Spectral analysis of hair. Spectral analysis of hair for minerals and other chemical elements Elemental analysis of hair

– study of the mineral profile of the body based on the presence and concentration of chemical elements in the hair. Hair is capable of accumulating and maintaining information about mineral metabolism throughout the entire period of its growth and reflects the deficiency or excess of mineral elements in the entire body. For spectral analysis, a strand of hair is cut from several zones of the occipital region with a total width of 1 cm and a length of 3-4 cm. More often, spectral analysis of hair includes the determination of a complex of 25 basic (essential) microelements or 40 (25 basic and 15 additional, including toxic elements ). Based on the results of spectral analysis of hair, an individual program for correcting mineral metabolism disorders is drawn up.

Hair shafts accumulate microelements that enter the hair follicles with blood and carry information about the elemental status of the body over a certain period of time. Using spectral analysis, the mineral composition of hair is determined, which reflects the quantitative ratio of chemicals in the body as a whole during the period of growth of the hair under study. The advantage of spectral hair analysis is that the sample is non-traumatic and non-invasive, the material is informative, and has high diagnostic capabilities.

By spectral analysis of hair, one can judge the nature of nutrition, habitat, bad habits of a person, the influence of professional factors, the functioning of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and endocrine system. An imbalance of elements identified through spectral analysis of hair allows one to diagnose or predict the threat of immunodeficiency, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, psoriasis, dysbacteriosis, gastroenteritis, obesity, and, of course, diseases of the skin, nails and hair.

In addition to the study of spectral analysis of hair, which includes a profile of 25 or 40 microelements, trichology uses the determination of the content of one microelement, a deficiency or excess of which may be suspected in the patient. So, for example, a lack of manganese leads to a decrease in thinking processes, memory, slow growth of nails and hair, the development of skin rashes and vitiligo. Cobalt deficiency may cause menstrual dysfunction, neurological symptoms, skin hyperpigmentation, etc.

Full spectral hair analysis includes the determination of 40 elements: aluminum, barium, beryllium, boron, vanadium, bismuth, tungsten, gallium, germanium, iron, gold, iodine, cadmium, potassium, calcium, cobalt, silicon, lanthanum, lithium, magnesium, manganese , copper, molybdenum, arsenic, sodium, nickel, tin, platinum, mercury, rubidium, lead, selenium, silver, strontium, antimony, thallium, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, zirconium.


In trichology, spectral analysis of hair is the basis of laboratory diagnostics. Spectral analysis of hair is indicated for hair loss, poor growth, changes in structure and appearance. In addition, spectral analysis of hair can be useful for adolescents during periods of increased growth, pregnant women, lactating women, as well as people experiencing increased physical and emotional stress, prone to colds, etc.

Spectral analysis of hair is indicated for people who adhere to an exclusively vegetarian diet; workers in hazardous industries, residents of environmentally unfavorable areas; patients taking medications for a long time. Spectral hair analysis can be prescribed for excess weight, dermatoses, allergies, anemia, asthenia, infertility, erectile dysfunction in men, acne, impaired visual acuity, rheumatic diseases, weakness of the musculoskeletal system, brittle nails, colitis, gastritis, etc. d.

Using spectral analysis of hair, a predisposition to diseases caused by a lack of minerals, their imbalance or toxic effects is determined; prevention and correction of violations is carried out.

Carrying out analysis

To study the elemental status of the body, a hair sample is required, which is taken by a trichologist or brought to the laboratory by the patient independently.

The hair sample for spectral analysis is a strand from the back of the head 3-4 cm long and 1 cm wide, cut at the root. Hair is cut in the area of ​​the occipital protuberances from 2-3 places. The hair sample submitted for spectral analysis must correspond in size to a match, and in quality - to normal hygienic condition. After dyeing or perming, at least a month must pass before spectral analysis of the hair is performed. The hair is wrapped in a paper envelope, on which the direction of its growth is marked with an arrow: when performing spectral analysis, you need to know which end of the strand was facing the head.

If it is impossible to examine hair from the head, it can be collected from other parts of the body (pubic, axillary, chest). In some cases, instead of hair, nails can be used for spectral analysis, which are cut from all fingers and toes. Before cutting your nails, remove any traces of polish.

In the laboratory, the hair is degreased with acetone, washed and dried. Then the test sample is washed again with distilled water and dried again. Dry hair is weighed and placed in a container, where water and nitric acid are added in a certain ratio, under the influence of which the hair dissolves. The resulting mass is loaded into a spectrometer and subjected to treatment with argon gas. High-temperature plasma causes the sample to burn, and a signal is sent to special detectors, which is then processed by an electronic program. The obtained data are compared with norms characteristic of a particular region, age and gender. Typically, the turnaround time for spectral hair analysis is about 2 weeks.

The result of spectral analysis of hair is a mineralogram that reflects the quantitative content of mineral elements: their excess, deficiency and ratio. Based on the spectral analysis of hair, the trichologist draws up a medical opinion, recommends treatment or refers to other specialists.

Repeated spectral analysis of hair can be informative no earlier than 10 months after the initial study and course of corrective therapy.

Hair spectral analysis according to the method of Dr. A.V. Skalny(reg. No. 2471 in RAO) allows you to determine the ratio with high accuracy 40 microelements in hair person.

Why do you need to do a hair mineralogram?

Spectral analysis of hair is necessary in order to find out:

  • How complete and balanced is your nutrition;
  • influence of bad habits on your health and immunity;
  • how do they affect your well-being? environmental factors:
    • ecology;
    • workplace conditions;
    • place of residence;
  • functional state of your internal organs.
  • the state of your metabolism
  • in order to prevent excess microelements when prescribing dietary supplements

Laboratory where hair samples are sent for microelements analysis:

Order execution time – up to 10 days.

To whom is hair analysis for microelements indicated:

  • people with immunocompromised;
  • persons exposed to frequent colds and other diseases;
  • people with food and other allergies;
  • when traditional treatment of cardiovascular diseases is insufficiently effective;
  • with increased irritability, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • at diseases of the gastrointestinal tract ( dysbacteriosis, etc.);
  • for osteochondrosis and other metabolic diseases of the osteoarticular system;
  • at decreased libido and potency;
  • at infertility;
  • in case of disruption thyroid gland;
  • for psycho-emotional and physical overload, playing sports;
  • if the diet is irregular and monotonous;
  • with chronic stress;
  • working in hazardous industries and in unfavorable conditions;
  • people in professions associated with excess background radiation;
  • those living in environmentally unfavorable areas (industrial emissions, radioactive pollution);
  • for osteoporosis and other disorders of phosphorus-calcium metabolism (including those with an unknown cause);
  • with a sharp deterioration of hair, skin and nails.

Why is it important to know the quantitative composition of microelements in the body?

Medical research has shown that the lack of some micro and macroelements in the human body can cause specific diseases. For example:

  • It is known that anemia is caused by a lack of iron in the body.
  • At the end of the 20th century, a connection was identified between the development of endemic goiter and a lack of iodine in the body.
  • zinc deficiency: decreased cellular immunity, diseases of the hair, nails, prostate
  • copper deficiency:
    • exhaustion of the nervous system
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (especially in children)
    • flat feet
    • bronchial asthma
    • if copper and iodine deficiency are combined - thyroid disease
  • Manganese deficiency:
    • disruption of the normal functioning of the nervous system
    • allergies
    • diabetes
  • Accumulation of toxic trace elements:
    • Lead:
      • damage to the central nervous system
      • blood
      • immunity
    • Cadmium:
      • kidney damage
      • of cardio-vascular system
      • immunity
    • Mercury:
      • nervous system damage
      • kidney damage
    • Arsenic:
      • oncology
      • liver damage

The amount of information about the role of microelements as root causes of diseases constantly growing.

A new term has appeared in medicine - microelementoses, denoting pathological processes caused by an imbalance of both micro- and macroelements.

Today, these studies are actively being carried out by doctors. A.V. Skalny and his colleagues at the ANO Center for Biotic Medicine, which deals with micronutrient imbalances human body, their analysis and treatment. The main root cause of mineral imbalance is environmental factors: industrial emissions into the environment, background radiation, etc.

Participation of microelements in all biochemical processes the human body and their dependence on the state of the environment forces this topic to be raised not only by ecologists, but also by doctors of all profiles.
In Russia, the concept is used to designate pathological processes caused by an imbalance of both micro- and macroelements microelementoses.
Of the 92 chemical elements found in nature, 81 are present in the human body, 12 of which are structural, i.e. of them 99% of our body consists.

Hair mineralogram sample. Table of deviations Option for interpreting the hair mineralogram

Sample conclusion of a hair mineralogram (diagram)

For example, a 2-fold increase in Na (sodium) content in hair is much less important for the body than a similar deviation in P (phosphorus).

As a rule, deviations in the content of chemical elements in hair 1-2 degrees correspond to depletion of the body’s functional reserves or pre-disease, and deviations of 3-4 degrees indicate a high likelihood of chronic diseases.

  • Deviations in the composition of microelements are corrected:

    • 1-2 degrees:
      • through changes in diet;
      • taking dietary supplements;
    • 3-4 degrees require long-term rehabilitation treatment using:
      • dietary supplement;
      • corrections diet;
      • pharmacological agents prescribed by specialized specialists (gastroenterologist, pediatrician, nephrologist, neurologist, etc.).

    A reduced content of microelements in the body leads to:

    • Decreased sodium content in hair in adults usually occurs when:
      • neuroendocrine disorders;
      • chronic kidney and intestinal diseases;
      • as a consequence of traumatic brain injury;
    • Magnesium loss (Mg) most often associated with:
      • chronic overexertion and stress (typical of “workaholics”, managers, responsible employees);
      • intoxications(“overload” of the liver and kidneys, including alcohol);
      • presence of diabetes;
      • kidney diseases;
      • hypertension(arterial spasms);
      • elevated risk of blood clots;
      • myocardial infarction;
      • immunodeficiency;
      • risk of diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, oxalaturia (one of the types of urolithiasis);
      • biliary dyskinesia;
      • cholecystitis (including stone);
      • fatigue and irritability;
      • sleep disorders;
      • interruptions in heart function;
      • constipation.
    • Decreased potassium content (K) in hair usually indicates:
      • asthenia (mental and physical exhaustion, fatigue);
      • reduction of adaptive mechanisms and basal metabolism;
      • impaired renal function and exhaustion of adrenal function;
      • risk of disruption of metabolic processes and conductivity in the myocardium;
      • mitral valve prolapse, dysregulation of blood pressure;
      • development of erosive processes in mucous membranes;
      • decreased performance;
      • slower wound healing;
      • disorders of neuromuscular conduction;
      • dry skin, dullness and weak hair;
      • cervical erosion, threat of miscarriage and infertility in women;
    • Calcium deficiency in women manifests itself:
      • in an unhealthy diet:
        • deficiency of protein and dairy products;
        • excess phosphorus in products: lemonades, canned food, etc.;
      • diseases of the kidneys and endocrine system;
      • stress;
      • dysbacteriosis;
      • food allergies;
      • intoxications (Pb, etc.);
      • increased risk of fractures for pregnant and nursing mothers, as well as women in menopause;
      • in the form of muscle pain and cramps;
      • periodontal disease;
      • osteoporosis;
      • poor blood clotting;
      • elevated risk of developing atherosclerosis;
      • infectious diseases ( tuberculosis and etc);
    • Zinc deficiency conditions usually characterized by:
      • the presence of diseases of the skin, hair, nails;
      • allergic diseases;
      • hyperactivity;
      • a decrease in T-cell immunity, so people with zinc deficiency usually suffer from colds and infectious diseases often and for a long time;
      • memory impairment;
      • decreased attention;
      • loss of appetite;
      • loss of acuity of smell, taste, vision;
      • increased wound healing time;
      • frequently occurring depressive-like conditions(hypochondria);
      • stool disorders (constipation, “sheep feces”, diarrhea);
      • elevated risk of ulceration and neoplasms;
      • risk of alcoholism, diabetes, peptic ulcer;
      • accelerated aging;
      • premature birth and the birth of weakened, low-weight children in women;
      • a tendency to skin, allergic and immunodeficiency diseases;
      • diseases of the small intestine, liver, kidneys;
      • chronic stress;
    • Copper (Cu) deficiency in women may lead to:
      • psycho-emotional exhaustion, overwork, neuroses;
      • disruption of the synthesis of thyroxine and female sex hormones;
      • development of anemia(anemia);
      • leukopenia (decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood);
      • immunodeficiency, allergic diseases (including asthmatic bronchitis, rhinitis, etc.);
      • skin depigmentation (vitiligo) and others skin diseases;
      • pathologies of bone and connective tissue, especially in the elderly (scoliosis, spondylosis, osteoporosis, venous disease);
      • development of diabetes;
      • the occurrence of demyelinating diseases;
      • neoplasms in the gynecological field;
      • development of ovarian dysfunction;
      • early menopause;
      • difficulty in getting pregnant;
      • disturbances during pregnancy and childbirth.

        • 1st degree: identified deviations don't require conducting additional consultations and research;
        • 2-4 degrees: correction required taking specialized medications, containing individual macro- and microelements.
        • Deviations in the content of other chemical elements in the hair are generally moderate and to eliminate them, it may be enough to pay attention to the diet and take multi-element preparations.

        Laboratory equipment for spectral analysis of hair:

        • mass spectrometer MS-ICP Elan 9000 (USA);
        • atomic emission spectrometer AES-ISP Optima 2000 DV (USA);
        • ICP mass spectrometer Nexion 300D (USA).
        • liquid chromatograph PerkinElmer S200 (USA), etc.
        • The laboratory of the ANO “Center for Biotic Medicine” has accreditation certificate ROSS.RU.0001.22ПЯ.05 for independence and technical competence when conducting spectral analysis of hair for microelements in the body. In the laboratory of the ANO “TsBM” the content is determined 50 chemical elements, the most important vitamins and amino acids. The results of the tests for microelements are given to you in the form standard conclusion.Effective quality control of results is achieved by using standard samples made in the USA, Germany, etc. when studying hair as a biosubstrate with the greatest diagnostic value.

          How to prepare hair for microelements analysis?

          • hair for analysis must be clean without the presence of chemicals and cosmetics for care and styling;
          • do not use medicated shampoos 2 weeks before the hair analysis;
          • if your hair bleached, dyed or curled– be sure to reflect this fact in the application form;
          • if it is impossible to collect hair from the head, you can use other body parts(chest, pubis, etc.);
          • cut a strand of hair from the root of the hair length from 3-5 cm;
          • cut hair in 4-5 places in the occipital region near the neck;
          • combine the received strands in a bun as thick as a pencil;
          • if you pass short hair, their volume should be at least a teaspoon.

Spectral hair analysis, multi-element hair diagnostics, MAV diagnostics is the name of the same modern technique, thanks to which it is possible to determine the content of heavy metals (cadmium, arsenic, mercury, strontium) in the hair. If a person has a deficiency of microelements in the body, then there is a risk of gastrointestinal tract infections, acute respiratory viral infections, problems with the epidermis, nails and hair.

Features of spectral analysis of hair for microelements

The procedure is recommended by doctors to determine the tendency to develop various pathologies and anomalies. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor can see dangerous changes in the patient’s body, make a number of recommendations and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

Microelement spectral analysis of hair is considered a simple, painless and accessible manipulation. With the help of research, it is possible to identify toxic trace elements in the human body and hidden diseases. The diagnostic results are analyzed by an experienced doctor and, if necessary, refers the patient to a specialist.

The body does not synthesize chemical microelements; a person receives them through food, drinks, and air, so it is almost impossible to control their quantity on their own. In order to find out whether there is an excess or deficiency of microparticles in the body, you need to undergo a micronutrient test.

Hair accumulates various chemical compounds present in the environment or in the body, so to carry out a diagnosis, a specialist will need 100 milligrams of hair cut from the root from the back of the head or neck. Based on the condition of the hair, the doctor can detect serious diseases in time, in particular metabolic disorders.

Microparticles can have a positive effect on mental development, reproductive health, the formation of the skeletal system, blood circulation, muscle function and metabolism. Therefore, their quantity must be balanced: an excess or deficiency of microelements causes metabolic failure, as a result of which problems with body weight arise (weight increases or decreases) and various diseases develop.

Spectral hair diagnostics makes it possible to identify an imbalance of microparticles in the early stages, even before the onset of disease symptoms. The procedure allows you to obtain data on the impact of each microelement on individual systems and internal organs.

Indications for spectral hair examination

The indications for prescribing manipulation are, first of all, metabolic disorders. Often this imbalance occurs in pregnant women and during breastfeeding.

It often occurs in young children and in adolescence, when the body needs vitamins and nutrients.

Metabolic disorders often occur in people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine diseases.

If a person has a stressful job, sleeps little, and is constantly undernourished, it is advisable to do a spectral study of hair for microparticles. The second indication for manipulation is constant stressful situations, irrational eating, and bad habits. Other indications for MAV diagnostics include:

  • frequent causeless ARVI;
  • excess body weight;
  • reproductive health disorders in men and women;
  • hair loss;
  • fragility and poor hair growth;
  • stress, depression, increased fatigue;
  • excessive fragility of nail plates;
  • unhealthy hair and nails;
  • dermatological diseases.

Doctors recommend testing for vegetarians, pregnant and lactating women, children and adolescents. The analysis is done for patients who take medications for a long period of time and work in places with poor environmental conditions. In case of disruption of the visual system and musculoskeletal system, he refers the patient to multi-element hair diagnostics.

Stages of analysis

Hair accumulates and stores information about mineral metabolism and microelements throughout its growth and reflects the lack or excess of microparticles throughout the body. The procedure was invented in the late 80s of the last century and is popular today. Based on spectral studies, a modern method for assessing metabolism was created.

For manipulation, several strands of hair are cut off for the patient. To obtain an accurate result, a lock of hair is taken from the back of the head or neck.

The length of the test sample varies from 2 to 4 centimeters, and the width is 1 centimeter. The resulting strands are further processed and cleaned, then the specialist places them in a special container with an acidic environment. The acidic environment affects the hair and breaks it down into the necessary substance.

After a certain period of time (from several hours to 2-3 days), the doctor analyzes the sample contained in the container using a spectrometer. The received data is processed by a personal computer, and special software compiles a spectrogram based on the indicators. The spectrogram displays the detailed ratio of all microparticles.

As a result of the analysis, it is possible to monitor the level of 25 microparticles or 40 components (25 basic elements and 15 toxic compounds). Using a spectrogram, a trichologist draws up an individual program for correcting mineral metabolism disorders in the body. If your hair has been affected by dyes, you should wait until the hair grows back and only then come for a diagnosis.

The advantages of the manipulation are: non-traumatic, non-invasive, reliability of the results obtained, accessibility, information content, and absence of contraindications. Scientists have proven that spectral analysis of hair for trace elements is more informative than a biochemical study of urine and blood.

What can be detected using MAV diagnostics

The results of the study will help the patient get rid of:

  • diseases of the epidermis, hair and nails;
  • allergic reactions;
  • decreased potency and infertility;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • decreased immune system;
  • Steoporosis, osteochondrosis;
  • hypertension, cardiac ischemia;
  • degenerative condition.

The procedure helps with delayed mental and physical development of the child, diseases of the urinary and gall bladders, and thyroid dysfunction. Microelement analysis can reduce the risk of complications in patients who suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Knowing the number of microparticles in the body, a person can balance them and recover faster after undergoing severe operations, injuries and illnesses.

The imbalance of microelements detected through the study will help not only make a reliable diagnosis, but also prevent obesity, diabetes, immunodeficiency, thyroid diseases, atherosclerosis, hair loss, peeling and brittle nails, skin rashes and dysbiosis.

Or the trichologist refers the patient for a spectral analysis of the hair (for microelements). With the resulting spectrogram, the patient is sent to the attending physician. The doctor, taking into account the test results and the patient’s medical history, forms the most optimal diet that can compensate for the lack of vital microparticles. The specialist also prescribes a number of medications and vitamins necessary to replenish the body with minerals and nutrients.

The specialist selects options for cleansing the body of heavy metals and toxins. A nutritionist selects preventive measures aimed at preventing illnesses that can be caused by an imbalance of microelements. The patient must undergo a course of therapy and after a month come for a consultation with the treating doctor. The trichologist checks the effectiveness of the treatment and may prescribe a repeat MAV diagnosis.

Currently, a new type of diagnostics of the state of the body has appeared in medical science - a mineralogram (or hair for microelements). It allows you to identify the ratio of about 40 substances necessary for health, as well as determine the degree of their excess or deficiency in order to select the most suitable method for correcting the imbalance. Hair is analyzed for microelements using the patented method of A. V. Skalny.

Why do you need a mineralogram?

This type of diagnosis is required to obtain accurate information about the patient’s health status. He evaluates:

  • nutritional balance;
  • influence of bad habits and ecology on the body;
  • condition of internal organs;
  • quality and completeness of metabolic processes;
  • excess and deficiency of nutrients when prescribing dietary supplements.

As a rule, the analysis time does not exceed 10 days. In some cases, the period may be shortened to 7 days or extended to 2 weeks.

Why hair?

Different types of biological material are suitable for this type of diagnosis - usually urine, blood, hair or nails are used.

In the first two cases, the analysis can give distorted results due to the instability of the state of the substances mentioned - even the product eaten the day before affects the reporting data. In addition, the shelf life of such materials is extremely short - research must be carried out immediately after samples are taken.

Nails have a similar nature to hair, but are less commonly used in spectrometry. Often their surface is coated with varnish, which, along with the removal liquid, can reduce the accuracy of the output.

Hair provides the most reliable information about the state of the body - being a storage material, it can retain information about substances for a long time. Also, this type of material is quite resistant to the influence of random factors. To ensure the reliability of the data, it is better to choose this type of diagnosis and do a hair analysis for microelements.

Features of collecting material for research

At the time of taking material samples for analysis, the hair must be clean. The presence of any care or styling products is undesirable. 14 days before the proposed test, you should stop using shampoos with additives. It is imperative to indicate in the questionnaire the condition of the hair - whether it has been bleached, curled, dyed or subjected to any other significant impact (at least 30 days must have passed from the date of the procedure). If it is not possible to provide analyzed material from the scalp, you can sample from any other place - for example, the chest, armpits or pubis.

To analyze the hair for vitamins and microelements, part of the material is cut from the root (preferably 3 cm in length). Tips are usually not required. The sample is taken from several places 5 times, and it is preferable that the hair being cut is on the back of the head, closer to the neck. The resulting strands are combined into a bundle, which should measure 3-5 mm in girth. When selecting short hair, you need to provide a volume of about a dessert spoon for analysis. The direction of hair growth must be indicated.

Indications for the procedure

The most common reasons for the need for spectral hair diagnostics include:

  • weakened immune system;
  • frequent manifestation of respiratory and viral diseases;
  • the presence of allergic reactions;
  • insufficient effectiveness of therapy used to treat problems of the circulatory system;
  • nervousness:
  • deviations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • increased stress on the body of any nature;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • danger or harmfulness of work;
  • being in a place with increased radioactivity or poor ecology;
  • osteoporosis;
  • deterioration of the hair and epidermis.

It is also useful to carry out the procedure for those who are on a diet, have insufficient body weight and vision problems.

Substances determined by spectrometry

Analysis of hair for trace elements can give an idea of ​​the content of 40 elements in the body, including: aluminum, iron, iodine, gold, potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, silver, phosphorus, zinc, antimony, selenium, nickel, tin, sodium, rubidium , boron, beryllium, vanadium.

The presence of elements such as barium, tungsten, bismuth, cadmium, cobalt, silicon, lithium, lanthanum, manganese, molybdenum, sodium, arsenic, platinum, tin, nickel, rubidium, mercury, strontium, antimony, lead, chromium, thallium is also noted and zirconium.

Execution technology

In laboratory conditions, the sample is cleaned of fat with acetone, washed with distilled water and dried twice. The prepared material is weighed and transferred to a special container, where nitric acid and water are added in certain proportions. The mixture dissolves the hair. The resulting mass is placed into the spectrometer, simultaneously brought into contact with argon gas.

The research is carried out at high temperatures, and when the sample is exposed to plasma, the material burns. The signal received by the analyzers is converted into an electronic diagram by special programs. The results obtained are compared with normal ones.

Analysis report

A mineralogram is constructed, reflecting the real ratio of microelements in the body in comparison with the reference one.

If small discrepancies are found, doctors can adjust the diet and, if necessary, supplement it with dietary supplements. In the case of a significant imbalance, as a rule, a referral is issued to the doctor who is responsible for the specific case (most often to an endocrinologist, cardiologist or toxicologist).

Degree of deviation from the norm

The significance of the identified deviation from the norm is established separately for each of the elements. Thus, a score is usually given on a 4-point system (1 - minimum, 4 - maximum), depending on the severity of the condition and the difficulty of its treatment.

It is important to be precise when putting down numbers, since each element can cause different reactions in the body. For example, exceeding the sodium content norm by 2 times is less than the same situation with phosphorus.

If degree 1 or 2 is indicated next to the element, then the deviation does not interfere too much with the proper functioning of the systems. This suggests that the body does not have reserves of this substance, which increases the likelihood of disease. Treatment for the condition comes down to changes in diet and taking dietary supplements.

In the case of ratings 3 and 4, we are talking about chronic pathological processes that require long-term recovery. For treatment, they use appropriate dietary supplements, adjust the diet and use medications prescribed by highly specialized doctors.

Deviation grade 1 is not further investigated due to its insignificance, and if a higher score is obtained, attention must be paid to the above-mentioned therapeutic measures.

After completing the prescribed treatment, the study is repeated. At least 10-11 months must pass from the moment of the first hair analysis.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of the procedure in clinics depends on the number of substances detected - you can choose between 25, 40 and 70 minerals. The latter option is less common due to the fact that there are few institutions offering such a service as hair analysis for trace elements. The price for 25 positions starts from 2500 rubles, for 40 - from 3400.