What to do when it’s ticklish. Sore throat, dry cough in children. Insufficient indoor humidity

). It should be noted that the cause of a sore throat can be more rare disease, for example like pharyngeal nerves. Pharyngeal neurosis is a pathological condition that is associated with a disorder in the innervation of the pharynx or a disorder in the central nervous system.

Allergic reactions of different nature can also cause a sore throat. For example, if a person has increased sensitivity to dust or plant pollen (hay fever). In this case unpleasant feeling can be cured only by eliminating direct exposure to the sources of allergies.

Also possible reason the appearance of a sore throat may not favorable conditions in the workplace, constant vocal stress, and therefore singers, announcers and teachers are at high risk in this case.

The situation is especially unpleasant when a sore throat catches you in public place and coughing in this case is extremely inconvenient. And the people around you will not be happy with the fact that someone nearby is coughing loudly. Discomfort in the throat can be of several types: soreness And rawness, but both types have in common the feeling of the presence of something foreign in the mouth. The reason for such feelings may be inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat, chronic or acute pharyngitis.

Causes of sore throat

In most cases, a sore throat is accompanied by inflammatory diseases in the throat. A sore throat is one of the main symptoms of acute or chronic pharyngitis, accompanied by painful sensations sore throat, soreness, increased body temperature.

Neurosis of the pharynx represents pathological condition pharynx and often this disease is caused by syphilis, a brain tumor or central nervous system disorders. Neurosis of the pharynx is accompanied the following symptoms: high sensitivity throats, constant feeling « coma in throat", pressure, burning, tingling, pain that radiates to the ear, larynx. Allergic reactions can also initiate a sore throat, especially if there is a induced hypersensitivity to pollen and book dust.

The cause of a sore throat is also vocal strain.. This is especially true for teachers, announcers and singers, who have to talk a lot. It is worth noting that singers suffer from a sore throat much less often than teachers, because they have a well-trained voice, and they also breathe correctly, which cannot be said about teachers, for whom this is a professional problem.

A fairly common cause of sore throat is reflux gastroesophagitis(a disorder of the closure functions in the lower esophageal sphincter), in which all the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus, causing irritation of the mucous membrane. With this disease there is pain and burning, soreness along the esophagus and in the throat.

If sore throat appears after eating or in a lying position, you should immediately consult a specialist doctor. Such symptoms indicate the presence of gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach, cholecystitis, hernia hiatus. Nodular formations thyroid gland which put pressure on the trachea, can cause a sore throat, a change in voice, and provoke general weakness, causing a decrease in appetite.

Treatment for sore throat

Inflammatory processes in the pharynx pose a risk of transfer to the lower respiratory tract: trachea, lungs and bronchi, therefore timely treatment diseases under mandatory control An ENT doctor will be able to provide the most fast recovery in the shortest possible time and will make it possible to avoid unwanted complications.

When treating a sore throat, you should strictly adhere to your diet. By controlling the foods you consume, you should refrain from chilled drinks and foods, and also exclude acute types dishes with sour seasonings, refrain from eating too much hot food. All this negatively affects the mucous membrane of the throat, contributing to even greater tissue irritation. Treatment for a sore throat should be like: etiotropic, so pathogenetic And symptomatic, which is divided into general and local types of exposure. It is very important to carry out general strengthening and hyposensitizing treatment for a sore throat.

In our center " ENT-Asthma» specialist doctors carry out complex treatment diseases that cause a sore throat, which is primarily aimed at all significant links in the pathogenesis of this process. With the help of original techniques used in the center, it becomes possible successful treatment sore throat. Already after the first treatment sessions you will feel a noticeable result; a few hours after the session, the feeling of discomfort and sore throat will decrease.

Make an appointment for a sore throat consultation

Questions from users on our website about sore throat

For the last two days I have been bothered by a sore throat, especially at night. During the day, green mucus accumulates in my throat

colors. A week before the onset of soreness, I was bothered by nasal congestion while lying down, I washed my nose with Aqualor and breathed with a Dolphin inhaler.

Alexander Puryasev,
Take an X-ray of the PPN. Don't use Dolphin. Come to the reception.

In February I suffered from bronchitis. Treated with antibiotics as prescribed by doctors. Afterwards, symptoms of a cold appear periodically - sore throat and sore throat. I'm treating it.

After 4-5 days the word is repeated. what could it be? Thank you

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician clinics:
Undertreatment. You suppress the disease for a while, but then it comes back.

I am a resident from the city of Grozny... I have been tormented by my throat for several years, I was told that I have chronic tonsillitis and acute pharyngitis, a month

I took tests back, I can show you the tests, can you advise me anything?(((I don’t know what to do anymore... But here is the treatment that was prescribed to me. The ENT doctor said that he would do rinses and also write a Treatment, and if after that there is no effect, then you will have to remove the tonsils((And I heard that if you remove them, it’s also not good. this moment I seem to have an exacerbation, my throat is sore at times, dryness appears..(

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
Judging by the analyses, chronic tonsillitis yours is running. If it is not possible to come 2-3 times a year for 2-3 years to our clinic for treatment for 5-10 days, which will effectively cleanse your tonsils from chronic focal infection and inflammation, then remove them

an asthma attack or something else? And how to relieve this attack? I can’t do a full deep breath, but at the same time I breathe normally, although I really want to take a deep breath, because there is a feeling of lack of air. In general, during this attack I feel normal, but it’s very scary and then I can’t take a breath anymore. Salbutamol doesn’t help at all. And my stomach is constantly itchy there is some kind of film in the throat and I want to cough it up, but it again causes a sore sensation. And there is also a burning sensation in the neck and collarbones, in the upper chest. Especially at night I wake up from a rapid pulse and lack of air. I'm scared. A burning sensation begins in the neck and chest. Cardiogram is within normal limits Yes. chronic pharyngitis A year ago I underwent spirography. consultation with a pulmonologist. diagnosed bronchial asthma She is very suspicious by nature. there are various fears, probably due to the feeling of lack of air. I would like to know what kind of attack this is and how life-threatening it is? How to get rid of it? Thank you!

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
Everything you write about has contradictory signs, some are similar to asthma, and some are not from this opera at all. Therefore, without imaging the patient it is very difficult to make a diagnosis. I'm not clairvoyant! Therefore, come to the appointment, bring the examinations and tests you have done, then, if we deem it necessary, we will further examine you, we will definitely figure it out and help. But not remotely, everything is somehow confusing for you. Be sure to do an ultrasound and visit an endocrinologist to check for thyroid disease. And don’t forget to visit a neurologist, you may also have anxiety syndrome.

A year ago I was diagnosed with bronchial asthma. But I still can’t understand how an asthma attack occurs. I can’t do it.

a full deep breath, but at the same time I’m breathing normally, although I really want to take a deep breath, because there is a feeling of lack of air. Salbutamol doesn’t help at all. And my throat is constantly sore, there’s some kind of film and I want to cough it up, but this again causes a soreness. Please tell me , is it possible to completely cure asthma and get rid of it forever? Thank you!

Alexander Puryasev,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Physician of the Clinic:
First you need to make an accurate diagnosis. Based on your symptoms, there is not enough evidence to determine asthma. It's possible though. she is? Contact an experienced pulmonologist!

There are situations in every person’s life when little things spoil the mood, when a seemingly small nuisance can ruin big plans. Such situations include the presence of a sore throat. It almost always occurs at the wrong time and it is almost impossible to do anything about it right away. In such cases, some are interested in the question: “When your throat gets sore, what should you do?”, others are interested in “Why does your throat always get sore?”

Sore throat: reasons?

It should be noted right away that a sore throat is not a disease, but a symptom, the presence of which is typical for several physiological conditions. And answer the question “why does my throat feel sore?” only possible when its cause is clearly established.
One of the first causes of a sore throat is an infectious factor:

An infectious cause of throat damage requires immediate medical intervention and cannot be delayed.

There are a number of non-infectious factors that cause a sore throat and dry cough. These include:

  • allergic reaction. An agent of an allergic nature, entering the nasopharynx, which is the gateway of the body, penetrates the mucous membrane and causes its symptomatic damage. The throat itches, feels sore, the timbre of the voice changes and worsens general state. You can cope with this if you find out the nature allergic component, exclude it from surrounding factors or give the body early preventive treatment. An after-the-fact treatment option is desensitization therapy;
  • pathological condition of the thyroid gland. In cases of its growth or the formation of nodular structures, compression of nearby receptors occurs, which, in turn, leads to the body’s response - a sore throat. For this reason, a sore throat will be treated by an endocrinologist;
  • constant professional overstrain of the muscles of the pharynx and larynx. People whose profession is related to heavy load on the vocal apparatus, are at risk for hoarseness and sore throat;
  • damage to the innervation of the muscles of the nasopharynx and respiratory tree. This can happen as a result of stress, disruption of nerve conduction, for example, due to injury, as well as brain tumors. In this case, a sore throat may not be the only form of manifestation of pathology. Paresis, impaired sensitivity, a feeling of numbness, and others are possible. Determining treatment tactics is up to the neurologist;
  • throwing the contents of the intestinal tract into the throat due to digestive problems. Yes, sharply acidic environment gastric juice may be irritating to sensory cells throat and cause a tickling sensation in it;
  • smoking. A smoker’s sore throat is a completely understandable and logical process. Elements of tobacco smoke have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes respiratory tract, causing the cells to “resist”.
  • reaction to air dust. People living in environmentally unfavorable regions often complain of a constant sore throat. The mechanism for the occurrence of tickling and dry cough is similar when the air in the room is very dry. Recommendations include improving the composition of inhaled air through filtration and humidification;

Sore throat: how to treat it?

There is no single cure for a sore throat, since each mechanism of its occurrence is individual and requires only a personal approach.

Diseases diagnosed in a patient, the symptoms of which are a sore throat and a dry cough, should be treated by highly specialized specialists.

There are a number of recipes that quickly relieve the symptom of a sore throat, but are not a medical procedure and therefore do not guarantee long-term results.
These include:

  • oil after frying the onions. Fry two finely chopped onions in one glass of sunflower oil, preferably unrefined oil. After cooling, strain and gargle with the cooled oil;
  • gargling with infusions of chamomile, calendula, sage, peppermint and other anti-inflammatory natural ingredients. IN this option there is a mechanical rinsing of the provoking agent, a calming effect on the cells of the mucous membrane and restoration of the degree of its moisture;
  • cup herbal tea with honey and lemon. Physical properties these products will help neutralize irritant effect factors that provoke soreness;
  • a mixture of apple and carrot juice with the addition of a tablespoon of honey. This medicine should be used internally, half a glass three times a day;
  • a mixture of cherry and blackcurrant juice - according to the recipe indicated above;
  • a mixture of black radish and milk in a ratio of 1:3. It is better to add at least 2 tablespoons of honey and take 3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day;
  • one glass beet juice with the addition of one tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Use as a rinse 3 times a day.

In cases where there are no inflammatory processes on the part of the body systems, inhalation of the upper respiratory tract with eucalyptus oil. For inhalation, you can use specialized devices, or you can reproduce the inhalation technique at home - breathe over a container with an inhalation solution, covered with a towel.

Separately, it should be said about the cases: “Itchy throat, dry cough - treatment.” If the soreness accompanies a dry cough, then, in accordance with the doctor’s prescription, you should use medications, inhibiting the cough center. But this method is a temporary alleviator; it does not affect the underlying cause of the disease.
There are situations when it lingers in the throat foreign object(eg fish bone). If it does not interfere with swallowing and is not felt by the tongue, then the person himself may not be aware of its existence. However, its effect on the mucous membrane causes a sensation of soreness and constant desire clear your throat. Of course, qualified medical care is the only correct one. But if you cannot see a doctor at the moment, you can try the following methods:

  • ingestion of a product with a viscous consistency. The enveloping effect may help move the stuck object down the digestive tract;
  • use mashed potatoes with a significant amount of oil. Fatty food will cover the mucous membrane with a slippery film and create conditions for its cleansing;
  • swallowing a piece of black bread;
  • use of liquid honey. The adhesive and anti-inflammatory effects of the product are used.

If you delete fish bone succeeded, you need to gargle with one of the antiseptic solutions to remove pathogenic microbes that entered through the bone insertion site into the laryngeal mucosa.

When treating a sore throat, you should follow simple rules“non-aggressive” nutrition and drinking. So, you should not eat spicy, sharply bitter or sharply sour foods, or foods with a scratchy consistency. Carbonated drinks and sour juices will be harmful. Food and drink should be at a temperature close to body temperature, but in no case from the refrigerator or boiling water.

It is very important to carry out desensitizing and anti-inflammatory therapy to eliminate possible consequences.

The content of the article:

A sore throat is not a disease, but a symptom of a disease. This term refers to irritation of the oropharyngeal mucosa caused by exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) factors. The soreness may be constant, accompanied by pain when swallowing, fever or nausea, and worsened by turning the head. Most often, discomfort in the throat is the first sign of ARVI. If you start treatment immediately, you can prevent the development of complications.

Description of persistent sore throat

Irritation of the laryngeal mucosa can manifest itself in different ways. Patients, complaining to the doctor, describe the sensations: “drying, itching, tearing, tickling.” Sometimes it seems to them that after eating, a foreign object has stuck to the mucous membrane of the throat or oral cavity and they cannot get rid of it, or a “lump” has appeared in the throat.

Unpleasant sensations may intensify from time to time, disappear during eating, or, conversely, intensify.

The epithelium of the laryngeal mucosa is very delicate; there is a layer of multirow columnar ciliated epithelium. The nasopharynx performs protective function, protecting the body from negative external influences. If foreign agents cannot be expelled by the cilia, they are met by lymphatic tissue.

In the oropharynx there is a ring of tonsils:

  • Pharyngeal tonsils in adults. In children, the first level of protection is supplemented by adenoids.
  • Next come tonsils, colloquially they are called tonsils. They are the ones who become inflamed during sore throat.
  • Then the lingual tonsil is involved in expelling the “enemies”.
When penetrated by foreign agents or under the influence negative factors epithelium and lymphoid tissue react and transmit impulse to the central nervous system. Macrophages or histamine are released, and inflammatory process.

Causes of prolonged sore throat

It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on one symptom. There are too many reasons that cause this symptomatology.

Causes of sore throat in children

The mucous membrane of children is very delicate and reacts sharply to adverse effects.

Pain and sore throat can be caused by:

  1. Acute respiratory infections of a viral or bacterial nature, a long prodromal (initial) period with so-called childhood infections: chickenpox, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever.
  2. Complications after respiratory diseases, chronic processes in the larynx: tonsillitis, pharyngitis, prolonged laryngitis.
  3. Consequences of whooping cough. Rehabilitation period long-lasting, the cough cannot be cured within 4-6 months, attacks irritate the mucous membrane of the oropharynx.
  4. Morning accumulation of sputum due to forced immobility at night.
  5. Hit foreign body into the throat, causing injury to the mucous membrane, when inhaled or with food. You can injure your throat with a fish or chicken bone, or a berry seed; children often put inappropriate objects in their mouths and can cause harm to themselves.
  6. Allergy. At home it can be caused by fumes from building materials or furniture, dust - book dust or carpet dust. The mucous membrane reacts to irritation caused by dust mites and dust particles when inhaled. If the tickling intensifies outdoors in the warm season, you can most likely suspect hay fever, that is, a negative reaction when inhaling plant pollen. Constant irritation on the street may be associated with an environmentally unfavorable area of ​​residence.
The mucous membrane of children is very delicate. She may be annoyed tobacco smoke, strong odors, too dry or humid air. If the child is not used to restraining himself and constantly raises his voice, then the soreness will occur due to overexertion. vocal cords.

Causes of prolonged sore throat in adults

Adults also suffer from acute respiratory infections, suffer from allergies, and may develop injuries or complications after illnesses.

But there are other reasons that cause an unpleasant feeling:

  • Hypothermia. It can be triggered by dressing inappropriately for the weather or by constantly drinking cold drinks to quench your thirst when it is hot.
  • Impairment of impulse conduction due to damage to the central nervous system, for example, after a traumatic brain injury, stroke or heart attack. Nerve endings react inadequately to irritants, causing constant itching.
  • Pathologies of the thyroid gland, in which it grows, nodes form on the front surface of the neck.
  • Diabetes. With the disease, salivation is impaired, the mucous membrane of the larynx dries out and becomes sore.
  • Neoplasms in the oropharynx at various levels.
  • Impaired blood supply to the laryngeal mucosa caused by diseases of cardio-vascular system.
  • Reflux esophagitis. The acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and enter the larynx, burning the mucous membrane and causing constant irritation.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx of a chronic nature, due to which at night due to forced immobility on back wall In the larynx or in the folds of the tonsils, sputum accumulates, which irritates the ciliated epithelium.
  • Occupational hazards. Unfavorable indoor microclimate, inhalation of irritating odors, the need to strain the vocal cords.
If you need to constantly take medications in adults and children, you may experience drug allergy. Currently there is enough available a wide range of medicines to replace the inappropriate ones.

Unfortunately, it is often adults themselves who are to blame for the fact that they have constant cough-inducing sore throat. Cigarette abuse leads to this. But to part with bad habit they do not dare, because in the first months after quitting smoking, the tickle and cough intensify. Willpower to endure unpleasant moments Not everyone has enough constant discomfort annoying, which affects your mood and quality of life.

The main symptoms of a severe sore throat

Additional symptoms accompanying tickling help make a diagnosis.

Discomfort in the throat may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Sputum production. Sometimes there is so much of it that nausea appears, and in children - vomiting.
  2. Redness of the mucous membrane, swelling of the pharyngeal tonsils, the appearance of purulent plaque of various locations.
  3. Sneezing and coughing if the tickle is provoked infectious processes or allergic reactions.
  4. Pallor of the mucous membrane. Its color becomes pale pink, bluish veins appear.
  5. Erosive lesions on the posterior wall of the larynx.
  6. Spasms when swallowing or breathing. It may feel like there is not enough air.
Prodromal period infectious diseases accompanied by fever, fever, headache, muscle or joint aches.

At night, the pain and itching of the larynx intensifies. This is explained by congestion and can be caused by both a disruption of the mucosal supply and the accumulation of sputum in the oropharynx.

Symptoms depend on the underlying disease, and it is impossible to completely get rid of it until the cause is eliminated.

How to get rid of a sore throat

The diagnosis is made after an examination, during which the patient’s complaints, laboratory and instrumental examinations, evaluate clinical picture. However, there is also symptomatic treatment, aimed directly at eliminating discomfort.

Treating a sore throat with medications

To get rid of soreness, soothing medications are used. They eliminate inflammation directly at the site of irritation and relieve discomfort.

List medical supplies for symptomatic treatment:

  • Antihistamines. Reduce swelling and inflammation, help get rid of irritation. Are used fast-acting drugs 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation antihistamines: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Pipolfen, Loratadine, Erius, Zyrtec and others. When treating children and the elderly, preference should be given to medications in the form of syrups and drops to make it easier to calculate the dosage. For adults, tablets are more convenient. It should be taken into account that taking 1st and 2nd generation drugs is accompanied by sedative effect, which may affect professional activities.
  • Medicines for resorption in the form of tablets, lozenges, cough drops. This group includes Strepsils, Faringosept, Lisobakt, Doctor MOM, Neo-Angin, Falimint, menthol tablets. When purchasing medications for resorption, you must carefully read the instructions to become familiar with the composition. Active ingredients may have antiviral or antibacterial ingredients. If the tickle is not associated with acute respiratory infections, then it is advisable to limit yourself to menthol lozenges. Children under 5 years of age should not be given drugs from this group. Children cannot completely dissolve the “candy” and swallow it. There will be no benefit from such a reception.
  • Sprays to eliminate irritation. This group includes drugs with lidocaine, antibacterial or antivirals. The most commonly used are Strepsils Plus, TeraFlu Lar, Septolete Plus, Ingalipt, Orasept, Cameton, Tantum Verde.
  • Preparations for treating tonsils. Most often, drugs from this group are used in the treatment of children's throats. These medications are: Hexoral, Lugol, Chlorophyllipt oily.
It should not be surprising that doctors can prescribe drugs from this group to eliminate soreness that is not a symptom of acute respiratory infections. When the mucous membrane is irritated, favorable conditions are created for secondary infection - increased activity opportunistic flora, which is constantly present in human body. In order not to provoke the development of fungal or bacterial infection, the soreness should be eliminated.

What are some folk remedies to treat a sore throat?

Traditional medicine offers its own recipes for symptomatic treatment.

These include:

  • Softening drinks. This group includes warm milk with a small piece butter, a mixture of lemon juice, badger fat and honey - proportions 1:1:2.
  • Diluted juices of cranberries, lemons, lingonberries. The juices are diluted half with water and the acid is removed with honey. Recommended for the treatment of pharyngitis. For injuries where the integrity of the mucous membrane is damaged, the method is not used, since the acid increases irritation.
  • Bee products. Slowly dissolve a spoonful of honey and a ball of propolis.
  • Cocoa butter or butter. Used as honey and propolis.
  • Green teas and infusions of chamomile, currant leaves and raspberries, linden color, mint, lemon balm, rose hips, rowan berries. To improve the taste, add a little honey.
Honey itself is irritating and strong allergen, so you shouldn’t abuse it.

Therapeutic procedures to eliminate a sore throat

Procedures are used to soften the laryngeal mucosa of various nature. To this group therapeutic activities include rinsing, various warming, inhalations, physiotherapy and physiological effects.

Procedures to eliminate soreness:

  1. Rinse. Used to eliminate mucus that accumulates in the folds of the tonsils and on the back wall of the larynx due to stagnation, and in the treatment of acute respiratory infections. Medical or medical grade ingredients can be used as rinse ingredients. folk remedies. Pharmacy solutions: Hexoral, Chlorophyllipt on alcohol, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Boric acid, Furacilin. How to dilute the drug is written in the instructions. Folk remedies for rinsing are various infusions of chamomile, oak bark, calendula, mint, linden blossom, and sage. Infusions medicinal herbs Brew like tea, a tablespoon per glass of boiling water. Exception - oak bark. After brewing, it must be boiled for 7-10 minutes. Mint - universal remedy to soften the mucous membrane.
  2. Warming up. Use only in the treatment of soreness that accompanies colds. They put alcohol or vodka compresses, apply heated salt or millet. It should be avoided when heating the thyroid gland projection. Distractive warming helps get rid of the soreness that occurs during the prodromal stage of ARVI. IN hot water lower the hands or feet. To enhance the effect of the procedure, add a little mustard powder to it.
  3. Inhalations. They are done using a nebulizer or inhaling hot steam. The nebulizer chamber is filled alkaline solution, mineral water without gas or saline solution. Steam infusions of linden blossom, mint, and eucalyptus essential oil soften the throat. Infusions for inhalation are brewed in the following proportion: a tablespoon of bio-raw materials to 2 cups of boiling water. Essential oil add 3 drops per 0.5 liter of water. They breathe under a blanket, the water is heated to a temperature of 45-50°C. When treating children, it is advisable for adults to “dive” under the blanket with the little patient to avoid an accident. The baby can bend low over a container with hot liquid, cause a burn in the respiratory tract, or spill water on himself. A safer inhalation that softens the throat is breathing steam from boiled potatoes. To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, iodine is dripped into the crushed potatoes - a drop for each tuber.
  4. Massage. Helps when discomfort cause neurological disorders. If possible, you should press your palm against your throat in the projection of the thyroid gland and make hissing sounds, for example, “shshrreen” or “shshniirr.” Irreplaceable influence - index and thumb knead your earlobe.
Physiotherapy is prescribed by a doctor. May be recommended: electrophoresis, magnetic resonance therapy, exposure to currents different frequencies and a directed laser beam.

Eliminate soreness that occurs during the formation of tumors or goiter using symptomatic therapy impossible. In this case, surgery is used.

Also, when treating chronic irritation of the larynx, it is recommended to change your diet. All foods that increase painful sensations: sour, salty, spicy, too cold or hot, alcohol, strong coffee.

How to treat a sore throat - watch the video:

Every person has to deal with a cough. Currently, medicine knows many varieties of this disease. If moist cough does not cause much discomfort, the same cannot be said about dry. This is exactly what we're talking about we'll talk Further. You will find out why a person wants to cough. The most common causes of pathology will be described below.

Also from the material presented you can find out what kinds of throat remedies there are. They are very effective for sore throats and coughs.

Irritable Throat Syndrome

If you feel like you have a sore throat and want to cough, then this could be initial symptom irritated throat. There may be several reasons for this pathology. Quite often, ordinary soreness and irritation in the throat leads to coughing.

It is the most unpleasant of all its varieties. A person regularly feels that it is not only possible, but also necessary to treat such a pathology. IN otherwise You can get quite serious complications.

Why does my throat feel sore and I want to cough?

There can be many reasons for this pathology. Most often, the cause of irritation in the throat is a viral infection. In this case, the person soon begins to notice additional symptoms: runny nose, fever, headache.

If you have a sore throat and want to cough, then the cause may be a simple allergy. At the same time, for a long time you do not feel a deterioration in your health, and the doctor during the examination says that there is no reason to worry. Allergies must be treated. However, this must be done wisely.

If you have a sore throat and an uncontrollable cough, then this may be due to wrong image life. Heavy smokers often face this problem. It is worth noting that this symptom- very alarming.

There are a number of other reasons why a person has a sore throat and wants to cough. Only a doctor can determine what exactly is the reason for the development of the disease. To do this, the patient is prescribed a series of examinations and tests.

Sore throat remedies

Before using any remedy for the throat, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pathology. Otherwise, medications may simply not help you cope with the problem. To treat pathology, doctors use antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs, antiseptics, immunomodulators, antihistamines and so on. The list of medications can be endless. In addition, doctors use means traditional medicine. Let's look at the most popular remedies that help cope with a sore throat and stop or prevent coughing.

Medicines for oral administration

So, you have found out why your throat is sore. Now you can select suitable treatment. Doctors strongly do not recommend doing this yourself. However, most patients do not go to doctors due to their busyness.

If the cause of the tickling is allergic reaction, then you need to apply antihistamines. These include Zyrtec, Suprastin, Fenistil, and so on.

Whenever viral infection It is worth using immunomodulatory drugs. Among them are Derinat drops, Anaferon tablets, Kipferon suppositories and many others. If necessary, use antiviral drugs, such as “Aflubin”, “Antigrippin” and so on.

If the soreness is caused by bacterial growth, then antimicrobial medications are prescribed. Among them you can find “Amoxicillin”, “Amoxiclav”, “Sumamed” and so on.

Local impact

If you have a sore throat, what else can you treat? You can use tools that have local impact. All these drugs can be divided into sprays, lozenges and rinses.

Sprays are used to irrigate the laryngeal mucosa several times a day. Among such drugs are “Inhalipt”, “Cameton”, “Tantum Verde” and others.

Rinse should be used when there are contraindications to the use of other forms of medication. This often happens during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Rinse products include the following: “Furacilin”, “Miramistin”, “Chlorophyllipt” and so on.

Lozenges may contain medications or be exclusively natural. Among them are “Strepsils”, “Bobs”, “Doctor Mom”.

Folk remedies

If you do not want to take medications, then you can cope with a sore throat using folk remedies.

  • Lemon is an excellent emollient. You can drink warm tea with it added or suck the product.
  • Chamomile and sage relieve inflammation and have a healing effect. You can gargle an irritated throat with these solutions or drink them diluted.
  • Lemon restores immune protection body and defeats the infection. Cranberries and rose hips have the same effect.
  • You can get rid of a sore throat with home inhalations. Breathe over boiled potatoes or regular hot water.
  • To prevent coughing, which often occurs after a common sore throat, ventilate the room more often. Place garlic cloves and onion cut into rings around the room.

Summary and conclusion

Now you know what can cause tickling and coughing. Remember that inaction and delay can lead to complications. It is worth noting that much worse happens from the incorrect prescription and use of medications. Seek help from specialists. Only in this case will you be prescribed suitable remedies for a sore throat.

You need to be especially careful if it occurs in a child. In this case, without medical care not enough. Children's medications should be selected especially carefully, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

Get treatment on time and don’t get sick!

Many people have the feeling that their throat is very sore, why does it hurt, how to quickly cure this phenomenon? Let's try to figure this out together. What should you do if you constantly have a sore throat? First of all, to begin to treat the symptoms, you need to understand why you want to cough.

Sore throat - causes

Very often, when asked why a sore throat occurs, one can answer that this is the beginning of a disease of the respiratory tract and the throat itself. The reasons lie in the usual ARVI; also, when the flu just begins to appear, a dry cough often appears, which indicates the need to treat this phenomenon. The disease is also associated elevated temperature, sore throat, stuffy nose, weakness and loss of strength.

Often a dry cough and sore throat occur as a result of pharyngitis or laryngitis, and in severe neglected form this may lead to loss of voice. The patient begins to cough heavily, and if not started quickly necessary treatment, then the overall situation may worsen.

The causes of a dry cough may be hidden in a sore throat. The patient begins to experience a feeling of discomfort in the throat, the temperature rises quickly, and frequent strong pain in the throat. The tonsils begin to become inflamed, a cough appears, and there are purulent lesions. In this case it should be compulsory treatment, which often cannot be done without serious antibiotics.

The reasons why a dry cough occurs may lie in allergies. If you notice a cough, sore throat, sneezing, runny nose, watery eyes, then the only way What to do in such a situation is to take allergy medications. In this case, the necessary treatment must be prescribed by a doctor.

The causes of hoarseness may lie in overstrain of the vocal cords. What to do in this case? Try to talk less, at the same time, any special treatment will not be necessary in this situation. Warm drink will eliminate dry cough, removing discomfort.

It is not surprising, but as a result of some diseases of the internal organs, a dry cough and sore throat may appear. Of course, in this case, the person will also experience other symptoms that will not go away if they are not treated. The causes of irritation in the throat area may lie in a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, pharyngeal neurosis, liver disease, as well as adenoviral infections.

The causes of tickling may also lie in inhalation of dirt and dust, excessive humidity or dryness in the room. In this case, the symptoms will go away on their own; they do not need to be treated.

Sore throat - what to do?

What to do if you have a sore throat and dry cough? Agree, this phenomenon is quite unpleasant, especially during pregnancy. What to do if the disease is just beginning? In this case, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, after diagnosis accurate diagnosis. If treatment has not been prescribed, and the soreness only gets worse, and you start coughing, then you should not hesitate - consult a doctor immediately. There are a number of rules that will tell you what to do and how to quickly treat such an unpleasant condition:

  • During treatment, you should stop smoking. Nicotine causes even more irritation in the larynx and throat;
  • If you decide to treat a sore throat during pregnancy, you need to drink as much fluid as possible. You can take decoctions and infusions medicinal herbs which can remove inflammation, relieving irritation and inflammation in the throat;
  • treat dry throat You can do this by rinsing it - this needs to be done several times a day;
  • try to rest as much as possible and not talk.

How and how to treat a sore throat in a child?

Often, a child experiences a sore throat, especially during active games when he screams loudly. At the same time, a broken voice in a child is common. If you notice that your child is starting to have a sore throat, this may also be a symptom of the onset of problems with gastrointestinal tract and talk about the presence of roundworms or worms. In this case, it is recommended to give the baby anthelmintic drugs, including Helmintox, Vermox, Piperazine.

Very often, a child develops inflammation of the adenoids, which requires a simple operation, after which the sore throat disappears. In general, you can cure a sore throat in a child in the same way as in adults. The only exceptions are children under two years of age, children with developmental pathologies and weakened immune systems. Antibiotics should only be used to treat children as a last resort.

Sore throat during pregnancy

Often, a sore throat occurs during pregnancy. It should be noted that the state of pregnancy is one of the most dangerous in the life of every woman. Treatment for a sore throat during pregnancy can help negative impact on the fetus, therefore there is a very limited list of medications, in which natural remedies should prevail.

During pregnancy, it is contraindicated to take medications containing hormones and alcohol. When a sore throat begins during pregnancy, treatment should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. In order to relieve discomfort while waiting for a doctor during pregnancy, it is recommended to gargle with decoctions of calendula and chamomile, take herbal inhalations, and drink warm milk with melted butter.

How to gargle when you have a sore throat?

You can deal with the problem at home; for this it is recommended to gargle useful solutions several times a day. Here are some of the most simple recipes that can be prepared at home:

  • saline solution - everyone knows about this method of treatment, probably since early childhood. Everything is extremely easy: a tablespoon of salt and soda, a couple of drops of iodine. Dissolve everything in a glass of warm water, gargle up to ten times a day;
  • calendula decoction. Take two tablespoons of dry calendula and brew in a glass boiled water. Use for gargling.

You can also use lozenges and lozenges, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, to alleviate the condition at home. It must be remembered that they do not treat the disease, but only eliminate its symptoms.

If there is constant and prolonged irritation in the throat, or if you have an allergy or bacterial infection, it is recommended to visit a doctor. Timely treatment will speed up recovery and eliminate complications.

Traditional medicine recipes

Traditional medicine can tell you what to do if you have a sore throat. Some folk remedies are different increased efficiency, they can relieve discomfort and sore throat. When unpleasant symptoms you can do inhalation:

  • boil the water. Add a tablespoon to it sea ​​salt and a few drops of lavender oil. Breathe the steam for a few minutes;
  • chop by teaspoon onions and garlic, add two teaspoons of eucalyptus leaves, adding water for inhalation.

Gargling mixtures

  • 20 grams dried peppermint pour a glass of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for one hour. Strain and gargle;
  • squeeze 200 grams of juice from the beets, add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Rinse after meals three times a day.

Natural juices for drinking

  • take freshly squeezed carrot and beet juice equal quantities. Add a tablespoon of honey. Warm up and drink in small sips before going to bed;
  • one part black radish juice, mixed with two parts milk and a tablespoon of honey. Take three tablespoons orally after meals, after heating.

To treat a sore throat, the first step should be correct diagnosis. There is no point in trying to cure pharyngitis with antibiotics and taking foot baths if the cause of soreness is esophagitis. However, if you know the nature of your disease, then treatment will be as fast, effective and inexpensive as possible.