowers of the plant have analgesic properties and help reduce pain. And anti-inflammatory properties - relieve inflammation.

To use this herb to treat an ear infection, soak a cotton swab in mullein oil and place it in the infected ear. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Repeat the mullein treatment until the pain goes away.

You can mix a few drops of mullein oil with garlic oil and place a few drops in your ear.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is familiar to everyone for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties.

All these properties of the oil allow it to be used to treat sore ears. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a tablespoon of olive oil. Warm it up a little and drop a few drops into your ear. Tilt your head to the side for 3-4 minutes and then turn it back so that the oil flows out. Do this procedure daily until the pain subsides.

Peppermint oil

Mint has strong analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When treating the ear, you can use fresh mint leaf juice or dilute the essential oil and drop 2-3 drops into the sore ear. In addition, the oil can be wiped near the ear and ear canal.

Hydrogen peroxide

Scratches, wounds, and cuts are treated with peroxide. When hydrogen peroxide is used in the ear, it can soften the plug and make it easier for fluid accumulated in the ear to escape. To do this, mix 3 percent hydrogen peroxide with the same amount of water. Moisten a cotton swab and, tilting your head to the side, squeeze the liquid into your ear.

After instilling peroxide, there will be a slight tingling sensation. This is fine. Hold this for about 10 minutes and wipe your ear. Repeat several times a day.

Warm water

A warm water bottle can also help relieve pain. To do this, pour hot water into a bottle and wrap it in a terry towel. Apply to the sore ear. The warmth from the water will help soothe the pain.

In addition to the following home remedies, you can use the following to relieve pain and treat ear infections:

Flaxseed oil with garlic;

Sesame oil;

Herbal teas, especially mint;

Diluted eucalyptus oil.

How to Prevent Ear Infections

As you know, it is better to prevent than to treat later. So take note of these tips.

Dry your ears well after showering.

Wear a scarf or other head covering in cold weather.

Chew gum if you go on an excursion to the mountains or fly on an airplane.

Lubricate your ears with oil before bathing.

Drink plenty of water and reduce your intake of dairy products.

Avoid foods with a lot of sugar.

Eat plenty of fresh vegetables, especially greens.

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Wash your hands often.

If possible, it is better not to accustom your child to a pacifier or pacifier.

Breastfeed your baby.

No matter how good the home remedies for treating ear infections are, it is still better to consult a doctor. Especially if such pain has become chronic.

What folk remedies can be used for otitis media, see this video

Ear diseases are quite easy to develop; they often accompany many viral and colds. Sharp pain, hearing loss are alarming symptoms, and if you do not see a doctor in time, they can have the most unpleasant consequences.

A specialist in ear diseases is an otolaryngologist, and it is he who should be contacted in cases where something is bothering you.


Symptoms for different diseases may vary, but there are several basic ones that can accurately determine whether you need to see a specialist and treat your ears.

  1. Pain, burning in the ears. The nature of the pain can be anything.
  2. Itching inside and outside.
  3. Hearing impairment.
  4. Discharge of fluid from the ears.
  5. Nausea, dizziness.
  6. Temperature increase.
  7. Redness, swelling of the ear.
  8. General weakness.

Some of these symptoms may indicate other diseases, so diagnosis will help determine whether the cause is in the ear or these sensations are a consequence of other diseases.

Important! If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor.

Otitis is an inflammatory disease of the middle and outer ear. The severity of the inflammation depends on what virus or bacteria affected the ear. This condition can be extremely dangerous, so treatment must be started immediately. Otitis is common in children and adults.

Otitis is characterized by severe, “shooting” pain in the ear, fever and other symptoms of inflammation in the body. A couple of days after the onset of the disease, pus begins to discharge from the ear, with its appearance the temperature decreases and severe pain disappears.

If the course is unfavorable, the pus will not come out, but will accumulate inside and spread inside the skull, which can cause otogenic sepsis, meningitis or brain abscess. This is life-threatening.

Causes of the disease

Otitis media is often associated with other diseases of the throat and nose, in which pus can get higher into the ear.

  1. Complication of viral and colds of the respiratory tract.
  2. Diseases of the nose, for example, adenoids.
  3. Mechanical damage to the auricle.
  4. Severe hypothermia.
  5. Neglected sulfur plug.


Diagnoses otitis media by ENT. A competent doctor will be able to identify the disease without additional research, during an examination. If an internal form is present, other diagnostic methods are used:

  • X-ray;
  • CT scan;
  • bacterial culture, this analysis is needed to select suitable antibiotics.

Treatment at home

At the first suspicion of otitis media, you need to contact an otolaryngologist, otherwise the acute form may become chronic and inflammation will recur. If you can’t visit a doctor right away, you can take painkillers, for example, Nurafen, and antihistamines that relieve swelling.

You can also make a compress using vodka. Lightly wet the cotton wool with room temperature liquid and secure it to your head with a bandage. The compress should warm; pure alcohol cannot be used for this purpose.

Important! You cannot use other home remedies and various herbal candles, you cannot drip anything into the ear. This can lead to the spread of the abscess, as a result of which the person can go deaf or develop inflammation of the brain and become disabled.

The main treatment for otitis is drops, in some cases antibiotics are used. Several groups of drugs are used.

  1. Antibiotics: Normax, Otofa, Sofradex, Flemoxin Solutab and others, depending on the degree of damage and type of otitis.
  2. Antiseptic – Miramistin;
  3. Candide, Pimafucin, other ointments for fungi, if otitis media was caused by them.
  4. Ear drops: Otipax, Otinum, Otizol. They have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Important! Only the attending physician can prescribe medications.

If the pus does not leave the ear, there is a risk of developing dangerous complications, therapeutic treatment does not help or it is too late to take medications, surgery is prescribed - paracentesis.

A small incision is made on the eardrum through which the pus comes out. Immediately after the operation, the patient feels relief.

Treatment of internal otitis, especially if it causes complications, can only take place under the supervision of doctors, preferably in a hospital.

Sinusitis is not a disease of the ear specifically, but can cause pain in the ear. There are several types of sinusitis: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others. With this disease, the mucous membranes of the maxillary, frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses become inflamed.

With sinusitis, a runny nose, severe headache, a feeling of squeezing, pain and noise in the ears, blocked ears, and impaired sense of smell appear. If acute sinusitis starts, it can become chronic. This disease can also cause otitis media.

To correctly diagnose and identify inflamed sinuses, a number of studies are performed, including X-rays, MRI or CT.

Causes of the disease

Sinusitis occurs for various reasons.

  1. Colds.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Abuse of nasal sprays in the treatment of a runny nose.
  4. Asthma.
  5. Fungus.
  6. Contaminated air.
  7. Bad habits such as smoking.
  8. Congenital anatomical features: structure of the nasal septum.

Most of the factors that provoke sinusitis can be influenced by the person himself.


In case of acute sinusitis, you should immediately consult a doctor to prescribe therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed if sinusitis is microbial in nature, otherwise they will be useless.

  1. Nasal drops. They should not be used for a long time. The mildest effects are nasal drops based on essential oils - Pinosol, Sinuforte. If sinusitis is caused by allergies, then Vibrocil or Loratadine, Rhinopront are suitable.
  2. Antiseptic drugs. They will destroy the infection and prevent the spread of inflammation. Dioxidin, Miramistin, Furacillin are usually used.
  3. Means for rinsing the nose. For treatment at home, a solution is made from water and salt (one teaspoon of the substance is needed per glass of hot water), but special mixtures can be purchased in pharmacies: Aquamaris, Dolphin.
  4. Antibiotics. They are used if sinusitis is caused by bacteria. Depending on the degree of damage, the shape and variety are selected. The most commonly used are Amoxilav, Ampiksid, Fusafungin.
  5. Nonsteroidal painkillers. These include ibuprofen-based medications. Will help with pain in the head and ears.

Important! You cannot take antibiotics on your own.

Punctures are used in extreme cases when therapy does not help. A properly performed operation will quickly bring relief, but it happens that it only provokes a chronic disease.


Otomycosis is a fungal disease of the ear. More often there is an external form, sometimes an internal one. This condition is caused by mold.

At the onset of the disease, the main symptom is itching and congestion. Then discharge begins, the ear swells, and the skin becomes dry. Over time, the amount of discharge increases, and attempts to clean it with cotton swabs lead to the infection penetrating deeper.


The disease is caused by infection with spores of a fungal pathogen, but the disease occurs only under certain conditions.

  1. Metabolic disease.
  2. Weakened immunity, hypovitaminosis.
  3. Long-term use of antibiotics or corticosteroid drugs.
  4. Radiation therapy.
  5. Mechanical damage to the ear.
  6. Swimming in open waters.

Sometimes these factors are combined.


For external otomycosis, they try to use only local drugs; for fungal otitis of the middle ear, they immediately begin therapy with internal ones. Then local medications only complement the treatment.

Using a special probe, the specialist removes the discharge with an antimycotic drug. Miramistin is also used for disinfection.

Systemic drugs for otomycosis are as follows:

  • Nystatin;
  • Levorin;
  • Mycoheptin;
  • Nitrofungin;
  • Kanesten;
  • Exoderil;
  • Nystanin ointment and others.

The necessary medications are selected by the doctor depending on the severity of the lesion and the form of the disease.

Important! Treatment of otomycosis must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise the fungus may return.

Adhesive disease or otosclerosis is an inflammatory process in the middle ear, leading to adhesions and hearing loss. More common in older people.

The main symptom is progressive hearing loss, tinnitus, and congestion. After examination by an otolaryngologist and audiologist, a correct diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Important! If your hearing worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor; changes in the ear may be irreversible.


  1. Chronic otitis of the middle ear.
  2. Tubotitis in the chronic stage.
  3. Rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, other diseases of the nasopharynx.
  4. Surgical interventions in the nose and pharynx.
  5. Barotrauma is damage to ear tissue as a result of temperature changes.
  6. Incorrect use of antibiotics.


Treatment of otosclerosis is complex. It includes blowing out the auditory canals, massage of the eardrum, injection of enzymes, sometimes surgical intervention, prosthetics if the hearing is severely impaired. The following drugs are used in treatment:

  • Chymotrypsin;
  • Lidaza;
  • Hydrocortisone.

These substances are directly injected behind the eardrum using a syringe without a needle or catheter.


Ear injuries are mechanical injuries that can occur for a number of reasons. In case of injury, the outer ear is damaged, the eardrum and auditory tract may be affected, and if this organ is damaged, nausea and severe dizziness are also observed.

The main danger of injury is the development of inflammatory processes that lead to otitis media and the likelihood of hearing loss. Therefore, it is important to quickly provide first aid and see a specialist.

In case of injury to the outer ear, all areas of damage must be carefully treated using disinfecting liquids, for example, miramistin or chlorhexedine. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal ointments can be used. If inflammation occurs, you need to consult a specialist.


Barotrauma is damage to the middle ear or eardrum due to pressure drop. The main thing is to prevent infection; antibiotics are often prescribed immediately. A person with barotrauma should take vasoconstrictor drops in the nose, or take painkillers to reduce pain.

If the damage is severe and complications arise, then reconstructive operations are performed; if hearing loss develops, consultation with a hearing prosthetist and selection of a prosthesis is required.

Similar tactics are used for injuries to the inner ear.

Important! In case of injuries, first aid should be provided as quickly as possible, otherwise complications are more likely to develop.

Neuritis is an inflammation of a nerve that can cause loss of sensation, dull headaches, ear pain, and decreased sensitivity.

Typically, neuritis is caused by previous injuries and infections, poisoning with toxic substances; it can occur during pregnancy, diabetes, rheumatism and other diseases.

This disease goes away on its own within a few weeks. You just need to follow the general recommendations for a complete recovery.

The diet of a patient with neuritis should include more fresh vegetables and fruits, and the diet should be balanced. With your doctor's permission, you can take a course of B vitamins.

Prevention of ear diseases

Preventing ear diseases is very simple.

  1. Colds should be avoided; if they occur, they should be treated quickly and in a timely manner.
  2. Clean your ears carefully so as not to damage your eardrum.
  3. You should not uncontrollably take antibiotics, steroids and other potent drugs.
  4. Avoid other situations in which the ear may be injured.

These rules will help avoid many problems and long-term treatment.

Over the past few decades, sinusitis of various kinds has been a very common disease, affecting every tenth person in the world. Acute frontal sinusitis is a type of sinusitis, with...

Ear diseases are not as common as colds, but they do cause discomfort. Few people know what to do if pain occurs and what symptoms indicate a particular disease. In adults, treatment of such diseases occurs under the supervision of a doctor; you should not self-medicate, otherwise in very difficult cases you can lose your hearing. To avoid this, we provide a list of the most common diseases, their causes, symptoms and treatment.

Causes of ear diseases

The prerequisites for the occurrence of such diseases may be infections or other factors. Sometimes ear pain can appear as a result of complications from other diseases or damage to the hearing aid itself.

Common causes of ear diseases are:

All of these factors worsen the body's resistance to various infections. The links are listed.

Symptoms and treatment of diseases

Painful sensations arise suddenly, a person may not immediately guess what the problem is and waits for the pain to go away on its own, but delaying treatment is fraught with consequences. Knowing the symptoms will help determine which disease is troubling you at the moment.

Otogenic sepsis

It occurs as a result of infections entering the ear and is accompanied by a severe degree of inflammation, in which harmful bacteria from the purulent part of the ear penetrate into the veins of the temporal part and sinuses. This disease occurs mainly in people under 30 years of age.


They are: tachycardia, shortness of breath, general weakness of the body, decreased blood pressure, body fever or chills. These symptoms can be confused with a cold, but in fact they are the first signs of sepsis.


As effective medications, I also take antifungal drugs, which include: Econazole, Terbinafine and others.

To successfully treat this disease, you need to contact an ENT specialist in time, otherwise a blood transfusion may be required. Sometimes a drain is inserted into the abscess in the ear and the infected masses are removed through it.


It comes in three types:

Otitis can be caused by various pathogens, such as ARVI and influenza viruses, Haemophilus influenzae, pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The listed harmful pathogens can enter the ear in several ways:


Otitis media can be quickly treated if you consult a doctor in time, otherwise complications can arise that turn into a chronic form of this disease.

Antibiotics and vestibulolytics are used to relieve internal otitis. If the diagnosis reveals intracranial complications and purulent accumulations, surgical intervention may be required.

But what ear drops for removing plugs are the best and most popular, as well as what their name and application are, is described in this article:

What to do and what medicine to use if

Otitis media is treated with vasoconstrictor drops and painkillers, as well as antibiotics. In advanced cases, paracentesis may be prescribed, in which pus is removed by piercing the eardrum.

Therapy for external otitis involves the use of disinfectants and anti-inflammatory agents. You can wash the auricle with furatsilin or boric acid. Compresses that produce a warming effect are also welcome; taking antibiotics and performing physical procedures is not excluded. An elementary compress based on vodka is also good for warming, but alcohol cannot be used instead.

Used as antibiotics for otitis media:

Antiseptics are:

Anti-inflammatory drugs for this disease are special ear drops:

There are cases when drug treatment does not produce results, then surgical therapy is prescribed, and after the operation the patient immediately improves.

Bleeding from the ear

They can occur when the bones of the hearing aid are fractured and the eardrum is damaged. Also, other diseases are often accompanied by purulent tumors and injuries to the middle ear.

The correct treatment is prescribed by the doctor; without it you cannot self-medicate.

Hearing loss

And what consequences may there be. It leads to hearing loss, which worsens gradually; at the last stage of the disease, it is difficult for the patient to distinguish sounds even at a close distance from him. With a mild degree of illness, he can distinguish a whisper, but for this he needs to make an effort.


At the initial stage of the disease, drug treatment is prescribed, which includes taking drugs that improve blood supply to the brain and physiotherapeutic procedures. The complex course of the disease requires surgery.


A disease caused by a fungus. It has an external and internal shape. Molds are able to penetrate through scratches, wounds and damage to the mucous membrane. Diseases such as AIDS, scarlet fever, diabetes mellitus, cancer, and decreased immunity as a result of long-term use of antibiotics contribute to the development of otomycosis.

Symptoms of the disease are:

  • Constant itching and noise.
  • Formation of plugs and crusts.
  • Wet discharge.
  • Ear congestion.
  • Dry skin around the ear.


The main therapy for otomycosis is taking vitamins. External discharge and crusts on the ears should be removed with cotton swabs soaked in glycerin. Specialists use Miramistin to disinfect the ear opening. The following are used as systemic drugs: Nitrofungin, Levorin, Exoderil, Nystatin, Mycoheptin and others.

Ear mite

The disease rarely affects humans; it is called acariasis. Ixodid ticks can live in the human ear, but they are a temporary phenomenon, since in such an environment they cannot reproduce at full strength and die. If they are present, to eliminate them you need to rinse your ear with saline solution and 70% alcohol.

The demodex mite is more dangerous, it lives in hair, fat glands and outside the ear canal. It causes a disease called demodicosis. The mite affects the skin, after which it becomes inflamed and red. Therapy for this disease is the use of vasoconstrictor drugs - Trichopolum, Ornidazole and others. Cosmetic procedures will help eliminate mites: electrophoresis and laser coagulation.

Sulfur plug

Many people believe that it can be eliminated by using cotton swabs, but this is not so; if the ear is severely congested with wax and fatty deposits, which together form a plug, this may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

The plug can be removed using mechanical methods: curettage, washing, aspiration, or dissolving it using special preparations.


Appears as a result of injury or infections in the ear, this disease sometimes occurs during pregnancy, rheumatism, diabetes and other serious diseases. It causes loss of ear sensitivity and dull ear pain and headache.


After a few weeks, the nerve inflammation may go away on its own; to ensure this, you need to introduce more raw vegetables and fruits into your diet. Worth a drink


Damage to the bone capsule of the ear requires immediate treatment. The growth of bone tissue can be observed both on the cochlea and is purely focal in nature. As a result, an obstacle to the passage of sounds is formed in the ear canal. The appearance of noise and the onset of hearing loss are symptoms of the disease.


In this case, surgery cannot be avoided; stapedoplasty is used, in which the affected stapes in the ear is removed and a prosthesis is installed in its place.

Frequent ear diseases that arise as a result of infections or injuries are discussed above. Symptoms for each disease are different, but if they are identified in time, treatment will take place quickly and will not cause complications.

Although ear infections are more common in children, they often affect adults as well. In adults, the infection is usually caused by a bacterial or viral illness, such as a cold. It causes symptoms such as ear congestion, temporary hearing loss, ear pain, etc.

Our ear consists of three main parts - the inner ear, the middle ear and the outer ear. It functions in such a way that sound waves pass through the outer ear and reach the middle part (ear canal), and through the canal, vibrations enter the inner ear. Various diseases can affect a person's hearing, including some ear infections.

Otitis media is the most common ear infection. Also known as a middle ear infection, it causes inflammation of the middle ear. When bacteria or viruses that cause colds, sore throats, and other respiratory illnesses spread into the middle ear, it results in inflammation. Otitis externa, also known as swimmer's ear or external ear infection, is another type of infection that affects adults.

Otitis - middle ear infection

The small tear at the back of the eardrum, where three tiny bones pick up vibration and transmit it to the inner ear, is called the middle ear. This region is connected to the upper respiratory tract through a small canal called the eustachian tube. Middle ear infections are divided into two types:

  • Acute otitis media - This type usually occurs after a viral upper respiratory tract infection such as the flu or cold, or any other type of respiratory infection.
  • Chronic otitis is a continuation of otitis media, which occurs due to disorders of the eardrum, and usually follows acute otitis media.



Congestion in the ears;


Temporary hearing loss;

Pain and itching in the ear;

Discharge of pus;

Peeling in the ear;

A sore throat;

Stomach upset or diarrhea (very rare).

Possible reasons

The fluid from the middle ear enters the throat through the Eustachian tube. When there is a plug or tumor in this tube, fluid begins to stagnate in the middle ear. In this regard, various bacteria and viruses easily enter there, resulting in an infection. Later, white blood cells rush to the site of infection to fight the infection, and during this process, killed bacteria and dead white cells accumulate, resulting in the formation of pus in the middle ear. Due to the accumulation of this pus, the eardrum and bones of the middle ear can move freely, causing hearing problems. Several causes of swelling and congestion of the Eustachian tube:

Frequent exposure to vapors or smoke;

Upper respiratory tract infections;


Otitis externa or ear infection.

The outer visible area of ​​the ear consists of the pinna (the cartilaginous structure of the outer ear), and the external auditory canal. Its main function is to collect sound energy and direct it to the eardrum, which is part of the middle ear. Infection in the outer part of the ear is most common among swimmers, hence its name. Many times, while swimming, chlorinated water enters the ear, and with it various bacteria and microorganisms that cause infection. In some cases, an infection in the outer ear is caused by inflammation of the external auditory canal.


Minimal hearing loss;

Enlarged lymph nodes in the throat;

Slight increase in temperature;

Itching and peeling of the skin;

Discharge of pus;

Feeling of constant pressure and fullness;

Severe pain that worsens with movement of the earlobe or jaw.

Possible reasons

Otitis externa is caused by fungi or bacteria that enter the ear with moisture. Frequent bathing increases the chances of this infection. Apart from swimming, there are various other reasons that lead to this type of infection:

Scratching the ear with a fingernail;

Constant use of headphones or hearing aids;

Cleaning the ears with sharp objects or an ear swab;

Allergy to jewelry;

Excess moisture in the outer ear.

Treatment Options for an Ear Infection

From the doctor's clinic:

Antifungal ear drops for fungal infections;

Acid ear drops to kill bacteria causing infection;

Corticosteroid ear drops to relieve inflammation and swelling;

Antibiotic ear drops for various bacterial infections;

Antibiotic capsules such as flucloxacillin;

Pain relievers such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen, and codeine (for severe cases);

Anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce inflammation and pain.

If the above-mentioned antibiotics do not help cure the infection, the doctor may recommend simple surgery. This method involves puncturing with a sterilized needle and removing the pus.

Note: Never attempt this procedure yourself.

Disclaimer: This article is written for informational purposes and should not be construed as a substitute for professional medical advice.

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