Here is your starting point for developing clairvoyance! How to learn to see with your eyes closed? I see with my eyes closed

"How to see with your eyes closed?" - this is a question of millions. Do you think this is impossible and you will never be able to do this? But in vain. After all, we can do a lot, and we can do a lot. All you need is your desire and effort. How to see with your eyes closed? You think that only clairvoyants and other people who are endowed with this can do this. I can make you happy, this is not so. Any person who wants to learn this can achieve such magical results. I will say in advance that you need to have a lot of patience in order to see with your eyes closed. This is real and very interesting!

Steps to your goal:
1. First, you need to learn to relax, get rid of all the problems and negative emotions that worry you. By doing this you are preparing yourself and your spiritual power to open your third eye. By the way, the third eye is located slightly above the eyebrow line.

2. Now you need to start opening your energy centers, also called chakras. They can be opened with the help of a quiet place where no one will disturb you, where you can forget about your problems and adversities. Sit back comfortably; you can take any other position that is comfortable for you. Close your eyes and try to calm down, try to relax as much as possible.

3. Start the exercises if you want to be able to see with your eyes closed. Absolutely all sets of exercises should begin with balancing your breathing. You need to inhale slowly through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, until the air in your lungs runs out. This exercise must be repeated several times.

4. Next, close your eyes and touch the middle of your forehead with your index finger. This is where your so-called third eye is located. Very gently begin to press on this point, as if trying to open it slightly. Soon you will not only know the answer to the question “how to see with your eyes closed,” but will also be able to clearly demonstrate it.

5. Now we will learn to distinguish the colors of objects with our eyes closed. We focus on any object and try to see what color it is. When it starts to work out, take a short break.

6. We move on to the practice of distinguishing the shape of objects, looking at them with closed eyes. Once you learn to see colors, you will be able to recognize shapes.

7. Once you have learned to see the shape of objects with your eyes closed, try something new. The next step is training to mentally approach these objects and study them in detail. Keep a notebook or notebook to record your progress in exercises and compare them with previous results. Do you want to know what you can see with your eyes closed? And you can even see what cannot be seen openly!

8. Once your ability to see objects with your eyes closed improves, you will be able to use your third eye for distant observations. To do this, you need to close your eyes, try to slow down your breathing rate and allow your mind to tune in to long distances. It could be space or This technique works very well, you just have to put in a little effort and perseverance, and everything will work out. In addition, you will improve your body. Many people ask the question: “How to see with your eyes closed?” The answer is simple: do these exercises, and the result will not be long in coming.

If you think that seeing with your eyes closed is simply not possible, you are mistaken. Everyone has a so-called third eye. Most often, the ability to use it appears suddenly. Sometimes a person himself, without understanding what is happening to him, begins to see things that he could not even imagine before. But you can learn this on your own, it will take a lot of time, but you will already know how to see with your eyes closed.

What can you see with your eyes closed?

Much. Almost everyone can discover this gift of vision with their eyes closed. Here are some tips. With their help, you can begin to reveal your unawakened gift. But for this, you must be patient, be assertive in your desires, be confident that everything will work out and train a lot.

  • To begin with, you must mentally configure yourself to the fact that your third eye exists, and you can develop it in yourself. Learn to completely relax, forget about your emotions, worries and fears at this moment. If you are in an emotional state, it will block spiritual power.
  • Now you should focus on the chakras. They are very important; energy will flow through them, which is simply necessary in this situation. All six chakras should surround you and create a barrier against the penetration of negative energy. It won’t take you long to learn to distinguish your chakras from negativity, but you shouldn’t stop, keep training. In the morning or after work, try to devote time to meditation. It will help you relax and gain the necessary positive energy.
  • Start practicing seeing with your eyes closed and gradually you will learn to see with your third eye. Before each exercise, do not forget to relax; breathing helps a lot in this situation. Concentrate your attention on it. Inhale slowly through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, also slowly. Repeat the exercise until you feel that your body is completely relaxed.
  • With your eyes closed, touch your forehead with your index finger. This is where the third eye is located. Press down gently and gently. Gradually begin to distinguish colors with your eyes closed. You must focus your attention on one object, start looking closely at what color it is, but do not open your eyes and do not peek. It turned out great. You can rest.

Start practicing different subjects. Arrange training on different subjects. The more variety you have, the faster you will learn to see with your eyes closed.

Why is this possible?

The fact is that it is not our eyes that see, but our brain that sees; the eyes are a kind of sensors or intermediaries in this process. If you activate the brain, the power of which is used by an ordinary person only by 5-10%, then the brain begins to scan information directly, its temporal lobes begin to work like radars and a person can see with his eyes closed in the same way as with open ones.

But the most important thing is not this, but the fact that the activated brain begins to work in a completely different mode of information processing and the effect of “blind” vision is just one of the tests. Limitless possibilities for creative freedom open up before a person.

The world creative revolution and the new planetary elite.

Cybernetism is not serious, cybernetism is a joke, the person who understood this and preferred a handshake to a screen is godlike. The klister tube, aspirin and brass knuckles must be criticized from the point of view of divine science.

Feelings stimulate the brain; if a person does not have an emotional reaction, then he is driven inside. If this continues for a long time, then it is neurosis. Therefore. that the heart and the intellect are one and the same.

By developing our feelings, we prepare the intellect to work outside the symbol. The symbol plays a subordinate role; we can use any symbols: the alphabet, numbers, notes, graphs, etc. but kindness is not a symbol; if we write this word on paper, it does not mean that the writer has this quality. Kindness is beyond symbols. The world intellectual revolution is militant non-resistance. This is an active life position. The goal of our revolution is to create a new planetary elite capable of understanding the meaning and essence of kindness.

The new planetary elite are people capable of a lively human response, striving to develop themselves and their actions, but possessing qualities that today are considered impossible or miraculous, but tomorrow will be inherent in any educated person.

The main weapon of the world creative revolution is STI.

STI Intuition training system,

STI is rhythmic psychotraining conducted in the form of a game; it is the physiological basis for mastering any kind of knowledge. The system fascinates and amazes with its demonstration effects; people who meet STI for the first time refuse to believe their eyes, as well as the time frame within which the results shown by the students are achieved.

We can say that STI is a continuation of the development of the Gurdjieff tradition, widely known in the West, in its new modernized form in the homeland of the great teacher of the 20th century.

Dmitry Chekmenev is the creator of the world's first telepathic tournament for playing cards with his eyes closed. The tournament is regularly held in the capital of Kalmykia, Elista. In Russia, 18 tournaments have already been held, 90 young telepaths have been trained.

What does STI give?

STI allows you to teach any schoolchild between 7 and 12 years old to see with their eyes closed. In itself, this quality is of little use in life, but the ability to see blindfolded, to see through objects and distances, is, first of all, the access of consciousness to a new level of perception, information processing and decision-making.

Imagine that you have been using a primitive computer all the time, the speed of which, memory and other parameters are close to the capabilities of an ordinary calculator. And suddenly you became the owner of the newest Pentium.

People who have been trained in the SIT system experience the same feeling. It is possible to really learn to predict events, develop memory and mental abilities in just 1.5 hours of daily classes during the work week. Children do this much faster and easier than adults, but the results for adults are also impressive.

The system is happily accepted by children and their parents. A third of all parents and relatives of children who underwent training achieved good results themselves as performers and instructors of STI.

Is it harmful for the psyche?

No. This is good for the psyche, children become calmer, kinder, their memory, attention, intuition improve, and they begin to do better at school.

In Russia, a small generation of children has already grown up who began to engage in SIT 7-10 years ago. All of them are far ahead of their peers in their intellectual and creative development. Years will pass and these young people will determine the future of their country, world science, and sports.

A. We are looking for partners to create the World Federation of Sports Telepathic Games (WFST), which will currently include three sports.

1. Playing cards blindfolded (Harada).

2. Fencing with sticks BoIn (Combat intuition).

3. Reading texts blindly - Endless Primer
These games are a fusion of ancient and modern, meditation and electricity in the veins of the new electronic era - street Sith and space for the formation of an independent personality. Independent of aggression, depression, boredom and all kinds of drugs. STI is the forge of a creative revolution.

B. We are looking for people in the West interested in organizing seminars for children and adults.

The fox said to the little prince: “People have forgotten this truth, but don’t forget. Only the heart is vigilant; you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes.”

“You can’t see the main thing with your eyes.”

This program is aimed at solving the problem of information and psychological overload in a child in a big city. Every day, a child is bombarded with a wave of sound, visual, electromagnetic and other information, which has a negative impact on the growing organism.

All psychophysical disorders of the body are ultimately the result of an incorrect reaction of consciousness to information coming from outside.

The goal of the project is to teach a child to make the right decisions in a constantly changing, complex environment. The earlier children begin to learn this, the healthier they grow and the more success they achieve in life when they become adults.

We propose to conduct classes in the form of a series of three courses. Each course consists of 7 lessons of 1.5 hours. Classes are held daily. The break between episodes is several days. Each series is paid separately.

Why is it possible to see blindfolded?

Because in nature there are so-called psi phenomena. Their description is carried out not only by religion, magic and philosophy, but also by modern science, in particular biophysics. Here are some patterns described by this science.

1. Everything that exists in the knowable world is various manifestations of fluctuating, flowing energy.
2. Two independent concepts - matter and field are manifestations of a single quantum field.
3. All interactions between the constituent parts of matter are carried out through the emission and absorption of microparticles generated by the vacuum and drawing their energy from it.
4. Information in the universe is organized as a wave structure.
5. Around all bodies there are quantum holograms that copy the geometry and structure of physical bodies and contain all the information about them.
6. A microparticle and a macroobject, being wave structures, lose the property of clear locality and, like a hologram, can simultaneously reside at any point in the universe.
7. Man, as well as all living beings, represents the coexistence of two forms of life - protein-nucleic and field.
8. Any disturbance in the interaction of energies between a person and surrounding forces leads to illness.
9. The functioning of a person’s field essence is associated with the activity of his brain and can be subject to conscious and unconscious control and management.

Perhaps many would like to see more than the people around them. This undoubtedly provides a number of advantages. The article will tell you how to develop such an extrasensory ability as astral vision. This phenomenon may seem fantastic, but with a more in-depth study it becomes clear that an alternative vision is not at all a figment of the imagination and every person can develop it with a strong desire. The motive is both a passion for the unknown and simple curiosity. In any case, working on its development will be very exciting.

In this article

What it is

Neurophysiologists studied astral vision. Vyacheslav Bronnikov taught children both blind and with normal vision. As a result, they could perfectly navigate in space, read, and recognize objects blindfolded. Of course, these studies caused some skepticism. But it was soon dispelled. Bronnikov began to use special masks that did not allow light to pass through, and the children were still seen in bandages.

How did they do it? According to the inventor of the technique, during training the sixth sense is activated, which, due to the lack of necessity in everyday life, is in a sleeping state. A person becomes able to see against the background of the veil that has shrouded his eyes due to blindness.

These results subsequently interested such brave scientists as Natalya Bekhtereva and Yuri Pytyev. They continued to work with graduates of the Bronnikov school. A number of studies were carried out under the leadership of Bekhtereva. Scientists recorded an electroencephalogram in a normal state and with a blindfold. The results showed that when alternative vision is turned on, the electrical activity of the brain becomes more frequent. Apparently, the brain starts a different mode and uses .

Bronnikov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

Now it becomes clear that astral vision is the ability to see and feel the surrounding objective world, objects through the eyelids or through a wall. Moreover, you can see what is behind you.

Research confirms the theory that every person can learn astral vision. There is no need for any superpowers or innate clairvoyance potential. It has always been laid down in our dormant state. Just as a bodybuilder gains mass, you can train your astral vision.

Before moving on to the practical part, it is important to realize that there is a reason that some aspects of feelings are inaccessible to most. an alternative vision for fun or for profit is unlikely to bear edible fruit. Hidden abilities are suitable only for higher purposes. Healers use astral vision when diagnosing their patients. This way you can see the internal organs and.

A clear example of an alternative vision:

This skill will also be useful for practicing self-awareness. The more and more widely we understand the world, the more perfect we become.


Let's look at the most effective ones, according to practitioners. All you need is a table with a chair. Sit down, relax, take a meditative state. It is important to be calm and not be distracted by anything, to concentrate on your actions.

Workout with a table

Rub your palms together and focus on the feeling of warmth between them. Bring one hand to the surface of the table, without touching it, a couple of centimeters higher. Slowly swipe from edge to edge of the item. Keep your attention on the sensations under your palm. If the structure is glass, you can feel its coolness and smoothness, but the wooden one will be rough.

The next step is to close your eyes or put on a blindfold in case you are tempted to peek. Repeat the steps from the previous exercise, and when you reach the edge of the tabletop, you can feel the boundaries. Place a flat object, for example a plate. Slowly move your hand at a distance of 10 centimeters. You will notice a difference in the feel of where the item is placed.

Next, make the task more difficult. Ideal if it is possible to perform a workout in an unfamiliar room. But your own room is also suitable. The purpose of the exercise is to learn how to navigate in space with your eyes closed. You need to put on a bandage and slowly move around the room, try to feel objects, and not bump into them.

Exercises must be performed regularly. Not everything will work out right away. But if you want to achieve your goal, you will certainly learn to see the world with your eyes closed.


Your task is to most clearly recreate the picture of what is happening around you, based on sounds and smells. It is convenient to use it in everyday life. All you need is the ability to concentrate.

While walking in the park, sit on a bench and listen to the birds singing or the conversations of passers-by. Visualize with your eyes closed the clearest picture - what tree the bird is sitting on, its color and size. What people passing by are wearing, facial features, and even what topic they are talking about. What kind of flowers emit the aromas that reach you?

This practice develops subtle perception. In the future, you can learn to better understand people and capture their mood. Be more sensitive to the world around you.


The essence of the exercise is to understand which eye sees which objects. The scanning is performed as follows. You need to focus on one object and watch for 10 seconds. Afterwards, concentrate on it only with your left eye and then with your right. In this case, both eyes must be open, and only the focus of attention needs to be changed.

In this video, the astral pilgrim, Yuri Grechushkin, will talk about possible problems:

Once you have mastered switching your dominant eye, use a meditation object. Place it at arm's length. Cover one eye with your palm and look at the object with it. A regular approach to this exercise is advisable; it requires practice, but you will immediately understand when the experience of vision comes.

It exists to awaken astral vision - to complete the missing parts of objects. This is another exercise convenient for everyday use. Looking at the door, imagine its reverse part, and what happens behind it, and so with any object. Imagine what things that are inaccessible to the eye look like.

This exercise focuses on what you will later see even through walls. And it is also important that this creates greater awareness.

The role of peripheral perception

The technique for improving it is simple and will not take much time. Focus on any selected object in front of you, spread your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor. The task is to see both hands with peripheral vision.

Astral vision expands the boundaries and provides an additional opportunity to understand the world. Every person can develop it in themselves. Ours is endowed with incredible abilities, which for many, not always obvious reasons, are inaccessible. Regular training will reveal your potential, and what was previously considered a gift will be your well-deserved reward.

A little about the author:

Evgeniy Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the key to success in the perfect ritual. I will provide you with information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But don’t worry, a little practice and you will succeed!