Medicines for memory and attention without prescriptions. Alternative ways to improve memory for older people. The most effective tablets


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The human body is unique. The perfect system of human life and brain activity is incomparable to any living organism on earth. In terms of structure and capabilities, the human brain throughout life is designed to achieve incredible results and accomplishments.

However, sometimes memory deteriorates and fails at the most unexpected moments.

In modern world More and more people are facing memory problems and efficient brain function. Constant stress, poor nutrition and other unfavorable life factors inhibit our thinking and atrophy the normal functioning of the brain, not to mention its development.

At such moments, it is best to contact an experienced specialist to prescribe effective medications that promote brain activity and brain function.

In this article we will look at some of the most effective modern drugs for improving memory . You can familiarize yourself with their features, indications for use, possible side effects, as well as the results they can bring to a person. But before using them, we strongly recommend that you consult with the appropriate doctor about the possibility of taking them specifically for you.

So, the most common modern drugs The following medications have a beneficial effect on improving memory and brain function.

Sublingual pills Glycine are available without a prescription and are prescribed to regulate metabolism in the body, resulting in improved brain function. When taking the drug, as a rule, the patient's tension decreases, the daily routine (normal sleep) is restored, and therefore the general mood improves.
The tablet should be placed under the tongue until completely absorbed.

Possible side effects: tinnitus, allergic reaction, drowsiness.
The drug can be used by pregnant women and children as prescribed by a doctor.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the components of Glycerin is possible.


The drug is produced in the form of syrup and capsules . Prescribed to stimulate brain function in cases of memory loss, nervous tension, developmental delays, frequent dizziness and depression.
The drug is not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, however, if prescribed by a doctor, it can be used for children from three years of age and for adults.

Among the possible side effects- insomnia.
Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, diathesis, and hypersensitivity to any components of the drug.


Piracetam is available in tablet form, 20% solution, 5 ml. in ampoules, capsules and granules for children. Prescribed to improve blood circulation in the brain and increase the body's energy reserves. The drug improves memory, attention, concentration, and promotes better memorability.

Like most others, Piracetam taken after meals.
Contraindications include the presence of allergic reactions to the components of the drug, diabetes mellitus, and renal failure. Side effects of Piracetam are:

- insomnia;
- fatigue and irritability;
- exacerbation of heart failure;
- gastrointestinal disorders.


Fenotropil Available in tablet form. The drug is prescribed for use after injuries that reduce intelligence, memory and attention (for example, learning disorders, depression, alcoholism or hypertension).

Phenotropil is taken after meals, but is not recommended for children or pregnant women.

Among the side effects: insomnia, increased blood pressure.
Contraindications include: intolerance to the components of the drug.

Vitrum memory

Vitrum memory Available in tablet form. Prescribed for decreased attention, deterioration of memory, speech or vision.
As a result of taking the drug, cerebral circulation and blood properties improve. The drug improves the supply of oxygen and glucose to brain cells.

Possible side effects include: skin rashes, nausea, headache.
Contraindications: peptic ulcer, gastritis, coronary syndrome, hypotension, pregnancy, sensitivity to components.


Available in the form of solution and tablets.
A drug Tanakan used for encephalopathy with decreased intelligence, attention and memory.
Among the side effects: nausea, diarrhea, itching, eczema, and possible headache with dizziness.
Contraindications: should not be taken by pregnant or lactating women, gastritis, peptic ulcer, coronary syndrome, sensitivity to components.


Phenibut is available in tablet form.
Prescribed for a calming effect, for relaxation.
Used for stress, depression, sleep disorders, and anxiety.

Possible side effects: headache, nausea, diarrhea, rash, abdominal pain, itching, eczema, skin allergies.
Phenibut contraindications: pregnancy, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer, myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accidents, hypersensitivity to the drug.


Available in tablet form.
Prescribed to normalize all processes in the brain, improve memory, and enhance thinking.
Aminalon helps restore speech after acute cerebrovascular accidents. Widely prescribed in pediatrics for children with mental retardation. The drug must be taken after meals.

Side effects of the drug Aminalon: feeling of heat, vomiting, insomnia.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Pantogam (tablets, syrup)

Purpose of the drug: Used in children with mental retardation, mental retardation, speech delay, and epilepsy. For trigeminal neuralgia, subcortical hyperkinesis.
The drug must be taken after meals.

Possible side effects: allergic reactions, skin rashes; sleep disturbances or drowsiness.
Contraindications: acute severe kidney disease, pregnancy, lactation, sensitivity to components.

Picamilon (tablets)

Purpose of the drug: For acute cerebrovascular accidents, for vegetative-vascular crises, for excessive irritability, as well as for increasing the body’s resistance to mental and physical stress.

Possible side effects: nausea, agitation, anxiety, headache with dizziness, rash or itching.
Contraindications: kidney disease, intolerance to components.

Memoplant (tablets)

Purpose of the drug: Improves blood circulation, increases the body's resistance to oxygen starvation. With memory deterioration, decreased attention and intellectual abilities.
You can take the drug regardless of meals.

Possible side effects: swelling of the skin, skin rash, itching, headache, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
Contraindications: myocardial infarction, decreased blood clotting, cerebrovascular accidents, gastritis, ulcers, individual sensitivity to Memoplant components.

All of these drugs improve memory and brain function. They are allowed for free sale without a prescription in Russia.
However, it should be remembered that Before using medications, consult a doctor , who will prescribe doses and course of treatment, since using these drugs on an ongoing basis is impossible and dangerous to health.

These drugs are considered the most progressive when it comes to drug treatment. When used correctly, they actually improve memory and brain function. However, sometimes it is still better to consider the possibility of improving your own memory without the help of drugs, but by using effective folk methods and remedies.

Effective methods to improve memory

Today we know what memory is, but we do not understand the process of “recording” in neural networks at all; we only know that during memorization, a new connection is formed between neurons in the temporal cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. But even such insignificant knowledge allowed us to find ways and techniques of memorization.

It should be noted that there are people who remember absolutely everything, any period of time to all the details, this phenomenon is genetically determined, since our brain is designed in such a way that it erases unnecessary information, and these people do not have this ability.

Let's consider modern effective methods for improving your own memory without any drugs , which improve memory and brain function.

Cicero's method

It is believed that this method was used Cicero, he is also its author. The point is that you need to take a walk every evening along the alley or in the park, or, in general, when you go to work, but you need remember the order of things .
For example: a store, trees, a bench and everything else that you meet on your way, but will not change its position tomorrow, since you first need to remember all the things on the road along which you will travel.

Then, when you need to remember something, you simply associate a word with an object. For example, the English word bus (bus) is tied to a brown bench on the left side of the road. The most important thing is to imagine how you move along the route and “link” the words.

On a note: Cicero tied words to stones lying on the road.
This is how, without any drugs, you can improve your memory and brain function.

Associative method

The association method is a bit similar to the method described above, but is easier. The principle is that to remember, you need to create an association with another object or word . After that, make “your” story.
For example, also the English word “ bus» is associated with a bus and monkeys. Next, you need to come up with a story that will help develop mental conclusions and imagination.

For example, the story is this: After I drank tea, I went outside and instead of a taxi, a bus with monkeys came for me.
This method is one of the simplest, you can create your own associations, in addition, this method is fun and can be practiced with children.

It is also considered one of the most effective for remembering information and training the brain without the use of memory enhancing drugs.

Mind map method

To date this method is recognized as the most effective, since you will have to remember not “through” the left hemisphere, that is, by the method of associations of objects, but “through” the right hemisphere - by the method images and construction of a logical chain .

To begin with, I would like to say that the left hemisphere, compared to the right, is much behind in functional brain activity, but it is much easier to use, therefore it constantly enters into thought processes faster. For example, in order to use the right hemisphere, you need to start drawing. This is where you turn on your talent as an artist, even if it is absent. Thanks to the work of the right hemisphere, anyone can draw anything, even if he can't draw.

The essence of the method is that On a piece of paper you indicate some object or thing. And then you release the twig from it and write what is connected with it .

To develop your brain and improve your memory, try to draw more. That is, if you have the original boring text, you just need to place it on a piece of paper in the form of a drawing. This method is used by a large number of students all over the world because it is the most effective.

We hope you can activate your brain without using any drugs, and if not, well-known drugs that improve memory and brain function.

In this article we tried to cover the topic for you: .

We hope the information was useful and relevant for you to use in your life. Always stay on top, thank you for your attention, women's online magazine website

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All methods and methods of treatment outlined in the article, as well as medications mentioned in the article, are indicated as recommendations and advice. Before using them, be sure to consult with your doctor and obtain a prescription and plan for their use. The site is not a source of medical advice.

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Memory and attention often deteriorate with age; this can be caused by completely different reasons, which must be determined by the attending physician. First of all, the doctor prescribes drug treatment with drugs - nootropics in order to relieve this symptom or help the body restore proper brain function. We will consider below which memory medications are most effective for older people.

There are several reasons for memory deterioration in older people:

  • Deterioration of the hippocampus (the area of ​​the brain responsible for memories).
  • A decrease in the level of proteins and hormones in the body that protect and restore brain cells and stimulate the formation of neural connections.
  • Reduced blood flow to the brain, which negatively affects memory and other cognitive skills of a person.

In order to differentiate between ordinary forgetfulness and the onset of an incipient disease, you should consult your doctor in time.

TOP 10 medications for memory in the elderly

There are quite a lot of medications prescribed for memory in older people; the table below discusses the pros and cons of the most common ones.

A drug





Noopept is an innovative nootropic drug developed by Russian scientists with a complex action that improves blood circulation and brain function, helps restore memory and attention, reduce dizziness, improve well-being and good sleep.

Noopept has a unique mechanism of complex action:

1. Nootropic effect - Noopept restores memory and, unlike its analogues, acts directly on all three stages of memory: I - memorization, II - storage, III - reproduction.

2. Antioxidant effect – Noopept protects against free radicals

3. Neuroprotective effect – Noopept protects brain cells and also activates the drug’s own cell protection mechanisms. The neuroprotective effect of the drug is due to the fact that under the influence of the active substance in the brain, resistance to various damaging influences increases, and the degree of damage to brain neurons decreases.

4. Improves nutrition and blood supply to the brain

The drug improves the rheological properties of blood and increases the antiaggregation potential of the vascular wall.

An innovative, highly effective drug. Restores cognitive functions, incl. improves memory, attention, learning ability, attention. It also helps normalize sleep and improve mood.

A drug

has a minimum of contraindications and side effects,

not addictive.
Recommended course of admission: 1.5 – 3 months.
Corrector of cerebrovascular accident.

Improves cerebral blood flow and metabolism.

glucose utilization.
Often reduces blood pressure, can cause tachycardia, extrasystalia.
PhenibutNootropic, has a tranquilizing, anticonvulsant, antioxidant effect.

Reduces anxiety,

improves sleep,

eliminates headaches

Outdated drug.

There are side effects and contraindications
PiracetamNootropic drug.

Restores and stabilizes brain functions,

has a moderate anticonvulsant effect.

An old drug, one of the very first.

There are quite a lot of side effects and contraindications.

Not compatible with thyroxine, triiodothyronine.

Aminoacetic acid.

It is used in medicine as a nootropic drug.

Soft drug.

Eliminates mild anxiety, normalizes metabolism, stimulates brain functions
Fairly weak cumulative effect.
FenotropilNootropic drug. It has a vegetative stabilizing, antiasthenic, psychostimulating, anxiolytic, antidepressant, anticonvulsant effect, and increases performance.

There are many side effects and contraindications.

Strengthens central nervous system stimulants, antidepressants, and other nootropic drugs.
AminalonA nootropic drug that stimulates metabolism in the central nervous system. It has a moderate psychostimulating effect and anticonvulsant effect.

Side effects, contraindications,

enhances the effect of benzodiazepines, hypnotics and anticonvulsants.
PantogamNootropic drug. Stimulates anabolic processes in neurons and has an anticonvulsant effect.

Prolongs the effect of barbiturates, enhances the effects of local anesthetics, anticonvulsants,

many side effects.
PicamilonNootropic drug, corrector of cerebral circulation disorders. It has an antioxidant, tranquilizing and psychostimulating effect.

Cannot be used for kidney disease

many side effects.

CinnarizineCorrector of cerebrovascular accidents, calcium channel blocker.

The drug improves cerebral circulation,

improves peripheral blood circulation, cheap drug.
Outdated drug, many side effects.

Based on the data in the table, we can conclude that Noopept is one of the most effective and safe nootropics today. This drug helps improve cognitive functions (attention, memory), reduces anxiety, irritability, and has vegetotropic and antiasthenic effects. A noticeable effect occurs on average 2 weeks after the start of administration; there are practically no side effects.

Noopept is available without a prescription and does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms. The drug is well tolerated by patients and is effective both in monotherapy and in complex treatment. Patients often report improved sleep, decreased anxiety, increased concentration and ability to remember. At the same time, the drug does not cause drowsiness and does not have a strong stimulating effect.

Alternative ways to improve memory for older people

In addition to the necessary drug therapy, other methods of improving memory should be used so that the treatment is comprehensive.

You should pay attention to your diet, exercise and creating a favorable and comfortable psychological environment around. It is also important to get enough sleep at night, as well as walks in the fresh air.

To train your memory, you can use the following techniques: read more and retell what you read, learn poetry, carefully study the details of the surrounding reality, learn foreign languages, learn to play musical instruments, you can also try to master one of the many mnemonics.

Proper nutrition

One important aspect for maintaining brain function in old age is nutrition.

You should eat only healthy and simple foods that contain the vitamins and microelements necessary for the proper functioning of the brain.

Most of all, the brain needs substances that improve its functioning, these are products containing vitamins B and C, E, K, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, boron, antioxidants.

Some of the most useful foods for improving brain function are:

  • Fruits
  • Beef, liver
  • Sea fish
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Dairy
  • Olive oil

Regular moderate physical activity has a positive effect on the entire body, including the functioning of the brain. Physical exercise stimulates blood circulation and improves the supply of nutrients to the brain. In addition, walking, Nordic walking, and swimming have a beneficial effect on memory.

It is best to consult your doctor before choosing a set of exercises or a sport and find out if there are any contraindications.

Healthy environment

The environment plays an important role in maintaining brain function. Stress deteriorates memory, attention and other cognitive functions, so you should protect yourself from nervous strain.

If possible, it is necessary to limit the flow of negative information and worry less. A favorable environment is the key to a speedy recovery.


When choosing a medication to improve memory, older people should keep in mind that in order to avoid improper treatment, they should first visit a doctor for a diagnosis.

Often, in case of memory deterioration, doctors prescribe nootropic drugs, and one of the modern drugs in this group is Noopept.

This drug compares favorably with analogues in its good tolerability, mild and long-lasting effect, and high safety profile. Noopept is not addictive, has no toxic effects, and can be combined with other drugs in complex therapy. This drug can be taken not only in the presence of serious neurological diseases, but also in cases of decreased concentration and memory impairment due to stress, fatigue, insomnia and other harmful factors.

Children and students need memory to study well.

A person’s good memory is a confirmation of his health and normal brain functionality.

The ability to perceive new information is becoming a daily necessity in the modern world.

A good memory is needed by all people of different ages.

Medicines that stimulate brain activity are called nootropics.

These drugs, which improve memory and brain function, can improve memory at different ages, as well as strengthen brain cells.

In old age, memory helps to strain the brain, and thereby prevents it from fading away.

Such drugs are taken medicinally at a time when high concentration of the brain is required and at a time when it is necessary to remember a large amount of information received.

Also, nootropic medications help restore the functionality of brain cells after a head injury or stroke.

Methods for improving memory and brain function

It is necessary to introduce more carbohydrates into the diet, which are converted into glucose. Glucose is very important for nourishing brain cells.

Memory training method.

Physical strengthening exercises and training will allow the blood flow system to work better, and more blood will flow into the brain, which will replenish its cells with oxygen and nutrition.

Scientists have proven that information is absorbed much better after physical exertion on the body.

For the active functioning of the brain and to improve memory, it is necessary to set tasks for the brain to search for rather complex information and understand it.

Engage in constant concentration of the brain and record visual information.

But the use of drugs that improve memory and improve brain performance must be taken:

  • for children to improve blood flow in cerebral vessels with genetic pathologies of the vascular system;
  • in old age to restore brain functionality and improve memory;
  • students during the period of active preparation for exams and in order to be able to concentrate information;
  • people involved in exact sciences, to improve memory and the brain to perform its functional duties;
  • for people of creative professions for increased functioning of brain cells;
  • intellectual people with decreased memory and fading brain performance;
  • after suffering pathologies in the vascular system of the brain;
  • after a stroke.

Drugs used to improve memory

The problem with memory is solved by a neurologist who will be able to prescribe the necessary drugs for better brain function, which are not commercially available in pharmacies.

Before taking medications that can improve memory, you should consult a neurologist or neurologist.

These are specialized specialists who know how all parts of the brain are structured, as well as the principle of operation of this organ.

Therefore, these specialists will conduct a competent examination and, if necessary, refer you for a diagnostic study of brain cells in order to establish the correct diagnosis and select the most necessary drugs for the functioning of the brain.

Moreover, independent selection of drugs to improve memory may not only not be beneficial, but, on the contrary, dull the functioning of the brain and aggravate developing pathologies in the cerebral vascular system, which can lead to the occurrence of serious diseases of the nervous system.

You can start restoring your brain function with:

  • taking vitamins;
  • try using traditional medicine recipes;
  • use herbal preparations that improve blood supply to the cerebral vessels;
  • adjust your blood pressure index, which will have a positive effect on improving memory and brain function.

If these folk recipes do not have a positive effect on memory, then it is necessary to use synthetic medicinal drugs to improve memory and brain function.

The best and most effective drugs for increasing mental performance are the medicinal group of nootropics.

Nootropic drugs for memory and improved brain function

Nootropic drugs are drugs that belong to the class of psychotropic medications.

But these drugs can improve memory and enhance intellectual function.

This group of drugs differs significantly from other psychotropic drugs in that nootropics do not affect the biological and energetic activity of the cerebral cortex and do not change the functionality of brain cells.

Also, nootropics do not affect the motor activity of cells of all components of the brain, do not change the reflex ability of the brain, and also do not change the innervation of the vegetative type .

They have a positive effect on the restorative processes of brain functionality and the thought process, which were lost under the influence of negative factors and developed pathologies.

Nootropic effect for brain function and memory improvement

The nootropic effect of this group of drugs is based on stimulating the functional duties of the central nervous system and its centers in the cerebral cortex and in the cells of brain regions.

The effect is created to:

  • increase in human intellectual abilities;
  • for more extensive speech skills;
  • to remember a large amount of information.

This effect occurs due to:

  • stimulating oxidative as well as reduction reactions;
  • there is a rapid increase in cycles of biochemical synthesis in the brain - timely utilization of glucose molecules occurs, as well as cyclicity of adenosine triphosphate molecules;
  • through metabolism in tissue cells during their respiration;
  • while improving metabolism in the brain fibers of the nervous system.

The nootropic effect promotes the functionality of the body, namely:

  • changes blood flow into the cerebral vessels for the better, which contributes to their better nutrition and oxygen enrichment;
  • has a positive effect on human consciousness;
  • has a positive effect on mental clarity;
  • increases the level of brain concentration on objects or information received;
  • the child’s mental development increases;
  • the learning ability of children and students on the eve of exams, as well as primary school students, increases;
  • the stability of brain functions to the influence of external negative factors on brain vessels and cells is manifested;
  • the use of medications that have side effects on the central nervous system is less perceived as having negative effects on brain function;
  • reduction of severe inhibition of brain cells;
  • less pronounced inertia;
  • activation of the functional responsibilities of all centers of the nervous system;
  • increasing the intellectual abilities of brain cells;
  • increased mental performance;
  • improvement of all centers and functions of the brain process;
  • for brain activity in older people;
  • to increase brain cell activity for primary school students;
  • to restore attention functions;
  • to improve memory.

Other abilities of nootropic drugs when affecting the body

In addition to the effect of nootropic drugs on the restorative functions of the brain and on improving its performance, these drugs have a positive effect on the nervous system.

The effect of the drugs is as follows:

  • the irritability of the nervous system decreases;
  • the level of human excitability decreases;
  • has a hypnotic effect on nerve endings;
  • calming effect on all reflexes of the nervous system;
  • antiepileptic effect;
  • has a positive effect on the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.

The only side effect is addiction to this group of drugs.

Nootropic drugs have low toxicity to the body and have virtually no pronounced side effects.

Nootropic drugs get along well in the body with all drugs from pharmacological medicinal groups, which makes it possible to use them both as a medicine for the treatment of severe pathologies, and as preventive measures to improve memory and brain function.

Sometimes nootropic drugs cause side effects on the body due to their psychotropic manifestations, these are:

  • feeling of concern;
  • feeling of fear;
  • insomnia;
  • depressive state.

Also, nootropic drugs have their own contraindications, which are indicated in the instructions for this drug.

The most effective nootropic drugs for improving memory

Nameat what age should you take it?price in Russian rubles
drug Nootropilfrom 3 years old child130,00 - 330,00
medicine Cavintonafter adulthood170,00 - 730,00
medicine Aminalonno age limit120,00 - 230,00
herbal medicine Bilobilfrom 18th birthday260,00 - 1000,00
Divaza tabletsfrom 18 calendar years260,00 - 350,00
medication Piracetamno age limit30,00 - 140,00
drug Encephabolno age limit650,00 - 1000,00
drug Vitrum memoryno age limit530,00 - 2200,00
vitamins Undevitno age limit30,00 - 90,00
herbal preparation Ginkgo Bilobafrom 18 years of age100,00 - 2000,00
medicine Glycine D3no age limit180,00 - 500,00
drug Picamilonno age limit70,00 - 170,00
drug Cerebrolysinfrom 5 calendar years660,00 - 1500,00
medicine Glycineno age limit50,00 - 200,00
medical drug Intellanno age limit180,00 - 230,00
Memory restoring agent Noofenchild over 8 calendar years old70,00 - 470,00
Phezam tabletsup to 5 years240,00 - 360,00

A drug that improves the functioning of brain cells - Piracetam

Pharmacological actions of this drug are:

  • improvement of blood flow in cerebral vessels;
  • accelerated utilization of glucose molecules occurs;
  • the potential of the brain and energy centers increases;
  • thinking ability accelerates.

This drug was developed 45 years ago and was intended to treat sclerosis in the elderly. This drug is used all over the world for the treatment of such pathologies in adult patients:

  • after a stroke;
  • in the post-infarction period;
  • for Alzheimer's disease;
  • for central nervous system disorders;
  • with an increased blood pressure index;
  • with alcohol addiction;
  • when the body is intoxicated with nicotine and alcohol;
  • after overdose and intoxication with medicinal drugs;
  • for pathologies of the blood flow system.

Piracetam was also used to improve brain function in the following pathologies:

  • after cerebral hypoxia during the period of intrauterine formation;
  • with a head injury, at the time of passage through the birth canal;
  • consequences of birth trauma;
  • increased mental distress.

The drug course of the drug is at least 60 calendar days.

Side effects of Piracetam:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • weakness of the body.

Improving memory and brain function - the drug Nootropil

The drug Nootropil has an active substance - piracetam.

This drug is used for the following pathologies:

  • cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • intoxication of the body, which damages brain cells;
  • after a cerebral hemorrhage (stroke);
  • Alzheimer's pathology;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • with vertebrobasilar insufficiency.

In childhood, the drug Nootropil is used to relieve the effects of negative factors on the brain:

  • after intrauterine brain hypoxia;
  • after an infection during fetal development;
  • after suffering injuries during the passage of the birth canal;
  • with cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy);
  • with mental retardation;
  • with inattention syndrome (attention deficit), which occurs in a severe stage;
  • for childhood dyslexia, during the period of mental development of the child.

Contraindications to the use of this drug are children under 3 years of age.

Side effects of Nootropil are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • increased sexual arousal in men;
  • increased libido in young women;
  • nervousness;
  • increased nervous excitement;
  • pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

What nootropic drug improves memory and the functioning of all parts of the brain?

Fezam is a combination drug.

A nootropic drug that improves brain function and also restores normal memory is Phezam.

It contains 2 nootropic drugs: Piracetam and the drug Cinnarizine.

Indications for use of the drug Phezam:

  • after hemorrhage of cerebral vessels (stroke);
  • with impaired blood flow in the cerebral blood supply system;
  • Alzheimer's pathology;
  • with Meniere's disease;
  • with Parkinson's disease;
  • with inflammation in the brain - encephalopathy;
  • head injury in which parts of the brain were affected;
  • intoxication of the body, which affects brain cells;
  • for migraines.

    Contraindications to the use of this drug are children under 5 calendar years.

    Side effects of the drug Phezam:

  • allergic rashes on the skin;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of coordination;
  • drowsiness after taking the pill;
  • hand tremors

The medical treatment course with Phezam is 60 calendar days.

A drug that restores memory and brain performance - Cerebrolysin

For this nootropic drug, the release form is an injection solution.

This medicine is used for the following pathologies:

A drug course of Cerebrolysin lasts from 45 to 90 calendar days.

Side properties of Cerebrolysin:

  • dizziness;
  • pathology dyspepsia;
  • allergic itching at the injection site;
  • redness of the skin at the injection site;
  • decreased or loss of appetite;
  • confusion;
  • lack of concentration and lack of clarity of mind;
  • sleep disturbance.

Medicine - Phenotropil

This drug, which improves memory, is also used as a general strengthening drug when the body is overloaded - of a mental nature, or heavy physical exertion.

This drug has found widespread use among students before an exam and among people who are involved in professional sports and have heavy physical training and competitions.

For the treatment of brain cells, the drug is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • in conditions of neurological breakdowns;
  • for diseases of the central nervous system and its centers;
  • damage to cerebral vessels;
  • with a disturbed metabolic process in the cerebral vascular system;
  • with a head injury with damage to parts of the brain;
  • in a depressed state;
  • with partial memory loss;
  • with convulsions;
  • with hypoxia of brain centers;
  • during the period of alcohol intoxication in the chronic type of alcoholism.

Phenotropil has a positive effect on the brain, improving its functionality:

  • the activity of brain centers becomes noticeably better;
  • memory improves;
  • concentration and attention increases;
  • helps in memorizing a large amount of information during the learning process.

Negative properties of the drug for improving memory Phenotropil:

  • overexcitation of the nervous system;
  • insomnia.

Medicinal drug course with Phenotropil - 30 calendar days. Children under 5 years of age are prohibited from taking the drug.

List of nootropic drugs that improve brain function and memory

Vinpocetinetablets to improve blood circulation in the brain and memory. Application:
· encephalopathy;
· cerebrovascular insufficiency;
· manifestations of menopause in women of a vasovegetative nature.
The drug is prescribed only to adult patients.
Encephabolthe medicine is used at any age and during pregnancy, for better circulation of cerebral blood flow. Indications for use:
· deviations in memory function;
· decrease in brain abilities;
· speech function disorders;
· lack of concentration and attention.
Intellana herbal medicine containing vitamin and mineral complexes. The drug is prescribed to all age categories. This remedy can be used during the period of intrauterine formation of the baby. When taken regularly, it can saturate the brain with useful substances and elements. Strengthens the walls of brain vessels. Prescribed for treatment and preventive measures in the following cases:
overexcitation of the nervous system;
· depressive state;
· inability to concentrate;
· partial memory loss;
· in case of rapid fatigue of the body - gives vigor;
· during irritability and stressful situations;
· with feelings of fear and anxiety.
Tanakanherbal medicine to improve memory and brain cell function. The drug is used to strengthen cerebral vessels and improve blood flow in them. The components in the drug fill the brain with glucose molecules, and this drug also has antiplatelet properties that prevent the formation of blood clots in the arteries. The drug also has the following properties:
· reduce blood pressure index;
· remove tinnitus;
· reduce irritation of the centers of the nervous system;
· restore the functioning of the visual organ;
· increase the sharpness of brain concentration;
· help with training.
the herbal medicine can be given to patients of all ages.
Picamilonindications for use:
· after disruption of cerebral vessels by stroke;
· in case of brain injury;
· in case of memory loss (or partial loss);
· for migraine;
· for diseases of the eyeball - glaucoma;
· an elderly person with decreased mental abilities;
· with constant fatigue and decreased performance.
Aminalonindications for use:
· after disruption of cerebral vessels by all types of stroke;
· in case of brain injury;
· in case of memory impairment;
· with a high blood pressure index;
· for pathologies of the heart organ;
· for diseases of the bloodstream system;
· for atherosclerosis of the arteries;
severe dizziness;
· in a state of panic attack;
· state of depression;
· intoxication of the body with alcohol;
· drug overdose;
· poisoning of the body with toxins of plant origin (mushrooms, berries);
· when bitten by poisonous insects;
· underdevelopment of the brain in children.
This drug is used at different ages.
Pantogamindications for use:
· diseases schizophrenia;
· brain disease - dementia;
epilepsy disease;
· with memory loss;
· diseases of the vascular system, in which a change occurs in the stacks;
after a stroke attack;
· for childhood stuttering;
· in case of deviations in the child’s mental abilities;
· with strabismus;
· when the child lacks attention and concentration on the necessary information.
This drug is prescribed to all age categories.
MemoplantThis drug belongs to the group of angioprotectors. This product contains plant components that can affect the functioning of the arteries of the brain. This remedy is used for all ages, as well as for women during pregnancy. Indications for use:
· for severe headaches;
· with meningitis;
· for migraine;
· with tinnitus;
· for painful sensations in the occipital part of the brain and in the neck;
· with insufficient blood flow in the peripheral parts of the circulatory system (in the extremities).

A drug to improve memory - Glycine

This remedy improves the functioning of all brain centers.

A sublingual remedy for improving memory, which is available in tablet form.

This drug is one of the safest drugs because it connects to metabolic processes in the organ that occur naturally.

The drug does not change the structure of brain cells and does not interfere with the synthesis of necessary elements.

Glycine is the best drug for preventive measures to improve memory and strengthen cerebral arteries.

Medicines do not accumulate in the body; they are quickly eliminated from it by the kidneys, which makes it impossible to become addicted to this drug.

Indications for use:

  • chronic alcoholism - reduces the effect of alcohol on the blood vessels of the brain;
  • intoxication with alcohol and plant toxins;
  • to strengthen intellectual performance;
  • to improve memory and remember a large amount of information;
  • to improve concentration and attention;
  • to relieve nervous tension before an exam.

The medicinal course of this drug is from 14 calendar days to 30 calendar days.

When treating children under 3 years of age, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the child’s body and not take the drug as prescribed.

Glycine is a herbal preparation, but it also has a medicinal effect on the body, so its intake must be adjusted with your doctor.

The doctor will prescribe a dosage regimen, how to drink it and the dosage, based on the individual characteristics of the baby’s body.

For young children the drug is prescribed:

  • in case of sleep disturbance;
  • overexcitability of the nervous system;
  • for nervous disorders;
  • with mental retardation;
  • with hyperactivity and loss of attentiveness.

Features of taking medications to improve memory

Drugs to improve the functioning of brain cells and memory can be taken without fear of consequences for the body, if you know how they work in the body:

Medicinal drug Glycine- the best remedy for brain function and memory improvement. Has no toxicity to the body and acts as an additional nutrient for brain cells;

Nootropil- Do not take without a prescribed treatment regimen by a doctor. After suffering attacks and injuries, the body becomes vulnerable to the side effects of the drug, therefore self-treatment is strictly prohibited;

Intellan for improving memory, must also be taken as prescribed by your doctor.

The drug has a number of side effects, so this should be taken into account during therapy.

A drug to improve the functioning of brain cells Piracetam, you can purchase it yourself, it is only recommended to drink it according to the regimen that the doctor drew up with the dosage and duration of the course.

Medicine Phenotropil is one of the best drugs for improving memory. Only this remedy has a number of contraindications, so it cannot be used as self-medication for the brain. The duration of the treatment course with the medication, as well as its dosage, can only be selected individually by a specialized qualified doctor.

This medicine is sold only as prescribed by a doctor.

Memory improving drug Tanakan- It is not recommended to take it on your own. An appointment with a specialized doctor is required.

Preparations Picamilon, as well as the drug Aminalon- taken according to the exact regimen prescribed by the doctor. Independent revision of the dosage and change in the duration of the treatment course is not permitted.

A medicine to improve memory, as well as to improve the performance of brain cells. Memoplant is sold in pharmacy kiosks, in accordance with the dosage of the drug— a dosage of up to 80.0 milligrams is dispensed freely, a dosage of tablets of 120.0 milligrams is only as prescribed by the treating doctor.

Herbal medicines to improve memory and brain cell function

Herbal medicines are the safest means for the body. Also, to improve memory, it is necessary to take B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin E; for good functioning of the blood vessel system and the heart organ, the microelement magnesium.

List of drugs:

  • Medicine for brain cell function and memory - vitamin E. This product is an excellent antioxidant that has a positive effect on the performance of blood vessels, as well as on the entire body. Improves mental state and emotions, increases the level of intelligence;
  • Complex of 11 types of vitamins - Undevit. Improves the functioning of brain cells, and also improves memory and intelligence. It is recommended to be taken by schoolchildren during their studies and by older people with decreased brain function;
  • Herbal medicine Vitrum memory— tablets for improving memory with plant extracts;
  • Herbal medicine Bilobil- refers to a medicinal product for adults. It is not recommended to take it without a doctor’s prescription, since this drug has an antiplatelet effect, which, if taken uncontrolled, can lead to bleeding;
  • Ginkgo biloba is an extract of a medicinal plant. Prescribed to improve mental functions.

Traditional medicinal recipes for better memory

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes to improve memory and the functioning of all centers of the nervous system:

Alcohol tinctures for preventive measures to improve memory and brain function Vodka, alcohol, or cognac are suitable as the base of the tincture.

Tincture based on the medicinal plant elecampane - 500.0 milliliters of vodka (alcohol) and one tablespoon of the roots of this plant.

Infuse in a non-transparent container for 30 calendar days. After this, filter the tincture and take one tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

The medicinal course of this tincture is from 21 to 30 calendar days.

Training exercises for memory and brain cell function

From a young age you need to constantly train your mind.

When the amount of information decreases, and this is especially true in old age, you need to do mental gymnastics:

  • Quickly recall words that begin with letters of the alphabet. Only the pace should be as fast as possible;
  • Periodically recall foreign words learned at school, and also, if possible, learn new ones;
  • Quickly count from the number 100 downward;
  • The classic city game is a great way to train your memory and brain;
  • Solve puzzles;
  • Learn poetry, as well as prose (excerpts of works);
  • Solve math problems every day.

Right way of life

For normal brain function you need:

  • Daily normalized loads on the body;
  • Balanced diet;
  • It is necessary to maintain correct posture when walking, as well as when sitting - this will ensure proper blood flow to the brain cells;
  • Control proper bowel movements of the body - the development of bacteria can cause pathologies in the brain.


For the normal functioning of brain cells, you must always be in a good mood and have a positive outlook on life.

Avoiding stressful situations will not only help your brain function, but will also save you from many serious diseases.

Preventative measures and medications will make your mind productive for many years.

Problems with memory, concentration, and loss of clarity of thinking come not only with age. Stress, overwork, and illness cause disruption in the nervous system. Drugs to improve memory and brain function activate learning abilities. While taking brain and memory pills, do mnemonic exercises at the same time. Comprehensive treatment will increase the chances of success.

Types of drugs to improve memory and cerebral circulation

A specialist prescribes medications to improve memory and brain function. If you take them incorrectly, your health may worsen. There are vitamin complexes that improve brain function. To prevent disorders, mild medications for brain function, herbal, and homeopathic remedies are indicated.


Psychomotor stimulants act on the cerebral cortex. Such as amphetamine or Ritalin are considered drugs in some countries. Legal stimulants are sold with a prescription. Common brain stimulating pills:

  1. "Adamantylphenylamine" ("Ladasten") is prescribed for depletion of the nervous system and asthenic conditions. Cannot be taken by pregnant women or children under 18. Increases the activity of the nervous system. Side effects include difficulty falling asleep, possible allergies. The medicine is taken during the day, 100-200 mg in 2 doses.
  2. "Sidnocarb" ("Mesocarb", "Dimetcarb") - stimulates the activity of the nervous system without causing addiction. Indications: asthenic conditions, head injury, lethargy. Contraindications: atherosclerosis, excitability, stage 3 hypertension. Take 1-2 times, before meals, always before evening. Possible side effects: irritability, anxiety.
  3. “Taurine” (“Dibikor”) is a component of energy drinks and an amino acid for stimulating the brain. Helps quickly relieve fatigue and increases concentration. When taken, brain function improves. Sensitivity to taurine can cause allergies. Drink within 20 minutes. before meals, 1 capsule per day (maximum 2).
  4. Caffeine – increases performance. Recommended for diseases that depress the functions of the central nervous system. Caffeine is a way to increase mental tone, which students use before an exam. Prohibited for insomnia and heart disease. Side effects include tremor and heartbeat. Take no more than 1.5 g per day.
  5. Succinic acid. Improves cellular nutrition, promotes ATP synthesis. Normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system, enhances the ability to withstand stress, and increases endurance. Indications: need to stimulate brain function, poor memory. Contraindications: gastrointestinal disorders, ischemia, kidney disease. Take the drug 1 tablet, after meals, 3 times a day.


The leaders among drugs for improving memory and brain function are nootropic drugs. All of them activate blood circulation in the brain and help restore its functions. These medications are contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women. Drugs with the largest number of positive reviews:

  1. "Piracetam" ("Nootropil"). Indicated for dizziness, Alzheimer's disease, decreased attention, impaired cerebral circulation. These tablets are used to improve memory. Possible side effects: lethargy, headache, nervousness. Take 8 weeks, 150 mg/kg per day, 2-4 times.
  2. "Fezam." Recommended if intellectual functions are reduced. This is a medicine to improve memory. Take one capsule twice daily for up to 8 weeks. Possible allergies.
  3. "Cerebrolysin" - ampoules. Indicated for mental retardation in people with brain damage. Injections should be given intravenously or intramuscularly for 10-20 days. Contraindications: epilepsy, renal failure. Side effects: insomnia, loss of appetite.
  4. "Cavinton" - improves brain metabolism. Prescribed for cerebral circulatory problems. This medicine for memory is taken three times a day, 5-10 mg, for a course of up to 3 months. May cause allergies.
  5. "Picamilon". Long-term use, up to 3 months, improves memory and attention. It is prescribed for depression, head injury, neuroinfections, cerebral circulatory disorders, contraindication – renal failure. Take one tablet 2-3 times a day, sometimes nausea, dizziness, and allergies are noted.


Memory enhancing drugs of natural origin work with long-term use. Among the components of dietary supplements, Omega-3, fatty acids and creatine stand out. Omega-3 is called “brain food” and its natural source is fish oil. Creatine is a dietary supplement that strengthens cells, including the brain, and helps maintain energy balance in it. Most supplements are not recommended for pregnant women. Among the plant-based dietary supplements, the following are known:

  1. “Ginkgo biloba” – containing extract of leaves of the tree of the same name. It is recommended for people with decreased memory and attention. Dosage: capsule 2 times a day, 6-8 weeks. Sometimes causes allergies.
  2. “Ostrum” - in addition to ginkgo biloba, it contains a vitamin complex, which contains choline, the main “vitamin of intelligence”. Indications: the need to stimulate mental activity, improve memory. Taken once a day.
  3. “Mnemotonic” – ginkgo and ginseng root. Improves memorization of large amounts of information, increases vascular elasticity and performance. Take one capsule twice a day. Not recommended for high blood pressure or insomnia.
  4. "Ikyuvit" - the components of this dietary supplement slow down brain aging. The drug is prescribed after a stroke or head injury to people complaining of memory. Take one capsule with breakfast.
  5. "Vazoleptin" - contains about 100 components, all of natural origin. Used for atherosclerosis and cerebrovascular disorders. Dosage: 1 tablet 3-4 times.

Tablets without a prescription

Light nootropic drugs are sold without a prescription. Popular remedies include “Glycine”, it calms and improves mental performance. Over-the-counter drugs include Intellan, which is recommended for mental disorders. “Bilobil” has the same indications. Edas-138 and Cerebralic are known from homeopathy; they are used to improve memory.


Complexes that support the nervous system often include B vitamins, supplements in the form of herbal components, amino acids and microelements. The following vitamins for memory are recommended:

  1. “Neuromultivit” - prescribed to optimize nervous activity, B-group vitamins.
  2. “Memofem” is a drug for women with lecithin and choline batartrate, contains extracts of gotu kola and eleutherococcus.
  3. "Vitrum Memory" - vitamin complex and ginkgo biloba.
  4. “ ” – improves memory and stress resistance.
  5. "Undevit" - vitamins for the elderly, strengthen the nervous system.

What medications to take

Psychotropic medications are prescribed for confirmed severe dementia based on a diagnosis made by a psychiatrist. In other cases, nootropics and maintenance therapy are prescribed. For children, it is preferable to prescribe medications in the form of syrup. Homeopathic remedies can be taken independently according to the instructions. Consultation with a homeopath is advisable.

For children

Nootropics often prescribed to children:

  • "Encephabol" (syrup);
  • "Pantogam" (syrup, tablets);
  • “Tenoten for children” – tablets that can be dissolved or given in crushed form;
  • "Intellan" (syrup, capsules) - for mental retardation.

For adults

In old age, most people need medication to stimulate intellectual activity. After 50 years, cerebral circulation deteriorates, nerve cells die with age, all this causes memory deterioration. The peak of the process is observed after 60, occurring at 65-70 years. Dates and events are becoming increasingly difficult to remember. People with memory impairment are prescribed vitamin complexes and nootropics.

Video about drugs for brain activity

Higher nervous activity is not fully understood, and intervention in a complex natural process must be thoughtful. It is important to select drugs taking into account the patient’s characteristics so as not to cause severe side effects. The videos below contain real “safety precautions” for those who are planning to use nootropics.

How to improve memory

For attention

The human brain is one of the mysterious creations of nature. Its capabilities have not yet been fully studied; constant research, debate and debate are ongoing in scientific circles on this matter. Without any doubt, science knows enough about the workings of the human brain, but there are still many unsolved mysteries.

The brain can be compared to a control center that directs and controls the work of the entire organism. It turns out that the quality of this control directly depends on our lifestyle, daily routine, nutrition and many other factors.

Each of us is familiar with a situation when it feels like our head is not thinking at all. This is a completely normal state in cases where your brain requires rest, it is simply tired from the stress and needs a break.

How can we help the main organ in our body?

Factors affecting brain function

The brain cannot think on its own; it happens at the will of our consciousness. Based on the rhythm of modern life, it is quite easy to “lose your head”, because there are too many factors that influence the functioning of our brain. Among them are the following:

  1. Bad habits. Each dose of nicotine constricts blood vessels in the brain, which disrupts the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain, and this will certainly gradually lead to the need for medications to improve brain function and memory. Alcohol leads to desiccation of brain tissue and death of neurons.
  2. Chronic lack of sleep.
  3. Ignoring breakfast. This meal supplies the body with energy for the whole day. If you regularly skip it, then the brain does not receive enough glucose, which necessarily affects its performance during the day.
  4. Lots of sweets. It is true that carbohydrates are simply necessary for brain function, but excess sugars in the form of sweets, cakes, and buns interfere with the absorption of healthy proteins, which again leads to impaired nutrition of neurons.
  5. Constant exposure to stress. A short-term shake-up is even beneficial for the body; the adrenaline that is released at the same time activates work and improves memory. Too much prolonged nervous and mental overstrain sometimes results in the urgent need for a remedy to improve brain function.
  6. Taking antidepressants and sleeping pills. A long course of these medications causes addiction and a general disruption of brain function.
  7. Lack of sunlight. Everyone has probably noticed how much our performance decreases during cloudy autumn days. Prolonged absence of sun not only worsens our mood, but also affects the abilities of our brain cells.
  8. Insufficient water consumption. This fluid is simply vital for the normal functioning of the entire body. If it is deficient, general health problems may occur, as well as a decrease in brain volume.
  9. A lot of information. A modern person is faced with a lot every day that needs to be remembered and processed. For some time, this is good for the brain, it is trained, memory improves. But when there is too much information, our governing body begins to rebel. This may manifest itself as forgetfulness and decreased performance.

There are so many factors on which the functioning of our body depends. Modern medications can always come to our aid to improve brain function and memory. If you know what means and when to take, then you can quite feel the effect.

How to help your brain

The brain is not a simple filling of the skull, but a formation without which it is impossible to imagine our life. It is he who gives us the opportunity to make important and timely decisions that determine our entire lives.

Not everyone is naturally endowed with the same mental abilities, but this does not mean that you cannot help your brain work. It is very possible if you approach this issue comprehensively. The list of priority actions may include:

  • Medicines to improve brain function and memory.
  • Lifestyle changes.
  • Proper nutrition.

Only taken together can these measures have a significant effect.

Purpose of drugs for the brain

If you are having problems with memory and you begin to notice that your brain is not working at all the way you would like, then you will have to consult a doctor. He will prescribe a number of medications, after taking them you should feel an improvement in your brain function. The drugs primarily increase blood circulation in this organ, which immediately has a positive effect on its functioning.

What is observed in the body while taking such medications:

  • The transmission of nerve impulses improves.
  • Free radicals that destroy cell walls are destroyed.
  • Blood supply to the brain noticeably improves.
  • Memory and performance improves.
  • There is a more active and rapid recovery after strokes.

Medicines that improve memory

Problems with remembering information can be observed in absolutely every person. This usually begins to happen with age, so-called forgetfulness appears.

But it also happens that memory problems can lead to serious consequences when, for example, a person leaves the house and forgets where he lives. In this case, only a doctor can give recommendations on what memory medications will help bring everything back to normal.

Medicine has two groups of drugs to improve brain function:

  1. Nootropics. Specially designed to strengthen the walls and stimulate brain tissue. They are prescribed not only as drugs, but also as drugs that can help mentally unstable individuals.
  2. Natural stimulants. They are obtained from the Ginkgo biloba plant. These drugs are most often released in the form of drops.

After talking with the patient, the doctor will decide from which group to prescribe medications that improve memory.

Popular drugs for the brain and memory

In any pharmacy, a pharmacist can always offer you medications from this group without a doctor’s prescription. In some cases, this is not so important if you purchase vitamin preparations or some harmless products, such as Glycine. In case of serious problems in this area, you should not self-medicate.

Among all the medicines, the most famous are:

  1. "Nootropil" Sometimes it is prescribed to completely healthy people who want to improve the performance of their brain.
  2. Intellan is often prescribed as a memory medicine for the elderly (especially with severe nervous exhaustion, disorders, insomnia).
  3. "Fezam." Its technique is relevant for thinking. The drug should be taken in courses of 1-3 months, depending on the condition. It is not usually prescribed as a memory drug for children because it has serious side effects.
  4. "Piracetam." A fairly popular drug even among students, especially during sessions.
  5. "Phenotropil". It increases not only memory, but also performance, which is why athletes actively take it.
  6. “Vitrum Memory” is a drug based on a phytocollection, which is why long-term use is recommended.
  7. Cavinton improves blood circulation, oxygen supply to the brain, and has a positive effect in cases of memory and attention disorders.
  8. "Picamilon". Improves brain function, mental activity, increases the body's resistance to heavy loads.
  9. “Cerebrolysin” contains many amino acids essential for the brain, therefore it has a positive effect on memory disorders.
  10. Ginkgo biloba has proven itself to be an excellent antioxidant.
  11. "Glycine". A widely used drug for both children and adults. Improves brain activity and memory.

The list goes on, but if you don’t know exactly what you need, don’t purchase the drug yourself. After all, only a doctor can advise you which medicine improves memory more effectively. In each specific case, treatment may differ significantly.

Children's brain drugs

Our children are exposed to serious stress at school. The curriculum now is quite difficult, and not every child can cope with it. Even strong students sometimes have problems remembering large amounts of information, but what can we say about average C students?

The performance of a child's brain, unfortunately, is negatively affected by a passion for computers, an abundance of solution books, and the Internet. Nowadays you don’t have to think much to write an essay on literature or do an algebra assignment. All you have to do is open the Internet and find all the answers. Brain cells wean themselves from working independently, so their ability to store information for a long time gradually weakens.

In this case, vitamin preparations can come to the rescue as memory medicine for children. Parents can independently determine the symptoms of vitamin deficiency in their child. Signs of this condition are:

  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Inability to remember educational material.
  • Weak voluntary attention.
  • Memory loss.
  • Restlessness.

Among the medications, there is a fairly extensive list of vitamins that can be selected for a child of any age. If we talk about schoolchildren, the following complexes are most often taken:

  1. "Pikovit." Helps younger students quickly adapt to school workloads. The minerals and vitamins contained in it improve mental activity and memory.
  2. "Alphabet". A popular drug among parents and children. In each tablet, vitamins and minerals are selected correctly, taking into account their compatibility with each other.
  3. "Vitamishki". You can start taking it for children as young as 3 years old. The drug not only stimulates brain function, improves memory, but also strengthens the immune system.

All children's vitamins do not contain harmful additives and are therefore completely safe for children. As a result of their intake, the following changes can be observed:

  1. The child's intelligence increases.
  2. The quality of memorization of material improves, which means academic performance becomes better.
  3. The child is able to complete homework independently.
  4. The student becomes more diligent and attentive.

It is advisable to start taking vitamin complexes before starting classes, and not wait until problems arise.

Brain Foods

Our brain center, like no other organ, needs a constant supply of nutrients. That is why the quality of our nutrition leaves an imprint on the functioning of the brain.

The following foods can be cited to improve brain function.

  1. Cereals are sources of B vitamins, without which you can forget about normal brain function. Start your day with porridge or muesli, and your memory will never let you down.
  2. Seeds, nuts, and eggs contain large amounts of vitamin E. And it affects not only memory, but also improves vision.
  3. Fresh fruits, berries, especially currants and blueberries.
  4. Fish. It must be included in the diet at least 3 times a week. If you follow this simple rule, then you will not suffer from Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Broccoli. This variety of cabbage contains a lot of vitamin K, which stimulates the cognitive activity of the brain.
  6. Apples. The most affordable fruit and so healthy. Prevents the formation of plaques in brain vessels. It is enough to eat only half an apple a day.

All of the products listed are quite affordable, so if you wish, you can always include them in your diet, then you will not need medications to improve brain function and memory.


The advice of doctors can be used in the fight against many ailments, and when it comes to the functioning of our brain and poor memory, then a positive effect can be expected from its use.

Among the main methods the following can be listed:

  • Nutrition.
  • Brain training.
  • Taking herbal remedies.
  • Massage.
  • Consumption of honey and bee products.

Many people are skeptical about folk recipes, but in vain. The most important thing is regular and long-term use, only in this case can you expect the effect of use.

Herbs for the brain

Among plant organisms there are many that are ready to come to our aid in various situations. Since ancient times, man has used the gifts of nature to treat diseases. Now, given the abundance of drugs in pharmacies, they have begun to forget about this.

It is recommended to use the following herbs to improve brain function:

  1. Elecampane. Its tincture is used for weakening memory. You can buy it ready-made at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself from the roots of this plant.
  2. Pine buds. An infusion is prepared from them, which is recommended to be taken three times a day, 2 tablespoons after meals.
  3. Sage. It not only improves memory, but increases performance and keeps the nervous system in good shape. You should brew the leaves of the plant, you can add mint and take 50 ml 4 times a day.
  4. Clover. Its heads should be infused in vodka for 2 weeks, and then taken 1 tablespoon per day, you can do this before bed. This infusion copes well with weak memory, relieves headaches and tinnitus.

Folk remedies have some advantages: they act gently and cause virtually no side effects.

Gymnastics for the brain

Like muscles, our brain needs constant training to maintain its performance. We have already noted that modern computerization has completely weaned us from thinking, so it is our own fault that our brain center begins to let us down from time to time.

  1. Learning foreign languages.
  2. Learning poems by heart.
  3. Periodically, take a different route to work.
  4. After you come home, try to accurately describe your route: what you encounter along the way.
  5. Play the game “What’s missing here?” with your children.
  6. Solve puzzles, do crosswords.
  7. Try eating with your left hand if you are right-handed.
  8. Learn to play some musical instrument.

You could list all the possible techniques for a long time, but the most important thing is not to let your brain get lazy. Therefore, constantly force him to work, think, analyze. Only in this case can you guarantee that until your very old age you will remain, as they say, sane.