Falling off a cliff into water in a dream. Why do you dream about a cliff? Interpretation of a modern dream book

Dreams about a cliff have many different meanings. And in order to determine exactly what such a dream portends, you need to remember all its details and look in the dream book.

A break is often a sign that a new, successful period is beginning in life. But this is just the general idea. Let's look at the dream in more detail.

What did you see?

An abyss over the river means that fate has prepared a gift for you in the form of a quick solution to your accumulated problems. Most likely, unpleasant situations will resolve themselves and be quickly forgotten. A big plus will be that you will understand who you can count on and who is just pretending to be a friend.

A cliff over the sea dreams of a large-scale, important event. If the sea is calm, then the dream book promises long-awaited changes that you have been striving for for a long time. And waves on the water predict a surprise, a sharp turn in fate.

  • A very high cliff means thoughtfulness.
  • Rock - to making the right decision.
  • The abyss is overgrown with grass - you will remember old grievances.

If you saw a living person below, then soon you will be asked for a favor. The Dream Interpretation recommends making every effort to help solve the problem. And if the person who fell from the cliff is dead, then in reality you can easily get rid of ill-wishers and envious people.

Your actions

A business that requires maximum risk is what you dream of about a cliff along the edge of which you are walking. If you are not afraid in a dream, then in life you feel a sense of confidence and are ready for any challenge.

And being afraid, according to the dream book, means doubting the correctness of your actions. Psychologists recommend not to stop, but to ask for support from your loved ones.

Standing over a cliff means thinking about the near future. Now you are not worried about global problems, but about small, daily worries. The dream book promises that you can easily cope with them if you decide to make drastic changes in your everyday life. And standing on one leg means taking risks where it is not required.

  • Taking photographs of the abyss brings pleasant memories.
  • Throwing a stone into a cliff means criticizing a friend’s actions.
  • Abseiling on a rope means taking on hard work.

Avoiding a well-deserved punishment is what dreams of a cliff into which you fell, but remained unharmed. And falling and breaking your limbs - according to the dream book, means thinking about solving a pressing issue in a different way.

To fall into the abyss and scream means to resort to the help of a caring person. And falling into water in a dream means taking advantage of the current circumstances in reality.

If you have pushed your friend into the abyss, then you should have an open conversation with him. It is quite possible that he wants to tell you something, but does not dare to start a conversation.

And if you dreamed of a cliff from which you cannot get out, this means that it is impossible to return the events of the past, you need to start living in a new way. The dream book promises that these changes will be beneficial.

When you wake up after a dream about a cliff, you should not be scared or worried. Such a dream is a good sign that will allow you to make the right decision and guide you on the right path. All you need to do is correctly interpret your night dreams. Author: Vera Drobnaya

Some believe that unpleasant dreams warn of something bad. But not everyone has an evil message. It’s worth looking into the question, why do you dream about a cliff? There is no need to be afraid if you see a similar picture during a night's rest. The interpretation will depend on many nuances, for example - under what circumstances did you end up there, did you participate in the jump or were you just standing over the abyss? Details of the dream can play an important role in interpretation.

Basically, any extreme situation seen in a dream speaks of worries and fears. That is, you are worried about a problem that exists in reality. Experts are sure that this is how the subconscious gives a reaction, turning the emotional state into visual images.

Most of the interpretations from the dream book demonstrate a break as a new stage in life. It is worth considering in detail the existing interpretations.

Falling off a cliff in a dream

Did you dream about falling off a cliff in a dream? The dream will bring a lot of unpleasant emotions, but this does not mean a bad interpretation. Freud claims that falling into the abyss speaks of imminent dizzying and magnificent intimacy.

Notice how big the break was. If the bottom is not visible, and you fall off, falling into the darkness, then perhaps you should expect financial problems.

Were you pushed there? This serves as a serious warning. The dreamer has serious problems, or they will soon arise, that cannot be dealt with alone. You need to look at your friends and maybe ask for help. In other words, the dream says - you need the support of loved ones to resolve the trouble that has arisen. Otherwise you will fail.

If you fell down and suddenly flew up, as if wings had grown behind your back, thanks to which you fly away from the cliff? Rejoice, this indicates spiritual upliftment.

Falling off a cliff in a car in a dream

Seeing a cliff in a dream does not always promise trouble. Did you dream that you were falling into an abyss while sitting in a car? Transport symbolizes a specific business or new relationship. Together, the cliff and the car warn of difficulties or major disappointment.

If the dreamer witnessed a car with people falling down, then trouble should be expected. The picture serves as a serious warning - perhaps someone close to you will take part in a serious disaster. This also indicates troubles that will affect your environment (family, friends).

Jumping from a cliff into the water in a dream

The dream of falling off a cliff into water brings bad news. Get ready, your wish will not come true at all.

If you touched the water at the bottom of the abyss and completely immersed yourself in it, it means you have to do a serious thing in the near future. The action that the dreamer embodies will become a success and a problem in equal quantities.

The accuracy of interpretation is influenced by water. Remember what she was like? Pure - expect success in business. Dirty - fail.

Interpretation of dream books

There are several variations of dream interpretation. One of the most popular and accurate is Miller's dream book. Remember that the interpretation is influenced by the details of the picture. Mostly small details from dreams disappear in our memory. Before determining an accurate prediction, it is worth understanding the little things and trying to remember them.

Miller's Dream Book

Miller claims that falling down symbolizes a certain chance that allows you to change your life. Did you dream about how you climb up from an abyss? In this case, you need to make changes in your life, this is required to solve the existing problem.

Hanging on a cliff, risking falling down and not being able to pull yourself up and climb onto the ledge? You have serious problems. You can’t solve them alone; ask your loved ones for help. Otherwise problems will take over.

Interpretation of a modern dream book

The modern dream book implies several interpretations:

  • Standing before the abyss. The dreamer has serious fears or phobias. Turn to your own past; you may have to plunge into deep childhood to resolve the issue.
  • Sit on the edge of the abyss. This means that you are planning to carry out a serious business that involves great risks. In other words, such a dream indicates fear associated with possible risks. Reconsider the business you want to implement; perhaps you should abandon it?
  • See the road going into a cliff. This is a pretty good symbol. You will realize your plans, but you will do it with difficulties. The main thing is that you achieve what you want.
  • At the bottom of the abyss there is a road onto which you subsequently fall. Such a dream speaks more about a person’s character. You are decisive and confident enough in your actions.

Other interpretations

There are other interpretations of dreams that affect certain actions of the dreamer:

  1. A rapid drop down indicates that the decision made the day before was incorrect.
  2. Slow flight indicates your illusions, which prevent you from seeing the real thing.
  3. If you managed to grab the ledge and as a result did not fall down. You are in a rather precarious position. The problems that arise are trying to break you.
  4. Jump of your own free will. A new job, promotion or job change is expected.
  5. Land safely at the bottom of the abyss. Problems will be solved, a person will find harmony.
  6. We couldn't make it to the end. Symbolizes absolute hopelessness and prolonged depression.
  7. Get out of there. A new page in life is expected, you will overcome all difficulties.

Some astrologers decipher the dream presented as a collapse. The presence of a break is explained as a certain warning of imminent failures, the occurrence of which must be prevented.

What matters is the break

Have you encountered difficulties deciphering such a dream? Pay attention to the images seen in a dream; often the secret of interpretation lies in them.

When restoring the elements of night vision, remember what the gap was?

Fall or jump?

An independent fall, committed of one's own free will, does not portend anything terrible. On the contrary, it serves as a favorable warning and a symbol of solving existing problems and troubles. For careerists, this may mean a quick promotion or a change of job to a more profitable and promising one. The same applies to jumping. This interpretation applies specifically to a voluntary flight down. The same cannot be said about the case if you are pushed there, which promises trouble.

In a dream, different situations can happen to a person, from fantastic adventures to life-threatening events, from which one has to. And dream interpreters say that such things should not happen, they most often have a positive interpretation and predict changes in the dreamer’s life. We suggest you find out why you dream of a cliff according to the dream book.

General meaning of the image

Of course, a dangerous gorge, one glance at which can take your breath away, is unlikely to evoke positive emotions in anyone, but in fact, the image is interpreted favorably by dream books. When interpreting dreams, one must take into account that some events depicted in the dream world can warn a person about the dangers that threaten him in real life.

So, according to the dream book, a break is a sign that a new page is opening in the dreamer’s life; he had to say goodbye to the past and start living for tomorrow. The dream is favorable, however, like any change, it can cause stress and anxiety in the sleeper. Moreover, if the dreamer saw the road from the height of the cliff, then such a dream suggests that everything he planned will be realized without any difficulties. However, these are only general points; to understand in more detail what events in real life such a dream refers to, turning to the most authoritative dream books will help.

Miller's Interpreter

According to this source, seeing a cliff means getting into a difficult situation that will force the dreamer to activate all his vital forces and direct them to solving a non-standard issue. In addition, the dream interpreter suggests paying attention to the following details of the dream:

  • According to Miller’s dream book, a water break means being in a state of stress. The sleeper should relax, arrange a rest for himself, and stop worrying about little things, otherwise harm to health is inevitable.
  • Being on the edge of a gorge, but not being afraid of heights, is a sign that in reality the dreamer courageously takes responsibility and makes decisions, trusting his intuition. The dream is favorable for such a person and promises him success in life.
  • Falling down in a car is a warning. Now is not the time to get involved in adventurous ventures; they will end in complete failure and will only bring problems and troubles to the sleeper.

Erotic dream book

This source explains the appearance of a cliff in the world of dreams as follows: very soon a series of quarrels will begin in the sleeping person’s real life, relations with a partner will reach a dead end, mutual understanding and help will give way to reproaches and reproaches. Constant scandals and showdowns will begin.

It is a bad omen if you had to fall off a cliff in a dream. According to the dream book, this means the likelihood of separation. Voluntarily throwing yourself from a height is the willingness of the sleeper to make a difficult decision and tell the chosen one about the breakup, since the relationship has outlived its usefulness, is devoid of passion and in many ways resembles a routine. It is very possible that former lovers will begin to cheat on each other and end up parting as bitter enemies.

Interpretation from various sources

To understand even more precisely what a cliff means in dreams according to dream books, you should turn to a number of trusted sources, each of which analyzes certain events of a night dream. Let's get acquainted with the most important interpretations:

  • Freud's dream book suggests: the image of a cliff most often appears in the dream world of those people who are afraid of something in real life.
  • According to the Esoteric Dream Book, climbing a cliff means the need to deal with a difficult task, which will take a lot of strength and energy from the dreamer. However, if in a dream you had to fall from a great height, then the source recommends abandoning this dubious event, since it is too risky and is unlikely to end successfully.
  • The dream interpreter of Nadezhda and Dmitry Zima says that such a dream means the collapse of the sleeper’s hopes. All his efforts will not bring the desired result, so it is better to abandon active actions now and lie low.
  • A modern dream book explains the image as follows: if in the kingdom of Morpheus the dreamer has to be on the edge of a cliff, then in reality he is getting involved in a risky undertaking, so he must carefully weigh all the pros and cons. And if you had to fall from a height, then such a vision promises the complete collapse of all plans.

These are the main options for interpreting the image according to the most well-known and reliable sources.


An interpretation of the specific events of a night dream will help you understand in more detail what a cliff means in a dream according to dream books. Dream interpreters suggest paying attention to the following details:

  • Sitting on the edge of a gorge means you need to show your character in reality. Very soon the dreamer will find himself in a situation where he will have to make a difficult decision, most likely associated with risk. You need to be mentally prepared.
  • According to dream books, falling off a cliff means financial difficulties, the fight against which will take a lot of time and energy from the sleeper. However, if a fall was miraculously avoided, then the problems will also melt away without harming the dreamer in any way.
  • Watching the sunrise while on a cliff is a good sign. All the hopes and dreams of the sleeper will come true without much difficulty.

We looked at what dreams of a cliff mean according to dream books. In general, the image suggests that very soon changes will occur in the sleeper’s life, for which it is necessary to prepare.

Do you feel like you're losing ground? In a dream, everything is possible, so perhaps in your dream you fearlessly approach a cliff and fly up like an eagle? Or maybe, on the contrary, you are so terrified that your feet literally “stick” to the ground? Such a dream may indicate that you are hesitant to take some important step in life.

If in a dream you are standing on the edge of a cliff, but do not fall, it means that some undertaking or business in your life is quite risky, but you feel safe and confident that you can cope. What is at the foot of the cliff: sharp rocks or a beautiful ocean? This will determine whether there is danger ahead or whether you are safe: you know you must take a step, but the ocean will soften your fall. If you're at the bottom of a cliff, do you have a difficult climb to the top? Or do you see a picturesque and smooth road that will lead you straight to your destination?

Such states in a dream reflect your perception of life at the moment. Are you weighed down by a heavy backpack filled with things, or are you walking light and can easily run up a mountain? By the way, a backpack filled with things doesn’t have to be an obstacle. On the contrary, it may contain necessary things that can make the rise faster: for example, perhaps there are difficulties in your life that you need to quickly overcome.

Freud's Dream Book

Being on the edge of a cliff symbolizes various fears and phobias that haunt you in life around you. Falling off a cliff symbolizes sexual intercourse.

Find out from the online dream book what the Cliff means in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

What does a cliff mean in a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a cliff in a dream?

Standing on the edge of a cliff means trouble.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a cliff

If in a dream you are standing on the edge of an abyss or cliff, in real life you are threatened with quarrels that your loved one will provoke due to jealousy. Rite of Initiation The rite of initiation is present in all religions and religious teachings and represents an introduction to the cult and the secret knowledge that this cult carries within itself.

For example, in Christianity the rite of initiation is baptism and first communion, in Judaism - circumcision and the rite of bar mitzvah, in Zoroastrianism - the ritual tying of a belt. Typically, initiation occurs at a certain age, established by the doctrine of a given doctrine, and represents the initiation of the initiate into the host of those belonging to a given religion or the achievement of a new state (for example, a boy becoming a man).

Joining a cult has always remained a sealed secret in all ancient cultures. This is due to the sacralization of all rites and rituals by shamans and sorcerers, who, possessing ancient knowledge, were the social and spiritual leaders of the primitive community. They carefully guarded their secrets from the uninitiated. The figure of the shaman and magical knowledge were surrounded by a system of prohibitions, and those who dared to encroach on the secrets of the sacred art of the ancient sages were severely punished. In this regard, the meaning of the dream should be interpreted. Most likely, you have recently been privy to some important secret. Having this information, you can now use it successfully, since being involved in something that is not available to others gives you an invaluable advantage over them.

In our age of universal informatization, the winner is, first of all, those who have an information advantage and know how to use it correctly. Only in this case is success in your personal life and career guaranteed. In symbolic form, involvement in the secret appears in dreams in the form of mystical rituals, striking in their grandeur and realism. In fact, this dream also turns out to be the result of some everyday experiences that have been distorted along the long path from the unconscious to consciousness.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Cliff - Seeing - difficult achievements that you have to achieve, overcoming yourself. Climbing a cliff is fraught with danger and requires extreme concentration of attention and strength. It’s better not to risk falling off a cliff; the danger of “falling off” is too great.

Idiomatic dream book

Why do you dream about a cliff?

“On the Edge of the Abyss” (danger); “right off the bat” - a sharp change in events; “break in the line”, “breakdown of relationships”, “life tragically ended”.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about a cliff according to the dream book?

Standing on the edge of a cliff in a dream means in reality being overwhelmed by an insane passion that requires risky actions. Falling off a cliff means misfortunes and trials.

Modern dream book


Precipice - If you dreamed that you were standing on the edge of a precipice, then the dream foreshadows you misfortunes and troubles.

If you fell into an abyss, it means that you will not be able to withstand the misfortunes that befall you if you do not treat this dream as a warning.

Standing on the edge of a cliff in a dream and trying your best to maintain balance so as not to fall into the abyss - you must definitely change your life. This will allow you to gain a real opportunity to resist the failures that are approaching you.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why a Cliff in a dream?

Breakage - readiness for change; fear of failure. Being at the bottom of a cliff is an insurmountable obstacle.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Cliff by day of the week?

Standing at the cliff - feel the desire to change your life and forget about the past.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why do you dream about the Cliff?

A dream in which you stand on the edge of a cliff and look into a bottomless abyss below is a harbinger of misfortune from which there is no escape. If you are pushed down from a cliff by an unknown force, in reality you will not be able to resist the machinations of your enemies alone, and your friends will always be ready to come to your rescue. If, falling from a cliff, you soar above the ground like a bird and fly further and further from a dangerous place, in reality you will gain elation and successfully complete the work you started. A break in a film or tape predicts discord in a love relationship.

Great modern dream book

Breakage - why does the dreamer dream?

It’s as if you are standing on the edge of a cliff - trouble is rushing towards you; watch your every step if you want to avoid it; you will decide on some risky undertaking. You fell off a cliff in a dream - complete collapse awaits you; Only by showing miracles of resourcefulness, ingenuity, and using a strong business acumen, will you be able to improve your situation. It’s as if you are looking down from a cliff - everything in your life is so bad that the main state of your soul for the near future is depression. You throw stones off a cliff - a friend will turn to you for help, and you will provide it.

Everyday dream book

Everyday interpretation of a dream about a cliff

Seeing a cliff in a dream is an extremely negative omen. If you dreamed that you were standing on the edge of an abyss, a cliff, and at the same time you were experiencing horror, then in real life you will find yourself in an unusual situation, and you will be frightened by the need to make a decision to get out of this difficult situation.

If in a dream, standing on the edge of an abyss, you do not experience any unpleasant emotions, including fear, then you can hope that you will be able to overcome all obstacles with minimal losses, or even without them at all.

If you dreamed of a cliff from which you want to throw yourself off, this dream can mean big problems psychologically - you are very tired, emotional distress cannot find a way out, depression threatens to turn into a nervous breakdown. At a minimum, you need to find a “vest” so that you can throw out your emotions and experiences; at the most, the help of a qualified specialist would be invaluable.

If you had a dream in which you are driving a car and falling off a cliff at high speed, then in reality you will most likely get involved in a dubious and risky adventure, from which you will not be able to extricate yourself.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Falling off a cliff means committing a bad act.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing a cliff in a dream means death.

For those born in September, October, November, December

To dream that you are standing at the top of a cliff and looking down means being in a hopeless situation.