If you dreamed of a concert. Why do you dream about a concert - dream options. Trouble is possible, but not dangerous

Almost everyone loves music, but unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to attend concerts often. But in our dreams we can watch performances of our favorite performers at least every night. But what does the dream book recommend after such “breaks” - why do you dream of a rock party, a classical concert or a performance by a pop star?

  • Why do you dream about a concert? Most interpreters unanimously assure: this is a great dream, very kind and happy! Perhaps after such a dream your life will change for the better.
  • Just attending such an event and listening to music with pleasure in a dream means good news.
  • If the music was, well, very pleasant, the dream promises healing from illness or spiritual cleansing.
  • Sitting in the hall alone: ​​some exciting (quite possibly very interesting and pleasant) events will begin around you, but they will not affect you.

What kind of performer performed?

  • Was it a world-class star? You don’t know it yet, but you are already destined for a journey that you will absolutely love.
  • The concert in the dream was of a popular singer (singer, group), but only on the scale of your country? The dream promises success. If you are young, he will come in the love field, and if you are building a career, then in the business field.
  • Was this your idol? Soon life will help you stand out in front of your friends or colleagues. You will show yourself from the best side - as an adult who can produce serious results in work and bring things to a logical conclusion.
  • On the contrary, was it a performer you can't stand (or are neutral about)? This means that the interpretation of such a dream will be the opposite: do not rely only on your own strengths, work in a team, or at least do not ignore the advice of experienced people.

Were you going on stage yourself?

  • If yes, the dream promises: soon you will have the opportunity to “cheat around” and make good money from it.
  • If you were preparing for a really big concert (for example, planning to pack a stadium), or saw yourself already performing: you are destined for a very profitable business agreement.
  • There is another interpretation of such a dream: problems will begin in the family, and you will need to decide what to do.
  • If you saw your own performance from the outside, your subconscious warns: you are too vain.
  • You sang: the dream says that you will have to answer for your own mistakes. You danced: envious people are preparing a trap for you. Dancing on pointe shoes: these enemies will be your friends.
  • Seeing yourself in a rock band: if you don’t “turn on” your head, you will lose all your money.
  • You sang, but suddenly forgot the words: in life you rely heavily on information support from a colleague or friend, but in fact this help will only cause problems.
  • Have you worked as an entertainer? The dream promises that you will receive a position - at first glance, a solid one, but in fact not a commanding one at all.

What was the genre of music?

  • Seeing a classical music concert means fruitful work, a fun holiday and true love with which your life will be filled.
  • Was there a lone pianist performing? You love without reciprocity, and at this time someone is hopelessly in love with you... Maybe it’s time to leave your failed love in the past and pay attention to the person to whom you are dear?
  • If you have seen an opera concert or ballet, this is a warning dream. You are facing a bad deal. Moreover, you can expect meanness not only from partners “on your own”, but also from your own friends.
  • A symphonic music concert symbolizes the joy and admiration that you will soon experience.
  • If a pop or pop singer performed, the dream means: this is not the best period in terms of work. You will have to communicate with people who bore you. One good thing - all this is not for long.

Have you seen the concert ticket?

  • If you are presented with such a ticket, it means: you will meet a person worth your attention. If the ticket was for a performance by a pop performer, the dream speaks of empty affairs that will soon distract you from something really important.
  • Have you lost it, or maybe it was stolen? You will stop fussing with empty things and finally get down to something serious.
  • If you bought the ticket, and even second-hand, this means: because of your riskiness, you can get stuck in a dubious situation.
  • Was the ticket very beautiful? External gloss is important to you, and the inner essence of events and things comes second.

How do famous interpreters see such a dream?

In the end, we offer three author’s interpretations. The first is from a famous psychoanalyst, the second from a seer from Bulgaria, and the third from a leading specialist in the unknown. How does the author’s dream book see the concert, and wouldn’t such an interpretation differ from the general one?

Miller's Dream Book

  1. Was the concert a success, did you get a lot of positive impressions? You will celebrate future holidays very noisily and cheerfully, without saving money.
  2. A performance by a pop star is a dream of great emotions that will leave behind the trip you are planning.
  3. The performance of unknown performers is a warning: your new acquaintances behave well with you solely out of selfish interests.
  4. Have you performed yourself? Soon life will present you with the need to make a fateful decision.

Vanga's Dream Book

  1. If you were at a concert, the dream promises something very pleasant - either a trip, or a long feast, or other types of entertainment.
  2. For lovers, such a dream promises feelings that will never cool down.
  3. Writers (and other people who earn money by writing - journalists, bloggers) - have a lot of inspiration, as well as the admiration of their many readers.

Freud's Dream Book

  1. Were you a spectator and “dragged” by everything that was happening on stage? This means your life is entering a period of pleasure.
  2. If you were at the opera, this is a bad dream. It warns of quarrels with your spouse, as well as a tense situation in the relationship.
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Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about a Concert in a dream according to 20 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Concert” symbol from 20 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Participation in a concert of singers and ballet dancers- means that you will encounter ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also be in decline, but fortunately not for long.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Concert?

Hearing a concert performed by highly professional musicians in a dream- means the arrival of a time of pleasure and fruitful work for authors. Business people have such a dream- promises successful trading, unclouded happiness and true love for lovers.

If you saw an opera performance in a dream- such a dream foreshadows unpleasant companions and ungrateful friends. In addition, failures in commercial matters are possible.

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did you dream about the Concert in a dream?

If in a dream you attended a concert of your favorite pop star- such a dream foretells you the opportunity to prove, first of all to yourself, that you can make a responsible decision yourself and bring the difficult task you have begun to completion.

If you don’t like a famous pop star, but you ended up at the concert by accident or due to some circumstances- then before making a responsible decision, it is better for you to consult with an experienced person or lawyer.

Dream book of the future

Seeing and listening to a good concert in a dream- means the time of delightful entertainment has arrived.

Dream book for lovers

Dream about a great concert- portends pleasure and pure great love to young people.

However, if you are attending a concert of opera and ballet artists- such a dream promises ungrateful friends and loved ones.

Dream book for a bitch

Classical music concert- fun entertainment and a wonderful vacation, success in business and creativity, fidelity in love, pure and tender relationships await ahead.

Variety concert- a short-term decline in business, ingratitude of friends, forced communication with uninteresting and boring people.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A concert in a dream is a sign of emotional events that may soon occur outside the walls of your home and will affect not only you.

Empty hall at a concert- a sign that your expectations of stormy events will ultimately be in vain.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Listen to a concert of your favorite singer in a dream- to rumors about her.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Listen to a concert in a dream- to explain with children.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Listening to a concert means a family scandal.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream of a Concert in a dream?

A concert is a great joy.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing and listening to a first-class concert in a dream- means the time of delightful entertainment has arrived, and for writers- interesting literary work.

For a business person this dream- portends successful trade, and for young people - pure bliss and true love.

Concerts with the participation of ballet dancers and singers- mean that you will encounter ungrateful friends and unwanted companions. Commercial affairs will also be in decline, but, fortunately, not for long.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Concert in a dream?

Go to a concert of a world famous star in a dream- in real life you will get great pleasure from a trip that you go on completely by accident thanks to a happy coincidence of circumstances.

Contemplate the performance of local luminaries of stage or pop art- a harbinger of successful commercial transactions, and for young people - complete mutual understanding of loving hearts.

Concerts with performances by artists of the original genre- mean that in reality you will be unpleasantly struck by the duplicity and self-interest of your new friends. See yourself performing at a concert- this means that you will soon have to take responsibility for resolving an important family issue.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

To be present at a great concert in a dream- portends a time of pleasant entertainment, and for writers - interesting literary work.

For a business person such a dream- means successful trade, and for young people - unimaginable bliss in love.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Concert according to the dream book?

Hearing a concert is a joy; spiritual, mental cleansing, catharsis.

Seeing a concert is an expectation of major changes.

French dream book

If in a dream you heard a concert- then such a dream foretells you great joy and unearthly pleasures.

Gypsy dream book

If you are attending a concert or performing yourself- learn to play a musical instrument.

Online dream book

Meaning of the dream: Concert according to the dream book?

Be a spectator at a music concert- you will be visited by unprecedented inspiration, you will easily create in unlimited quantities.

More interpretations

In a dream we found ourselves at a performance of our favorite artist- you need to convince everyone and yourself that you can solve your own problems alone, no matter how difficult they may be.

You are giving a concert yourself- you have to resolve issues on which not only your well-being, but also that of your relatives will depend.

I dreamed of a hall without spectators- don’t have your head in the clouds, be more realistic, otherwise disappointment is inevitable.

Video: Why do you dream about a Concert?

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Did you dream about a Concert, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Concert in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I dreamed that it was as if there was an asphalt path filled with ice, and everyone was skating on it in a circle. it is circular, there are iron railings on both sides, and trees on the outside. and on the inside there is a recess and a platform. I was walking along this alley with some guy (it was not yet filled with ice), and we saw a crowd of people. There we were told that a portal had opened from the world of the dead, as I understood it, and you could meet two of your favorite people. My boyfriend and I saw some grandmother, she told us something that I don’t remember exactly. (I don’t know the guy, although in the dream he was very familiar. Despite the fact that it was cold, he was without a jacket, wearing only a sweater and simple black trousers.) He and I went for a walk further along the alley, and for some reason I was afraid that he and I would be seen together. then I wanted to go ice skating. The next moment I'm trying to roll and pull an empty sled behind me. but where there was ice, asphalt is literally just forming under the snow, and only ice in places, I can barely move, and then I fall to my knees in the snow, right at the very edge of the cliff, and I drag the sled and try to crawl, I can barely crawl through this section, and I see some kind of concert starting below. in that hole. I wanted to go there, there people stood in rows and raised their lighters. I was ready to jump there, but then the guy who was with me grabbed me and pulled me out of this alley, onto a hill, so that the entire depression inside the alley and the entire alley were visible. as soon as the last person went down there and lit a lighter, everyone who was there in the recess at the concert instantly disappeared, along with the concert.
    I was very excited about this dream.

    I performed on stage, sang in front of a full hall, then I went up to my sister and saw myself as I had just sung, I went to the other end of the hall from the stage, but the teacher with whom I was supposed to sing called me back. At the same time, I covered the top of my dress with a jacket; when I approached the stairs leading to the stage, I saw that my dress was glowing with a pattern; the color was orange. music started playing, a woman was sitting next to her, she offered her hand, I stood up on one step, I saw blue shoes on my feet, then straight to the fourth and then onto the stage. I went to my teacher (I had not seen him before) and my teacher began to sing, I understood that I don’t know the words to the song and when I had to sing, I couldn’t find a microphone and there was a girl standing next to the curtain, she started singing and I had to open my mouth, the audience didn’t believe me, I came down from the stage and started dancing, I spun along the stage and did the splits ( I don’t know how to do the splits) then I started playing chords on the piano next to me and the teacher said thank you, you can go. The scene changed and I was walking home with my sister and brother’s fiancée, it was winter.

    In general, yes. I dreamed that I was standing on the bank of a river, people had gathered on the beach.....after some point this river was drying up before our eyes....me and the people still walked barefoot to the middle of it.....then for some reason everyone ran back, I was scared too, but I ended up in an unknown place…..I was walking along the path..there was a cold wind…I was walking on a stone, there was someone’s portrait, I don’t remember what it looks like……. Then I remember another dream I had that same night, oddly enough I remember... I came out from somewhere with a friend... we went to a concert... we sat down to watch... and then an old woman stood next to us and extended her hand with a keychain... she says this is a gift for you , I refused... and I remember that I pierced myself (there were needles), in general, the grandmother forced him to take it for herself, and out of anger she got up and went outside...... there I saw some kind of park... trees, flowers....

    It’s like my class and I came to a concert and our acquaintances, but adults, were performing there and there was a man who I liked and I looked at him and he looked at me and everyone went out into the street and I was the only one left to watch the concert

    Hello Tatiana.
    I dreamed that I was at a concert of a rock band, but in fact these performers were not singing their own songs, they were singing songs of another artist, they sang one song twice, Alice Kooper was his song, all this was at school, I was the only one listening to these songs and I was glad that I finally saw my favorite singers, the T-shirt I was wearing was from a completely different rock band with no idea why, when they finished I walked up and asked with joy, “Is it yours or another artist’s song that you sang?” They answered “ours” but in fact it was not. It was obvious that they did not want to answer me.
    I wanted to take a photo with them and then they disappeared from the crowd of fans, but there were few people at the concert, there were about 10 people, and not all of my classmates were happy, only I was happy.
    In the end, I just packed up and left school with my friend.

    I left the house into a huge square, and there was a concert of rock stars, when I came closer, I watched as they sang “Gaza Strip”. I was just dying of happiness listening to him! There was a whole square, a lot of people, even the president was there! He looked somehow down on everything that was happening, he was also madly pleased, the concert soon ended and everyone happy began to leave, and so did I.

    I was at a rock concert although I didn’t like rock yet...then they gave me a barefoot guitar and asked me to try to play...I don’t know how to play in life...but in a dream I did it...then when everyone heard how I played they decided to rip me off...and on the next day after sleep I began to love rock

    From the beginning I saw a concert on a busy street: 7-8 artists sang and played well. A man came up to me and began to say that they had reached their end, the artists did not have halls for performances, that they needed different leadership in the city...
    Then a beggar boy came up to me, leaning on a stick; he couldn’t see well in one eye. I began to give him alms, opened my wallet, and in it there was paper money rolled up in small rectangular boxes. The boy tells me that he needs 50 rubles. I gave. Suddenly I see him at home, clean, healthy, in a large bathrobe. I started getting ready to buy him clothes, woke up... Thank you!

    I dreamed that I went to a rock concert, but at it a song from my favorite band was performed by a completely unknown performer (fake). After which the fire alarm in the hall goes off and people run to another hall where there should be a real group, and not a “fake”. How to interpret such a dream?

    I came to a concert with a friend - a composer and singer, were in the concert hall, bought flowers - roses, but roses on beautiful green branches, but the buds are small red, everyone congratulated him on his birthday

    i dreamed of a Diana Ross concert, as if I was sitting in some audience or hall and suddenly she appeared and began to sing, then suddenly something happened to the music and I tried to fix it and it seemed to work and the concert continued, then I woke up

    I dreamed that I had to perform at a concert, although I did not know the dance itself. All participants are standing in Ukrainian costumes and preparing for the performance. Then the music starts playing and everyone starts dancing and I automatically start moving correctly. At first we walked with our left foot, and then we turned the other way and stood in pairs. My date was a person I knew. Then we were supposed to stand in a circle, but someone made a mistake and everyone was told to start over. Everyone returned backstage, and then I looked into the hall and saw my parents sitting together and talking normally. Although they have been divorced for a year and do not communicate well with each other. Then the music started playing again and I woke up.

    Hello! In a dream, I saw a concert where I was sitting with almost all my friends. With me are my classmates, classmates, and colleagues who do not know each other in real life. This is interesting to me because I used to have a dream similar to this one, but then we were sitting in a movie theater... I hope for a good answer... Thanks in advance.

    I had a dream in which I was sitting in our new House of Culture with my friends, but no one was performing there, most likely the concert had not yet started, since everyone in the hall was discussing something among themselves, I was sitting with 3 more friends and we we laughed, but I don’t remember what we all laughed at

    Hello Tatyana, how much do your services cost? The dream was like this: some famous foreign group came to our city, they were giving a concert near the Central Department Store, they made a beautiful and fashionable venue, there were a lot of young people, and with my girlfriends we just ran to that concert, eating ice cream in our hands as we went, I didn’t even finish eating in a bag with us, and when we got to the concert, they pulled water things on top of the audience, like at airports a cooling sprayer like that, there’s a concert going on, and this clean water splashes on us all, it’s actually cool, what’s this for? thanks in advance

    I am attending a concert of a famous old Soviet actress. she is old, but looks unusually good, she is in a long evening dress and her eyes are made up so much that they seem huge. I don’t remember who this actress is, but I have a very respectful attitude towards her work and I feel that I was honored that she appeared on stage in this concert. She sings very beautifully and at the same time looks into my eyes with her huge eyes. I am sitting on the top row, she is below in the arena, but I see that her eyes are blue with a dark blue edging. After the concert, she comes to me, sits down opposite me and looks at me carefully with care, and I take her old hands, press them to me, kiss them and strongly, with tears in my eyes, I begin to thank her for her creativity and that it cannot leave I'm indifferent. She accepts the praise, then hugs me patronizingly and sits next to me. Then we all go out into the street, spring, village and suddenly I don’t see anyone. I’m trying to figure out where everyone has gone and I see a path between the snowdrifts far down the hill, but I understand that I won’t go there. I sit down on the path (slush and melted black soil), but I’m not afraid to get dirty, I look around, I see the stairs up and, getting up, I go there. awoke.

    I dreamed that it was April 28, 16, on that day there would be a concert of Oxymiron, I asked to buy me a ticket and went, time passed strangely there, I reached Belgorod in 2 minutes, there was still an hour before it started, other groups sang first, and then he came up

    Hello, I dreamed that I was hosting a concert and I couldn’t read the words properly, I stammered, I was distracted by something. After the concert, a friend who performed with me came up to me and told me everything she thought about me. The dream occurs twice, but with different endings. A very important concert is coming soon. What should I do? Refuse?

    Hello. On July 15, I had the following dream: my friend and I were in the mountains, he told me that she got cancer and therefore jumped from the very mountain where we were. He turned out to have her suicide recorded on video on a tablet. When I saw this video, I screamed in my sleep.
    And on July 16, I dreamed that I was at a football stadium, at the Euro 2016 Poland-Germany match. I walk around the stadium and can’t find my seat. The match has already begun and the players have left. Hard rock is playing. However, I am not a football fan. Please help me figure it out.

    I saw that I took first place in some competition. Well, most likely it was all a competition related to drawing tickets for a concert. Where I took first place. And they gave me a VIP ticket to a concert that I really wanted to attend!!! Then I found myself at the concert with my older sister. An hour and a half later we left. Because my sister really wanted to sleep.

    I dreamed that I was riding a bicycle past a huge waterfall that appeared due to downpours, then some group of strangers and I went to perform at a concert, and as soon as I went out to perform with this very group, I was asked to bring something Well, I returned with this item, but no one was waiting for me, this group performed without me

    In a dream, I see a beloved man who is in a crowd of people at some concert or outdoor event, he is wearing a bright red jacket, he is smiling in the company of friends, and then I see a photo, as if on the Internet, where he kisses some girl's cheek.

    I went to a ballet concert without a ticket. She sat in the arms of a woman she knew, then moved to an empty chair at the end of the hall. I was sitting between a group of Armenians. After the concert we went outside and noticed that I wasn’t wearing sandals; I woke up at the concert. I looked around, and many people were drunk. Everyone began to be indignant. and they told us that the garbage had already been removed and everything was taken to the trash bin. Everyone goes to the landfill. There, in a pile of garbage, a landfill worker began to pull out different pairs of shoes with a stick. Mine wasn't there. I wasn’t upset, I decided that it was old and I didn’t need it. I went home along the road and saw a goat grazing, stroked it and left. And then I woke up.

    Hello. I have a concert coming up with my favorite band, for which I’m going to go buy tickets today. But the concert will only take place on December 3rd. Everything was colorful there. They sang, bright colors shone, we had fun. Tell me, is this a dream from my imagination? Why am I looking forward to this letter, or does it mean something? But I had another dream right after that. About cats. As if I don’t see anyone, I’m taking the cats home. At first there were two dull kittens, small and hungry. Then in front of the house I saw a box, and there were two more gray ones, and the second one was red. They were already fluffy, beautiful, and I remember exactly that they smelled like powder. Then I found a black cat and took it home too. The dream was colorful. Tell me what this could mean?

    Zemfira called me on the phone and wanted me to come to her concert. There were many other details, but I clearly remember her voice, I remember it was as if I was at home, someone was nearby, everything seemed to be as usual, but the house was different, It was a different time

    The dream began with me worrying about tickets to a concert. I kept repeating so that my mother would finally buy it for me. The ticket cost 4900 tenge. I started telling my friends and even those I didn’t know about it. And all those who were going to this concert put us on a big bus. I was thinking about going out first to stand in the front row at this concert. This concert was my favorite bands. There weren't very many people like at many concerts. Just a small crowd. But people blocked everything. And the songs were ones that I don’t know. But in an instant, a little less than half of the people left. And there Hoseok raps. Then suddenly fandoms began to be awarded. They took a man and he is the best A.R.M.Y, EXO-L, V.I.P, MELODY and the rest.

    I dreamed about how I went to a concert of my idol, he is very popular. I smelled him, but I spoke to him.
    I felt the best emotions.
    (I think about this very often, and dream that all this will come true)

    I watched myself at a concert on stage, looking like a spectator from the side, the picture changed several times, as if I was looking at photos from different concerts. And every time in some new bright clothes, but always in a leather jacket.

    I dreamed that I was at a concert of a very popular group (maroon5)
    I was late for it, but immediately got to the front, straight to the stage
    I filmed everything, and then the soloist paid attention to me and started singing to me on camera, then he took my hand and led me away

    My friend and I found ourselves at some sort of school concert, that is, there were kids from school there, but the concert itself was dark and there were unfamiliar kids. It was dark, but there were LEDs that introduced red and so on colors. Later, my friend and I went to the toilet and we started to wash, washed ourselves and then came back out, sat down, and to the right of my friend there were 2 guys sitting, they started laughing at the friend’s joke and we started talking to them, and I don’t remember anymore. But with this friend we were in a classmate relationship for about 3 years, but then we had a fight with everyone and it so happened that we have common interests, former friends and so on, and now for about a month or two we communicate very well, I don’t know what this could mean, I was afraid that suddenly this dream foreshadows the loss of this friend, because she has become very dear to me.

    My husband bought two tickets to the concert, I’m late for it, but I still get there. I got somewhere in the back rows and dropped something there and I saw some sticks. and in these sticks, it’s as if I’m inserting dill umbrellas.

    I was at a concert with my husband and some other guy. When the concert was almost over, the husband came down and began to roll around near the stage, turning over on his stomach and back (the husband looked different than in life). Then I had to fish him out, and the second guy also did something clever and I squeezed him out too. She took the second one upstairs. Then I found myself in a store with my mother and sister and I needed to buy foundation, and the saleswoman took purple eyeshadow and went outside to look at the shade under the lamp. It was winter and there was snow. And then she came back and said 500 rubles from you, I’ll tell you why. She says I gave you this palette. I say "No. She's like oh where is she? And she herself said we need to go home before we are deceived again

    In general, I dreamed of a concert that took place at our school.
    The thing is that my favorite British band has arrived.
    I was upset because I thought they were the “fake” boy band members.
    Afterwards I went out into the school yard, there was a small box with a Chinese house (doll house) and my sister stood next to it. I took pictures of her and then went back into the school. There I met a friend and wished him a happy birthday, but my words were: “happy birthday, huh, sorry, I’m 2 weeks late. It just so happened,” the fact is that his birthday is November 22, but time seemed to go backwards, because it seemed to me that it was October.
    We hugged, and I again went up to the second floor to the stage.
    The stage was a little broken, but the adults did not consider it necessary to fix it.
    I forgot to note that at the beginning of the performance, some other person came out instead of the main singer of the group. I started to leave, but my favorite member still came on stage, but it seemed to me that they were from 2013 (now they have not performed for the second year), the group’s songs were also from 2011 and their songs were about love
    Then my parents’ friends came and took me away.
    By the way, in my dream I even cried with happiness when I saw them

    I dream that I am standing right next to the stage, but there is no performer. Then I went to the table where I was drawing and I started taking pictures of the scene where the girl who inspires me with her photos on Instagram stood, she sang a song, but it was not her concert. Then I was invited to play on stage, that is, to exchange clothes with other participants. All

    The guy I met in the dream (a theater worker) gave me an invitation to a concert that I was planning to go to anyway. In the end I came, and the girls said that we don’t know whether it’s worth it or not. I started to rush around, and then I remembered that I still had free money. Then there were a lot of empty seats in the first row, and I decided to sit down, at that moment a lot of people ran into the seats, and everyone started swearing. I just sat down and told the girl who was yelling at me, give me a ticket, if my seat is written there, then I will give in. As a result, this guy ran out, and we went somewhere with him. There was some kind of holiday (it seemed to me that it was Paris), and I had to swim in the river, the water was a little dirty, but I took a swim, the water turned out to be very warm.

    I graduated from the music school three years ago, and I dreamed that I came to it again, met everyone with whom I studied there, then some kind of boiling began and I realized that everyone was going to a concert in Ufa, I decided to go too when I sat down For some reason I was wearing a large long purple terry robe into the minibus, we set off and on the way passed the registry office where there was a wedding, everyone leaned out of the window and started shouting congratulations, etc., then we stopped a little further away, I also got out and it so happened that I for some reason I refused to go and went out with my bag, waited for the right moment to approach the driver and say that I would not go with them and then I woke up

    Hello! My name is Valeria, I'm 11 years old. My parents are involved in vocal activities (my mother is a soloist, my father plays the accordion and piano). We also have two girls as backup dancers, who are 14-15 years old. Together we are the show group DEO. (No, this is not PR for our group) More to the point: every month we organize a concert. Not so long ago we performed at a solo concert as usual (namely on June 1). A few days later (around June 2-3) I dreamed about the same concert. True, I didn’t dream specifically about the concert itself, but precisely about how we approached the room where the concert was supposed to take place. I started taking photos with my phone, although in real life I took photos after the concert. Could this mean anything? If anything, write to me: by email - , or on Vkontakte - https://vk.com/yairy.love.

    Hello! My dream was about how I went to a concert of my favorite singer. I was even able to go behind the scenes. After the concert, she had an autograph session. She gave me her autograph, and then we became such friends. We were always talking about something. Then I was truly happy. End of the dream.
    I also want to say that I had a dream with this singer more than once, there were about 4 of them already. And in all my dreams we were friends with her, but I don’t understand how she could understand me if she speaks English. But when we communicated with her, she spoke Russian and I understood her.

    When my favorite performer came to my city, I of course went to his concert, I arrived much earlier, there were already people there (standing near the stage), and the dream at first came not from my face, but from the performer’s face), and for some reason the concert didn’t take place, we all took pictures, signed autographs and left.

    I dreamed today that I was supposed to perform at a school concert, the concert was already going on, my head teacher was dancing and singing (in fact, I am a teacher, but we both quit this school in the summer). I have to go out to dance, but the costume is not ready, I quickly improvise it, pull on whatever I can get my hands on. I’m in a hurry and worried, but I have to perform.

    I dreamed that I went to a concert of one performer and there I won a ticket to another concert, which, in fact, had already passed in real life and I did not get to it. I went there and won another concert there, which also actually took place. I invited my friends with me to the second concert and for some reason one of them started tearing up the tickets and throwing them away. We looked for tickets for a long time and then realized that she had thrown them away. I thought we were late for the concert, but it was at 23:00 and on the phone it was 20:21. And I wanted to call my parents to ask for time off and then they would pick us up. and then I woke up

    In real life, I'm a singer. And today in a dream I dreamed that I was giving a concert in a duet with Elena Temnikova) I had the feeling that this was not the first time) I certainly like her songs and her work in general, but I’m not a fan of her)

    I entered some building and there was a poster hanging there that said that my favorite band was performing today, and after a couple of seconds I heard a familiar song and ran towards the sound. There really was a concert there, I had fun and sang along. Afterwards, I left the room where there was a concert and the lead singer from that group was sitting in the hall, but I heard that the music was playing, I quickly ran back to the room because I didn’t understand, and in that room the music began to fade out and the lights slowly turned off, so I ran out and asked to take a photo with my idol, we took a lot of photos together.

    Morning. My sister and I find out that a concert of my favorite artist will be held in my city. In my life, I really adore this artist and have already been unable to get to his concert 5 times (I’ll go back to sleep! We found out about the concert, and as usual I said in my head: “I’m not going to get to again(“. My sister doesn’t know about it) that I like this artist. But somehow she guessed that I wanted to go and gave me a ticket. I jump with happiness, thank her, hug her. The concert was already this evening. Then I immediately begin to think about what I will do give to the performer. There must be a gift! I'm looking for a suitable box, I'm thinking about what and how it will be inside! I decided to put tangerines in there) But the box turned out to be small, and I'm in a hurry looking for another box. I found it. I put tangerines. There is still room , and I started thinking about how I could fill this void. (To be honest, I don’t remember what else I put in the box.) The box turned out to be filled, and I packed it beautifully. We arrived at the place where the concert will be held. And then I find out , that the concert had been going on for half an hour, and I was very upset, and decided that there was no point in going. But then, after thinking a little, I finally decided to go, since the concert would go on for another 50 minutes. I look at myself, at my clothes, and realize that I am standing in black dress pants, a blue T-shirt with a strange inscription: “I’ll sing now!”, and in hard boots. I understand that I won’t go like this, and I also understand that all the other clothes are outside the city, where I came from yesterday without taking any clothes with me. And I started to panic. Then I just sat down and started crying and talking about how nothing ever works out in my life. In an instant I wake up. In my dream, I never got to the concert, didn’t give a gift, and didn’t see my idol. I want to know why I had this dream! Hope you can help!

    Hello, today I dreamed that I was just passing by with my mother and famous personalities were passing by, I remember only Olga Buzova’s face and I asked my mother if I could go, my mother allowed me then I was near some building, we were talking with her (Olya) we went in to this building and there was an all-star concert

    I dreamed of a concert of one of my favorite singers, but in the dream I was dancing right on the stage, there were several girls (on stage), but there was one case: I want to climb onto the stage, but I can’t and the singer helps me, on stage I lose my balance and wave my arms I managed and everything was fine and it felt like I was in a controlled dream. Also during the concert they played Pererivi and beat mini fairs.
    Help me please (sorry for mistakes)

    I dreamed that my parents separated, it’s unclear why, maybe because my mother in my dream was very successful, then she came home and left after packing her things. Then I found myself at the concert of my idol, after the concert I met my father, he was also there and I asked him about my mother and then I woke up

    The concert is taking place outside. There I remember two leading husband and wife singers. And they agreed on who to invite next for the price. The weather is warm in spring. There are few spectators. Then everything changed, I was lying at home and breastfeeding my baby (I have a baby boy) and the window was open, a large tree was growing near the window, there were ripe persimmons. And I want to try it quickly.

    I am in the company of familiar people, our children are girls. I don't remember who the people are. Everyone is beautifully dressed. At first it’s cold outside, as if we’re waiting for the action to start and for the rest of the people to arrive. It’s still early and dark. Then, in a small room, we wait for the concert to start, just like at school. The room becomes an assembly hall. Many people. Everyone is dressed smartly. On stage, a group of girls in pink dresses sing a song. I really like dresses and I want one like this. I'm wearing something new but not mine. I catch the man's gaze on me. Next to the stage, girls are dancing in a circle, like at a school party. Music. Elegant clothes. Good atmosphere. I'm like a spectator. I like it but I’m sorry that I want a different dress, so I can go dancing

    My best friend and I, using a ticket that I got for free, went to a concert of a famous singer whom I love very much in real life. The concert couldn’t start for a long time, and when it seemed to start, everyone was kicked out of the hall, but me and some other people were left behind. What happened next was that some people wanted to congratulate the girl on her birthday and ordered her a stripper. I remember what he looked like, but he didn’t act like a stripper. he just stood up and stood there.
    besides this, I clearly remember that the concert hall was small and I constantly looked at the bright red seats.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was at a concert. Apparently, people were just starting to arrive, or there weren’t that many of them. I was among old acquaintances with whom I don’t communicate now, which is strange. I also see my boyfriend. The performance was strange, men danced in warm colors. I didn't pay attention to this.
    Then it’s like a change of location. Winter. I’m putting on my shoes with a classmate I’ve never talked to (?) and I see my boyfriend coming out of some building, from which, apparently, we also came out. He doesn't pay attention to me and walks by.

    Hello, I had a dream that I was at a concert with the most famous singers and we were with a friend and everything was great, and I saw a singer coming towards us and I was in shock when he looked at me, I really don’t know how to explain he was handsome and he smiled and held a rose in his hand and he gave it to me and my friend was jealous, I was just in shock, it was a dream, as if in reality it was such a real feeling)

    Today (from Saturday to Sunday) I had a dream. I wore it to my idol’s concert. I remember that I spent a long time looking for the address of the club. And when I found the club, I entered it, there was a stage and for some reason the fan zone was not standing room, but there were these black square ottomans and they were all pushed together, so it turned out to be just one big sofa, or something, where everyone is sitting. There, near the stage, I saw my friend from another city, she also loves this singer and she was wearing a costume in which my favorite artist once performed. I said hello to Sasha (that’s my friend’s name from another city). I remember that I thought that I had forgotten the ticket at home, but I looked at my hand and saw a pink bracelet that is worn on the hand at concerts. So we sat, waiting for the artist to come out, but no one came out and I woke up.
    I also remember that the address of the club was very strange: pztsd 19. When I was looking for this address, I looked at a piece of yellow paper and this address was written on it with a marker.

    I dreamed that I was meeting the whole MBND group and I asked one of the soloists to get me a ticket, he would pick it up for me here and there, but I still took 400 UAH from my mother and seemed to pay for this ticket, but I still got to the concert

    Hello. I dreamed that I and two of my friends (I don’t remember who exactly) were at a concert, but it was somehow very strange: the group was famous, but all this was happening on a bus, there were only five people. Then they gave me some kind of kitten. I stood with him at the “concert”, then the presenters said that they would play another song among the songs of this artist, and we had to guess what kind of song it was. So, as I was standing right next to the “DJ”, I saw what kind of song it was. But she didn’t say the correct answer. After that, the “DJ”, who noticed that I saw the name of the song on the disc, praised me for not saying the answer.

    I went to a concert of a (famous) rapper, but there were sooooo few people there, we sang, he performed and sat in the hall (this all happened at a recreation center, I go there with my family every winter) I wanted to give him a gift, but I didn’t have one I asked my new friends whom I met there (Karina and Sonya, in my opinion) to go with me to the store and lend me money for a gift, we went...... and then the dream ended

    Hello! It’s already been the second month since our beloved dance leader passed away, and when another 40 days had not passed (probably) she appeared in a dream! In a dream, this is what happens: My classmates and I are rehearsing some kind of dance, and we see that she is still Alive, but I know that one of these days she will pass away. And she says this: “hide these things under the chair, during the concert we will surprise the person sitting above her and give this thing.” But this thing was the most intimate, or rather, it was a videotape of dances from all the concerts from our ensemble. In the last 2 years, only I had a close relationship with her, or rather, I replaced the leader of the ensemble when she went somewhere. What is this dream for? I was very upset. I will be very grateful if you answer! Thank you!


In the dream, my mother and I wanted to go to a Todesa dance concert. We got ready, went out and took a taxi to some open cafe. My mother seemed to be trying to get rid of me and leave with some man, and then she came to her senses and told me to take a taxi and went to the club. She apologized. I went to one club and there were problems with music there and I took my music center and it worked there. I had a pleasant conversation with my beloved, with whom in real life I have been at enmity for a long time. Then I left and he stopped me. We started kissing and then we ended up in some room and had sex. Then it seemed to me that these were actors and not me and him. WAITING FOR AN ANSWER


Your conflict with a young man [I have been at enmity with my beloved in real life for a long time] is due to the fact that you involuntarily copy your mother - look at how the storyline of the mother’s relationship with someone echoes each other [my mother seemed to be trying to get rid of me and leave with some man] and you [I was leaving and my beloved stopped me]. Because of this, a conscious attitude, initially positive [had a pleasant conversation with my loved one; then we had sex], takes on the features of tension in the reactions [it seemed to me that these were actors, not me and him].


My stepdaughter is taking me to a Bryan Adams concert. (Surprisingly, not only in a dream, but in real life I can’t even remember who the singer is and what he sings. I only remember the name, I think I listened to it once. My stepdaughter is not into that kind of thing either.) The atmosphere in the concert hall is very reminiscent of a dream “ God Save the King!” - only this time the impression is even stronger. This is no longer a shadow theater, but a whole ice palace of shadows. A huge hall, like an indoor stadium, an unbridled crowd, dark, those around you seem suspicious. People do not sit, but walk as they please; in front of the stage there is an area for a “standing crowd.” Workers of the singer's troupe are also walking among the spectators. Either guards or some kind of entourage. The impression they make is, I would say, obscene, but it’s not really clear why. In general, extremely shady personalities. The singer has not yet appeared on stage. The troupe begins to play the intro to the song. I suddenly recognize something familiar and even know what will happen next (it looks like a real Yello song, I listened to it recently). The music is also very dark and shadowy, but I like it that way in real life. The singer comes on stage, I try to look to finally remember who this Bryan Adams is, and I am very surprised to see him. This is someone, a creature of indeterminate gender and a very sinister appearance, either an old man or an old woman with a very piercing gaze. It looks straight at me, the music is growing, it’s about to sing. In a creaky and hoarse old voice, the singer says: Desire! (Almost like in that real song.) Then again and again. Each time his voice becomes stronger and more powerful, gradually turning into a very deep bass. Desire! Desire! — the bass penetrates me to the very bones, I feel the vibrations of the music and voice throughout my body. (I’ve heard enough of Yello, honestly, I want to do a dance, but to a different song - Prisoner of his Mind). I'm almost in a trance. I am brought out of my trance by my stepdaughter, who calls me on stage. There is a special place on the side with a wall on which anyone can leave inscriptions and graffiti. She wants to write something there. I stand with her at this black wall, on which she quickly writes something with chalk. I think about it and start writing something myself. Then I notice that two shadow guards are clinging to my stepdaughter. They give her some compliments about what she wrote on the wall, as well as about her appearance. And she wrote “Operation Y” in Russian. (In real life, she speaks and writes excellent Russian. Yes, and her appearance is also outstanding.) I suddenly feel emotions from the Snow White stepmother series, like “who is the cutest in the world? “At the same time, the types seem dangerous to me and I want to protect my stepdaughter from them. I jump up to them and yell something about how it was I who taught her Russian and I’m actually Russian here, like, pay attention to me, please, and who are you! But, alas, they hardly notice me. There is some kind of reflective surface nearby, like a dark window, I see myself in it and am very surprised. I am completely pale and thin, like a young victim of anorexia, almost ghostly. The clothes are appropriate - some kind of translucent airy canopy, from under which ambiguous lace pantaloons stick out. Everything is very thin and transparent. It seems to have a hint of sexuality, but it gives off too much of some kind of undine or sylph, an intangible creature, there is no particular body. I understand my defenselessness and decide to urgently get out of there with my stepdaughter. I quickly take her somewhere. We walk along dark deserted streets and gateways. I know that these “guards” are following us. I take my stepdaughter into some entrance. There is nothing there except a lonely staircase. Two flights and a platform at the top, like a balcony. I explain to her that this is a good place, you need to go up there and sit quietly, they won’t find you there. That’s what we do, we sit like birds on a roost, silent. Suddenly the door to the entrance opens, two hippie-bum types enter, but in general not a nasty type. I decide that this is their problem and I need to come to an agreement with them. I ask them not to give us away if anything happens and I promise them something in return (hmm, what was that?) They answer indistinctly. The door opens again and our pursuers enter. The homeless people point lazily at us. The guards do not chase, do not attack, but grin disgustingly. I'm also pretty calm, although I'm disappointed. Like a game of hide and seek - they found us, we have to hide again. Then we walked around some basements and alleys for a long time, once we even hid in a very dark kindergarten basement. Finally, I get into some kind of car and take us to another place where, as it seems to me, we can definitely hide. We are going to the river. And then the car drives up to the border of a dark grove, behind which the river begins. I really want to get into this grove and this river, there is a feeling of safety there. I get out of the car and immediately jump back in. Deer begin to emerge from the darkness of the forest, a countless horde of deer. I back up, turn around, deer surround us. And then I notice that everything around is covered in deer poop. Deer poop on our car, my feet are covered in deer poop, there's deer poop all over. It’s good that it doesn’t stink, I think and wake up. Oh, what was that?


Well, there’s something I don’t like about this. Especially this androgynous pseudo-Brian Adams! Neither give nor take any archetype. Who was this? Some kind of “boss of shadows”? Some associations are swirling, I just can’t understand what exactly! I read about deer. Why did they poop?


Indeed, there is a lot of shadow symbolism. If you imagine that the stepdaughter symbolizes a certain shadow aspect of you, then it is quite presentable and active [two shadow guards are attached to the stepdaughter; they give her some compliments about what she wrote on the wall, as well as about her appearance], and the ego begins to give way to it in vitality [I am completely pale and thin, like a young victim of anorexia, almost ghostly, clothes the corresponding one is some kind of translucent airy canopy, from under which ambiguous lace pantaloons stick out; everything is very thin and transparent; it seems to have a hint of sexuality, but it gives off too much of some kind of undine or sylph, an intangible creature, there is no particular body; I understand my defenselessness].
Your abilities in reaching agreements with vague shadow spirits [two types of hippie-bum types] still leave a lot of room for further development [I decide to come to an agreement with them, I ask them not to give us away if anything and I promise them something in return; the door opens again and our pursuers enter... the homeless people lazily point at us].
Somehow you have touched the instinctive sphere [deer begin to emerge from the darkness of the forest, a countless horde of deer; back up, turn around, deer surround us], to the point where it affects your inherent sense of purpose and ability to achieve [deer pooping on our car]. The process of defecation, on the one hand, indicates the existing accumulation, on the other hand, the need to get rid of excesses of something perceived negatively by the ego [feces]. You were directed [you really want to get there, there is a feeling of security] towards your natural resources, the most powerful and ancient in our psyche [I’m taking us to another place where, it seems to me, we can definitely hide - in a grove and by the river] . Let me remind you that the river symbolizes life force.


I dream that I am a stage worker. The show is going on, and I simultaneously control the lighting, sound equipment and open/close the curtain. The show features students from the studio where I taught a couple of years ago. Her owner gave vocal and acting lessons, and we parted on very bad terms. Still a bad aftertaste. In the dream, in the show, no one dances, but everyone takes turns singing solo songs. Moreover, people are both real and unreal. Everyone's costumes are bright and beautiful. I walk around backstage, turn things on and off, change the lights, follow the show, and I know the sequence of numbers. Here comes one real teenage girl and is going to sing her song. In front of her, right on the floor of the stage, lies a newspaper, upside down in relation to her. And I put the newspaper there for some reason. The music starts, the girl looks at the floor, trying hard to read something in the newspaper, but she fails, because... The newspaper is upside down and it is difficult to make out anything. Suddenly it turns out that she is looking for the words to her song in it, does not find them, and almost crying leaves the stage. The show stops, the rest of the participants and the owner of the studio appear, everyone calms the girl down and looks at me reproachfully. It turns out they thought I should have put the words there for her. I shrug and say: “Why are you looking at me? Nobody told me anything about any words! How do I know that she needed to put the text there?” Then a change of scenery. I’m going with the owner of the studio to her new studio, seemingly on some business, to deliver or pick up something. On the way, we discuss how things are going, very peacefully and friendly, but at some point she says with offense: “You left us then...”, again as if reproaching me. Then we open the door to the studio and walk in. The hostess leaves somewhere, I am left alone in the hall in front of the mirror and suddenly my favorite song by Eros Ramazzotti “Musica e” starts playing from the speakers at full blast. I am stunned with joy and hear that the owner of the studio sings along well in decent Italian. “Oh, so you have the words to this song??!!!” I ask happily. "Certainly!" - says the hostess. “Can I take them from you, I’ve been dreaming of getting them for a long time!” - I ask. “Take it, please,” she replies and hands me a blue piece of paper with Italian text, and now I’m selflessly screaming my favorite song at the top of my lungs in front of the mirror along with Eros Ramazzotti and Andrea Bocelli.


The dream is quite transparent and shows your ability to manage life. The very fact that you occupy a critical position [the show is on, and I simultaneously control the lighting, sound equipment and open/close the curtain] is a good symbol of self-control of the process and even forecasting skills [walking around backstage, turning something on and off, I change the light, follow the show, and I know the sequence of numbers].

But there is one interesting double symbol. You are to the girl who made a mistake on stage what the hostess with whom you quarreled is to you. This is encrypted in two storylines. First: [a teenage girl comes out and is about to sing her song, there is a newspaper right in front of her on the floor of the stage, I put it there, the music starts, the girl looks at the floor, trying hard to read something in the newspaper, but she fails , suddenly it turns out that she is looking for the words to her song in it], in addition, let’s pay attention to the age at which a certain event occurred that cut short your creative development.

Second: [suddenly my favorite song by Eros Ramazzotti “Musica E” starts playing from the speakers at full blast... “can I have the words?” - “Take it, please,” the hostess replies and hands me a blue piece of paper with Italian text, and now I’m selflessly screaming my favorite song at the top of my lungs in front of the mirror along with Eros Ramazzotti and Andrea Bocelli].

The meaning of the episode with the newspaper is simple: when your creative process in adolescence began to be actively corrected (“the official newspaper” instead of a piece of paper with the words of a song), then you were unable to develop further [she looks for the words to her song in it, does not find them, and a little leaves the stage without crying, the show ends].

However, due to the natural plasticity of your personality, you were able to find resources within yourself and again (symbolically speaking) return to singing [selflessly screaming your favorite song at the top of your lungs in front of the mirror]. One “but”. The words for self-expression are now provided to you by a negative parental image [the mistress with whom I parted on bad terms]. Please note that the situation with a teenage girl is repeated - music is playing, you need/can sing “on your own” and this would be true creativity, different from that directed by the “deviation monitor” on leaves/newspapers.


Good transcript, consonant! Only me

it also seemed that the dream shed light on the reasons for my

conflict with the owner's aunt. And he even pointed to the man

to whom it was related (girl). The newspaper was not entirely clear to me, now

I completely agree with your explanation, it fits well with the piece of paper with the words.

In general, everything is correct, but the song is still terribly beautiful. I foolishly translated some of the words here

from Italian (I understand it very vaguely, but with a dictionary I can). Surprisingly matches everything that

I imagined it before I understood the words. There is another cool moment. In a dream, when I stood alone in front of the mirror,

At first it was quiet, and then - music suddenly burst out, with such force, such harmony! As if from all sides.

But in the real song there is such a moment. First, Eros Ramazzotti, in his completely earthly voice, sings “before every great moment, first there is silence, and then

... the air explodes” And then Andrea Bocelli comes in with his powerful, inhumanly beautiful voice and it really seems as if the air exploded with sounds! And such a thrill!

Have you heard him sing? Many people talk about the first impression as a contact with something divine. I just fly away from his singing, such a thrill, and I see him

like some Greek god, who else could have a voice like that? In general, it turned out to be an ode to Bocelli! Well, he deserves it.


I am relaxing in a prestigious holiday home, alone with my little daughter. (In fact, she is now 18 years old) In the evening there is a concert, a famous singer arrived. I’m in the front row, watching a concert and next to me is an elderly man, I’m having fun and I find myself very close to an elderly man and I understand that he is hugging me, but I don’t want this relationship, I just came to rest and I don’t need him. While the concert is going on, I’m with him and I’m pleased, but then I leave and see how he’s looking at me, the man is rich, but I don’t like it, I run away and take the elevator to my room, the elevator gets stuck between floors and I can’t exit on my floor, have to return to the first floor again, and in the hall I see a woman who invites me to host a television program. I agree, walk to the room and see my daughter who wants to go somewhere alone, but she is small and I don’t let her in, she cries and that’s where the dream ends.


I came to the concert of Sergei Penkin. The concert takes place in some southern town in a small hall like the hall of the Variety Theater in Moscow. Moreover, the hall does not have several front rows in the middle of the stalls. It seemed that only a crowd came to the concert, since shortly before the start of the concert he entered the hall in his outrageous clothes, lay down on the chairs and began to talk completely casually with acquaintances and friends who had come to the concert. I was one of them. I stood barefoot, my sandals were lying nearby. I told Penkin that I really wanted him to perform my favorite aria (in reality, I once heard it performed amazingly by Penkin at a concert that took place at the Variety Theater about 5 years ago). I couldn't remember its name, and then he asked me to sing it. When I sang, he, of course, immediately understood what I was talking about, said that I had good taste in music and that he would definitely include it in the program. The audience began to fill the hall and he, citing the fact that he needed to prepare for the performance, left. Looking around and seeing a half-empty hall, I thought: “What a mediocre promotion for such a talented singer.” The entertainer came out, not onto the stage, but into the back row of the stalls and made an announcement into the microphone: . The audience began to be indignant and he replied: I was shocked by such details. I started putting on sandals and discovered that the right sandal was without a heel and was broken in half. I decided to go home to change clothes. I was walking along a poorly paved road. It was a hot summer day. My aunt, who had come from nowhere, walked next to me with some carefully packed string bag, we talked about some household things. When I returned home, the room was very dark. I looked at myself in the mirror and was horrified. I could barely recognize myself, because in the mirror I saw my reflection, but 50 kilograms more!!! His cheeks were literally drooping with fat. I thought: And I decided to wear a black dress from the company (I have one in reality). When I put it on, for some reason there was some kind of glitter on it (in reality, I can’t stand either gold or glitter on clothes). In the dream, I was dissatisfied with my appearance and thought: .


I can guess why in a dream I had an association with Irina Otieva. Quite a long time ago I watched some kind of music program on TV, in which both Penkin and Otieva took part. I don’t remember exactly the context, but at the end of the performance, Penkin quite easily picked Otieva up in his arms and rocked her to the beat of the music, accompanying this with the words “Oh! Irina! Irina!" with an English accent. No one expected such power from Penkin! The hall literally exploded with applause. This picture also impressed me very much, since I was sure that Otieva weighed much more than Penkin. Since then, whenever I see or hear Penkin, I always remember that incident.


It is no coincidence that there are so many singers in this dream [Sergei Penkin, Irina Otieva]. All these are hypostases of your creative potential, if you adhere to the point of view that people dream of the creativity for which they are predisposed [when I sang, he, of course, immediately understood what I was talking about, said that I have good taste in music] . In this sense, the unconscious is ready to cooperate with the Ego-image [he will definitely include the aria I sang in his program], but the catch is that at the moment the creative potential is distanced from the sphere of awareness and is visualized as an outsider. That is, internal barriers to free creativity have to be overcome.




I came to the concert, the auditorium is huge, all the spectators are sitting at large wooden tables, dark with age, waiting for the concert to start, but the concert still does not start. The waiters begin to serve food, everyone is chewing diligently, looking at the stage, something strange is happening on the stage, some people are huddled together and gesticulating desperately. The spectators are eating, all their faces are angry and concentrated. The concert never started. I left there, there were traffic jams on the streets, a feeling that the city government had organized some kind of event, because of which it was impossible to move normally, there were crowds of people at the stops, buses passed empty and did not stop. All this in the fall with cloudy and cold weather.


Hello Oracle! I am in the city I love (not the one I live in now), walking in the center, alone, approaching a park (famous in the city, beautiful, linden trees and alleys growing. The time of year is like now), there is a frame at the entrance to the park with cast-iron curls, antique, at the very entrance - where advertisements are sometimes hung - there is a colorful poster - The premiere of the musical "A Merry Chronicle of a Dangerous Journey", performed by our department, the author of the libretto is a well-known person. It seemed to me that I even heard a fragment from the song (I definitely didn’t have music in the house at that time!) All the best


I dreamed; there was some kind of concert, one of the spectators was me and one girl. But there was also a young man there; a foreigner (American), whom I don’t know, seeing that he was alone, I tried to start a conversation with him. My main goal was communicate with him and learn to speak English. I wanted to find out his phone number, but I didn’t get it. Then I found myself at some kind of festive event, where there were noble people. I could have chosen any table in the hall, but for some reason I chose at the entrance.


I dream that I’m at a concert of my favorite band! Hall, seats, but the chairs are turned with their backs to the artist! And I’m behaving like a little girl, like a fan or something (God forbid from such a misfortune:))))! Further events unfold in the “wardrobe”, where I find out that my jacket was stolen! What should I do? - I’m walking along the road with a huge stack of A4 papers in my hands - and I’m carrying it so naturally - it’s heavy for me - I’m puffing! I think these are documents! A young man passes by - a musician from a band whom I know, but never dared to approach! I think I should say hello - no... I move on, I see another friend on the way - also a musician, I approach, and that guy is standing next to me - I said hello to both - I was indignant that the jacket was stolen and when I wanted to go home, I said: “Well, bye " To which the stranger said: “Bye, Julia”...


Such eye-catching special effects, such as chairs with their backs turned to the artist, often indicate that the dream represents reality in an inverted form. In fact, it is still the artist who does not want to communicate with his fans. Then, the heroine of the dream loses her jacket, and this becomes the topic of communication with a previously inaccessible musician. The jacket symbolizes the old model of behavior, and you can only break through to the star by throwing everything away. If we go even further in interpreting the “inverted dream,” then perhaps it is you who are not letting mere mortals near you. In general, dreams about celebrities indicate that the “I” is being formalized and is rigidly tying itself to role models.


Yes, based on the condition and if you look at yourself from the outside, I will say that the interpretation is almost correct!

Especially this: “perhaps it’s you who don’t let mere mortals get close to you” - this is really true! It’s very difficult for my nature to get along with people, it’s difficult to take any step without thinking everything through from cover to cover...


I’m watching the program “Minute of Glory.” The winners have already been announced. The boys' choir took first place. They sing a cheerful song for which they won first prize. but they sing much worse than at competitions: they sing out of tune, they are out of tune, they are dressed somehow differently. Everyone seems to be wearing the same clothes - light beige shirts and trousers, but some have discrepancies in their clothing. One boy is wearing a dirty red knitted hat, others are also wearing strange headdresses.


Watching a TV show in a dream indicates the operation of a mechanism that controls a person’s deviation from his true essence. At the same time, your intuition is not mistaken about what is happening and does not believe it. Strange clothes (and hats on children) symbolize elements of falsehood.


I, of course, cannot compare with the Analyst, but the dream made a different impression on me. It seems to me that the key element of the dream is the title of the program “Minute of Glory.” We are talking specifically about fame, that is, about a strong subconscious (or suppressed by low self-esteem) desire. Most likely, this is a desire for social recognition, which is confirmed by the indication of the performance of the “winners”. There are many of them, winners, because this is a choir.

I think this is not so much a deviation from the true essence as a hidden opposition to “those boys” who have achieved success. The contrast is indicated both by criticism of the performance and by the appearance of the boys themselves.

Based on the dream, your ideas about the ways to achieve success are as follows: youth, conformism, agreement to be a “cog” (the choir assumes harmonious singing, although they sing out of tune, out of tune). You internally do not accept all this and have a negative attitude towards social fame as such. But there is no other way to achieve success yet. By the way, the TV show is rather another indication of the opposition between oneself and all those who have succeeded. In the title of the program, the word “Minute...” indicates the short duration of fame.

the boy in your dreams is often a key or indispensable character. It is worth thinking about its meaning, it is important.


Thanks everyone for the interesting comments.

Regarding “the operation of a mechanism that controls a person’s deviation from his true essence,” I had similar associations. For me, television is the “mouthpiece of society,” which imposes its values ​​on people through the media, etc. subordinating the consciousness of those watching to his needs. The entire mechanism of entertainment programs is the search and discovery of “stars” through struggle and competition, their cultivation (lifestyle, aspirations, character), creating a standard for worship and imitation. If you remember, the brothers (second), the accordion boy (first) and the adult choir (last) reached the finals. Apparently, after this program, I had unpleasant associations that “children were involved in this matter. It is also possible for Lilith that I am worried about the opportunities I missed in childhood to “become a star” and deliberately underestimate the value of their victory (they are fake, dressed in different clothes).


First of all, I was very surprised that it was a dream within a dream! I have never had such dreams! There is such a group, let its name remain a secret... although I think many will guess... there is a drummer... well, so... I LOVE HIM very much... well, although others call it fanaticism... well, okay, I’ll move on directly to the dream... Well, I dreamed that I went to the concert of this group, stood in the front row... in the FAN zone... the whole concert I looked at him with such a sweet smile... then at the end, when the performance ended... he walked along the edge of the stage and ran his hands over the hands of the fans ...everyone was delighted...squealed...and I just looked at him with a smile...when he came up to me...everything was so real, he sat down, looked into my eyes (I can’t just forget that piercing look of his), took my hands , his hands were holding my wrist... he couldn’t sit for so long (he had to leave the stage)... it was about 5 seconds... he started to walk away... and now only my palms were in his hands... I really felt his strength, like he didn’t want to let me go...then he let go of my hands, he had to go! It was all so real! Then I woke up, but it was still a dream, since the first one was a dream within a dream (as I already said), and even in the dream I remember how amazed I was by this dream... I woke up in a dream in some small clearing in the forest, there there were a lot of girls, also fans of this group...we all had to go to this concert...then we went there...came to the concert...and I suddenly realized that I was in my red robe...=)...and I thought, I can’t do this go...my friend and I went back...to some house...for some reason my clothes were there...on the road behind us some Africans or aborigines were running...and one little...a girl of about 10 years old was also an aborigine...=) ...I managed to run into the house...and this girl slipped behind me...but Dasha, my friend, didn’t have time...she stayed outside the door with the others...and then I woke up... p.s. if this somehow helps in interpreting the dream... My name is Nastya... 07/09/1991...! Please help me, I’m very interested, I’m especially interested... what does a dream in a dream mean... and how to interpret this dream... since it was so real... I probably experienced all those EMOTIONS, as if it were real! =)


I dreamed of a certain room, it was implied that it was a club. Someone’s concert was supposed to be taking place there, for which I sold tickets to someone famous, drew a diagram of the hall, told me which seats were better, which celebrities had sat where before. The next shot is the same room, but it is littered with some kind of cardboard boxes with all sorts of junk. I look at what’s there - I take a dress out of the box on a hanger, it’s beautiful, a nice cut, black. I decide to try it on. When I put it on, it turns out that it has a terrible, very bright pattern. I regret to understand that it will not suit me. Then I try on a short fur coat, which turns from black to yellow, and again I realize with regret that I won’t be able to wear it. Then, in this mess, I notice several display cases with jewelry (counters like in jewelry stores). I open it, start taking everything out in order and looking. I understand that this is just costume jewelry, I’m trying to find something for myself, trying it on, but I don’t like anything. Then someone starts to crawl out of one of the boxes, it seemed to me like a kitten, I looked closer and it turned out that it was a toy, but it moved as if it were alive. He jumped out and ran away. Then I felt like I had arrived somewhere and needed to go out. A driver should meet me, I don’t know how to call him and find him. That’s it.

They will judge you or reject you.

It is likely that you doubt the reliability of the person with whom you shared something secret, you are afraid that he will make your private conversation public.

In any case, your suspicion is unfounded, it relates to past experience, and nothing threatens you in the present.

What did you do at the concert in your dream?

Why dream of performing at a concert▼

If you dreamed that you were performing at a concert, the dream shows that you have well-developed leadership qualities, you are able to independently make adult decisions and achieve your goals. Now you need to convince others of your reliability and...

Watch a concert in a dream▼

The dream in which you are watching a concert carries a joyful omen. Regardless of your occupation, creative growth, personal effectiveness and growth await you in the near future.

How are other dream books interpreted?

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Did you dream about a Concert, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about a Concert in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed that I was at a concert... I don’t know how it happened, BUT!!! It was a concert of the Kino group. (at that time I was only 2-3 years old, and at the concert I was at my current age). All the musicians were clearly visible, the music and Tsoi’s voice could be heard. It was a stadium, summer. I woke up delighted by this. Why did you dream about this???

    At first I dreamed that I was putting on silver rings, then I dreamed of a concert in which I first participated, then I came back to the hall and just watched a performance, some kind of theatrical production

    I dreamed that my mother and I went to the store to buy me a jacket. In the store there was a guy who I really liked recently (Vadim). I tried on a puffy vest, and he laughed at me, saying it didn’t suit me. Then we Mom and I walked home over the bridge(?). Then I dreamed that my younger brother and I came to someone else’s apartment. It was very huge. There were many corridors and the lights were turned off everywhere. My brother was afraid (he is 7 years old now). We needed walk along those corridors in which toys, food, clothes were displayed (like in stores) and turn on the lights in the corridors. We walked quickly, I did not have time to click on all the switches, and many of them did not work. Then I found myself at a school concert , already with friends. A boy was performing there, and from the stage he said that he loved me. No one but me understood this. I saw my friend’s new jacket, made a compliment. And then we went with her again to this strange huge apartment. Light up the light was not difficult. And then two men came to us. My friend and some other girl retired with them in the room. Then we ended up at school, where my ex-boyfriend (Alexey) was showing something on a stand or calculating. I felt something and inhaled his perfume. He inhaled mine. And again, no one except me noticed. Then we ended up at the stadium. One of those guys who was secluded with my friend was with us. We took it from him some kind of ball. He couldn’t catch up with us. We passed it from hand to hand, but this man couldn’t catch up. I remember we called this ball somehow.. And the man too.. I can’t remember how... Then Lyosha came, I gave him this ball. And the man disappeared, as if he had never existed. Lyosha fell on the ice (in the dream it was winter) and I tried to pick him up. He stood up and we all walked along the road. I laid my head on him on his chest, he hugged me. (In reality, we never walked like that. I just loved him very much, we dated for a week, and I continued to love him). So, we then went home with him. My friend packed her bags , got confused in them, and she was taken away by a girl in a convertible, which turned into a bus. In the same bus she first got on. And Lesha and I drove the car a lot more way, through all the obstacles, mountains and so on. Please tell me that This dream means. I’ve already racked my brains. Thank you very much in advance!

    I see a stage in the distance, I try to find a place to sit, yellow tones predominate... the color of straw is mainly... I find a bench and sit down... about 100 meters from me there is a stage, and on it is a guy with whom in real life we ​​are not together, but We feel a lot for each other. He is the presenter, standing in a beautiful gray shiny suit. Holds a microphone. I look at him, take the phone and start texting - “You are so beautiful to me.” The feelings were very joyful.

    I dreamed that I was at a concert, I was always looking for seats, there was a pink poodle and two bull dogs, then I sat down and it turned out to be a minibus, she left for Smolensk... then I woke up

    I dreamed that I was waiting for a very long time. It was like I was standing at a concert of my favorite band, I was standing in the front row, everything was in bright colors, the concert was going on, I was going to take a photo with them and get an autograph. It all ended perfectly! Now they are leaving and then I burst into tears. These are tears of happiness, I was happy! Tell me, can this dream be prophetic?

    Hello. In my dream, I was with my ex-husband and we bought 3 tickets to a comedians’ concert. Moreover, the concert had already started and we arrived late. Very bright room, a lot of people. Contact between artists and audience. Then our children appeared on stage, and for some reason they were tied up... But it was some kind of show... And not funny. My relatives were also present there in the dream. We were sitting next to each other. What do I have to do with divorce proceedings at the moment?

    I had a concert at my boyfriend’s school and after the concert my friend and I and the band went to the canteen, we just came in and his friend said look, I’m dating him, how did he recognize me?

    I dreamed of a concert on a Christmas tree, there were 2 presenters, one of them was me. For some reason, the time was crumpled, since I was showing the concert to now adult people, but in the dream they were small, and I was just as adult. At first everything was great, but then I forgot the dance, then they played the wrong music for us and we just made it up as we went along!

    I dreamed that a rock band had a slot (my favorite band) They had a concert in Rostov and they were late for the airport and in short, I sheltered them for 1 day, I’ll actually be 10 soon. Then, when they were getting ready to leave, they took me and that’s how then I I sang to them and woke up :(

    I dreamed that I was singing at a concert, my classmates were sitting in the hall, I was singing very beautifully in a place with a girl, I don’t know her, but she knows me. In one song we stand back to back and we have black wings on our backs, but when we sing, the black wings disappear and in their place appeared white wings like angels! tell me what this means

    I dreamed that I was hosting a concert with a young man with whom I had been communicating on the Internet for a long time. I was well dressed and tidy, in a black dress. He was in a classic suit, although he doesn’t like these suits. We go out after each number and then he and I we announce the next numbers. and behind the scenes he hugs me, calms me down, and I feel calm with him, it feels like I really like him or I’m very much in love with him, but on his part I feel detachment, even though he cares about me.. between In fact, he explains to me how to announce the numbers correctly, and then the concert ends and we go home.

    At first we were walking, then they called me home, but I didn’t go and went to the stadium, there was a rock concert, my friend and I and one boy found out that 10 people had been raped, so we climbed as high as possible, as I understood, I fell asleep, then I quickly ran home and when everyone fell asleep I went back there again

    Before this dream, I had a terrible nightmare, I don’t remember it, but I woke up in the middle of the night, caught my breath and lay down again. I was on stage, there were pale blue fanfares and a lot of smoke, I was standing next to some guy, he was a little taller than me, there were several more people nearby, they were playing guitars, there were few people in the hall, they were standing near the stage, among them were 2 friends, strangers to each other, they stood at different ends of the hall and one was surprised and did not understand why I was on stage and the second was happy and danced a little, then when we came out as a group to bow, I looked into the hall and then decided to look at the others, and they sharply turned their heads in my direction and they had big scary blue eyes and grins, they seemed like robots, and then we returned to our seats, I walked and talked with that guy as if nothing had happened and the concert continued.

    I was in the open air, in an open field, in a meadow
    and suddenly a van arrived, it somehow turned into a stage and my favorite band came on stage, the person I love most in it sang just for me
    I was sitting in the middle, and he stood directly opposite me and looked me in the eyes, and everyone else present was like monikens

    Good afternoon
    I dreamed that I was giving a solo concert in a fairly large concert hall, there were a lot of spectators, and I really enjoyed this process. Everything sounds as it should: high notes, vocals, lyrics... and I'm happy with it. I saw a fairly spacious beige stage, lights, and a microphone on a wire.

    I dreamed of a rock concert in which there were only 3 songs... At the end, the lead singer was right next to me and looked into my eyes as if he saw something familiar but didn’t know me. The dream itself was more in black and white, but I was in bright orange with a bright blue skirt.

    I dreamed that I was at a rock concert of the disbanded group KiSh, I was with a classmate who I don’t communicate with much, we sat with them at the same table, and then there was a concert, and there were 2 girls who are not in this group

    I dreamed that I was in Novosibirsk and there was a concert of the rock group “Nerves”. I went into the building and there were many rooms, I went into one and saw the drummer of the group “Nerves”, he was sleeping, but I woke him up, from which he hit me with a pillow and laughed. I left this room and met the rest of the participants, you hugged and greeted each other, but one even kissed me on the cheek, the atmosphere was like a family, then they performed and went to see me off to the bus. We said goodbye and promised to meet again. At the same time, catching unkind glances from their fans. We hugged again and I woke up

    I dreamed that I was at a concert. One of the group members treated me to a pancake, then I noticed my friends in the hall. And before the concert, I didn’t have time to buy a ticket, because of the evil woman at the box office, and went without a ticket. Then I ran away somewhere and suddenly found myself in my village, near the music school. Then I came back. And for some reason she ran near the stage, screamed, and talked to these musicians. Overall it was fun. Then that's it. I woke up. And by the way, I missed the concert, I only heard excerpts of some songs.

    Why do I dream about a concert of the mask group, a show in which music is playing and all the actors are having fun, and after the concert I spoke with the artist and shook hands with him and asked how he was doing.

    At first, I dreamed that I was having a blast at a concert of my favorite band. And at the end of the dream, several people (including me) climbed onto the stage and jumped into the crowd... the dream ended with me locking eyes with the vocalist of this group... and we looked into each other’s eyes for a long time. (I don’t know if this is important or not, but we smiled at each other right before I woke up) This is the fourth or fifth time I’ve had a dream about a concert of my favorite band...
    The alarm clock woke me up... I turned it off... and then fell asleep...
    And then immediately a second dream...
    I went into the store and bought a chocolate bar....I paid for everything and was already on my way out....and then, out of nowhere, Sweeney Todd comes towards me. He had a scalpel in his hands and then I realized that he was going to kill me..
    He shouted to me: “Come here!”..well, I ran away from there at the speed of light...
    Then he caught up with me and threw me to the ground. He had already swung a scalpel and a knife, and then... somehow I managed to knock them out of his hands.
    And then I crawl away from there... and Lucifer himself appears and says: “You are going with me!” “I asked him: “For what?” “And he answered: “For that.” He took my hand and showed me a shiram from a cut on his left hand in the shape of a Roman unit (I actually have such a shiram). Then he said that we should go. And we actually went...
    I asked: “What awaits me in Hell?” “He said that he was not going to drag me to Hell... We somehow ended up in a grove on the river (I also dreamed about this river more than once) And then... we met fishermen and the dream was interrupted..

    I took part in a concert - partly a musical, there were my friends and a girl with whom we had never been together, but I often miss her, in the part that was the musical we performed as a couple, the final performance was mine and my friend said at the end that I was on top

    I dreamed of a large concert hall in which there were many people and my favorite band 30 seconds to mars was playing. I heard the lead singer’s voice as he talked to the fans and I eagerly looked for him with my eyes. I couldn't find him because he entered the crowd and walked among people. Somehow it happened that I ended up on the set and I saw the soloist. I was numb, I wanted to tell him so many things, but I couldn’t... I think I stopped breathing. He was talking to the fans, then he turned to me and said that this girl was very good or cute, I don’t remember exactly. And it seems to me that we already knew each other. I think I dreamed about our personal communication, but I don’t remember the details. But I know that I really love and admire this man, at that moment I wanted to do something nice for him. And I also remembered how I ended up at the concert. I couldn’t find the entrance to the concert and I didn’t have a ticket, but I was sure that I had to go. I walked along the corridor and heard the inspector or it was the security guard asking the girl for an entrance ticket. Without thinking about anything, I confidently walked forward, saw the security guard, said hello and was already prepared to hear his question about the ticket, but he didn’t tell me anything at all and I didn’t stop as I walked. And when I entered the concert hall, I realized that I needed to find a soloist and I started looking for him.. And I also remember that I was talking with the rest of the group. They knew me well and we had a nice conversation about something. It was after the concert, I think. Something like that.

    I dreamed that I was at a concert of my favorite band. And suddenly I hear that either the girl or the wife of one of the participants is 4 months pregnant, and he begins to jump around the stage with joy, smiling happily. And I don’t remember exactly where I was at that moment. And either I was this pregnant girl, or just a friend, but there was a persistent feeling that I was definitely closely acquainted with this singer.

    I very often have dreams about all sorts of concerts, usually it’s about the performance of my favorite performers, sometimes I don’t see the performance itself, just a joyful premonition, but today I dreamed that a person I like was performing, he did all sorts of acrobatic tricks at altitude, himself He is also associated with the stage in life, he is a dancer.

    Everything was as if we were going to a concert of the band. The place where the fans stood was divided: people stood on one half and sat on the other. At the beginning of the concert I was sitting, it seemed to me that I was sitting in a theater and not at a concert, So I moved to the other half and stood right in front of the stage. Emotions were overflowing, and there was no limit to my happiness! But in the middle of the concert I woke up. And here’s what’s strange: the vocalist and founder of the group left it back in 2012, but not long ago he created a new group. I dreamed that Adam (vocalist) was still in the group.

    I was with a friend at a concert, it was fun! We took pictures with our idols. But when I wake up, I’m still 5 minutes in a dream, that is, these 5 minutes I still don’t understand what I’m doing (

    I really love the rock band Skillet, I used to dream about them. in this dream I was at their concert, but for some reason their concert took place at school. After the concert I was able to talk to them. Then I suddenly found myself on some kind of test site. At the end of the tests, a girl was sitting with her mother and the girl was persuading her mother to go to the Skillet concert. Afterwards I went up to this girl and told her that I had talked to the entire Skillet group. this is where the dream ended.

    I dreamed of a concert, as if at the school where I studied. But there were few spectators, an almost empty hall and several girls from work. I tried to call more people, as if I felt guilty before the musicians that there were few spectators, but there were no more of them, on the contrary, everyone left. There was only one girl left - my classmate.

    My dream was that I was performing at a concert, playing the violin, it was a hall, not very large, but dark, as if I was playing at night, and there was little light in the hall, and it was cold, light blue, like from an old Soviet lantern, and very important people were sitting there. I had to play a concert, but I didn’t have it memorized, and as a result, at this performance I failed miserably, the feeling was unpleasant, even scary. There were several questions and indignant voices from the audience, and then it was all over.

    I dreamed that I was finding myself (riding on a tour bus with my family) in another city, completely unfamiliar to me. The sun is shining, the weather is warm (despite the fact that it is autumn). I relax on the grass with friends, then go to the concert hall, where a performance by some famous and beloved performer is taking place. There I put my things in a storage box. I often go out into the street, where I break the gate of the fence for the first time. Then I wake up.

    I was with my best friend at a concert of my favorite band in Seoul. She and I took seats in the front row and easily watched the soloists. After each song they organized little competitions, like guess the riddle and you will win. My friend was the first to win, the soloist came down to her and allowed him to eat her behind the ear. The next time I won and came down to me, and another soloist kissed me himself. After which, the concert ended and my friend and I went to the park. We met another friend and went on a roller coaster ride together. All.

    I was at a school concert (this concert actually took place on December 25) and there they sang and danced, and my friend with whom I had quarreled yesterday was sitting behind me. There was bad light, there were few people, I was wearing a skirt, shirt, vest, tights and shoes.

    I dreamed that I was invited to a concert by Mikhail Krug and I thought that he was alive!!! and having arrived at the concert, and already sitting in the hall, an artist, but a fake one, came on stage!! and the whole hall began to swear, and one guy came up to me and he says that he died a long time ago, in general there is complete confusion and panic!!! it’s all strange.

    “I walk down a dark corridor, I feel empty. I hear a voice that is very familiar to me. This is the voice of my ex-boyfriend, who is still not indifferent to me, even though we broke up a year ago. His voice tells me not to do this. Suddenly my left side is seized with pain. I look at my arm and see cuts appearing, but I don't intend to cut any veins. Just scratches. I'm getting scared... I feel the flow of warm wind that surrounds me. The corpse of a girl appears in front of me, hung on the antlers of a deer. I scream, but there is no sound. It's like I don't have a voice. I try to run, but nothing works. I try and try, but soon I give up and fall to my knees, crying loudly. After a while, I hear my favorite song from my favorite band. A pale blue door with a beautiful design appears right in front of me. I quickly get up and, overcoming invisible attraction, go straight to the door, despite the wind, tears and fear. I reach for the door handle, open it... And I find myself in Seoul. In the city to which I have always been drawn. Even now I want to move there. I'm walking through the streets of Seoul, I'm happy. Then everything disappears, and now I’m already standing on stage with my idols. They called me on stage. I'm crying with joy. My favorite member of the group hugs me, and I feel better. I feel like I'm flying. And then I wake up.

    I dreamed of a holiday, a concert. There are many people I know, but I don’t communicate due to various reasons (distance, different views on life). There was my mother at the concert - we have constant conflicts with her. Thank you

    I dreamed of a children's fun concert. Then a girl I didn’t know invited me to dance. I danced with her holding hands. We had a great time. Then I just watched and applauded. It feels as if the children staged a concert especially for me.

    I really want to go to the concert of my favorite band. But I don't have a ticket yet. So, I had a dream that I got to this concert without a ticket, everything was fine. My friend and I went out to take a breath, but we couldn’t go back in because we didn’t have tickets and they didn’t let us in. And now I'm very worried.
    P.S. I had a similar dream before, but then in the dream I won a ticket to a concert, but I couldn’t go because it was cancelled. And a week later, I win a ticket to this concert. After that I began to believe in dreams.
    Help me please.

    Hello, I dreamed that my friend and I were at some concert of a rock band that seemed unknown to me, but I was delighted, and at the very beginning a man took me by the hand and dragged me onto the stage, and I grabbed my friend and we started taking pictures with the musicians right on stage, and then I don’t remember anything...

    I was walking along the beach with someone and then suddenly a stage appeared and some woman pulled us there, she was probably the organizer of all this, the stage was big and there was something like a dressing room there, she gave me a T-shirt and said that We’re going out to perform now, well, we went out, I had such a charge of energy, I really wanted to perform and it was fun, the music started, there were a few more people standing with me, 7-8 I don’t remember exactly, some were people I knew, and some weren’t, and so this woman who pulled us in begins to dance, and as I understand it, we should too, so we started repeating, then we thought of something ourselves, in the end we performed without preparation, it seemed normal, but this woman began to point out our mistakes, including me She even somehow singled me out from everyone, then we went to rest and celebrate, there was a premonition that we were still supposed to perform, when I went to rest, walk around a large store, there was an esclator (the store was large in height) and I was on it I went in, drove around a bit and the dream ended

    I gave my concert. Everyone was having fun, everyone was dancing with me, having fun. Then something happened with the sound and they tried to solve everything quickly, I waited, they told me that everything was fine and we could continue. When I was returning to the stage, a girl came up and said can I have your autograph, I answered yes, of course. And then all the girls who were there came running and started screaming and screaming. Some needed an autograph, and some needed a photo with someone.

    I was at school, in the assembly hall. There was a concert of my favorite artist. The concert went smoothly. Almost none of the people there paid attention to him, because they were busy with something or talking to each other. Our gazes crossed. Then he stopped singing and we started talking, I don’t remember what, but everything was quiet and calm, we talked like ordinary acquaintances. Nobody, of course, paid attention to this. That's about where the dream ended.
    I've had this dream several times already, about the same.

    I dreamed of a concert in which I participated, but I did not know most of the dances. Then in the audience I saw a former classmate whom I liked and I saw a friend with a guy, but in reality she doesn’t have a boyfriend. And then I saw them kiss

    I have a dream, some kind of concert is going on, the lights in the hall are turned off, everyone is sitting and watching the concert go by. I also stood and watched the concert, in a small stylish dress, like Thumbelina. Then the lights are turned on, half dim, and there is no one in the room. But the guys who performed remained on stage. I got up on stage and began to seem to fly, jumping from place to place, the guys were shocked, but they didn’t even mind. Hahahaah... suddenly I find myself in some kind of camp that looks like a concentration camp, because everything was in cold tones of color. I stood and folded my things: shower gel, shampoo, etc., a towel, etc. I was in some kind of fear... everyone was running here and there, there was a bustle. I collected all my things in a bag and get up to run away from here like everyone else, but then like a click and a hop, I collect my things again, and at the same time I understand that this is repeating itself, that this has already happened. And not caring about how it happened and why, how what, I collect it again, knowing that I need to get out of here. It seems that all things have been collected again. And damn... damn... there’s a click again and I see all of Chnova’s things on the shelf and not in the bag. Then my friend comes in and I see that there are two of them, like twins. But knowing that Masha is alone in the family, and here... These twins cried and told me: You are collecting everything in vain, it is useless, the owners of the camp did magic, so don’t give up this business, just run. And the dream ended, but I couldn’t wake up normally and go back to sleep again. I’m stuck in time, I think so, because I’m lying there and realizing that I woke up, I take out the phone and call. That is, it was no longer a dream, but a reality. But no, it turned out to be a dream. This happened twice.

    I dreamed..that I was taking part in a concert..involved in all the numbers..beautiful costumes..I change into these costumes all the time...very beautiful hall..a lot of people..people are delighted..applauding

    Hello, at first I was with my current guy, then I rejected him so much that I felt sick of him, then I kind of wanted to get away from thoughts about the guy, I went to a concert and somehow my mother appeared there, we sat there, me, my mother and my daughter, then my favorite performers arrived and I was already with my ex-boyfriend whom I had met for a long time and I am very happy with him, he gave me flowers before the concert and kissed me and we went to the club for a concert, and when he gave the flowers there were a lot of people and everyone applauded us

    I had a dream about the fact that I’m dancing as two women and two men are sleeping on stage, and one of them, my ex-boyfriend, is already sleeping and dancing, laughing, you can even see your teeth and gums, life is not like that. Odyag grey-blue-black.

    It was a rock concert of my favorite band, there were a lot of people, but the line moved quickly, I was going to the concert with one of my relatives, we found our seats and sat down,
    a couple of moments pass and rock music starts playing, goosebumps go through my body, my heart starts beating faster, after about half of the concert passed and I woke up for a moment, then this happened 2 times today. What's all this for? By the way, one more important detail, I’m going to their concert, but the arena will be different, so this cannot be a prophetic dream.

Being at a concert in a dream and listening to music is a sign of consolation in sadness. The more pleasant the music, the more pleasant the events or news that will follow this dream will be. For a patient, such a dream predicts recovery. An unpleasant impression from a concert in a dream will result in troubles, bad news and unpleasant meetings in reality. Meetings with actors at a concert do not bode well. See interpretation: actor, music.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Celebrity

D. Loff wrote: “As the media creates idealized images of famous people, the latter become frequent guests in our dreams: we imagine that we “know” certain celebrities, which is why they come to us in our dreams. The appearance of a pop star in a dream is usually caused by the desire to make friends or have an affair. And in this way our desire to show that we are not born with bast can be manifested.

Sometimes we get used to the image of a star and then we feel involved in her success and popularity.

Another option is to become a star yourself. How wonderful it is to perform on stage with other celebrities, and even become famous at the same time. Such popularity indicates your talent in a certain area or pushes you to achieve higher goals in life.

Of course, you need to make allowances for the abundance of information messages about the lives of stars. This often reduces their appearance in our dreams to a simple confirmation of the fact of their existence."

Interpretation of dreams from