Injections for sore throat for children. What injections can be prescribed for sore throat. Monitoring the progress of the disease is a must

Sore throat is viral disease throat. Injections for sore throat in adults are usually prescribed when severe forms diseases. So what is a sore throat? What are its causes and treatment methods? Are there injections that can effectively fight the infection?

Etiology of the disease

Sore throat (tonsillitis) is acute inflammation throat and tonsils, which is provoked by various viruses and infections. The causes of tonsillitis are weak immunity, general declines protective functions of the body, hypothermia of the pharynx. Signs of the disease: redness, irritation of the tonsils, headache, chills, weakness, body aches. Often observed purulent inflammation, fever, difficulty, painful swallowing.

It is important to protect a patient with tonsillitis from other family members. It is necessary to allocate dishes for it, as well as ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning. The patient should not communicate with people who have reduced immunity (elderly people, small children). If there is a person in the house suffering from this disease, other residents need to take immunostimulating drugs to prevent the spread of tonsillitis.

If treatment is not provided in time, complications may arise: ear inflammation, swelling of the pharynx. At acute sore throat The doctor usually prescribes injections, since taking medications by swallowing is problematic. In order to determine which medications will be most effective, the patient's condition is diagnosed.

As a rule, the causative agents of sore throat can be staphylococcus, candidiasis, streptococcus. It is very difficult to determine from the symptoms what caused the disease, so tests are taken from the patient: a swab from the surface of the affected tonsils or throat. If it turns out that the causative agent is streptococcus, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of injections.

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Why is an antibiotic prescribed?

Antibiotics for sore throat are taken in order to avoid possible consequences as various kinds complications.

The fact is that bacterial tonsillitis is much more aggressive. This infection can spread to others internal organs in a short period of time. If the pus is not stopped, it can get into the lungs, causing an abscess or pneumonia. In addition, there is a risk of kidney inflammation, so antibiotics should be taken as mandatory remedy. It takes an average of 5-7 days to give injections for a sore throat. However, if the disease is in an acute, severe form, the course is expanded to 10-12 days. In order to overcome bacterial tonsillitis, they mainly use the following drugs, which belong to the penicillin group:

  1. Benzylpenicillin - this medicine has a wide range of effects on viruses. It is administered intramuscularly, quickly dissolves and is absorbed by tissues.
  2. Bicillin is an antibiotic natural origin. Maintains the duration of action by retaining the drug in the blood.
  3. Ampicillin is a semi-synthetic penicillin drug with broad action. Can be administered intramuscularly and intravenously.

There are cases when the patient has intolerance penicillin antibiotics. Then doctors can prescribe Intramycin or Lincomycin. They are administered intravenously using a dropper or intramuscularly.

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Monitoring the progress of the disease is a must

If a patient is prescribed injections to treat tonsillitis, he must carefully monitor the body's reaction, as well as the behavior of the disease. It is worth remembering the dosage and schedule of taking medications. The effect of medications containing penicillin can be assessed 2-3 days after starting treatment. If there is no effect or improvement in the condition, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can select more suitable drug. In some cases you need to do additional tests for the type of sore throat. Perhaps the treatment was not selected according to the nature of the disease. Reasons for changing treatment: worsening condition, lack of effect medical supplies, increased amount of pus, constant elevated temperature body, severe headaches. So, monitoring treatment is no less important than the prescription of drugs itself.

The article tells you what injections are prescribed for sore throat. The most popular antibiotics, vitamins and homeopathic remedies for this disease are listed.

Treatment purulent sore throat includes bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, gargling different solutions, taking medications that lower the temperature and, of course, injections of antibiotics and other means that support the vitality of the body.

What injections are prescribed for a sore throat?

If a smear taken from the tonsils showed that a sore throat is caused by bacteria, then injections of antibacterial agents will be prescribed; But what injections to prescribe for a sore throat, the doctor determines after studying the test results.

What antibiotics to inject for sore throat

Let's list the antibiotics for sore throat in the injections that the ENT doctor prescribes. So, if a laboratory analysis shows that the bacteria that caused a sore throat in an individual react to penicillin, then injections of this particular group of drugs are prescribed:

  • Benzylpenicillin sodium (potassium) salt
  • Procaine penicillin G3 mega
  • Benzathine benzylpenicillin INN
  • Ampicillin and oxacillin

In severe cases of tonsillitis, injections of the cephalosporin group of antibiotics are considered more effective. This group of drugs includes:

  1. First generation cephalosporins (cefazolin, cephaloridine, cephalexin)
  2. Second generation cephalosporins (cefuroxime, cefaclor)
  3. Third generation cephalosporins (claforan, ceftriaxone)
  4. Fourth generation cephalosporins (cefepime, cilastatin)

Also, in addition to antibiotics for sore throat in injections, various supporting vitamins are also prescribed.

Vitamin injections for sore throat

Regardless of whether a person is sick with bacterial or viral tonsillitis, vitamin injections are mandatory. Mainly these are:

Vitamin C – has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic properties, most often prescribed intramuscularly (5%, 2 ml – once a day). IN severe cases Intravenous, sometimes drip, administration may be recommended (the dose is determined by the doctor).

Vitamin E ( oil solution) – has a pronounced antioxidant effect, is prescribed intramuscularly (1 ml – 1 time per day).


To maintain and increase the vitality of the body, homeopaths suggest using:

Lymphomyosot - contains up to 20 vital essential microelements(1 ampoule – 1-3 times a week).

Engystol - one of the components of the drug is caloid soda, which helps activate the immune system and restores the enzyme functions of the body (1 ampoule - 1-3 times a week, in severe viral sore throat sometimes 1 ampoule is prescribed - 1 time per day, intravenously).

Ubiquinone compositum - thanks to its 28 ingredients, has powerful anti-inflammatory properties (1 ampoule - 1-2 times a week).

Antibiotic treatment of purulent sore throat

Treatment usually begins with the prescription of penicillins; these are the most popular antibiotics for purulent sore throat in adults.


Most often, the drug is introduced into the body through injection, but some antibiotics are not destroyed in acidic environment stomach, and therefore is available in tablets.

As a rule, antibiotics for purulent sore throat in adults should be taken for 10 days. Under no circumstances should you stop taking medications, even if the patient feels better on the third or fourth day after starting treatment - the prescribed course should be completed in full, because this is the only way the patient can avoid a relapse of the disease and the body becoming accustomed to antibiotics.

Penicillin group:

The most strong antibiotics against sore throat

This category of antibiotics for the treatment of purulent tonsillitis are more resistant to destructive enzymes produced by bacteria. Even the most severe purulent tonsillitis can be treated with antibiotics of this group very effectively.

Cephalosporin group:

The safest antibiotics

Some doctors believe that macrolides are precisely the kind of antibiotics for angina that can be called the safest. The undeniable advantage of these forms is that they are safe to administer to people who are allergic to penicillins and cephalosporins.

Macrolide group:

Macrolides are divided into natural and semi-synthetic.

Whatever antibiotics from the group of macrolites are prescribed for angina, they are distinguished by a powerful bacteriostatic effect on streptococci and staphylococci, high concentration V lymphoid tissue nasopharynx and a relatively short course of treatment compared to antibiotics of other groups (up to 5 days).

Note. From the above it is clear that medicine for purulent tonsillitis is prescribed only after a bacteriological analysis of a smear taken from the tonsils. The drugs are selected individually, and only a doctor can do this. Self-medication with antibiotics is not just harmful - it is life-threatening (this applies not only to injections, but also to tablets for purulent sore throat).

Antibiotics for lacunar tonsillitis: which ones do the doctor usually prescribe?

Lacunar tonsillitis is an acute infection, in which inflammation of the tonsils of the palate occurs, the presence of pus in them is observed. If necessary and timely treatment the illness can last about 10 days.

Treatment methods

This disease is caused by infectious bacteria of the group of staphylococci and streptococci, so it must be treated with antibiotics. Only strong drugs capable of killing the virus.

When examining a patient who has symptoms of a disease such as lacunar tonsillitis, only a specialist prescribes an antibiotic. To choose the more effective one, he takes a swab on the inoculating tank, identifying the type infectious agent. To recover you need to drink full course a drug prescribed by a doctor.

What does the doctor prescribe?

For this disease, depending on which bacterial group causes the disease, different types may be prescribed:

  1. Antibiotics of the penicillin group (amoxicillin, oxacillin, amoxiclav, augmentin). The action is that the drug blocks the metabolism of proteins that are found in bacteria. Thanks to which it stops active work microbes Well suited for diseases caused by streptococci.
  1. Cephalosporins (ceftriaxone, cefotaxime, cephalexin). The action is aimed at destroying the walls of the bacterial cell, due to the cessation of protein metabolism.
  1. Macrolides (zitrolide, sumamed, azithromycin). They form groups, engaging in them part of the membranes of the bacterial cell. Due to this formation, the viral cell is destroyed and its action ceases. They may be prescribed to a patient if he or she is intolerant to the penicillin group of antibiotics.

When taking antibiotics, intestinal dysbiosis may develop. Therefore, together and after treatment, you need to take probiotic preparations for 1-2 weeks.

Rules for taking antibiotics

If you have lacunar tonsillitis, the antibiotic should be taken strictly according to the instructions; skipping doses is not recommended. Carefully monitor the dosage of the drug. You should take medications an hour before meals or 2-3 hours after them. You should only drink water. Compotes, fruit drinks, and juices cannot be used, since the substances in their composition will make it difficult to absorb the substances of the tablet.

During the course, it is better to refuse milk, since the substances of the drug with the substances of milk can form salts that prevent the movement of the medicine to the site of inflammation.

When antibiotics are combined with drugs that contain a lot of iron, compounds of certain types of salts are formed that are not able to be absorbed into the blood.

Antifungal medications are prescribed together, since the development of a fungal infection is possible when taking the main tablets.

Drugs for treatment lacunar tonsillitis children differ significantly from adults. Since their body is much weaker, more gentle medications or syrups are prescribed, which contain the same substances, but in a much lower concentration.

Symptoms catarrhal sore throat in children - read the material about the main symptoms of this disease.

Specifically about each antibiotic for sore throat

Here we will describe the most popular antibiotics that doctors prescribe for sore throat.

Grammidin for sore throat

Grammidin is a drug prescribed for acute tonsillitis, as well as other diseases of the throat and oral cavity. It is a tablet that has antimicrobial effect. Gramidin for sore throat is an antibiotic that is based on gramicidin.

In total, two types of medicine can be distinguished:

  • Grammidin NEO – packaging is green;
  • Grammidin, which contains antiseptic substances, is packaged in red.

Release form and effect of the drug

Due to the fact that today there are quite a lot of counterfeits of this drug, it should be noted that Grammidin is available exclusively in tablet form. Various capsules, solutions, ointments and sprays are fake.

The main advantage of the product is that it does not penetrate into the blood, providing only local effect. The drug can be used by pregnant women, as well as mothers during breastfeeding.

Grammidin acts against sore throat, like any antibiotic - it inhibits most strains that are related to pathogenic flora. Sore throat is usually caused by microorganisms - staphylococci and streptococci; the drug prevents their proliferation, destroys membrane cells, which contributes to the death of microorganisms that usually multiply in the oral cavity and on the mucous membrane of the throat.

If you start taking Grammidin on time, the sore throat will subside within 3-5 days, and no additional treatment will be required. The drug can also be used in for preventive purposes– especially for children who often suffer from infectious sore throat.

Grammidin with antiseptic, principle of action

The drug is not only for infectious, but also for viral sore throats. Cetylpyridinium chloride (an antiseptic that is part of Grammidin) neutralizes even those bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotic gramicidin.

The drug also contains a local anesthetic - oxybuprocaine hydrochloride. This fact plays an important role, since with a sore throat, quite often the patient has a very sore throat - to such an extent that in some cases the person is even forced to refuse meals.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

Sore throat can manifest itself in different ways. The most basic symptoms that you should listen to and start using the medicine:

  • severe sore throat;
  • tonsillitis;
  • sore throat;
  • hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • inflammation lymph nodes.

Even with rising temperatures, the use of Grammidin will be relevant.

Before using the drug, you should consult your physician. In some cases, complex therapy is prescribed - Grammidin tablets, antibiotic injections, drugs that lower body temperature, as well as painkillers (ibuprofen, paracetamol, etc.)

Advantages of the drug

If you turn to the drug Grammidin in a timely manner, a sore throat will be cured within 3 days without additional medications - this is the most important advantage of this medicine.

  1. Grammidin can be used by pregnant women.
  2. Indicated for use during breastfeeding.
  3. Does not accumulate in the body and does not affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  4. No medication required when using additional therapy biotics - the drug does not kill intestinal microflora and does not cause dysbiosis, as is the case with other antibiotics.

This combination of several active substances allows both types of medicine to not only quickly and effectively eliminate the causes of the disease. This also provides significant relief to the patient's condition. A short time after the start of use, the patient’s throat stops hurting, swelling subsides and cough decreases.

Amoxiclav for sore throat

Children's bodies are much more susceptible to various kinds infections, which is why children often suffer from diseases such as acute tonsillitis. Amoxiclav belongs to the penicillin group of antibiotics; it affects pathogens Streptococci and staphylococci that contribute to the development of sore throat in children. Self-medication is not recommended; before prescribing the drug to a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor and indicate the dosage required for the baby.

Choosing the dosage of Amoxiclav for sore throat in children

The drug belongs to the group of antibiotics, so the dosage calculation must be taken with full responsibility. Standard dose for children:

  • from 3 to 12 months – no more than half a measuring spoon of the drug (in syrup) 3 times a day, at the same time;
  • from 12 months to 7 years – one measuring spoon of the drug 3 times a day;
  • For children under 14 years of age, the dose of the drug can be increased to 2 measuring spoons, taken 3 times a day.

Children who have already reached 14 years of age can be offered Amoxiclav tablets instead of a suspension. Dosage – 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Treatment duration is from 5 to 15 days. Until complete recovery.

In what cases is the drug contraindicated?

Under no circumstances should the medicine be taken for the following diseases:

  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • allergic reaction to the components of Amoxiclav;
  • liver failure;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • jaundice.

If the drug is taken incorrectly, it may cause adverse reactions:

  • rash;
  • hives;
  • skin tooth;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • stomach pain.

All this can be avoided if you take the medicine in a clearly indicated dosage, along with food. Amoxiclav should not be taken for sore throat in children for more than 15 days, because long-term treatment can also provoke adverse reactions in the body.

The main advantage of Amoxiclav is that it quickly eliminates not only the symptoms of sore throat, but also its foci - microorganisms. Since the medicine belongs to the group of penicillins - harmful effects It will not have any effect on the child’s body, however, doctors recommend taking a course of biotics in order to restore the intestinal microflora and avoid diarrhea and dehydration in the child.

Cephalexin for sore throat?

Sore throat is a serious disease that, if not properly treated, can lead to serious consequences. There are two types of acute tonsillitis - viral and infectious. To treat the latter, doctors usually prescribe antibiotics - they destroy pathogens and prevent their reproduction.

Microbes that contribute to the development of sore throat

In the case of infectious tonsillitis, the disease is usually caused by the following microorganisms:

  • spirochetes;
  • staphylococci;
  • streptococci.

In order to neutralize them, antibiotics of the penicillin group are currently used. They have virtually no harmful effects on the body as a whole, but effectively fight pathogenic microorganisms - this is exactly what is necessary in order to completely recover from acute tonsillitis. Cephalexin for angina is a drug that belongs to the group of penicillin antibiotics. It is used not only for viral and infectious tonsillitis, but also for respiratory diseases.

– Is it possible to use such products for a sore throat? Read our article - the answer to this question is here!

For what symptoms can you start treating a sore throat with Cephalexin?

First of all, I would like to draw the reader’s attention to the fact that antibiotics should only be prescribed by a doctor. Some patients have individual intolerance to penicillin, that is, unauthorized treatment can only aggravate the situation. Basically, Cephalexin for angina is prescribed to alleviate the following conditions:

  • increased body temperature;
  • headache;
  • fever;
  • severe sore throat;
  • hyperemia of the tonsils;
  • swelling of the throat mucosa;
  • nasal congestion;
  • soreness in the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

All of the above symptoms indicate that, most likely, the patient has a sore throat caused by streptococci or staphylococci, so treatment with Cephalexin would be quite appropriate in this situation. Many doctors prefer to prescribe complex therapy: throat sprays, lozenges, antipyretics and pain relievers.

Due to the fact that a sore throat can be cured with Cephalexin in short terms, but the medicine kills not only pathogenic, but also beneficial microorganisms (to put it simply, it destroys the microflora) in complex therapy Biotics are also prescribed.

Can Cephalexin be used for children and women with breastfeeding?

Before starting treatment with the drug, you must mandatory consult your doctor. Pregnant women are prescribed medicine only in case of urgent need.

When breastfeeding, treatment with Cephalexin is not advisable. Some part medication is excreted along with breast milk - that is, it enters the baby’s body, which can cause undesirable consequences. If the sore throat is severe and treatment with Cephalexin is required, in this case, breastfeeding should be stopped at the time of taking the medication.

Cephalexin is prescribed to children from 12 years of age, however, in any case, before starting to take the drug, you should consult a pediatrician.

Possible side effects from Cephalexin

If taken incorrectly, exceeding the prescribed dosage, or an allergic reaction to individual components of the drug, the patient may experience a number of side effects:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • strangulation;
  • itching in the area anus and genitals;
  • vomiting, abdominal pain;
  • hallucinations;
  • diarrhea;
  • candidiasis.

If side effects occur, you must stop taking the medication and consult a doctor for help - he will prescribe another drug.

Vilprafen for sore throat

For sore throat, all experts recommend the use of antibiotics. As a rule, the disease is caused by two types of microorganisms - streptococci and staphylococci. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease can cause a lot of complications, which are subsequently quite difficult to cure.

Antibiotic Vilprafen and sore throat: in what cases is the use of the drug indicated?

Vilprafen is considered a relatively new drug. Available in the form of white or light-colored tablets yellow color And oblong shape. On each tablet you can see the inscription “IOSA”. The drug belongs to the group of macrolides, therefore, it can be used even during breastfeeding. It has antipyretic, bactericidal and bacteriostatic effects.

As a rule, the drug is prescribed to patients with the following symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • inflammation of the tonsils and lymph nodes in the larynx;
  • severe soreness in the throat, redness;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - diarrhea caused by microorganisms (staphylococci).

Before you start using the drug, you must consult your doctor.

Vilprafen for sore throat: who is prohibited from taking the medicine?

Not every person with a sore throat is allowed to take the drug, which is why experts recommend that you consult your doctor - he will be able to assess the severity of the disease and give an objective assessment of whether it is worth starting treatment with Volprafen.

Contraindications for use:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • children whose body weight is less than 10 kilograms;
  • severe liver dysfunction;
  • allergic reaction to antibiotics belonging to the macrolide group.

In case of pregnancy and breastfeeding Volprafen is approved for use after consultation with a physician.

- How can you be treated? Read this article about medications that are safe for nursing mothers.

Dosage and method of administration

If you take the drug Vilprafen Solutab in the indicated dosage, the sore throat should subside after 6 days. The recommended dose of medication for an adult is 1-2 grams. Take 2-3 times a day. If there is an urgent need, then the dosage can be increased to 3 grams. The course of therapy is up to 10 days, then the need for admission is agreed with the attending physician.

Possible side effects when treating sore throat with vilprafen

If the dosage is exceeded, or the patient has allergic reactions, side effects may occur while taking the drug.

  • From the outside gastrointestinal tract : vomiting, diarrhea, possibly nausea. You may experience stomach discomfort and loss of appetite. In rare cases, constipation or colitis may occur.
  • Allergic reactions: Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, dermatitis, erythema. Sometimes urticaria may appear - rashes in the chest and arms.
  • From the side of the liver: jaundice or liver dysfunction.
  • Very rarely, hearing loss or purpura may occur.

If we compare Volprafen Solutab for angina with other drugs, the list of side effects is extremely small. Considering the fact that they manifest themselves extremely rarely - in the case of an incorrectly selected dosage or long-term use, this medicine is absolutely safe.

In order for the effect of treatment to be maximum, it is advisable to use it as combination therapy tonsillitis.

Ceftriaxone for sore throat

Angina - infectious disease throat, healing procedures which includes the prescription of antibiotics of the penicillin group. However, in severe cases, antibiotic therapy penicillin group may be ineffective, and then the doctor may prescribe ceftriaxone.

Ceftriaxone is a potent antibiotic that is used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Use of the antibiotic ceftriaxone for angina

When a patient (adult or child) is diagnosed with severe tonsillitis, ceftriaxone, despite its potent properties, can be prescribed as the first antibiotic, but this is extremely rare. This is explained by the fact that the use of this antibacterial drug can cause unwanted side effects.

If the doctor decides that there is a need to use of this medicine, then most likely it will be intramuscular injections and extremely rarely, intravenous drip administration may be prescribed.

There is no tablet form of ceftriaxone, since its components are considered dangerous for contact with the gastric mucosa.

Treatment with ceftriaxone for angina in children

If a child is diagnosed with a severe sore throat, with areas of severe suppuration, ceftriaxone will be prescribed, but the dosage must be calculated by the attending physician, and it is advisable that the injections be given by a nurse.

How much to inject ceftriaxone for sore throat

Ceftriaxone for angina in children is a yellow powder, which, before the injection, is dissolved with water for injection. The resulting mixture is administered intramuscularly. When an injection should be given to a child under 12 years of age, lidocaine is added to the mixture to numb the injection. The amount of lidocaine is calculated by the attending physician.

Manufacturers and developers of the drug recommend giving ceftriaxone injections for sore throat 2 times a day - morning and evening. The prepared mixture can be stored at room temperature for 6 hours, then its antibacterial properties disappear.

Long-term use of the medicine is dangerous to health; therefore, it is fundamentally important that the patient undergo periodic blood tests.

Attention! Ceftriaxone is the strongest drug, therefore, the patient’s condition may improve after the first injection, however, this should not be a reason to refuse further treatment, because even if all the symptoms disappear overnight, the disease does not recede so quickly, and if the drug is discontinued early, it returns with renewed vigor.

Note. Negative consequences ceftriaxone treatment may be counteracted by taking special drugs, restoring the microflora of the stomach and intestines. It should be noted that only a doctor can determine which medications a particular individual should take.

Cefotaxime for sore throat

Cefotaxime for angina - an antibiotic latest generation, which, if necessary, doctors prescribe even to newborns.

It is believed that this drug has two properties that put it first on the list of antibiotics, and these are:

  • high efficiency
  • health safety

Description and dosage of cefotaxime for angina

Cefotaxime is a potent antibiotic that has proven itself in the treatment of a number of severe bacterial and infectious diseases, including severe forms of purulent tonsillitis. It is in such cases that not only injections can be prescribed this drug, but also drip injection into a vein.

The dosage for children under 12 years of age is calculated using the formula “50-100 mg per kilogram of body weight”, the result obtained is the daily dose. The doctor decides how to administer the medicine, one-time or divide the administration into 2-4 times a day.

Contraindications for cefotaxime

Cefotaxime, like any other drug, has a number of contraindications, the main one of which is individual intolerance to penicillin or another cephalosporin antibiotic.

Cefotaxime is also contraindicated in people:

  • those suffering from enterocolitis
  • prone to bleeding
  • with impaired renal function

Side effects

Cefotaxime for angina should be used with great caution, as its use can cause side effects such as:

  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Pain in the intestines

Sometimes the use of cefotaxime provokes the development of serious illnesses, namely:

  • Hepatitis
  • Botkin's disease
  • Colitis

Long-term use of the drug, and its introduction into the body in large doses, can provoke changes in the blood count, including eosinophilia.

During testing of the drug, a number of local reactions to its administration were noted, such as:

  • pain during intramuscular injection
  • phlebitis with intravenous administration

Due to the fact that cefotaxime causes severe pain when administered intramuscularly, it is recommended to dilute it with lidocaine and inject it slowly, deep into the muscle.

Note. To avoid various complications, manufacturers insist that only a nurse administer cefotaxime injections.

Cefotaxime for sore throat in pregnant women

Cefotaxime should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy; sore throat, in this case, must be treated with other antibiotics. In the second and third trimester, the use of this drug is limited and can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Suprax for sore throat

Purulent tonsillitis (purulent tonsillitis) in children is accompanied by severe pain in the throat, high temperature body and sometimes dry cough.

This disease is caused by cocci bacteria, Haemophilus influenzae and other pathogenic flora.

The mandatory medicine used for purulent tonsillitis is an antibiotic, most often a drug from the penicillin group. However, pharmacological forms that include penicillin are useless in the fight against beta-lactamose-synthesizing microbes. That's why pharmacologists invented new antibiotic group of cephalosporins, whose name is “suprax”. The sore throat for which this medicine is prescribed is most often of an unspecified type.

Suprax is a third-generation cephalosporin resistant to beta-lactamoses.

Suprax dosage for angina in adults and children

Suprax is a medicine available in the form of capsules and granules for suspensions.

Suprax capsules are prescribed to adult patients, and granules are used to prepare suspensions, which are usually given to children.

The dosage of the drug is calculated by the doctor, and it depends on the patient’s age, weight and severity of the disease.

Suprax is not prescribed for infants under 6 months of age.

Most often, children from 6 months to 12 years are prescribed 5 ml of suspension per day.

The daily dose for a child under 12 years of age is calculated as follows: weight x 8 (the child’s weight is multiplied by the number eight), the result obtained is daily dose, which is either given once or divided into two doses.

The daily dose of suprax for a child over 12 years old, if his weight is not less than 50 kilograms– 400 mg per day. If the child is already 12 years old, but is weakened and has a small body weight, then the calculation is carried out according to the formula (weight x 8).

Preparation of suprax

A suspension of suprax is prepared from this dry substance, to which cooled, boiled water. In order for the dry substance to dissolve well, the suspension must be shaken well for 30 seconds, and then let it sit for another 4.5 minutes, and shake again before use.

Precautionary measures

Suprax is not prescribed to children suffering from (angina can be severe):

  • Allergies
  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Colitis

These precautions are due to the fact that taking Suprax for angina in children can cause damage to the intestinal mucosa by a fungal infection and lead to severe intoxication and diarrhea. The first sign of a complication is abdominal pain.

In addition to intoxication, other side effects may develop, such as:

  • Headache
  • Noise in ears
  • Vomit
  • Hives
  • Increased body temperature
  • Rarely, anaphylactic shock

Suprax for angina in children with an overdose leads to changes in the blood count, namely:

  • Decreased platelet count
  • Low white blood cell count
  • Anemia

Note. Due to the fact that the drug Suprax has many side effects, it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Miramistin for sore throat

Miramistin is a synthetic aseptic drug with wide range actions.

An important feature of this pharmacological form, is her harmful effect, both bacterial and viral infections, as well as the ability to suppress the development of candidiasis. This fact determines that Miramistin is used everywhere for angina in children.

How did miramistin against angina appear?

The drug was developed back in the days when astronautics was rapidly developing in the Soviet Union.

In the process of space exploration, the problem of pollution arose orbital stations bacteria, fungi and viruses. As a consequence of this, the astronauts constantly fell ill with sore throat and other diseases caused by these microorganisms.

At first, Miramistin liquid was used only to disinfect the internal surface of the ship and treat the hands of astronauts.

By the end of the twentieth century, Miramistin appeared in pharmacies. The uniqueness of this medicine lies in the fact that under its influence the penetration of the walls increases pathogenic microbes, due to which the effect of the antiseptic substance is enhanced. The liquid destroys both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, which are precisely the cause of sore throat in children.

The main feature of the described medicine is that it suppresses such a terrible bacterium as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and destroys all hospital strains. In addition, the use of miramistin for angina in children can activate protective vital signs, which speeds up and makes the immune response to an infection that has entered the body more effective.

Important! Miramistin, when it gets on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, cleanses it of all pathogenic flora, but is not absorbed into the body. This is an extremely positive fact!

How to gargle with Miramistin for a sore throat

For preventive purposes, irrigating the tonsils with Miramistin once a day is sufficient; best time- after a walk. Parents should explain to the child that there is no need to swallow the medicine, but that it can be spit out immediately after irrigation.

Typically, children do not like to use medications, however, in the case of Miramistin, no problems arise - this is due to the fact that the drug has no smell or taste.

In the acute stage, rinsing with Miramistin for sore throat is recommended to be done at least three, and preferably four times a day. If the spraying occurs correctly, that is, not only the tonsils, but also the back wall of the pharynx are well irrigated, recovery occurs quickly, on the third or fourth day after the onset of the disease.

You can use Miramistin not only for a sore throat, but also as nasal drops for congestion, however, no more than twice a day. Usually, due to the fact that the medicine destroys the pathogenic microflora of the nasopharynx, congestion goes away quickly.

According to medical term, acute tonsillitis or sore throat in simple terms, is an inflammation of the pharynx and palatine tonsils which occurs as a result of viral, fungal and bacterial infections.

Acute tonsillitis is an inflammation of the larynx and active discharge of pus from the cavity of the palatine tonsils. With inflammation of the palatine tonsils, a pattern of symptoms such as fever, difficulty swallowing, and deterioration of health is observed.

If a sore throat is not treated, then this disease goes into the stage of complications and provokes more serious illnesses. Among the main diseases that are provoked by complications of angina are:

  • inflammatory process of the middle ear
  • swelling of the larynx
  • pharynx abscess
  • meningitis
  • blood poisoning

For this disease, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Sore throat is treated with antibiotics and other medications, which are used both in the form of tablets, syrups or powder, and in the form of injections. Injections for angina are prescribed when the disease is complicated. How to treat tonsillitis with medications, let's find out in more detail.

Why is treatment done with antibiotics?

Bacterial tonsillitis has an aggressive nature of manifestation, unlike viral or fungal ones. A bacterial infection can spread to other organs in a short period of time. If pus continues to be released from the tonsils, it can spread throughout the body and into the lungs.

Only antibiotics that act directly on the cause can combat bacteria. of this disease. Treatment with antibiotics is often carried out for 5-7 days. But if acute tonsillitis develops into a complicated form, the doctor can extend the course of treatment to 12 days. The method of using the antibiotic is prescribed by the doctor.

It is impossible to cure acute tonsillitis without the use of antibiotics. The most reliable, fastest and effective way taking an antibiotic is an injection, intramuscular injection. Injections are given mainly to children or people who have complications of the disease. We will find out in more detail what antibiotics are used to treat acute tonsillitis.

Treatment of sore throat with penicillin

Penicillin is the first antibiotic drug to be invented by man. It was then that penicillin became a popular antibiotic and is used to treat many bacterial and even viral diseases.

What is penicillin?

Penicillin is an antibiotic that is based on mold penicillium. This mushroom synthesizes several varieties of penicillin.

A derivative of penicillin is a drug called Ampicillin. The difference between the drug Penicillin and Ampicillin is that the latter has a more gentle form of effect on the body.

Ampicillin can be used either intramuscularly in the form of injections or orally, that is, by mouth. Penicillin is intended mainly for injections. Penicillin is not used orally, since its structure destroys not only the intestinal microflora, but also the walls of the stomach.

How is a sore throat treated with penicillin?

For angina, penicillin solution is used in the form of injections. Penicillin or its derivative Ampicillin destroys all pathogenic bacteria in the body. But besides this, there is also a detrimental effect on beneficial bacteria, required for the proper functioning of the intestines.

Penicillin is used to treat not only sore throats, but also many other serious bacterial diseases. Ampicillin solution is prescribed for the treatment of sore throat, which is the most appropriate, since this drug has a detrimental effect on the causative agent of the disease.

Antibiotics Penicillin and Ampicillin do not affect strains of bacterial species that produce a special enzyme. This enzyme destroys the effects of penicillin, so some pathogenic microorganisms are resistant to penicillin production. This negative feature of Penicillin has reduced its popularity in the treatment of sore throat.

The doctor may prescribe treatment with penicillin if the patient is not prone to allergic reactions on the components of the drug.

Features of treatment with penicillin

The antibiotic Penicillin is used exclusively in the form of injections, which must be injected into the gluteal muscle. Ampicillin is also available in the form of 3 mg ampoules. The antibiotic must be diluted with lidocaine to reduce the pain of injections.

Often, for angina, the number of injections for adults per day is two times. Ampicillin is prescribed to children to combat acute tonsillitis. Instructions for use of the drug Ampicillin indicate that it can be used at a convenient time, regardless of meals.

The dosage of the antibiotic Ampicillin is calculated based on data such as the child’s weight, age, and the complication of the disease. The antibiotic Ampicillin for children is calculated at a dosage of 100 mg/kg of child weight per day. The amount of antibiotic Ampicillin taken for children is 4-6 times, which is due to the rapid elimination of the drug from the body.

Treatment of sore throat with Ciprofloxacin

The antibiotic Ciprofloxacin has a wide range of applications, as a result of which it is produced in various forms. Based on it, many analogues are produced, which differ in their range of actions.

  • Ciprofloxacin antibiotic injection solution is available in a 100 ml container. The antibiotic Ciprofloxacin is administered intramuscularly to the patient using a dropper. One bottle is enough to administer a dropper for 30 minutes for children or one hour for adults
  • Ciprofloxacin is also available in the form of ampoules for injection into the gluteal muscle. The amount of antibiotic Ciprofloxacin for intramuscular administration depends primarily on the complication of sore throat. Often the dosage starts at 200 mg and can reach 400 mg

Injections of the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin are given 2 times a day, and an IV is placed once a day. Ciprofloxacin is due to active influence on the cause of the development of sore throat, and leads to the complete destruction of bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci. If bacteria have developed resistance to the action of antibiotics, such as penicillin, as well as ampicillin, then the drug Ciprofloxacin is determined by its effectiveness against the strains. Ciprofloxacin solution is prescribed as prescribed by a doctor, and it is prohibited for them to spontaneously treat a sore throat.

Antibiotics Penicillin and Ciprofloxacin, as well as their derivatives, are the most effective in the fight against various bacteria, causative agents of acute tonsillitis and other serious diseases for both children and adults. Let's consider other types of medications that can be used to treat purulent tonsillitis.


The drug Movalis is a drug that has an anti-inflammatory effect. This drug also has analgesic and antipyretic effects. Movalis is not able to fight bacteria, but it can relieve the symptoms of purulent sore throat. Movalis injections are prescribed for the treatment of diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. Movalis solution can be prescribed for angina if the disease is characterized by mild form leakage.

Movalis is prescribed in the form of injections, which must be given twice a day. Improvements after using the drug Movalis are observed on the first day. Movalis perfectly normalizes body temperature. The form of treatment with Movalis for adults is as follows:

  • For the first 3-5 days, treatment is prescribed in the form of a solution to carry out intramuscular injections. Injections, as indicated in the instructions for use, are prescribed for exacerbation of pain symptoms of various diseases
  • When the condition is normalized, Movalis is prescribed in tablet form. Tablets must be taken for at least 5 days

Movalis is medicine, which is determined by the speed of removal pain symptoms. It also avoids the development local complications, therefore, in some individual situations, the doctor may prescribe Movalis solution for intramuscular use.


Another powerful drug medicinal purposes, which has the following actions:

  • elimination of swelling
  • relief from inflammatory reactions
  • relief of pain symptoms

The medicine Diclofenac for angina allows you to reduce body temperature, and does it quite quickly. The instructions for using Diclofenac solution state that it is recommended to warm the drug to room temperature before using it. Diclofenac solution is injected directly into gluteal muscles, after which an immediate improvement in well-being is observed in case of sore throat and other serious diseases.

The drug is prescribed mainly for adults, as it has serious side effects. The main purpose of the drug Diclofenac is the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and other similar diseases. For angina, Diclofenac has also found its use due to the rapid reduction of pain symptoms, as stated in the instructions for use.

Diclofenac solution is prescribed in an amount of up to 150 mg per day, which depends on the nature of the pain, the type of disease and the age of the patient. The duration of treatment of diseases with Diclofen does not exceed 5 days.

It is impossible to cure a sore throat with the drug Diclofenac, so it is prescribed individually to adults to reduce pain symptoms. Diclofenac is contraindicated for use by persons under 18 years of age. Diclofenac is contraindicated during pregnancy, as indicated in the instructions.


Derinat is available in the form of drops and injections for intramuscular use. This effective remedy, which is assigned when colds. Derinat is used for chronic inflammatory and fungal diseases. Antibiotics are not able to cure a sore throat that has progressed to chronic form. Derinat solution, in turn, is a drug that is sufficiently effective for the treatment of sore throat.

Injections for intramuscular use are less popular than drops for oral administration or instillation into the nose. Injections are prescribed in cases of serious exacerbations of various viral or colds.

The medicine Derinat is prescribed for both adults and children, with the help of which it supports the protective function of the body. Derinat not only helps relieve inflammatory reactions, but is also an immunomodulator, which is why it is used for various diseases that contribute to a decrease in immunity. Derinat solution is prescribed by a doctor and can be prescribed for use either together with antibiotics or on its own.

The advantage of the drug Derinat is the fact that the drug has a low toxicity coefficient and practically does not cause side symptoms. Derinat medicine has no contraindications for use, so it can be used even during pregnancy to treat purulent tonsillitis, but only with the permission of a doctor.

If observed negative reaction body after taking Derinat, you must inform your doctor about this. Derinat allows you to cure a sore throat early stages its occurrence.

Treatment for angina is not recommended. folk remedies, since this will ultimately lead to hospitalization of the patient. ethnoscience can be used as additional treatment along with pharmacological drugs with doctor's permission.

Many people don't want to drink antibacterial drugs, because they believe that they do much more harm than good. In the case of sore throat, this approach is absolutely wrong.

Sore throat is a bacterial or viral disease that occurs due to inflammation of the tonsils. Antibiotics for sore throat in adults are almost always prescribed, regardless of the form and severity of the disease.

Since this disease causes complications in the form of impaired kidney function, rheumatism and otitis media, it is very important to consult a specialist in time to prescribe a course of treatment.

What antibiotics should an adult take for sore throat so that treatment is safe and effective? In this material we will try to choose the best antibiotic that will quickly cope with a sore throat.

How to take it correctly?

Antibiotics should be taken according to certain rules, otherwise, with uncontrolled use, the sensitivity of bacteria to the drug will decrease, and in the future, when it is really necessary, the antibiotic will no longer help.

It is necessary to take the antibiotic before meals (1 hour before), or 2 hours after meals, so that nothing interferes with its absorption. The antimicrobial agent must be taken with water.

Each drug has its own instructions, which indicate how many times a day and how much of the medicine can be taken. In addition, your doctor will describe your dosage regimen in more detail.

Purulent sore throat

Purulent tonsillitis is characterized by redness and swelling of the tonsils, swelling of the neck, and enlarged lymph nodes. The very name of the disease determines the presence purulent plugs on the tonsils.

To treat purulent sore throat, the doctor always prescribes an antibiotic, and which one depends on individual characteristics and the causative agent of the disease.

When are antibiotics needed?

There are certain criteria for prescribing antibacterial therapy:

  1. There is a visible purulent plaque on the tonsils.
  2. With the combination of the above symptoms, the patient does not have a cough or runny nose.
  3. There is significant long-term increase temperature (above 38°C).
  4. Available painful sensations V submandibular region neck, enlarged lymph nodes are palpated.

If all these symptoms are present, the doctor will definitely prescribe an antibiotic to the adult, even without waiting for the results of tests and examinations aimed at identifying the causative agents of the disease. It is important here not to confuse a cold and a sore throat, because antibiotics are ineffective for a viral infection.

Remember, if you are treated uncontrollably antibacterial agents, you can not only develop allergies and dysbacteriosis, but also raise a generation of microbes that will remain living in the tonsils, but will be insensitive to this species antibiotic. Leave the choice to a specialist.

What are they?

Antibiotics for adults are available in both tablets and injections. The following groups of drugs are effective for:

  1. Penicillins (for example, Ampicillin, Oxacillin, Ampiox, Flemoxin, etc.);
  2. Macrolides (for example, Azithromycin, Rulid, etc.);
  3. Tetracyclines (for example, Doxycycline, Tetracycline, etc.);
  4. Fluoroquinolones (for example, Sparfloxacin, Levofloxacin, Pefloxacin, Ofloxacin, etc.);
  5. Cephalosporins (for example, Ceftriaxone, etc.).

The drugs of choice for purulent sore throat are antibiotics from the penicillin group.

The best antibiotic for sore throat

In most cases, tonsillitis is caused by streptococci and staphylococci. Therefore, when treating a sore throat with antibiotics, adults are most often prescribed penicillin drugs, which are most effective against the above microorganisms.

The best antibacterial drugs from this group are:

  1. Amoxicillin is the most commonly prescribed drug. Price 227.00 rub.
  2. Panclave - 325.00 rub.
  3. — 227.00 rub.
  4. Rapiclav - 345.00 rub.
  5. Augmentin — 275.00 rub.
  6. Amoxiclav - 227.00 rub.

Unfortunately, in some cases, adults or children are allergic to penicillins. Such people are prescribed antibiotics of others pharmacological groups: fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, macrolides.

Do not forget that self-treatment antibiotics are contraindicated for angina, since untreated angina can cause not only a longer and more expensive continuation of treatment, but also lead to serious problems with health, disorders of the kidneys and heart, and in weakened people and people with immunodeficiency even cause death.

Why is antibacterial treatment needed?

Timely administration of antibiotics for sore throat allows:

  • prevent acute rheumatic fever;
  • prevent purulent-inflammatory complications;
  • reduce severity clinical manifestations tonsillitis;
  • prevent infection bacterial infection family members, colleagues, neighbors and so on;
  • reduce the likelihood of complications, including cardiac ones.

When the causative agent of a sore throat is already resistant to one or another drug, then no noticeable improvement is observed within 72 hours (the temperature does not subside, plaque persists, the general condition does not improve), in this case the antibiotic must be replaced with another.

Besides antibiotics

To make the disease go away faster, you should follow some rules at home.

  1. Bed rest. The patient needs complete rest. This will help reduce irritation and headaches.
  2. . It is necessary to take medications that lower the temperature only when it rises above 38 degrees.
  3. . This will help relieve irritation and pain. To prepare a decoction, you can take chamomile, sage, and calendula. Good effect also give medicinal solutions Furacilin, Chlorhexidine.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking plenty of fluids will help remove toxins from the body that contribute to the development of symptoms of the disease.

Antibiotics for sore throats in adults quickly alleviate the symptoms of this unpleasant illness, so don’t hesitate, consult a doctor.

The antibiotic is effective against large quantity bacteria that cause sore throat. Doctors prescribe it as a first-line drug for angina because it is quite effective and has few side effects.

Adverse reactions that may occur when taking amixicillin include vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach upset. The most severe reactions to the drug are leukopenia, pseudomembranous colitis, agranulocytosis, and anaphylactic shock. Price 227 rubles (375 mg tablets, 15 pcs.).

– an infectious disease that is caused by pathogenic microflora. Antibiotics are prescribed to adults for the treatment of bacterial forms of the disease, for chlamydial, mycoplasma sore throat, as well as for activation of the bacterial microflora of the tonsil mucosa during a viral infection.

Adults suffer from sore throat until the age of 30-35. This is due to age-related involution of lymphoid tissue. In older people, inflammation of the tonsils is rare and occurs with mild symptoms.

For bacterial angina, agents are used that are active against pathogens, among which beta-hemolytic streptococcus A, staphylococcus, and less commonly pneumococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coli, fungi, spirochetes, mycoplasmas, chlamydia.

Beta-hemolytic streptococcus is the most pathogenic. These bacteria secrete endotoxins, which activate a specific immune response and contain:

  • antigens that bind to the myocardium and causing lesions hearts;
  • immune complexes that destroy the kidneys.

The streptococcal form of acute tonsillitis can be complicated by glomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever. Due to the possibility of complications bacterial sore throat are treated with antibiotics, and the doctor must decide which drug is better, what to take for an adult, based on the results laboratory tests.

Read in detail about the signs and symptoms of tonsillitis in our article.

When are antibiotics prescribed?

Antibacterial agents are the basis conservative treatment sore throat medicines. From the first day of illness, antibiotics are prescribed to adults for streptococcal sore throat.

This contagious disease in adults accounts for up to 15% of all types of tonsil infections. The streptococcal form of acute tonsillitis is diagnosed using a smear on bacterial microflora, taken from back wall throat.

The streptococcal form is more typical for children over 3 years of age and adolescents (up to 30% of total number cases). The disease is severe, in the absence adequate treatment gives severe complications in the form of rheumatism, glomerulonephritis.

In adults, the likelihood of complications is less, the streptococcal form is less common than in children, but it is treatable bacterial disease necessarily using antibacterial drugs.

The streptococcal form of acute tonsillitis can be assumed in the absence of a cough or runny nose, but the appearance of:

  • acute pain when swallowing;
  • temperatures above 38 degrees.

What antibiotics to take for a sore throat, what is usually prescribed for an adult to drink, is it possible to treat a sore throat without stopping work? These questions sometimes do not even arise in adults, who often do not attach importance to sore throat, which limits treatment.

Meanwhile, acute tonsillitis - contagious disease. A patient who does not take treatment becomes a source of infection in the family and at work.


When treating streptococcal tonsillitis in adults, penicillins are used - phenoxymethylpenicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin. In the hospital, the antibiotic is prescribed in injections, at home, mainly orally.

The drug of choice for the streptococcal form of acute tonsillitis is phenoxymectylpenicillin. Adults take these antibiotics in tablets every 6 hours, 0.5 g for 10 days.

The choice of phenoxymethylpenicillin for streptococcal sore throat high efficiency antibiotic against streptococci, but with a narrow spectrum of action. Due to the narrow spectrum of action, the drug has less effect on the normal intestinal microflora.

The disadvantages of this natural penicillin include high probability allergies to the drug. In this case, amoxicillin is prescribed.

The choice of this antibiotic is explained by the fact that, having activity against streptococci, amoxicillin is slowly eliminated from the body; it is enough to take this drug 2-3 times a day.

Flemoxin Solutab is often prescribed in tablet form. The drug is approved for children and pregnant women; it is enough to take it 2 times a day.

Add to list best antibiotics Penicillins for use in adults for sore throat include:

  • Amoxicillin;
  • Augmentin;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Panclave.

Severe inflammation with high fever is treated with protected penicillins, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid. Clavulanic acid protects amoxicillin from destruction in the stomach by enzymes, which increases therapeutic effect medicines.

Penicillins quite often cause allergies. Approximately 6% of patients react to penicillins, and half of them react cross reaction for cephalosporins.


If you are allergic to penicillins, acute tonsillitis is treated with drugs from the macrolide group - azithromycin, spiramycin, roxithromycin, midecamycin, josamycin.

This type of antibiotic for angina is prescribed in tablets, of which Azithromycin, as well as its analogues Azitrox, Sumamed, Zitrolide, are effective macrolides for adults.

These long-acting agents are exclusively suitable for the treatment of adults who have to endure the disease on their feet. The course of treatment is 3 days, it is enough to take 1 tablet every day.

For staphylococcal sore throat, the antibiotics of choice are drugs from the macrolide group; erythromycin is predominantly prescribed for treatment.


Cephalosporin drugs are prescribed for severe inflammation of the tonsils caused by gram-positive coccal infections, with purulent forms of this disease – , .

Medicines are prescribed in injections and tablets. Cephalosporins remain in the blood for a long time in therapeutic concentrations, which allows the drug to be administered or taken twice a day.

New generation cephalosporin antibiotics - Cefpirom, Cefepime - are highly effective and have a wide spectrum of action, but they are prescribed for sore throats with caution due to the lack of knowledge of the consequences of taking them, side effects in adults.

For purulent sore throat with high fever, strong antibiotics Cefuroxime, Cephalexin, Ceftriaxone, Cifran are used to treat adults.


Carbapenem antibiotics are different widespread activity, they are used for severe diseases. Carbapenems are active against gram-positive, gram-negative microflora, spore-forming anaerobes.

Drugs of this group are prescribed by injection, including carbapanems. drug group reserve. They are used in the absence of results from treatment with antibiotics of other groups, high risk sepsis. The drugs in this group are Meropenem, Imipenem.

Treatment for sore throat

Along with treatment with antibacterial agents, for acute tonsillitis the following is taken:

  • antihistamines – loratadine, clemastine;
  • B vitamins, ascorbic acid.

Antibiotics are not used in the treatment of a fungal form of the disease, but in case of sore throat caused by viral infection, antibacterial drugs are prescribed only according to the indications of laboratory tests, the patient’s condition, and the dynamics of the course of the disease.

The indication for antibiotic treatment for viral sore throat in adults is the threat or addition of a bacterial infection, activation of the own microflora of the throat mucosa.

As a rule, a virus that has penetrated into the mucous membrane of the oropharynx activates the normal microflora of the tonsils and provokes increased proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

Staphylococci, gram-negative microorganisms are the culprits of primary myocarditis, cholecystocholangitis, rheumatism, and polyarthritis. In such situations, self-medication threatens transition acute form diseases in chronic tonsillitis, as well as complications from the heart and joints.