Active games for small children English words. Learn English for children in a playful way using online games

When teaching children, we always remember about the peculiarities of their memory - they remember words easily, absorb everything new like sponges. And to make it interesting, we do it while playing!

To begin with, I would like to immediately say that everything is suitable for children. That is, you should also pay attention to the child’s channels of perception. Read more in the above article.

Games for memorizing English words

Game "Lexical Chair"

We place chairs in a circle, there are 1 fewer chairs than participants. A topic is announced, for example, “Vegetables”, the teacher names various words on this topic, the children walk around the chairs in a circle, as soon as they name a word from another topic (of course, a familiar word from what was studied earlier), the children quickly take the chairs. Those who did not have time leave the circle together with one chair, etc.

Game "Hangman"

Everyone knows the gallows. The presenter thinks of a word and draws dashes on the board, the number of which corresponds to the number of letters. Children guess the letters in a circle; if there is one, they write it in the corresponding dash; if not, they begin to draw a little man on the gallows. I changed this rule because one girl was very upset because she didn’t guess the letter and couldn’t “save the little man” :) So now we are not playing “gallows”, but “elephants” "spiders", "turtles" and so on. No one bears any responsibility for the life of the creature, we simply draw and for each unsolved letter we paint over a part of the body.

Game "Same or Different"

Practicing word recognition. We play with cards, in each group of words I throw in the “wrong” word from a different category.

Game "Crosses and Naughts"

Tic-tac-toe, everyone loves it. We divide into two teams, “crosses” and “toes”. I have prepared questions in advance that I give to these teams, they ask each other, the teams confer and answer. On the board I draw a standard grid for playing tic-tac-toe. If the answer is correct, then the team is told where to put their X or O. If not, they miss the turn. I love this game, because usually students remember for a long time and well what we practice.

Snowball game

Everyone knows the snowball, we repeat the words in a chain and add our own, etc. Sometimes I make the game a little different. We compose a very long sentence, starting with one word, and we can add something in any part of the sentence. For example, apples - green apples - Nick likes green apples - Nick likes green apples very much - Nick and his sister like green apples very much... and so on.

Game "Simon Says"

If we say a phrase starting with Simon says, then the command must be executed; if not, then there is no need to execute it. For example, Simon says “touch your elbow”, which means you need to do it, if you just “touch your elbow”, then you don’t need to do it. The game seems simple, but when you start speaking quickly, many people get confused. Children have fun, plus an additional opportunity to get up from their seats and warm up) Especially if you often say, Simon says “touch your toes.”

Game "Telephone"

Deaf phone, we say a word in the ear of the first one, the children convey what they heard in a whisper along the chain, the last one voices it. Such miracles happen, sometimes some hippo easily turns into a cat)

Game "Treasure Hunt"

I really love this game! I hide various notes around the classroom (or school) with assignments and instructions on where to look for the next one. Or the children have a map in advance on which they move, dividing into two or more teams. Only here will you need helpers. At the end, a treasure chest awaits them. You can throw some candy in there. "Treasure" is up to you. If I make cards, I heat the edges a little so that they look like antique ones.

Game "In The Bag"

We put various objects in an opaque bag, the children come up one by one, close their eyes, take out one object and identify it by touch and name it in English.

Hot Potato Game

The ball is a hot potato! You can’t hold it in your hands for too long, you’ll get burned! We throw the ball around in a circle, naming words from a certain topic or starting with a letter.

Game "Puzzles"

We write words or phrases on sheets of paper and cut them into pieces of different shapes. We divide into 2 teams and assemble the puzzle at speed.

Game "Card hopping"

Children love it when they can get some exercise in class. We make islands with pictures on A4 sheets, divide into 2 teams, mix the cards and give the same number to each team, in turn, each player must move to the other side (to the opposite wall), drawing out one card at a time, naming the object in English, throwing it on the floor and stepping on the "island".

Unscramble game

We are making cards with the words we have studied, but the letters in the words are mixed up, we need to fix this. We do it at speed. You can also later compare it with a picture, translation, definition, etc.

Miming Games

This game is easy to do with verbs and emotions. The student receives a card with a word and shows it with movements and facial expressions, the rest guess.

Game "Stand in a Line"

I hand out large cards with letters to the children, then I say the word, and the children line up in a certain order. Or they make up sentences from words, also lining up in a line.

Game "Find Your Match"

We divide into 2 teams, students of one receive cards with words, and the other with pictures, then everyone gets up and looks for their pair. After this, you can do some pair work so that the children do not get used to working with the same partner.

Game "Cakes or Cookies"

Again we divide into two teams, Cakes and Cookies. Some respond only to questions with a positive answer, others with a negative answer. Then we change, great for practicing simple general questions and answers.

Game "Fishing"

Here we need to prepare, we make fishing rods on which we attach magnets, and the fishermen need cards with words on which an iron clip is attached to catch.

Touch and Run Game

Noisy, fun, well suited for small children, while they still don’t speak much, but already understand quite well. We place cards with pictures throughout the classroom, on command, the children must find the card and show it to the teacher. The one who took the card first and showed it correctly keeps it. The student with the most cards wins.

Game "Blind Artist"

We blindfold the student and ask him to draw different objects. It turns out very funny.

Game "Opposites"

We stand in a circle, throw the ball, calling out the word, the one who caught the ball must name the antonym, then say his word and throw the ball to someone. Good for practicing adjectives. The options can be anything - degrees of comparison, synonyms, (name the next), days of the week (also name the next or previous), or we name a noun, and the one who catches the ball names the corresponding adjective, or a word starting with the last letter of the previous one and etc.!

Game "What's Missing"

We put toys, fruits, cards, whatever you like on the table. We all say it together, then the children close their eyes, we hide one object, they open their eyes and name which object is missing. You can start with a small number of items, then gradually increase.

Game "Secret Picture"

We show cards with pictures, then we cover the picture almost completely, leaving a tiny piece (the tip of a mouse’s tail, for example), the children must guess and name the word.

Game "Stand Up When You Hear"

Give each student a card (or several cards) with the words they have learned. Then the teacher reads a fairy tale or story, as soon as the student hears his word in it, he immediately stands up, repeats this word, and shows the card.

Bingo game

We draw a grid of 9 (or more) squares, enter any words from the given topic (from the chapter of the textbook, so that there are no unexpected words), then the teacher pronounces the words in any order, if the student has such a word, he crosses it out. The first one to cross out all the words says Bingo! and he, accordingly, is the winner.

Game "Explain the word"

We divide into two teams, one of the students of each team sits with his back to the board, the teacher writes down the word, the team members explain it in English (it is prohibited to name the word and similar words), the first one to guess brings the team one point, then the players change places, so that everyone is in the place of the guesser.

Game "Traffic Lights"

As children, we played this game in our native language, the leader turns away and calls, the one who has that color in his clothes can cross the road, the one who doesn’t must be able to run across).

In fact, there are a lot of games, we often improvise, change something depending on the level, number of people, etc., if the children are small, you can come up with all sorts of legends, for example, the teacher was bewitched and she forgot all the words, or “ Have you noticed how strong the wind is today? He mixed up all the letters in our words.”

In addition, you will learn several games for memorizing vocabulary from the video:

What games for memorizing English words do you know?

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Unlike adults, children have no conscious motivation to learn English. In order for the learning process to arouse real interest in the child, it is very important that it takes place in a fun, exciting manner. The relaxed, playful environment of educational games on the Quicksave portal is the first step to attracting your child's attention.

Learning foreign languages ​​- fun and effective

A set of bright pictures combined with an incomparable soundtrack allows young inquisitive minds to quickly grasp the material and make lasting associations. Completing game tasks and language situations in the format of computer games is a justified decision that really gives results. The main goal is to try to completely immerse yourself in the conversational environment.

A high-quality selection of educational online fun for beginning polyglots from Quicksave allows you to:

  • Determine the level of preparation and individual propensity of children to learn and focus on strong areas, paying special attention to lagging skills: reading words, writing letters, listening to phrases, etc.;
  • Make a generous intellectual contribution to the promising future of the younger generation. For those who want to become linguists or graduate from university in England, speaking English can be a huge advantage;
  • Develop motor and speech skills, improve auditory perception. Training linguistic abilities from early childhood is an effective exercise for strengthening motor skills and hearing.

Colorful, extremely simple interface - ideal for children's perception

Children adapt more quickly to a foreign language, feeling brain load less critically than their parents. Therefore, adults are obliged to encourage the children's audience in every possible way, attracting them to the language virtual environment as early as possible.

Don't miss the opportunity to play interesting flash games for free from the categories: , . Participating in text twists, guessing words and phrases, solving crossword puzzles - such fresh and educational entertainment will help significantly expand your vocabulary. Linguistic games without registration from Quicksave will help you learn the alphabet, consolidate the meaning of memorized words, and take initial steps in learning the grammar of the generally accepted popular language that Shakespeare spoke.

Children are the most freedom-loving people who do not tolerate any coercion or boredom. Therefore, foreign language classes should always be welcome and the most fun in the world! Games in English for children will help you combine the learning process with a great mood. In this article you will find interesting educational games that you can play with the whole class in class, in a kindergarten group, or together with your child during home activities.

Games for beginners learning English should be fun and easy. If the kids are only two or three years old, then try to teach them the basic basics of the language, playing with them in every possible way.


The game “Echo” will help you start your training course. It is perfect for children's very first lessons in English. The parent pronounces English letters (and later numbers and words), and the child must repeat their correct sounds. To prevent your baby from getting bored, it is advisable to say words in different voice timbres, play along with yourself using toys, use bright cards with pictures of animals, objects, letters, etc. Such fun not only perfectly develops pronunciation, but also helps memorize words and compare names and objects.

Games with cards

Another win-win way to teach children English in an entertaining way is to use various games with cards during the lesson.

  • The missing – select 3-4 cards to learn. When children have a good grasp of words and pictures, ask them to close their eyes and remove one of the cards. The kids’ task is to correctly name the loss. The game helps you quickly learn and remember new vocabulary well.
  • Path of words – if the cards are wide, then you can lay out a path from them. The child must go through the cards, naming them or stepping over unfamiliar words. The goal of the game is to study and repeat learned words.
  • Guess – for this fun you will need a piece of fabric or cardboard with holes made in it. We cover the card with the material, and from the open pieces of the picture the child is asked to guess what is shown on the card. The game develops memory, attentiveness and logical thinking.
  • Crocodile – the parent depicts an object or animal, and the child must select and name the corresponding card. To prevent your baby from getting bored, switch places and let him also be the leader. Crocodile can be played on paper: slowly draw an object so that the child guesses the picture before it is finished. The goal of the game is to repeat vocabulary and develop the skill of matching words with images.
  • Bingo – for this game you need to prepare special cards in three rows and five columns of words or pictures. The rules of the game are the same as in lotto. The presenter calls the word - the players cross it out on their card. Whoever collects the entire row first shouts: “Bingoo!” The game develops auditory perception, visual memory and attentiveness.

Educational cards are universal, so the variety of games depends only on your imagination.

English on the move

Teaching English will become a favorite pastime for toddlers if outdoor games are included in the learning process. You will find several options for combining pleasant running with useful study in the table below.

A game Rules
1 Word is action The presenter says the words, and the players carry out the said action ( For example,run- run, jump– jump, stop- stop).
2 Bunny You need to make small islands with words (or use cards). The presenter calls the word - the player jumps onto the island with this name or picture.
3 Who is faster Cards with words are laid out in different places. The presenter says the word - the players’ task is to quickly remember where such a card is and bring it to the presenter.
4 Edible – inedible The rules are the same as in the Russian version, only the words are translated into English. We take the ball and name food or objects in English. The child’s task is to catch the edible and fight off the inedible.

These games and fun in English for children will not only allow you to conduct the lesson effectively, but also instill in your child an interest and love for a foreign language.

Playing and learning English with preschoolers

What are the differences between games for children over 5 years old? Variety and complicated form.

Scattered letters

When we learn new vocabulary, we should not forget about repeating the old one. At the end of the lesson, conduct a small game - exercise. To do this, use magnetic letters and a board. Make words and intentionally make mistakes in them, and then ask the student to correct them and put the letters in the correct place. The game can be made more difficult by asking the child to choose the letters themselves and form a word.

I am, You are, I have…

With preschoolers, you can try to compose small sentences, and cards with words will again help us with this. It is advisable that several people take part in the game. The presenter says the main phrase, and the players repeat it, naming their card. For example, take the topic “Animals”. The presenter begins “I am a dog”, and the children continue I am a cat, I am a bird, etc. You can complicate the task by dividing the children into pairs and asking them to name their neighbor’s card: she is a mouse, you are a sheep, etc.

Similar games for learning English introduce children to vocabulary and help the child understand basic concepts about the verb to be, personal pronouns and present simple tense.

How many words do you know?!

A fun group game with a competitive spirit. The host sets a number, and the players must name as many words. Depending on the student’s level of knowledge, each child can be given an individual number of words. It is advisable to carry out such a warm-up at the beginning or end of the lesson. To complicate the task, you can limit the use of English words to one topic: color, numbers, clothing, etc.

Team game

Be sure to use outdoor games in class. Children are very active in them: they strive to win and show their knowledge. There are many options for outdoor fun, but we will present the most interesting of them.

Prepare two types of badges in advance: some have numbers written on them, others have letters. Divide the children into the same two groups. And then name the combinations, for example 1 C, 2 K, etc. Players must quickly get into pairs and run to the leader (or perform another action: together dance, jump in bags, run along a bench, jump into a hoop and so on.). The losing couple is eliminated from the competition. Similar games in English for children help develop teamwork skills, increase attentiveness and promote repetition of the alphabet and numbers.


The riddles that all children love to solve can also be done in a moving form. For example, the well-known crocodile - the presenter shows or describes the object, and the players must guess it based on these clues. The children themselves can take turns leading the show, so it will be even more interesting for the kids.

The active children's games “Sea Figure Freeze in Place” and “Cat and Mouse” also go well with English. In the first case, the guys guess the figure in English, and in the second, English commands are used.

Reading fairy tales in English can also turn into outdoor games. For example, when reading “Teremok” to children, you can ask the children to show the movements of animals - how a bunny jumps, how a mouse sneaks, how a big bear walks, etc. With the help of such skits, we teach children to carefully listen to English words and understand their meaning.

Games in English for school-age children

The student already has a certain amount of knowledge, but he also has many other interests and responsibilities. Therefore, to support his desire to learn the language, it is necessary to use all possible gaming methods.

Fun 5 minutes

For children 7-8 years old, games should be simple, but interesting. If the child has just started primary school, then it is advisable to do a short physical warm-up at the beginning of the lesson.

These can be outdoor games in the style of “the presenter says the action, and the children show it.” But a more effective version of the game for schoolchildren is a combination of useful theory with fun movements.

So, for example, you can conduct phonetics classes, testing the children’s ability to distinguish polyphonic letters and letter combinations (y, a, th, o, etc.). For example, when A is read as everyone should clap, when [æ] - stomp, and when - knock on the desk. Such a game not only creates a good mood, but also clearly shows the teacher the knowledge and mistakes of each child.


A simple game that helps increase your vocabulary on various topics. You can play in pairs or as a whole class. The teacher assigns a word, and the children must name its opposite meaning. For example, black – white, go – stop, boy – girl. Students who name the largest number of expressions or rare words are given positive marks.


The game "Crocodile" is universal for all ages, as it allows you to change the difficulty level. For example, with children 10-11 years old it is used to practice present continuous. The teacher says the actions of the hidden person, animal or object in this aspect, and the children guess. Children also need to be involved in the role of presenter in order to assess their ability to use the present continuous in conversational speech. The game allows you to test thematic vocabulary, knowledge of prepositions and some grammatical points.


This fun is interesting for older children who can write short dialogues and stories about themselves in English. It is best to play it in the new school year, or immediately after students return from vacation.

The game takes place in a dialogue format. The presenter, blindfolded, asks various questions ( How did 2017 go, what grades did you get, what gifts did you give for New Year, how did you spend your summer holidays, etc.) and the student answers him. The presenter’s task is to find out by voice which of the guys is talking about himself. In this case, the teacher can be both a leader and a player. The game helps to unite the class, create a friendly atmosphere and set the children up for fruitful work.

In addition to the examples given, classes for learning English with children in a playful way can be carried out using:

  • fairy tales and stories in English;
  • counters and tongue twisters;
  • riddles and poems;
  • songs and videos;
  • interactive online games and grammar trainers.

It’s not difficult to come up with games for English classes for children - just use your imagination and focus on the students’ reaction: whether they like the game and whether it has a positive effect on learning. Successful, varied and fun English lessons for you and your children!

A pleasant and lively atmosphere plays an important role in learning English. And to create such an environment, you should sometimes add variety to your activities and play interesting games. Moreover, it does not matter for whom the lessons are taught: for children or adults. After all, everyone will be interested in engaging in such activity.

Games in English for children in the classroom can serve as a warm-up. And adults can have fun while playing and take a break from studying monotonous topics. Hundreds of different games are suitable for these tasks. But today we will give only the best and most interesting examples for games in English lessons.

This is a great game for reinforcing the words you learned in the last lesson. Such grammar games in English lessons can liven up the atmosphere and make the lesson more fun. Moreover, the game is suitable for students of any age and level.

Rules of the game:

  • Students are divided into two teams;
  • The board is divided into two halves and the topic of the competition is indicated on top;
  • Then students begin to write down one word at a time according to the topic;
  • One word, one point. The team that writes the most words on the board in the allotted time wins.

Students write three sentences about themselves on a piece of paper. One of them is true, the other two are lies. Students are allowed to ask questions regarding the statements. And in the end it is necessary to determine what is true and what is false.

The game allows you not only to develop grammar skills, but also to learn more about students. The more complex and personal statements you write, the more interesting you will be in the game. For example, you can come up with the following statements:

  • I like fried fish.
  • I was at the library with my friend yesterday.
  • I'm going to make a tattoo.

3. Simon says.

A very popular game in the USA among younger students. Such games for children in an English lesson are so exciting that students want to spend as much time as possible on them, even to the detriment of their main classes.

How to play "Simon says":


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  • One person assumes the role of Simon and faces the participants.
  • Then Simon says a sentence in English and the others complete the tasks. For example: Simon says put your hand on the left shoulder of your classmate.
  • To catch players, sometimes you should omit the phrase “Simon says”. In this case, the one who performs the action is eliminated from the game.
  • The last one remaining wins.
  • To make the task more difficult, you should gradually speed up the pace and give more complex tasks.

4. Puzzles.

An excellent game aimed at teamwork. It is suitable for reviewing tenses, phrases, sharpening reading skills, etc. How to play puzzles?

  • 3-5 sentences are written on paper in different colors;
  • The sheet is then cut to separate all the phrases;
  • The words are mixed and put into a hat;
  • The class is divided into 2-3 teams and each one takes turns collecting proposals;
  • The winner is the team that quickly puts all the words in the correct order to form the original sentences.

5. Gallows (Hangman).

Hangman are classic games for English lessons. It's best to play hangman for five minutes before class and five minutes after to warm up. How to play:

  • One person comes up with a word and draws the number of letters on the board using squares (like a crossword puzzle);
  • Students provide letters, and if the letter is present in the word, then it is written down. If not, then part of the gallows and the hanged man are drawn on the board.
  • Participants win when they manage to guess the word before the drawing is completed.

6. Draw a word (Pictionary).

Such popular educational games in English lessons are usually used in primary schools. Schoolchildren like the game because it is not at all like monotonous study. And adults love it because it allows them to take a break from their lessons for a while.

How to play Pictionary?

  • To begin with, words are written on separate pieces of paper and hidden in a bag;
  • The class is divided into two teams and the board is divided into two halves;
  • One student from each team takes a random word from the bag and then begins to draw it. The first team to guess the word correctly wins;
  • If the drawing is completed and the word is not guessed, then another team member takes the place of the “artist”.

7. Mimes.

An interesting and funny game that will help lighten the atmosphere in the classroom. It is not similar to classic phonetic games in English lessons, but the game develops Speaking well. After all, the participants constantly pronounce their own versions of words in English and communicate with each other (everyone except the mime).

Mimes are very easy to play. To do this, one student is given a word and he must show it to the rest of the students using symbols and gestures. At the same time, the mime cannot utter any phrases, and other students can only speak English.

8. Guess the word (Hot Seat).

Hot Seat helps develop speaking skills and English phonetics. Such vocabulary games in English lessons are very popular among students.

Game No. 1. “Point to the right flashcard.” On the wall (on the carpet, on the board) in English, children take turns pointing to the corresponding picture (you can use a laser or a simple pointer). As an option, all children participate in the game at the same time.

Game No. 2. “Run to the right flashcard.” On the wall (on the carpet, on the board) The teacher posts pictures of the subjects studied in class. The teacher names the subject (color, animal, part of the human body, family member, dishes, piece of furniture, etc.) in English, children run up to the corresponding picture. You can play in teams.

Game No. 3. “Put the card to the right place (in the right hoop)" The teacher invites the children to put pictures in English depicting the subjects studied in the lesson. (flowers, animals, etc.) for various pieces of furniture (table, chair, bedside table), floor, carpet, etc. If it is possible to use multi-colored small hoops, you can ask the kids to put one or another picture, for example, in red (blue, yellow, green) hoop.

Game No. 4. “Swap places”. Children sit in a circle on chairs, each child holds a card with a picture of a subject studied in class. . The teacher names words in English. When the child hears his word, he stands up and exchanges places with another child who has the same picture. Note: There must be at least three identical cards depicting each item.

Game No. 5. “Running game”. Children sit in a circle on chairs, each child holds a card with a picture of a subject studied in class. (color, animal, human body part, family member, dishes, piece of furniture, etc.). The teacher names words in English. When the child hears his word, he gets up, runs around the circle outside and sits down in his place.

Game No. 6. “Green, green, yellow.” Children sit in a circle on chairs, one child walks around the outer circle and repeats the same name of the object (color, animal, etc.) in English, touching your head each time (or shoulder) each sitting child. At some point, the leading child pronounces the name of another object. The child, whom the driver touched at this moment, gets up and tries to catch the driver, running around the circle. If he fails, he himself becomes the driver.

Game No. 7. “Heads down, thumbs up.” Children are sitting at tables. Three children are drivers. They (or teacher) they say: “Heads down, thumbs up, close your eyes!” ” After this, the children lower their heads, placing their hands on their heads and raising the thumb of each hand, and close their eyes. Each of the three drivers approaches one of the sitting children and bends his thumbs. After this, the children say: “Heads up, open your eyes!” “The children open their eyes and those of them who were touched by the drivers guess who exactly touched them (for example, “Vika touched me.”) If the child guessed correctly, he exchanges places with the child who touched him.

Game No. 8. “What’s my number?” ” The teacher calls two children and puts stickers with numbers on their backs. (within the studied figures). Children take turns calling numbers, trying to guess their number. The child who guesses his number first wins.


At what age is it better to start learning a foreign language?

All children are different and, probably, it is impossible to answer this question unambiguously. Scientists have proven that children who begin to learn a second language at an early age have a higher IQ than their peers. They continue to find it easy to learn foreign languages ​​and sign systems, such as programming languages.

But there is no consensus on this matter. Some people believe that it is necessary to start learning a second language after the child can already speak his native language, when he has formed ideas on which to rely when learning a foreign language. The experience of bilingual families shows that speaking two languages ​​does not hinder the child’s development, but, on the contrary, gives him a huge advantage over those who speak only one language. Learning a foreign language as an adult is much harder than as a child. It's all about the peculiarities of children's perception, when the structure of the native language has not yet been established, and any other language is perceived as naturally as native.

So it’s up to you, dear parents! And the criterion that will help you make a decision may be your child’s desire to attend these classes; after 5-6 classes you will see this for yourself.

My child has not yet learned to speak Russian, does not pronounce many sounds, is there any point in him starting to learn English?

In classes in younger groups, a lot of attention is paid to the development of articulation (speech) apparatus. The more different sounds a child hears and tries to pronounce, the better he develops. Parents of children in the younger group notice that children often begin to speak some words in English earlier than in Russian. And it’s not surprising - after all, the words that are closest to children are often much easier to pronounce in English than in Russian. (Compare: dog - dog, cat - cat (kat), chick - chick (chick), hen -hen (han), doll (dol), car -car (ka). The main thing is that the child enjoys going to classes.

Why start learning a language in Kindergarten when children at school start learning a language from the very beginning?

Nowadays, many children now learn a language in kindergarten, so schools are increasingly dividing students into groups based on their level from the very beginning. It would be good to send your child to a continuing group, but if there is no such group, you can simply continue English classes for children regardless of school, in addition to it.

In each new year of education for children, a new layer of language is added, which is superimposed on the previous one. Children repeat the material they have covered many times and understand how to use what they have learned earlier in speech. What children learn at an early age they then remember throughout their lives, but what they learn at school they forget instantly. (This means when the child has a long break in education)

What is better: individual lessons or group lessons and how many people should there be in a group?

For kids, it is probably better to study in small groups, because... You need to play more with the kids and the kids look at each other and do what other children do. The younger the children, the more active and round dance games are used in teaching, but you cannot play such games with one child. Older preschoolers love competitions and the same outdoor games, board and printed games, dramatizations, role-playing games, etc. Children learn a foreign language better through play (adults too, by the way). Therefore, small group classes are more effective than individual classes. In older preschool and school age, when the child learns to read and write, the role of individual lessons increases.

Groups should preferably have from 4 to 12 people and, of course, there should be an individual approach to each child.

Do I need to do extra training at home?

Our English language teaching program is designed for learning the material in class, without homework.

You probably shouldn’t teach your child yourself if you don’t have special education in the field of pedagogy and a foreign language: after all, you won’t teach your child music or dance if you don’t know how to dance or don’t know the notes. Talking to your child in English also makes sense when you yourself are fluent in the language: it is better not to force unnecessary mistakes and incorrect pronunciation on him.

If you want to do extra studying at home and your child also wants to, you can use audio and video materials with native speakers, there are many computer educational games, but you need to take into account that it is harmful for a child to spend a lot of time at the computer and watching TV