Bullous pulmonary emphysema therapeutic exercises. Breathing simulator and breathing exercises for emphysema. Breathing trainer and emphysema

For some diseases, training on a breathing simulator and breathing exercises are only recommendations that can help in treatment, but will not be its main component.

But there are also diseases in the treatment of which breathing exercises are simply necessary. They are mainly associated with the functioning of the respiratory system, and one of these diseases is pulmonary emphysema.

We have already talked about the disease itself and its features in our blog. Today we’ll talk about his treatment.

Why are breathing exercises useful for emphysema?

With emphysema, lung tissue changes - cells unite and form cavities that occupy the “useful” volume of the lung. It is useful because it is in this volume that the gas exchange process takes place. In the newly formed cavities, gas exchange is low. Because of this, a person suffering from emphysema develops shortness of breath and respiratory failure.

Breathing exercises teach a person to adapt to the limited capabilities of the lungs and breathe correctly and evenly, despite their low activity.

During breathing exercises a person:

  1. learn to breathe in and out with concentration;
  2. trains extended inhalation;
  3. develops healthy parts of the respiratory system and increases their performance;
  4. strengthens and develops the muscles of the respiratory organs;
  5. teaches you to control your breathing during physical activity;
  6. improves your psycho-emotional state.

Rules for breathing exercises for pulmonary emphysema

Breathing exercises for emphysema are carried out with mandatory consideration of the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s capabilities. Therefore, there are not only certain exercises, but also rules for their implementation.

  1. You need to exercise 4 times a day for 15 minutes. If desired, you can conduct classes more often, but not less often.
  2. During exercises, you need to focus on the rhythm of your breathing.
  3. The duration of exhalation should be gradually lengthened, since patients with emphysema often face the problem of residual air when exhaling.
  4. You cannot hold your breath. You also can’t rush, the pace should be average.
  5. Start your classes with simple exercises that do not require movement (static).

Breathing exercises for emphysema

Static exercises:

  1. Pronunciation of consonants while exhaling (2-3 minutes)

Sit down and say consonant sounds for two to three minutes. In this case, the exhalation will automatically lengthen, the chest will begin to vibrate slightly, which will lead to coughing and removal of phlegm from the lungs.

This exercise will teach you to control your inhalation and exhalation.

  1. Breathing with deep exhalation (6 repetitions)

Sit, inhale and exhale as deeply as possible. As you exhale, count and try to increase this number more and more. During the exercise, you can help yourself with your hands: press on the chest while exhaling.

  1. Pronunciation of vowel sounds while exhaling (2-3 minutes)

Stand up and pronounce consonants loudly for two to three minutes. Try to lengthen the length of your exhalation.

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing (6 repetitions)

Stand and on the count of 1-2-3, take a deep breath (the chest is expanded, the stomach is drawn in), on the count of 4, exhale (the chest falls, the stomach protrudes).

Dynamic exercises

Dynamic exercises involve not only the respiratory organs, but the entire human body. Such exercises prepare you for everyday physical activity. By doing them, you will learn to control your breathing while moving and will no longer be afraid of shortness of breath and other consequences of exertion.

  1. Bend forward from a lying position

Lie on your back, lift your upper body up and lean forward, exhaling. As you bend, move your arms back. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

  1. Supine push-up

Lying on your back, bend your legs and clasp your knees with your hands, take a deep breath. Then straighten your legs and exhale using your diaphragm (push your stomach out). Repeat 6 times.

  1. Rotations on a chair

Sit on a chair, spread your knees to the sides. Raise your arms to chest level, spread your elbows, and place your hands under your chin. As you inhale, twist to the left. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Next, while inhaling, turn to the right. Exhale – starting position. Repeat 6 times.

  1. Pull

Stand up, raise your arms up and stretch strongly, trying to move your arms a little back. Look at the outstretched arms. Inhale as you stretch. As you exhale, lower your arms, bend one of your legs at the knee, grab it with both hands and lift it as high as possible to your chest.

  1. Walking (2-3 min.)

While walking, it is important not just to do the exercise, but to monitor your breathing: its depth and rhythm. Exhalation should take twice as many steps as inhalation.

Walking can be made more difficult. To begin, raise your arms as you inhale and lower them as you exhale. If such an exercise is easy, then you can walk up the stairs: while inhaling, go through two steps, while exhaling, four.

Breathing trainer and emphysema

Breathing exercises are an effective tool, but not easy. Thus, it will not be easy for an elderly person suffering from emphysema to do the “Stretching” or “Squeezing on the back” exercise.

And not all young people can cope with such a load four times a day. After all, this requires not only strength, but also time. But it’s not always enough.

The Samozdrav breathing simulator can help you manage your time and energy wisely. This lung trainer does not require complex physical exercises. It is enough to exercise in a position convenient for you, for example, at a table or sitting on a chair, from 3 to 30 minutes a day.

At the same time, the effect of training at Samozdrav is in no way inferior to the effect of breathing exercises. The simulator also trains the respiratory system, activates healthy respiratory cells, increases endurance and helps get rid of shortness of breath and respiratory failure.

The system of training on a breathing simulator is step-by-step and involves a gradual increase in load. But you will be able to feel the effect of the classes even before completing the course - after 3-4 months you will see how your well-being has positively changed.

Buy a breathing simulator or practice breathing exercises at home – only you decide which path to recovery you choose. The main thing is that it leads to the desired result and a speedy improvement in well-being.

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Are you suffering from asthma, hypertension or other serious diseases? Do you want to recover without using drugs? Then you just need to learn about the method of the famous domestic scientist Buteyko!

And in this article we talk about his unique system of shallow therapeutic breathing. By applying our tips and recommendations, you can get rid of the symptoms of many diseases, and by practicing the proposed set of Buteyko exercises, you will gain precious health.

K. P. Buteyko and his discovery

How a person breathes determines his well-being and health. The ancients understood this, and therefore, thousands of years ago, various breathing practices appeared: Chinese Qi Gong, Indian Pranayama, the Vajrayana Buddhist system and others. Among modern developments in the field of proper breathing for curing ailments, one of the most effective is the Buteyko method.

Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko (1923 – 2003) Soviet scientist, physiologist, professor of medicine. He made his discovery in 1952, developing a unique method of shallow breathing. The author had to prove the effectiveness of his method in practice for many years, and only in the 80s did the USSR Ministry of Health give legal status to the Buteyko method.

Konstantin Pavlovich proved the effectiveness of his system for hypertension. Suffering from a malignant form of this disease and observing seriously ill patients, he invented his method of volitional elimination of deep breathing. Having applied his breathing exercises, the scientist was completely cured and began to introduce his own developments into the process of treating patients with various diseases.

Correct breathing according to the Buteyko system and the essence of the method

According to Buteyko's teachings, very deep breathing is the cause of the development of many diseases. In human lungs, oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide. Hyperventilation disrupts this exchange and does not lead to an increase in oxygen in the lungs, but the amount of carbon dioxide necessary for a full life of the human body decreases. As a result, the cells do not receive enough oxygen, causing even deeper breathing, which leads to spasms of blood vessels.

The body tries to prevent a lack of CO2, as a result of which spasms occur in asthma, hypertension, and metabolic diseases. Therefore, Buteyko suggested breathing only through the nose and limiting deep breathing. This allows you to balance the ratio of oxygen and CO2. You need to breathe calmly, being in a state of complete relaxation. However, you should not allow excessive lack of air.

Shallow breathing is the most correct. With it, the diaphragm is relaxed and the stomach and chest do not move. The air reaches the clavicular region, and this is reminiscent of carefully sniffing an unknown substance. Buteyko's general scheme is simple: inhaling a small volume of air lasts about 3 seconds, then exhaling for 3-4 seconds, and then a four-second pause.

Who is the Buteyko technique indicated for and what are its benefits?

The author of the method believed that more than 100 diseases could be cured using the system he proposed. Buteyko’s special breathing has shown high effectiveness in cases of emphysema, allergies, gastrointestinal ailments, and diseases of the central nervous system.

According to research, this treatment method is effective not only for asthmatics. Exercises are successfully used for the nose, removing nasal congestion. Diseases associated with impaired nasal breathing are also treated: rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis and many others.

Konstantin Pavlovich’s gymnastics relieves seizures and other negative symptoms of serious illnesses within a few minutes. And constant practice gives tangible results throughout the month and allows you to fully recover. On the Internet you can find many interesting videos of Buteyko himself and his students. Feedback from grateful followers will help you verify the effectiveness of the great scientist’s system.

This breathing system is also useful for children. You can practice the Buteyko method from the age of 4 under parental supervision, which helps with the following health problems for the child:

  • frequent colds;
  • asthma and all kinds of respiratory diseases;
  • adenoids and persistent rhinitis;
  • for excess weight and gastrointestinal ailments;
  • allergies, various skin diseases and many others.

Contraindications to Buteyko breathing exercises

This technique is practically harmless. However, there are some contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • mental illnesses and mental disorders in which the patient is not able to understand the essence of the method;
  • severe period of infectious diseases and severe bleeding;
  • diabetes mellitus for insulin-dependent people;
  • for aneurysm and after heart surgery;
  • chronic tonsillitis and dental diseases.

It is better for expectant mothers to undergo treatment using this system before pregnancy.

What do you need to know before starting classes?

The effectiveness of the method has been proven for decades, but some difficulties may arise on the path to recovery. It requires considerable willpower, patience and regularity of exercise. Unpleasant sensations, fear and exacerbations are possible at the beginning of mastering the system.

Don’t be afraid of some pain, loss of appetite, or lack of air in the first stages. Having an aversion to exercise shouldn't stop you. After some time, the disease will begin to recede.

Buteyko was confident in the strong side effects of drugs and the poisoning of the body from their effects. Therefore, the scientist recommended using his method by giving up medications, or at least reducing their consumption rate by half. Seriously ill patients should do this under the guidance of their attending physician.

Before classes, you can test your health. To do this, sit up straight and relax all your muscles. Now take a natural breath and hold your breath. A delay of less than 30-60 seconds indicates a painful state of the body. Using this unique simulator, you can increase your delay every day, improving your well-being.

Preparatory phase for gymnastics by Konstantin Buteyko

With this breathing exercise, the depth of breathing must be reduced gradually, and over time reduced to zero. To prepare for the exercises, sit on the edge of a chair or any hard surface with a flat back. Place your hands on your knees, look above eye level and completely relax your diaphragm.

Breathe shallowly and silently through your nose, and soon you will feel a lack of air. Stay in this state for 10-15 minutes. If you need to increase the depth of your inhalation, do so, but continue to breathe from your upper chest.

If performed correctly, a feeling of intense heat will follow and you may perspire. By relaxing the diaphragm, you can get rid of the desire to take a deep breath. You need to finish this preliminary exercise without deepening your breathing. Before carrying out this preparation and upon completion, hold your breath completely and record your pulse.

A set of breathing exercises using the Buteyko method

Having completed the preparation, proceed directly to classes in this treatment system:

1. Engage only the upper lung sections: inhale, then exhale, pause. Five seconds for each stage. Repeat these cycles 10 times.

2. This exercise involves diaphragmatic and chest breathing, that is, full breathing. Inhale for 7.5 seconds from the bottom - from the diaphragm, lifting it to the thoracic region. Now exhale for the same time period in the opposite direction, from top to bottom. Next – a pause of 5 seconds. Do these cycles also 10 times.

3. Hold your breath and massage the points of your nose. Do the exercise 1 time.

4. According to the principle of full breathing from exercise 2, breathe first by closing the right nostril, and then the left. 10 repetitions for each nostril.

5. We take full breaths again, but now as you inhale, pull in your stomach and hold your abdominal muscles until the end of the exercise: inhale for 7.5 seconds, exhale for the same amount of time, and then take a five-second pause. Repeat 10 times.

6. This is an exercise for complete ventilation of the lungs. Take 12 strong deep breaths, each lasting no more than 2.5 seconds. After doing this exercise for a minute, you should pause as long as you can while exhaling.

7. Perform four-level rare breathing as follows:

  1. Inhale for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, then hold the air for 5 seconds. Do this for a minute.
  2. Five seconds to inhale, now pause, also for 5 seconds, and now exhale for the same time. After that there is a delay of 5 seconds. Two minutes to complete.
  3. At this level, repeat the previous exercise, but do each cycle for 7.5 seconds each. This will take 3 minutes and will result in 2 breaths per minute.
  4. We do the last level for 4 minutes. Inhale, pause, exhale and hold for 10 seconds. You will get 1.5 breaths per minute.

It would be optimal in the future to bring the exercise to one breath in 60 seconds.

8. Double delay. Inhale and hold your breath completely. Then there is an exhalation - and again a maximum pause. Do it 1 time.

Finish this complex with the preparatory exercise you performed at the beginning. Do all exercises on an empty stomach, without noise, focusing on gymnastics. Don't get distracted or stop until the end of class.

You can learn this breathing exercise on your own and do it at home. But it’s still worth consulting with a specialist first and starting classes under his supervision. Exercise regularly and after just a few sessions you will feel relief!

What to remember:

  1. Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko is a scientist ahead of his time, who invented and introduced a unique therapeutic breathing technique.
  2. The essence of his method is shallow breathing, which is necessary to maintain the required amount of carbon dioxide in the body.
  3. More than 100 diseases can be cured using this breathing technique.
  4. Before classes, you need to pay attention to contraindications.
  5. The provided complex will help improve your well-being and gain health.

See you in the next article!

Emphysema is most often a consequence of chronic obstructive bronchitis. Pulmonary connective tissue ceases to be elastic and is replaced by fibrous tissue. As the lungs lose the ability to compress effectively, they increase in size and pneumosclerosis develops. Symptoms: shallow breathing, rigidity (hardness, inelasticity), low mobility of the chest when breathing. Performing special breathing exercises enhances local ventilation of the lungs, reduces shortness of breath, and develops the respiratory muscles.

Features of the disease

Pulmonary emphysema can be acute (occurs during acute attacks of asthma and due to the removal of one lung) and chronic diffuse (more common, occurs as a result of diseases - bronchitis, asthma, pneumosclerosis). A spasm and swelling of the mucous membrane occurs, which leads to the accumulation of sputum in the bronchi and they lose their patency. Further, the disease is accompanied by an inflammatory process, which leads to degeneration of the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles, the lungs lose their tone and stop contracting completely.

Shortness of breath occurs, often without physical activity, and inhalation becomes longer. The patient coughs as if he had bronchitis, but with a small amount of viscous sputum. The person takes on a peculiar appearance - the chest is in the shape of a barrel, moves little when breathing, and bluish skin is observed. Emphysema is treated symptomatically, medications are mainly the same as for bronchitis and bronchopneumonia, but breathing exercises also help.

Features of classes and mode

Breathing exercises are expiratory - exercises are performed that lead to a full inhalation, strengthen the trunk and abdominal muscles involved in breathing, and restore the mobility of the chest.

You can do gymnastics even if you are assigned to bed or semi-bed rest; in this case, you can lie or sit on a chair, leaning on the back. But, if strength allows, it is better to stand, this way the diaphragm functions better.

With emphysema, you need to inhale slowly, through pursed lips, and exhale through your nose, so breathing deepens and the diaphragm works better. Rapid inhalation is not allowed so that the alveoli do not stretch too much. Each exercise should be performed three times, you should do it three times a day. You need to breathe fresh air, so ventilate the room.

Breathing exercises are a set of exercises aimed at training the respiratory muscles. It includes both exclusively breathing techniques and exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles, back intercostal muscles and other muscles involved in breathing. Gymnastics improves muscle coordination, increases a person’s control over their breathing, and promotes better well-being.

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Why do you need gymnastics for emphysema?

Gymnastics for emphysema is aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition by compensating for reduced lung functionality with rhythmic muscle contractions.

Depending on the stage of emphysema, the lung tissue changes its structure. Lung cells come together to form cavities. These cavities occupy the useful volume of the lung, while the level of gas exchange in them is low. As a result, a person develops shortness of breath, and over time he begins to experience respiratory failure.

A distinctive feature is the presence of residual air when exhaling. Residual air itself is a factor that significantly impairs gas exchange.

Breathing exercises are designed to compensate for emerging imbalances and teach a person to breathe correctly in conditions of reduced lung functionality.

Goals of breathing exercises:

  • Training in concentrated inhalation and exhalation;
  • long exhalation training;
  • development of compensation mechanisms that increase gas exchange in the lungs;
  • development of compensatory diaphragmatic breathing;
  • strengthening the muscles involved in breathing;
  • training in breathing control skills during household physical efforts;
  • improvement of the patient’s psycho-emotional state.

Principles of therapeutic exercises

When doing breathing exercises, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Exercises are done for 15 minutes 4 times a day - more often, but not less often.
  2. While doing the exercises, focus on the rhythm of your breathing.
  3. Equalize the duration of inhalation and exhalation, lengthening the latter.
  4. It is forbidden to strain.
  5. You can't hold your breath.
  6. Try to stick to an average pace, don't rush.
  7. Gymnastics includes static and dynamic exercises.
  8. You need to start gymnastics with static exercises.
  9. Alternate static and dynamic exercises.
Breathing exercises should alternate with general strengthening exercises and rest breaks.

Set of exercises

Static exercises:

  1. Pronunciation of consonant sounds while exhaling (2-3 min.).

Performed while sitting. Exhalation automatically lengthens, the chest vibrates, stimulating coughing and mucus removal. Thanks to this exercise, patients learn to control the duration of inhalation and exhalation.

  1. Breathing with deep exhalation (6 repetitions).

Performed while sitting. Exhale as deeply as possible while counting, trying to count to a larger number. You are allowed to help yourself with your hands, pressing on the chest while exhaling (or do the exercise with an assistant).

  1. Pronunciation of vowel sounds while exhaling (2-3 min.).

Performed while standing. Sounds are pronounced loudly. They try to lengthen the exhalation phase.

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing (6 repetitions).

At the count of 1-2-3, a deep breath is taken with the “stomach”: the diaphragm bends down - the stomach protrudes. At the count of 4-5-6, exhale: the diaphragm goes up, the stomach retracts.

Dynamic exercises (each – 6 repetitions):

  1. Bend forward from a lying position.

The upper part of the body rises and leans forward (exhale). At the moment of tilt, the arms are pulled back.

  1. Pressing your legs to your chest.

Starting position – lying on your back. As you inhale, raise your arms and stretch them upward (perpendicular to the body) as much as possible, the chest is expanded, the stomach protrudes. As you exhale, lower your arms, pull your legs to your body, knees to your chest, clasp your legs with your arms. Repeat.

  1. Twists while sitting on a chair.

Spread your knees to the sides. Raise your arms to chest level, spread your elbows, and place your hands under your chin. As you inhale, make a turn to the left. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Next, while inhaling, turn to the right. Exhale – starting position.

  1. Standing stretch.

Raise your arms up and stretch strongly, trying to move your arms a little back. Look at the outstretched arms. At the moment of stretching, an inhalation is made. As you exhale: the arms are lowered, one of the legs is bent at the knee, grabbed with both hands and raised as high as possible to the chest.

  1. Walking (2-3 min.)

It is important to monitor the depth of breathing and rhythm. Exhalation should take 2 times larger steps than inhalation. In the future, with good control of breathing, the exercise can be supplemented by raising (as you inhale) and lowering (as you exhale) your arms.

One of the walking options, if your physical condition allows, is to climb the stairs. On inhalation, 2 steps are overcome, on exhalation – 4.

Breathing exercises for emphysema Strelnikova

Let us recall that the lungs with emphysema require controlled active prolonged exhalation. Thus, Strelnikova’s technique for emphysema is not effective

The technique developed by A. N. Strelnikova was created by her for the treatment of asthmatics. Its high clinical effectiveness has been confirmed in complex treatment

3.1. Therapeutic physical culture is used in the absence of severe cardiovascular insufficiency. Systematic exercise helps to increase the elasticity of the lungs, maintain the mobility of the chest, and maintain the state of compensation of the cardiovascular system as a whole, since they increase the function of auxiliary mechanisms of hemodynamics and strengthen the heart muscle. Along with improving gas exchange processes and circulatory function, dosed muscle activity provides a tonic effect on the central nervous system and other organs and systems. General toning exercises for all muscle groups should be performed at a medium or slow pace, combining them with rhythmic breathing.

Since irreversible changes occur in the lung tissue, therapeutic physical culture must first of all solve the problem of forming compensatory mechanisms that ensure improved ventilation of the lungs and increased gas exchange in them. This is achieved by strengthening the exhalation muscles, increasing the mobility of the chest and especially developing diaphragmatic breathing and mastering the breathing mechanism with an extended exhalation. Extended exhalation with simultaneous active mobilization of the respiratory function of the diaphragm reduces the amount of residual air and thereby improves gas exchange. Increased mobility of the chest and excursion of the diaphragm also creates conditions that facilitate the work of the heart. For this purpose, tilts, turns and rotation of the body are used. Increased mobility in the thoracic spine is achieved in the initial riding position.

For pulmonary emphysema complicated by heart failure, therapeutic physical training is prescribed during the period of pronounced reduction of congestion. The classes include exercises performed with low load (movements in the distal parts of the limbs), at a slow and medium pace, in the starting position with a raised torso. These exercises are aimed at improving peripheral circulation. In addition, they include exercises that provide dosed venous flow to the heart (rhythmic movements of the limbs, performed with incomplete amplitude at a slow pace). Movements must be alternated with rest breaks and breathing exercises with prolonged exhalation. Diaphragmatic breathing should be activated, drawing in the abdominal wall as you exhale. Subsequently, they move on to a combination of movements with breathing with an enhanced exhalation phase. If the mobility of the chest is significantly limited, during the exercise it is recommended to squeeze it with your hands as you exhale. Muscle relaxation exercises are also used.

The class density is light, with frequent breaks for rest. If shortness of breath and cyanosis increase, the overall load of the session should be reduced.

When eliminating the phenomena of circulatory failure, you can perform exercises from the starting position while sitting and lying down. Considering the significantly reduced adaptability of patients to physical activity, exercises involving large muscle groups should be repeated initially only 2-4 times, gradually increasing the range of movements. Exercises aimed at increasing chest mobility should be performed at a slow pace, often including pauses for rest.

As the condition of patients improves and their adaptability to physical activity increases, the motor mode expands: movements covering large muscle groups are added, exercises are carried out from the initial position lying, sitting and standing, and the distance in therapeutic walking gradually increases.

3.2. Exercise therapy is used in the absence of deterioration in health or severe cardiovascular insufficiency. The classes use exercises of low and moderate intensity. Speed ​​and speed-strength exercises are used very limitedly - with the participation of only small muscle groups. Conversely, moderate physical activity, although longer (especially when the movements are performed smoothly, rhythmically, in accordance with breathing), has a beneficial effect on the patient. Straining and holding your breath are unacceptable. Breathing exercises of static and dynamic type with extended exhalation are used; To increase the emphasis on exhalation, some exercises are also performed with the pronunciation of sounds and sound combinations. In some cases (especially in elderly patients), it is necessary to evenly develop both inhalation and exhalation. To enhance exhalation, the chest is compressed from the sides (either by the patient himself or by the physical therapist) in the second half of the exhalation. Much attention is paid to training diaphragmatic breathing and exercises to increase the mobility of the chest and spine: in addition to improving the function of external respiration, they facilitate the work of the heart. Such exercises include bending, turning and rotating the torso in combination with free breathing. In cases where respiratory failure increases in patients, which is aggravated by cardiovascular failure, and the patient’s condition becomes severe, the nature of exercise therapy changes. Classes are conducted on bed rest. Physical activity is minimal: movements in the distal limbs, performed at a slow and then at an average pace in a reclining position, with the upper body raised. The exercises alternate with rest pauses and breathing exercises with extended exhalation. Diaphragmatic breathing is activated. Some exercises are accompanied by compression of the chest (by the exercise therapy instructor) in the final stage of exhalation. The class density is low; as the body's adaptation to physical activity improves, the i.p. (sitting and standing) and the nature of the exercises performed (medium and large muscle groups are involved in the work); the number of repetitions and the number of exercises themselves increases; the ratio of breathing and general developmental exercises is 1:2. In the future, when the condition improves, the patient can be prescribed dosed walking; initially 50-100 m at a slow pace, combined with an extended exhalation; gradually the distance increases to 200-300 m.

Conventions used in the text: IP - initial position; TM - tempo slow; TS - average pace.

1. Walking in place with changing tempo. 30 sec. Breathing is uniform.

2. IP - standing, arms to the sides. Turns the body left and right. TM. 6-8 times in each direction.

3. IP - standing, hands on the belt. Tilts left and right. TS. 5-7 times in each direction.

4. IP - standing. Arms to the sides - inhale, bend the torso forward, clasping the chest - exhale. TS. 4-6 times.

5. IP - standing, hands on the belt. Straighten your right leg, arms forward - inhale; return to IP - exhale. TS. 5-7 times with each leg.

6. IP - sitting. Move your arms to the sides - inhale, bend forward - exhale. TM. 4-6 times.

7. IP - standing, hands on the belt. Tilts left and right. TS. 5-7 times in each direction.

8. IP - hands to shoulders. Rotate your arms back and forth. 5-8 times in each direction. TS.

9. IP - standing with your left side near the chair. Tilts left to right. TS. 4-6 times in each direction.

10. IP - standing. Take your left leg back, arms up - inhale; return to IP - exhale. The same with the other leg. TS. 5-7 times with each leg.

11. IP - standing. Hands up - inhale; tilting the head, shoulders (arms down) - exhale. TM. 4-6 times.

12. IP - sitting. Hands to shoulders - inhale; lower your elbows, bend forward - exhale. TM. 4-6 times.

13. IP - standing. Hands up - inhale; sit down - exhale. TM. 5-7 times.

14. IP - standing, gymnastic stick behind. Pulling your arms back; while bending over. TM. 4-6 times. Breathing is uniform.

15. IP - standing bent over, arms forward. Turns the body left and right. TS. 5-7 times in each direction.

16. IP - standing, hands up. Bend forward. TM. 4-6 times.

17. Walking around the room for 30-60 seconds.