Do women pee standing up? Women's public toilet and toilets in public places. A device for women to write while standing: name, description How to write to a girl while standing

Nature has rewarded men with the ability to write while standing. But at the same time, if they want, they can do this while sitting. But women had no choice until devices for female urination were invented.

What is this device for? In what cases can it be useful? It was not invented in our country, but now a device for women to write while standing is becoming popular in Russia. Apart from when it is used for pranks and entertainment, it proves to be very useful in many other ways.

Serious challenge

The process of urination is such that if you really want to “small”, not everyone can tolerate this need for a long time. Then several options arise. The easiest one is to find the nearest toilet. But this is not always possible. For example, if you “want” in a place where they simply don’t exist. This situation often occurs in small towns where there is no public toilet even in the city center. And they are not allowed into catering establishments to relieve themselves if the person is not their visitor. In this case, the woman has to look for a secluded corner to do her business. What if the situation arose where there is not even a small bush, at worst a hummock with tall grass?

Features of the body

It's even worse if it happens in winter. A woman's urination in a sitting position suggests that she will have to almost completely lower her trousers or jeans and lift her skirt, thus exposing immodest parts of her body. In addition, if it is cold outside, health problems may arise: cystitis, inflammation of the appendages. It’s not for nothing that mothers teach their little daughters to be careful and not to do this on the street, but to run home. But children walk close to their front door, and an adult woman has to travel long distances. Men often don’t understand why a girl should pee while standing. But they themselves can do this in case of emergency anywhere; they just need to turn away from those around them and do their job.

On the road

Often on the highway you can see such a subject, relieving himself, not paying attention to those around him. A woman would also benefit from such a skill, especially if the terrain does not allow her to hide from prying eyes. Someone might argue that you can go to the toilet at a gas station or in a roadside cafe. But there are places where there are no similar establishments for several kilometers. Then the woman has only one thing left to do - endure as long as she can. And this is fraught with painful sensations in the bladder area for a long time after you finally manage to go to the toilet. In addition, in large cities there are often traffic jams in which people have to spend several hours. There are three options here: endure, if you have the strength for it; cannot withstand the pressure in the bladder and ruin clothes and the car seat, or use a device for women to pee while standing.

Problems cannot be avoided

It will also come in handy if it turns out to be so dirty that you have to immediately give up the idea of ​​sitting on the toilet. Often even disposable seats do not help, since some lovely ladies miss the hole in the toilet seat or climb onto it with their feet, so the sight of dirt in such places has made more than one lady regret that she cannot pee standing up. In addition, even if you can still sit down, it is better not to do this, since various diseases are so common nowadays that it is better not to risk your health and avoid unnecessary contact of your body with those places where a person with an unknown type of illness was sitting. problems.

What to do?

In order to avoid such torment, a female urinator was invented. Someone will be happy to go and buy this device. To some, a device for women to pee standing up may seem like a strange idea, but in any case, a moment may arise in the life of every woman when she needs it. Since the device is compact, you can carry it in your purse just in case. And he will certainly introduce himself. For example, while walking in the park, you can simply go to a tree and do your business unnoticed by others.

How does it work

The device for women to write while standing is very simple. It is a funnel with a tube. It is easy to guess that the wide side should be applied to the crotch, pushing the underwear to the side, lifting the skirt in front or lowering the pants. There is no need to be completely naked, and the back of the body remains closed from prying eyes. Manufacturers produce both disposable models and those suitable for repeated use, which are rinsed under running water after use. If you can’t do this right away, you can bring the urinator home and wash it there. A reusable device for women to write while standing, it is made of water-repellent material, it has an anatomical shape, which means it is comfortable to use. In addition, the material has antibacterial properties. There are soft urinators made of silicone, as well as hard ones made of plastic or rubber.

What are they made of?

The P-mate company makes its products from cardboard. Manufacturers assure women that such “things” will not get wet under a stream of urine. Of course, such urinators are disposable. They are shaped like an envelope and can be folded like a sheet of paper. This company even held a special promotion, inviting volunteers to use their products in specially equipped toilets for women, in which instead of the usual toilets there were urinals hanging on the walls. The action was intended to teach people how to use urinators and stop being afraid to use them. The shape of the WhizBiz urinator resembles the spout of a watering can.

Popularity is growing

Australian manufacturers make them from rubber. The German urinator was developed by Daniela Lengers. The design of the devices turned out to be fun and creative. The set, consisting of several disposable and one reusable urinator, is decorated in pink and red colors, which leaves no doubt that it is intended specifically for women. In addition, it is decorated with a picture depicting how a girl, gradually rising from her haunches, begins to write while standing, as if according to Darwin’s theory, turning into a person. This has certainly pleased feminists, who can slay men with the argument that they, too, pee while standing up. Another lady was developing disposable urinators. This is Sarah Grossman. She came up with cute pink paper funnels, which, in her opinion, are not embarrassing to take out of your purse in public places.

Will be useful someday

Not everyone likes these devices. Moreover, among their opponents there are both men and women. This is not surprising, because you first have to get used to everything new. In our country, such devices are recommended not only for use in camping or unhygienic conditions, in which it is not possible to carry out the process of urination in a physiological position, but also for those who cannot sit on the toilet due to illness or, for example, pregnant women, as well as after surgery. a period when it is difficult to make unnecessary body movements. Be that as it may, it’s still worth a try, especially since the price of the products is low, and they can bring significant benefits.

Those who do not want to spend money are advised to make a urinator themselves and try to urinate while standing at home. To do this, you can use a cut plastic bottle, carefully placing it on the perineum and directing the stream of urine to flow in the desired direction. Ultimately, you can take a funnel, attach a hose to it and use it as a urinator. The only condition is not to forget about hygiene and disinfect them first.

The urethra in women has a rather complex structure, which only a medical professional can accurately understand. A representative of the fair sex, of course, should not delve into this issue. However, it is imperative to immediately respond to a problem if it makes itself felt. The body does not forgive indifference to itself and, when the opportunity arises, repays for connivance in full.

At its core, the urethra in women is an elastic tube that ensures the unhindered passage of urine out. Unlike men, in women this tube is many times wider and shorter. The external opening of the urethra ends at the vestibule of the vagina, so a gynecologist will be able to perform an initial examination of the urethra during the examination.

Directly next to the canal there is connective tissue, which thickens significantly towards the bottom. In turn, the wall of the urethra consists of 2 membranes: muscular and mucous.

The muscularis is a layer of smooth muscle and elastic fibers, while the mucosa is an epithelium that has several layers. Like any other, a woman’s urinary system is susceptible to a huge variety of diseases, which a representative of the fair sex may not immediately notice. Often diseases of the urethra are closely intertwined with diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, treatment will have to be comprehensive, but first the woman will have to understand what is happening in her body.

The most characteristic symptoms indicating the presence of problems are pain when urinating, itching and even burning.

If you feel at least one of them, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Otherwise, the situation may acquire catastrophic proportions, and the once harmless disease will quickly develop into a chronic one. Thus, among the most common diseases of the female urinary system are:

  • urethritis, or inflammation of the urethra;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • urogenital candidiasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • cystitis.

Of course, any disease of the urethra in women is unpleasant and will cause great discomfort to its owner.

However, at the initial stage the situation is not critical. It is only important to choose the right treatment and not deviate from it until the end of the course.

And in this case, a positive result will not be long in coming.

And if you are interested in network business, then this is the place for you.

What does treatment include?

Any treatment for diseases of the urethra is aimed at restoring its normal functioning and eliminating unpleasant sensations.

In some cases, in order for a woman to feel relief, it is enough to relieve inflammation; it happens that antibacterial therapy is also required. In any case, the medications will do their job, and for a while the woman will forget about the problem that has befallen her.

However, a disease such as cystitis can easily return. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures.

In particular, women with problems with the genitourinary system are strictly prohibited from hypothermia. Moreover, it does not matter at all how it was achieved: by swimming in the cold sea or by standing for a long time at a bus stop in winter. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, the problem becomes more active at any time of the year.

A balanced diet, in which there is no place for food with an overly spicy, salty or sour taste, will also help to cope with the disease. Ignoring this point can easily lead to an exacerbation, which will make itself felt after each meal of the wrong food.

Promiscuous sex can also become a catalyst for the onset of women suffering from diseases of the urinary system. You need to choose a partner consciously, not forgetting about contraception.

Urolithiasis is a fairly common factor that provokes constant inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. The whole point is that the stones, gradually breaking down, are divided into crystals, which, coming out through the ducts, can easily injure them. The result is persistent pain and a high likelihood of infection. However, only comprehensive treatment of the primary problem can help here.

A decrease in immune activity, especially in the spring, is a fairly common phenomenon that provokes the emergence of many problems. At this time, the body must be carefully supported with all kinds of vitamin complexes. Of course, there are a lot of diseases in modern conditions, but any woman can master the art of resisting them. It is important to listen to your body and provide it with support in time.

According to the location of p... all women are divided into three types: kings, sips and ladushki (centrals). The difference between female pussies is determined by the proximity of the vaginal opening to the pubis. If the entrance to the vagina is located close to the pubis, it’s a pi... wren, if a little further, between the legs, it’s a ladushka, and if almost at the very anus, then it’s a sipovka.

When determining the type of p... by its location, it is important to understand that the distance from the pubis or anus to the entrance to the vagina is not measured in absolute units, for example in centimeters, but is relative. That is, if for a woman standing upright we draw an imaginary vertical axis along the spine, then her genital slit will be located either on this axis (pi... ladushka), or in front of it (pi... king), or to the rear (pi.. . sipovka) You can determine who is who differently - in a standing position, press the object of happiness with your back to something (wall, fence, etc.) with your right hand in her panties
. The "kinglet" has a very high entrance to the vulva. People say about such people: “They have p... on their navel.” The “king” is the easiest to feel: the man’s palm is pressed against the pubis and at the same time remains almost straight, only bent a little forward and the ring finger completely enters the vagina. You can’t define a “palm” with a straight palm. The palm is bent, and only the tip of the ring finger will enter the vagina. The “sipovka” can only be felt by bending the palm at a right angle and pushing it deep enough into the crotch area (touching is carried out with the same tip of the ring finger).
The choice of the correct position for sex, which will be most comfortable for both partners, depends on the location of the penis. For example, it is known that it is very convenient to fuck a sipovka from behind and uncomfortable from the front (especially for men with a small x...), and with a p... wren you can only have sex in a face-to-face position. A woman, knowing who she is according to the classification of pi..., will immediately offer her man the correct position for sex, and a man, knowing this classification, just by looking at the woman and visually determining where her pi... is located, will know in advance which one. position is better and more convenient for him to insert the penis into the vagina.
Also, knowing the classification of cunts according to the location of the genital slit and choosing the correct position for sex accordingly, it will be easier for you to achieve orgasm and sexual satisfaction.
Most women and girls do not know that there are several types of p... depending on the position of their genital slit

1) “queens” - closer to the navel. Almost royal. the name itself speaks for itself. It is very convenient for having sex in a standing position, as well as lying down with your legs together. Well, you can always touch it!!

2) “sipovki” - next to the anus, that is, the butt. What is inconvenient about a sipovka? Well, in the usual classic position No. 1 in sex, the man feels some kind of discomfort, but entry from behind is comfortable in all respects. Another Russian name for punt is the same as sipovka, the size of the vagina, personality, temperament does not matter to all this.

(3) “okay” - in the middle. Ladushkas are women for whom everything is as it should be, everything is in place, and the vulva is also where it should be in its place. These are good in any position.

A woman’s genital organs also differ in the size of the vagina (length, width), the position of the clitoris in relation to the entrance to the vagina (high, low), the size of the clitoris (large, small), the size and design of the labia, especially the small ones “Milka” - vulva with clitoris , located close to the entrance to the vagina (low), and rubbing directly during sexual intercourse with a man’s penis. Women with “milk” are easily satisfied; they do not require additional affection.

“Pava” is a vulva with a highly located clitoris, which requires additional caresses during sexual intercourse, since the clitoris does not rub against the man’s penis.

“Drupe” is an underdeveloped flat external genital organ with infantile labia, usually in thin women with a narrow pelvis. Almost all “drupes” are sipovki, that is, they have a low location of the genitals. It is considered the most unattractive sexual organ for men.

“Monkey” is a woman’s sexual organ with an abnormally long clitoris, up to 3 cm, as is the case with monkeys. I think this is so disgusting...

The “Hottengot apron” is a female genital organ with extremely developed labia that cover the entrance to the vagina and hang beyond the labia majora. This can occur with excessive passion for masturbation.

“Princess” is the most attractive female sexual organ with well-developed labia and clitoris. With good hormonal secretion, it is capable of delivering and receiving maximum satisfaction. Men are attracted by the small size of the reproductive tube. “Princess” is found only in women of short or medium height with full hips and developed breasts and a wide butt. About 1 in 50. Probably all the princesses are okay!

Yes, yes, to write means to piss.

God has endowed both man and woman with the most convenient opportunity to piss while standing. Most men do not experience any discomfort with standing piss. He took out the device, cast it, and went on about his business. Women have always known that it is convenient, but have never tried it. We came to the invention of a special writing funnel. There are reusable rubber ones:

There are paper disposable ones:

But this is fucked up. For such a simple task, no consumables are needed.

The secret is simple - a woman does not need to do anything special to piss while standing. You just need to stand up and take a piss. It's elementary! If you are a woman, try it today!

If you’re feeling a bit squeamish (how’s that for a pun?), then the first time you can test the functionality of the method in the shower. There is no need to be afraid of this - all the other crap that you wash off in the shower is unsterile, and urine is sterile (ask a doctor).

By the way, so as not to get up twice (I was busy today), let's talk about writing while sitting.

God has endowed both man and woman with the most convenient opportunity to piss while sitting. Only men rarely take advantage of this opportunity. Well, that's what you think. Meanwhile, a quarter of the entire male population of the earth piss while sitting. These are Muslims.

Here is one of my favorite hadiths (An-Nasai - 29):

Ali Ibn Hajar informed us, saying: “Shariq informed us from Al-Mikdam Ibn Sharikh, from the latter’s father, from Aisha, who said: “If anyone tells you that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, allegedly urinated while standing, then not believe that (person)! He always wrote exclusively while sitting.”