Order a strong sleeping pill. Dangerous! The most powerful, fast-acting and strong sleeping pills

A long process of falling asleep ends in a bad mood and drowsiness throughout the day. People are forced to resort to sleeping pills to get enough sleep. The pharmaceutical industry produces various drugs against insomnia. Some of them not only normalize sleep, but have many side effects that cause harm to the body - addiction, impaired attention, severe psycho-emotional disorders. Therefore, if you have symptoms of insomnia, do not rush to the pharmacy for a sleeping pill. Consult a specialist who can help you choose a medicine that will promote normal sleep in each specific situation. The fight against insomnia will be effective if you establish the causes of its occurrence and choose the right therapy.

Medicines for insomnia vary in therapeutic activity, but they work on the same principle - they inhibit brain activity and relieve nervous and muscle tension. The duration of action of drugs depends on the rate of their elimination and the degree of influence on the functions of the central nervous system.

Short-acting sleeping pills eliminate difficulties in falling asleep and do not interfere with the duration and relationship of sleep phases. Means of medium duration of action relieve excitation and enhance inhibition. The effect lasts longer, which improves falling asleep and sleep quality. Long-acting medications help with difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep, and frequent awakenings at night.

All sleeping pills differ in chemical composition and have different effects on the central nervous system.

Types of medications to treat sleep disorders

Barbiturates (Phenobarbital, Reladorm) are effective for severe insomnia, but cause drowsiness, lethargy, irritation after sleep, headache and muscle pain. With prolonged use, mental and physical dependence develops. Barbiturates shorten REM sleep cycles, which are important for nervous system recovery. Barbituric acid derivatives are available by prescription only.

Anti-insomnia drugs from the group of tranquilizers (Phenazepam, Nitrazepam, Sibazon, Midazolam) are low-toxic, do not give pronounced aftereffects, and are less likely to cause addiction. Particularly effective for insomnia caused by anxiety and emotional stress.

Insomnia medications containing melatonin (Melaxen, Circadin, Melarena) do not disrupt the physiological structure of sleep, speed up falling asleep, and reduce the number of night awakenings. In the morning they do not cause feelings of fatigue and drowsiness, and have a positive effect on the emotional sphere.

Group Z medications for insomnia have virtually no side effects and do not cause post-somnia disorders. After waking up, a person does not feel discomfort. The drugs differ in their duration of action. If you have difficulty falling asleep, Adante is prescribed. Ivadal, Zolpidem works for 5-6 hours. Long-acting sleeping pill Zopiclone supports sleep throughout the night without changing its structure. In patients with nocturnal manifestations of bronchial asthma, the duration of attacks is reduced. After long-term use of group Z drugs, addiction may occur.

First generation antihistamines (Diphenhydramine, Diprazine) have a mild sedative effect and are quickly eliminated from the gastrointestinal tract.

A doctor should choose a drug to treat insomnia. Uncontrolled use of sleeping pills can create dependence, increase excitability instead of the expected hypnotic effect, cause muscle weakness, withdrawal syndrome, and impair attention and memory.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills

Depending on the composition, medications are divided into three groups.

  • Plants (Persen, Motherwort Forte).
    Substances contained in plants normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen the psyche, relieve anxiety, and calm the nervous system. Herbal remedies against insomnia are non-toxic, act gently, can be taken for a long time, and have a minimum number of contraindications. Herbal remedies are effective for mild physiological disorders and for the prevention of insomnia during stress of various types. In cases of severe insomnia, they are used only as additional therapy.
  • Synthetic (Melaxen, Reslip, Phenibut).
    Medicines help improve sleep, are suitable for all age groups, do not affect psychomotor functions, and have minor side effects.
  • Combined (Barboval, Corvalol).
    The products contain plant extracts and active medicinal components. All substances enhance each other's actions. Due to this, a quick hypnotic effect is achieved. Medicines in this group are indicated for minor sleep disturbances and neurotic disorders, relieve irritability and make it easier to fall asleep.
  • Homeopathic (Hypnosed, Nota, Passidorm).
    Harmless, non-addictive drugs contain a balanced set of components that eliminate fear, anxiety, and problems falling asleep. Homeomedicines do not disrupt the biochemical processes in the body, direct reserve forces to fight, and are not accompanied by symptoms of aftereffects. For a stable and long-lasting effect, long-term use of homeopathic remedies is recommended.

Which sleeping pill to choose

Without a doctor's prescription, you can purchase drugs that have a moderate effect on the nervous system. They normalize sleep, heart rate, and reduce nervous excitement. An effective remedy for insomnia does not have to be strong. With the right selection, even a mild sleeping pill will give a positive result.

List of the most popular drugs for insomnia.

  • Melaxen.
    A synthesized analogue of the pineal gland hormone (melatonin) is suitable for independent use for insomnia in people of various age groups. The tablets normalize the rhythms of sleep and wakefulness, make it easier to fall asleep, and do not cause a feeling of lethargy upon awakening. The drug helps the body adapt when working at night and. In rare cases, swelling, headache, and nausea occur. Melaxen is used to normalize biological rhythm, promotes rapid falling asleep and easy morning awakening.
  • Persen.
    Relieves irritability, anxiety, eliminates depression, promotes concentration. The composition of the sedative for insomnia includes extracts of lemon balm, mint and valerian roots. The components make it easier to fall asleep by enhancing inhibitory processes in the central nervous system. Persen is recommended for prolonged periods of falling asleep and frequent awakenings caused by stressful situations and overwork.
  • Donormil.
    Effervescent tablets have a pronounced sedative effect, provide relief, and increase the length of night's rest. May cause palpitations, daytime sleepiness, and dry mouth. Donormil does not affect brain activity.
  • Glycine.
    Sublingual tablets reduce central nervous system excitation, improve metabolism in brain tissue, increase mental performance, and normalize sleep. Glycine is recommended for people with emotional instability and high excitability.
  • Valoserdin.
    Due to the content of phenobarbital, it reduces the excitation of the central nervous system. Drops for insomnia provide a mild hypnotic effect and are prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, neurosis-like conditions, and cerebrovascular accidents. With long-term use, drug dependence and depression may occur.
  • Atarax.
    Relieves anxiety, psychomotor agitation, relaxes smooth muscles, increases. At the beginning of treatment, drowsiness and general weakness may occur.
  • Phenibut.
    It has a positive effect on brain activity, reduces the severity of complications after traumatic brain injury, and increases the brain’s resistance to high stress. Phenibut relieves anxiety, reduces emotional stress, and improves the quality of night's rest. Prescribed for insomnia of neurotic origin.
  • Corvalol.
    It has a calming effect, relieves spasms in the intestines, dilates blood vessels, and makes it easier to fall asleep. It is well tolerated, but with prolonged use or overdose it causes CNS depression. Experts recommend taking drops for mild and irritability.
  • Valerian.
    A herbal remedy with a sedative effect is used for nervous excitability, difficulty falling asleep caused by overexcitation, stress. In rare cases, it provokes a depressed state.

New items

New generation drugs help cope with stress, improve sleep quality, and eliminate the causes of insomnia. They are quickly eliminated from the body, so there are no aftereffect symptoms in the morning. New medications for insomnia are safer because they only affect the brain receptors responsible for sleep.

  • Sonilyuks.
    The drops contain natural components of plant origin, which quickly enter the bloodstream and improve the psycho-emotional state. The insomnia remedy Sonilux normalizes sleep and eliminates the causes of sleep disturbance, restores heart rhythm and the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Somnol.
    The action of the drug is aimed at improving the quality and duration of night rest. Long-term treatment does not eliminate the risk of addiction. Prescribed to patients with situational, transient, chronic forms of insomnia.
  • Roserem.
    Recommended for insomnia associated with prolonged falling asleep, promotes sound sleep. The medicine for insomnia Rozerm does not cause side effects or dependence.
  • Sonnat.
    Prescribed for difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, transient persistence, etc. The drug does not change the ratio of fast and slow sleep. Does not affect daytime well-being and performance.

Vitamin complexes for insomnia

When a person finds himself in a stressful situation, the need for B vitamins increases many times over. Deficiency occurs due to gastritis, taking certain hormonal drugs, pregnancy, physical activity, and poor nutrition. Insomnia can be provoked by a lack of serotonin, the synthesis of which involves pyridoxine (B6).

Fatigue, drowsiness, depression, irritability, etc. appear. Vitamins B, A, E and microelements potassium, magnesium, calcium will help get rid of insomnia.

  • Mega B Complex, consisting of 10 vitamins and 7 minerals;
  • Sleep Optimizer, a complex of amino acids, plant extracts, melatonin, tryptophan;
  • ALPHABET biorhythm, containing folic acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C, A, B, lemon balm and motherwort extracts;
  • Yantifan, which contains L-tryptophan, succinic acid, vitamin B6.

Vitamin preparations reduce the excitability of the nervous system and promote a good night's rest.

A lot of medicines and vitamins lead to confusion: “How to choose the best remedy for insomnia from all the variety?” For an answer, contact specialists at regional clinics or specialized centers. Uncontrolled use of sleeping pills can complicate the situation. The sleep department will tell you how to get rid of insomnia without medications with the help of,. Special clinics use drug-free methods for eliminating insomnia (electric sleep, relaxation therapy).

List of used literature:

  • Levin Ya. I., Kovrov G. V. Some modern approaches to the treatment of insomnia // Attending physician. - 2003. - No. 4.
  • Kotova O. V., Ryabokon I. V. Modern aspects of insomnia therapy // Attending physician. - 2013. - No. 5.
  • T. I. Ivanova, Z. A. Kirillova, L. Ya. Rabichev. Insomnia (treatment and prevention). - M.: Medgiz, 1960.

Prolonged falling asleep, intermittent short sleep do not have the best effect on mood and performance, and can cause serious health problems. Sleeping pills help normalize sleep and get rid of insomnia. Our review will help you choose a good sleeping pill. We found out which sleep pills you can buy without prescriptions and compiled a rating of the drugs based on reviews from doctors and patients.

Potent sleeping pills are prescribed exclusively by a doctor for certain indications and are dispensed from the pharmacy strictly according to a prescription. Such drugs have a strong suppressive effect on the nervous system and have a lot of side effects and contraindications. But there is a large group of over-the-counter, mildly acting medications that help cope with simple sleep disorders, and at the same time do not cause such pronounced and severe adverse reactions. In our rating, over-the-counter sleeping pills are presented in descending order of therapeutic effect.

The best over-the-counter sleeping pills

Over-the-counter sleep aids include melatonin-based medications (a synthetic analogue of the sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland), tablets containing doxylamine (a histamine receptor blocker), and herbal medications.


Unlike potent drugs from the barbiturate group, diazepine and Z-drugs, over-the-counter sleep tablets:

  • have a less pronounced inhibitory effect on the nervous system;
  • do not change the structure and duration of sleep phases, do not cause morning lethargy;
  • have fewer contraindications;
  • adverse reactions occur much less frequently and are less pronounced;
  • do not provoke addiction and drug dependence;
  • can be used both in courses and once.

Over-the-counter sleeping pills are more preferable for older people because they are characterized by a greater degree of safety.


The main disadvantage of over-the-counter drugs is their weak or absent effect in severe sleep disorders.

Rating of the best over-the-counter sleeping pills

Rating#1 #2 #3
NamePhytosedan (soothing collection No. 2 and No. 3)
Price29 RUR307 RUR72 RUR
Gentle effect on the body
Ease of use Effective hypnotic effect Calming effect Staying active throughout the day


Sleeping pills based on melatonin, a synthetic analogue of the natural sleep hormone, which is produced in the human body by the pineal gland (pineal gland) and regulates biological rhythms and sleep-wake cycles. Melaxen reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, improves the quality and duration of sleep, helps adapt to time zone changes, and has a moderate sedative effect. Prescribed independently or in complex therapy of mild and moderate forms of sleep disorders.

Analogues – Circadin, Melatonin.

  • Cannot be used for diabetes.
  • In some patients it causes swelling, drowsiness, depression of the emotional state, and increased irritability.
  • In rare cases, while taking Melaxen, patients experience increased heart rate, severe headaches, and nightmares at night.
  • During treatment, you should avoid exposure to bright sun.
  • Relatively high price - 700 rubles for 24 tablets per package.


A medicine for insomnia based on doxylamine succinate belongs to the group of histamine receptor blockers and is available in the form of tablets for oral administration and effervescent tablets for the preparation of a solution. This sleeping pill is available without a prescription. It is considered one of the best means for normalizing sleep in young people if the disorder is caused by nervous strain or stress. The product reduces the time it takes to fall asleep and increases the duration of sleep.

Analogues - Sondoks, Sonmil.

  • Over-the-counter, non-addictive sleeping pills.
  • Effervescent tablets dissolve in water, the solution acts faster than tablets.
  • The tablets not only help you fall asleep, but also normalize sleep within just a few days of taking them.
  • Relatively affordable price - 400 rubles (30 regular or 20 effervescent tablets per package).
  • Like other antihistamines, it causes adverse reactions - dry mouth, constipation, daytime drowsiness (therefore, the day after using the drug you should not drive).
  • Older people may experience severe dizziness, headache, and increased heart rate after taking the pill.
  • Do not use for increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, urination problems, or prostatitis.
  • Some people develop addiction with prolonged use (the drug stops working), so the treatment course is limited to two weeks.

The drug based on bromoisovaleric acid, mint oil and phenobarbital is available in the form of drops for internal use and tablets. This is the only over-the-counter insomnia medication that contains phenobarbital. The drug makes it easier to fall asleep, has a sedative, antispasmodic and vasodilator effect. In addition to sleep disorders, indications for prescribing the drug are increased nervous excitability, hypertension and vegetative-vascular dystonia (in complex therapy), tachycardia.

  • Calms and helps you fall asleep.
  • The presence of two dosage forms: drops act faster, and tablets are suitable for those who cannot tolerate the specific smell of drops; they are convenient to take on the road.
  • It can be used not only as a sleeping pill, but also as a distraction for heart pain (instead of validol). The drug also helps relieve intestinal spasms.
  • Low price: 100 rubles for a package of 20 tablets and about 30 rubles for drops in a 50 ml bottle.
  • Severely dulls reactions and causes lethargy.
  • A sharp, characteristic odor of droplets that does not disappear for a long time.
  • A large number of side effects - with long-term use can cause constipation, nausea, and liver problems.
  • An incorrectly calculated dose can provoke a strong decrease in blood pressure and bradycardia (slow heartbeat).
  • The drops contain alcohol and are not suitable for everyone.


The herbal preparation is available in the form of tablets and syrup. The tablets contain hawthorn, St. John's wort, lemon balm, hops, valerian, black elderberry, passionflower. The syrup additionally contains guaifenesin, a substance that reduces anxiety and restlessness and enhances the effect of medicinal herbs. The drug has an anxiolytic and sedative effect, helps normalize sleep in mild forms of insomnia, if the disorder is caused by stress or a nervous disorder.

  • The syrup contains alcohol and has an unpleasant bitter taste.
  • Does not help with severe sleep disorders.
  • May cause daytime drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea, and disruption of the pancreas, especially if the dosage regimen is violated (increasing doses and frequency of use).

Persen Forte

The drug contains extracts of lemon balm, mint, valerian, and is available in the form of capsules of 10, 20 and 40 pieces per package. Has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Prescribed for insomnia and other sleep disorders (alone or as part of complex therapy),

  • Helps you fall asleep if insomnia is caused by nervous tension.
  • After stopping treatment, withdrawal syndrome does not occur.
  • There are no restrictions on the duration of taking the drug.


A two-component herbal sleeping pill based on valerian and lemon balm extracts is available in tablets. It has a sedative effect, reduces the time it takes to fall asleep, improves sleep quality, and reduces the frequency of night awakenings. It is used for mild forms of sleep disorders and increased nervous excitability.

  • Within a few days after starting treatment, results are noticeable: sleep comes faster, and there are fewer night awakenings.
  • Can be used by children over 6 years old.
  • Not addictive.
  • May cause allergic reactions (rash, itching), nausea, headache.
  • Some people experience decreased performance after taking the pills and may develop depression.
  • It is not recommended to drive during use.
  • Overpriced - 450 rubles for 50 tablets containing only lemon balm and valerian.


Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that has an inhibitory effect on the nervous system. The drug exhibits pronounced sedative properties and also improves metabolic processes in brain tissue. Indications for the use of glycine are nervous disorders and insomnia, stress, and decreased mental performance.

  • Plant components may cause allergic reactions.
  • Bitter taste.
  • You need to wait 15 minutes for the product to infuse, which is not as convenient as taking ready-made syrups and tablets.


The homeopathic remedy is available in the form of drops and tablets. Used for sleep disorders, increased nervous excitability, irritability.

  • It does not help with a single use; a course of treatment is required.
  • Some patients do not benefit even after completing the full treatment course recommended by the manufacturer.
  • The drops contain alcohol.
  • Inflated price - 180 rubles for a package of 12 tablets (with the recommended dose of one tablet three times a day, the package lasts only for 4 days) and 400 rubles for drops in a 50 ml bottle.
  • It doesn't help everyone.


There are many over-the-counter remedies for insomnia. Each drug differs in composition, strength and duration of action, contraindications and possible side effects. They are effective for short-term and intermittent sleep disturbances caused by frequent flights, daily work schedules or nervous strain. However, severe disorders may be a symptom of a serious illness (hyperthyroidism, apnea, Parkinson's disease, depression, brain damage). And if an over-the-counter sleeping pill does not help restore sleep in a few days, you should not look for a more effective drug. It is imperative to consult a doctor who, after examination, will make an accurate diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.

It is no secret that every person at least once in his life has encountered such an unusual phenomenon as. And this can truly be considered a fairly significant problem. After all, regardless of whether a person slept at night or not, he has a lot of things to do in the morning that simply cannot be put off. And in this state it is quite problematic. What to do in such cases? How to cope with insomnia?

There is no specific answer to these questions. Because each person chooses sleeping pills for himself individually. Moreover, how well a person sleeps directly determines his future performance. In addition, more than one generation of scientists has proven the fact that if a person does not rest well, his level of mental work decreases significantly. That is why, to avoid such problems, experts recommend using special medications.

As you know, in order to buy a good product at a pharmacy, you need a prescription, and for this you definitely need to visit a doctor. But there are cases when there is simply no time to go to the hospital. What to do then, what sleeping pills to buy? In this article we will talk about what high-quality drugs you can buy without a prescription.

Sleeping pills, which brand to buy?

When choosing sleeping pills for yourself, in order to cope with insomnia as quickly as possible, you need to pay special attention to the company that produces these very drugs. Since the so-called effectiveness of a particular drug largely depends on the manufacturer. For example, the Pharmakon company produces excellent drugs, and at relatively low prices. Also quite high-quality drugs are produced by Bittner, Unipharm and Farmak.

The best sleeping pills you can buy without a prescription


This brand of sleeping pills belongs to the so-called combined drugs, since it has a sedative, hypotensive and antispasmodic effect. The main active ingredient is validol. This drug is advisable to use for increased levels of irritability, for neuroses, and of course it helps perfectly with insomnia.

Taking such a drug significantly reduces flatulence, and also reduces the so-called threshold of excitability of the nervous system. In addition, it has an excellent analgesic effect. And, of course, it has a hypnotic effect, which is very important for people suffering from insomnia.

But you can’t take it regularly because it causes dizziness. In addition, frequent use of the drug causes a kind of addiction. It is also strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy.


This excellent remedy will help you quickly cope with all problems associated with sleep disorders. Since the main principle of its action is to reduce the level of so-called psychomotor reactions.

The main advantage of this drug is that it significantly reduces the time it takes to fall asleep. It also has a kind of calming effect. In addition, the advantage of the drug is its ability to increase sleep duration.

But taking such a drug can cause so-called side effects. And it will be quite difficult to wake up after taking it. Disadvantages also include a reduced level of ability to work, which necessarily occurs after taking this sleeping pill.

Please note that taking this drug is strictly prohibited for children under 15 years of age, and it is also not recommended for pregnant women to take it.


This drug is primarily a kind of tranquilizer. But, nevertheless, you can safely purchase it even without a prescription. It is advisable to take this drug in case of sleep disturbances and increased levels of emotional stress.

Please note that in case of insomnia, you need to take the tablet approximately half an hour before bedtime. The drug begins to act within ten minutes after administration.

In addition, sleeping pills can also be used in cases of increased anxiety, since it also includes the so-called anticonvulsant effect. As a result of taking it, it will quickly help restore a normal emotional state.

But remember that this drug can cause a kind of addiction, since the body gets used to it quite quickly. Therefore, it is completely unsuitable for long-term use.


This is one of the most powerful sleeping pills. It has a fairly good effect even when taken by older people. The main constituent substance is melatonin. Which has the most effective effect on the body.

Taking this drug greatly facilitates the process of falling asleep. But there is a limitation to taking it - you need to take no more than two tablets per day. The main advantage of this drug is that it does not cause a feeling of addiction in the body. Therefore, it can be used for quite a long time. Also, taking the drug does not lead to drowsiness, but, nevertheless, significantly reduces awakening at night.

Of course, you can take such sleeping pills during pregnancy, but only strictly as prescribed by a specialist. In rare cases, allergic reactions occur.


This is a strong enough sleeping pill for sound sleep, so it is most often prescribed for sleep disorders or insomnia. People over 15 years of age can take this drug. The maximum level of impact occurs within an hour after taking the drug.

Taking this drug significantly reduces headaches and also has a kind of relaxing effect. This drug can rightfully be considered one of the best sleeping pills for sound sleep. Moreover, its price is quite low. Therefore, everyone can afford it.

This drug is a fairly strong hypnotic. Can be used even in cases of increased irritability and fatigue. The main advantage of this drug is that it does not cause any side effects at all.

Taking this sleeping pill significantly improves the quality of sleep and also speeds up the process of falling asleep. In addition, taking this drug has a fairly beneficial effect on the general condition of the nervous system.

This drug is most often prescribed if there is a need to treat insomnia and other problems associated with sleep disorders. You just need to take it for a month, and regularly.

The main advantage of this sleeping pill is that it is completely non-addictive. In addition, it is quite easily tolerated by the body, so no allergic reactions will occur after taking it. This drug also helps normalize the nervous system.

But it has a negative impact on performance. And also in order to achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to take it for a long time.

What sleeping pills can you buy without a prescription?

If you have an urgent need to seek help from a so-called sleeping pill, then when choosing this drug, consider the following points:

  • It is necessary to choose a drug that has a mild but at the same time long-lasting effect, for example, barboval.
  • If you need instant results from taking it, then it is better to give preference to Gidazepam.
  • But Sondox or Donormil are perfect if you need a drug with a fairly long-lasting effect.
  • For older people, the best solution would be to purchase Melaxen.
  • If you are looking for a drug that needs to be taken in a course, then it is better to give your preference to Trypsidan.
  • But Notta is suitable for those who need complex treatment.

It has long been known to everyone that a person spends a third of his life sleeping, and this is, on average, 15-25 years. Such a natural process as sleep, being in a state of reduced reaction to the outside world, fills us with vitality and allows the organs to rest, since during when a person is awake, They work more actively; sleep is a release for the soul and body. The quality of sleep directly affects the quality of our life and performance. Such a popular problem as intermittent, short sleep can harm our body, disrupting all life cycles and developing diseases of internal organs.

Even minor factors can cause insomnia, the most popular of which are:

  • Stress caused by increased mental tension;
  • Hormonal disbalance;
  • CNS problems;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Flights to other time zones;
  • Prolonged depression;
  • Age-related changes in the body.

Sleep, as experts say, should last 6-8 hours, and go through phases, there are 4 in total, but they are repeated, replacing each other many times. In a healthy person, the sleep process occurs according to the following plan:

  1. The person begins to fall asleep and the first phase of slow-wave sleep begins (5-10 minutes);
  2. The second phase begins (20 minutes);
  3. Phase 3 is abruptly replaced by the third and fourth phases (on average 40 minutes);
  4. There is a return to the second phase of slow-wave sleep (20 minutes);
  5. The first episode of REM sleep occurs, lasting about 5 minutes.

This is called a “cycle” and there should be 5 of them, and with each onset of a new cycle, the duration of slow-wave sleep decreases, and the duration of fast sleep increases. This is how healthy sleep works. In a person with sleep disorders, phases are often interrupted and there is no cyclicity. The result is frequent awakenings at night and difficulty trying to sleep.

Sleeping pills can help the body regulate sleep processes. Often, sleeping pills have a sedative, sometimes mild tranquilizing, effect, and vice versa - sedatives can induce sleep. But you don’t always have time to go to the doctor to get a prescription for sleeping pills. Our rating of the best over-the-counter sleeping pills includes drugs that have proven themselves exclusively.

The distribution of seats was influenced by factors such as:

  • Reviews;
  • Price corresponding to quality;
  • Efficiency;
  • Safety;
  • Popularity.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

TOP 10 best sleeping pills without a prescription

10 Person Night

Antispasmodic properties
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 580 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.3

A sedative drug with extracts of valerian, lemon balm, and peppermint is available in the form of capsules. It has a calming and antispasmodic effect, helping to fall into a sound sleep. Indicated for insomnia caused by nervous excitability. While taking the medication, you should be careful while driving and operating dangerous machinery. Persen Night is approved for use by children only from 12 years of age.

Judging by the reviews, the sleeping pill does not act immediately, on average after 4 hours, in severe advanced cases it does not have the desired effect at all, so the drug is not suitable for older people with chronic insomnia. Side effects may include stomach cramps, dilated pupils, and trembling hands, which disappear within 24 hours. It is worth paying attention to the included instructions. Not recommended for pregnant women and women during breastfeeding.

9 Novo-Passit

The most popular
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 650 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.3

Novo-Passit has been sold by pharmacists for about 10 years. Contains extracts of many plants, used for neurasthenia, memory impairment, increased fatigue, mild forms of sleep disorders, migraines, and increased excitability. Suitable even for older people. Available in tablets or tincture form. In numerous reviews, people who have used Novo-Passit express the opinion that the sleeping pills act slowly, although a noticeable sedative effect occurs almost immediately.

There is no side effect such as withdrawal syndrome, but with an increased content of the drug in the body, it can lead to lethargy, lethargy and depression. It is not advisable to drive a car or engage in hazardous activities while using the drug. Cannot be used together with alcoholic beverages. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age and people with gastrointestinal disorders.

8 Dormiplant

Best cast
Country: Germany
Average price: 420 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.4

Melissa extract and valerian root in the composition provide relief from excessive anxiety and have a calming effect. The main function of the drug is to improve the quality of sleep and its duration, but the facilitation of the process of falling asleep is hardly noticeable; a drowsy state occurs only after 3-4 hours. Approved for use by children from 6 years of age with appropriate dosage for different ages. Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

A big plus is that Dormiplant has no side effects due to its safe natural composition (cases of individual intolerance are excluded). Sleeping pills should not be used for a long time; they are not recommended for liver diseases. Reviews about "Dormiplant" are enthusiastic, based on their content, it can be noted that the drug copes with its functions very well without causing any additional problems; after waking up, a feeling of cheerfulness appears.

7 Sungmil

Allowed for lactating and pregnant women
Country: France
Average price: 240 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

"Sonmil" is available in tablet form. It has a sedative and anthropine-like effect, improves the quality and duration of sleep, shortens the period of falling asleep, the course lasts 3-5 days. The advantage will be the possibility of using the drug even during pregnancy and breastfeeding, however, consultation with a doctor is advisable. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during the course. Contraindicated in children under 15 years of age; may cause daytime drowsiness.

Judging by the reviews, the drug has the desired effect in a fairly short period of time, usually 1-2 hours. Among the disadvantages, we can note frequent cases when the feeling of drowsiness remains after waking up. Not recommended for patients with glaucoma or diseases of the genitourinary system. Side effects may include dry mouth, constipation, and rapid heartbeat.

6 Melaxen

Relieves stress
Country: USA
Average price: 610 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Taking Melaxen is safe for the body and has a strong adaptogenic effect, regulating the production of melatonin to normalize sleep. The product has a healing effect, increases vitality, and is therefore suitable for older people. Full absorption by the body and absence of addiction are guaranteed; after waking up there is no lethargy or weakness. It does not affect brain function or human behavior. There are practically no contraindications.

"Melaxen" is recommended for use during mild depression, exposure to stress, and fatigue. Reviews of the drug note that for a clear effect of a sleeping pill, the course should be at least 3 weeks. Rarely, some patients with individual intolerance to the components experience swelling of the face, slight dizziness, diarrhea and chills. Not compatible with simultaneous intake of alcohol. Available in tablets and capsules.

5 Donormil

More than 50 years on the market
Country: France
Average price: 320 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Sleeping pills with a sedative effect help reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and get rid of insomnia. It was first released into wide use in 1948. The drug is taken orally, quickly absorbed into the blood, takes effect in about an hour, and is completely eliminated from the body. It has no effect on brain cells or memory properties and is not contraindicated for people with blood pressure.

After stopping the course of treatment, the effect remains, does not have a negative effect on the body, and does not cause addiction. If the dosage is not observed, a side effect may include temporary blurred vision, increased body temperature, and rapid heartbeat. May make it difficult to urinate, so it is contraindicated in people with diseases of the urethra or prostate gland. It is also prohibited for use by pregnant women, women during lactation and children under 15 years of age.

4 Trypsidan

Best for Seniors
Country: India
Average price: 100 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The drug is available in the form of capsules and syrup; children can take Tripsidan from 5 years of age, with different dosages depending on age. There is no alcohol in the composition, so the range of patients who are allowed to use sleeping pills is quite wide, and is also ideal for older people. The main components were extracts and extracts of medicinal plants that restore calm and peace of mind. For insomnia, it restores the stages of sleep phases, ensuring sound sleep. It works softly and effectively.

Completely restores strength in the morning, brings vigor upon awakening and good mood. Strengthens the central nervous system and has an anti-stress effect. Among the side effects, it is worth noting a feeling of drowsiness that appears during the day, but this is eliminated by reducing the dosage. It has no special contraindications; use is not prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

3 Passidorm

No side effects
Country: Germany
Average price: 950 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The homeopathic medicine "Passidorm" is an alcohol tincture that helps with problems falling asleep and frequent awakenings at night. Passidorm is well tolerated and suitable for long-term use without causing addiction. After waking up, the patient feels that he has had enough sleep and feels well rested. Overdose is almost impossible, without side effects.

Prohibited for people with liver disease and chronic alcoholism. The effect is not felt immediately; drowsiness occurs within 2-3 hours. It does not cause any harm to the body, making the drug the best sleeping pill for older people with frequent night awakenings. Depending on the condition, the dosage can be varied. Not recommended for lactation and pregnancy and prohibited for use by children under 12 years of age; the drug reduces the reaction rate; you should be careful when driving.

2 Nott

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Austria
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

“Notta” fights depression and has a tranquilizing effect without a sedative effect. Helps get rid of feelings of fear and anxiety, restores physiological sound day and night sleep, and normalizes cycles. The drug significantly facilitates falling asleep without causing lethargy and drowsiness during the day after waking up. The product activates brain function, improving blood circulation and oxygen supply. Recommended for emotional stress and nervous exhaustion.

“Notta” is not addictive, and the effect remains after discontinuation of the sleeping pill. Available in drops or tablets, it is approved for children from 3 years old, the dosage is different for each age. The duration of therapy is up to 4 months, the minimum course is at least 7 days. Reviews from patients agree that the drug is harmless and does not show negative effects, but does not act immediately.

1 Sonilyuks

Targeted action on the causes of insomnia
Country: Belarus
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

The main function of a sleeping pill is to normalize sleep by eliminating the causes of sleep disturbance, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the body as a whole. It has a completely herbal composition and is available in the form of drops. "Sonylux" eliminates symptoms of chronic fatigue, depression, headaches, and nervous system disorders. Quickly penetrates the blood, regulates the psycho-emotional state, relieving insomnia caused by nervous shock and stress; reduces the time to fall asleep and improves sleep quality.

It is noteworthy that the product is approved for children from 2 years of age ( dosage variesdepending on age). It has a targeted effect on the nervous, digestive, and endocrine systems, reduces aggression and irritability, and restores good, sound sleep. Numerous reviews indicate the effectiveness of the product; does not cause daytime drowsiness, allergies or addiction.

Which sleeping pills to buy without a prescription for the elderly? This question can be heard at the pharmacy both from an elderly person and from a young woman who has come to buy medicine for insomnia for her mother or grandmother. Indeed, sleep problems are very common in older people, and they are not as safe as they seem at first glance and the resulting sleep disorder cannot be ignored.

How can you describe the dream of an elderly person?

If we consider how an older person sleeps, we can observe the following picture:

  • lies for a long time, trying not to disturb the rest of the family members from sleeping;
  • after some time, sometimes after several hours, lying like this, a drowsiness sets in, turning into a light sleep;
  • with a slight sound or a change in body position, the person wakes up.

Approximately five such cycles of falling asleep and waking up occur during the night, and in the morning a person feels tired and weak instead of vigor. Many people associate this condition with old age and a natural decline in activity, but in fact it is the consequences of lack of sleep.

If insomnia continues for a long time, then the character of old people deteriorates and the following appears:

  • irritability;
  • touchiness;
  • causeless dissatisfaction;
  • pettiness.

Probably, many have seen such old people who are ready to be offended over trifles and argue over any issue. Younger people attribute their behavior to the harmful nature of old age, but in reality the elderly person simply did not get enough sleep.

If sleep deprivation continues for a long time, you may experience:

  • thinking disorder;
  • memory problems;
  • hallucinations.

Sound familiar? This is what senile insanity looks like, but it could be prevented if the old man himself or his relatives took care of a good night's rest.

Before choosing a medicine, it is worth analyzing why older people find it difficult to fall asleep and their sleep is not very sound.

All reasons are divided into:

  • external;
  • internal.


In older people, the synthesis of the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for proper sleep, noticeably decreases, and the following can disrupt a good night's rest:

If only these factors prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep, then you can purchase sleeping pills for older people.

Insomnia occurs not only for relatively harmless reasons, it can become a sign of a serious illness.

Independent selection of drugs cannot be done in the following cases:

If there are signs of any of the listed diseases, medical consultation is necessary to select medications.

If there is any doubt whether insomnia is caused by illness or external factors, then you need to visit a doctor. In some diseases, taking a relatively harmless sleeping pill can provoke a worsening of the pathology.

If there are no mental disorders or severe sleep disturbances, it is better for an elderly person to avoid tranquilizers. They are addictive and depress the nervous system.

There are several groups of such drugs:

  • synthetic;
  • natural;
  • homeopathic.


Doctors have allowed 2 over-the-counter medications for elderly people:

Despite the relative safety of synthetic products, it is recommended to consult a doctor before using them.


This includes preparations consisting of herbal components:

A good hypnotic effect is obtained by taking motherwort or valerian. They are available in tablets or tinctures and there are no contraindications for their use.

It is also worth saying a few words about Glycine. The medication does not contain plant materials; its active component is aminoacetic acid, which is produced by the human body and regulates inhibition processes in the brain. The hypnotic effect of glycine has not been studied; it is prescribed to improve cerebral circulation after a stroke and during heavy mental stress (preparing for exams or an important event), as well as for certain neurological disorders. Aminoacetic acid regulates the imbalance between the processes of excitation and inhibition and improves the functioning of the nervous system.


In old age, sensitivity to drugs increases and some drugs are poorly tolerated by older people, so it is recommended to start treating insomnia with lighter homeopathic remedies.

Drugs in this group are well tolerated and have no side effects:

Homeopathic remedies are considered the safest in old age and are used even for insomnia after a stroke. To improve the quality of night's rest, it is recommended that old people start with homeopathy, and then switch to stronger medications.

Long-term use of sleeping pills causes memory impairment, headaches and loss of coordination in the elderly.

So to take drugs or not to take drugs? Drink, but you should not rely only on the effect of medications; you need to use other non-drug methods to combat sleep disorders.

Another recommendation: do not lie in bed trying to fall asleep. If you can’t fall asleep within half an hour, then you need to get up and do something: read or listen to calm music, and go to bed only when you feel drowsy.

Psychologists also recommend an interesting psychological move based on the contradictions of human nature. Probably everyone has something they don’t want to do, but need to do, for example. Put your papers in order or clean out your desk drawer with all sorts of little things put there “just in case.” So, you need to mentally make a decision: “If I don’t fall asleep in 10 minutes, then I’ll go and finally sort out the papers,” as a rule, falling asleep after that happens quickly.

These tips will help you sleep better and have a good night's rest. Of course, at first you will have to use sleeping pills, especially if you have had insomnia for a long time, but gradually the body itself will begin to produce melatonin to ensure a good night’s rest, and you can stop taking the drugs.

Effective and relatively harmless sleeping pills for an elderly person can be found without a prescription.

With their help:

But drugs with a hypnotic effect do not eliminate the cause of insomnia, and if taken for a long time, they negatively affect the health of the elderly.

Elderly people often experience:

  • decreased speed of thinking;
  • memory disorders;
  • lack of coordination;
  • causeless headaches;
  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • gastrointestinal disorders.

In addition, in old age, metabolism is significantly slowed down, and the elimination of even relatively harmless plant components will slow down, which can cause their accumulation in the body and provoke undesirable consequences. More often, people with kidney disease and respiratory pathologies (obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma) suffer from this.

Drugs can provide good support to an elderly person at the initial stage of treatment, while lifestyle adjustments are made and healthy habits are developed and addictions are given up (smoking, alcohol). It is recommended to gradually reduce the dosage of sleeping pills until complete withdrawal from the drug occurs without deteriorating the quality of night's rest.

Sleeping pills without a prescription for older people can be purchased at the pharmacy, but it is worth remembering that most older people have increased drug sensitivity and should take medications with great caution.

Often, seemingly harmless medications provoke exacerbation of chronic diseases in older people, and in order to avoid unnecessary health problems, it is recommended to consult a doctor about taking sleeping pills.