What is psoriasis: causes, symptoms and treatment at home. What psoriasis looks like on the human body Initial symptoms of psoriasis

Psoriasis is one of the most common skin pathologies. It can occur in patients of any age. The etiology of the disease has not yet been fully established, so it is impossible to completely cure psoriasis. That is why it is so important to recognize it at the initial stage of development. In this article we will look at what psoriasis is, how it manifests itself and how to treat it.

Psoriasis is a polyetiological skin disease manifested by a monomorphic rash. The pathology is chronic. Psoriasis occurs in waves, with periods of relapses and remissions possible.

A relapse can be triggered by the lack of adequate treatment, alcohol abuse, stress, etc. The rash in both adults and children spreads gradually, involving more and more areas of the skin. Psoriasis is characterized by the formation of raised, reddish, dry patches with a scaly, silvery-white surface. This rash is called “psoriatic plaques.”

Most often, psoriasis is observed in the area of ​​the elbows and knees, on the buttocks, that is, in places of greatest pressure and friction. In some cases, the rash occurs on the scalp, palms, soles, and external genitalia. Psoriatic plaques on the face are very rare.


Many people wonder whether psoriasis is contagious to others or not. The pathology is not contagious, that is, it is not transmitted to others. Among the causes of psoriasis are:

In most cases, psoriasis makes itself felt between the ages of 15 and 30 due to one or more causes. According to medical statistics, more than 60% of psoriasis patients have relatives who suffer from this disease.

Symptoms of psoriasis at the initial stage

To recognize how psoriasis begins, you should familiarize yourself with the main signs of the disease. You should be wary:

  • the formation of brightly colored skin rashes with clearly visible edges (most often they appear at the site of injury - burns, cuts, frostbite);
  • the appearance of peeling in the central part of the plaque;
  • itching of psoriatic formations (manifests only in half of the cases due to weakened immunity);
  • swelling and inflammation in the area where the rash appears.

At first the rashes are very small, about the size of a pinhead. They have a hemispherical shape and a smooth shiny surface. After a few days, the rashes grow in size and become covered with light scales, which are easily separated. When the plaque is scraped, droplets of blood appear on its surface, which indicate pinpoint hemorrhages.

Sometimes psoriasis can be complicated by exudative phenomena (serous fluid). The scales absorb this exudate and transform into a rough crust. If you remove it, wet areas remain underneath. Such phenomena are dangerous due to the addition of a secondary bacterial infection.

As a rule, psoriasis at an early stage lasts 2-3 weeks. If left untreated, the plaques grow up to 5-7 cm, merge and form entire conglomerates, covering large areas of the skin.

What psoriasis looks like at the initial stage

Now let's look at what psoriasis looks like at the beginning of its development in different locations. For ease of perception, we present the corresponding photos.

1. Legs. The disease begins with single small rashes, located mainly on the knees and feet, but can also be observed on any surface of the legs.

2. Elbows. In most cases, a plaque type of psoriasis appears at this site, which is characterized by small rashes with very severe peeling. The skin on the elbows becomes rough.

3. Hands. In this area, psoriasis appears suddenly in the form of a small rash, which many people mistake for an allergy. Only after dry scales appear do people consult a doctor. Often the rashes are localized between the fingers on the palms.

4. Head. Psoriasis often affects the scalp, ear area and back of the head. The rash in this area is characterized by moist scales and is almost always itchy.

5. Face. The rash affects the nasolabial folds, eyelids, eyebrows and eyes. This form of psoriasis is considered atypical.

6. Nails. Psoriasis on the nails is more like a fungal disease. First, longitudinal stripes or dots appear at the edge of the nails, and then they spread to the roots. At the same time, the nail plate itself becomes dull and thickened.

Treatment of psoriasis

Therapy should begin with a visit to a dermatologist. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate. Treatment of psoriasis at the initial stage should be comprehensive. Nowadays, new treatment methods have been developed that help completely get rid of scaly rashes, although they do not completely cure the disease itself. During therapy, it is necessary to exclude all factors that provoke an exacerbation of the pathology, change the diet and adhere to a special diet.

Drug therapy

Treatment tactics for early stage psoriasis are gradually changing. If earlier hormonal drugs of general action were prescribed, now local agents are widely used.

The following ointments provide good relief from the manifestations of psoriasis:

  1. Keratolytic and moisturizing (Salicylic, Tar, Ichthyol, Belosalik).
  2. Herbal (Psoriate, Colchamine ointment).
  3. Glucocorticoids (Triderm, Sinaflan, Prednisolone).
  4. Cytostatic (Fluorouracil, Methotrexate).
  5. Based on solid oil (Kartalin, Antipsor, Solipsor, Magnipsor, Akrustal).
  6. Based on petroleum (Naftaderm, Losterin).

The doctor may also prescribe sedatives, antihistamines for severe itching, immunomodulators and vitamin-mineral complexes. Treatment should also include physical therapy. The following methods are widely used:

  • paraffin baths;
  • PUVA therapy;
  • UV irradiation;
  • sulfide and radon baths.

Electrosleep and magnetic laser therapy have beneficial effects. Cryotherapy (cold treatment) and hirudotherapy (leech treatment) are gaining popularity.

When treating psoriasis on the head, you should not comb the skin. The head should be washed daily with medicated shampoos with zinc, tar, and selenium sulfide. The specialist may prescribe the following:

  • Sulsen;
  • Friderm tar;
  • Friderm zinc;
  • Nizoral.

Treatment at home

Before using any recipe, you should consult your doctor so that it does not provoke the development of complications. Treatment with traditional medicine is primarily aimed at strengthening the immune system and relieving the inflammatory process. Therefore, it is necessary to drink vitamin teas - decoctions of rose hips, lemon, viburnum, raspberries, chamomile, etc. It is recommended to add honey to herbal teas.

The most effective home therapy remedies include:

  1. Celandine. It relieves inflammation well and soothes the skin. The plaques must be lubricated daily with the juice of this plant.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. To begin, dilute peroxide with water in a ratio of 1:3 and use the solution to lubricate the psoriatic rash for disinfection. Use before applying ointment or lotions.
  3. Linseed oil. Perfectly relieves inflammation and heals the skin. Apply to affected area twice daily.
  4. Baking soda. Neutralizes skin acidity, which increases with psoriasis.
  5. Solid oil. It helps very well at the beginning of the disease. You need to lubricate the affected areas before going to bed.

To reduce the risk of psoriasis, prevention is necessary. Follow these guidelines:

  • moisturize your skin regularly with creams;
  • avoid skin damage in the form of burns, scratches, bites, etc.;
  • strengthen your immune system, play sports and walk more in the fresh air;
  • give up bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • Take only those medications prescribed by your doctor.

It is important to separately note about a special diet for psoriasis. It helps to achieve remission faster and reduces the duration of relapses of the disease. The table below shows a list of permitted, prohibited, and restricted products.

Products Allowed Limited use Prohibited
Fish and meat turkey, chicken, rabbit, lean river fish lean beef and lamb pork, sea fish
Cereals and flour products oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, corn, wheat flakes rice semolina, puff pastries, baked goods made from wheat flour, bread
Dairy low fat cottage cheese, skim milk kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream cheese
Vegetables carrots, broccoli, cucumber, asparagus, lettuce, green beans corn, pumpkin bell pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant
Fruits and berries kiwi, pineapple, mango, grapes, nectarine, cherry plum, blueberry, currant, cranberry, avocado strawberry, citrus, red apple
Nuts almond pine nuts other
Sweets dried apricots, raisins, dates honey chocolate, sweets and other confectionery products
Spices dill, parsley, green onions horseradish, garlic, onion pepper, cloves, nutmeg
Oils sunflower, olive, cotton, corn butter spread, margarine
Beverages herbal teas, juices, compotes green tea black tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, alcohol

Don't forget about your drinking regime. You need to drink 1.5-2 liters of drinking water per day.

Psoriasis is a rather unpleasant skin disease that causes a lot of inconvenience. It cannot be completely eliminated, but with a competent approach to treatment, stable remission can be achieved. To do this, you need to contact a dermatologist. Psoriasis at the initial stage responds well to drug therapy. You should not self-medicate, as this will only worsen the course of the disease.

Many patients daily face such an unpleasant disease as psoriasis. Pathology refers to inflammatory chronic diseases that are not transmitted from person to person. It is impossible to completely cure the disease; it has a wave-like character and manifests itself in frequent changes from resting states to new outbreaks of rashes. It is very important to start treating the disease at its first manifestations. The initial stage of psoriasis has its own signs and symptoms, which we will discuss later in the article.

Psoriasis – photo of the initial stage

So, let’s try to answer the questions: what does the initial stage of psoriasis look like, does psoriasis itchy at the initial stage and how to recognize psoriasis? Most often, the pathology manifests itself with single or multiple rashes on various parts of the body. According to statistics, spots can most often be observed on the scalp, knee and elbow joints, palms, armpits and groin.

Many patients do not pay attention to such manifestations, attributing the appearance of spots and itching to an allergic reaction and treating the manifestations with antihistamines. It is also worth noting that most often the rash occurs in areas of the body that are most susceptible to mechanical damage, for example, in areas of friction with clothing.

In order to recognize a disease, it is worth having a clear understanding of its manifestations. So, the symptoms of psoriasis at the first stage are as follows:

  1. The appearance of reddish or pink papules on the skin. They can range in size from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The edges of the spots are clearly defined, the rashes have a round or oval shape.
  2. After just a short time, the spots are covered with characteristic scales, which are easily removed. Papules protrude above the surface of the skin and are very itchy.
  3. The spots are accompanied by an inflammatory process, the patient begins to experience severe discomfort, and it is very difficult not to scratch the rash. Often, psoriatic rashes due to mechanical damage can be accompanied by a bacterial infection.

There are also certain signs by which the presence of the disease can be determined. They include.

Appearance of stearin stain

The appearance of characteristic scales that are easily scraped off. When removing scales, the peeling process intensifies.

After removing the scales, the patient has a red, thin and shiny skin surface. This is the so-called thermal film. It is easy to damage and if this is done, minor bleeding may be seen.

Blood dew

When plaques or thermal film are damaged, drops of blood appear on the surface of the spot. Often, bloody discharge is observed at the border of the spot and healthy skin.

Methods for treating psoriasis at the first stage

Treatment of the initial stage of psoriasis at home involves the use of topical medications. This type of therapy consists of applying various creams, ointments, lotions to the affected areas, as well as using sprays and shampoos with a therapeutic effect. All actions are aimed at eliminating the main manifestations of the disease and achieving stable remission. Most often, doctors prescribe drugs with minimal side effects. Next, we’ll look at how to treat early-stage psoriasis with creams and ointments.

Topical products

To soften papules and plaques, relieve itching and inflammation, as well as speed up the healing process, the following means are used in medical practice:

  • calcipotriol;
  • salicylic ointment;
  • zinc ointment;
  • taklonex;
  • Kartalin and others.

If the use of ointments is not enough, doctors use complex therapy, which consists of the use of drugs from the following group:

  1. Antiallergic drugs. Loratodine, diazolin, and suprastin are used here.
  2. Antidepressants and sedatives. Persen, valerian, motherwort and others are often used.
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs. This is Nurofen, Ibuprofen.
  4. In especially severe cases, hormonal agents are used. These include bensalitin, cortisone, celestoderm.

Physiotherapy methods

  • cryotherapy;
  • phototherapy.

The advantage of these types of therapy is safety and good effectiveness. Disadvantages include high cost and the possibility of treatment only in a hospital setting.

The use of folk recipes

Often patients with this pathology use traditional medicine recipes for treatment at home. For these purposes, various plants and natural materials are used, for example, propolis, various oils, tar, medicinal herbs and much more.

Traditional therapy is used mainly as an adjuvant treatment and is often used in conjunction with medications.

Taking decoctions of chamomile, string, St. John's wort, and calendula is considered very useful for psoriasis. These plants can also be used to add to baths.

When using traditional methods of treatment, it is worth remembering that even ordinary herbs can cause an allergic reaction and many side effects. Before starting treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Treatment of psoriasis at the initial stage is very important. A timely response to the problem will help avoid negative consequences and long-term treatment.

Psoriasis is a painful disease, painful both physically and mentally. Even though it is not contagious, many people try to avoid contact with patients. Psoriasis contributes to the development of depression and isolation. A person does not visit beaches and swimming pools, he has problems in his personal and intimate life.

Every third patient begins to experience joint pain over time due to the development of psoriatic arthritis. And this form, like others, can lead to disability. What is psoriasis, how does it occur, how does it manifest, how is it treated, and how can its manifestations be minimized without medications?

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What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a non-contagious, chronic skin disease (dermatosis) with disruption of keratinization processes and the addition of inflammation. Scientifically speaking, the basis of psoriasis is:

  • Hyperproliferation in the epidermis, or excessive proliferation of cells;
  • Disturbance in the functioning of keratinocytes;
  • The appearance of an inflammatory infiltrate in the dermis.

Speaking about chronicity, it must be emphasized that if a young man has a tiny plaque and soon disappears, this means that after 20 years he can again see new plaques on himself.

Psoriasis “dormant”, but is not cured, and its behavior resembles a person who many years ago “recovered” from alcoholism, but for obvious reasons avoids any alcohol consumption: after all, even after 30 years of sobriety, you can fall into a binge.

psoriasis photos in adults (back, stomach)

The incidence of psoriasis is very high: even in successful countries of Western Europe, it occurs in 2% of the population. The disease can begin at any age, but the onset most often occurs in young people, and only in 1/3 of patients does it occur after 40 years.

It is believed that having relatives with psoriasis significantly increases the risk of its occurrence, and there is an autosomal dominant type of transmission of the genetic defect (that is, not related to gender). But, most often, the causes of psoriasis lie in the influence of a number of unfavorable factors that contribute to the restructuring of the body.

We list the most important causes of psoriasis:

  • Chronic stress, emotional overstrain, unfavorable social climate;
  • Microbial and viral infections that tend to be chronic (for example, streptococcal or herpetic infections);
  • Direct physical impact on the skin (excessive friction, pressure, frequent sun exposure);
  • Skin injuries. In the event that plaques appear at the site of injury, this is called the Koebner phenomenon;
  • Hormonal imbalance. Psoriasis often occurs when entering puberty, and less often during menopause. This is due to the influence of the thyroid gland, as well as hormones of the adrenal cortex;
  • Taking certain medications. Such a “psorogenic” effect has been noted in lithium salts used in psychiatry, in ACE inhibitors, some beta-blockers, and in the antimalarial drug chloroquine;
  • Alcohol, especially beer. Promotes both a more severe course of the disease and its onset;
  • Obesity, or overweight. There are indisputable facts that indicate that in people who have brought their weight back to normal after many years of excess, psoriasis has practically disappeared and even;
  • Climatic factors. Psoriasis occurs in coastal, warm, sunny climates. But the continental, humid and cold climate can contribute to both the onset and progression of the disease;
  • HIV infection. This disease contributes to the emergence of a variety of diseases that “take advantage” of a defect in the immune system, and psoriasis is no exception.

What happens in the skin, or the pathogenesis of psoriasis

The “unit” of psoriasis is a skin plaque in which immune inflammation occurs, just like in the joints of psoriatic arthritis.

Many substances were found in plaques, for example, analogues of leukotrienes, which attract leukocytes to the site of inflammation. As a result of the interaction of keratinocytes with immunocompetent cells, an inflammatory zone occurs, with the release of inflammatory mediators.

TNF-alpha, or tumor necrosis factor, is present in psoriatic plaques and in the joint fluid of psoriatic arthritis. The tumor itself has nothing to do with it - this is a historical name. It is known that TNF is actively involved in various chronic inflammations.

Various inflammatory changes occur in the skin, leading to the appearance of an extremely characteristic, and even pathognomonic triad of signs for psoriasis: stearin stain, terminal film and bloody dew.

  • When the plaque is lightly scraped (for example, with a fingernail), characteristic crushing and peeling of the scales occurs. This is very reminiscent of scraping a drop of stearin, or paraffin, that has fallen from a candle;
  • Under certain conditions (for example, after a shower, on already dry skin), you can lift the edge of the scale and remove it in the form of a grayish-yellow, semi-translucent, like parchment, thin film, which sometimes reaches an area of ​​3-4 square meters. cm – symptom of terminal film;
  • If you scrape more at the place where the film was removed, then small droplets of blood appear, similar to dew, which is called blood dew.

This can lead to the fact that with skin itching at night, the patient shakes off a mass of dead scales from the sheets, reminiscent of a mixture of flour and bran, and droplets of blood can bake on the sheets. This symptomatology is typical for the exacerbation stage.

Psoriasis - initial stage, photo

In psoriasis, plaques affect all layers of the skin. With psoriasis at the initial stage, the plaque, after full development, does not differ in its main characteristics from ordinary plaques, but at the beginning it has the following characteristic features:

  • a flat tubercle 1-3 mm in diameter appears on the surface of unchanged skin;
  • its boundaries are clear;
  • color – rich, red or pink, sometimes bluish, especially with psoriasis on the legs;
  • the surface becomes loose, layers of scales are formed, having a silvery-white tint;
  • the plaques merge, resulting in large rashes with scalloped, “polycyclic” contours.

Psoriasis often begins with the Koebner phenomenon, or with a primary skin injury.

plaques gradually merge (photo)

Where are the rashes located?

Symptoms of the initial stage of psoriasis can be noticed in “favorite places”. These include:

  • Extensor surfaces of the elbow and knee joints (sometimes the dorsal ones, this is called “reverse psoriasis”);
  • Sacrum;
  • The scalp. Lifting the hair, you can see a red rim of skin along the edge during an exacerbation, slightly protruding beyond the hairline: “psoriatic crown”;
  • Psoriasis “loves” to settle behind the ears, next to hair growth, and inside the ears;
  • Large skin folds are somewhat less commonly affected.

In some cases, severe itching contributes to the development of plaques. Often this, along with redness of the skin on the periphery, indicates a progressive stage of psoriasis, when new scales appear.

Psoriasis on toenails and fingernails + photo

Nails with psoriasis are affected in almost 50% of patients. They develop pits and spots, and the nails resemble the top of a thimble.

Also, their free edge grows back poorly, it becomes yellowish and brittle, which can raise suspicion of a fungal disease. The body of the nail itself changes color, as if transparent areas appear on it, which are called “oily”.

Most often, nail damage indicates that the patient has psoriatic arthritis, or is prone to developing it.

Not all nails can be affected by psoriasis, but only those on the feet or hands. And even if there is arthritis of the finger, the nail on the hand will not necessarily be affected exactly where the joints hurt. The little fingers may be affected and the index fingers may be sore. There is no direct connection.

Stages of psoriasis - exacerbation, stability and regression

All the troubles and sorrows occur as the disease progresses, when symptoms worsen. Each patient has an individual exacerbation. Sometimes aggravation occurs in response to “good deeds.”

For example, the patient smoked for several years. Having decided that smoking has a harmful effect on the course of psoriasis (and rightly so), he quits, but after a month he gains 5-8 kg. As a result, a significant aggravation occurs, which arose due to weight gain and “ignored” the fact of a successful fight against smoking.


Despite the “special path”, there are some common features:

  • An exacerbation appears after a cold, sore throat, stress, binge drinking;
  • New spots appear;
  • On old spots, the peripheral area expands, the spots “grow”;
  • The layer of scales thickens;
  • Skin itching intensifies. In the room where a patient with psoriasis lives, it is better to put light-colored laminate and linoleum, since skin scales, which appear in large numbers after itching of the plaques, are less noticeable on them;
  • In severe forms, increased joint pain occurs and general malaise appears;
  • The progressive stage is characterized by the Koebner phenomenon. Any skin injury turns into new plaques.

Stable state

Reduction of signs of exacerbation of psoriasis - plaques do not change, no particular itching occurs. A little “husk” falls off the patient.

Growth on the plaques stops, redness gives way to pallor and a “pseudo-atrophic” rim is formed, which may disappear and exacerbation will occur again.


Most often, improvement begins from the center of the plaque. There the scales begin to disappear and new skin appears. The peripheral growth zone remains pale and inactive, resulting in “garlands” of rings and all sorts of bizarre spots. If the rash has disappeared completely, then often a patch of skin with reduced pigmentation appears in this place.

Very often, regression of psoriatic rashes develops in the summer, when the patient is in the sun. Exacerbations, on the contrary, occur in spring and autumn, when the skin is deficient in sunlight.

  • With incomplete regression of the rash, “standby plaques” most often remain, which are localized in the elbows and knees.

Types of psoriasis, features on the skin

There are several types of ordinary cutaneous psoriasis: seborrheic, exudative, psoriasis of skin folds, as well as palms and soles. Nail psoriasis, as a rule, does not occur separately.

  • The seborrheic form is very similar to the dermatitis of the same name. The scales are localized on the scalp, behind the ear, and on the chest. The rashes have vague boundaries, they are saturated with sebum and have greasy, thick and loose scales;
  • With exudative psoriasis (which is more common in obesity), the exudate that permeates the scales slightly changes the symptoms. As a result, the scales lose their silvery tint, stick together, become yellowish and resemble crusts;
  • With psoriasis of the palms and soles, which is more common in people engaged in physical labor (chronic injury), sometimes the rashes are isolated. Often develops, “simulating” calluses;
  • Psoriasis of skin folds mainly develops with aggravating pathology, for example, with diabetes mellitus. Plaques appear around the navel, under the mammary glands, in the perineum and in the inguinal folds.

Sometimes psoriatic rashes appear on the genitals. If they are the only sign of the disease, and there is no psoriasis on the body, then there may be certain difficulties in the differential diagnosis of psoriasis and urogenital infections.

Severe forms of psoriasis

Let's take a brief look at the generalized forms of the psoriatic process - psoriatic erythroderma, pustular psoriasis and arthritis.

  • Psoriatic erythroderma is nothing more than a progressive stage of psoriasis, affecting the entire skin.

The skin becomes swollen, hot, the general temperature rises to high numbers, then the skin becomes covered with scales. Against the background of general erythroderma, it is no longer possible to distinguish the pattern of the previous psoriasis: everything merges into one general inflammation. This condition can cause electrolyte disturbances and heart failure.

  • With pustular psoriasis, the appearance of pustules, or ulcers, is characteristic.

These abscesses are initially sterile and composed of neutrophils, but can then become infected. The course of the disease is also severe, with signs of inflammation, burning and soreness on the skin, a general reaction, changes in the blood,... The pustules merge and purulent “lakes” appear. Pustules are at different stages of development, and severe complications (kidney and heart damage) can also develop.

  • may manifest as morning stiffness and pain, most often in the hands and feet.

Sometimes pandactylitis occurs - the finger is inflamed, resembles a “sausage”, the skin on it has a bluish tint.

As a rule, skin lesions appear first, and then the joints are affected. The iliosacral joints, spine, and temporomandibular joint are also affected.

Involvement of the joints of the axial skeleton indicates an unfavorable course of the disease. In severe cases, the terminal phalanges are completely destroyed and a mutilating form of psoriasis occurs.

Treatment of psoriasis - drugs, ointments and treatment methods

It should be firmly remembered: a complete cure for psoriasis is impossible, and there is no universal cure for psoriasis. But you can achieve stable lifelong remission, normal health, and a complete absence of plaques.

But you may ask: “in that case, what is the difference between such a remission and a cure”? The only thing is that psoriasis can suddenly return when a combination of factors favorable to the disease appears.

Treatment of psoriasis is stepwise - at first, especially in limited forms, non-medicinal methods are used. If ineffective, local drugs and ointments are added, then drugs for oral and parenteral use are added. In severe cases (arthritis, erythroderma), “heavy artillery” is used - cytostatics and monoclonal antibodies.

Non-drug therapy

Sometimes a complete cessation of drinking alcohol and smoking, normalizing body weight and a calm, “joyful” lifestyle + a diet aimed at eliminating spicy, spicy and irritating foods completely clears a person’s skin.

There are no diet rules, but many note that psoriasis responds best to a “Mediterranean” diet, with vegetables, fruits, olive oil, fish, and lean meat.

  • But more often, periodic use of topical agents is still required.

Local preparations and ointments in the treatment of psoriasis

For application to plaques, products containing salicylic acid and urea are used. This leads to mechanical softening and removal of plaques. Of course, sometimes it is easier to take a bath, which also contributes greatly to this.

The following groups of drugs are also used in treatment:

  • Derivatives of coal tar (Friderm in the form of shampoo, for the treatment of seborrheic psoriasis). Naftalan oil is also shown;
  • Corticosteroid hormones in the form of creams and ointments (Advantan, Akriderm and others);
  • Vitamin D3 preparations, which have a positive effect on inflammatory processes, have an antiproliferative effect.

Phototherapy is also indicated for the treatment of uncomplicated forms of psoriasis, especially when combined with the use of special medications (psoralen, puvalen).

Basic therapy

If treatment of psoriasis with ointments and local drugs does not lead to regression, then psoriasis therapy is used with combinations of drugs:

  • Prescribe infusions of calcium gluconate, sodium thiosulfate for desensitizing and anti-inflammatory purposes;
  • Fumaric acid esters are used, which inhibit the transmission of “signals” about inflammation;
  • Methotrexate. This cytostatic has an antiproliferative effect, blocking the synthesis of nucleic acids. It is taken in tablet form once a week, always with folic acid.

It is indicated for rheumatic disorders, including psoriatic arthritis, and is used for long-term therapy. It has many side effects, so treatment should be supervised by a doctor.

  • Artificial derivatives of vitamin A, or retinoids - “Acitretin”. Suppresses rapid cell growth, used for severe forms of the disease;
  • Cyclosporine. It is the drug of choice for the treatment of severe and resistant forms of the disease;
  • Monoclonal antibodies and chimeric protein complexes that block TNF-alpha. This is a rather expensive type of therapy, since the drugs are obtained using genetic and molecular engineering, and not everyone can afford them. But they have pronounced positive effect in severe forms of the disease and especially psoriatic arthritis.

In severe cases, therapy with corticosteroid hormones (prednisolone) is carried out, but this is not the best option.

Also very important in the treatment of all forms of psoriasis without exception are thalassotherapy (sea treatment), balneotherapy, and climatotherapy. Psoriasis regresses when applying brine and mud to many salt lakes, the shores of which (Lake Medvezhye in the Kurgan region, Sivash, and many others) during the season are simply covered with patients with various forms of psoriasis.


A complex systemic disease that is accompanied by skin lesions is psoriasis. In a healthy body, cells live for 30-40 days, then they are renewed. With the development of psoriasis, the life of skin cells is 4-5 days. When they die, peeling, plaques, dryness, etc. appear. Treatment of early stage psoriasis is always easier, so it is important not to let the disease progress. Treatment methods for the progressive phase differ significantly. You will read about the treatment of only the initial stage of psoriasis in the article.

Causes of the disease

With psoriasis, the functioning of several systems at once is disrupted: endocrine, immune, nervous. Doctors have not fully figured out the causes of this disease, nor have they invented a cure for psoriasis. Experts put forward the following hypotheses for the development of the disease:

  1. Viral. The causative agent of psoriasis can be retroviruses that are inherited. Many patients had changes in peripheral lymph nodes, which may indicate the viral nature of the disease.
  2. Immune. With weakened immunity and disruption of protective mechanisms at the cellular level, favorable conditions arise for the progression of psoriasis. Among the causes of the disease is also autoimmune aggression, a process in which lymphocytes begin to attack the body’s own healthy cells.
  3. Infectious. Many researchers have searched for the causative agents of psoriasis. Epidermophytons, spirochetes, and streptococci were suspected, but all assumptions remained incorrect. However, scientists have discovered that infectious diseases: ARVI, influenza, sore throat are the trigger mechanism in the development of psoriasis. In 90% of cases, this disease is accompanied by tonsillitis.
  4. Genetic. Psoriasis is transmitted to a child from parents. 60% of patients have relatives suffering from this skin disease. If a mother or father is diagnosed with psoriasis, then the risk of such a disease in a child increases by 25%, if both parents are sick - by 60%.
  5. Metabolic. Metabolic disorders (lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals) can cause psoriasis. Patients often experience disorders in the functioning of the thyroid gland and other glands of the endocrine system.

Main signs and symptoms

This local disease is not contagious. Skin, nails and hair are damaged. Small rashes appear on the epidermis, on which, over time, papules form - areas of red or bright pink color that protrude above the skin. On top they are covered with silvery scales (plaques). Papules may itch a little or not bother you at all, peeling is unnoticeable. At first, the size of the affected areas of the skin is 1-2 mm, over time their size is estimated at 10 cm or more.

Psoriasis initial stage: what areas of the body can the disease affect? The main symptoms of the disease in different localizations:

  • On the head. The scalp is covered with red, scaly patches with a large number of scales resembling dandruff. The hair is not involved in the pathological process. Patients experience itching. Skin lesions may spread to the neck and behind the ears.
  • On the face. At the initial stage, psoriatic plaques form on the skin around the eyes, on the eyelids, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds and eyebrows. Occasionally, psoriasis affects the mucous membranes of the mouth, cheeks, lips, tongue, and a little more often the lip contour.
  • On hands. Single red papules appear on the palms and between the fingers. The back of the hand is affected much less frequently. If spots form on the fingertips, sensitivity is lost over time. Psoriasis can spread to the nails.
  • On the elbows. At the initial stage, single elements of psoriasis appear, covered with silvery scales. Then they grow into a continuous affected area of ​​skin, from which the scales and thin film are easily removed. After this action, the affected area takes on a pink-red color, and drops of blood appear on it.
  • On foot. The skin of the foot and the back of the leg suffers. The symptoms are similar to those that occur with elbow psoriasis: at the initial stage, small lesions appear that grow into large areas, and a symptom of blood dew is observed.

How and with what to treat psoriasis at the initial stage

Cure psoriasis forever – how realistic is it? Unfortunately, the answer so far is disappointing - this autoimmune disease can be corrected, but it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Treatment of psoriasis at the initial stage gives excellent results and allows you to get rid of the visible manifestations of the pathology. Traditional medicine uses ointments, creams, solutions, therapeutic ultraviolet irradiation, and systemic drug treatment. There are also grandmother’s remedies, but they do not give a stable result.

Hypoallergenic diet

Patients with different types of psoriasis need to learn the basics of an alkaline diet. Patients need to eat foods that alkalize the internal environment. Their share should be 65-75%, the part of acidic food should be 25-35%. General recommendations:

  • A third of the diet is unprocessed vegetables and fruits. Include beets, cabbage, carrots, herbs, cucumbers, onions, garlic, and celery in your menu.
  • Another third of the daily menu for psoriasis is complex carbohydrates and natural sweets in limited quantities. Eat porridge (barley, buckwheat), dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, dates).
  • The last part of the diet is animal and plant proteins. Eat lean meat, fish, peas, beans, seeds, eggs, nuts. Polyunsaturated fatty acids should also be included in the menu.
  • Drink at least 7-10 glasses of clean water a day. Alcohol is prohibited.
  • For effective treatment, avoid citrus fruits, fatty dairy products and meat, chocolate, and red foods. Use honey to a minimum.
  • It is important to exclude sweets, spicy, smoked and sour foods from the diet, as they have a bad effect on the skin. The amount of salt should be reduced to a minimum.

Drug therapy

Treatment of psoriasis at the initial stage is successful with the prescription of medications. There are several groups of them:

Local preparations: creams and ointments. Medicines consist of water, emulsifier and oil. They are enough to treat the initial stage of psoriasis. Vitamin D creams are effective:

  • "Akriderm", "Betaderm". The skin should be treated twice a day, in mild forms once every 24 hours. The duration of drug treatment is 2-4 weeks.
  • "Mesoderm". The frequency of skin treatment is 1-2 times a day, the duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks, but not more than 3 weeks.

Ointments are hormonal and non-hormonal. The second group is safer, but not as effective. Experts often prescribe the following medications for psoriasis:

  • Treatment with triamcinolone acetonide (Triacort, Kenalog, Fluorocord). Hormonal preparations are rubbed into the skin 1-3 times every 24 hours for 5-10 days, maximum 25.
  • Treatment with flumetasone, fludcortonol, fluocinonide acetonide (Locacorten, Flucinar, Flucort). Apply to the surface of the skin 1-3 times every 24 hours for 1-2 weeks.
  • Treatment for psoriasis with non-hormonal ointments: salicylic, Akrustal, Kartalik, Daivobet. For each drug there is a separate dosage and duration of use.

Pills. Treatment of psoriasis with medications is more often used to combat the advanced stage. Popular tablets:

  • "Psoril." They are the answer to the question “how to treat psoriasis on the head?” However, the product is effective if skin lesions are no more than 20%. The course is 2-3 months, then a break for 30 days. It is recommended to take the tablets 30 minutes before eating or 60 minutes after, three times a day. The daily quantity of tablets is 8 pieces.
  • "Neotigazon". Used to treat advanced forms of psoriasis. Dosage for adults – 25-30 mg per day for 2-4 weeks, then increase the dose to 25-50 mg, drink for 6-8 weeks. The drug should be taken only as directed by a doctor!

Systemic therapy. Its nature (dosage, duration of therapy) is determined only by a doctor for the treatment of advanced forms of pathology. One of the effective drugs for chronic psoriasis is Methotrexate:

  1. It speeds up cell division.
  2. It is prescribed intravenously.

Other powerful medications for treating psoriasis are:

  1. "Reamberin."
  2. "Diprospan".

The complex uses:

  • vitamins;
  • fatty acid;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antiallergenic agents;
  • drugs to remove toxins from the intestines.


What is psoriasis and how to treat it? The complexity of therapy is important. In the initial stage of psoriasis, this means proper nutrition, the use of local medications and treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures. The latter are aimed at:

  • decreased excitability of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of the patient’s psychological state;
  • reduction of itching;
  • acceleration of resorption of psoriatic papules.


  1. An excellent procedure with a calming effect.
  2. Thanks to the complete restoration of the body, the papules decrease in size, and the disease goes into remission.
  3. A patient with psoriasis needs to undergo 8-10 procedures lasting 20-60 minutes.
  4. At the first sessions, patients are immersed in shallow sleep, and then move into deep sleep.

X-ray therapy:

  1. The affected areas of the skin are treated with X-rays, which accelerate the process of resorption of psoriasis plaques.
  2. The treatment method involves the use of soft x-rays.
  3. One session is carried out every 4-7 days, the total radiation dose is safe (3.5-4 Gy).

Ultrasound treatment:

  1. The skin is treated with ultrasound with vibrations at a frequency of 800-3000 kHz.
  2. The procedure eliminates inflammation, itching and pain, reduces sensitivity to allergens and kills bacteria.
  3. The cycle of procedures covers 8-14 sessions, each of which lasts a quarter of an hour.

Among other effective physiotherapy methods against psoriasis, it is worth noting cryotherapy, immersion in a magnetic field, treatment with current, and laser. Treatment of psoriasis at home can be accompanied by taking baths with sea salt (5 g of salt per 1 liter of water, temperature - 37-38 ° C, duration 15 minutes, 15-20 daily sessions). With the onset of the disease, it is important to go to sanatoriums and participate in health programs.

Ultraviolet irradiation

Psoriasis is effectively treated by treating the affected areas of the skin with ultraviolet light. The wavelength should be 311-313 nm, but a specialist may recommend a different radiation spectrum. The patient is immersed in a special chamber equipped with ultraviolet lamps. Before this, he takes photosensitizing drugs that increase the effectiveness of treatment. An effective method of UV therapy is PUVA therapy. The wavelength is 320-400 nm. To achieve a good treatment result, the patient undergoes 25 irradiations, due to which 80% of the affected areas disappear.

Effective folk remedies for treatment at home

At the initial stage of psoriasis, you can use folk recipes:

  1. Treatment with chicken egg oil. To get half a glass of the product, you will need 20 domestic eggs. Cook the product for 15 minutes after boiling. You will need yolks. Mash them into a paste and fry in a frying pan without oil over low heat for 45 minutes. Transfer the prepared mass to cheesecloth and squeeze. Apply the oil to the affected areas 1-2 times a day until the symptoms of psoriasis are completely eliminated.
  2. Treatment of the initial stage with complex ointment for psoriasis. Ingredients: 50 g birch tar, 20 g grease or petroleum jelly, 10 g boric acid, 30 g honey, 1 chicken egg white, 10 g fish oil. Store the product in a dark corner. Lubricate papules 1-2 times a day.
  3. Treatment with celandine juice. Treat the affected skin areas with fresh juice from the roots. At the initial stage, this should be done daily throughout the summer for three seasons in a row.

Find out more about what it is and the causes of the disease.

Features of treatment in children

Do not use folk remedies on a growing organism. They are not always effective, and delays in this case are completely unacceptable. If the initial stage of psoriasis occurs, parents should take the child to a dermatologist, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination and treatment. If the disease has not spread much, children are prescribed topical ointments and creams for the skin: keratolytics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Using tar-sulfur or salicylic ointment, the top layer of psoriasis plaques is removed. To do this, apply a bandage to the skin soaked in the active agent, which is removed after 3-5 hours. Then the child should take a bath with a string - it will help remove the crusts painlessly. The last stage of treatment is the application of glucocorticoid preparations to the skin in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. Children are prescribed antihistamines and vitamin complexes.

What does the initial stage of psoriasis look like - photo

The first stage of psoriasis is accompanied by damage to certain areas of the skin of the body. If you notice a rash like the one in the photo, rush to see a dermatologist. There is no need to hope in vain that the problem will be solved on its own. This skin disease is complex and requires quick and comprehensive treatment. The sooner a person goes to a specialist, the more favorable the outcome will be. Successful therapy leads to rapid remission and restoration of quality of life.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The autoimmune disease psoriasis has several stages of development. The initial stage is considered less problematic, as it proceeds without complications. It is very important to identify pathology at the time of its appearance. At this stage, treatment of psoriasis will be more successful. Therefore, at the first suspicion of its early development, you need to contact an experienced specialist so that he can diagnose the disease and select the optimal therapy to combat it.

Psoriasis is caused by various factors. Photos of its manifestation at the initial stage can be seen in medical reference books. Usually the disease makes itself felt when a person reaches 18-25 years of age. The reasons for the development of pathology are as follows:

It is in the patient's best interest to try to recognize psoriasis at an early stage of development. It is especially worthwhile to take a closer look at any pathological changes for people who are at risk.

If you start treatment at the first symptoms of psoriasis, it will be more effective

Symptoms of the initial stage in various locations

Psoriasis in adults and children, which is characterized by the initial stage of development, is recognized by certain symptoms. If a person is familiar with them, then it will not be difficult for him to suspect that he has this disease. In this case, he will have a chance to contact a specialist in a timely manner and begin a course of treatment.

People should not ignore the following warning signs:

  • The sudden appearance of unusual rashes on the skin that are brightly colored. They have crisp edges. The spots are localized in places where there are wounds and damage to the integrity of the skin;
  • Peeling in the area of ​​the rash;
  • Itching sensation where the spots are located.

At first, the rashes are quite small, so few people feel uncomfortable. They have a hemispherical shape and a smooth surface. After a few days, the papules begin to increase in size. Also, the rashes are covered with light scales, which are distinguished by a silvery-white color.

The initial stage of psoriasis usually lasts a couple of weeks. When the papules fully develop, they merge into large neoplasms that are located on large areas of the skin. Psoriatic plaques are localized in different places. It all depends on which zone is where local immunity is more weakened.


Psoriasis on the elbows is not uncommon. The initial stage of the disease in this place is characterized by a plaque form. It is recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Peeling of the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • Red rashes;
  • Coarsening of the skin.

Noticeable discomfort appears in the affected area, which forces a person to take measures to eliminate it.

Elbows are a common location for psoriasis


Often the disease begins to develop on the extremities. Early psoriasis is localized on the legs. It can be recognized by the small rashes that appear in this area. Gradually, single spots increase in size and connect with others. The first papules can be noticed on the feet or knees. But we must not forget that they can also occur on other parts of the legs.


Psoriatic rashes on the head at the initial stage of development are easy to recognize. In most cases, they are localized in the hairy area, behind the ears and on the back of the head. These areas are the first to be affected by the pathological process that causes autoimmune disease. With such papules, a person is constantly bothered by itching. The spots themselves are damp to the touch. They may be covered with microscopic cracks.

Psoriasis on the scalp is annoying with itching


Stage 1 psoriasis on the nails can easily be confused with a fungal infection. The first manifestation of the disease to a moderate degree is characterized by the following course:

  • Small grooves or depressed spots appear on the nails;
  • The anomalies that appear move towards the root of the nail plate;
  • The plate becomes duller and thicker.

As the disease progresses, the nail will begin to peel off. This process can only be prevented by adequate treatment started on time.


Doctors rarely diagnose psoriasis on the face. Its appearance in this case is atypical. If this does happen, then red papules will appear on the skin of a person’s face. They are localized in the following areas:

  1. Eyelids;
  2. Nasolabial folds;
  3. Around eyes;
  4. Brows;
  5. Pike.

Sometimes papules appear on the mucous membrane of the lips and the inside of the cheeks.


Psoriasis on the hands, which is characterized by the initial stage of development, is much more often located in the area of ​​the elbows and fingers. Papules in these areas resemble small wounds in their appearance. Sometimes the rash spreads to the palms.

Psoriasis lesions resemble sores


The treatment of psoriasis must be approached responsibly. The patient should know that he will not be able to completely get rid of the autoimmune disease. Doctors have not yet been able to develop an ideal treatment regimen for the pathology that leads to a full recovery. Once psoriasis goes into remission, the patient will need to constantly maintain it to avoid relapse.

Treatment of psoriasis at the initial level of development is limited to the use of medications and folk remedies that help reduce the severity of symptoms of the disease. Dietary nutrition is mandatory. To improve the effect of the course, physiotherapeutic treatment methods may also be required.

Drug therapy

If the disease is complicated at the initial level of development, then the patient will not be able to do without drug therapy. This course of treatment includes the use of all kinds of ointments and tablets.

A doctor who sees a patient with early psoriasis may prescribe topical medications. These will be ointments:

  1. Tar;
  2. Salicylic;
  3. Sulfuric;
  4. With grease;
  5. Vishnevsky ointment;
  6. Naphthalene.

Ointments are good because they almost never cause side effects. They are easily tolerated by the human body and at the same time act effectively in the fight against a disease that has just begun to manifest itself.

At the initial stage of psoriasis, hormonal medications may be required, which are also used for external treatment of problem areas on the body and face. The most commonly prescribed topical medications are:

  1. "Hydrocortisone";
  2. "Cortisone";
  3. Prednisolone ointment.

The main disadvantage of these drugs is the high likelihood of developing adverse reactions. If you use them incorrectly for medicinal purposes or for too long, you can severely dry the skin, cause it to redden and stretch. In addition, the body quickly gets used to hormonal drugs, which is why they stop working.

Hormonal drugs quickly bring results, but cause side effects and addiction

Not only ointments are used for early psoriasis. Doctors also suggest treating the disease with pills. Your doctor may suggest the medications listed below. Treatment of psoriasis is carried out with the following drugs:

  • Hepatoprotectors to maintain liver function - “Karsil”, “Allohol”;
  • Anti-allergenic agents to eliminate itching, swelling and redness - Zyrtec, Diazolin, Loratadine;
  • Enzyme medications to improve the production of the required enzymes - “Pankretin”, “Mezim”;
  • Non-steroidal drugs to suppress inflammation - Ketoprofen, Meloxicam;
  • Sedatives to normalize the psychosomatic state - “Tonorma”, “Persen”, “Sedavit”.

Immunomodulators are very useful for psoriasis at the initial level of development. Patients with this diagnosis are recommended to take Remicade, Methotrexate or Thymodepressin.


An important stage in the treatment of early psoriasis is physiotherapy. Modern medicine offers to get rid of plaques using the following methods:

  • PUVA therapy;
  • Ultrasound irradiation;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Selective herbal medicine;
  • Therapeutic salt baths;
  • Laser treatment.

Which method to choose should be decided by a specialist who knows exactly what psoriasis looks like at the initial stage and how it can be cured.

The last word in the treatment of psoriasis – PUVA therapy

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine knows many ways to treat early psoriasis, which has not yet spread to most areas and caused complications. It is best to use them in combination with drug therapy to achieve a faster and more lasting effect.

To treat psoriatic rashes at an early stage of development, it is customary to use the following folk methods:

  1. It is necessary to squeeze the juice out of fresh celandine. Afterwards, the remains of the stems and leaves are applied to the plaques in the form of a compress. With their help, you can reduce pain and prevent infection of the affected skin;
  2. Alcohol tincture on a string is suitable for combating psoriasis, as it has an immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. It is recommended to take this remedy 20 drops about 3 times a day;
  3. As a mask, you can use a mixture prepared from sea salt and white clay, mixed in equal proportions. Keep the medicinal composition for up to 30 minutes. The procedure is repeated every other day;
  4. You can treat with dried rosehip branches. They need to be burned. The remaining ash is used to treat the affected areas. Before this, the composition must be mixed with Vaseline in equal quantities;
  5. For early psoriasis, a decoction of horsetail shoots (20 g), string and St. John's wort (30 g each), celandine (10 g), lingonberry leaves, elecampane roots, elder flowers and corn silk (20 g each), calamus rhizomes (30 g) is very useful G). 1 tbsp. l. The resulting herbal mixture must be poured with a glass of water, then simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Next, you need to infuse the decoction for at least 30 minutes. The filtered drink should be drunk 100 ml every day 2 times;
  6. The medicinal ointment is prepared from dried celandine herb, crushed to a powder, and lard. The ingredients are combined in a ratio of 1:4. The prepared ointment must be applied under the bandage.

If treatment with folk remedies is carried out on time, noticeable improvements will become noticeable within 2-3 weeks after the start of the therapeutic course.


Throughout treatment and after recovery, a patient with psoriasis, who began to struggle with it while it was at an early stage of development, must adhere to proper nutrition. Diet is mandatory. It requires the following rules:

  • You should not eat salty, spicy or sour foods;
  • You need to avoid allergenic foods;
  • Citrus fruits, marinades and smoked foods are prohibited;
  • You will have to give up red fruits, chocolate, eggs, honey and nuts;
  • The diet should include various cereals, soups and low-fat dairy products;
  • Preference should be given to low-fat varieties of fish and meat.

Don't forget to follow the drinking regime. The more water a person drinks per day, the easier it is for his body to get rid of toxins that aggravate the course of the disease.

The doctor will definitely prescribe a hypoallergenic diet

Features of treatment in children

Treatment intended for children who have developed early psoriasis has its own principles. They, like adults, need to follow a special diet and be treated with medications. In the absence of complications, traditional methods can be used.

The following are suitable for treating psoriasis in a child:

  • Medicines - ointments (with grease, salicylic, ichthyol), vitamins (Undevit, Complivit), sedatives (valerian, Persen), antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil);
  • Birch tar as an independent product (soap);
  • Baking soda for medicinal baths;
  • Medicinal herbs for baths (chamomile, chamomile).

Parents should ensure that their child who has psoriasis is not exposed to stressful situations and avoids serious emotional experiences. It is necessary to create conditions for him in which he could feel comfortable. Also, children with this diagnosis must maintain a proper regime of activity and rest. Sleep is especially important for them.

If the first signs of early psoriasis have been detected in a child or adult. They urgently need to see a doctor. The sooner this is done, the faster the disease will be defeated.