What vitamins do smokers lack? What vitamins do smokers need? Quit smoking - should I take synthetic vitamins at all?

Today, much is being done to combat smoking, but no bans or anti-tobacco campaigns help. The number of smokers continues to grow, and a large proportion of them are women and young girls. At the same time, many of them continue to be interested in fashionable things and good cosmetics, want to eat well, play sports, and dream of remaining beautiful and attractive for as long as possible. Such expectations can be called - to put it mildly - strange, but here we are not going to describe destructive impact smoking affects human life and health, but we want to say a little about how you can reduce the harm. In fact, this is unrealistic, but it is possible, in financial terms, to minimize the damage and somewhat slow down the destruction of health and beauty.

There is different ways for those who don't want to give up cigarettes.

You can buy a pipe, like Sherlock Holmes - although you can rarely see women with a pipe, but this method is very suitable for men. You will have to smoke less: pipe tobacco is expensive compared to cigarettes, and lighting on the go, as most people do, will also be difficult, so your body will slowly begin to wean itself. As a rule, everything does not work out so smoothly, because many, having bought a pipe, do not give up cigarettes: they smoke a pipe at home or in company, and cigarettes on the street and at work.

Women can be advised to choose cigarettes with an improved filter, but, again, they are not cheap, and the habit of “smoking to the end” makes such protection pointless.

Therefore, another method of protection has now begun to come into fashion, with the help of vitamins and food, and some “experts” claim that with a varied and healthy diet You don't have to worry too much about the effects of smoking on your body. "Collapse" tobacco industry it’s impossible to do it overnight, and it’s unlikely to be possible to do it “from above”, but taking vitamins to a smoking person easy to recommend. On the other hand, it is still unknown who benefits from this approach: having received vitamins, people will be able to calm down and continue smoking, and the profits of tobacco and pharmaceutical companies will increase; True, this is a large separate topic.

Vitamins are already being produced. Thus, the German company Hexal AG produces the drug Vitamkur: after drinking one capsule, the smoker replenishes daily norm essential vitamins. It must be said that the manufacturer indicates that Vitamkur not only helps reduce the damage from smoking, but also facilitates the process of quitting cigarettes: it all depends on what attracts the consumer more.

Products for smokers

Vitamin C is destroyed in smokers faster than any other, and it is not synthesized by the body. Where to get it from? Of course, mostly from “plant” products. The richest in ascorbic acid are rose hips, sweet and hot peppers, sea buckthorn, kiwi, currant, honeysuckle, different types cabbage - Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli; honeysuckle, wild garlic, viburnum, rowan, strawberry, horseradish, leafy green vegetables, onions and garlic, citrus fruits, tomatoes, apples, baked potatoes.

Beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A, is also extremely necessary for smokers - to protect against free radicals. Many of the products listed above are rich in it, as well as carrots, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, melons, asparagus, mangoes and other red and vegetable fruits and vegetables. yellow color. It is better to get beta-carotene from food, but take vitamin preparations better with caution: studies show that they, in combination with smoking, increase the risk of developing oncological diseases by 20-30%.

Tocopherol - vitamin E, also required by smokers increased dosages in order to somehow protect the cells. These are nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, etc.; dried apricots and prunes, wheat, some types of fish - eel, salmon, pike perch; squid, cereals - oat and barley, egg yolks and unrefined vegetable oils, leafy greens.

Everything listed here makes sense fresh, and in our country most of these products are fresh only in season; something that is stored for months in warehouses and freezers of supermarkets, and is also imported from countries like China, where everything is grown using “express technologies,” will bring little benefit.

Vitamins for smoking

The vitamins needed are the same as all people, but cigarette lovers, before taking them, should somewhat cleanse the liver and prepare the gastrointestinal tract, otherwise the beneficial substances simply will not be absorbed - accumulated toxins will interfere. For example, “experienced” smokers have 4-5 times more cadmium in their blood than those who do not smoke, and in such quantities it interferes with the production digestive enzymes, insulin and vitamin D; interferes with the absorption of iron, calcium, selenium, copper, zinc, etc.

Alpha lipoic acid, a substance with a strong antioxidant effect and often used in the production of dietary supplements and other health products, will help cleanse the liver. Normally, it should be produced in the body; this acid regulates the level of cholesterol in the blood, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the effect of toxins on the liver and improves its functions. You can buy it at a pharmacy and drink it for 2-4 weeks.

You can also take artichoke to cleanse the liver - also sold in pharmacies, in the form of tablets, capsules and extracts - or milk thistle preparations, an amazing herb that saves the liver even with the onset of cirrhosis; vitamin-like substances – choline, inositol, etc.

Before using any of the remedies, you should consult your doctor: if you have diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder or gastrointestinal tract, complications may arise.

Probiotics, like Linex or Bifidumbacterin, should be taken for 2-3 weeks, 2 times a day, and more fiber should be added to the diet. You need to consume fiber and probiotics in different time day.

After this you can take vitamins.

It is recommended to start with group B, and it is better to immediately buy a drug that contains all these vitamins - for example, “B Complex” from the American company Royal BodyCare, or “B-50” from NOW FOODS, or the “Doppelhertz active Magnesium + B Vitamins” complex . By the way, people who smoke also need magnesium: it should be taken periodically, in courses of 2-3 weeks, and especially if there are problems with the functioning of the heart.

Metal ions contained in cigarette smoke destroy vitamin C in the body. As a result, deficiency develops, which can become one of the reasons for decreased immunity. Internal hemorrhages may appear in the body, gums and wounds begin to bleed, and hair growth slows down. Deficiency of this vitamin causes migraines, asthenia, and bone pain. In addition to smoking, vitamin C stores are also reduced by drinking coffee.

To avoid these negative consequences, first of all, smokers need to monitor their diet. Vitamin C is found in almost all fruits and vegetables and should be consumed daily. Ascorbic acid is destroyed by cooking or other heat treatment, so it is better to eat vegetables fresh or steamed. Additionally, ascorbic acid is recommended, which is an excellent source of this vitamin. The body's daily need for vitamin C is at least 40 milligrams. One destroys 2.5 mg of this substance, therefore, to the norm of vitamin C intake, you need to add a value of 2.5, multiplied by the amount smoked per day.

"Vitamkur" - vitamins for smokers

A good multivitamin preparation is “Vitamkur”, developed taking into account the needs of the smoker’s body. It is also prescribed for the treatment of hypovitaminosis in smokers whose bodies are deficient in vitamins C and group B. The drug must be taken 1 capsule per day, regardless of meals.

The composition of "Vitamkur" includes vitamin C (ascorbic acid), (alpha-tocopherol acetate), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), . Vitamin C participates in hormones, including those involved in the smoking process (norepinephrine, serotonin and others), stimulates the production of hemoglobin and thereby helps reduce the harm from oxygen deficiency. Alpha tocopherol acetate is powerful antioxidant providing positive influence on protective function cells and tissue respiration function. Riboflavin is involved in oxidation-reduction cycles and dehydrogenation of amino acids. Thiamine is required for carbohydrate metabolism, maintaining the functioning of the central nervous system and immunity. Folic acid takes part in most metabolic processes. Cyanocobalamin for the synthesis of many vitamins, amino acids and for some membrane formation processes nerve tissue, red blood cells.

Not so long ago, many women believed that they looked beautiful and sexy with a cigarette in their hand. An expensive cigarette was associated with prosperity and success. And today the whole world has risen to fight smoking. And here you are - successful woman You no longer look fashionable with a cigarette in your hand.

But, having decided to give up smoking, you discovered other problems: irritability has appeared, your colleagues are annoying at work, your loved ones are at home, and you are ready to snap. What to do? Maybe I need to take a course of medication? Are there drugs or vitamins that help you quit smoking? Let's figure out how to help those who have thought about at least one of these questions.

What happens when you smoke?

When smoking another cigarette, a person receives a small but constant dose of nicotine, although this is just one of more than 4,000 components of tobacco smoke. Tobacco resins, like fuel oil, settle on the walls blood vessels, disrupting the transport of oxygen to organs and tissues, forming free radicals that aggressively oxidize cell membranes and disrupt the most important biochemical processes, distorting the functioning of the blood system, muscle tissue, exocrine and internal secretion glands.

What is the danger of free radicals?

It has been proven that under their influence they develop oncological diseases, heart disease, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, phlebitis, asthma, depression and much more. But the most insidious influence free radicals affect DNA molecules, which leads to different gene mutations, immune disorders and premature aging.

Antioxidant vitamins will help stop the destructive effects and cleanse the body of free radicals and other toxic substances.

Where can you find antioxidants?

Antioxidants are individual substances that protect the cells of a living body from damage and help maintain health!

The most effective antioxidants are:

  • vitamins: A, C, E;
  • minerals: selenium, chromium, zinc, manganese, copper;
  • carotenoids - natural pigments of bacteria, fungi or algae, as well as some plants, yellow-orange or red;
  • flavonoids are pigments that give various colors to plants and fruits (for example green tea or citrus)

Currently, pharmacy chains offer vitamin complexes for those who quit smoking, but the necessary substances can also be found in ordinary products.

What vitamins should quitters take?

Naturally, the body of those who have given up smoking requires usual dose nicotine, which is accompanied by unpleasant sensations (especially in the first days), as withdrawal syndrome occurs. The withdrawal syndrome can manifest itself most clearly in the spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency. Certainly, modern woman It’s easier to take vitamins bought at the pharmacy, but it’s not always time to take pills. How to avoid unpleasant consequences for those who have given up a bad habit?

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin A deficiency manifests itself externally early aging skin, the appearance of wrinkles and such a rather unpleasant cosmetic defect as dandruff. From childhood we also know that for good vision You need to eat carrots, because they are rich in carotene. But almost no one thinks that a lack of this particular vitamin can cause damage. lung tissue and the development of lung cancer.

After quitting nicotine, entering the body in required quantity retinol will improve the condition of tissues, and in combination with selenium will significantly reduce the threat oncological problems and enhances the effect of vitamin E.

Ascorbic acid

From a young age we are familiar with the expressions “vitaminized drink”, “rosehip decoction”, “vitamin C for all diseases”. What are the benefits and uniqueness of this substance?

The fact is that vitamin C is a powerful protective agent that strengthens the mechanism recovery processes the body, increases resistance to stress and infections, improves the absorption of iron and calcium, and promotes the removal of toxic substances from the body. It is even used to prevent cancer.

Adequate content ascorbic acid in the body enhances the effect of vitamins of other groups, as well as folic and pantothenic acid. Vitamin C deficiency leads to general weakness, dry skin, hair loss, tooth decay, periodontal disease. Wounds heal poorly and bruises easily appear, joints hurt, irritability and depression occur. And under stress, when you quit smoking, illness and constant toxic effects (for example, the effects of cigarette smoke), the need for it increases significantly.

You need to know that our body cannot store vitamin C on its own, and therefore it is necessary to include foods rich in it in the diet. Largest quantity Ascorbic acid is found in cabbage, and not in citrus fruits, as we are accustomed to believe, although they also have enough of it.

The following foods are rich in ascorbic acid:

  • Rose hip;
  • Sea ​​buckthorn
  • Bell pepper;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Apples;
  • Apricots and peaches;
  • Persimmon.


It is the main antioxidant among vitamins. It is what protects cell walls from destructive action free radicals and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

A lack of vitamin E leads to fatigue, nervousness, decreased visual acuity. The skin becomes loose and age spots appear on it. Women experience uterine dysfunction, which can lead to miscarriages and even infertility. In men, the production of sex hormones decreases and the sexual function. There may be tingling and numbness in the limbs, a feeling of “pins and needles” throughout the body, muscle weakness(including the heart muscle), impaired coordination of movements.

Contains tocopherol in various types vegetable oil, as well as in seeds, nuts, cereals, beans, egg yolks, milk and liver.

So, if, when quitting smoking, you want to help your body recover and overcome the desire to pick up a cigarette again, remember that you can always find Alternative option, various vitamins for quitting smoking are now sold. Or eat, for example, an apple.


By taking vitamins, smokers risk worsening their addiction to tobacco.

According to statistics, in Russia every year people die from addiction smoking 400 thousand people. Among men, the number of smokers is 60-70%, among women - 15-20%. Among boys, 27% smoke, among girls - not much less, 24%.

As a result scientific research(published in the online magazine Addiction) it turned out that people who want to get rid of the harmful habit of smoking are better off not taking vitamins, since they increase the need for nicotine and make it more difficult to quit smoking. The reason for this is psychological, associated with the so-called “permission effect”: a person thinks that by taking vitamins he is improving his health, and, relaxing, begins to smoke twice as much as usual. In fact, there is no evidence that vitamins can prevent heart disease or lung cancer.

Scientists conducted an experiment involving 74 smokers who were asked to take placebo pills. Half of the participants in the experiment knew about this, and the rest thought they were taking vitamin C. After this, a break was announced for an hour and the opportunity to smoke. It turned out that those who “took” (in their own opinion) vitamin C smoked twice as much. After talking with smokers, it became clear that with taking vitamins they feel much calmer and more confident about their health. Hope for healing properties vitamins leads to the fact that the addiction becomes more and more difficult to overcome, and more and more cigarettes are smoked.
People who smoke and at the same time take vitamins are lying to themselves, considering themselves protected from cancer and other diseases,” the author of the study, Wen-Bin Jiau, comments on the results. - It is important to remind them of the impending danger. Only after realizing the full depth of the problem can you limit yourself or give up altogether. bad habit" And vitamins are just a hindrance here. By the way, even earlier Finnish scientists proved that vitamins C and E increase the likelihood of developing tuberculosis in smokers by 72%.

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What to do?

There are more bananas that will help smokers and stoners make up for the lack of vitamin B6. Or take a vitamin complex containing this vitamin.

Why does a person smoke?

Because he needs a nicotinic acid. And the easiest way to get it is from cigarettes. The fact is that tobacco during the oxidation process (when the cigarette burns) is converted into necessary for the body nicotinic acid. This is the same vitamin PP that helps a person fight skin diseases.

Where else can you get niacin?

From vitamins, which can be presented in the form of tablets, pills or injections. There are also nicotine patches that can be glued to the skin and thus saturate the human body with nicotinic acid, or vitamin PP.

This reduces the craving for smoking and getting this vitamin through the lungs.

Nicotinic acid can also be taken from foods. For example, from wholemeal bread (preferably from rye flour), as well as from cereals, tea, carrots (yes, yes!), porcini mushrooms, but not raw or boiled, but dried. There is also a lot of nicotinic acid in potatoes. As for drinks, it’s tea – black or green.

15 to 30 mg per day. For a non-smoker - almost half as much. When a person receives niacin from foods and vitamins instead of cigarettes, the need for it gradually decreases. Then you can reduce its dosage.

What products will help you get vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) in the required quantity? This is the following huge ration per day ( daily dose acids can only replace 1 of these products):

  • Milk – 25 liters
  • Beef liver – 300 grams
  • Eggs – 100 pieces
  • Black bread – 1 kg
  • Carrots – 2.5 kilograms
  • Potatoes – 2.5 kilograms
  • Beef meat – 800 grams
  • Black tea (dry) – 100 grams
  • Green tea – 50 grams (dry)

What foods increase the need for nicotine?

This is milk, bread with sausage, coffee, sour cream and cottage cheese, combined, ice cream. If you eat these foods for a long time, the concentration of nicotinic acid in the body decreases, and the person needs more of it than before. Then he takes on the most easy way obtaining vitamin PP - smoking.

How to reduce the need to smoke?

You need to get enough nicotinic acid, but not from cigarettes, but from other sources. You cannot quit smoking right away - a person will experience withdrawal symptoms and will still smoke to satisfy their need for nicotine. Otherwise, he will develop vitamin deficiency, which still needs to be treated.

Step 1. You need to normalize your diet with products containing niacin.

Step 2. You need to add a vitamin complex containing nicotinic acid, that is, vitamin PP, to your diet.

Step 3. Having normalized your diet, you need to reduce the number of cigarettes. But not immediately, but gradually, replacing them with doses of vitamin PP. And gradually reduce the need for cigarettes to zero. Then you can quit smoking psychologically comfortably and painlessly.

Remember: your body suffers due to smoking. After all, nicotinic acid from vitamins is not harmful. But nicotine along with tobacco resins and combustion products are poison for the body. Give yourself the opportunity to choose in favor own health, and not in favor of a bad habit.

Be healthy and part with life's obstacles easily!


Nutrition while smoking

Products for smokers


Vitamin A

Its role in the body is quite diverse. It is involved in the formation of the visual pigment rhodopsin, which is part of the retina, namely the rod receptors. These sensory cells are responsible for the perception of light, and they are the ones who provide us with vision at dusk.

Vitamin A is also essential for maintaining normal structure skin and epithelial tissues lining our organs from the inside. It’s not for nothing that this substance is called the “beauty vitamin.” One more important function Vitamin A is the body's antioxidant defense - it takes on the blow of free radicals that destroy cell membranes and lead to their death.

It has been found that smokers have lower vitamin A levels. If these losses are not replenished, signs of hypovitaminosis may develop. The first to occur are twilight vision impairments ( night blindness) - a person practically loses the ability to see in low light. Immunity also decreases, which leads to frequent colds and other infections. In more advanced cases, they may appear various rashes, develop dryness and clouding of the cornea, and other diseases of the skin and epithelial integument.

Beta carotene

Beta-carotene is one of the provitamins A, i.e. This is a substance that is converted in the body into vitamin A. Until recently, it was believed that this was the only function of beta-carotene. However, research recent years showed that its role in the body is not limited to this. Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant. In addition, there is evidence that this substance prevents the development of atherosclerosis and reduces the risk of developing coronary disease hearts. Beta-carotene is also necessary for normal operation immune system.

One of the functions of beta-carotene is to neutralize inhaled toxic substances, especially tobacco smoke. This may be why smokers are most likely to be deficient in this substance. Beta-carotene deficiency in a smoker threatens not only a decrease in antioxidant protection and weakened immunity, but can also lead to the development of lung cancer.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E takes part in many metabolic processes, its functions are numerous and versatile. Hypo- and avitaminosis E is difficult to diagnose, but, clearly, a deficiency of this vitamin in the body greatly increases the likelihood of developing many serious diseases, especially for a smoker. The list of diseases is large - from premature appearance wrinkles and infertility, to severe heart attacks and strokes. In addition, vitamin E is one of the main natural antioxidants, therefore, with its deficiency, the risk of cancer increases greatly. The content of vitamin E is strongly influenced by the amount of vitamin C in the body, i.e. there is a relationship between vitamins C and E, a deficiency of the first leads to a faster occurrence of a deficiency of the second.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

The role of this vitamin in metabolism is so diverse that scientists around the world cannot even accurately determine its daily requirement. The generally accepted dose is 70-100 mg per day, however, for colds and an intense pace of life, it is recommended to increase the dosage up to 1 gram. Some scientists (twice Nobel laureate Linus Pauling and his associates) proposed huge doses - up to 7 grams per day and higher, but this opinion did not take root in the scientific world.

As for smoking, the smoker’s body’s need for vitamin C approximately doubles. There is an opinion that one smoked cigarette “consumes” 25 mg of vitamin C. This is due to increased consumption ascorbic acid and its increased excretion, since vitamin C reduces the harm from inhaled smoke by removing toxic compounds from the body, heavy metals. Being a powerful antioxidant, it also protects the smoker's body from the destructive effects of free radicals from tobacco smoke. But vitamin C deficiency in a smoker occurs not only because it is spent on detoxifying tobacco smoke products. The fact is that smoking also has a bad effect on the body’s absorption of this vitamin, because nicotine can destroy it.

A lack of ascorbic acid in the body leads not only to a decrease in immunity, due to which a person becomes more susceptible to various diseases, but also to various violations metabolism, weakening the functioning of all organs and tissues.

Vitamin D

This vitamin takes important place in maintaining bone health. It ensures normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestine and their deposition in bone tissue. It is calcium and phosphorus that provide bone strength.

Studies conducted in 1999 in Denmark showed that smoking not only leads to a decrease in vitamin D levels in the body, but also generally disrupts the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, which ultimately causes a decrease in bone mineralization and the development of osteoporosis, a disease characterized by increased bone fragility.

With osteoporosis, even a minor injury can lead to a serious fracture, which will disable a person for a long time, since bones in this disease heal much more slowly than in healthy people.

Vitamin B12 and folic acid

These vitamins also perform many various functions, but one of their main tasks is participation in hematopoiesis. They are necessary for the division of progenitor cells, which then turn into full cells blood. With a lack of these vitamins, anemia develops, which is characterized by the presence in the blood of immature giant red blood cells (megaloblasts), overflowing with hemoglobin. Anemia leads to oxygen starvation of the entire body and disruption of the functioning of all internal organs.

Thus, it is clear that smoking interferes with absorption and reduces the content of vitamins. Some of these vital substances are destroyed and are not absorbed by the smoker’s body. A significant portion is spent on neutralizing toxic substances from tobacco smoke.

The role of vitamins in the body's metabolic processes can hardly be overestimated. There is a deficiency of vitamins in the body, and we continue to smoke. 4 of the vitamins listed above and their precursors are antioxidants, and tobacco smoke contains free radicals and much more. The body of a heavy smoker becomes defenseless against the real threat of serious illnesses, including, and first of all, oncological ones.

Of course, vitamin deficiency does not manifest itself immediately. Our body is very adaptable, and the lack of one or another vitamin for a long time compensated by other mechanisms. However, over time, the body gets tired and can no longer cope with this problem.

In order to avoid vitamin deficiency, you need to constantly take care of the quality of your diet and, if necessary, take vitamin supplements. However, the most reliable way to solve the problem is, of course, to quit smoking.


Today, much is being done to combat smoking, but no bans or anti-tobacco campaigns help. The number of smokers continues to grow, and a large proportion of them are women and young girls. At the same time, many of them continue to be interested in fashionable things and good cosmetics, want to eat well, play sports, and dream of remaining beautiful and attractive for as long as possible. Such expectations can be called - to put it mildly - strange, but here we are not going to describe the destructive effects of smoking on human life and health, but want to say a little about how the harm can be reduced. In fact, this is unrealistic, but it is possible, in financial terms, to minimize the damage and somewhat slow down the destruction of health and beauty.

There are different ways for those who do not want to give up cigarettes.

You can buy a pipe, like Sherlock Holmes - although you can rarely see women with a pipe, but this method is very suitable for men. You will have to smoke less: pipe tobacco is expensive compared to cigarettes, and lighting on the go, as most people do, will also be difficult, so your body will slowly begin to wean itself. As a rule, everything does not work out so smoothly, because many, having bought a pipe, do not give up cigarettes: they smoke a pipe at home or in company, and cigarettes on the street and at work.

Women can be advised to choose cigarettes with an improved filter, but, again, they are not cheap, and the habit of “smoking to the end” makes such protection pointless.

Therefore, another method of protection has now become fashionable, with the help of vitamins and food, and some “experts” argue that with a varied and healthy diet, you don’t have to worry too much about the effects of smoking on the body. It is impossible to “curtail” the tobacco industry overnight, and doing it “from above” is unlikely to be possible, but it is not difficult to recommend taking vitamins to a smoker. On the other hand, it is still unknown who benefits from this approach: having received vitamins, people will be able to calm down and continue smoking, and the profits of tobacco and pharmaceutical companies will increase; True, this is a large separate topic.

Vitamins are already being produced. Thus, the German company Hexal AG produces the drug Vitamkur: after drinking one capsule, the smoker replenishes the daily requirement of essential vitamins. It must be said that the manufacturer indicates that Vitamkur not only helps reduce the damage from smoking, but also facilitates the process of quitting cigarettes: it all depends on what attracts the consumer more.

Vitamin C is destroyed in smokers faster than any other, and it is not synthesized by the body. Where to get it from? Of course, mostly from “plant” products. The richest in ascorbic acid are rose hips, sweet and hot peppers, sea buckthorn, kiwi, currants, honeysuckle, different types of cabbage - Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli; honeysuckle, wild garlic, viburnum, rowan, strawberries, horseradish, leafy green vegetables, onions and garlic, citrus fruits, tomatoes, apples, baked potatoes.

Beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A, is also essential for smokers to protect against free radicals. Many of the products listed above are rich in it, as well as carrots, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, melons, asparagus, mangoes and other red and yellow fruits and vegetables. It is better to get beta-carotene from food, and it is better to take vitamin preparations with caution: studies show that they, in combination with smoking, increase the risk of developing cancer by 20-30%.

Tocopherol - vitamin E, is also required by smokers in increased dosages in order to somehow protect cells. These are nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, etc.; dried apricots and prunes, wheat, some types of fish - eel, salmon, pike perch; squid, cereals - oatmeal and barley, egg yolks and unrefined vegetable oils, leafy greens.

Everything listed here makes sense to eat fresh, and in our country most of these products are fresh only in season; something that is stored for months in warehouses and freezers of supermarkets, and is also imported from countries like China, where everything is grown using “express technologies,” will bring little benefit.

The vitamins needed are the same as all people, but cigarette lovers, before taking them, should somewhat cleanse the liver and prepare the gastrointestinal tract, otherwise the beneficial substances simply will not be absorbed - accumulated toxins will interfere. For example, “experienced” smokers have 4-5 times more cadmium in their blood than those who do not smoke, and in such quantities it interferes with the production of digestive enzymes, insulin and vitamin D; interferes with the absorption of iron, calcium, selenium, copper, zinc, etc.

Alpha lipoic acid, a substance with a strong antioxidant effect and often used in the production of dietary supplements and other health products, will help cleanse the liver. Normally, it should be produced in the body; this acid regulates cholesterol levels in the blood, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, reduces the effect of toxins on the liver and improves its functions. You can buy it at a pharmacy and drink it for 2-4 weeks.

You can also take artichoke to cleanse the liver - also sold in pharmacies, in the form of tablets, capsules and extracts - or milk thistle preparations, an amazing herb that saves the liver even with the onset of cirrhosis; vitamin-like substances – choline, inositol, etc.

Before using any of the remedies, you should consult your doctor: if you have diseases of the pancreas, gall bladder or gastrointestinal tract, complications may arise.

Probiotics, like Linex or Bifidumbacterin, should be taken for 2-3 weeks, 2 times a day, and more fiber should be added to the diet. You need to consume fiber and probiotics at different times of the day.

After this you can take vitamins.

It is recommended to start with group B, and it is better to immediately buy a drug that contains all these vitamins - for example, “B Complex” from the American company Royal BodyCare, or “B-50” from NOW FOODS, or the complex “Doppelhertz Active Magnesium + B Vitamins” . By the way, people who smoke also need magnesium: it should be taken periodically, in courses of 2-3 weeks, and especially if there are problems with the functioning of the heart.

Smokers also need more calcium and selenium - it reduces the likelihood of lung cancer by 50% or more; vitamin C – at least 500-1000 mg per day; rutin – 250-500 mg in the evening to protect capillaries and maintain normal blood composition; zinc - in courses of at least 50 mg per day for a month, then another two months of 30 and 20 mg.

Vitamin E in capsules is also necessary, but you need to be careful with it, for the same reasons as with beta-carotene.

Proper nutrition and taking vitamins help maintain health, but in the case of smoking it is more of a “paper shield”. Serious experts in this field, such as Dr. Michael S. Fiore, director of the Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention in Madison, Wisconsin, believe that it is impossible to eliminate the effects of smoking, even by taking vitamins in large quantities.

Tags: nutrition for smoking, products for smokers, vitamins for smoking

Finally, the long-awaited moment has come true: you have decided to quit smoking. It is commendable! Making a decision is already half the success; all that remains is not to lose willpower and continue to move towards the goal, albeit slowly but steadily.

This period, perhaps, can be called the most difficult test in life for many who quit smoking, however, this does not mean that the healing of the body should occur on its own. Now, more than ever, you need to take care to fill your body with vitamins and other useful microelements, which were so lacking during the period of nicotine addiction.

What vitamins do people who quit smoking need first?

Perhaps this is the question that worries heavy smokers the most. What are the consequences of smoking? It turns out that almost all the negative effects on the body can be seen literally in the face. Pay attention to those who are interested tobacco products, on their skin, hair, nails and teeth.

Not a very pleasant sight, is it? What if you could scan human body, then one could “see” a lot more there unpleasant surprises. Fortunately, all this is behind you.

So, what “benefits” in the body were successfully destroyed by nicotine?

  1. Vitamin A. This vitamin is also called the main element of beauty. Indeed, it is responsible for the beauty of our skin, making it elastic and youthful. Nicotine addiction has a very strong effect on appearance; very often you can notice people with gray and dry skin, like paper. This is especially true for women who are very worried about this. To compensate for vitamin A deficiency, you should include it in your menu fatty varieties fish, liver, dill, parsley, lettuce, and egg yolks. There is also a lot of it in butter, cheeses.
  2. Beta carotene. The lion's share of this source of youth and beauty during smoking was spent on protecting the body from lung cancer.

Now is the time to start eating:

  • carrot;
  • rose hip;
  • yellow bell pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • any other yellow and orange vegetables and fruits.
  1. Vitamin E. Its effect on the body is very multifaceted. Tocopherol prevents many diseases, including cancer, and also plays the role of an antioxidant. Interestingly, its amount is directly related to the amount of its “brother”, ascorbic acid. Tocopherol is found in abundance in unrefined vegetable oil of any kind, so feel free to add it to your dishes.
  2. Vitamin C. You may have noticed that while you were addicted to cigarettes, you began to get sick more often. This is not surprising, because half of the amount of vitamin C in the body for those who quit smoking was spent on removing toxins obtained along with inhaled tobacco smoke as quickly as possible. Now your goal is to restore the content of ascorbic acid. With this antioxidant and immunity restorer comes health, beauty and youth.

Products that contain this substance:

  • lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits;
  • black currant;
  • Brussels sprouts and cauliflower;
  • rose hip;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn.
  1. Vitamin D. Perhaps it can be called bone cement, or more precisely, calcium and phosphorus. Smoking also has a negative impact on our bones, increasing the risk of accidental fracture. This happens precisely because of a decrease in the amount of vitamin. What can we say about how teeth deteriorate...

Its reserves can be replenished using the following products:

  • parsley;
  • nettle;
  • mushrooms.

However, the most accessible factor for the production of vitamin D is sunlight, which is why daily walks in daytime days. It is enough to stay in the sun for half an hour to charge your daily solar battery to the maximum.

  1. Vitamin B9. Folic acid is primarily responsible for our blood. Thanks to it, blood cells divide and grow. With a lack of folic acid, amnesia develops, oxygen starvation, low level hemoglobin. This results in a sluggish apathetic state, constant desire sleep. Smokers very often look unhealthy and even anemic, the reason for this is folic acid, or rather, a small amount of it. Find folic acid Can be in liver, raw spinach, yeast.

Vitamin complexes for women and men who quit smoking, as well as proper nutrition

Vitamins for quitting smoking can be purchased at finished form. If you decide to start taking a vitamin complex, please note that the composition also includes: essential microelements. The level of the same phosphorus, calcium and magnesium also dropped noticeably during the addiction to tobacco products. You can take the course separately fish oil and yeast in ampoules.

Of course, these drugs help, but, nevertheless, this does not mean that you can forget about proper nutrition. Vitamins and other beneficial substances are better absorbed by the body through food. Remember! Your daily diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil, as well as fish, calf liver, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese.

Try to plan your menu so that it includes as many of these products as possible every day. This is the only way you can deal with it very quickly. negative impact on health caused by nicotine addiction.

Smoking is a very bad habit that slowly destroys the body from the inside. Vitamins for smokers are simply necessary to maintain conditionally normal condition health. Please note that the article is written based on my personal experience, recommendations from doctors with whom I personally consulted when I quit smoking and other sources.

If you don't change anything, problems are inevitable.

In my case, I started thinking about vitamins when I was “getting ready” to quit smoking. I wanted to improve my well-being as much as possible so that one day I could give up cigarettes and radically change my life without pain. However, you can follow these recommendations for smokers at any stage of smoking.

If you want to smoke, then your body clearly lacks certain vitamins. When the body is weakened, you cannot think positively, the so-called strength of will. If you don’t strengthen yourself from the inside, a lack of vitamins when smoking can lead to the following problems:

  1. Problems with teeth and gums. Cigarette smoke negatively affects both the condition of enamel and gums. In order to protect yourself from similar problems, you need to start drinking Calcium. Yes, and trips to the dentist should be carried out at least once every 2-3 months.
  2. Depressive state and constant stress. Such problems appear when quitting tobacco. To protect yourself from problems with nervous system take vitamin complexes. If you do not pay enough attention to this point, quitting smoking can be difficult enough for the idea to fail.
  3. Nicotine withdrawal. This is a must-have item in a smoking cessation program, the “icing on the cake,” so to speak. A very difficult period. One of the ways to improve the condition during this period is powerful vitamin complexes.

If you want to smoke when you quit, be sure to start taking vitamins. A lack of vitamins can ruin your attempts to quit smoking.

Useful and harmful for smokers

First of all, you need to fill your body with vitamin C, the fact is that tobacco smoke contains metal ions that destroy this vitamin. Lack of vitamin leads to general weakening of the body, deterioration of the immune system, frequent colds. In addition, this vitamin improves the condition skin, vessel walls. It cannot accumulate in the body on its own and therefore the smoker needs to fill the body with it on his own.

It is impossible not to mention the relationship between vitamin A and smoking. Beta-carotene will not be beneficial for smokers or those who have quit smoking. Carotene actively interacts with carcinogens that accumulate in the body of a smoker. It does not fight them, but itself becomes a carcinogen, increasing the risk of cancer cell formation.

Magazine National Institute Cancer published research data that states negative consequence the use of beta-carotene and smoking. However, the European Safety Authority Food Products in 2012 stated that no such relationships had been identified. Thus, it is impossible to unequivocally confirm the correctness of one or another source, but I treat vitamin A with caution.

Tocopherols are one of the most essential vitamins for smokers; vitamin E is designed to protect the cells of the addict. A large number of this substance is present in the following foods:

  • Nuts (almonds, peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts).
  • Fish (salmon, pike perch, eel).
  • Oat and barley cereals.
  • Greens, egg yolks.

In order to correctly formulate a diet for a smoker, we advise you to use the tables below. Adjust the amount of vitamins based on your needs, because as you can see, not all of them can be beneficial.

Changing your diet

The daily intake of vitamin C for smokers depends on the number of cigarettes smoked. A non-smoker is recommended to consume about 50 mg of the vitamin per day. However, do not forget that each cigarette removes about 2.5 mg of this substance from the body. Table best products containing vitamin C for smokers:

Vitamin E is not destroyed cigarette smoke, And his daily requirement is 8-10 mg. In order to fill your body with this useful substance A smoker needs to eat the following foods:

Everyone must decide for themselves whether to take vitamin A or not. Personally, I gave up this substance. If you also want to reduce the amount of beta-carotene, then the table below will be useful to you:

Product mg per 100 g of product
Carrot 4425
Fresh parsley 4040
Spinach 3840

Regulating the amount of these three components can maximize the health of a smoker. At the same time, no one can guarantee the appearance of other diseases, the only one the right way out will complete failure from a bad habit. Authoritative experts say that no vitamins will help protect against the consequences of smoking.