Why dream of skating on ice and on a skating rink. Unfavorable weather conditions. Why dream Ice in dreams

French dream book

Why does a woman dream of ice:

Seeing ice in a dream is a good sign promising a happy meeting.

Gypsy dream book

Seeing ice in a dream means:

Ice - symbolizes unjustified trust. The secrets you shared with someone no longer exist.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

A dream with ice in a dream book is interpreted as:

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Ice in a dream Dream interpretation for a bitch

Ice - portends disasters: evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you; if you walk on ice in a dream, this means that you risk losing calmness and respect of others due to fleeting joys.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Ice in a dream Psychoanalytic dream book

Ice is a symbol of oblivion, rigidity and frigidity.

Dream Interpretation of the Past

Ice in a dream Dream interpretation of the past

Ice is a symbol of coldness, lack of feelings, or the end of some relationship. But it is not this image itself that has the greatest meaning, but the action that is associated with it or unfolds around it.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Ice in a dream Dream Interpretation of Martin Zadeki

Ice is bad luck.

Imperial dream book

Ice in a dream Imperial dream book

Breaking ice, melting and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: the manifestation of internal forces, the restoration of balance between heat and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (warmth) and kidneys (cold).
Water from melted snow and ice is considered the most beneficial for health (living water), therefore, in illness, sleep portends recovery. Sleep is favorable and after even a hard winter promises a good spring for the dreamer.
Sucking ice and snow to satisfy the need for water - a weakened body does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically running in a circle. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses the last heat. The dream portends failure or illness and advises that this does not happen, rest, gain strength and check the choice of goal and means to achieve it.

Modern dream book

Ice in a dream Modern dream book

Ice - means that the information about what kind of world is still for you in a "frozen" form.

Ice in a dream Dream interpretation alphabetically

Seeing ice in a dream portends material damage, the loss of a friend, failure in love. Ice on the river means a delay in business due to the machinations of enemies seeking to harm you in any way. Walking on snowy ice - you will start an enterprise that will bring the desired income.

Skating on ice means that you are in danger of losing your job or any values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you value very much. To fall into an ice hole - you risk the well-being of loved ones out of selfishness and greed.

Seeing a hole in the ice means vain efforts to realize illusory hopes. Making a hole in the ice - in reality you will experience a strong fright. Engage in ice fishing in a dream - a danger is approaching that you can notice in time. Seeing spring ice drift means that your luck is coming to an end and a streak of bad luck is coming.

To move from coast to coast, jumping from ice to ice - in reality, commit a crazy act that will bring you bad fame. Ice melting in a dream means that a business that gives you a lot of trouble will soon bring you joy and wealth.

Icy branches and wires, studded with huge icicles, portend temporary difficulties and illness that you will endure on your feet. Sucking or chewing ice or drinking ice water is bad news from distant relatives.

To be in a dream in icy water - you will experience annoyance in a conversation with a person who is not able to listen to you and interrupts the interlocutor at every word. Ice falling from the freezer of the refrigerator during defrosting is a sign of your failure due to the impatient desire to get ahead of events.

To suffer from ice in a dream means that you will meet a misogynist whose heart will melt when he meets you. A car skidding on ice portends hardships and hardships, after overcoming which the annoying little things in life will stop driving you crazy, you will simply stop taking them seriously. Adding ice to liquor marks a turning point in a decisive lawsuit for you.

An iceberg seen in a dream - to meaningless changes in life.

Dream interpretation of the 20th century

Ice in a dream Dream interpretation of the 20th century

It is a reflection of your restraint and coldness.

If the ice looks beautiful, shimmering in the rays of the sun, a dream means that by showing restraint in some matter, you have every chance of succeeding.

Mountains of simple, nondescript ice: often portend a decline in interest in a business or a cooling relationship with someone close to you. The dream suggests that the reason for this, most likely, lies in you.

Melting ice in a dream: a very good sign. In the near future, your affairs or relationships with others may begin to noticeably improve.

Dream interpretation of Rommel

Ice in a dream Dream Interpretation Rommel

An icy plane, ice on the river, ice, black ice on the road is a sign of misfortune, difficulties, as well as anger and betrayal.

They will try to harm you in everything that is dear to you.

Walk on ice, fail - damage your reputation.

Ice in the house, making ice - to trouble, illness, cooling between loved ones.

If you saw ice floating in clear water, stupid envy will harm your happiness.

Icicles - to suffering, disease, poverty.

To be on an ice floe is to face an obstacle that must be urgently overcome.

Dream interpretation for girls

Ice in a dream Dream interpretation for girls

Walking on ice - unfaithful friends.

Gnawing on an ice icicle is a disease.

Drop the icicle and put on your skates!

Dream Interpretation Maya

Ice in a dream Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dreamed that the ice was melting, the events taking place around you would not affect your lifestyle in any way. So that no shock touches you, drop a drop of blood into a glass of water, then freeze the water and take it to the cemetery.

If you dreamed that you were walking on ice, you are at great risk now. To avoid any problems, swallow a small piece of ice in the morning.

Skating is a fun that both adults and children adore, someone likes to slide on the ice himself, and someone likes to watch the process from the side. In the world of Morpheus, such an occupation is endowed with a special deep meaning, personifying certain life events. You can find out why you dream of skating from a dream book. Each predictor offers his own interpretation of the dream.

How to solve a dream

If you dreamed that you went skating, you need to understand that there is no unambiguous interpretation. The meaning of sleep is largely determined by its details. Some famously maneuver on a slippery surface, demonstrating pirouettes, others almost fall, and still others watch everything from the side. So, the details of a dream can be of tremendous importance for its correct solution.

Often a person skates in a dream, trying to get past the difficulties in real life and not wanting to cope with them on their own. If someone who has never put on skates dreamed of an exciting activity, this is a sign that you don’t need to take on too much and it’s better to choose those tasks that you really can do. When in a dream a person can hardly stand on his feet or falls all the time, it means that soon he will be entrusted with an important task that will be too tough.

To take part in figure skating competitions is to be recognized in the near future, even if someone else gets the championship laurels. Watched how other people ride - after a while you can have great fun. A similar plot can also portend unkind gossip that will soon make itself felt. One of the collections of dream interpretations says that a dream about skating promises big changes in life, and the sleeper will need to show quick reactions and some resourcefulness. As a result, he will be able to adapt to the new rhythm and reach the goal.

If the ice is a perfectly flat surface, sleep has a favorable prognosis. Things will go steadily, and even new prospects will open.

To feel great pleasure from riding and not be afraid of falling - to gain control over a problem situation.

To see large cracks in the ice while skiing - be careful, not all friends can be trusted, someone from a close circle is insincere and treacherous.

different plots

Skating on ice personifies speed, dynamics, risk. This sport goes hand in hand with thrill and euphoria. If you dream of riding on a perfectly smooth ice surface, and the dreamer feels a surge of bliss, it is worth assuming that he has problems with the musculoskeletal system. It is possible that the coordination of movements is impaired.

Did you drive on the ice of a frozen river and feel the bumps under your feet? You may be avoiding solving problems that are difficult for you to deal with. Do not shy away from responsibility, and you will be able to cope with all the difficulties on your own. The dream in which the ice was very thin has the same meaning.

During the ride, it was not possible to stay on the ice, and you constantly fell? It can be assumed that in the near future you will suffer from an idle lifestyle that you have long been accustomed to. Broken skates? Expect difficulties at work. You will not be removed from your post or fired, but some troubles will still make you nervous.

Being in different skates is a big disagreement in relations with your soulmate. Perhaps a quarrel will be provoked by a married couple who wants you to break up. Do not give in to intrigue. If your shoelaces come undone while riding and this causes you to fall, beware of dubious offers.

Sometimes white skates are dreamed of, with such a vision the subconsciousness appeals to prudence. You need to start managing your life, “put on your skates” and not be afraid of difficult maneuvers. Mindfulness will be the best support in the most difficult situation. Trying on skates and lacing them up before going out on the ice is an interesting undertaking. You will soon be engaged in the implementation of an exciting project. Do not doubt your own abilities!

Skate professionally - feel confident in your abilities. High self esteem is great but do not overestimate your resources and soberly assess the situation. Flying on ice - to the rapid development of events. You will have to adjust to the pace so as not to miss anything along the way. Watch how strangers drive - be careful and do not open your soul wide open in front of those in whom you are unsure.

Try not to provoke bad gossip.

Ride with a man

According to Freud, such a dream means a desire for sex. It can be assumed that the sleeper is dissatisfied with his intimate life, or he has not had sexual intimacy for a long time. A more detailed interpretation is given by the dream book. Skating on a skating rink accompanied by a handsome man - you suppress the pressure of passion, which is fraught with psychosomatic illnesses in real life.

According to the women's dream book, if, while riding with a handsome man, you fall all the time, then in reality you need support. Gather courage and endure a difficult life period. If you need help feel free to reach out to family and friends.

The Modern Dream Book says that a dream promises money problems. Do not plan any adventurous affairs, refuse to borrow money. Don't accept money from anyone either. In a situation where it is impossible to avoid a loan, spend the funds received only on real needs. Otherwise, you will be punished for squandering poverty.

If the ice cracked under your feet during skiing, it means that the man you need is not near you. The dream should not be taken literally. Maybe you are just very unhappy with your loved one or harbor a grudge against him. Do not rush to make a final decision, now it can aggravate the situation and cause a serious crisis.

Roller-skating with a man on the grass, know that in the near future a conflict with a lover will be inevitable. You don't want to listen to each other, and everyone is obsessed with their own point of view.

It is worth considering how much you value this relationship, and how much you need it. If you want to keep love, you have to compromise.

Interpretation according to Miller

According to this dream book, skating on ice means losing a job or other significant values.

  • Did the ice break under you while driving? This is a warning that your friends will not help with advice.
  • Watching other people maneuver on the ice - become a victim of evil gossip and rumors, because of which the reputation of your name will suffer. Moreover, the one whom you are accustomed to admire from the bottom of your heart will be involved in what happened.
  • Watching skaters is at odds with business partners.
  • To see young people skating on the rink - you will be satisfied with your good health and experience special pleasure because it costs you nothing to sacrifice yourself for the sake of another.

Other dream books

In order to understand what a dream means and get a complete picture, you need to turn to the dream book, ideally you should read the interpretations in several of these collections.

Here are predictions from the most popular dream book authors:

Having looked in different dream books about what skating is dreaming of, and having met conflicting interpretations, it is better to listen to the prediction that has a more positive meaning. After all, life is already filled with many negative moments, and you should not complicate it even more. Let dreams bring only good and good!

Attention, only TODAY!

A feeling of helplessness, awkwardness is experienced by a person who has lost his balance on a slippery surface. So the dream books assure that slipping on ice in a night's slumber reflects, first of all, the fear and uncertainty of the sleeper, the unwillingness to withstand the prevailing unfavorable circumstances. Why dream of walking on ice? For an answer, let's turn to various sources, keeping in mind the importance of the details noted in the dream.

Interpretation by Gustav Miller

The dream of ice drift on the river, according to the American psychotherapist Miller, predicts the collapse of hopes and plans. And this will happen because of the intrigues of envious people. If you walk on ice floes at night, it means that you risk losing credibility due to the fact that you cannot resist momentary temptations in reality. However, in winter, such a dream does not predict major troubles.

Why did a woman dream that she was walking on an icy surface? Miller is sure that the dreamer's sins and mistakes are still hidden from the eyes of others, but it's time for her to think about her far from perfect behavior.

Do not hurry!

It is possible that a sleeping person is about to do something reckless, which he will later regret - this is what the vision means that you had to move along a thin ice crust. The sorceress Medea in her dream book gives advice: take your time, try to sort out your feelings first, do not succumb to fleeting emotional outbursts.

Experienced sensations

A more accurate description of that, on ice, will be if we recall the emotions and sensations experienced in a dream.

So if in a night fantasy you are afraid when crossing a river on ice, then most likely you have reason not to trust those around you in reality.

Did you feel in a dream how an ice crust cracked under you? Alas, this is an indication of instability in business, especially financial.

Did you happen to skate on ice in a dream? The desire for pleasures and fleeting joys will end in a loss of respect from others. Why else dream of dreaming fun? The dream book will help to unravel the meaning of the symbol.

According to Miller

Had a dream about rolling on ice? In reality, you risk losing your job or some value. If the ice crust under you has failed, then at the moment it is better not to follow the advice of friends.

Support and fast response!

Why dream if you had a chance to skate on ice? The dream book insists: your own efforts are not enough, you need to get outside help.

At the same time, dream skating warns of a risky business, which you can realize only by instantly reacting to a change of circumstances.

Don't give in!

  • On a street skating rink - a prosperous period without much upheaval.
  • On the closed - limited action, support.
  • On the river - risk, danger.
  • Along the road - you can easily overcome a difficult life stage.
  • Down - a decline in strength, deeds, material level.

If you dreamed that in a dream you were sliding on a smooth surface right in the middle of the street, then the interpretation of the dream is twofold. You will succeed if you do not follow your own passion. At the same time, the plot indicates a threat from some kind of addiction.


Why dream that you decided to put on skates and go to the rink? Experiences and worries are unfounded, everything will go well. But the dream book thinks that it won’t hurt to take a break from boring duties.

Seeing skates also means that you want to get away from some problems. Skates for skating in a dream symbolize the accelerated development of events, a relatively quick change of circumstances.


Had a dream that you know how to skate on ice and even participate in competitions? If you show initiative and ingenuity, you will achieve incredible heights.

It's good to see how other characters ride. The time has come when you can calmly relax. You can train yourself on the rink to perform a pleasant task, work.

Why dream that in a dream they constantly fell and stuffed cones? The dream book believes that in real life you will take up a promising business, but you won’t be able to bring it “to mind”, because you don’t have the necessary skills or knowledge.

Be careful!

Did you dream that you managed to skate on ice right on your feet? The dream book advises a young woman to be careful in her actions so as not to arouse in others a desire to discuss her.

For men, to ride in a dream on their feet literally means: you should not rely on another person, he will not fulfill his obligations and will certainly let you down.

It’s bad to see that while riding on their feet they managed to fall. At night, this is a clear clue: if you take a chance, you will definitely burn out, and even make a lot of trouble.


Why dream if you had a chance to skate barefoot on ice? The dream interpretation believes that on your own initiative, decide to part with comfortable conditions.

You can find yourself barefoot on a cold and slippery surface before a period of trials, poverty.

Had a dream about how you glided barefoot on an icy road? It is in winter that a certain incident will occur when you are forced to run away from something or someone.

There is 1 comment

    Hello. Help me understand the dream. I dreamed that I was walking near the lake on a cold day. Then I saw something glittering in the water, I sat down to look and saw a golden ornament. I took them myself. But then the water abruptly and quickly began to freeze. And eventually turned into solid ice. But for some reason, the sand also turned into ice. I was with a friend, but I don't remember which one. We sat down on the ice and drove to the other end of the lake. Then I saw my sister standing where we were standing. She jumped after us and hugged my friend and we rode together. It was scary, extreme, just like in real life. We came across the ice to the other end of the lake. Then I saw a house of cards. I sat down to see what was there and saw a big turtle. Then it started to rain with hail. And since the house was big, we all climbed into it. Some time later, the house was demolished. And we all together again fell on the ice and went to the other end of the lake where we were. Well, then I was awakened by a phone call and the dream ended there.

Seeing him in the house or where you do not expect is a bad sign that portends discord in the house, in business and in relationships with friends and relatives. Sometimes such a dream portends great misfortune or illness to the inhabitants of this place.

Seeing ice in general is a sign of loss and danger. Being among the ice in a dream means that the slander spread about you by your enemies will have a bad effect on your reputation and your friends, acquaintances and relatives will avoid meeting you.

Making ice in a dream is a sign of selfishness, for which others will blame you.

Walking on ice in a dream is a harbinger of danger due to a risky business. Sometimes such a dream threatens with the loss of a good name and shame. Slipping on ice in a dream means that you can seriously suffer from an accident if you do not give up risky business.

Safely completing a trip on ice in a dream is a sign of great success in a very dangerous business. Sometimes such a dream portends that you will miraculously escape trouble due to the fact that you got involved in a dangerous business.

Adding ice to your drink in a dream means that you are tormented by jealousy or envy, which can lead to a cooling relationship. Drinking an iced drink in a dream portends suffering or illness. The same thing means the dream in which you suck on ice. If you dream that you are adding ice to someone else's glass, then you will be able to dissuade this person from committing some act.

The dream in which you saw trees covered with ice predicts the collapse of your hopes for a brilliant future. Melting ice portends that all the misunderstandings and troubles that weighed down will soon end. If you dream that spring has come and the ice is melting, then you will successfully carry out your plans that you have been hatching for so long. See interpretation: tree, road, go.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Ice

An icy plane, ice on the river, ice, black ice on the road is a sign of misfortune, difficulties, as well as anger and betrayal.

They will try to harm you in everything that is dear to you.

Walk on ice, fail - damage your reputation.

Ice in the house, making ice - to trouble, illness, cooling between loved ones.

If you saw ice floating in clear water, stupid envy will harm your happiness.

Icicles - to suffering, disease, poverty.

To be on an ice floe is to face an obstacle that must be urgently overcome.

Interpretation of dreams from