How to remove a fish bone from your throat

A bone stuck in the throat is one of the most common fears among amateurs. river fish. Of course, these experiences are not a reason to refuse a portion of a fragrant fish dish, but if trouble does occur, you should not hope that the bone will move on its own. To eliminate the irritant, you can use home methods and means to remove it, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice.

If the bone is not that large, it will eventually move and come out on its own, but the sensation can be so unpleasant and painful that it is better not to delay removing it.

Symptoms of a foreign body in the throat

A bone stuck in the throat causes extremely unpleasant sensations: sharp pain, discomfort when swallowing, irritation, and possibly severe vomiting reflex and swelling.

We have it written on a separate page. Not only fish bone becomes the cause of discomfort.

At first, these sensations appear only at the moment of swallowing, but due to the fact that the bone “scrapes” the muscles of the larynx, the pain becomes almost constant.

You can check yourself whether the cause of the discomfort in the throat is a fish bone stuck there.

In order to find it, you need to stand in front of a mirror and, using a flashlight, open your mouth wide in order to try to make out the stuck bone.

There is a possibility that this will not be possible because the bone may be located too deep in the throat.

Without dangerous methods The bone removal procedures described below should help resolve the problem. However, they should be used only if there is no bleeding and the pain is tolerable.

IN otherwise, a visit to the doctor is the only way solving the problem, especially if the problem affected a child.

Methods for removing a fish bone from the throat

There are several ways to remove bone from the throat. They can be used again and again without fear of consequences.

The easiest way is to drink a lot of water, preferably with a pinch of salt. This method works when a small fish bone needs to be dislodged.

Many people have been familiar with another method since childhood - swallowing solid food. The food “grabs” the stuck bone and pulls it down along the esophagus.

In addition, the products envelop the bone, preventing it from damaging the walls of the stomach.

When the bone is removed, the pain and discomfort disappears.

If none of these methods work, you can see a doctor, but there are no medical special ways treatment for patients who have choked on a bone other than tweezers.

IN best case scenario, the doctor may use medical instruments to remove it. Or he will prescribe Rotokan for a sore throat, the benefits and contraindications of which are written on the page.

Bone in the throat: what not to do

Often, victims, risking their health, try to use best methods in order to get the unfortunate bone. Some of them are useless, while others can cause even more harm:

  • Do not cough or strain your throat, as these actions can push the bone further into the esophagus;
  • you should never try to insert foreign objects into the throat (tweezers, fingers, toothbrush), to delete fish bone;
  • you should not try to press or massage the throat from the outside, because fish bone may get stuck even deeper;
  • You should not leave the bone in your throat for a day or two as this can lead to infection.

If your throat becomes swollen or your breathing becomes difficult, you can’t wait – you need to see a doctor.

After the bone is removed, you can gargle with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. This decoction will help “calm” irritation, heal damaged tissue and disinfect it.

To prevent this from happening again, you should chew food slowly, avoid eating fish with bones, or make fish cutlets.

Listen to your doctor's advice on what to do and what not to do if a person has a fish bone stuck in their throat.

It would seem, what’s so terrible? Well, just think, a bone. That's what I thought when I accidentally noticed slight tingling in, after eating fried crucian carp. Since the feeling was not very pleasant, I started reading on the Internet about how to remove the bone from the throat.

What haven’t I read! The most harmless method turned out to be the method of removing a fish bone from the throat with a bread crumb or crust. Everyone has known about this since childhood, and I decided to try it. Having swallowed “I don’t want to” from half a loaf of bread (this was after a heavy festive dinner), I realized that I couldn’t achieve anything this way, and went to look for other recipes on how to remove a fish bone from the throat. Moreover, the second half of the bread simply wouldn’t fit into me anyway.

The following methods seemed rather strange to me: and it will dissolve itself in the morning acidic environment(by the way, it hasn’t dissolved), and take it out with tweezers (how to find it?), and gargle with an antiseptic, under the action of muscle contraction it will pop out on its own (gargled, it didn’t pop out). As an option, it was suggested to induce vomiting, but somehow I didn’t like this method. Photo: Depositphotos

Internet users also advised eating mashed potatoes mixed with bananas and big amount vegetable oil. And eat without chewing, so that the bone along with the food is pushed into the esophagus. This is where I started to have doubts.

  • Firstly, it may not have a very good effect on the liver and pancreas (this is oil, albeit a vegetable one).
  • Secondly, as was confirmed later, the bone can get stuck in the esophagus and then only the Sklifosovsky Institute can help.

By the way, this is exactly what the emergency doctor told me later. And if literally, she said the following: “If the bone is not found in the throat, then it is removed from the esophagus only in Sklif.” I don’t know if she was right or wrong, but I believed her.

I considered it the most dangerous next tip: melt a candle, stick a bone into it, wait until it hardens and pull it out. I don't think you should do that! Imagine what could happen if this melted paraffin gets into the larynx! Horrible, and that's all. I think this advice was written by our enemies in order to destroy us as a nation.

In short, having tried the method of rinsing and pushing the bone with bread, shining a flashlight into my throat and not finding a bone, I fell asleep with the thought that perhaps it was not a bone, but a scratch. The sensations are similar. But the next morning the tingling sensation was felt in a slightly different place. And I realized that it was still a bone.
Photo: Depositphotos

I went to look for someone working paid ENT specialist Moreover, I read on the forum that this is the only option for removing a fish bone from the throat on a day off. As luck would have it, all the ENT doctors I called would either be working tomorrow or in a week, because I was on vacation... My husband suggested going to the ambulance, which I, naturally, immediately dismissed. People there are dealing with serious problems, why should they...

After a while, I realized that it was becoming difficult for me to breathe. Apparently, some kind of reaction occurred and the tonsils began to swell. That’s when I got scared and called the emergency room.

There they explained to me that even the tiniest bone in the throat can cause problems that are not at all tiny. And that you need to call an ambulance, and without delay. This was confirmed in the emergency control room, and 5 minutes later the doctors arrived. I was injected antihistamine and taken to the hospital. There I had a fish bone removed (it was behind my tonsils, and the doctor looked for it there for quite a long time; I would never have been able to handle it myself). And then they told me many terrible stories about fish bones in the throat and the consequences of independently removing them from the throat.

This story taught me the following: if you don’t see the bone yourself, don’t experiment, don’t look for ways to remove a fish bone from your throat. It turns out that you need to call . And the ambulance doctors, if they cannot detect the bone without special mirrors, will take you to where they will help you.

Seafood, and specifically fish, is one of the healthiest and important products, which is necessary for the human body for normal stable functioning.

However, eating fish dishes is fraught with some danger, so you need to be extremely careful to prevent the occurrence of various unwanted complications for the digestive system.

A striking example would be a fish bone stuck in the throat.. If a fish bone gets stuck in the throat, it not only causes unpleasant painful sensations, problems when swallowing, constant tickling, secretion of large amounts of saliva, but also possible complications, infection in the form of an inflammatory process in the throat.

It happens that there is no time or opportunity to go to the hospital. Therefore, it would be appropriate to find out the answer to the question: what to do at home if a fish bone is stuck in your throat?


When eating (talking, laughing, reading while eating) such a stuck foreign body causes serious discomfort, causing stabbing pains when swallowing.

Difficulties may also arise for a person if he independently tries to establish the cause of pain and discomfort, since the bone can be located in the area of ​​the lateral ridges, tongue, tonsils and palate, pyriform sinuses, and also get into the space between palatal arch and tonsil.

A painful sensation that something is stuck in the throat, caused by a foreign body, may intensify in the future as it occurs severe irritation mucous membrane.

A fish bone can cause swelling, make breathing difficult, and even cause suffocation.. Difficulties can also arise when the fish bone enters the esophagus, which often leads to esophagitis.


If you eat fish carelessly and inattentively, you can miss a piece of meat with a sharp bone, so it can easily get stuck somewhere in the throat. When this happens, the following symptoms appear:

  • increased salivation;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • gag reflex with blood particles;
  • increase in body temperature.

In such a situation, you need to urgently go to an ENT doctor, who, using instruments and modern methods will be able to find and remove a foreign body.

Otherwise it may develop purulent inflammation, poisoning of the body, and if you continue to ignore the increase in pain, then this situation may end fatal. In rare, difficult cases, surgery may be necessary.

As we can see, a stuck bone in the throat is something that is extremely undesirable to neglect, and it is better to immediately begin the necessary treatment.

Interestingly, when a small fish bone is stuck in the throat, then a person may experience discomfort when swallowing, slight soreness, coughing, and these signs can easily be confused with infectious process respiratory tract.

But despite the similar symptoms, it is quite easy to distinguish a bone stuck in the throat from an acute respiratory infection: if you have not come into contact with people sick with acute respiratory infections or there has been no hypothermia, no chills, runny nose, or headaches, then this does not look like a respiratory disease.

And if you recently ate a fish dish, then there is no doubt that the symptoms are caused by a bone in the throat.

Unfortunately, there is an opinion that there is nothing terrible in this, that the bone will resolve itself or rot on its own, so it is not necessary to remove it. But this is not so, it is simply necessary to remove it.

To understand how to remove a bone, it is first important to determine its size and how deep it is stuck.. If at visual inspection The bone in the throat is clearly visible to the naked eye; you can try to remove it yourself.

But how to do that? How to get a bone without unpleasant consequences?

You can get creative and do it yourself, but it’s better not to risk it and ask another person to help. It is better for the victim to sit comfortably and open his mouth as wide as possible. Then you need to very carefully use tweezers to grab the bone and pull it out.

Difficulty may arise due to the fact that the victim vomits, then before you begin to remove the bone, use an analgesic.

After removing the bone, you need to gargle for several days to restore the mucous membrane, it is advisable to eat only light food to avoid re-injury.

It is not advisable to remove small or multiple bones that are deep, poorly visible, or completely invisible when examining the throat. It would be right to immediately consult a doctor while there is no swelling, and it will not be difficult for a specialist to remove the bone or bones.

You should also visit a doctor when the foreign body has been removed, but pain when swallowing does not stop for several days.

Perhaps the reason is that the fish bone broke and a piece of it remained in soft tissues larynx, throat, upper sections esophagus. If it is not removed, it will develop inflammatory process, and this is fraught with the development of serious consequences.

A bone left in the throat can cause purulent inflammation, and if the esophagus is affected, then symptoms of esophagitis. Then it will appear chest pain, nausea, vomiting interspersed with blood, fever, deterioration general condition sick.

In cases where the patient has brought himself to such a state, hesitate to seek help. medical care and continuing to try to fix something on your own is deadly. Very alarming symptom is the rapid development of edema and suffocation.

So, if you have any breathing problems, even if you just have a bone stuck in your throat, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is worth recognizing that fish dishes are quite tasty and pleasant food, especially if it was prepared by a master, but when eating it you need to observe basic rules: Chew your food well, take your time and swallow it in small pieces.

If, despite strictly following these tips, the bone still gets stuck, then many often take serious risks by using not the best, and sometimes even extremely dangerous methods for removing this foreign body.

In this case, it is already good when the chosen option is simply useless and will not cause additional harm.

The following are methods that should never be used:

In case of swelling or difficulty breathing, you should immediately call an ambulance.

But how to act correctly? What to do if you get a fish bone in your throat?

Many people who once encountered such a problem are interested in the question: how to remove a fish bone from the throat if it is not visible? There are several possible options actions that can be used depending on the specific situation.

To begin with, you should try the most simple methods. The first, easiest of them, is to drink large quantities of enveloping foods, such as kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk.

These dairy products have a slow fluidity, unlike water or tea, and if the bone is not deeply embedded in the tissue, they can pull it out and painlessly drag it down the esophagus.

Another similar option on how to get rid of a stuck bone is to push it through. In this case, it is recommended to use a product such as bread, or, more precisely, a bread crust or cracker, which, due to their hardness, is more difficult to chew and swallow.

This option is well known to many who have encountered the problem under discussion, but it is not always appropriate to use it. It all depends on the place where the bone is embedded and the condition of the person’s throat.

For example, if the bone is deep, this option may cause harm, part of it may break off, and the other half may remain inside, which will complicate its further removal.

The next quite good and pleasant option is to use honey.. It is advisable that the honey is not thick. You need to drink it very slowly so that the honey has time to pull out the stuck bone and send it to the stomach, where it will be successfully digested.

An additional advantage of honey is that it bactericidal properties, so it will effectively relieve inflammation and prevent the development of possible allergic reactions(only if the person is not allergic to honey).

An ancient method of extracting fish bones includes wax therapy.. However, apply this method This is only possible if the bone is not stuck deeply.

In this case, you need to take a candle, light it, and then stand in front of a mirror (or ask another person for help) and apply the melted wax to the end of the bone. After the wax hardens, the bone will stick, so it can be pulled out painlessly.

Even if you manage to swallow a little wax, there is no need to worry, nothing bad will happen. This procedure is absolutely painless and safe.

If a bone is stuck deep in the throat, to remove it you will need a gag reflex - a natural reflex that is caused independently by pressing on the tongue with 3 fingers or by other possible means. Such vomiting will help remove the bone from the body.

The process of sneezing has a similar effect of vomiting. In order to trigger it, you need to smell irritants: tobacco products, pepper, etc. It will also help with as soon as possible get rid of the bone.

Another option for solving this problem is regular tweezers.. It is important to note that tweezers should not be used alone, as this will not allow you to see the bone.

In addition, you should pre-treat the tweezers using any antiseptic solution(Also Vodka will do, whiskey, etc.).

The extraction procedure should be carried out as follows: a partner takes a spoon and holds the tongue with its handle (as a doctor does when examining the throat).

He then shines a flashlight into the throat and uses tweezers to remove the bone. It is worth considering that the tweezers should not be manicure tweezers, as there is a risk that they will get stuck in the throat.

If the bone is shallow, you can use gauze. To do this, you need to wrap it around your fingers and move it in the opposite direction of the bone.

Before removing annoying bones, be sure to evaluate the sensations and, if necessary, consult a doctor for emergency help.

In most cases, the bone does not come out, but goes further - into digestive system. Unfortunately, this can also be quite dangerous, since a sharp bone can cause damage to the walls of the stomach, esophagus, etc.

If this happens, you should urgently take measures to protect your esophagus. First of all, it is necessary to seize the bone with all kinds of enveloping products, such as:

After taking such enveloping products, it is necessary to disinfect the damage to the mucous membrane. Excellent helpers for this are citrus juices (orange, lemon) and vinegar.

It is strictly forbidden to take alcohol or other liquids containing alcohol, as they can cause tissue burns, and this will lead to more serious consequences. serious consequences. In case of any complications, immediately seek qualified medical help!


Separately, it should be noted that after you have taken out the bone, you should not relax too much, because damaged tissue can become inflamed or become infected.

Therefore, immediately after extraction, relieve the symptoms of inflammation and tissue irritation by gargling 3-4 times with a solution of chamomile, calendula, oak bark (any infusion with an anti-inflammatory and healing effect).

In addition, it is useful to carry out such a procedure using an antiseptic solution to prevent infection, the development of inflammation and other complications.

Despite how quickly and painlessly you took out the fish bone, after removing it, an abrasion or wound forms, which can be painful.

In order to reduce pain syndrome, eat soft, well-chewed, not hot food. Avoid carbonated drinks, sour and spicy foods, which only irritate the mucous membranes.

Publication date 03/20/2013 13:34

All fish dishes are quite insidious and can be dangerous to your health. However, this time we do not mean the toxicity of a sea or river creature, nor the degree heat treatment. Presence in fish large quantity small, but incredibly sharp bones often become real problem for a person. After all, it’s enough if you don’t notice at least once what piece of delicacy is going into your mouth, and then your throat immediately pierces sharp pain. The diagnosis is very clear - the bone is stuck in the soft tissue. And here there is no time to continue the meal. Let's look at several ways to remove a bone from your throat.

First, calm the victim. Panic in this situation will only worsen his condition. Do not let a person try to get rid of a sudden obstacle on his own. Place him on a chair and ask him to open his mouth wider, after carefully swallowing saliva so that it does not impede the examination. To make a fish bone stuck in your throat visible, shine a flashlight there or direct the beam from a table lamp. If it is close enough (for example, near the sky or in the tonsils), then you can try to remove the interference yourself without resorting to help medical workers. Use tweezers for this. Using the tip of the tool, try to grab the free part of the bone as tightly as possible and pull it towards you. She should come out freely.

The second way to help a victim who has swallowed a fish bone is to use sterile bandage. Wrap it in several layers around your finger or around a long thin object if the interference is somewhat deeper. In the second case, be careful that the bandage does not slip off and remain in the patient's throat. Run your finger over the area where the bone entered. Due to the rough surface of the bandage, it should be removed carefully.

How to get a bone out of the throat if there is nothing suitable for the role of a tool at hand? Try using a paraffin candle. Heat one end of it and let the wax melt until it becomes soft and pliable. Then press it against the bone. When the paraffin hardens, it will come out as soon as you pull the candle back. But be careful. Do not burn the victim with hot wax.

However, a serious obstacle may arise on the path to success. If a person has a strong gag reflex, then any attempt to help him will not be successful. How to get a bone out of your throat in such a difficult situation? Treat the root of the tongue a small amount lidocaine. It will ease the urge to gag and allow you to calmly remove the bone. Don’t forget to first ask the victim if he is accidentally allergic to such medical drug. Otherwise there is a risk of anaphylactic shock. Then the bone in the throat will become a completely insignificant problem compared to everything else.

Under no circumstances try to push through the obstacle using the notorious bread crust, which is so popular in home medicine. A large bone from such manipulation can only go deeper into the tissue and also damage the esophagus. As a result, the patient will certainly end up in a hospital bed.

How to remove a bone from the throat if it cannot be detected with the naked eye? In this case, ask the victim to describe his feelings. If your throat hurts and swallowing only makes it worse unpleasant feeling, then in this situation, immediately go to the hospital. Trying to remove the bone yourself can end in disaster. And a specialist at the clinic will definitely help the unlucky fish lover with the help of tools. In any case, if there is no one nearby who can help you with similar problem, go to the doctor. Only he will be able to carefully and without consequences pull the bone out of the throat.

Each of us eats smoked and fried fish because it's extreme useful product rich in easily digestible protein, phosphorus, many minerals and vitamins. There is one negative feature in fish from which a person can suffer - these are bones.

If we separate a large ridge right away, then with needle-thin bones the situation is different. While chewing, we may not feel them, but if after swallowing, when a fish bone is already stuck in the esophagus and begins to prick and cause discomfort, then we immediately feel it! This is enough unpleasant moment, and further we will tell you in the article “I swallowed a fish bone, it got stuck in my throat - what to do?”, how to get rid of it.

In the first method, we will describe the case when the bone is in direct visibility and we can reach it with our finger. Take a wax candle, melt it, light it and drop a few drops onto your finger. While the wax has not cooled down, press it to the bone, wait for it to cool down and carefully pull it out. The bone should come out.

In cases where the bone is stuck deep, use folk way: swallow a small cracker, it should catch the bone and push it through, but this is done if it is very small.

Or you need to swallow a tablespoon of sugary honey and move your throat muscles.

You can try sniffing tobacco or black pepper - this will cause sneezing, which may help the bones come out.

In ancient times they used next method: they took a small piece of a washcloth, carefully tied a thread to it (it is better to use fishing line, it will not break) and allowed the patient to swallow. Then they pulled it out by the end of the thread, the bone in the throat hooked to the washcloth and came out or fell down.

Take a handful of large solid cereals (rice, buckwheat, corn), throw a small pinch into a glass, fill with water and gargle several times. Try using long tweezers, a flashlight, and a spoon.

Press the tongue with the tip of a spoon, shine a flashlight into the throat and try to pull out the bone with tweezers. Some people manage to reach the bone with the bristles of a toothbrush, but it is better not to do this.

If the situation is extreme difficult character follow these instructions:

Ask the victim to relax so that he can take a slow, deep breath and then exhale forcefully. There is a possibility that a foreign body will come out with the air flow;

Offer two fingers to tickle or touch the root of the tongue, this will induce vomiting.

If it doesn’t help, you need to take a few more deep breaths, press your fist on the top of your abdomen, bend over and, at the same time as you exhale sharply, cough heavily. These actions need to be performed for 3-5 minutes.

If all of the above methods do not help, contact an ENT specialist. This procedure will not take much time and you should not be afraid of the doctor. Health is more valuable. To numb your throat before going to the doctor, use Cametone, Ingalipt or Ledocaine aerosols.

It is important to remember to take precautions while eating. Do not eat fish when you are very hungry - it causes a rush, do not talk, do not eat in front of the TV, as you will be constantly distracted. Avoid giving small children fish with small bones. Remember that you can make fish cakes that are safe.