How to make small pies. Making simple dough pies

What holiday would be complete without cheesecakes, buns and pies? It is by these that the culinary skills of the housewife are often assessed. Here you can and should not only show your imagination in choosing the filling, but also demonstrate your aesthetic taste, paying attention to the shape. Therefore, the question of how to sculpt pies so that they look appetizing always remains relevant.

Pies are our everything!

The history of Slavic cooking is unthinkable without pies. Their recipes have been passed down from mother to daughter and granddaughters for centuries. Over its long history, pies have been enriched with hundreds of recipes, dozens of filling options and a decent number of cooking methods. But the main secret of delicious pies remains the principle of combining good dough, tasty filling and patience.

Pies are a very convenient dish. Depending on what filling you choose, they can be:

  • appetizer (vegetable, mushroom fillings);
  • main course (pies with meat or fish);
  • dessert (sweet or milk fillings).

But it's not just homemade food. Many large domestic and foreign restaurants offer a large selection of pies on the menu. The uniqueness of these flour products is associated not only with the variety of fillings, but also with the type of dough and shape. As for the test, it can be:

  • yeast (butter, for fried pies);
  • yeast-free (puff pastry, custard).

The shape of the pies is no less important than the “content”. The skill of a housewife is often determined by whether she knows how to properly make pies from a particular dough.

This mixture makes the baked goods soft and airy. What is the best way to make pies from yeast dough? In shape, these products can take the form:

  • ovals;
  • circles;
  • squares;
  • triangles.

These are the figures that become voluminous thanks to the yeast dough and look especially advantageous.

How to make oval pies?

The most popular shape of yeast pies is oval. It is suitable for any filling.

  1. Divide the dough into small balls.
  2. Roll each ball into a roll.
  3. Cut the roll into small cubes (about 4 cm).
  4. Roll out the pieces into oval cakes up to 5 mm thick.
  5. We put the filling in the middle, fold one edge over the other, and pinch it in the shape of a crescent.
  6. When frying or baking, place the pies on the seam.

Forming round pies

Cute round pies are reminiscent of childhood. This form is especially suitable for fruit fillings, as it collects all the juice inside.

  1. Roll out the dough into small round cakes (about 5 mm).
  2. Place the filling in the center.
  3. We lift the edges of the cake and collect them in the middle.
  4. Pinch it together thoroughly to form a bag.
  5. Place the bake with the clamp down.

Making pies into squares

Open pillow pies look unusual. This form is suitable for dry fillings (potatoes, minced meat), since the juice of vegetable and fruit fillings will leak out.

  1. Roll out the dough into medium-sized rectangular cakes.
  2. Place the filling in the middle.
  3. We lift the corners and pinch them together.
  4. Place on a baking sheet or frying pan, seam side up.

Beautiful triangular pies

As a type of pies with open filling, triangular shapes cannot be ignored.

  1. Place the filling on a flat cake rolled out into a rectangle 0.5 cm thick.
  2. Fold the two edges together to form an arrow.
  3. Fold the two remaining edges up slightly.

Secrets of making pies from yeast dough

To make the pies cute, you should consider a number of recommendations:

  • pour a little sunflower oil on your hands - this way the dough will not stick and you can give it the desired shape;
  • Lubricate the edges of the cakes with water - then they will stick together well;
  • before baking or frying pies, cover them for 15 minutes with cling film greased with vegetable (preferably corn) oil - they will become even fluffier;
  • brush the tops of the pies with milk or beaten egg - a delicious crust will form on the pies.

The best forms for non-yeast dough

For housewives who do not like to bother with yeast, there are many dough options without it. A yeast-free “base” makes good pies, the shape of which does not require additional volume:

  • mugs;
  • tourniquets;
  • with relief outlines.

At the same time, all variants of forms for yeast dough can also be used.

How to make mug pies?

Experienced housewives know how to beautifully make pies from non-yeast dough - to make mugs. This technology is very easy to master.

  1. Cut out circles of the same diameter from the rolled out dough.
  2. Place the filling in the center.
  3. Cover with another circle and pinch the edges.
  4. Place on a baking sheet or frying pan.

Those who like larger-sized baked goods will certainly enjoy the bun pies.

  1. Cut the rolled out dough into several rectangles.
  2. We cut each rectangle into strips along the edges.
  3. Place the filling in the middle.
  4. Fold the strips crosswise, pinching the edges slightly.
  5. Place on surface for cooking.

If you want to surprise your loved ones with intricate pies, then adopt embossed shapes.

  1. We cut out ovals from the rolled out layer.
  2. Place the sausage-shaped filling in the middle.
  3. We turn the top and bottom of the workpiece by a quarter.
  4. Now take the corners along the wide edge and fold them crosswise twice.

It's as if we are swaddling our little pies. It's beautiful, but only suitable for thick fillings.

Rules for making pies from a non-yeast base

Pies made from this type of dough are very dense and, unlike yeast ones, can be lean. But in order for your baked goods to turn out great, you need to know how to make pies correctly if you are working with a base without yeast:

  • To make the edges stick better, brush them with egg white;
  • if you want to get baked goods with a delicate blush, brush them with brewed black tea before baking;
  • if you are making oven pies, then start baking at 100 degrees and gradually increase the temperature to the required temperature;
  • To make oven pies soft and airy, after you take out the baking sheet, sprinkle the baked goods with water.

I see that people often come to my website with the question “how to make pies beautifully, how to make beautifully shaped yeast buns.” So I decided to write a special article in which I will tell you what beautiful and different shapes buns come in, and how to give homemade buns this very shape.

Especially for the onset of Spring - Zhavoronki baking! See the article at the link.

Let's practice using the example of pies with cottage cheese made from rich yeast dough. Of course, you already know that you need to make pies by sprinkling the table and hands with flour so that the dough does not stick.

How to seal pies so they don't open

The simplest form is a regular pie.

Nothing complicated: we pinch off a lump from the dough - larger or smaller, depending on what kind of pie you want, and form a round cake with your hands about half a centimeter thick.

We put the filling in the middle, connect the opposite edges and pinch them together like a dumpling.

Pinch tightly so that the pie does not open during baking. You can seal it twice: the first time simply, and the second, “control” time, beautifully, figuratively, then the pie will have a beautiful ruddy scallop.

But it’s still safer to simply place the pies on a baking sheet, seam side down.

How to make cheesecake

Well, what if you want to make cheesecake?

Then we act a little differently. We form the dough not into a flat cake, but into a slightly flattened, thick bun. And in its center we make a depression with our thumb. And it’s even more convenient not with your finger, but with the bottom of a glass, greased with vegetable oil.

We put the filling into this cavity - the cheesecake is ready, it will turn out nice and round!

How to make beautiful open pies from butter dough

Pies with cottage cheese can be made not only in the form of cheesecakes, but also in the form of beautiful “envelopes”. Let's see how now!

We again form a flat cake from the dough, along the edges of which we make cuts - see photo.

We put the filling in the middle and fold the edges in turn, so that the filling remains open - first one, for example, right to left.

And then the second one - left to right.

Such open pies - envelopes - are good to bake with fresh fruit - peaches, plums, apricots, with assorted fruits, “like on the beach” - when the pastry with fruit is open, the filling does not remain raw, but is baked well.

How to make a pretzel

Kids love cute pretzels, the hottest bakery symbol of all time.

To make a pretzel, roll a long, thin sausage of dough between your palms.

Fold the edges of the sausage as shown in the photo.

Well, to prevent the pretzel from unwinding, you can mold the edges of the sausage and twist them once or twice like a corkscrew.

How to make a bagel

Bagels are a separate photo recipe. For now, I will say that for a bagel you need to roll out a circle of dough, which you cut into 8-16 long triangular segments. The filling is applied to the wide part of the triangle, then the bagel is twisted towards the narrow part.

And here is the second part - this time we baked even more beautiful and unusual buns of different shapes! Click on the link to see the continuation of this article :)

In the third part we will learn how to make various beautiful things from puff pastry - corners, croissants, tubes and much more!

And in the 4th part you will get acquainted with 12 more types of beautiful buns!

  • Yeast dough – 0.5-0.6 kg
  • Green onion – 200 g
  • Boiled egg – 3 pcs.
  • Raw egg (yolk) – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Flour for dust
  • Parchment
  • How to make beautiful pies? 4 cooking methods with photos


    Chop the onion using a knife or scissors (I like to do this). Sprinkle generously with salt and mash until juice appears.

    Boil the egg on the stove for 10 minutes. As soon as it is cooked, place the pan under cold water and clean it after a couple of minutes. Cut it into cubes and mix with green onions. Let's taste for salt.

    Method "Accordion"

    Let me remind you that the finished dough should not stick to your hands! Pour the flour onto the table. Cut the dough into small lumps and roll into even balls.

    Using a rolling pin, make a small oval-shaped “cake”. Place the filling on one part.

    Using a sharp knife, cut the other part into thin strips.

    Roll up the pie and pinch each ribbon of dough.

    Let the finished product rest for 15 minutes.

    We grease our beauties with yolk, place them on parchment or baking paper, and place them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

    Towards the end of baking, increase the temperature to quickly form a golden brown crust. (see rules for baking in a gas oven).Lubricate the finished pies with vegetable oil.

    Classic beautiful way

    Roll the ball into a round cake and put the filling in the center.

    We close the tip of the pie, connect it to one end of the dough, and then to the other.

    It is very difficult to show this in a photo, so watch the following video:

    Grease the surface with yolk, place on a baking sheet and bake (everything as in the previous recipe).

    Many housewives are taught to cook from childhood by their mothers. But it is impossible to convey all the secrets. And when you want to please yourself and your family with an original dish, the question arises of how to make it correctly. This article will talk about how to make pies correctly. The most important secret to making pies easily is perfect dough. Then everything will work out flawlessly.

    The secret of making pies from yeast dough

    Yeast pies are not only fluffy and beautiful, but also very tasty, and in order for them to turn out beautifully, you need to mold them correctly.

    Here are a few little tricks for making pies from yeast dough:

    • Firstly, so that the seam does not separate and holds well throughout baking, it should be twisted a little. You can do this with your fingers, as if wrapping the edges on top of each other.
    • Secondly, if the dough sticks to your hands when modeling, you can grease them with sunflower oil.
    • Thirdly, if the edges do not fit well and do not fit tightly, then you can additionally press them with a fork, so the seam will be not only strong, but also curly.
    • Fourthly, before modeling the cake for the future pie, be sure to dust it with flour and let it lie for 5-10 minutes.
    • Fifthly, yeast pies must still rise before they begin to bake or fry, so after this time you must check whether the seams have come apart and, if necessary, fasten them.

    Basic secrets of how to make pies for baking

    The most important secret for the seam of a pie that will be baked is that it does not come apart. If the housewife is not confident in the reliability of the joint, then it is better to bake the pie with the seam down. Such a seam just needs to be pressed well with your palm, and it will not come apart. Well, if you plan to make pies with an artistic seam, then it is better to treat it with a mixture of eggs and water, this will not only additionally seal the scar, but also give the baked goods a rosy appearance.

    How to make pies of different shapes

    Classic - boat. This is the favorite option of many housewives. The seam of such baked goods can be at the top or bottom. Virtuoso housewives make a beautiful top tripe in the form of a pigtail - this makes the pie very appetizing. To properly make a braided seam you need to practice well. You will need a round or oval-shaped flatbread and filling. First you need to pinch the edges by simply pressing, their friend
    to friend. The seam should be high to make the braid voluminous. Now it’s better to put the pie on the table and start “braiding” the braid. You need to start from one edge, gradually moving towards the other. You need to wrap the dough, placing the next layer on top of each other with your fingers. Bake with the pigtail facing up. For beginner cooks, it is better to hide the seam under the bottom. This way it won’t be visible that it is not even, and even if the scar opens up a little, it won’t be noticeable from above.

    Triangular shaped pie. There are two options for such pies - seam up or with a side scar.

    For pies with a side scar, you will need square blanks. The filling goes a little closer to one edge. Cover the filling with the free edge to form an equilateral triangle. The seam in such a pie can be pressed down with a fork or passed through with a special curly tool.

    Triangular-shaped pies with the seam facing up are made from round blanks. The filling should be placed in the very middle and the cake should be visually divided into three parts. It is better to sculpt on the table. You need to fasten the three parts in the middle, and then secure the seam itself. The tripe in such a pie can be made curly or in the form of a braid and for baking, place the flat side on a baking sheet.

    Square pies in the shape of an envelope. You will need a square piece and put the filling in the middle. Fold each corner up so that they meet in the middle. To make it easier to sculpt, you need to secure all the corners, and only then fasten the edges. You can also make a square pie with side seams; for this you will need two identical squares. The filling is placed on one of them and covered with the other. The edges of such a masterpiece can be ordinary - pinched with your fingers, or decorative - cut using a special roller knife with wavy edges.

    Round decorative pies. They need to be sculpted from two identical circles. It is better to make them using a glass, so the workpieces will be perfectly even and identical. Place the filling in the center of one circle and cover with the second dough piece. The tripe can be pinned together with your fingers, pressed with a fork, or made into a shape using sushi chopsticks, so you get an openwork paradise.

    Pies - manti. As a rule, this baking form is chosen if the filling is in liquid form (jam, jelly). You need a round blank. The edges of the future pie need to be raised so that the filling does not leak out. Manti pies are held together in a bunch, as if collecting the dough into a tail. In order for this form to bake better, you need to open the bunch a little.

    There are many more different forms, but these are more likely not pies, but buns.

    The secret to properly holding pies together for frying in a frying pan:

    • You need to start frying the pie from the side where the seam is.
    • To prevent the tripe from spreading when frying, you need to press it with a fork and roll out the pie a little.
    • If the seam does not want to be held together, then you can moisten it a little with water, but do not overdo it.

    Puff pastry pies

    As a rule, puff pastries are made for baking and have a sweet filling. Here are some basic rules for making these pies. Beginning housewives need to know that puff pastry does not like to be kneaded and molded for a long time, so it is better to make pies from it in the simplest form. It is better not to roll out the blanks before modeling, but to stretch them a little to the desired size. Fasten the pie together and place it on a baking sheet; brush the entire pastry, paying special attention to the seam, with beaten egg yolk.

    It is worth noting that to make it easier to mold pies of different shapes, it is important that the dough is of the correct consistency. Not too steep and not too hard. In this case, the hostess will get beautiful and very tasty pies.