Benefits of bee pollen for women. Flower Pollen: Natural Power

Bee pollen contains a large number of nutrients, so it is considered more useful than bee honey. It contains a lot of proteins, biotin, amino acids, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, folic, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, inositol. Application bee pollen indicated for physical and mental exhaustion, decreased immunity, and frequent colds. B vitamins stimulate the immune system, and rutin strengthens the walls of capillaries and protects the body from infections.

Pollen is an excellent adaptogen that has natural origin and used to restore physical and mental performance

Bee pollen - natural concentrate amino acids, carbohydrates and minerals, restoring tissue proteins and relieving the body from the consequences poor nutrition. This is especially true for weakened patients and elderly people.
The shelf life of bee pollen is two years, and if it is stored in honey, the shelf life can increase to five years. After the expiration date, it loses more than seventy percent of its healing properties.

So buying this natural remedy in the store, you must pay attention to the date of collection and store the purchased product in a dark place at an air temperature of up to twenty degrees and at a relative humidity of less than 75%.

Beneficial properties of bee pollen

The nutrients contained in bee pollen have positive influence on the human body:

  • stimulate metabolism,
  • trigger hematopoietic processes,
  • optimize activities nervous system,
  • improve metabolism in bone and cartilage tissue,
  • have a positive effect on human growth,
  • removes harmful cholesterol from the body,
  • strengthens blood vessels,
  • improve blood composition,
  • restore damaged body cells.
Details about healing properties You will learn about this beekeeping product and its effect on human health from the article: And now we’ll tell you about what diseases it can help with and how to take it correctly.

Diseases for which bee pollen is indicated

In case of pathology of the heart and blood vessels, bee pollen is indispensable for eliminating and preventing heart attacks, strokes, ischemia, hypertension, tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia. It successfully fights anemia, functional and organic lesions of cardio-vascular system.
Pollen is recommended to be taken for diseases of the pancreas, liver and everything gastrointestinal tract, as well as during the recovery period after treatment for alcohol addiction.
The use of bee pollen for men is indicated for infertility and insufficient number of live sperm. Pollen is an excellent dope before a love date and a source of sexual energy. It contains about two hundred healthy ingredients, among which the sexual leaders are the microelements phosphorus and magnesium.
Antibacterial and strengthening properties make this natural remedy indispensable in the treatment of colds and infectious diseases. With its help, mental and physical activity increases.
This universal remedy relieves depression, sleep disorders, impotence and prostate lesions. Pollen restores and strengthens the body after injuries, prevents age-related hormonal declines, diseases of old age, endocrine disorders, decreased memory, attention, dull skin, hair loss, that is, all signs of premature aging.

How to take bee pollen?

To strengthen and restore physical or mental strength, take pollen one teaspoon three times a day.

For various diseases

  • Bee pollen treatment is very effective initial stages hypertension. To do this, take the remedy on an empty stomach, one-third of a teaspoon. This allows you to quickly normalize arterial pressure, get rid of headaches, dizziness, weakness and malaise.
  • If you have frequent colds, you can increase your immunity by taking half a teaspoon of the miracle cure three times a day. Duration of treatment is a month.
  • How to take bee pollen correctly for gastrointestinal pathologies? To do this, regularly consume a healing natural remedy, a teaspoon three times a day. Pollen is especially effective for gastritis, ulcers or colitis.
  • Pollen mixed with honey is useful for hepatitis, lung diseases, and some cancers. Treatment is carried out over a period of two to three months with a two-week break. Healing mixture pre-dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water.

How to use bee pollen to restore vitality important functions body? In case of physical overstrain, exhaustion, as well as to restore the body after surgical interventions, take pollen one third of a teaspoon three times a day. The duration of treatment is three to six months. In such cases, it is useful to mix pollen with honey in a one-to-one ratio and take a teaspoon three times a day.

For children

Due to its sweet and sour taste with a slight bitterness, pollen is used quite actively among children. In this case, the dose of the natural remedy is reduced and amounts to a fourth or third of a teaspoon per dose.
Bee pollen should be used to treat children with extreme caution to avoid allergic reactions or other pathological disorders.

For pregnant

During pregnancy, bee pollen protects the weakened body of the woman and fetus from harmful effects toxins and factors external environment. It helps reduce the risk of birth defects and fetal development abnormalities, as well as eliminating the embryotoxic effects of certain substances. pollen stimulates the physical development of the fetus, protects the liver of the mother and child, since independent hematopoiesis begins in the fetal liver from approximately the fifth week of intrauterine development.
Eating bee pollen during pregnancy is beneficial in all respects, as it contains vitamins necessary for the life of mother and child.


Contraindications to the use of bee pollen are the following:

  1. allergy,
  2. diabetes,
  3. increased tendency to bleed.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Many beekeeping products have been used by humans since time immemorial. In particular, honey and wax are familiar to everyone and have received enough wide application. However, not everyone knows that there are at least a dozen similar products that have also found their application in various industries. Therefore, today we will talk about what bee pollen is, how it is useful, and how it can be used in everyday life.

Composition of bee pollen

Before you figure out how to properly take bee pollen, you need to know a little about its composition. Like other bee products, it is rich various vitamins, acids and trace elements.

Bee pollen contains at least 50 biologically active substances that provide normal course chemical processes in the human body. So, regardless of the culture from which this material was collected, it will contain basic substances such as:

Besides useful elements and acids, pollen contains up to 30% protein, up to 45% carbohydrates and up to 10% fat. Pollen collected from different crops differs in composition and healing properties. For example, the substance from St. John's wort, plum, red clover, willow and aster has highest content squirrel.

The presence of a huge amount of microelements and vitamins in bee pollen determines its benefits for humans.

Did you know? Bee pollen protein, in its own way biological value(contents essential amino acids), even surpasses milk protein.

What are the benefits of bee pollen?

Now let's find out why honey pollen is so useful.

Perhaps it’s worth starting with general strengthening and immunostimulating properties. The presence of potassium and rutin stimulates and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. In addition, pollen contains antibacterial substances that help cope with the disease and strengthen the immune system. The iron contained in it increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so consuming pollen is mandatory after losing a large amount of blood or when the hemoglobin level drops. Also, its use helps reduce blood pressure, which is useful for people suffering from hypertension.

Bee pollen has the ability to accelerate cell regeneration, which makes it possible to recover faster from serious injuries and illnesses, and goes well with a low-calorie diet, as it provides the body with everything essential vitamins and microelements. As you yourself understand, the calorie content of pollen is so low that it will not harm your diet in any way.

For men

Often representatives of the stronger sex face problems that are not spoken about out loud. I don’t feel like going to the doctor, but I need to decide something. And in this case, bee pollen will come to the rescue, which is often used to solve various problems for men. It is used to treat:

  • overweight;
  • impotence;
  • loss of sexual desire;
  • prostatitis.

Let's start with overweight. Often this problem occurs in people who eat poorly due to work or various life problems. Pollen normalizes metabolism and gives the body everything it needs nutrients. In addition, the microelements contained in it fill you with energy, improving your mood and reducing your appetite.

Impotence and lack of sexual desire are a serious problem, but often, it can be solved without going to the hospital. Bee pollen contains essential fatty acids and vitamins that help restore its former strength.

Did you know? Bee pollen affects the number of viable sperm and increases the chance of fertilization.

Prostatitis. The disease can occur both in old age and in middle age. Pain and frequent hikes going to the toilet is not allowed to live and work normally, and the nature of the problem does not allow the man to tell his relatives or see a doctor about it.

The use of bee pollen to treat prostatitis has been studied by many scientists. The following has been proven: pollen helps reduce the amount of urination at night and also reduces discomfort in the prostate area. At the University of Wales, testing proved that pollen extract prevents prostate narrowing.

It is worth understanding that pollen does not just delay the moment surgical intervention, but really treats prostatitis. In addition, you will be sure that prostatitis will not be accompanied by cell mutations, which can later develop into cancer.

For women

Women, like men, face various problems, the presence of which is difficult to admit to others. But how is bee pollen useful for the female body? Firstly, it contains a large amount of folic acid, which is essential during pregnancy. By consuming a bee product, your fetus will develop and form faster. You will not only eliminate vitamin starvation, but also give your child all the necessary microelements.

Moreover, pollen can also be used during menopause. Thanks to the presence of a wide range of vitamins, the process will be less painful, and since this product contains a large amount of zinc, it can also be used to rejuvenate hair and nails.

For children

Children don't always like to eat healthy fruits and vegetables. However, bee pollen can be quietly added to food, which will not lose its beneficial properties, but will help the child’s body develop correctly.

Important! Pollen should not be given to children who have diabetes, are allergic to bee products, or have a tendency to bleed. It is also prohibited to give pollen to children under one year of age.

Bee pollen is beneficial for children's bodies for several reasons:
  • it strengthens bones;
  • forms the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates immune system, protecting against viruses and pathogens;
  • improves mental and physical development;
  • improves appetite;
  • reduces excitability and normalizes sleep.

Thus, even if a child refuses to eat fruits or vegetables, his body will always be provided with the right amount of vitamins, microelements and proteins, which, like building material, form bones, muscles and organs.

You have already seen that bee pollen has a lot of beneficial properties, so now let’s talk about how it should be taken and in what doses.

Did you know? Beekeepers obtain pollen using special “pollen traps”. These are special grilles that are located at the entrance to the hive. When a bee passes the grate, it leaves some of the pollen on it, and in one day this activity produces about 150 g of pure product.

Pollen can also be taken in pure form, however, it does not always have sweet taste, so it is better to use it after mixing it with honey. It is tasty and healthy to eat pollen with butter, but before eating it is better to grind it in a coffee grinder.

In addition to the options described, bee pollen, as a dietary supplement, can be taken dissolved in water or juice, but in this form it brings less benefits.

Daily dose substance is 15 g, however, for therapeutic purposes, the dosage can be increased to 25 g (the maximum daily dose for an adult is 32 g).

Knowing how to properly eat bee pollen and having an idea of ​​the recommended dosages, you can move on to using bee pollen to treat specific diseases and ailments.

Application of the medicinal properties of bee pollen (recipes)

Let's say you know exactly how pollen is useful and how it should be consumed, but to treat a certain disease you need an exact dosage and auxiliary components. That is why we will look at several recipes based on bee pollen.

Important! Although pollen is not medicine, an overdose can cause the most unpredictable consequences, so strictly follow the instructions.

Treatment of hypertension. Mix pollen with honey in a ratio of 1 to 1. Take 1 teaspoon of the mixture 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment should not exceed 45 days. The drug is stored in a container under a lid and in a cool place.

Treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenum. As in the previous case, you need honey and pollen, which are mixed in a 1:1 ratio and taken 3-4 times a day 2 hours before meals. If the ulcer was caused by high acidity, then the product is diluted with 50 g of boiled water (but not boiling water!), left for 2-3 hours and drunk warm. The course of treatment is 1 month. The same mixture can also be taken to treat problems caused by high stomach acidity.

Important! Honey and pollen cannot be added to boiling water or cooked, as all healing properties simply disappear at a temperature of 80-100˚C.

Treatment of obesity. Dilute 1 teaspoon of pollen in a glass of warm boiled water and stir well until it is completely dissolved. Then, you need to take this “drink” 3 times a day.

Treatment of anemia. You need to dilute 1 teaspoon of pollen in water and take 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. Along with taking pollen, you need to eat 2-3 baked green apples daily.

Every beekeeper knows that pollen is useful not only for striped workers, but also for humans. Every year the use of bee pollen becomes more and more popular and justified in the field of pharmaceuticals, cosmetology and Food Industry, since it has unique preventive, dietary and medicinal qualities. This product has helped restore health to more than one generation of people, and apitherapists never tire of discovering new facts about its healing properties.

Pollen is a product that has no competitors in terms of the concentration of substances necessary for the human body

Bee pollen has a general strengthening property, with its help you can normalize weight, improve appetite, stimulate brain function, increase physical performance. The use of this product prolongs youth, slowing down the aging process. All these wonderful abilities are due to wide range its healing qualities. If you want to learn more about them, we recommend that you read the article:.

Indications for use

  • stressful situations associated with significant mental and physical stress;
  • preparation for conception, pregnancy and lactation;
  • recommended in the spring-autumn period during epidemics of influenza and ARVI;
  • weather-dependent people who unfavorable days from a meteorological point of view, they suffer from pressure fluctuations and dizziness;
  • with immunodeficiency;
  • as a restorative agent in postoperative period and after undergoing chemotherapy;
  • at chronic fatigue.

Regular consumption of bee pollen will give you strength and provide great mood. It is equally useful for both adults and children, as it has unique composition, capable of providing positive action on the body at any age.

Important! An overdose of bee pollen can lead to vitamin deficiency, so do not violate the prescribed daily norm.

For children

Indications for use in children may be as follows:

  • after treatment with antibiotics and antibacterial drugs;
  • in the presence of signs of dystrophy and malnutrition;
  • in the absence of appetite;
  • myocardial diseases;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis and digestive disorders;
  • diseases of the liver, pancreas;
  • low hemoglobin content in the blood.

In addition, bee pollen is very important for immunity. It helps the body resist adverse environmental factors and protects against viruses and infections.

Important! Before giving your child pollen, you should consult your pediatrician and rule out any individual intolerance to it.

Children can be given pollen in its pure form from a spoon. And if the child does not like its taste, then the pollen can be diluted with honey or butter. You can also sprinkle it on any food your baby likes.

For adults

Bee pollen is recommended for use by men who suffer from low sperm motility. IN in this case this product is indispensable, as it has a high percentage of zinc content, which, in turn, not only has a positive effect on the processes of sperm formation, but also improves the quality characteristics of sperm, and makes you completely forget about problems with potency.

If we talk about representatives of the fair sex who are preparing for the most wonderful and unforgettable period in their lives, then nudity is exactly what is needed. Replacing medical supplies, pollen is supplied to the woman's body required amount folic acid, which is very valuable for expectant mother experiencing serious hormonal changes, and is indispensable for the normal formation and development of the fetus. That is why bee pollen is indicated during pregnancy and during preparation for it.

Feeding for the treatment of diseases

One can talk endlessly about the healing properties of pollen. Its unique and inimitable composition works real miracles. It can be used to treat a number of diseases, including:

  • menopausal diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system recede, since pollen contains potassium and magnesium. Normalizes metabolic processes in the myocardium, stimulating contractility. Reduces disturbances heart rate, increasing the ability to tolerate physical activity;
  • treatment with bee pollen is also used in neurology, considering it as mild psychotropic drug. Obnozhka effectively copes with neuroses and asthenia, can overcome depression and restore good spirits;
  • after illnesses that required surgery. This is due to the features protein composition and the presence of amino acids, which are short time able to restore the patient's strength. Biostimulants present in pollen improve regenerative processes and reduce inflammation after surgery;
  • for external peptic ulcers pollen is combined with the intake of hank jelly;
  • this beekeeping product is widely used for chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and bronchiectasis;
  • pollen helps with peptic ulcer duodenum and stomach, as well as gastrointestinal erosions. It eliminates diarrhea and constipation, normalizing intestinal functions;
  • Feeding is useful for anemia and other deficiency diseases.


Despite its versatility and great benefit, bee pollen has some contraindications. First of all, people suffering from individual intolerance to bee products should avoid using it. Sometimes it happens that a person calmly consumes honey or, for example, uses wax for various purposes, and an allergy arises precisely from pollen.

Advice! To prevent possible troubles, should be carried out simple test- put a small amount of pollen on back side hands and secure with a gauze bandage or bandage. After some time, remove the bandage, and if there is no reaction from the skin, you can start using this product.

Rules of application

In order not to harm your health, you need to know how to use bee pollen. To take it, you need to separate a certain dose and carefully dissolve it until completely dissolved. To make it absorb faster, you can first drink a glass of warm boiled water. After taking it, it is advisable to wait about half an hour before starting breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Use pollen once a day or divide the recommended daily intake into two times. The first part must be swallowed in the morning on an empty stomach, the second - at about 12 noon or in the evening before dinner.

Bee pollen can be used in two ways: pure and diluted. Dissolve it in water, flower varieties of honey or butter. Jam or jam can also be used as a base.

This method is popular among those who cannot tolerate the specific taste of pollen, but is considered less effective in treatment or prevention. To use it as a mixture, it is first ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state. At the same time, it does not look quite appetizing, but the mixture turns out to be more homogeneous and is easier to absorb by the body.

Try to purchase bee pollen in specialized stores or from trusted beekeepers. This is the only way to protect yourself from purchasing a low-quality product, and natural pollen will bring maximum benefits to your body.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Humanity knows several basic beekeeping products. Among them is honey, which is very popular. Not long ago, the undeniable value of bee pollen was proven. Raw materials of this type contain an impressive list of microelements necessary for humans.

Characteristics and chemical composition

  1. Bees take pollen directly from the center of the inflorescence. Insects collect raw materials that will later bring value to the human body. Increasingly, the use of pollen is being practiced in folk medicine, the composition has a beneficial effect on the body, as it has preventive and healing qualities.
  2. Do not rely on the fact that pollen can only have a rich amber hue. The color scheme directly depends on the flower. A bright yellow or orange tint is inherent in the buckwheat inflorescence. White color The product is obtained from acacia flowers. The light green or golden hue is obtained by collecting pollen from sunflowers. Thanks to pear flowers, the product has a red color, and clover inflorescences give the raw material a brownish tone.
  3. Once collected, bee pollen acquires a characteristic honey aroma. The product tastes quite pleasant and sweet. It is not so important from which flower the pollen was collected; in any case, it is a valuable source of chemical microelements for the human body. Basically, the beekeeping product contains a number of mineral compounds, vitamin complexes, various enzymes, hormones and growth stimulants.

Benefits of bee pollen for men

  1. Regardless of age, men are recommended to consume pollen. Inclusion of a product in daily diet will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.
  2. In a short time, the work of the protective functions of the stronger sex stabilizes. Metabolism is normalized, which will help reduce excess weight.
  3. Eating pollen ensures that the body is less susceptible to infectious viruses and colds. General benefit product will have a beneficial effect on strong field and prevent the formation of serious pathologies.
  4. The valuable composition of raw materials is restored masculine powers fully. Pollen replenishes the loss of potency, eliminates nervous disorders that arise against the background of sexual impotence.
  5. If you consume pollen in medicinal purposes, then the beekeeping product will help relieve a man of potency problems in a short period of time and prevent the formation of prostatitis.
  6. Raw materials strengthen the nervous system, raise morale and help withstand various stresses. Proven effective action product on the pelvic area, thereby increasing blood circulation and improving reproductive function.
  7. If you play sports, pollen is essential. Systematic use significantly increases body tone and physical endurance. Muscle tissue becomes stronger and less susceptible to fatigue.
  8. If the stronger sex is not detected allergic reaction or individual intolerance to the product, experts recommend consuming pollen in a course. Strengthening the body or getting rid of the disease occurs within 1 month.
  9. A man should take 12 grams. bee pollen once a day. After a month, you will forget about problems with potency and similar ailments associated with sexual function. To achieve a more effective effect on the body, consume equal amounts of pollen and honey.

  1. If a child is not allergic to pollen, pediatricians strongly recommend including raw materials in the daily diet. The valuable mineral and fortified composition of the product will provide the growing body with all the necessary enzymes.
  2. In total chemical compounds fully develop the body and its protective functions. The tissues receive the necessary substances, and all internal processes establish stable operation.
  3. Bee pollen contains a high percentage of rutin; the enzyme is actively involved in the proper formation and activity of the baby’s heart and vascular system. The raw materials are a completely natural and reliable component; the product resists the development of infectious processes and inflammation in the growing body.
  4. Pollen can easily eliminate cold symptoms, seasonal viruses and intestinal infections. The product has proven itself well as a component for building bone tissue child.
  5. Studies have shown that regular consumption of pollen makes the baby physically and mentally developed compared to peers who did not consume such a product. Children who have raw materials included in their daily diet do not experience obesity or dystrophy.
  6. In addition to proper physical development, the child’s nervous system is better formed, making the person calmer. Children who regularly consume bee products do not encounter problems poor appetite or sleep disturbance.

Benefits of bee pollen for women

  1. Pollen has no less benefits for the female body. The product supplies tissues with a vitamin complex, which has a positive effect on all organs.
  2. Pollen is highly popular among women as an effective weight loss remedy. The product qualitatively cleanses the body of slagging and toxic substances. As a result, the work of all internal processes is improved. Excess weight goes away naturally without stress for the nervous system.
  3. Due to unique properties bee pollen, women achieve not only weight loss, but also rejuvenate the body cellular level. Systematic consumption restores the structure of the nail plate and hair. The skin regains its former velvety and elasticity.
  4. Just like in men, bee pollen has positive impact on reproductive system women. It is strongly recommended to regularly consume raw materials before a planned pregnancy. The bee product, in a sense, prepares the body for bearing a fetus and enriches tissues and cells with important nutritional enzymes.
  5. The effective effect of pollen on the female nervous system has been proven long-term depression and apathetic states. It is enough to take a month course of using the product, and you will heal new life with a great mood and self-confidence.

  1. Keep in mind that in addition to the benefits for the body, bee pollen can also cause significant harm. Consult a specialist before using raw materials as a means of treating ailments or general strengthening health.
  2. It is important to know that the greatest damage to the body can be caused due to individual intolerance to the product. A similar effect is achieved due to the presence foreign protein animal and plant origin.
  3. Thus, bee pollen falls into the category strong allergens. If you have individual intolerance, you will have severe itching, burning and a number of serious complications.
  4. New mothers are prohibited from consuming pollen during lactation. Raw materials can harm the baby during breastfeeding.
  5. Also, you should not overuse pollen in everyday life; oversaturation of the body with vitamins and minerals will lead to disruption of the functions of almost all systems. Therefore, take pollen in a course. Take a break from time to time.
  6. Consumption of pollen is contraindicated for individuals who have been diagnosed with obesity or diabetes. The product contains a high percentage of glucose and fructose. From this we can conclude that bee pollen can only harm a certain circle of people.

We can say with confidence that the bee product will provide valuable support to the body. Pollen, in the absence of contraindications, will fully strengthen tissues, improve the functioning of internal organs and relieve a number of ailments. In addition, the product will help heal the body and rejuvenate it at the cellular level. Bee pollen is especially recommended for women to maintain the beauty of their body and hair.

Video: how to take bee pollen

Bee pollen beneficial features which not many people know, can save you from various ailments.

Bee pollen is a unique product by nature that carries to the human body great benefit. You may not yet know everything about what pollen is and why it is so valuable. Many people have no information about this amazing product, purchased in pharmacies synthetic vitamins, trying to use them to strengthen and saturate the body with necessary substances.

Often we turn to pharmacology instead of listening to nature and taking advantage of its benefits. But artificial drugs can never provide as many benefits to the body as natural ones; on the contrary, sometimes they only cause harm. And in order not to tempt fate and not expose your health to breakdown, you should resort to natural products for treatment and prevention. After all, this is precisely why they were created by nature itself. From this article you will learn how bee pollen is beneficial and how to take it.

What is bee pollen?

Pollen is miniature grains that are covered with a shell. It differs in size, color and shape depending on the type of plant.

Bee pollen is the fruit of the labor of a working bee. Flowers are pollinated by many insects, including bees. They carry pollen grains on their hairy body. The bees process the collected powder with the secretion of the jaw glands, moisten it with nectar and form it into baskets, which are sticky lumps located in the area of ​​the legs.

By the way, the name “pollen” comes from the location of pollen around the legs of the insect. Next, the bee goes to the hive to leave its prey. She puts the collected pollen into cells, making her way through the pollen collecting grid, and losing her prey in that place. After which the bee flies again in search of pollen. Thus, pollen enters the tray through the grid.

Surprisingly, the bee is so hardworking that in one day it makes 50 flights. At the same time, it visits 600 flowers, collecting pollen from them. To collect 1 kg of pollen, one bee needs to fly 50 thousand times.

Bee pollen: chemical composition

We can talk for a long time about the composition of this product. Pollen is so beneficial and important for human health. It has many essential substances that help the body strengthen and recover.

Bee pollen: vitamins

Bee pollen contains vitamins: A, E, C, D, P, PP, K and a large number of B vitamins.

How are these vitamins beneficial for the human body?

Vitamin A (retinol) - necessary for vision, for the development of bone tissue and placenta. When the body lacks this vitamin, a person feels flaky skin, dry mouth and dry skin. Dullness and dry hair, dry cough, and gastrointestinal diseases are also observed. Vitamin A deficiency leads to poor vision, especially at dusk.

It is also worth noting that a lack of protein and animal fats in the body interferes with the normal absorption of vitamin A. How to eat pollen. The daily dose of vitamin A (1 mg) is contained in 10 grams of pollen.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) plays an important role in many processes that are associated with the biosynthesis of nucleic acids, lipids and proteins. Thiamine is necessary for normal operation cardiovascular system, for the gastrointestinal tract, balances acidity gastric juice, participates in the digestive process, regulates appetite. This vitamin is also important for activity endocrine system. Affects the central nervous system.

A lack of vitamin B1 leads to constipation, decreased appetite, insomnia, memory loss, depression and irritability.

Pollen application. The daily dose of vitamin B1 is found in 120-140 grams of pollen.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - has a positive effect on cell growth and renewal. Takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Balances the nervous system, maintains the skin and mucous membranes in proper condition.

Vitamin B2 deficiency leads to cracks in the corners of the mouth, dry lips, headaches, hair loss, itching and pain in the eyes.

The daily dose of vitamin B2 (2 mg) can be obtained from 100-120 grams of bee pollen.

Vitamin B3 (niacin) - affects overall metabolism. Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood. Renders beneficial influence on the nervous system, growth, skin condition.

A lack of this vitamin in the human body leads to anxiety, insomnia, nervous system disorders, chronic fatigue and memory problems.

To get the daily requirement of vitamin B3 (20 mg), you need to use the properties of pollen and consume it in an amount of 100 grams.

Vitamin B5 ( pantothenic acid) - has a beneficial effect on general metabolism. Activates brain activity, strengthens the immune system, normalizes the function of the nervous system. Affects hair quality.

Vitamin B5 deficiency leads to apathy, headaches, decreased immunity, fatigue.

Pollen bee application. The daily requirement of this vitamin is found in 100 grams of bee pollen.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) - affects protein biosynthesis, hematopoiesis, and this vitamin also helps hair growth. The beneficial properties of pollen are determined by the presence of vitamin B9 in this bee product.

Lack of folic acid leads to fatigue, depression, deterioration digestive process, the occurrence of early gray hair.

The daily requirement of this vitamin can be obtained from 60-80 grams of pollen.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) - participates in protein biosynthesis and in the formation of red blood cells.

A lack of vitamin E leads to irritability, muscle weakness, pigmentation, dry skin, infertility, headaches, nervous disorders. Such disorders are eliminated by pollen treatment.

The daily norm of vitamin E is 15 mg, which is equivalent to 20 grams bee pollen.

Vitamin H (biotin) - takes an active part in the breakdown and synthesis of steroid compounds, fatty acids and some amino acids. Also involved in glucose synthesis.

Biotin deficiency in the body provokes dry eye mucosa, hair loss, dry and cracked lips and corners of the mouth. Also appears muscle pain and loss of appetite.

To replenish the daily requirement of vitamin H (50 mcg), you need 50 grams of bee pollen.

Vitamin P (flavonoids) - increases strength vascular walls, normalizes capillary permeability.

With a lack of vitamin P in the body, capillaries may burst and bleeding may occur. Visibly this is reflected on the skin in the form of bruises, bruises, or in the worst case, heart and lung diseases.

The benefits of pollen are determined by the presence of vitamin P. It is especially abundant in buckwheat pollen. The daily requirement of vitamin P is 25-50 mg. Buckwheat pollen contains up to 17 mg per hundred grams.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - removes cholesterol from the body and helps absorb iron and calcium. Strengthens the immune system. Takes part in collagen synthesis. Has a strengthening effect on the walls blood vessels. This vitamin is important for healthy gums and teeth, as well as bones. An antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals.

A lack of vitamin C leads to disruption of the nervous system, rapid fatigue, bleeding gums, and weakening of capillaries. In case of shortage ascorbic acid The human body does not cope well with attacks various infections. In addition, tachycardia and arterial hypotension appear.

To avoid a lack of vitamin C, it is necessary to consume 73 mg per day for a healthy adult, and up to 100 mg for women during pregnancy. During lactation, the dose is 50 mg. And children need vitamin C per day - 1.-2 mg per kilogram of weight.

The daily requirement of vitamin C is contained in 30 grams of bee pollen.

Bee pollen: minerals

The benefits of pollen are due to the presence of iodine, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, and calcium. It is also rich in copper, cobalt, iron, and potassium. The amino acid content in pollen is up to 13%. This means that the most amino acid-rich foods can't compare to pollen. It is a kind of concentrate of amino acids.

Calcium, which is part of bee pollen, along with phosphorus, is the basis of bone tissue. Affects the cardiovascular and nervous system.

Potassium regulates acid-base balance. Protects against the effects of excess sodium in the body.

Sodium is the most important intracellular and intercellular element that regulates blood pressure. Activates digestive enzymes. Regulates muscle and nerve tissue.

Magnesium is an element that is involved in the formation of bone tissue. Regulates carbohydrate metabolism.

Phosphorus is an element that is part of proteins, nucleic acids and phospholipids. Phosphorus is involved in energy metabolism.

It is also worth noting the rich protein content in pollen. There are up to 30% of them in this product. Many cereals do not compare to pollen in protein content.

Pollen is rich in protein, which is superior in quality to the protein contained in milk (casein). Pollen from plants such as peach, plum, eucalyptus, rose, oak, black mustard, creeping clover, St. John's wort and others is especially rich in protein.

Beneficial properties of pollen

This natural product has incredible benefits to our body. Thanks to its rich composition of vitamins and minerals, pollen strengthens the immune system. Renders preventive action and fights a number of diseases.

Bee pollen for the heart

What are the benefits of pollen? It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Its use is effective for strokes, heart attacks, coronary disease heart, as well as for hypertension, arrhythmia, tachycardia and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Bee pollen is a wonderful support for the heart.

Potassium helps normalize blood pressure. Flavonoids, as well as phenolic compounds, strengthen the heart muscle, tone it, and also have an anti-atherosclerotic effect. In fact, bee pollen is an incredibly effective remedy for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Bee pollen for the nervous system

Since bee pollen contains B vitamins in sufficient quantities, it is wonderful remedy, strengthening the nervous system. Many people use pollen to combat insomnia. nervous breakdowns, depressive states. The B vitamins contained in this product are aimed at improving the functioning of the nervous system. They improve sleep, relieve neuroses, calm and normalize brain function.

At the same time, if pollen is consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, it helps the body become vigorous and the person cheerful. Bee pollen also helps with endocrine system disruptions. It is recommended for use in cases of thyroid adenoma, diabetes mellitus, acromegaly, endemic goiter, as well as hyperinsulism. These are the amazing properties of pollen.

Bee pollen for brain activity

The benefits of pollen are aimed at stimulating brain activity. This product helps in strengthening physical and mental activity. Pollen is effective for senile dementia or premature aging.

For those who work intensely mentally or physically, experts recommend paying Special attention on bee pollen, since it strengthens and supports the body during such depletion. And that’s all, because pollen contains a variety of carbohydrates, combined with a large number of minerals and trace elements.

These natural carbohydrates give us energy. By the way, those who usually find a boost of energy in sugar should take care of their health and replace it with pollen. After all, it is known that sugar is a product that is harmful to health and figure.

Bee pollen to restore physical strength

In addition, with the help of this bee product you can improve your health after suffering serious illnesses, surgical operations, after intoxication. The use of pollen gives positive results in the treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers. Pollen also helps improve appetite. It is recommended for those who want to gain weight.

Bee pollen for immunity

Pollen is used to strengthen the immune system. Its rich vitamin composition replenishes the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Also makes it resistant to colds. It is especially important to consume pollen during the cold season, when there are many viruses and bacteria around. The properties of pollen also help the body to get stronger after suffering colds. Pollen nourishes the body important vitamins, charging it with energy.

Bee pollen for treatment and prevention

Regarding the benefits of pollen for prevention oncological diseases, then this product works very well here. Flavonoids, along with other biologically active substances, help identify and neutralize carcinogenic cells. Vitamins, in turn, strengthen the body's immune system.

For prevention purposes viral infections It is worth consuming pollen daily for a month or two. In one year there can be about four courses of pollen intake.

Bee pollen for men and women

Pollen gives excellent results during treatment male diseases. It helps stimulate sperm production and increase potency. Pollen is often prescribed in combination with honey.

In addition, this bee product is useful for women, especially during pregnancy. At this time, the use of pollen improves the health of both the expectant mother and the fetus. They get everything they need natural vitamins. Which helps fight many infections, fatigue, vitamin deficiency, and iron deficiency in the body. Pollen promotes the proper development and growth of the child.

Bee pollen for the liver and gastrointestinal tract

Consumption of pollen gives positive results in the treatment of liver diseases, as well as in case of malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. With the help of pollen you can avoid constipation and other intestinal problems. The properties of pollen help delay the development of microorganisms in the intestines. Due to its wound-healing and antibacterial properties, pollen helps in the treatment of colitis, gastritis, and ulcers.

Bee pollen for blood

Eating pollen helps reduce hemoglobin. It quickly increases its level in the blood. And all this is due to the presence of iron, biologically active substances and B vitamins in pollen, which in turn help in the rapid absorption of iron.

Pollen also helps increase the number of red and white blood cells in the blood. In a word, pollen can improve blood composition. The Benefits of Pollen Helps Regenerate Everyone metabolic processes in the human body.

Bee pollen for bones and teeth

Calcium and phosphorus, which are part of bee pollen, help strengthen tooth enamel. They are building materials for bone formation. Therefore, pollen is recommended to be consumed especially by those who are susceptible to bone fractures, in particular the elderly. It is also important to support the child’s body in the process of growth and formation of bone tissue.

Bee pollen for weather-sensitive people

Bee pollen is recommended for use by weather-sensitive people. It should be used especially on unfavorable days. This product helps to transfer such unstable weather. Headache, aching joints and other symptoms may not affect you if you regularly consume bee pollen.

Bee pollen for youth and beauty

Bee pollen is a natural remedy for prolonging youth and beauty. This product gives unimaginable results in maintaining natural beauty. And all because biologically active substances, vitamins, antioxidants have actions aimed at protecting body cells from damage. They stimulate the formation of new cells.

Since pollen contains proteins with ideal amino acid content, it has the power to replenish the protein reserves in the body. With the help of pollen, the body receives high-quality proteins that are responsible for maintaining skin, nails, and hair. Even if you cannot consume regularly protein products, then pollen can replace them.

Bee pollen for vision

The beneficial properties of pollen are aimed at improving and maintaining vision. It contains a large amount of carotenoids, which are converted into vitamin A.

Bee pollen application

Throughout the year, you should make sure to take bee pollen in a one-month course for prevention. There may be 3-4 courses per year. This is very useful for both adults and children. With regular use of pollen, resistance to various diseases, especially ARVI.

Just be careful not to increase the recommended dose, so as not to cause an allergy or upset the vitamin balance in the body. Often, pollen treatment gives excellent results, unlike chemicals. Of course, it takes time to saturate the body with all the important components of pollen. But if you take your health seriously, you will get the expected effect - health.

To find out how to take pollen, you need to clarify that there is also flower pollen collected not by bees, but artificially. She's useful too. However, it is often packaged in capsules, which prevent the proper absorption of all important substances.

Experts in this field say that pollen pollen must be absorbed so that it is absorbed through the mucous membrane of the mouth. And capsules, as a rule, are intended to be washed down with water. Thus, we understand that absorption will occur directly through the stomach. This means that pollen will become only high-calorie food for the body.

To fully benefit from this unique product benefit, it is necessary to use pollen in granules without shells in the form of capsules. They need to be absorbed under the tongue for as long as possible. Then all useful material penetrate the body and give their amazing results.

How to take bee pollen - with or without water? As we already understood, pollen needs to be absorbed for a long time. It does its job by being absorbed by the oral mucosa. It is advisable to drink water 20 minutes after eating pollen. Then all the properties of pollen will give their result.

If the pollen has a bitter taste, you can mix it with half a teaspoon of honey. Or even easier, just eat some honey.

If you nevertheless purchased pollen in capsules without additives, you can open it and dissolve the granules without drinking water. This will enhance the effect of this drug.

Pollen application and dosage

Pollen can be used either in its pure form or in combination with honey. The dosage depends on its type.

Pollen granules are best consumed in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast, 15-20 minutes.

Dosage is:

For an adult - up to 20 grams per day. If necessary loading dose at serious problems with health, for example, exhaustion, fatigue, weakness, low nutrition or the beginning of the disease, then daily dosage can be up to 30 grams. However, this is just an exception.

The optimal dose for an adult is 1 teaspoon of pollen daily on an empty stomach. You can use it at one time, or you can divide this amount into two doses.

How to take pollen for children

If you ask whether it is possible to give pollen to children, the answer will be yes, of course. After all, children need vitamin support the most. However, it is important to remember that you should be careful when starting to give pollen to babies.

It is necessary to gradually introduce the child to this new healthy food. Thus, we start from 1/10 of the adult dose. That is, quite a bit.

Children from 1 to 3 years old - ¼ teaspoon;

Children from 3 to 7 years old - ½ teaspoon;

Children from 7 to 14 years old - 2/3 teaspoon.

Children, like adults, can dilute pollen with honey. But it is important to remember about possible allergic reactions.

Pollen in combination with honey is recommended for children who need enhanced nutrition. Also this food supplement has a beneficial effect on the child’s overall health. Pollen helps increase the level of hemoglobin in the child’s blood and activate brain activity.

This is especially important during the learning period, when children are forced to work hard mentally. Also, pollen with honey helps children develop properly, both physically and mentally. At regular use Pollen in children increases appetite, weight, and energy boost. The properties of pollen work great in children's body, bringing only benefits.

For many mothers, pollen has become a godsend for strengthening the immunity of children. This remedy helps to resist the body during epidemics of influenza and ARVI. Give your babies the required amount of pollen every morning on an empty stomach and calmly send them to kindergarten or school.

After a month's course, children become stronger and cope much better with virus attacks. Therefore, it is worth taking advantage of the gifts of nature and using this completely inexpensive remedy for many ailments. Compared to pharmacies vitamin complexes, pollen is an unusually valuable and cheap product.

How to select and store pollen

You already know how pollen is beneficial for children and adults. All that remains is to choose quality product, which will only bring benefits.

We select pollen by looking at its appearance. If possible, take it in your hands and crush the granule with your fingers. If it kneads, it means that the pollen is damp or has not been dried well. Such a product is considered to be of poor quality and, moreover, harmful to health.

Solid granules that do not knead in the hands are suitable for consumption. You can safely buy them.

The color of the granules varies: from bright yellow to dark blue. If you purchased multi-colored pollen (polyfloral), it means it was collected from different plants and contains more valuable substances. There's still pollen yellow color. It is collected, as a rule, from sunflowers.

Pollen should be stored in a tightly closed container. Because if moisture gets into it, it will quickly deteriorate and possibly even harm your health.

Bee pollen: mixture recipes

Mixture for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract

Add 20 grams of pollen to 500 grams of honey, then mix everything thoroughly. Then combine the mixture with 75 ml of aloe juice (freshly squeezed). Store in a cool, dark place. Take 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Liver Treatment Blend

A tablespoon of honey is mixed with one teaspoon of pollen. Consume after lunch. The course of treatment with pollen is 1 or 1.5 months.

Treatment mixture chronic diseases kidney

Mix pollen with honey equal quantities. Take one dessert or teaspoon 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

As many years of experience have shown, pollen treatment gives excellent results. And sometimes even surpasses drug treatment.

Pollen contraindications

Despite all the beneficial properties of pollen, it still has some contraindications. For example, if you are suffering diabetes mellitus, then you should know that pollen should only be used in its pure form. Because honey is not recommended for such patients. Only in minimal doses.

Contraindications also apply to people with allergies. Those who are allergic specifically to pollen (not to be confused with flower pollen, not collected by bees). Pollen-pollen is less allergenic than flower pollen, collected without the participation of a bee.

If you are allergic directly to honey, you should not mix pollen with this bee product.

Knowing all the subtleties of this product, you can successfully use the properties of pollen for treatment and prevention.