Nervous breakdown: signs, symptoms, consequences, treatment. Nervous breakdown in women Why do people have nervous breakdowns?

Nervous breakdowns: symptoms, consequences and how to protect yourself from them

Any mechanism has its own strength limit, and the nervous system is no exception. Even the strongest in spirit sometimes cannot withstand the constant pressure of stress. When the stress becomes unbearable, the body defends itself: this condition is called a nervous breakdown.

What leads to a nervous breakdown

Oddly enough, a nervous breakdown is a defensive reaction during emotional or mental overload. However, a nervous breakdown is a colloquial designation for a phenomenon that doctors call an exacerbation of neurosis.

The causes of a nervous breakdown vary. It can be caused by either long-term exposure to a stressful situation or some unexpected traumatic event. Most often a nervous breakdown is caused by:

  • Constant mental or physical fatigue - at work or while studying.
  • Loss of loved ones.
  • Failures in your personal life, long-term traumatic relationships, family quarrels.
  • Breaking of friendships, family or love relationships.
  • Unfavorable psychological environment in the home or team.
  • Serious financial problems.
  • Dismissal.
  • Unbearable responsibility.

All of the above reasons are negative, but a nervous breakdown can also be a consequence of changes that seem to make you happy - a wedding or the birth of a child, a long-awaited promotion, a move.

Of course, all people have different levels of stress tolerance. Some people easily endure the collapse of their life plans, while others are literally knocked down by failures. This is no coincidence and, as a rule, has nothing to do with willpower or the ability to think positively. There are risk factors:

  • Cases of mental illness in the family (especially schizophrenia).
  • Previously diagnosed depression.
  • Anxious personality type.
  • Thyroid diseases.
  • Cardiovascular diseases, including VSD.
  • Use of alcohol or drugs.
  • Lack of certain vitamins and minerals - primarily vitamin E, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, as well as some amino acids.

Most often, people suffer from nervous breakdowns between the ages of 30 and 40 - this is the busiest and most productive period of life.

When the secret becomes apparent: signs of an approaching exacerbation

For others, a nervous breakdown often seems sudden and unexpected. However, in reality it does not arise out of the blue. There are signs that suggest an approaching nervous breakdown.

A nervous breakdown is not a moment, but a process that is divided into several stages.

First stage characterized by some feverish revival - a person suddenly becomes optimistic (sometimes unreasonably), performance and endurance increase, but at the same time anxiety and restlessness do not disappear - on the contrary, they also increase. Sometimes this condition is accompanied by insomnia, a slight increase in body temperature, and mild tremor.

Second stage- this is the expected nervous and physical exhaustion that results from vigorous activity at the first stage. If at first it seemed to a person that all he had to do was try and all problems would be solved, but now disappointment and irritation sets in. A person breaks down over little things, suffers from sleep disorders (insomnia or frequent awakenings at night), the second stage of a breakdown is characterized by attacks of rapid heartbeat, headaches, nervousness, possible melancholy and melancholy, memory impairment, panic attacks.

Third stage- this is the peak of experiences. A person comes to the conclusion that all efforts are useless. Self-esteem falls, the ability to enjoy life is lost, apathy and depression are possible. For the third stage, cardiovascular symptoms are typical - dizziness, rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure, as well as gastrointestinal disorders - loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea or constipation. Sexual desire disappears, women's menstrual cycles are disrupted.

If you listen to yourself, it is quite possible to “catch” a nervous breakdown long before it happens and take action. This must be done, since a nervous breakdown never goes away without a trace.

The consequences are more dangerous than you think

The entire process of developing nervous exhaustion can take several weeks or months. However, its consequences make themselves felt much longer - complete rehabilitation sometimes lasts for years.

People who have experienced at least one nervous breakdown are more likely to suffer from panic attacks, phobias, and obsessive thoughts. The physical condition also suffers: hypertension, constant headaches, chronic insomnia, heart rhythm and metabolic disorders develop.

A nervous breakdown is a severe test not only for the person on whom it happened, but also for those close to him. In a state of breakdown, people often commit rash and unreasonable actions. A nervous breakdown has destroyed many careers and families, it can scare away friends and acquaintances - after all, loved ones do not always understand why a calm and friendly person suddenly became aggressive, picky and indifferent to everything, they tend to take it personally.

Is it possible to avoid breakdowns?

Since a nervous breakdown is the result of a long stay in a stressful situation, in order to avoid it, you need to get out of this situation. Of course, it is easier to give such advice than to follow it, but this is the only guaranteed way to avoid a breakdown. If you feel that tension is steadily growing, do not put off visiting a specialist - a course of psychotherapy will help you tune in to changes and begin to transform your life.

Lifestyle also plays a significant role in reducing the risk of a nervous breakdown. To avoid getting into this situation, try:

  • Stick to a routine - eat small meals several times a day and go to bed at the same time.
  • Do not drink alcohol, do not take drugs or smoke, drink less coffee and energy drinks.
  • Take anti-stress vitamin complexes that contain all the substances necessary for the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Learn to relax. Set aside at least an hour of peace a day and do only what brings you pleasure - turn off your phone and lie in the bath, go for a walk, watch your favorite movie, do yoga.
  • Listen to yourself. Don't confuse this with soul-searching. To prevent a breakdown, you need to be aware of your feelings, not convince yourself that everything is in order if you understand that the atmosphere is heating up, and not wait until the last minute to treat nervous tension.

How to reduce the risk of exacerbation of stress and nervous disorders

Good news: stress is treatable, and the sooner you start therapy, the lower the risk of relapse. Therapy includes both medications and lifestyle changes, and these approaches are not interchangeable - you will need complex treatment, the only way to be sure of its success.

Non-drug approach

Physical exercise. They improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, saturate the muscles and brain with oxygen, resulting in improved cognitive functions - memory, performance, and the ability to concentrate. Sports or fitness activities relieve muscle tension, which always accompanies nervous overload, and promote the production of neurotransmitters responsible for a good mood.

Relaxation. With the help of relaxation techniques, you can switch your attention and get rid of obsessive thoughts and anxieties. Such techniques include yoga and meditation, aromatherapy, massage, color therapy. Warm, relaxing baths may also help.

Psychotherapy. Perhaps the most effective non-drug method of dealing with stress. Contrary to popular misconception, the psychotherapist does not tell the patient what he should do - he only helps to discover hidden resources, get rid of fears and doubts, determine his true attitude towards the problem and change it.

Pharmacological approach

Symptomatic drugs with mild sedative effect. To improve concentration and memory, it is recommended to take glycine - this amino acid is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Attacks of palpitations are well relieved by Corvalol, which also has a slight sedative effect.

Herbal anti-stress drugs. Sedatives based on plant extracts act gently but reliably. Therefore, during difficult periods of life, it is worth keeping on hand valerian or medicines that contain motherwort, lemon balm, chamomile or sage. It is also useful to drink a soothing herbal tea in the evenings instead of classic tea with tonics.

Vitamins and minerals. There are many vitamin complexes specifically for such cases. They contain higher doses of B vitamins, as well as vitamin E, calcium, potassium and magnesium. All these substances increase stress resistance and the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, plant extracts with a sedative effect are sometimes added to such complexes.

Homeopathic remedies and dietary supplements. The effectiveness of homeopathic medicines is a controversial issue, but even opponents of this method admit that they can help with nervous disorders. Perhaps there is a placebo effect here, but any doctor will confirm: if the patient believes in the effectiveness of the pill, the effect is actually more pronounced.

Prescription drugs. If the situation is advanced and a nervous breakdown has already occurred, the doctor may prescribe potent drugs - antidepressants, antipsychotics and tranquilizers. It’s not for nothing that you can’t buy them at a pharmacy without a prescription. Such drugs have a lot of unpleasant side effects and strict contraindications, and they can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor, who, based on the test results, will adjust the dose. Such drugs are prescribed only when there is a direct danger to the psyche, for example, in severe depression with suicide attempts.

Over-the-counter drugs with a complex therapeutic effect. An alternative to prescription drugs are products designed specifically to relieve stress and improve mood. They are more effective than herbal remedies, but do not have the side effects and contraindications that are typical for heavy drugs. They have a complex effect - improve sleep, memory, performance and mood, and relieve anxiety. These drugs include Afobazol and some other drugs.

Expert opinion: a specialist from the drug manufacturer talks about the effect of Afobazole

A frivolous attitude towards your health is unacceptable, everyone understands this. We go to the doctor if we have a tingling sensation in our side, but at the same time we believe that stress symptoms such as irritability, tearfulness, constant fatigue, insomnia and anxiety will “dissipate” on their own. At best, people drink painkillers for migraines, sleeping pills for insomnia, and alcohol for the blues. Meanwhile, medications have long existed to comprehensively combat all manifestations of stress - they not only relieve symptoms, but also “repair” damaged nerve endings, normalize the functioning of the nervous system and prevent the occurrence of nervous breakdowns in the future.
Such drugs include, in particular, medicines to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Afobazole helps not only those who suffer from nervous breakdowns. It is indicated for sleep disorders, increased excitability, anxiety, low mood, irritability. “Afobazol” eases the course of menopause and PMS (reduces psychological symptoms), supports physical and nervous overload, and is used in the complex treatment of neuroses and depression. The effectiveness of Afobazol has been confirmed by more than 80 studies, which involved about 4,500 patients.
Being an anti-anxiety drug, Afobazol does not cause drowsiness or lethargy; it can be taken even if you drive a car or work with complex equipment. To achieve a lasting effect, it is recommended to take Afobazol in courses of 2–4 weeks. Before starting the course, you should consult your doctor.

Scheme for dealing with breakdowns

At the very first stage of a nervous breakdown, you can get by with small measures - try to establish a daily routine, allocate time for relaxation, start taking herbal sedatives - valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, as well as vitamins.

At the second stage, over-the-counter anti-stress drugs and glycine should be added to these remedies to support the nervous system. It would be a good idea to make an appointment with a psychotherapist or psychologist.

At the third stage, psychotherapy is no longer just desirable, but also necessary. More serious prescription medications may also be required.

Undoubtedly, in order to develop a treatment regimen, you need to consult a doctor - a psychiatrist, neurologist or neuropsychiatrist. However, most people believe that stress is a common thing, and you shouldn’t go to the clinic with such problems. Such an approach is a direct road to a nervous breakdown and long, difficult and expensive treatment.

Breakdown often referred to as a nervous disorder that can be caused by psychological overstrain, prolonged stress or some kind of psychological trauma. For example, this condition often develops in people as a result of strong feelings, overwork, unhappy everyday life, resentment, and unfulfilled desires. The reasons may be different, but the main criterion for a nervous breakdown is a prolonged stay in a certain situation that does not please the individual and depletes his energy and strength.

The term "nervous breakdown" has not been officially recognized in diagnostic systems such as DSM-IV as well as ICD-10, and in fact is absent from modern scientific literature. Although a nervous breakdown does not have a precise definition, lay research suggests that the term specifically refers to a temporary, reactive, acute disorder with symptoms of depression and depression, usually facilitated by external stimuli.

Sometimes cases described as a nervous breakdown refer to after he loses money in everyday life for some reason.

Causes of nervous breakdowns

Psychologists say that common causes of a nervous breakdown are:

- divorce or separation of spouses;

- problems at work;

- financial difficulties;

- health problems;

- stress and prolonged psychological stress;

- difficult adaptation to a new team;

- separation from a loved one;

— immense concern about someone else’s or one’s health;

— conflict situations and competition;

- the need to deal or work with emotionally unstable colleagues, clients, bosses.

Factors provoking the development of this condition:

- consumption of alcohol, drugs;

- genetic predisposition;

- lack of vitamins;

- diseases associated with thyroid dysfunction;

- movement disorders;

— menstrual cycle disorders;

- hysteria;

— autonomic disorders and disorders of the cardiovascular system;

- pronounced mood swings;

- strange behavior for others;

- desire to commit violence;

- sudden manifestations of anger.

Emotional symptoms as harbingers of a future breakdown:

- depression;

- thoughts about death,

- feeling of anxiety;

- anxiety and indecision;

- tearfulness;

- increased dependence on drugs and alcohol;

- thoughts of paranoid content;

- guilt;

- loss of interest in work and social life;

- the emergence of thoughts about one’s own greatness and invincibility.

Signs of a nervous breakdown

This disorder occurs in both women and men, but women are more susceptible to emotional problems. Women are much more likely to face stressful situations and are unable to effectively cope with these negative experiences. Women between the ages of 30 and 40 are often predisposed to severe nervous breakdowns.

Psychologists distinguish three stages of a nervous breakdown. At the first stage, the individual experiences inspiration. He devotes himself completely to some activity and is full of energy. A person does not listen to the body’s signals that he is overusing his nervous energy.

At the second stage, fatigue is felt, exhaustion of a neurotic nature is noted, and...

At the third stage, a pessimistic attitude appears and. A person becomes embittered, undecided, lethargic.

The main signs of a nervous breakdown:

- internal tension that is constantly present in a person;

- lack of interest in various activities, entertainment and desire to enjoy life;

— people’s requests provoke aggressive behavior;

- frequent insomnia;

- weight loss or gain;

- state of fatigue, depression;

- irritability and touchiness;

- hostile attitude towards others;

- the emergence of pessimism, depression, apathy;

- absent-mindedness, inattention;

- fixation on an unpleasant situation or person; difficulty switching to something else.

Consequences of a nervous breakdown

There can be many consequences for this condition. These include:

- deterioration in physical health (pressure surges, heart rhythm disturbances, ulcers, headaches, phobias, depression, mental disorders or);

- some people experience conflicts and deteriorate relationships with society, addictions arise - alcohol, nicotine, drugs, food ();

- a person is capable of committing rash acts, being more touchy and angry, and suicidal attempts are possible.

Treatment for a nervous breakdown

Nervous breakdown, what to do? Often people do not understand how to get out of such a state and continue to live if, for example, they were fired from work, a difficult life situation arose, a loved one changed, or an unexpected illness overtook them.

In case of a nervous disorder, it would be advisable to contact a good specialist to solve your problems: a psychotherapist, a psychologist or a neurologist (neurologist).

How to cope with a nervous breakdown?

Treatment of a nervous breakdown is carried out based on the specific reasons that provoked it, as well as the severity of the current manifestations. You cannot be negligent about your condition, since the edges of the psyche are quite fragile, and there is a possibility of serious consequences from a nervous breakdown for the patient’s future life.

You should also pay attention to preventive measures, since it would be better to prevent such situations than to deal with them later. Each person can avoid emotional illness if he learns to follow certain recommendations.

Prevention of a nervous breakdown includes:

- maintaining a daily routine and a balanced diet;

- alternating physical and mental stress with rest;

— professional activities with conflicting clients or employees should be avoided;

- you need to constantly improve yourself.

Few people think that when choosing a profession, some areas of activity will be associated with constant stress, which means that it will be quite difficult to avoid a nervous breakdown. Of course, no one can guarantee that at any job it will be possible to do without stressful situations that negatively affect the human psyche, but there are still areas that you can choose to ensure comfortable activity.

Such professions include: mathematician, archivist, travel agent, nature conservation specialist, forester and others. The level of stress in these areas of activity is minimal, and the advantages of these professions are the absence of the constant need to contact other people who like to create stressful and conflict situations. Particular attention should be paid to the activities of a travel agent. Despite the fact that this field of activity involves communicating with a large number of people, the likelihood of conflict situations developing in this industry is relatively low. An important advantage of this profession is also the calm pace of work.

Summarizing the data obtained in research, psychologists recommend that when choosing a profession, take into account the length of the work week, weigh the likelihood of competition and the possibility of developing conflict situations, as well as the need to deal with emotionally unstable clients (bosses or employees).

Hello. I wanted to clarify: my colleague at work is very annoying with his greed, stupidity, voice, incoherent speech, and in general, when I see this person, I begin to get noticeably irritated. I can't stand it. Help me please, what's wrong with me? I wasn't like that

Hello. I need help. My father is 76 years old. He lives in the village with my mother, who is 75. I live separately from them, in the city. Somewhere around January 10-11, dad experienced nervous stress or a breakdown, I don’t know exactly, but some kind of shock occurred. He has apathy towards everything, doesn’t want anything, now he just sleeps a lot. Became lethargic, confuses words, does not pronounce them completely. What to do with it and what to do in such cases? How to help.

Good afternoon Tell me who is better to contact - a psychologist or a neurologist?
The situation is difficult emotionally - in 1 year 2 close people have passed away, at work there is a lot of responsibility (I don’t even have anyone to consult with, the decisions are on me), in my personal life there is complete collapse (together for almost 2.5 years, but he doesn’t want to no family, goes with the flow, and I am with him, a feeling of complete degradation, I want to part with him), there are problems in the family (mother is left alone, sick, brother is an alcoholic, does not want to take treatment), no money (but needed to solve problems quietly). There is no support from anyone, I feel completely emotionally tired, I can break down and yell for any reason, I have a nervous itch, nothing makes me happy, I can sleep for 12 hours, I can toss and turn half the night, at work I can cry for no reason in the toilet, the slightest sound irritates me. Even the food is not happy. I gave up sports, it doesn’t bring any emotions, only irritation, I don’t see results, although I work in the gym at full capacity. There are no friends nearby either, everyone has left for different cities, it’s difficult to maintain communication. And now I can burst into tears. There are no positive emotions, I can only watch TV and want to buy a ticket, away from everyone. But I understand that this will not solve the problems.

  • Good afternoon, Anna. A psychologist is a specialist who has a liberal arts education in psychology and studies the human psyche. The activities of a psychologist do not concern illnesses.
    Neurologists specialize in so-called nervous diseases, study them, diagnose them and choose the best treatment options. Doctors of this profile help with depression and neuroses, but the main subject of study of neurology is functional, degenerative, inflammatory and vascular lesions of the nervous system. Neurology is at the intersection of several specialties. It is very closely related to psychiatry. These branches of medicine have much in common and very often treatment takes place in a complex manner, with the interaction of doctors. Therefore, in your situation, it makes sense to contact a neuropsychiatrist.

Hello, I was in a bad relationship six months ago, he acted very badly, but I still followed him until he finally humiliated me and so on. After this, nervous breakdowns, hysterics, and constant tearfulness began. Now there is a new relationship and there are no big problems in it, and the hysterics have returned. What to do about it, maybe you need to take some drugs, because the psyche is very disturbed, as I understand, this did not happen before.

Hello, I’m 14 and I’m suffering from panic attacks, I also have several fears, for example, there is a feeling that I will suddenly become very painful and die on the spot in pain, agony and convulsions.
Every day I am visited by hypochondriacal thoughts (at the moment I am suffering from sinusitis. I was very afraid of the passage of pus into the frontal sinuses, as a result of which I could get meningitis or, for example, develop a brain abscess),
I’m almost cured and I’m not in danger of it, but I still think about such things *there are many more such lousy thoughts*
There is a strange feeling as if someone is screaming at me (there are no sound hallucinations) it’s just a FEELING, it feels like there is pressure on me, but it doesn’t torment me as much as panic attacks. Lately, I often have an attack of sadness.
Usually, whenever I’m in line at the hospital or at the dentist, I feel very bad and feel cold *mother says that problems with blood vessels are possible*
+++ I have become irritable and easily angered (but I easily remind myself to calm down) +++ distracted and inattentive.
By the way, here are the reasons for my panic attacks / Aggressive or loud music, sometimes it occurs not because of anything, but just like that / when there are guests at home, a sharp fear begins that everyone will kill each other. My panic attacks last from about 30 seconds to 3 minutes.

Hello! I need your advice. Lately, my parents have begun to irritate me very much: they do not listen to me, are not interested in my emotional state, or in any significant events in my life (only if it is not related to studies). They are only interested in my studies and housework. They constantly shout at me and mess with my brains. As a result of this, I constantly lash out at them, at the dog and at those around me, and I have become very prickly and aggressive, although this has never happened to me before. More and more often, the thought of killing yourself, your parents, or at least someone else creeps into your head. Everything irritates and infuriates me. My physical condition has worsened: before I only needed 6 hours of sleep, but now 8-9 is not enough. I have a constant headache. Tell me, what's wrong with me? Is everything bad or will it pass soon?
P.S. I am 16 years old.

Hello! My name is Anara. I am 31 years old. Got married on the fly. Before meeting me, he divorced his wife 3 years ago because of his infidelities. They have a common son. He came to our city purely for the sake of his career. Of course, at first we were friends, then we started dating, and I became pregnant. We checked in. At first everything was fine, I gave birth to my daughter, a copy of it, went on maternity leave, did everything around the house, dinner was ready, in the morning all things were washed and ironed and it’s still like that to this day, and I serve breakfast as it should be. I began to notice his calls and correspondence with not one but several girls. Of course, because of this, we had strong conflicts to the point of assault. We have been living together for almost 4 years, I gave birth to another son. At this time, the daughter is 3.5 years old, the son is 1.5 years old, of course he loves children very much, he is ready to do everything for them, but during this time he did not stop communicating, seeing women, and cheated after which more than once we both became shy. Because of my dissatisfaction, he beat me all the time, even threatened to kill me and bury me. I always said during a conflict and during a calm conversation with him that I would file for divorce, that I would let him go, but he always leaves the house given to me by his parents where we lived all the time and returns. He says he can’t live without children. But during all this time I have become nervous, I can’t control myself, I swear with everyone, even with my parents, I get offended by every little thing, and I lash out at the children. I’ve been at home for four years now, I very rarely go out into the world, I’m always at home with the children and household items. With every quarrel, he packs up his things and leaves; he may not appear for a month, and then he begins to rebuild bridges between us. I love him, I want the children to have a father. But when he comes back with his head down, I accept him, but always remind him of his mistakes. He can't stand it and leaves again. Again these betrayals. And I have depression, pain inside, resentment of disappointment, although I knew what kind of person I was living with. What should I do, the children see our conflicts, we try to live again unsuccessfully, and all over again!

Hello! The last few days have alternated from joy to sadness, then a joyful event, and then a sad one. Yesterday I spent the whole day stressing myself out and was in complete apathy, I just lay there and thought about little, and in the evening it turned out that I had a fight with a loved one (not of my own free will) at the same time I had a fight with the guy I like. And unable to bear all this, I decided to take a walk, calmed my nerves a little, and returned home. There I had a fight again and couldn’t stand it anymore - I took a pack of valerian and drank what I had (about 14 tablets). But this did not calm me down; rather, it made me worse. It was very painful, both morally and physically (my heart ached), that in the end I scratched myself, tried to pierce my skin with my nails, and throughout the entire state, thoughts related to death often arose in my head. I don’t know how to characterize this condition, or even what to do.

Good evening! I really need your advice. I recently broke up with my boyfriend. We were together for 4 years, one of them was the year of our strong friendship. In the last year we have started to cool off a little towards each other. He called me to a meeting and said that he had decided to break up, that he no longer loved me and he had no feelings left. When I took my things from him, I asked how he felt after the breakup - he said that he felt better and calmer this way. We didn’t communicate for a week, but then we little by little began to correspond on distant topics and he, for example, doesn’t blacklist me. Please tell me if there is an opportunity to start all over again after such loud words as “I don’t love you” or to still let go. I love him, yes.

  • Hello, Alexandra. At this stage, it is better to let the young man go. There is an opinion “if you want to keep him, let him go,” but this does not guarantee a return if the guy has made a thoughtful decision.
    If you have a need to communicate, communicate, but don’t be interested in how he feels after breaking up. Find common topics that you both will have fun discussing. Gradually prepare yourself for the fact that your communication will fade away.

Good afternoon. I am constantly in a nervous breakdown after breaking up with my girlfriend and losing my job. My health has improved to 3. I go to the toilet frequently. And general weakness. There is no desire to eat or have fun. Already 3 months. I ask you to help with advice.

  • Hello, Denis.
    The advice is simple - what is missing in life needs to be replenished. Start meeting girls and looking for a job that suits you. Perceive personal and professional problems as temporary phenomena. You should try to be nervous as little as possible, because when you are nervous, hormonal surges occur. Hormonal disorders can manifest as irritability, excessive excitability, and unexplained mood swings.
    Your sudden weight loss may indicate the presence of endocrine pathologies.
    “Frequent trips to the toilet. And general weakness. There is no desire to eat or have fun.” - Your condition has dragged on - you need to visit a neuropsychiatrist and endocrinologist.
    “I’m constantly in a nervous breakdown after breaking up with my girlfriend and losing my job” - Set yourself up like this - all the good things will come, and the bad things will fight off. One stage of life has ended, another no less interesting one will begin, but for this I must let go of the past. You can no longer change the situation, but you can change your attitude towards the past.
    We recommend that you read:

Hello, I really need help with advice. My mother has always been a very emotional person, she devoted her whole life to dancing, her ensemble, and now she is retired. The problems started a long time ago, after the death of her mother, the horror of hysteria and panic attacks began, she cried every day, at that time I was still little and I don’t really know how she was treated, I know that she saw both a neurologist and a psychotherapist, She was put on The pills with which she began to completely fade away, we didn’t see her, she lay there like a vegetable. Then, apparently, she was taken off these pills. But nothing stopped, only when something upsets her, she begins to become hysterical, and this has been the case for 15 years. And now everything is even worse, only something will upset Her, and anything can upset Her (that’s not how they answered her, the most painful thing is her ensemble, she retired and now she only goes to them or they visit her, everything ends terrible hysterics) she goes and buys herself alcohol, she doesn’t get drunk, she washes it down with pills. I found a whole package of diphenhydramine on her, once I took her to the hospital after a package of phenazepam. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know how to take her to a psychiatrist or is there a need for a narcologist, she flatly refuses... she believes that there is something wrong with her head and only goes to a neurologist. The next day she behaves as if nothing had happened, only I return out the door an hour later and all the windows in the house are open and she is sleeping, and if she walks around with glassy eyes saying the same thing... please tell me what to do, how can she help?

Hello! It all probably started when my loved one tried to leave me for the first time. Afterwards they got back together, but it only got worse. I was very irritable, I thought that it would go away if I started working and sleeping normally, I never got one or the other. Absolutely everything drove me crazy, I limited my other half to such a narrow space that I couldn’t breathe, but the relationship continued. She cried over trifles, doubted everything, and when this happened, the relationship was destroyed. Now I fall into wild hysterics and forget what happened because of a slight irritant. Remembering, I am ashamed of the words spoken and deeds committed. How to get your loved one back and not make similar mistakes again?

Three years ago I had surgery for scoliosis, a titanium structure was installed on almost the entire spine, and the hump was removed. I became slim, like a girl. But the debilitating, severe, round-the-clock pain after surgery in my leg completely exhausted me. I am constantly engaged in rehabilitation, but the results are not very encouraging yet. That's why I have severe depression and constant nervous breakdowns. Some dullness from painkillers; before the operation I worked as a lawyer. And I don’t see a way out of this; psychologists don’t help relieve this pain. And the mental state of the pain only intensifies. Panic, fear, constant worry only make everything worse. I do not know what to do. I only think about pain, there is no other life. What to do??

  • Hello, Vera. You need to be constantly monitored by a neurologist and follow all the specialist’s recommendations. To relieve pain, physiotherapy, foot massage, swimming in the pool under the guidance of an instructor, mud applications, and B vitamins are mandatory.
    Swimming will also help in the fight against depression. During physical activity, hormones of joy are produced, so do not feel sorry for yourself.
    The most important thing is to believe in yourself and not stop working on yourself. Watch video lessons on Evminov’s board on the Internet. Choose suitable exercises for yourself to relax the muscles of your back and legs. Alternate exercise (walking, standing for long periods of time) with rest (sit down, lie down as soon as possible).

Very good article, informative. I myself have such problems: worry about children. I always worry about them, because now is such a time... And you can’t keep them near you. I was already completely exhausted, I didn’t know what to do, but my mother recommended Valoserdin drops to calm down. And it actually helped, relieve stress. They are cheap and last a long time. But I don't like the taste, but it can be survivable. If anyone has the same problems, then pay attention to these drops.

Treatment of a nervous breakdown is determined based on the specific causes that provoked it, as well as the overall severity of the current manifestations. For reactive psychoses, treatment is required in specialized clinics and hospitals. It consists of prescribing drug therapy with the use of antipsychotics, as well as the use of tranquilizers.

A nervous breakdown is a disorder caused by psychological overstrain, stress, or psychological trauma. Nervous breakdowns are characterized by a strong emotional reaction to situations. The cause of the breakdown may be worries about personal life problems, overwork, resentment, unfulfilled ambitions, unfulfilled desires. Despite the differences in the causes of the disease, the main feature of the human condition is his prolonged stay in a situation that causes depletion of strength and energy and causes negative emotions.

Nervous breakdowns are a common phenomenon in both men and women. But the fairer sex is more susceptible to this problem, especially in a midlife crisis (30-40 years old). The reason for this predisposition is the tendency to experience negative situations emotionally.

Women are simply not able to cope with the avalanche of problems on their own. In addition, the female psyche is structured in a special way: representatives of the weaker sex are more likely to experience not the problems themselves, but their experiences of these problems.

A nervous breakdown goes through three main stages:

It is not at all necessary that a breakdown will be characterized by sharp emotional manifestations. A completely opposite clinical picture is possible, characterized by a complete lack of activity, activity, passivity and lethargy.

Signs and symptoms of a nervous breakdown

The main symptoms of a nervous breakdown:

  • mood disorder: sudden changes, stupor, hysteria;
  • autonomic disorders: disturbances in the functioning of cardiovascular disease;
  • disorders of the nervous system, including problems with brain activity.

Signs of a nervous breakdown:

  • nervous internal tension;
  • lack of interest in life, activities, events, people;
  • aggressive reaction to requests or appeals from people;
  • sleep disorders, including insomnia;
  • sudden change in weight: loss or gain;
  • state of fatigue and depression;
  • anxiety, suspiciousness, negative thoughts;
  • irritability;
  • touchiness;
  • aggressiveness and hostility towards others;
  • pessimism and apathy;
  • headache;
  • absent-mindedness and inattention;
  • fixation on an object, person or event;
  • Digestive problems.

Nervous breakdown in middle-aged women

Psychological portals are full of articles about the midlife crisis in men, avoiding this topic in women, which creates the impression that the fair sex is completely unaware of this condition. However, it is not.

It’s just that, unlike men, whose crisis is characterized by self-searching and feelings of unfulfillment, women 30-40 years old experience a certain fatigue. The fact is that that period is active in working life for building a career and strengthening one’s position. Also active in raising children, most of whom are in adolescence, requiring special attention and control.

As a rule, the first signs of illness in the parents occur during this period, which causes additional anxiety and worry.

In addition, taking care of your appearance requires a lot of effort.

All together requires a woman to spend a lot of energy and leads to overwork, which can cause a nervous breakdown.

The body of a pregnant woman undergoes enormous changes. The consequence of these changes may be overstrain, which can develop into nervous breakdowns. Even a minor situation or minor problem can cause a surge of emotions, negative reactions and somatic disorders.

A pregnant woman is irritated by literally everything: loud voices of people, smells, sounds, taste characteristics. What is not normally an irritant for a pregnant woman is a cause or offense.

The reasons for this behavior are in a special hormone - gonadotropin, the concentration of which reaches its peak already in the first weeks of pregnancy. It is this hormone that provokes nausea, irritability and can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Subsequently, the situation is balanced by the production of progesterone, which is responsible for the normal conditions of fetal development in the womb. This hormone, in order to care for the fetus, leads to increased fatigue in the pregnant woman.

Another hormone that influences behavior is estriol. This hormone is responsible for the emotional state, causing increased sensitivity.

After childbirth, these hormones are produced in smaller quantities, but the body gets used to their constant presence and also begins to react inappropriately. For this reason, postpartum depression occurs, which can also lead to a nervous breakdown.

Danger of a nervous breakdown

A nervous breakdown is not an emotional outburst, as most people mistakenly believe. It is a severe disorder that can have a range of profound negative consequences.

The most common are:

  • deterioration of human health: headaches, cardiovascular disorders, changes in blood pressure, ulcers and gastritis;
  • depression;
  • phobias and anxiety disorders;
  • mental disorders of various types.

At the same time, relationships with people around you are disrupted: family, friends, colleagues. It is these relationship violations that are irreparable. Many people find comfort in various types of addictions: alcohol, drugs, nicotine. These addictions themselves can become a serious consequence of a nervous breakdown.

Mental disorders can include anger, resentment and even suicidal attempts.

If you have a nervous breakdown, you need to consult a good specialist. You should not self-medicate with various sedatives and medications. You need to understand that each group of drugs affects specific manifestations and cannot be universal. In addition, treatment alone cannot lead to positive results.

Treating a nervous breakdown is a long process. Even with the first improvements, it is necessary to continue taking the medications and all the doctors’ recommendations. The reason for the need for long-term treatment is the possibility of relapse of the disease. Visible improvement does not mean cure.

Human resources are not limitless, including patience. Unfavorable conditions, economic instability, illness, chronic fatigue and other factors lead to the fact that a mentally healthy person experiences outbursts of anger, hysterics, aggressive manifestations, persecution mania, etc. Constant stress gradually weakens the nervous system and ultimately leads to a nervous breakdown.

Nervous breakdown: signs.

You can determine if you have a nervous breakdown by the following signs:

1. chronic fatigue;
2. severe irritability;
3. the feeling that everyone around is an enemy;
4. frequent self-criticism;
5. negative reaction to other people's requests;
6. strong touchiness;
7. suspicion or delusion of persecution;
8. gastrointestinal problems, headaches;
9. depression;
10. insomnia.

What to do if you have a nervous breakdown?

If a nervous breakdown has visited you, then remember that the primary task is to get rid of negative emotions, and not to drive them inside, as this can lead to various diseases. You can get rid of negative emotions in different ways: scream, beat a pillow, tear paper, run, walk, cry.

If this is not your first time having a nervous breakdown, then remember in advance what actions calm you down and tell your loved ones about it. After a nervous breakdown, wash your face and drink water or soothing tea (mint or lemon balm). You can drink tincture of motherwort or valerian. It is advisable to take a short walk and go to bed.

At the moment of a nervous breakdown, remember that in such a state you will not solve anything, so it is better to try to calm down and not contact people.

What to do if another person has a nervous breakdown?

During an attack of aggression . You need to ask everyone to leave the room and let the person shout or let off steam in other ways. Then offer the person physical activity. Show trust and create a calm environment. Under no circumstances should you be led into aggression, as the person may not control himself. Don't scold or reproach.

Bring water or motherwort. Offer to wash. Some people during a nervous breakdown calm down if they are held tightly in a hug and not let go. But this can only be done if you have enough strength.

For nervous tremors. Nervous tremors can appear in a stressful situation and during a nervous breakdown. Trembling helps the body release accumulated tension, so it cannot be stopped. Interrupted nervous tremors cause muscle pain and then result in psychosomatic diseases. Trembling can affect the entire body or individual parts of it.

To help, try to increase your shaking. To do this, grab the person by the shoulders and shake him for about 15 seconds. At the same time, you need to talk to the person so that he does not think that you are showing aggression. After this, it is better for the person to sleep.

When hysterical. The negative aspect of hysteria is that it can last up to several hours. Hysteria is characterized by high activity, emotional speech, and theatrical poses. You can interrupt a hysteria by doing something unusual: pouring water on a person, slapping a person in the face, shouting sharply, dropping an object loudly, etc. Then, as always, you need to give water and help the person sleep.

Prevention of a nervous breakdown.

1. Switching attention. If you feel an increase in tension, then you should suddenly leave everyone and start doing something distracting from the irritant. It is useful to wash your face with cold water.

2. Getting rid of negative emotions. Try not to encounter things that make you feel negative. But if the negativity still starts to bother you, then you can use aromatherapy, yoga, sports, hard physical work, and dancing.

3. Use defense mechanisms. Humor and creativity can save even in the most difficult mental situations. You must be able to laugh at your character, fears, failures, and unpleasant situations.

Creativity has helped many people not only get rid of negative emotions, but also become famous artists and poets. Your hobby can especially help you in stressful situations.

4. Rest. often arises not from a large amount of work, but from stress and improper time management. It would be great to not only have a snack during your lunch break, but also relax a little.

It's helpful to set aside time for activities that you enjoy. In addition, he recommends sometimes changing the environment: walking in nature, visiting, traveling to other cities.