Depressive anxiety syndrome. Main risk groups. The nature of anxiety and depressive disorders

Depression is a common problem in modern society. This is due to enormous stress and an accelerated pace of life, especially in big cities. Often similar condition associated with constant fear for yourself and your loved ones. These signs are combined into anxiety-depressive syndrome. The problem occurs in people of different ages and requires timely appeal see your doctor to create a treatment plan.

Causes of development of anxiety-depressive syndrome

There are many unfavorable factors, which can lead to instability of the human psyche. The most common of them are:

  1. Chronic stress that modern people face every day.
  2. Genetic predisposition to anxiety syndrome. It is confirmed by cases of detection family problem. This etiology is presumably associated with the type of higher nervous activity. It has been proven that choleric and melancholic people are more likely to suffer from mental disorders than sanguine and phlegmatic people.
  3. Organic damage to cerebral structures, for example, traumatic brain injury. In some cases, anxiety-depressive syndrome is observed against the background of neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, and is also a consequence of a stroke.
  4. IN separate group in psychiatry, vegetative causes are considered similar diseases. Chronic dysfunctions internal organs, in particular endocrine glands, hearts and digestive tract, can provoke the development of depression.
  5. Serotonin deficiency in the brain is a common cause of mental disorders. This substance is a neurotransmitter that ensures the transmission of excitation and inhibition impulses in the brain. Understanding the exact etiology of decreased concentrations of a compound is not always possible.
  6. Unbalanced diet, in particular deficiency of protein foods, which are rich in amino acids necessary for normal operation cerebral structures. Anxiety-neurotic syndrome is formed due to a lack of vitamins and minerals, which play an important role in metabolism.
  7. Significant physical activity is as harmful as physical inactivity. Long-term muscle tension leads to depletion of nervous system resources, which is accompanied by inhibition of neuronal function.

People at risk

Since many reasons can provoke instability mental state, it is necessary to prevent its formation in time. To do this, it is important to understand who is more susceptible to developing such a problem. At risk:

  1. Female representatives in menopause, as well as pregnant ladies. Patients are most vulnerable at such moments, since their emotional state is largely determined by hormonal changes.
  2. Teenagers are also more likely to suffer from depression. This is due to the mental characteristics of people at this age. Patients tend to react critically to information and others. The process of puberty also has an impact.
  3. Bad habits predispose to the appearance of disorders of internal organs, including the brain. Smokers and people who abuse alcoholic beverages are also at risk.
  4. Anxiety is provoked increased level cortisol. Its chronic increase can lead to persistent mental dysfunction. People whose work activities involve heavy mental and physical stress get sick more often.
  5. The largest number of patients who consult a doctor with signs of depression have a low social status. Lack of work, financial difficulties and failures in personal life negatively affect a person’s emotional state.

Symptoms of pathology

Clinical manifestations of the problem vary from person to person. The symptoms largely depend on both the patient’s personality type and the cause that caused the disorder. The main symptoms of anxiety syndrome include:

  1. Mood swings, while the person is prone to depression and lack of interest in life and communication with others.
  2. Various sleep disorders that only aggravate the situation. At the same time, uncontrolled use of sedatives often worsens the condition. Patients' rest patterns are completely disrupted. Insomnia is a common complaint in anxiety-depressive syndrome.
  3. A person suffers from causeless fear. Old phobias intensify and new ones arise. Generalized anxiety syndrome manifests itself panic attacks, which becomes difficult to cope with at home.
  4. Characteristic and autonomic symptoms mental disorders. They are manifested by disturbances in the functioning of the heart. Patients note pressure drops and arrhythmia attacks. Increased sweating and shortness of breath are recorded. There are also frequent complaints about disorders of the digestive tract - the appearance of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

Possible complications

Neurotic symptoms significantly reduce the patient's quality of life. Social communications are disrupted, people face difficulties at work. In severe cases, depression is accompanied by suicidal thoughts, as there is a change in normal self-esteem and perception of the world around us. Anxiety-depressive syndrome leads to severe dysfunction of cardiovascular structures and also disrupts the functioning of the glands internal secretion. A complicated course is much more difficult to treat.


Confirmation of anxiety syndrome is often possible after collecting anamnesis. However, it is important to determine the exact cause of its occurrence. This requires carrying out comprehensive examination patient, which includes communication with a psychiatrist and neurologist, blood and urine tests. Since in some cases depression is a consequence of organic brain damage, the use of visual methods, for example, magnetic resonance imaging.


Treatment for depression depends on its severity clinical manifestations, as well as on etiology. Distributed drug correction condition. However, in order to cure the disease, it is not enough to mask the symptoms. It will be necessary to identify the cause of the disorder and act on it. This is the only way to achieve lasting results.

In order to get rid of anxiety and depression, various pharmacological agents. It is common practice to prescribe antidepressants that normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and help get rid of mood swings. In severe cases, especially with the development of panic attacks, the use of sedatives and tranquilizers. Nootropic drugs also have a positive effect.

Benzodiazepines have the longest history in the treatment of anxiety. For example, Alprazolam is one of the modern drugs, which successfully fights panic attacks, and the substance begins to act already on the 2nd – 3rd day of administration. The duration of the course of use of such drugs varies and depends on the severity of clinical manifestations. Tricyclic antidepressants, such as Amitriptyline, also show good results in the fight against mental disorders. It is important to understand that drug adjustment of the patient’s well-being is only a temporary measure. It should not be considered the main treatment, since after drug withdrawal it is possible rapid relapse diseases.

Various combinations are used in the treatment of anxiety-depressive syndrome psychoactive substances. The choice of specific medications depends on the severity of the disorder. However, the effectiveness of monotherapy with anxiolytics and benzodiazepines is low. Patients feel much better when combining such substances with antidepressants. Discontinuation of drugs after long courses requires special attention, since a sharp cessation of the use of psychoactive compounds is accompanied by the development of abstinence and relapse of the disease.

Treatment of anxiety-depressive syndrome also involves changing the patient’s lifestyle. You will need to give up alcohol and smoking, it is recommended to avoid stressful situations. To enhance the effect of drug therapy Other methods are also used to help quick recovery patient.

Vitamins and minerals

A balanced diet is the key to human health. The menu must contain all the necessary amino acids and nutrients. What the body does not receive from food must be replenished with vitamin and mineral supplements. It is recommended to eat more fruits and vegetables, and also not to neglect fermented milk products. Although doctors advise against using fatty varieties meat, since they take a long time to digest and are difficult to absorb by the body, it is impossible to refuse animal protein. For example, beef contains a large number of biotin, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional state. Seafood is rich in B vitamins, and nuts contain folic acid, which is essential for brain function.


Treatment of anxiety-depressive syndrome is carried out and more unconventional methods. The use of low-frequency currents shows good results. This technique is called “electrosleep”. This helps to normalize the functioning of cerebral structures and ensure their proper rest. Massage, which has a calming effect, is also useful during the recovery period.

Traditional methods

You can also help the patient at home. However, it is recommended to consult a doctor before doing this. Depression and anxiety can be treated by using the following recipes:

You will need to mix one and a half tablespoons of crushed mint leaves and the same amount of hawthorn. The ingredients are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and left for half an hour. Ready product Take half a glass before meals.

Oat straw is also actively used in the fight against anxiety-depressive syndrome. You will need 3 tablespoons of the ingredient. They are poured with two glasses of boiling water and left overnight. The next day, take 1 tablespoon before meals.

Prevention and prognosis

The outcome of the disorder depends both on its causes and on the timeliness of assistance. With the right therapy, the disease is highly treatable.

Prevention of anxiety-depressive syndrome involves reducing the impact of stress, regular moderate physical activity, and balanced diet. It is recommended to include more vegetables and fruits in the menu, and give up alcohol and smoking.

Nowadays, many people are increasingly noticing signs of anxious depression: decreased mood, feeling of anxiety, fear of the future and uncertainty.

Anxious depression occupies a special place among depressive disorders. According to research, anxiety is felt by about 90% of all people with. Therefore, the treatment of anxious depression occupies a special place in psychotherapeutic practice.

Signs of Anxious Depression

Anxious experiences entail a whole range of mental and physiological disorders in the body, among them:

  • Sad, depressed mood;
  • Loss of interest in daily activities, inability to enjoy favorite activities;
  • Feeling of pronounced anxiety;
  • , insomnia appears;
  • A person feels weakness, loss of energy;
  • He gets tired quickly, activity during the day is reduced;
  • Having difficulty concentrating
  • A person is fussy when performing any actions;
  • Concentration is impaired;
  • Excitement is observed in movements and speech;
  • Appetite is impaired;
  • The person is noticeably tense and anxious;
  • He is irritable;
  • The appearance of tremor;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • Dizziness;
  • The patient has thoughts about;
  • Libido decreases.

This disorder is also characterized by fear of the dark, strangers, fear of loneliness, animals, crowds; Women consider themselves guilty, sinful, unlucky.

IN international classification Mental disorders include a separate mixed anxiety-depressive disorder. Its manifestations traditionally include tense anticipation, a feeling of threat, repeated anxious thoughts, irritability, difficulty concentrating, sleep and autonomic nervous system disorders. Very often anxiety is combined with severe fatigue and loss of interests. Some researchers believe that anxiety is largely due to a person’s personal characteristics, while melancholy and apathy are of a biological nature. This disorder (along with and) is accompanied by depression in more than 40% of cases. Depression is especially often associated with ( obsessive fear open space) and (obsessive fear of large crowds of people).

When anxiety state and any symptoms of anxious depression should be referred to qualified specialist who will find out the causes of the disease and prescribe effective treatment.

Treatment of Anxious Depression

In the treatment of anxious depression, a method such as . This method is based on the person’s correct perception of the situation in which he finds himself. This method is aimed at correcting worldview, thinking and behavior.

Therapy for anxiety depression occurs in several stages:

  • identification negative thoughts causing anxiety;
  • analysis of thoughts and their assessment by a specialist;
  • their replacement with constructive ones;
  • improving the quality of life, eliminating factors that provoked depression.

According to qualified psychologists, modern people absolutely do not know how to get rid of emotional stress, independently experience stress with minimal harm to health. Constant load this kind is fraught with the development of a variety of pathological conditions, including anxiety and depressive disorders. Such illnesses are classified as neuroses; they have quite a lot of clinical manifestations, cannot provoke changes in the individual’s self-awareness and make it possible to independently recognize the disease. Anxiety-depressive disorder requires extremely careful attention and correct correction. Let’s try to figure out what the main symptoms of this pathological condition are and how it can be treated.


The most basic manifestation of this disease is the constant presence of incomprehensible anxiety, which would seem to have no basis. Anxiety in this case can be classified as constant feeling some impending dangers and disasters that may threaten either close people or the individual himself. At the same time, the patient does not experience any fear of any specific threats that actually exist in his environment.

With anxiety-depressive disorder, patients complain of a constant decrease in mood, as well as systematic and rather sharp fluctuations in their general emotional state. They are worried about sleep disturbances and constant fears - worry about loved ones, a feeling of imminent failure. With such a disorder, a person experiences constant tension and anxiety, which interfere with a normal night's rest. Frequent complaints also include feelings of extreme fatigue, asthenia and weakness. Anxiety and depressive disorder also affects mental activity, the patient experiences a decrease in concentration, his speed of thinking and overall performance deteriorate, and he loses the ability to fully assimilate new material.

Pathological processes with this diagnosis, they cause rapid or increased heartbeat and can cause tremors and tremor. Many patients complain of a feeling of suffocation and a feeling of a lump in the throat, they are worried excessive sweating, and especially the moisture of the palms. With anxiety-depressive disorder, patients often experience pain similar to heart pain, as well as painful sensations near solar plexus. This pathological condition may be accompanied by hot flashes and chills and lead to frequent urination. Many patients also experience problems with bowel movements and abdominal pain; in addition, they may be bothered by muscle tension and muscle pain.

As practice shows, much more often the diagnosis of “anxiety-depressive disorder” is given to women, people who have lost their jobs, are addicted to alcohol and nicotine, and have insufficiently favorable heredity. In addition, elderly patients, people with low level education and severe somatic diseases.


Drug therapy for such a pathological condition depends solely on the causes of its development. In most cases, patients are prescribed a combination of antidepressants and tranquilizers. Such funds provide different impact on the body, some drugs optimize the course of vegetative processes, as if shaking the body and forcing it to function normally, while others help calm the nervous system, improve sleep, and reduce the amount of stress hormones. A complex approach helps you achieve the best results. The first effect of consuming medications is observed five to six days after the start of therapy, and in the third or fourth week of treatment the result becomes maximum. However, it must be borne in mind that all groups of such drugs can cause unwanted side effects.

In the event that anxiety-depressive disorder is at early stage development and is uncomplicated, then you can cope with it by taking a remedy such as Afobazole. This medication does not have a pronounced sedative effect, is not capable of causing addiction and effectively optimizes the patient’s condition. It can be purchased at almost any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription and taken one tablet three times a day for two to four weeks.

You should not use products such as Valoserdin, Corvalol or Valocordin, as they contain phenobarbital, which is prohibited in all civilized countries due to the mass of side effects and high toxicity.

Competent psychotherapy plays an extremely important role in the treatment of anxiety-depressive disorder. It enhances the effect of drug correction several times and helps a person learn to react correctly to stressful situations, cope with them and prevent them. re-development pathology. Experts say that the main key to successful treatment of anxiety-depressive disorder is the individual’s understanding of the special importance of his participation in the recovery process.

If you suspect the development of an anxiety-depressive disorder, it is strongly recommended to seek help from a psychologist as soon as possible.

Anxiety-depressive syndrome is a disease modern society. This disease manifests itself as various kinds mental and physical disorders that are accompanied unpleasant sensations throughout the human body. As a rule, depression manifests itself in the form of a melancholic state, apathy and depression, and anxiety is characterized by heightened feeling fear and emotional tension. In practice, it has been found that depressed patients experience more anxiety. In total, they give a complex pathology that is difficult, but still possible to cure.

ICD-10 code

F40 Phobic anxiety disorders

F31 Bipolar affective disorder

F32 Depressive episode

Causes of anxiety-depressive syndrome

The most common causes of anxiety-depressive syndrome are the following factors:

  • long-term chronic illness;
  • hereditary predisposition to illness;
  • severe fatigue;
  • the presence of stressful situations, both at work and at home (dismissal from work, death loved one);
  • shortage of important essential amino acids in the body (tryptophan, phenylalanine);
  • taking certain medications (barbiturates (phenobarbital), anticonvulsants (Celontin, Zarontin), benzodiazepines (Klonopin, Valium), Parlodel, calcium channel blockers (Kalan, Tiazac), estrogen drugs, fluoroquinolone, statins (Lipitol, Zocor).


Anxiety-depressive syndrome begins in adolescence. During the transition period, children are especially sensitive and emotional. They react painfully to any remark. Criticism addressed to them gives reason to think about their inconsistency with society’s criteria. This serves as an impetus for the development of anxiety-depressive syndrome. On its basis, various kinds of phobias subsequently appear. With age, the feeling of anxiety and panic only intensifies. A person perceives the reality around him in gloomy tones. He is aggressive, which can cause him to develop persecution mania. Even when minor violations in the functioning of the body, a person develops a feeling of anxiety, and even panic fear. Even people close to him are treated with distrust. He struggles with problems that don’t really exist, having spent all his strength and energy on it to no avail.

Symptoms of anxiety-depressive syndrome

A number of symptoms indicate that the patient is developing anxiety-depressive syndrome:

  • decreased mood;
  • fluctuations in emotional state;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • constant feeling of anxiety;
  • expectation of failure;
  • phobias appear;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • general weakness;
  • concentration of attention decreases, the speed of thought processes slows down;
  • lack of desire to work.

From the outside autonomic system observed:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • tremor;
  • feeling of suffocation;
  • increased sweating;
  • pain in the solar plexus area;
  • chills;
  • constipation;
  • abdominal pain;
  • muscle spasm;
  • frequent urination.

These symptoms may be present in many people who are in under stress, but if they appear for a month or more, there is every reason for a diagnosis of “anxiety-depressive syndrome.” But only a psychotherapist will give a final conclusion.

First signs

The main sign that a patient has anxiety-depressive syndrome is anxiety without visible reasons. He is constantly in a depressed state, which is accompanied by melancholy, apathy, increased irritability, and inexplicable anxiety. There is a noticeable decrease in interest in activities that previously enjoyed. Labor activity decreases, quickly gets tired during physical exertion and actions that require intellectual expenditure. All his thoughts are full of negativity and pessimism. There is stiffness in movements and inhibition of reactions.

The patient takes this condition for granted and does not pay attention to changes. He is noticed only by those around him, who should provide help.

Complications and consequences

If you have symptoms of anxiety-depressive syndrome and do not seek help from a specialist (psychotherapist, neurologist, psychologist), this can lead to serious consequences. These are problems in marital relationships, as well as with other family members. These patients have difficulty in professional activity, which can lead to dismissal, which will only worsen the situation. The risk of accidents increases. If anxiety-depressive syndrome is diagnosed in parents, this will affect emotional state children. This mental disorder can lead to significant functional disorders and to a decrease in quality of life. The most dangerous consequence are suicidal thoughts and their implementation.


Anxiety-depressive syndrome aggravates the course of all diseases. There are complications from of cardio-vascular system as pain in the heart area, violation heart rate, hypertensive crisis, increased blood pressure, acute coronary syndrome, heart failure. Pain appears in the gastrointestinal tract, appetite decreases, which can lead to anorexia and cause increased flatulence, constipation, nausea. arise pain symptoms V various areas bodies - migrating or local, paresthesia. Anxiety-depressive syndrome can cause genetic risks and also cause cancer.

Diagnosis of anxiety-depressive syndrome

Like any deviation in the functioning of the body, anxiety-depressive syndrome requires detailed study in order to prescribe correct treatment. For diagnostics of this disease use various methods, in order to study the problem in depth. An integrated approach gives full picture patient's condition. It is important to distinguish anxiety-depressive syndrome from anxiety, phobia, asthenia, and chronic fatigue.


For any disease, blood and urine tests are mandatory. Based on the results of the first parameter, the doctor can determine the presence of a particular pathology, which will determine further tactics patient treatment. In case of anxiety-depressive syndrome, the level of hemoglobin and ESR will also be important, which will help establish inflammatory processes in the blood, infectious or allergic nature, anemia and other blood diseases. To exclude the possibility of hormonal factors.

A general urine test will also indicate the presence of pathologies in the patient’s body, which will indicate possible reason the occurrence of anxiety-depressive syndrome due to the presence of chronic pathology.

Instrumental diagnostics

When visiting a doctor, a person cannot always describe the problem that caused the disease. Or he deliberately keeps silent about it. To examine a patient with anxiety-depressive syndrome, electroneuromyography is used, which will help determine functional state muscles and peripheral nerves, X-ray diagnostics, ultrasonography, EEG, which will help eliminate toxic and metabolic causes psychotic symptoms, MRI to determine organic reasons unusual behavior, study of regional blood flow. In order to exclude somatic pathology.

Changes in the ECG with anxiety-depressive syndrome

Anxiety-depressive syndrome is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the area chest. The patient may complain of stabbing pain in the heart, disruptions in its functioning, namely “fading,” and lack of air. Doctor in mandatory prescribes an ECG procedure, but the described problems are not confirmed on the cardiogram. There is tachycardia or increased arterial pressure. It is possible to identify single extrasystoles. But, despite this, patients still monitor their pulse and look for signs that would indicate the presence of a fatal disease.

Differential diagnosis

Methods are used to determine the severity of anxiety-depressive syndrome differential diagnosis. Based on their results, the course of treatment is determined.

  • Montgomery-Asberg scale. It is used to determine the severity of the disease and the change in the patient’s condition after therapy.
  • Hamilton scale: designed to determine the dynamics of depressive states.
  • Zung Scale: Used to measure self-reported anxiety and depression. Seven parameters are studied: feelings of mental devastation, mood changes, somatic and psychomotor symptoms, suicidal thoughts, irritability, indecisiveness.
  • Methodology “Scale for differential diagnosis of depressive states.” Its purpose is to determine the level of depression.
  • Methodology for differential diagnosis of depressive states V.A. Zhmurova.

Treatment of anxiety-depressive syndrome

When treating anxiety-depressive syndrome, the main emphasis is on medications. Do not exclude the use homeopathic remedies, recipes traditional medicine and herbal medicines. Only complex therapy will give positive result. Medicines.

  • Imipramine is an antidepressant. Used to improve well-being, reduce anxiety, stimulate activity, increase vitality. The initial and maintenance dose is 50/150 mg. per day, with a gradual increase to 150/250 mg. After the effect is achieved, the dosage of the drug is reduced. Side effects: headache, dry mouth, epileptic seizures, dizziness, rapid heartbeat, hallucinations, weakness, tremor, arrhythmia, weakness, decreased libido, orthostatic hypotension, constipation, paresthesia, allergic reactions, impotence. Imipramine is contraindicated in pregnant women, patients with tachycardia, with renal/liver failure, with bladder atony, with post-infarction syndrome, patients with schizophrenia, those who are sensitive to the components of the drug, children under two years of age.
  • Fluxovamin - used to treat all types of depressive conditions. The dosage is determined individually for each patient. The initial daily dose is 0.1 g. With a gradual increase to 0.3 g. Take three times a day. Side effects: causes drowsiness, increases anxiety, tremors, dry mouth, nausea, blurred vision, anorexia. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, childhood, liver failure.
  • Sertraline is intended for the treatment of depressive conditions. Daily dose: 50 mg, followed by an increase to 200 mg. The result will be in a week, full recovery- a month later. Maintenance dose – 50 mg. Side effects: tremor, dispersion, nausea, dizziness, gait disturbance, failure menstrual cycle, allergic reactions, in men – delayed ejaculation. Contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Prozac - used for depressive states of any nature. The daily dose is 20 mg, increasing to 80 mg. The drug is divided into two or three doses. For maintenance therapy – 20 mg. The duration of treatment is a month. Side effects: headache, asthenia, hand tremors, impaired attention, memory, increased anxiety, suicidal thoughts, decreased appetite, allergic reactions, disturbances in the functioning of the lungs and liver. Contraindications: individual intolerance, renal/liver failure, diabetes, epilepsy, anorexia, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin deficiency in the human body is also one of the factors in the development of anxiety-depressive syndrome. To restore balance, you need to take them in the form of medications or increase the amount of foods with the greatest amount in your diet.

  • Biotin: beef, liver, milk, cheese, crab, squid, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, wholemeal bread, carrots.
  • Folic acid: beans, onions, parsley, asparagus, carrots, turnips, pumpkin, beets, cabbage, nuts, seeds.
  • Vitamin B12: caviar, mussels, egg yolks, hard cheeses.
  • Thiamine: liver, bran, seeds, potatoes, peas, rice, buckwheat, parsley.
  • Riboflavin: peanuts, figs, grapes, beef, cottage cheese, chocolate.
  • Vitamin C: lemon, sea buckthorn, cabbage, tomatoes, malinakiwi, spinach.
  • Iron: liver, red meat, almonds, buckwheat, apples, prunes, barley, carrots, rose hips.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapeutic procedures are included in complex treatment anxiety-depressive syndrome.

  • Electroconvulsive therapy. It is based on an electric shock, which, passing through the brain, causes convulsions, which makes it work more intensely.
  • Electrosleep - using low-frequency current of low strength. They cause inhibition in the cerebral cortex, after which it comes to calm state, improving sleep. Darsonvalization of the scalp and face is a rapidly decaying current of high frequency, high voltage, low strength, which relaxes, after which blood flow increases, and the tissues receive improved nutrition.
  • Massage - regardless of the type - manual, hardware or self-massage, it helps to relax the muscles and gives a calming effect.
  • Oxygen therapy. The patient is placed in a special chamber into which oxygen is supplied under pressure. The cells of the body are saturated with it.

Traditional treatment

Traditional medicine recipes are also used in the treatment of anxiety-depressive syndrome:

  • 1.5 tbsp. chopped mint and the same amount of hawthorn pour 400 ml. hot water. Cover the container and let it brew for 25 minutes. Strain and take ½ cup three times a day after meals.
  • 3 tbsp. Chop oat straw. Pour into any convenient container and pour two glasses of boiling water. Let it brew for 8 hours. Drink in small portions per day.
  • 50gr. grated horseradish pour 0.5 liters. fortified white wine. Place the vessel in a cool, dark place for ten days. Don't forget to shake it from time to time. Take 1 tbsp. three times a day.
  • 0.5 tbsp. poppy seeds, the same amount of eryngium seeds, 200 ml. red wine. Mix all ingredients and put on fire. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool, take 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Herbal treatment

Some types of herbs have a calming effect, so they are used in treatment different types mental disorders, including anxiety-depressive syndrome. These include:

  • ginseng, from the leaves of which is prepared soothing infusion. Ginseng-based preparations can be found in many pharmacies;
  • angelica Used in the treatment of depression and nervous exhaustion in the form of an infusion. For the manufacture of medicine I use angelica root.
  • bird knotweed. Used for congestion and general weakness organism that are present in depression.
  • Aralia Manchurian. Helps with mental illness. To prepare the infusion, take the root of the plant and pour it with alcohol. In addition to them, valerian, dog nettle, hawthorn, mint, hops and some others have a calming effect.


Homeopathic medicines are widely used for anxiety-depressive syndrome.

  • Bioline Stop Smokin - indicated for anxiety, increased excitability, irritability, nervous tension. Take one tablet every hour, then 4 times a day. By-effect: allergic reaction. Contraindications: children under 12 years of age, pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypersensitivity.
  • Valerian compositum – neurosis, insomnia, headache, anxiety, excitability, fear. Take seven granules three to four times a day for one month. Repeat if necessary. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity. Side effects: Allergic reactions.
  • Hypnosed - insomnia, neurasthenia, increased excitability. Dosage: 8 granules per day 4-5 times per day. The course of treatment is three months. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity. Side effects: None identified.
  • Culture - Sedative, used for nervous excitement, sleep disturbance due to overwork and nervous excitement. One tablet in the morning and afternoon, 2 tablets in the evening. 15 minutes before meals. Contraindications: increased sensitivity to the components. Side effects: causes allergic reactions.
  • Neurosed - Neurotic disorders. The daily dose for adults is 24 granules. For children – 15 granules. Half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2 months. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity. No side effects were identified.


In order not to think about treating anxiety-depressive syndrome in the future, you need to start preventing it today. The amount of positive emotions should be increased. If the weather is bad outside, then it is best to have a weekend at a sunny resort. There is no such opportunity when you decorate the walls of your home and office with bright, cheerful paintings. To reduce stressful situations you need to healthy image life. Balance your diet, increase the amount healthy products, give up bad habits. Play sports and choose active recreation. Make time for your favorite activity. Follow a work-rest schedule. Collateral wellness is a dream. Get enough sleep and you will always have great mood. The healthy way life is impossible without harmony of thoughts and actions. Meditation will teach you to control your thoughts. Be kind to others and avoid aggressive behavior.


Anxiety-depressive syndrome, like any other disorder, occurs differently in each person. Achieving results will require a certain amount of time, as well as patience from both the patient himself and the people around him. If symptoms were detected on initial stage, have a clear demarcation, so the cause of the disease is obvious, the prognosis will be favorable. It is facilitated by the behavior of the patient himself, who regularly visits the doctor and follows his recommendations. Receives full support from loved ones. An important factor is trusting relationship with the doctor, and when the patient himself understands the purpose of treatment and adequately responds to the measures taken.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that the number of patients suffering is about 10% of the total population, and continues to grow. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a depressed mood is accompanied by internal restlessness, anxiety, a premonition of an impending catastrophe and is regarded as anxious depression.

The following symptoms are typical for anxious depression:

  • tendency to be overly apprehensive;
  • expecting the worst;
  • low self-esteem or ideas of one's own worthlessness;
  • feelings of hopelessness (deep pessimism about the future);
  • concern, anxiety;
  • feeling weak or lacking energy;
  • irritability;
  • alertness
  • increased tearfulness;
  • difficulty concentrating or a blank mind;
  • sleep disorders (difficulty falling asleep, drowsiness or restless sleep that does not bring rest);

The experiences of patients with anxious depression are filled with threatening dangers, forebodings, and the expectation of disaster: “something bad is going to happen.” Patients are afraid of an imaginary or really threatening, but exaggerated misfortune. They are afraid of getting seriously ill and dying. Most often there is a fear of death from sudden cardiac arrest, cancer or other serious illness. Patients are closely monitored bodily sensations, fixate on the slightest discomfort, regard it as a sign of impending heart attack, a developing tumor, which will inevitably lead to death.

In addition, there is uncertainty about the future, fear of unexpected and unforeseen events, fear of being left without a livelihood, constant doubts about the correctness of one’s actions, the validity of what was said. Anxiety and depression intensify at the mere thought of the need to make a certain decision, to get down to business.

As the intensity of thoughts about an impending inevitable catastrophe increases, anxiety increases and can reach the level of agitation, which is accompanied by “torment of horror” with confusion, a feeling of hopelessness, and inability to find a way out of seemingly insoluble situations. In this case, patients exhibit pronounced motor agitation with lip biting, hand wringing, fussiness, and garrulity. They complain about profuse sweating, palpitations, chest pain, feeling of dry mouth, discomfort in the abdominal area, groaning, moaning, wailing, monotonously repeating short remarks or words repeatedly: “this is terrible,” “I can’t stand this,” “I’m dying,” etc. .

Such deterioration of the condition usually develops against the background of persistent painful insomnia and more often occurs in the dawn hours, when negative experiences reach extreme severity and can result in sudden attack frenzied despair with suicidal actions.

Treatment of Anxious Depression- difficult process, in which, along with and tranquilizers, and are widely used. Preference is given to those aimed at correcting negative thinking that underlies depressive and anxious experiences.