Very sensitive teeth and gums: what causes the problem and how to relieve the high sensitivity of the enamel of the front teeth? Tooth sensitivity - types, causes, treatment and prevention

Dentists often hear patients complain about tooth sensitivity. It causes discomfort when they eat or drink something hot, cold, spicy or sweet. This unpleasant feeling forces them to give up their favorite foods and drinks, which deprives them of one of the important pleasures in life! If you have sensitive teeth, you can use the tips below. But first, let's talk about what could be causing this sensitivity.

Why do teeth become sensitive?

When gums recede, dentin is no longer protected. Its porous structure can transfer heat, cold, sweetness and pungency directly to the dental pulp (nerve center). Gums can recede for various reasons. These include: loosening, wear, toothbrush damage, chewing, disease, tooth damage, tartar, acid-forming foods, dental treatment, age, and even whitening. Rinsing your mouth for a long time also leads to the development of tooth sensitivity. Some of these factors cause sensitivity only for a short time, while others last for a long time.

There are several things you can do at home to control tooth sensitivity:

You can also undergo dental procedures such as:

  • Dental filling;
  • Fluorine varnish coating;
  • Root canal filling;
  • Surgical gum grafting;
  • Depulpation of the tooth.

If your teeth are bothering you, visit the dentist. He will help you find the cause of the sensitivity and prescribe a suitable treatment plan.

Have you once again taken a sip of hot coffee or a cold cocktail, and your teeth are pierced by a sharp pain that is impossible to get rid of? That's right, you have increased tooth sensitivity. This occurs due to the fact that the dentinal tubules are open, through which aggressive foods (hot, cold, sweet) get directly to the unprotected nerves. Irritation of exposed nerves is what causes such acute and unpleasant pain. In this article we will talk about why teeth become sensitive, we will talk about the main professional and home ways to cope with the problem.

What is dental hypertension

Hypertension is the high sensitivity of tooth tissue to various external stimuli. Irritants can be completely different. Most often, a person reacts to temperature changes - teeth hurt from hot and cold drinks. In later stages of the disease, the patient may experience pain when inhaling cold air, which creates real problems with talking and breathing outdoors in winter. With hypertension, teeth also react to mechanical stress - pain is felt when brushing teeth, even if a brush with soft bristles is used. Teeth begin to hurt when exposed to hard foods.

Teeth sensitivity also occurs when exposed to strong-tasting foods. Sweet, sour, salty, spicy can bring, albeit short-term, quite severe pain. It becomes difficult for a person to bite fruit with his front teeth, this brings unpleasant sensations. It can be noted that such patients prefer to cut fruits into small slices and only then consume them.

The main cause of pain is thinning and damage to tooth enamel. The tooth tissue (dentin) has many nerve canals in its body through which nutrition and neurological impulses pass. Thanks to this, the tooth is considered “living”. A protective film – enamel – covers the dentin on top. Tooth enamel is very hard, because it has to protect the tooth around the clock. But the wrong way of life of a person leads to the fact that even the hardest part of the human body (enamel) is destroyed. The nerve tubules remain unprotected - they react to various external stimuli. Very often, hypertension is confused with pulpitis (nerve inflammation). You must know how to distinguish between these dental pathologies. With pulpitis, the tooth may begin to hurt suddenly – even at night. This pain can last for quite a long time – up to several minutes. But with hypertension, pain occurs only after exposure to irritants and usually goes away within a few seconds.

Why do teeth become sensitive?

As noted, increased tooth sensitivity develops due to thinning and damage to tooth enamel. But why is tooth enamel damaged? What could contribute to its destruction?

  1. Tooth enamel can be corroded by various food acids. If you frequently drink citrus juices, drink soda, and eat foods with a lot of vinegar, it will slowly erode your enamel.
  2. Very often, enamel is destroyed due to the uncontrolled use of whitening pastes or homemade teeth lightening products. Whitening pastes that have abrasive particles cannot be used constantly, maximum 3-4 times a month. With regular use, tooth enamel is scratched, destroyed, and damaged. This also includes home whitening using baking soda, activated carbon, etc. To get the most benefits from bleaching, it needs to be done correctly and not so often.
  3. Tooth sensitivity can occur after teeth are ground down, when tooth enamel is worn away and teeth are prepared for crowns. This manifestation can be considered temporary.
  4. Enamel erosion is a dental disease that affects the tooth enamel.
  5. Caries is another cause of increased tooth sensitivity. However, teeth can react to external stimuli, even if there is no black cavity in the dental tissue yet. The fact is that increased sensitivity and other signs of enamel destruction are the initial stage of caries. If measures are not taken, a carious hole will begin to develop.
  6. Bruxism is a dental and nervous disease in which a person grinds their teeth while sleeping. This grinding leads to mechanical destruction of tooth enamel.
  7. Very often, increased sensitivity can be observed after dental cleaning. After tartar removal, the enamel is more susceptible to external irritants. However, this condition goes away in just a few days.
  8. Dental whitening involves the use of chemical components that damage the top layer of tooth enamel.
  9. Injuries and chips of tooth enamel occur as a result of bad habits - such as biting off threads and ropes, cracking nuts with teeth, etc.
  10. Very often, increased sensitivity of teeth occurs against the background of the development of periodontal disease. Prolonged inflammation of the gums leads to its receding, as a result of which the dental nerve is exposed, which reacts to irritants.
  11. Often, violations in the integrity of tooth enamel occur due to a lack of minerals in the body - calcium, fluorine, phosphorus.
  12. Tooth enamel is damaged during pregnancy and breastfeeding, since the lion's share of essential minerals goes towards the growth and development of the child.
  13. Enamel can be destroyed due to internal diseases and changes in the body - various viruses and infections, work in hazardous and toxic industries, disruption of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal diseases, stress and even taking oral contraceptives.

It is very important to know the causes of thinning and damage to tooth enamel. They will help you prevent events from happening again in the future.

Treatment for hypertension depends on the cause of its development. If the pain is caused by injury or chipping, the dentist will suggest restoring the integrity of the tooth using composite materials. If increased sensitivity is a consequence of the development of caries, it needs to be treated. The carious cavity is usually drilled out and filled, after which the hypertension goes away. The same is true in other cases - when treating diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, various internal pathologies, the underlying disease is being fought.

During bruxism, a person is recommended to wear a mouthguard at night, which will protect tooth enamel from damage. You also need to undergo neurological treatment. If tooth enamel is destroyed as a result of taking hormonal drugs, you should consult your doctor about selecting similar, but less aggressive drugs. During pregnancy and lactation, you need to take vitamins so that your body receives a sufficient amount of essential minerals.

If the enamel has already been destroyed and there is no possibility of its natural restoration, the doctor will recommend remineralization of the teeth. This procedure involves applying a special mineral complex to the tooth surface, which closes open dentinal tubules and restores the natural structure of tooth enamel. The procedure is painless, although quite time-consuming. Moreover, to get a good result, you will have to visit the dentist regularly to renew the mineralizing layer. After the procedure, you need to avoid eating sour, cold, hot and sweet foods to allow the mineralized layer to adhere to the surface of the tooth. As a rule, after 5-6 procedures, sensitivity becomes much less pronounced, and after 10-12 procedures, hypertension is completely cured. The duration of the effect is 8-10 months, depending on dental care. Then the course of remineralization procedures can be repeated.

Gels and pastes for teeth with hypersensitivity

If tooth sensitivity is moderate, it is not at all necessary to go to the dentist; you can try to restore damaged areas of tooth enamel yourself. To do this, you need to use medicinal gels and pastes that penetrate the tooth structure and close open tubules. There are several groups of similar hygiene products that have different mechanisms of operation. Desensitizing pastes contain alkalis, which dehydrate dentinal tubules and reduce their susceptibility to external irritants. Such funds should be used in courses - several times a year. Among them are Oral-B Sensitive Original, Sensodyne-F, Mexidol dent and others.

In addition, there are medicinal pastes, gels, varnishes and foams that are applied to the teeth and have a healing effect. Depending on the manufacturer and the specific product, the rules of use may vary. Treated pastes can be used twice a day - they not only heal, but also have a regular cleansing effect. Therefore, this paste can be used instead of regular paste. Gels and foams can be used for a long time, that is, apply them to the teeth, fix them with a mouth guard and leave them overnight. Many products have not only a healing, but also a whitening effect. Among the popular products are Bifluoride, Fluocal, Fluorlak, Remodent, Mi Paste Plus, Tooth Mousse. To apply to teeth, you can use a 10% solution of calcium gluconate, 10 minutes after application, rinse your mouth with water.

Electrophoresis is often used to treat dental hypersensitivity. After applying a special substance to the teeth, the patient is subjected to low frequency currents to consolidate the effect of the drug. With a course of treatment, such physiotherapy brings good results.

Folk remedies to combat tooth sensitivity

If all professional methods are alien to you, and you want to get rid of piercing pain with improvised means, try using our traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Chamomile. Chamomile decoction soothes, relieves inflammation, and disinfects. It can quickly relieve pain and reduce tooth sensitivity.
  2. Warm milk. If you experience acute pain after contact with an irritant, immediately take some warm cow's milk into your mouth. It will suppress the pain instantly.
  3. Oak bark. Pour boiling water over the crushed oak bark and cook over low heat. Let it brew for a couple of hours, and then rinse your mouth with warm broth three times a day. The decoction not only relieves pain, but also restores tooth enamel due to the large amount of tannins.
  4. Tea tree oil. Tea tree oil not only closes the dentinal tubules, but also disinfects the oral mucosa and brightens the teeth. Dissolve half a teaspoon of oil in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this mixture 3-4 times a day.
  5. Burdock decoction. This remedy also has an excellent effect on teeth; with regular use, sensitivity is noticeably reduced. Three tablespoons of dry raw materials should be poured with a liter of boiling water, closed with a lid, wrapped and allowed to brew. After a couple of hours, the broth will be ready - you should strain it and rinse your mouth as often as possible. You only need to rinse your mouth with warm broth so as not to hurt yourself.

In addition, you need to eat more dairy products, which will compensate for the lack of calcium and fluoride in the body.

At first glance, increased sensitivity may seem like a minor problem that does not require special treatment. However, it is not. Sometimes sensitivity can be so high that a person cannot eat, speak, or chew normally. Don’t push yourself to such an extent; visit the dentist on time, because dental health is one of a person’s main assets.

Video: increased tooth sensitivity

When visiting a dentist, people often complain about increased tooth sensitivity. Is this feature a pathology and why do teeth become sensitive to various types of irritants? Let us consider in more detail why hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues can suddenly develop.

The concept of hyperesthesia and its types

Dental hyperesthesia is the increased sensitivity of teeth to irritants. When exposed to provoking factors, a person experiences severe pain in the tooth enamel. Depending on the degree of damage, hyperesthesia of hard tissues can be short-term, or increase in time and last several minutes. In any case, it is necessary to visit the dentist to identify the cause of the discomfort.

Sensitive teeth, first of all, need qualified treatment from specialists. Each case is considered individually and requires studying the cause of dental hypersensitivity.

Dental hyperesthesia can be systemic or non-systemic in nature. In the first case, the causes include diseases of the nervous system and previously suffered pathologies. In this case, there are no changes in the hard tissues of the tooth. A person notices that sensitivity worsens when eating or in the cold. How to reduce tooth sensitivity and strengthen enamel at home. We will consider the causes and treatment of increased tooth sensitivity below.

Main types of hyperesthesia

Dental hyperesthesia is divided into several types:

By distribution and extent of damage:
  • Organic. Occurs when there are enamel defects, as well as as a result of preparing teeth for crowns or inlays. Symptom: sensitivity is observed in one or more teeth;
  • Generalized. It is typical for persons whose teeth are affected by diseases or when the enamel is abraded, with damage to the neck and root;
Due to the occurrence:
  • Dental hyperesthesia, which occurs when hard tissue wears off;
  • Hypersensitivity not related to dentin abrasion;
According to clinical manifestations:
  • 1st degree. Very severe sensitivity of teeth to exposure to high or low temperatures;
  • 2nd degree. Hypersensitivity of teeth to temperature changes and chemical irritants;
  • 3rd degree. Symptom: increased sensitivity to all irritating factors, including any touch.

An important feature of hyperesthesia is that with increased sensitivity, treatment is difficult. All actions of the dentist can cause pain and discomfort to the patient. The pain can be localized in the area of ​​one tooth, or the susceptibility to a number of irritants may increase. Often a person notices that tooth sensitivity suddenly increases after treatment. Even the simplest dental procedures lead to excruciating pain, which is difficult to relieve with analgesics.

Let's look at the main causes of tooth sensitivity and ways to eliminate them, and also learn how to treat hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues.

Before getting rid of tooth sensitivity, it is important to identify the cause and mechanism of formation of the disease.

Hyperesthesia is a thinning of the enamel, which leads to the opening of tubules in the dentin. The opened channels lead to the nerve endings and pulp. The slightest effect of provoking factors irritates the enamel, then the nerve and leads to severe pain.

Why do teeth get set on edge? Hyperesthesia worsens:

  • With a poor and unhealthy diet, with a deficiency of minerals;
  • Abuse of sweet and sour foods;
  • As a result of using pastes containing abrasives that scratch the enamel, compromising its integrity;
  • Hard brush;
  • In the absence of proper oral care, as well as those who like to bite nails and nuts;
  • When tooth enamel is exposed to contrasting temperatures: for example, a person drank hot coffee and immediately started enjoying ice cream.

Treatment of hypersensitivity of teeth is carried out by a dentist; the patient’s task is to strictly follow all recommendations and exclude irritants from the diet. We will learn further how to reduce tooth sensitivity and get rid of discomfort at home.

How to reduce enamel sensitivity

How to deal with tooth sensitivity? An important rule: stop the growth and reproduction of microbes that contribute to the weakening of dentin.

  1. Proper, and most importantly, regular cleaning helps reduce pathogenic microflora in the mouth. Movements when cleansing the oral cavity should be smooth, especially during an acute period. Cleaning begins with the posterior, chewing ones, and ends with the anterior ones.
  2. If your toothpaste has a whitening effect, there is no question of how to relieve tooth sensitivity. Even the highest quality pastes contain abrasives that scratch enamel.
  3. There is an increased risk of microcracks when eating hot or too cold food. If you decide to start therapy to reduce sensitivity at home, refusing to abuse your own body will come in handy. Do not experiment and stop exposing your teeth to contrasting thermal effects.
  4. Address the issue of nutrition. Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat more vegetables and fruits, but sweets should be removed from your diet. With these actions you will strengthen not only hard tissues, but also gums.
  5. Postpone the procedure for professional enamel whitening until better times: mechanical and chemical cleaning will cause pain and further increase sensitivity. If you are still determined to go to the dentist for whitening and stone removal, give preference to laser resurfacing. This procedure is more gentle on the enamel, eliminating its heating.

Treatment of dental hyperesthesia should be carried out by a dentist. It is within your power to carry out preventive measures in full.

If a sore throat appears, what should you do? Treatment of sensitive teeth should be comprehensive. This applies not only to therapeutic measures, but also to compliance with hygiene rules, as well as dietary adjustments. What do dentists recommend if your teeth become sensitive?

As therapeutic methods, dentists recommend using desensitizing pastes that will help reduce the sensitivity threshold and fill microcracks in the enamel.

Widely used:

  • Oral-B Sensitive Original. Contains a high degree of concentration of substances similar in structure to enamel, preventing the appearance of cracks;
  • MEXIDOL Dent Sensitive. High potassium paste. Protects enamel from damage and reduces pain when exposed to irritating substances;
  • Sensodyne-F. Rich in potassium. It has the property of relieving pain and preventing the transmission of impulses from the irritant;
  • Rembrandt Sensitive. Protects enamel by forming an invisible film on dentin. It is recommended to use after every meal.

All pastes with a therapeutic effect contain alkali, which neutralizes the effects of acids and reduces the irritating effect of provoking factors. They need to be used in a course, the duration of which is announced by the doctor.

Additional enamel protection products

To strengthen the enamel and reduce sensitivity to irritants, dentists recommend using varnishes, foams and gel-like products. The convenience of these is due to the ability to use them in conjunction with mouth guards, which are worn at night.

Various varnishes are no less effective. The high content of microelements helps strengthen tooth enamel and reduce susceptibility to irritants. After application, a thin film is formed on the dentin surface, which provides protection from external irritants.

The most popular medicinal varnishes, solutions and powders:

  • Bifluoride 12. Contains sodium fluoride and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the enamel;
  • Fluocal. Available in the form of varnish and solution;
  • Fluoride varnish. Provides protection of enamel from damage by forming a film;
  • Remodent. Contains zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Used as a solution for rinsing or application;

  • Strontium chloride - paste or solution with protective properties;
  • Calcium gluconate 10%. It is recommended to apply for 20 minutes;
  • Gel Tooth Mousse. It has the property of forming a film on the surface. Approved for use by children from 1 year of age.
  • MI Paste Plus gel containing fluoride. Not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age.

All of the above remedies can be used for preventive purposes, especially with weakened enamel and the presence of caries.


  1. The drug is delivered immediately to the damaged area and penetrates deep into the tissue;
  2. Does not cause discomfort or pain;
  3. Suitable for treating children.

The active ingredients used are Fluocal, calcium gluconate, sodium fluoride and vitamin B1.

After determining the cause, treatment for dental hypersensitivity is prescribed immediately to prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the pulp. Pathology can be fought with traditional methods, which are no less effective than traditional methods of treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment

So, what to do if your teeth are sensitive? Traditional medicine advises:

  • Dilute 3 drops of tea tree oil in 200 ml of water. Rinse your mouth 3 - 4 times a day;
  • Pour a tablespoon of oak bark into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Use the prepared solution for rinsing;
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over chamomile flowers (1 tsp), infuse and rinse your mouth;
  • Hold fresh warm milk in your mouth for a while to relieve pain.

Traditional medicine is effective in combating diseases when additional measures, both therapeutic and preventive, are applied.

Preventive actions

Following simple rules will help eliminate the problem. It's no secret that an important rule and guarantee of health is a timely visit to the dentist. Following his recommendations will help not only cope with various kinds of problems, but also identify pathologies in the early stages of development.
To summarize, we can say that in order to eliminate the effect of an irritant on enamel, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude it from the diet. Traditional methods are also effective, but with regularly performed procedures.

When visiting a dentist, people often complain about increased tooth sensitivity. Is this feature a pathology and why do teeth become sensitive to various types of irritants? Let us consider in more detail why hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues can suddenly develop.

The concept of hyperesthesia and its types

Dental hyperesthesia is the increased sensitivity of teeth to irritants. When exposed to provoking factors, a person experiences severe pain in the tooth enamel. Depending on the degree of damage, hyperesthesia of hard tissues can be short-term, or increase in time and last several minutes. In any case, it is necessary to visit the dentist to identify the cause of the discomfort.

Sensitive teeth, first of all, need qualified treatment from specialists. Each case is considered individually and requires studying the cause of dental hypersensitivity.

Dental hyperesthesia can be systemic or non-systemic in nature. In the first case, the causes include diseases of the nervous system and previously suffered pathologies. In this case, there are no changes in the hard tissues of the tooth. A person notices that sensitivity worsens when eating or in the cold. How to reduce tooth sensitivity and strengthen enamel at home. We will consider the causes and treatment of increased tooth sensitivity below.

Main types of hyperesthesia

Dental hyperesthesia is divided into several types:

By distribution and extent of damage:
  • Organic. Occurs when there are enamel defects, as well as as a result of preparing teeth for crowns or inlays. Symptom: sensitivity is observed in one or more teeth;
  • Generalized. It is typical for persons whose teeth are affected by diseases or when the enamel is abraded, with damage to the neck and root;
Due to the occurrence:
  • Dental hyperesthesia, which occurs when hard tissue wears off;
  • Hypersensitivity not related to dentin abrasion;
According to clinical manifestations:
  • 1st degree. Very severe sensitivity of teeth to exposure to high or low temperatures;
  • 2nd degree. Hypersensitivity of teeth to temperature changes and chemical irritants;
  • 3rd degree. Symptom: increased sensitivity to all irritating factors, including any touch.

An important feature of hyperesthesia is that with increased sensitivity, treatment is difficult. All actions of the dentist can cause pain and discomfort to the patient. The pain can be localized in the area of ​​one tooth, or the susceptibility to a number of irritants may increase. Often a person notices that tooth sensitivity suddenly increases after treatment. Even the simplest dental procedures lead to excruciating pain, which is difficult to relieve with analgesics.

Let's look at the main causes of tooth sensitivity and ways to eliminate them, and also learn how to treat hyperesthesia of hard dental tissues.

Before getting rid of tooth sensitivity, it is important to identify the cause and mechanism of formation of the disease.

Hyperesthesia is a thinning of the enamel, which leads to the opening of tubules in the dentin. The opened channels lead to the nerve endings and pulp. The slightest effect of provoking factors irritates the enamel, then the nerve and leads to severe pain.

Why do teeth get set on edge? Hyperesthesia worsens:

  • With a poor and unhealthy diet, with a deficiency of minerals;
  • Abuse of sweet and sour foods;
  • As a result of using pastes containing abrasives that scratch the enamel, compromising its integrity;
  • Hard brush;
  • In the absence of proper oral care, as well as those who like to bite nails and nuts;
  • When tooth enamel is exposed to contrasting temperatures: for example, a person drank hot coffee and immediately started enjoying ice cream.

Treatment of hypersensitivity of teeth is carried out by a dentist; the patient’s task is to strictly follow all recommendations and exclude irritants from the diet. We will learn further how to reduce tooth sensitivity and get rid of discomfort at home.

How to reduce enamel sensitivity

How to deal with tooth sensitivity? An important rule: stop the growth and reproduction of microbes that contribute to the weakening of dentin.

  1. Proper, and most importantly, regular cleaning helps reduce pathogenic microflora in the mouth. Movements when cleansing the oral cavity should be smooth, especially during an acute period. Cleaning begins with the posterior, chewing ones, and ends with the anterior ones.
  2. If your toothpaste has a whitening effect, there is no question of how to relieve tooth sensitivity. Even the highest quality pastes contain abrasives that scratch enamel.
  3. There is an increased risk of microcracks when eating hot or too cold food. If you decide to start therapy to reduce sensitivity at home, refusing to abuse your own body will come in handy. Do not experiment and stop exposing your teeth to contrasting thermal effects.
  4. Address the issue of nutrition. Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals. Eat more vegetables and fruits, but sweets should be removed from your diet. With these actions you will strengthen not only hard tissues, but also gums.
  5. Postpone the procedure for professional enamel whitening until better times: mechanical and chemical cleaning will cause pain and further increase sensitivity. If you are still determined to go to the dentist for whitening and stone removal, give preference to laser resurfacing. This procedure is more gentle on the enamel, eliminating its heating.

Treatment of dental hyperesthesia should be carried out by a dentist. It is within your power to carry out preventive measures in full.

If a sore throat appears, what should you do? Treatment of sensitive teeth should be comprehensive. This applies not only to therapeutic measures, but also to compliance with hygiene rules, as well as dietary adjustments. What do dentists recommend if your teeth become sensitive?

As therapeutic methods, dentists recommend using desensitizing pastes that will help reduce the sensitivity threshold and fill microcracks in the enamel.

Widely used:

  • Oral-B Sensitive Original. Contains a high degree of concentration of substances similar in structure to enamel, preventing the appearance of cracks;
  • MEXIDOL Dent Sensitive. High potassium paste. Protects enamel from damage and reduces pain when exposed to irritating substances;
  • Sensodyne-F. Rich in potassium. It has the property of relieving pain and preventing the transmission of impulses from the irritant;
  • Rembrandt Sensitive. Protects enamel by forming an invisible film on dentin. It is recommended to use after every meal.

All pastes with a therapeutic effect contain alkali, which neutralizes the effects of acids and reduces the irritating effect of provoking factors. They need to be used in a course, the duration of which is announced by the doctor.

Additional enamel protection products

To strengthen the enamel and reduce sensitivity to irritants, dentists recommend using varnishes, foams and gel-like products. The convenience of these is due to the ability to use them in conjunction with mouth guards, which are worn at night.

Various varnishes are no less effective. The high content of microelements helps strengthen tooth enamel and reduce susceptibility to irritants. After application, a thin film is formed on the dentin surface, which provides protection from external irritants.

The most popular medicinal varnishes, solutions and powders:

  • Bifluoride 12. Contains sodium fluoride and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the enamel;
  • Fluocal. Available in the form of varnish and solution;
  • Fluoride varnish. Provides protection of enamel from damage by forming a film;
  • Remodent. Contains zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Used as a solution for rinsing or application;

  • Strontium chloride - paste or solution with protective properties;
  • Calcium gluconate 10%. It is recommended to apply for 20 minutes;
  • Gel Tooth Mousse. It has the property of forming a film on the surface. Approved for use by children from 1 year of age.
  • MI Paste Plus gel containing fluoride. Not recommended for use by children under 12 years of age.

All of the above remedies can be used for preventive purposes, especially with weakened enamel and the presence of caries.


  1. The drug is delivered immediately to the damaged area and penetrates deep into the tissue;
  2. Does not cause discomfort or pain;
  3. Suitable for treating children.

The active ingredients used are Fluocal, calcium gluconate, sodium fluoride and vitamin B1.

After determining the cause, treatment for dental hypersensitivity is prescribed immediately to prevent the development of an inflammatory process in the pulp. Pathology can be fought with traditional methods, which are no less effective than traditional methods of treatment.

Traditional methods of treatment

So, what to do if your teeth are sensitive? Traditional medicine advises:

  • Dilute 3 drops of tea tree oil in 200 ml of water. Rinse your mouth 3 - 4 times a day;
  • Pour a tablespoon of oak bark into a glass of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes. Use the prepared solution for rinsing;
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water over chamomile flowers (1 tsp), infuse and rinse your mouth;
  • Hold fresh warm milk in your mouth for a while to relieve pain.

Traditional medicine is effective in combating diseases when additional measures, both therapeutic and preventive, are applied.

Preventive actions

Following simple rules will help eliminate the problem. It's no secret that an important rule and guarantee of health is a timely visit to the dentist. Following his recommendations will help not only cope with various kinds of problems, but also identify pathologies in the early stages of development.
To summarize, we can say that in order to eliminate the effect of an irritant on enamel, it is necessary, first of all, to exclude it from the diet. Traditional methods are also effective, but with regularly performed procedures.

At least once, every person has encountered a problem when the enamel reacts painfully to heat or cold. If the tooth has become sensitive, it is impossible to eat or taste sour or spicy dishes. Discomfort occurs even when going outside, when the temperature in the room changes. This is a serious symptom called “hyperesthesia” and means that the top layer has become thinner and has ceased to protect the crown from irritants. If you don't get treatment, you can lose not only the pleasure of eating, but also the molars themselves.

Why did the tooth become sensitive?

The main reason for unpleasant sensations in teeth is the thinning of natural enamel. A microscopic layer of this material consists of calcium and other mineral compounds and covers the inner dentin. A healthy molar or incisor does not react to sweet or hot foods, because its nerve and pulp are hidden from external irritants.

If your teeth become sensitive, you need to look for the cause of this condition. In most cases, this is not a separate disease, but gum pathology, root inflammation or other dental problems. Irritation and a negative reaction to any temperature changes appear with the following diseases:

  1. periodontitis;
  2. cervical or regular.

Often, when interviewing a patient, the doctor finds out that the tooth has become sensitive after a diet or switch to a strict diet. Enamel requires constant strengthening, which it receives from the human body. Without the influx of calcium, fluorine, protein and other beneficial substances, it becomes thin and loses its protective properties. The problem is more often diagnosed in people with lactose intolerance who are on mono-diets without dairy products, meat and greens. With the return of a normal diet and the addition of vitamin complexes, increased sensitivity is noticeably reduced.

Recent studies by English dentists have found that the strength and quality of enamel is greatly influenced by herbal and fruit teas. The general passion for a healthy lifestyle has forced some people to abandon their usual coffee in favor of healing infusions. Many berries and citrus fruits in their composition greatly reduce the balance in the mouth and lead to increased acidity. This eats away calcium, leaches fluorides, and molars begin to react to any temperature changes.

The use of pastes with a whitening effect also leads to thinning of the enamel. Little-known manufacturers introduce abrasive components with coarse particles in order to make a profit. When used, they remove and scratch the tooth, removing the protective layer along with the dirt. The patient receives a snow-white smile and new health problems.

Symptoms of diseases

When contacting a dentist, it is necessary to correctly determine the cause that led to irritability and sensitivity of the teeth. Infectious diseases cause small rashes, an itchy rash and a burning sensation in the mouth. A person is worried about elevated body temperature, aches and chills. Sometimes with influenza or ARVI, the enamel becomes acute, fresh air or acidic foods, and a slight sore throat occurs.

The easiest way to diagnose is gingivitis. In addition to pain and irritation of tooth enamel, symptoms include:

  • inflamed and reddened gums;
  • the appearance of blood during cleaning or palpation;
  • burning near the base of the teeth;

Often, gingivitis becomes only the first stage, quickly developing into periodontal disease. This is a chronic disease in which the gums periodically become inflamed. In addition to the above symptoms, the person suffers from pain and cannot chew food thoroughly, drink hot tea or talk in cold weather. A sensitive tooth is a sign of an exacerbation. It becomes mobile and is easy to loosen with your tongue or finger. Only a dentist can make a more correct and complete diagnosis.

Another important factor affecting the health of enamel is fluctuations in human hormonal levels. The problem is especially acute during pregnancy. In women, the level of progesterone sharply increases, which is necessary for relaxation of the uterus and full gestation of the fetus. At the same time, the hormone affects other soft tissues, muscles and mucous membranes in the body. The gums become more pliable, blood circulation is impaired, and the teeth become sensitive. That is why regular visits to the dentist are an essential part of health monitoring during this delicate period.

Means for strengthening enamel

With ordinary hyperesthesia, the fluoridation procedure gives good results. It involves applying special compounds (fluorocarbon varnishes) to the crown, which are absorbed into the enamel and fill the voids. An electrophoresis apparatus is used for this. At the same time, caries disappear and irritability goes away.

The procedure is quick and easy for the patient:

  • The surface of the teeth is thoroughly cleaned of;
  • gums and enamel are dried from saliva and isolated with cotton swabs and swabs;
  • Using a brush, fluorovarnish is applied to the teeth and penetrates into the spaces between them;
  • A mouth guard is placed on the jaw, which reliably keeps the composition from spreading.

To speed up the procedure, a special range lamp is used. The fluoride varnish hardens and the tooth becomes less sensitive. The number of visits is determined by the dentist, based on the patient’s sensations and the condition of the molars. For work, the doctor chooses one of the drugs:

  1. Belagel: contains silver ions and fluorine, but is not recommended for children.
  2. Gelato: the composition quickly fixes the top layer on the teeth, prevents caries at the initial stage, and blocks the proliferation of bacteria in the tubules.
  3. Diplen: the medicine is applied to a very thin film, with which it is attached to the crown and impregnates the enamel.

All these compositions are classified as professional. They are not suitable for independent use. After the procedure, the doctor will explain how to maintain health and select the necessary hygiene products.

How to reduce tooth sensitivity at home

Good care initially helps reduce irritation and... In the pharmacy you can find medicinal pastes with a high percentage of fluoride and calcium. Special series “for sensitive teeth” are produced by all well-known companies:

  • President Sensitive;
  • Silca Complete Sensitive;
  • Oral-B Sensitive Original;
  • Lacalut Extra Sensitive;
  • ROCS Sensitive.

The first results appear in 7–10 days. Dentists recommend using them for at least 2 weeks, after which you take a short break. To improve the condition, select a soft brush with high-quality bristles that does not scratch the enamel and does not cause discomfort.

A great way to reduce tooth sensitivity at home is simple recipes with natural ingredients. You can rinse your mouth with one of the following compositions:

  1. a mixture of dry chamomile and burdock flowers, poured with boiling water;
  2. decoction of crushed oak bark;
  3. eucalyptus or basil oils (2-4 drops per glass of warm water);
  4. propolis infusion (1 spoon per cup of water).

Every day before bed, rub a little sea buckthorn or tea tree oil into the base of your teeth. To strengthen the enamel, dairy products with a high calcium content are introduced into the menu: cheese, cottage cheese, kefir. The diet should be varied and contain green tea, herbs, vegetables and sea fish. You should always give up abrasive toothpaste and do not purchase whitening complexes.